Monday, March 10, 2025

PF government advised against vengeance


The inauguration of President Michael Sata.{picture by Dr.Simuyemba}

Lusaka residents have advised the Patriotic Front (PF) Government and its supporters against seeking revenge for the wrong things the former administration, the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) would have done to them during their tenure.

ZANIS reports the concerned saying in separate interviews in Lusaka today that the new Government need to avoid the mistakes the MMD Government made when it took over power from UNIP of trying to avenge for all the suffering they underwent during the UNIP administration.

One of the residents, Charles Mweemba said the new administration need to embrace all Zambians and preach the message of peace, co-existence and reconciliation.

“ All Zambians are one regardless of political affiliation or descent and therefore need to work together to foster development for the benefit of all Zambians, “Mr Mweemba.

He said the country has a foundation on which it needs to build on and hence it was imperative that the new Government forgets about vengeance and moves the country forward.

Meanwhile, Mr Mweemba says President Sata has come into power at the right time when a lot needed to be changed in the country such as the high levels of unemployment among the youths, poverty, and diseases among other things.

He said Zambians are eagerly waiting to see all these things changed within the 90 days that the PF government promised the people during its campaigns.

Mr Mweemba has however appealed to the youths and the nation at large to be patient and give the new Government chance to settle down before it starts implementing the promises it made to the people.

He also congratulated the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) for the professional manner it conducted the September 2011 tripartite elections.

He said Zambians now know that if politicians do not perform to expectations, they have the power to vote them out of office.

Another resident Daniel Mate has urged all Zambians to reconcile and embrace one another for the sake of peace and national development.

Mr Mate said all the differences that the different political parties had against one another is water under the bridge now and that they all need to come together and work for the good of mother Zambia.

He also urged the media to be professional in their work and avoid maligning people.

Mr Mate stated that the media need to be truthful in their work because the truth would set everyone free.

And Daniel Phiri urged PF cadres not to take the law in their own hands but to find a better way of resolving the problems and prosecution they faced during the MMD rule.

Mr Phiri said vengeance against opponents would not take the country anywhere but only just end up retarding national development.



  1. All those who misbehaved should step forward and apologise to their victims. The crimes their committed should them be reviewed and dealt with accordingly. Forgiveness, hmmm….. there would be no one in prisons. Our prisons are over packed meaning some people have not be forgiven and are serving time for the crimes they committed.

  2. the thugs are in control and their wish is vegence.i wonder if they can hid to the advice by not only Lusaka residents but also all zambians.GMB-Geofrey Mwamba Bwalya(Genetically Modified Body)has refused to reconcile with his younger brother, how can he reconcile with other political compeitors?His execellency President Banda has graciously conceaded defeat,suppose it was the cobra tha was defeated,do you think he could have acted in the honourable manner,President Banda acted?Judge for yourselves.!

    • Thugs are not in control as has seen by all ordinary Zambians.You are only one individual and the rest of the people are Zambians who decided on change.Keep on fighting change and you will end up an angry ,pathetic,depressed and very unhappy person.

  3. “Mr Mweemba said Zambians are eagerly waiting to see all these things changed within the 90 days that the PF government promised the people during its campaigns.”

    I cant wait to see the much preached change by the end of December.

  4. Yes no vengence but those who committed cromes against the zambian people must pay. This will deter PF cadres to behave the same way. ZANIS you are one of them so dont try to fool us.

  5. Huh!no vengence?Didn’t the MMD cadres harass innocent pipo with impunity?once dteained @ any police stationthing likes of Chris Chalwe & co did every thing to see them out of custody within a second?everyting that goes up shall one day come down & its the turn for all those violent cadres to face the music…….PF cadres were beaten @ will.So is there any MMD cadre facing any charge?They used to say”we are in Govt”,if the cops dare to arrest s/he was threatened with transfer to a remotest part fopr being proffessional.

  6. Thieves must be brought to book! Poor Zambians are in jail for stealing chickens and those who looted billions through corrupt deals or outright theft should not expect “forgiveness”

  7. ZANIS, Please note that no want to revenge, incidences like attach of Wiliam Banda’s House, was due to what the man did to Zambians, The media and Police just kept quite. You encouraged bad behaviors, which is against the norms of Zambian Morals. Some of these people need to be taught manners. Insults by Dora just went without any condemnation.

