Monday, March 10, 2025

No arbitrary change of tax regime – Mangani


Former Deputy Minister of Works & Supply and MMD Chipata central MP Lameck Mangani speaking during the press briefing
Lameck Mangani

The Patriotic Front says it will not make arbitrary changes to mining tax regime.

Patriotic Front Member, Lameck Mangani who is also former Chipata Central Member of Parliament says President Michael Sata will consult with mining companies before applying a mining tax regime.

Mr. Mangani has told ZNBC News in an interview that the PF government believes the mines have not been contributing much to government treasury, but says any changes to the mining tax regime will be done with through consultation.

And Mr Mangani says the Patriotic Front will leave up to its promise to deliver development in 90 days.

He however says this does not mean President Sata will be distributing huge sums of money.

Mr Mangani has also called on people to give President Sata some time to settle down, appoint his cabinet and make thorough consultation.

He says that one of the major things President Sata could address in 90 days is the coming up with a new constitution.



  1. Mangani just keep shut MANGA MUCHILA, who gave you the authourity to talk about policy. We want to hear that from the Minister of Finance or Mines.


  3. would you please start consulting now before these guys start packing the Dollars in their foreign accounts and alter their average yearly profits….ICALO NINDALAMA…

  4. Come on guys , you are now embarrassing us. Job Seeker Bob Sichinga says this , Job Seeker Mangani Says this and some job seeker bus conductor says this , you should be up and running by now, its 86 days to go . The world is watching . Can you appoint a spokesperson at least while you negotiating with some of our best brains to serve in your cabinet?

  5. What authority is Mangani using. These are the same pipo who are going to bring down SATA. Dont condone them in your government esp the likes of MBITA CHITALA, LAMECK mANGANI, SILVIA CATERING MASEBO, MULONGOTI ETC they are all just job seekers. What does MAngani know about TAX…a mere teacher. Let us watch them closely.

  6. eh why do we need a new constitution and who is this guy, i don’t believe his at the right level to be making these statements…unless he is the appointed spokesperson 


  8. I think its very simple you guys(PF) already had a shadow cabinet its just a matter of anouncing that to the public and start working, time is fast ticking, now you are in government and you will soon understand that criticising is easier than runing govt, all the best.

  9. the only funny part is that people are so much insisting on 90 days of deliverly while there are forgeting that Sata has a 5 year term of office. So even if things are static for a year he will still be our head of state. Its to early to start making nuemerous speculations.

  10. What pity! Mangani wants to play the honourable! The opportunist resigned from the MMD on July 8th 2011, about 3 months ago, meaning all along he had been part of the MMD crap. Today he wants to be seen as a someone who did not contribute to the mess in MMD government! And besides, he was rejected by his constituency in the just ended elections. Just keep quiet, you are simply an opportunist. Check the Post archives to see how you used to attack MC Sata, or Kabimba. Don’t forget that you were part of the rot, you don’t deserve any portfolio in PF apart from being a mere member. And yes please, Can something be done to have a government spokesperson as a matter of urgency before we are misled by Mangani, Sampa and Sichinga!

  11. flag Benz says:
    Mon Sep 26 at 12:23 pm

    MMD Chief Bootlicker please concentrate on your problems now that your job is on a string.
    This comment is pending approval by a site moderator.

  12. It does not matter who is in power – what matters is to deliver. Whether you are PF, MMD or UNIP all we want is a better Zambia. Zambia ni yatu ntonse. We buy from the same shops, get the same salaries for the same job etc. So relax it is a PF show now. We all know that there are many promises and thus expectations during campaigns but let us see the PF in action now. They have the mandate for the next 5 years.

  13. They are beginning to CLIMB DOWN. Is that not embarrasing when the same ldiots were saying they will impose a tax rise and wind fall tax immediately after winning. men of ‘action’ indeed!

  14. PF is already showing lack of direction. Today it is Miles Sampa the nephew to Sata announcing FBZ return from FNB, the other day was Lubinda on the thugs beating the MMD cadres, and today the Loser managni on Mine TAXes.. Please we need you to show directions and start with announcing your cabinet.. You can announce, even 10 for the begining.

  15. Hi fellow bloggers. I have a question. Does anyone of you know where we can get up to date radio news online? Every time I go to coppernet radios and turn on Radio Phoenix, there is always music.What times do they read the news. A long time ago when I was living in Zambia we had news every hour on the hour on all major radio stations. As for ZNBC stations online they broadcast in different languages, the ones we don’t speak, I don’t even know what languages they are. Most online radio stations just play music and there is nothing wrong with that. I just need to know the times they read the news and can someone please advice ZNBC to have an english online radio channel because I doubt very much that people in villages are using broadband to tune to ZNBC. Please think of Zambians abroad.

  16. Another character looking for employment. I just wonder when Mangani joined PF. Don’t give these scumbags any positions. Remember PF is for a small government. We know your excellence that you will do the right thing for mother Zambia. Do not associate yourself with these broke money hungry *****s. 

  17. Ba Mangani, who are you to comment such important matters? Presido, where are you, and who is our spokesperson? Come on guys if we are not careful, another lot of mmd destroyers will eat PF up in no time at all, and it will be back to mmd days which we want to forget about.

  18. At last, DM, TOZ and ZNBC speaking the same language with PN! Their tones has now changed ka! they sound so so sweet! mukekwatako insoni! But PN siajalika, sooner or later , he will suddenly part ways withPF!

  19. I am sure PN is trying to weigh the profits between working with GRZ or being against. When PN discovers that there is more cash in being against any current GRZ, they will change their mind and forge ahead with negativity!

