Monday, March 10, 2025



Amukema was born and bred in Zambia , but is now based in Australia .  He has a clothing store called  Grill’d Teez Clothing . He recently opened a store in his home country ,Zambia.

“Grill’d Teez Clothing is the quintessential symbol of the urban rebellion expressed through clothing. We use nothing but the finest fabric and provide a platform unification of different cultures which is not restricted or bound by any law or social norm! We clash colours if we want to, can go baggy or formal and aren’t afraid to experiment for your wearing pleasure! ” 

KAPA187: What 5 words best describe you?

Amukema : Resilient Passionate, Rebelious, Cunning, Caring

KAPA187:  What made you want to have a clothing store , what was your inspiration.

Amukema My greatest inspiration is my love for clothes and looking good. My father always told me when i was young that everytime i left the house i was reprsenting the family. so i always wanted to look my best.

KAPA187: What demographic is your label targeted towards?

Amukema :My label is targeted at the affluent part of society..those who appreciate good quality well styled clothing young or old.. All the clothes are limited edition and are made from the exceptional fabric. This is why our slogan for Africa is smarter than your average rebel. Because all of us young or old have a michevious or say devious side that we like to hide.. this clothing allows you to express it while still look classy and grown.

KAPA187: What attracts people to your label , what is unique about it?

Amukema  :My label is unique because of its ability to evovle by fashion forward and trendy. We are an urban brand but our clothes are a classy smart casual look for men and women. they are all like the fashion blue print “the little black dress”. you can basically dress it up or dress it most of the garments could be worn out to the club but also to work.


KAPA187: Tell us about the day you opened your store in lusaka , how did it feel? and how was it like to make your first sale.

Amukema  : The day i opened the zambian store was a very emotional experience for me. I had always dreamt of doing it and to see it all unfold was amazing.  making that first sale was brilliant, realissing people are actually willing to spend ther hard earned money on something created is a wonderful eeling. it makes it worth it. not the money .. just that they appreciate your effort.  The store is located at 22 Old brentwood Drive Long acress by the way.


KAPA187: You are currently based in Australia , how did that come about?

Amukema  :I  came to Australia in 2003 and went to Univervisty at the Univeristy of Notredame, where i graduated with a double Degree in Commerce.

KAPA187: What would you say are the not-so obvious drawbacks of living outside of your home country and building an business?

Amukema  :Only one real drawback really was Capital (Money). if you have any other drawback then business is not for you. 🙂

KAPA187: Which clothing line do you look at and think “one day we will be as big as that one” ?

Amukema  :I don’t really look at any clothing line id like to emulate, i just want to improve my own brand everyday so i can sell more garments than the day before.

KAPA187: What two pieces of advice would you give someone who wants to start there own clothing label?

Amukema  :Heheeh.. don’t do it unless you are totaly commited to it. Its a very capital intesive business and is a gamble. The honest truth is just dont get discouraged by kncok back .. people will believe in it if you do!:)

KAPA187: Do you have any hidden talent that not many people know about?

Amukema  :hmm talents well… can’t really comment about the bedroom cause i’m married. apart from that none really..hehehe

KAPA187: Where will you be in the next 10 years?

Amukema  :I ‘ll be the head of one of the biggest brands in Africa and parts of Europe:) God willing!

KAPA187: Do you have any style tips for our readers

Amukema  :Style tips are very easy.. don’t follow any rules except know you body shape and exploit the colours that look good against your skin tone and whateva you do dress with confidence.


On the 7th of october Grill’d Teez Clothing will be hosting the first of a monthly v.i.p party ,  and they will have a playstation tournament (FIFA 11) on the 21 of october.

For more information about the clothing and events Like the Grill’d Teez Clothing page on Facebook.



BY KAPA187     









  1. Ba LT why do you delete my comments? They are those who are lashing insults at one another and yet these insults/comments are acceptable and are allowed to stay on your blog…..hmmm.  I am not a politician. Don’t belong to any party (at least not now) for your information.

  2. Well done Kena! Wish you well. Set up a Facebook page and find a way of selling stuff online. Many like you have left Zambia but would like to support you. Cheers!

  3. Good luck young man,dont give up and continue even when things dont seem to be smooth, be consistance lets learn from sata and guy scott those two never gave up!

  4. Great to see young Zambians doing big rathan than depending on the govt. Keep up your good work and this is a very good example to everyone out there.

  5. :d cheers for the encouragement guys…if you’re in join our @grill’d teez clothing page. Website will be back up nxt week friday.

  6. I’m ngoni so we say..ana lume ngao ngao..”oh kwela mutengo na manja mutumba”..:) cheers guys just doing my part to rep zed abroad. “Zambia for life”

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