    Some MMD Cadres should be brought to justice so that it is a lesson for others. Of course, PF will not worse time on this but the judicial system and rule of law should take proper actions. Zambia had lost its direction that MMD cadres did what ever they wanted.

    All corrupt Ministers should be arrested. RB’s sons controlling government deals?. People have the heart for the poor.

    • A Sheik, he talks like he is the biggest guard to the gates of hell. So you do not know that to ERR IS HUMAN; FORGIVENESS DIVINE

  8. ZNBC (MMD Broadcaster) should be abolished,Muvi should be the National Broadcaster.Chimba chimbwe,lufwekelo,chifire,william banda must payback,Lupiya should be deprieved of travelling.

  9. Sata should remember how he was accused,mistreated,labelled as a homo and all that, Dora your time is now,your bum politiks is over,its time to pack your G strings and hit the street

  10. “One lesson you better learn if you want to be in politics is that you never go out on a golf course and beat the President.”

  11. on the 16th “betters” had said he would rather mmd rigged an election than Sata becoming president of this country,he even predicted that they will be chaos & it will be ok,so kunta kinte,bitter pill,john chinena was just one blogger shame.

  12. Revenge, no. Rule of law, yes! Just like Judge Ngoma is serving time, so should thugs like William Banda and Chris Chalwe serve time. Just like FTJ was tried, so should RB if found with having done wrong.

  13. As far as I know there was no prosecution in MMD rule. Everybody was free to say whatever. RB was the most insulted in the history of the country

    • That is not true and you know it. If there is anyone in Zambian politics who has been hated and insulted, it is Sata. Come out it accept the truth

  14. I thot the duty of dealing with criminals whether PF or MMD rests with the security wings and the Judiciary? But this is what happens when you set wrong precedence. There was a perception that if you were near the president, you were untouchable irrespective of what atrocities you committed. The big police man would tell you that we dont act on media reports. But If you were on the other side, the security wings would swing into action even without evidence. Just recall how DEC swiftly grabbed the vehicles from SATA and tear gased him with impunity without evidence over the $100000 saga even when the real case rested with Mumbi for in appropriately getting into Sata’s personal account as there was no court order. Its a lesson to PF which should cautiosly act as one day they will be out

  15. The 90 days gimmick sounds plausible in opposition but in government it’s a different story. Sata needs to assemble a strong team that will calm nervous investors in the country. The kwacha is taking a pounding at the moment because markets respond to predictability and at the moment these point to tinkering with the mines and unsettling Chinese investment to fulfil the 90 day promise. We should not forget that when our mines where written off by our european investors, it was the Chinese that stood shoulder to shoulder with us to rescue them. Sata needs to clean up service delivery in government institutions first before tinkering with the private sector otherwise we risk being pulled down in the looming world recession.

  16. mmd cadres are now scared. Lets go into the archieves, those picture of bleedind pf cadres. There were no arrests made most of the time. William banda was like idi amin. Time has come for justice to prevail!!

    • Breaking into William Banda’s house by a mob is not justice at least not in a democratic country. It is hooliganism and I patiently await the unequivocal condemnation of this behaviour by PF Government officials.

  17. the situation at soweto market is not so good there is xenophobia.. foreigner and those who supported MMD are being chased from the markets…. there stand given to PF cadres. Please authorities should entervine.

  18. It seems it’s a chronic disease – the majority of us Zambia seem to miss the point or mix up issues. Indeed the majority of us Zambia say no to Vengeance but yes to JUSTICE. The new government should ensure that those who did wrong or abused their office are investigated and the judicial system and process take its course. Forgive and forget has never worked. If there was corruption in the sale of parastatals such as ZAMTEL, those involved should answer for their deeds or misdeeds. NAPSA investments, fund management need to be investigated. BOZ actions in the sale of FNB should be investigated. If Banda & Co have assets they cannot account for; they should be seized and the law should again be allowed to take its course.

