Monday, March 10, 2025



This weeks challenge in to do 25 consecutive pull-ups 

Pull-ups work every muscle from your fingertips through to your shoulders and your back to hone a V-shaped torso and agile, athletic strength. And you’ll be amazed at how much they can shred your abs,Everything from below your neck to just above your glutes will see an improvement if you do the move correctly.

Pull-ups are hard to do so dont get discouraged if you cannot do 25 at a go. Start with 5 every day then , increase gradually to 10 and finally 25. You can ask a friend to help you do them , by hold you feet and lifting you slightly , but you should still do 90% of the pulling.



Grip the horizontal bar with your palms facing away from you and your arms fully extended. Your hands should be slightly wider than your shoulders.


Squeeze your shoulder blades together. Exhale and pull your chin, then your chest towards the bar by driving your elbows towards your hips. Cross your legs to help maintain your balance.


Keep your shoulders back and your chest up throughout the entire movement. Slowly pull yourself up until the bar is just below your chin and preferably at the top of your chest.


Start to inhale as you lower yourself slowly away from the bar back to your starting position. Move at a steady pace maintaining the correct body shape at all times. Okay, that’s one.


Never lock your elbows, swing your feet or “bounce” before starting the upward movement. You’re just looking to transfer the power without jerking. Easy, right?

Good luck



  1. #2 Mr Ability you got to accept Sata now it’s good for your health and it’s real. You wish he can be impeached. Get over it your prayers have been rejected. Let us work with Sata. Me too did not vote for him but it only took me two minutes realise he is the fifth presido why should it take you days? Who knows he might be just what Zambia needed all these’s not for life we shall vote in 5 years again if he is cool for zed he has my vote come 2016.

  2. hahaha you make them sound easy but there hards as nails its much easier for guys who are lighter but either way its the ultimate work out , break you pull ups in 3 sets with 30-1min break in between as with the article  add 2 ……some people can only do 1 or 2 bt thats understandable cause this harder than any weight u’ll lift in gym 

    ps: remember to lock ur shoulders when going down , if u can do 25 ur a champ an are already built

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