  20. Is this not the man who was caught with Judith Kapijimpanga? I guess we shall soon hear from her. All looking for positions in the PF government.

  21. Mangani should not speak on behalf of PF.He just joined the party yesturday.Mangani… advise to you is that keep quiet!!! Let people who desrve to talk take a stance or else you will embarass us.Let people like Wynter,Given,Guy talk as they deserve to talk now.Why are you rushing?

  22. Mangani, of all people giving policy statements…and on sensitive matters? President Sata should not allow job seekers to spoil the soup. He should tell them, the likes of Mangani, Mulongoti to keep their distance.

  23. #7 thats so rich coming from you who had every Shikapwasha, Dora, Willimam Banda, Namulambe, Lifwekelo, Mumbi, Cosmo Mumba, Chifire….etc speaking whenever they felt ho*ny

  24. @ 20 Umwina Zambia, try QFM, they got one of the best online live streams, crystal clear output. They have the hour news and I think also the 30mins updates. Most poeple in the diaspora followed the election events on the same. Good luck!

  25. # 14 & 15 @Benz, Which of my 7 income generating jobs is on the line? Anyway, it does not matter. Each one of then generates less than 20 % of my overall income and I can easily replace it within a week and am working on increasing my job portfolio to 10 streams of income by the end of the year since am now free from a lot of party issues.

  26. Looks like PF was not ready as RB said in his campaigns. This is a lesson to all opposition leaders it should not only be verbal criticism. They need to document proper manifestos accompanied with detailed operational plans or procedures. They should not be statements. We are watching we want things to be operationalised as soon as possible. For the UPND or any other party think how you are going to put things to work when you are given a chance to work. No need for excuses. From the time Obama was given a chance to govern he has not given excuses for failure. He has consistently tried to be on his toes. Let’s not give the PF excuses for failure they need to work. Expectations are high

  27. PF should have some discpline. Guy Scott says this, lubinda says that, Kabimba says this, Sampa says, cant we have some order. Prsesident Sata has not yet formed govt. and it is his duty to give guidance on how things are going to be.

    Is it not interesting that even pipo like Lameck Mangani, very much MMD until after the disollution of Parliament can now condem the deeds he made us believe he stood for. Didnt mangani fully participate in the NCC didnt he vote with the MMD when the Constitution Bill was presented to patrliament. What constitution is he talking about now. The best this losser can do is shut his beak up. We know he wants to be noticed, but sorry, that you lost, makes it very difficult to be of any use to the PF. Pray that you even can be given an ambassadorial post.

  28. Naba President bene,he should have announced his cabinet by now even if he only got inaugurated on friday,didn’t he prepare in advance(at least when he saw which of his people had been elected as MP’s) so for now everyone `will just be speaking cause they need a job from his excellency.
    This is a lesson to all parties,when in the opposition,they need to have shadow cabinets.

  29. We r still in the bus stops and markets kaili wat do u expect.Mangani just shut up u r a loser dont think this will earn u a job.U have learnt it the hard way together slyvia duke,Patrick the toddler and shakas the screwman.Shakas this is the time to screw more including sylvia before u die of AIDS.

  30. as zambia’s we welcome the coming up of the new constitution, but let the Zambian’s be mindful of our country being a Christian nation therefore let anything to do with the new const. be attached to the Biblical value otherwise !!!!!!!!!!.

  31. ” The Patriotic Front says it will not make arbitrary changes to mining tax regime. ”

    There should finally be public consultation on the mining tax regime, so at least there is a national consensus, and in fact, more ‘stability’ in the tax regime from election to election.

    Of course, what the mines want is not ‘stability’, what they want is to not pay taxes or share profits.

    The PF should come out and publicly consult on the tax regime that is more beneficial to Zambia and the Zambian people.

  32. Mangani pulizi, why don’t you just fade into the sunset like your uncle Rupiah! I sure hope Sata will not give this and many other opportunists any part in the PF Govt. Very shameful indeed, like Sauzende would say!

  33. The failure to put the house in order quickly gives an impression that PF was preparing more for a fight thinking RB would not concede defeat. It is now difficult to form a Govt to deliver on extravagant promises. This is even worsened by the failure to conduct elections at the “Convention” where they could have elected a shadow cabinet. I do not want PF to fail because then we are all losers. But success will be defined by them and the nation will respond. I am waiting to hear what the Presidential Speech will be when he forms Cabinet.

  34. Mr. Prez, please appoint a government spokesman ASAP so that people like Mangani do not speak on your behalf. Is Mangani voicing his personal opinion or this policy? 

  35. i think Mangani should shut up, if there is something for him will definetily be handed to him. i think the PF should define things. this guy is all over making statements.

  36. Please ba na Magani was minister of home affiars so he know the game of kABONDE AND HIS BOY AND GIRLS THAT IS WHY COBRA IS USING HIM.He was even with him at church.Mangani even know under groung state hours and he was with SATA during the hand over,Sichinga also is getting datad from his young brother who was at state house on what juju Banda could have put in state house.Sichinga who was with RB was educated by Bobo Sichinga now PF and he wa keeping at his home.Panji Kaunda and Bobo Sichinga stayed in the same road in Kabulonga.

  37. Pls get used to free debate from anyone in ruling party and opposition. This will eventury reach parliamentary debates. We shall have healthy debates without party limitations.
    We dont want ba CHIBULU in parliament who will only shout hea, hea, hea!
    viva balanced parly! Viva free debates!

  38. Leave Mangani alone,he is a man with a spine of steel, he wasn’t deterred by the fact that he was taking on a sitting president from his region! He obviously made the difference for PF, despite of loosing his seat!!

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