  19. Bakatolika where dancing in their robes according to reports they have achieved what they preached not Jesus Christ and Him crucified but encouraging father bwamba to insult RB through their vuvuzela Post Shinda pepa.We are watching you PF do not go far do not let your victory go into your empty heads you kaponyas.

    • You are stupid if you ve anything to say u just keep quiet, the post was there to inform us the government media was just preaching about the MMD projects which have come to a stand still if those where truly government projects I dont see the reason why they should come to an end now

  20. Some investors are just scared because they know what they did with the previous administration. Just how can you explain the flouting of our privacy by Airtel which allowed RB to get my personal details from them and use them to his advantage? Just how do you explain how a bank should go into issuing fake opinion polls in favour of RB? How do you explain the timing of Mopani to do the roads in Kitwe? Yes, for some time our economy may tumble for some time because of change of governemnt but it will surely stabilise when the new administration would have settled. Remember the foreign investors are good at that as they want to send the fear signals. This is why a right thinking governemnt should value local investors more than the foreign ones and that has been the cry of Zambians.

  21. zambians i mean we zambians we need to play a clean game…nothing like pf or mmd…stop  stealing  in the name of riot…you hv won the election now what do you want to steal,,this is the problem of us zambians…that is why coming back to zambia is bad i will not come back…to see this thugs for pf.
    thank you

  22. U know whos to blame 4 all this craziness.. let me line them up. Zambia police,ZNBC, Times of Zambia, Zambia Daily Mail, just to mention a few. These r the culprits that should be held accountable. Instead of serving the Public, for a long time they have choosen to serve political Parties. Pls tel me people don’t pay the stupid Tv license fees any more. I remember Sata was once taken to court for refusing to pay the damn fee. My word how things have changed. Now this is interesting, Your Excellency President Micheal Chilufya Sata..aka King Cobra (the cobra strikes back) pls privetise Znbc Times & daily Mail.. It will save us on a lot of unnecessary gov expenditure. & while u r at it pls reform the Police service & the Councils. No more Cadres running Markets & Bus stations.

  23. #18 if you are saying the over 1.2m zambians that cast there votes to usher in sata are kaponyas then that shld give u an idea how much uneducated and unemployed zmbians are.

  24. The law must visit those that ankara it, only then will the country move forward. Why are people so quick to defend the MMD? RB and his cronies abused national resources and the into their own hands. This is the sameissa law that must visit then accodingly, so an example is set. It is not to let them go scort free! Zambians lets be realistic![-(

  25. But those who commited a crimes and other offences like William Banda and others should face the law.Again,pf should not appoint people like Willie Nsanda in any cabinet position.he failed to perform in both Chiluba’s govt and Mwanawasa’s govt.he is a cadre.we don’t need such people please.i know he was one of the so called campaign managers for President Sata.

  26. you concerned lusaka residents what veangence are you talking about?if someone was corrupted he\she must pay for that.we want these people to go in jail for the corruption s they were doing.

  27. All frivolous policies have to be reversed:FB sale.Abuse of Office Act.ZamTel sale.We need to know truth on FTJ.Mine tax……Only then can the country progressively move forward.

  28. We havent forgotten about the money late Chiluba stole, MMD chaps need to be dealt with fairly, ofcourse not victimising them, but where possible arrest them and put them behind bars for abusing and stealing tax payers money and government resources, fire them for incompetence. People should learn that when you abuse authority, one day you will be held answerable. Its should be a lesson even to PF in government.

  29. #28 Muyembe, the majority of Zambians want Michael Sata and PF to start implementing their 90 day of creating employment opportunities to the youth country wide and not to waste time persecuting their sister party—– the MMD.

    • Yes because is impossible for people to want more than one thing at a time and impossible for a government to deal with more than one issue at a time. (I’m being sarcastic here,of course.)

  30. You reap what sow! Wron things must be punsished. Advise to pf open a dialogue centre, for any Zambian to submit their own opinions how this country should br run. Let us make history from now than ever by giving POWER BACK TO THE PEOPLE. H.E.SATA, provide the best ZAMBIA EVER so that the WORLD BE ASHAMED. REVENGE THROUGH GOOD POLICIES!

  31. First guys who are these Lusaka residents? I smell a rat here. Could well be William Banda or Mr Jere. Ok we are going to embrace all Zambians despite ifima se le mwaletutuka.

    We will forgive those who called our President son of a fimofimo while flashing their bum,

    We will forgive who called him names like constable who couldn`t even write (May their soul rest in piece oh sorry peace);

    We will forgive those that said he was a punch drunk fighter who they were going to finish off.

    But, what we will not embrace are those that sold Zamtel dubiously;

    Those that sunctioned buying Hearses;

    Those that sold Finance Bank;

    Those that bought Containers and decided to call them Hospitals. The list is end endless and you can see the pattern here.

  32. @3 Thugs are not in control as has seen by all ordinary Zambians.You are only one individual and the rest of the people are Zambians who decided on change.Keep on fighting change and you will end up an angry ,pathetic,depressed and very unhappy person.I am happy about all the recent developments in Zambia i.e peaceful transition.

  33. The Zambia kwacha has come under pressure since the Presidential election results. It has since fallen to its lowest value for over a year. It is good news for the Zambians in the diaspora since we get more kwachas for our money. But not very good for our economy in Zambia. Imported goods in Zambia will go up in price. If we consider that probably 99% of all manufactured goods in Zambia are imported, this will be bad news indeed. Mr Sata will have to learn very quickly that he cannot only pander to the Zambians but to the international markets out there. We do not want to be the next Zimbabwe.

  34. The 90 days trumpet blowers stop wasting your breath. There is nothing that you are going to do to Sata aftter 90 days. In politics politicians can say anything and this is not the first time you have heard about promises. I understand our founding father KK had promised people eggs and milk every day. Did it happen? Yet he worked and did some good things in Zambia. Some parts of Zambia are poverty stricken when RB had promised them roads and the like. So if nothing happens after 90 days, what are you going to do? Concentrate on the positive things people and stop wasting your breaths. You like it or not Sata is President. Its a bitter pill to swallow for all that hated him. Now you have a choice; accept the outcome and be happy or continue with your hatred which will yield you nothing  

  35. William Tekere Banda is just getting a dosage of his own medicine. Am sorry people I do not have an iota of sympathy for what has befallen this ka old man. William Banda is part of the 90 days agenda, so you can start counting!

  36. I have just come to realise that “Image Building” also faces diminishing returns like it did on RB. It worked well over a certain span of its application, and he won the elections! This time every additional image building done was actually increasing RB’s votes by only a very very small percentage. While Sata who used other methods, the votes increased hypergeometrically.

  37. All of a sudden I am surprised to see these, “GOVRNMENT ADVISED, GOVRNMENT ADVISED” thing all over LT. What is it all about and who are calling for all this advice be given to the government. I am not against advice but I am just curious. If this is coming from the people who did not want to heed advice when it was given to them, how come now they see it important to advise others. I have a word for all Politicians, “LEARN FROM THE PAST, LEARN FROM HISTORY, LEARN FROM EVENTS.” Party cadres must be taught how to behave and they should not be given authority over markets or bus stations. Find something for them to do. They are the first people that bring unruliness. 

  38. GHOSTDOG, 
    sata’s presidence is a curse to zambia,the man wont stand the barrage of scorn like the on one the post showered on bwezani.he will explode and that’s his gangsters will wnt to take the law intheir own hands. The watchdog iis replacing the post as the peoplepeople’s voice

  39. @ Adage,sure there is nothing that wil be done to sata after 90 days.but just know that it’s judgement day and the scales will be tipped.

  40. We want our money back, atase! Have you seen the latest story on how some of these fools were wasting our money on pleasures of the flesh. Chopeet ba mambala, we’re coming to recover our money.  

  41. Jobs on the go (Page 1): Attorney General, Chairperson ECZ, Director ZNBC, Director ECZ, Director Anti Corruption Commission, Director DEC, Inspector General of Police, Chief Justice, Managing Director Zesco, Director RDA, Director NRFA, Director FRA.

  42. Good afternoon

    I would like to believe that the PF leadership has more important goals in mind than seeking for revenge. In his inauguration speech, Mr Sata already pledged to commit himself to the rule of law and the spirit of reconciliation o safeguard the rights of all citizens, so what are the scores of advisors scared of?

    Like #43 Adage has said, it also appears to me that a lot of people still can’t fathom the fact that Mr. Sata is now president and harbouring hard feelings in the corners of their hearts. The Bembas have a wonderful saying: “mwikala patalala mwine apatalalika” which simply means peaceful co-existance is a two way equation, so those giving advice better make their contribution to peace themselves.

  43. There are sides here, firstly there those from MMD that need to unreservedly apologize and the PF whose members are all Zambians (you don’t need a card to be PF) to forgive each other.

  44. There will be no vengeance if they bring back the money they stole. Abuse of office must immediately be restored for zambians to get back what they have lost. BLOCK all foreign transactions pending investigations.

  45. There are no acts of vengeance, retribution or retaliation being carried out by PF members because that is not the spirit on which the party is anchored.
    I urge the new govt through relevant law enforcement agencies to summon ALL that committed atrocities against innocent Zambians and let them face the wrath of the law.
    On the other hand getting rid of william banda through extrajudicial extermination if possible is very much welcome. William banda is a cancer to MMD and the nation at large and needs immediate removal before the cancer affects the entire nation.
    William banda MUST die

  46. @zambian
    you claim not to have seen any wrong doing by the mmd! Pleaaaase! Grow a brain. William banda stabbed someone’s tako and you claim that was nothing. @yangu tata, eat your heart out. Like it or not, kaponya rule!

  47. #9. The position of a head of state is demanding in terms of travels among others. The trips that we are likely to see MCS (Michael l Chilufya SATA) take around the country and even around the globe most of them will have nothing to do with the fact that he wants to be a tourist but duty calls. Take for example Zambia’s wealth currently is nothing to write home about. But the head of state must do all he can to solicit for funds, investors etc. This means that he may have to travel. Issues of making sure that he checks on things for himself will come in. He is not only a president of the metropolitan Zambia but the rural Zambia as well. Mr. SATA is known to have travelled with the then Lusaka city council buses to check on how many those guys were making a day- Take stats & compare..

  48. He he he he! ala naba ZANIS bene they know what they did to Sata’s campaign. Same as DeadNBC and Times. Now they want to write articles to cover their butts. eelyo bola yabipa nomba. when Fred Mmembe becomes Special Assistant  for Press neXt week fikalulilako.

  49. Osalila ngati ndwe oyipa ziba nyimbo, Osalita ngati ndwe oyipa ziba nyimbo Osalila ngati ndwe oyipa ziba nyimbo. Osalila ngati ndwe oyipa ziba nyimbo, Osalita ngati ndwe oyipa ziba nyimbo Osalila ngati ndwe oyipa ziba nyimbo

  50. Thieves and other criminals who abused their office and state funds must be rounded up and face the courts of law. In his speech Rupiah said ‘he never knowingly abused state funds’, actually this is an admission that he looted and plundered state resources. This man must be made to explain this. Before and during the campaigns many people questioned the source of the money he and his wife and George Kunda were flashing and dishing out. Chiluba did the same and he was brought before the courts.

  51. Hey fellow Bloggers, What the hell has happened to the POST online newspapers? Is it just me affeted or what? Please advise…

    • Looks like its not updated and their URL does not seem to work as expected. Looks like they had some issues during Elections, as you know what MMD & wiliam Banda’s team were capable of doing then.

  52. Please MMD bloggers, have respect, you mean to still want more after 20years of your failed policies and just encouraged corruption. 90 days is enough, HE SATA and his team will put in place a proper strategy for Zambia.

    Mind you he is working in the background with your Zambians. May I wish MMD the very best not to disintegrate like UNIP. We want them to feel what it means to be on the other side of the table.

    Mind you, you have a lot to learn from us. So hold your Guns and just congratulate us. We will show you what real working Government with proper Governance do. Ba Mutati his young kids driving Range Rover sports??? Extravagance?? Mulechimona.

  53. Since William Banda is on the run like his hero in Tripoli, it is better for PF to be careful otherwise MMD may build a rebel group. I advise The King to open gates to his fellow prisoner, since he was once at Chimbokaila he can recall how bad prisons can be.

  54. Justice should prevail. zambia was almost becoming a lawless country. it was free for all especialy MMD. Apatapali nefyabukristu, people voted for a change to make a stop to criminal activities in the MMD gorverment, that peace being spoken about was not there when William Banda and his group of thugs were attacking inocent people

  55. #57,

    We are all experiencing problems accessing the Post. Actually a couple of days ago the
    Post issued an apology for this and said they were trying their best to sort out.

  56. ‘NO VENGENCE’ should be our message.
    zambia is for us all, whether one subscribes to PF, UPND, NAREP, FDD, ADD or even to lesser and baser mmd, we are all zambians! The law indeed should DEFINITELY visit those that were loudly begging for it to do so but those that are within our jurisdiction to pardon, let us gladly pardon as we would one day want to be pardoned also.
    How else are people going to see the difference if we start behaving like the thugs we have just disposed of? we don’t have to wait for 90 days to see the change, it has to START NOW with our resolve to ‘REVENGE NOT’, afterall vengence is the LORD’s.

    • yes my friend that ***** needs to be caged. i believe thats an indictable felony so he will face the law. isnt that something like inciting violence?

  57. You hit someone then you say dont hit back. Or you hit some one they you say. LET THE LAW TAKE ITS COURSE. DONT HIM ME BACK.

  58. I only hope the new government won’t be infested with recycled and opportunistic politicians like Mulongoti, Mangani, Mpombo, Masebo and others who were just recently part of MMD mischief but decided to join the boat out of frustration, we shouldn’t forget that. And of course, pipo like Nsanda who worked both with late FTJ and Late Levy. Why am I saying this? Simply put, they had their fair share of political contributions and should not be seen to be the only political brains around Zambia. They can still contribute in other ways, like they did in campaigning for Sata.They should not now look for appointments. i just think we need new pipo around and those veterans could be called upon for their wisdom when need arises. My opinion exactly.

  59. Honestly Sata is a mad man!! Ho w come he is making careless statements like this and did the Priest tolerate this nonsense and dividing statement in the Roman Catholic church?

    Sata is making a very very big mistake that his precedesor Banda made. Zambia is not predominantly Catholic but Evangelical. If Sata starts making these careless statements he risks hurting non Catholic Zambians who voted for him and will vote for the opposition next.

    Zambians do not want the Northern Ireland problem, where Roman Catholics fights Evangelicals. If Evangelicals start praying for Sata’s downfall, he wont last much. Sata’s days are numbered in Statehouse.

    Honestly no Zambian supported this nonsense coming from Sata now!!!!

  60. Lt bloggers why do you like writing essays?Please we need short and to the point postings.If you have never written a book in ur life don’t try to write one here.Alaaaa imweee

  61. DEC needs to investigate the cash that Chanda Chimba paid to ZNBC for money laundering. And that libel lawsuit against him should proceed normally; not super quick; nor suspended. Lift the injunction restraining him and ZNBC from airing his programme and let normal justice prevail, so that others may be deterred. (1Tim 5:20).

  62. People Need to start taking responsibility of their Deeds and actions. those who stole and abused power must be prosecuted according to the law.. no one is above the law and this should be an example to the new administration.

  63. let the new president work on institutions like dec to clean up starting with the head zulu who traveled to Brazil to sell gold with rupiah and used the money for mmd campaigns. let Zulu account for the money they realized from the sell of the gold that was forefieted to the state and was in dec custody until just before the campaigns Zulu and rupiah sold the gold. Zulu must be probed for working with the likes of henry banda and covering up their dirty money laundering activities which zulu himself benefited from. I feel so sorry for the president because lots like he has to reorganization the whole government and all its institutions starting with dec and acc these have been behind the covering of rupiah’s misdeeds and thefts

  64. its about time that all the corrupt people faced their music starting with enerst liness sakala and his minions, followed by dpp chalwe muchenga who has been paid under the table on several cases, then Kabonde and mateyo we dont know what happened to that bmw deal story after mateyo cried at acc Rupiah banda sat on the case because it was affecting kabonde his right hand man, then there is kayukwa the infamous we want to know why he sat on the UPG case, then we have henry banda who bought 40 bedford trucks for MMD campaigns where did he get the CASH? we want nikairo The ZRA Chief to tell us how much duty henry paid for those trucks, then there is james Banda, we will need more infor on the arms deal, GMO maize deal, oil procurement deals etc which made him the richest kid on the block!


  66. Mr President and the PF Govt, do not forget what you said about those brought back from retirement and given contracts, while the wheel is turning let them go and give chance to others. Some of these people have been serving for almost 40 yrs. This would not count as revenge. Replacing one on contract for another, nothing changes. We want some fresh air and new direction

  67. We need those who embezzled to be subjected to the law: Zamtel, constitution, Mobile hospitals and a lot more. This should be a lesson to future leaders that they will not get away from their wrongs just like that. If Sata lets RB go scot free, then he is preparing to embezzle also. Sata should continue in LPM’s path and not FTJ or RB. Then Zambia will be prosaperous.

  68. Displinary measures must be taken against any pepertrators of crime.Look at William Banda he has done it twice why forgive such characters

  69. Hahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahhaaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha,
    RULE OF LAW IS REVENGE TODAY? HOW HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    YOU CHAPS ARE JOKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  70. #73 I seem to have similar sentiments. I was equally buffled when I heard the Catholic Priests state that at least the Church has now produced the “First Catholic President”. These are very dangerous statements and must be nipped in the bud immediately before they cause further inflamation. When we voted, we did not consider anything else other than the individuals and what they stood for. So for people to start saying “Sata is the 1st Catholic President” is a negation of the honour people bestored on Sata. Suck kind of talk has the potential to create acrimony among different religious sects. So be careful with the way you make some pronouncements.

  71. Breaking into William Banda’s house and stealing his property by a mob is not justice poetic or otherwise… at least not in a democratic or civilised country. It is hooliganism and a legitimisation of the fears that PF is a party of anarchists. This is a perception that PF would do well to deal with before it becomes as indelibly printed in the minds of people as the very actions of William Banda. I for one patiently await the unequivocal condemnation of this behaviour by PF Government officials and choose to live in the hope that they will.

  72. Oh yes!!! Reconciliation has to be there, however those who looted public resources should be answerable. Zambians need to know how Zamtel was sold, purchasing of mobile hospitals when the citizenry object, removal of the abuse of office clause, failed constitution and as we witness the so much resources that were injected in the MMD campaigns. Can’t you remember how inanimate objects were dressed in the MMD regalia??
    Gents/Ladies we need to be serious as a nation. Much as we need to reconcile, we need to make those we perceive to be thieves account for their misdeeds whilst in power.This will save as a deterent to those who will want to loot national treasury. The likes of Chanda Chibwamba III, Lifwekelo, G Chifire, Chimumba, Edward Mumbi to mention but a few should be disciplined.

  73. …. noted that MMD bloggers disappeared gone vamuz but under5 blogger have rebranded and asking for 90 days!! Any society is made up of a combination of all things including vengence and hooliganism!!

  74. There is no vengence or retribution. All that people want is to bring to book all those who did bogus business using their offices. For example when Dora is asked to explain why she sold Zamtel for a song it is not vengeance or retribution – its justice. I end here!

  75. Post newspaper of today carries priests on page 6 and 14 very excited about the turn of events as they preached in their church. However we expect them to preach the word of reconciliation. They seem to be preoccupied with politics.
    The Bible says vengeance belongs to God, this vengeance is even targeted at innocent musicians who are struggling to make ends meet.This is unprecedented in the history of Zambia.
    The church that was in the forefront in decampaining the former ruling party is completely quite and one wonders which bible they read or use.
    The law should be allowed to take its cause and the church must preach peace and reconciliation. All peace loving zambians must condemn this vengeance  in the strongest terms. Concerned Journalist yo judgement is misplaced-2des post. 

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