FORMER minister of Communications and Transport William Harrington has called for an independent and transparent revaluation exercise of Zamtel assets.
Mr Harrington said in a statement issued in Lusaka on September 25 that the sale of the Zamtel assets should be considered by President Sata, in his fight against corruption and abuse of office.
He said the new government should carry out an independent and transparent revaluation exercise of Zamtel assets to give Zambians the true value of Zamtel assets prior to the partial privatisation of the company by the previous administration of former President Banda.
“It is important to take a critical look at the issue of Zamtel and we therefore welcome President Sata’s pledge that his administration will have a zero tolerance to corruption.
“We hope this relates to the past, present and future including the sale of Zamtel as one of the key starting points,” Mr Harrington said.
Mr Harrington, who was a petitioner in the Dennis Chirwa-led Tribunal, said Zambians should know the true and accurate value of Zamtel assets, prior to its partial privatisation.
“We would like to know whether or not the valuation undertaken by RP Capital Partners included strategic infrastructure such as Mwembeshi Earth Station and Lamya House in Lusaka and at what price these were sold to the new owners of Zamtel,” he said.
Mr Harrington said an independent and transparent re-valuation exercise of Zamtel assets would be expedient and necessary, especially taking into consideration that the sale of the company was done with the alleged gross irregularities and corruption ‘as clearly and indisputably established by the Dennis Chirwa-led tribunal of 2009’.
“As 1st Petitioner in the tribunal, I am aware that among the eight findings of fact on the then Minister of Communications and Transport Ms Dora Siliya’s breaches are the irregular signing of the memorandum of understanding with RP Capital Partners where she committed Government and the people to the sum of US$2 million,” he said.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
Is it true that Shoprite has increased ma salaries already?? PF at work
Congratulations to His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata on winning the presidential elections. We repeat the same accolades for the Patriotic Front party and all newly elected officers from other parties for having won their various seats democratically. A huge amount of praise goes to the immediate past president for putting the interests of the nation and the will of the people first, by humbly conceding defeat. This act has further solidified the characteristics of a maturing democracy.
Elyashi ilyo brother Harrington…MMD took Zambians for granted and thought they could do anything for their own benefits…..
I would also like to appreciate the humility of the hardcore opposition MMD cadre bootlickers such as Senior Citizen, 3 E’s of Economic-mumble-jumble. I once asked them how they would react should a different party come into office. They said they would accept defeat and congratulate the victor, which they’ve done. Your years of aggressive, blinded and troll-like blogging were not in vain, the ultimate result is that democracy has won over any political differences that may have existed.
The main issues in this address are about the way forward.
Back to base , well another job seeker out of the woodwork. Your party has now 86 days to deliver, go ahead and re evaluate Zamtel in those days and reverse the privatisation and give Zammtel absolute monopoly on the International gateway and go back to an era of unsettled bills by Govt departments. And while you are at it don’t forget ZANACO amd also the resuscitation of Zambian Airways and writing off of all debts owed by the crooks at POST.
But remember there is such a thing as a court of economics and when it dishes it judgement the effect can be felt from one generation to the next.
MMD is proud, we took over empty coffers and left coffers with surplus cash. That is a proud record and we walk tall as MMD members.
Insoni bane…tamumfwa ne nsoni…ukulila atishani
Are you sure on that? The fact is it is painful, and i just hope the PF will not be like MMD that started well and ended up ignoring people’s wishes. When people say something, you have to listen and act accordingly. Unfortunately, MMD under RB became deaf and this caused the defeat. It is a good party but restoring the confidence in us will be a challenge for you guys. I am afraid i see it going the UNIP way.
The rule of law is going to apply from now on and much of the confidence and credibility that was lost over the last 3-10 years in some of Zambia’s institutions that were supposed to be serving the interests of the people will now be restored and although this will be no easy task, it will be achieved.
Investment, direct or foreign will be required to stimulate further growth of this economy. Our cooperating partners are rest assured that their investments are safe and the new government will only seek fair and equal partnership, compliance with labour and other laws and a fair, uniform distribution of any gains from the normal exploitation of Zambia’s natural resources.
Unfortunately the people currently/previously at the helm of organizations such as the DEC, ACC, Zambia National Tender Board, CEEC, NAPSA, Zambia National Building Society, ZRA, ZESCO, BoZ, Zambia Police, RTSA, RDA, ECZ, ZNBC, Daily Mail, Times of Zambia and others will have to come under intense scrutiny and audit. It is general procedure and a necessary ‘witch-hunt’ which must be undertaken to secure the nation against any further multi-billion Kwacha losses per day. Companies such as Sable Transport, KPMG, Mamba Collieries and RP Capital will be fully investigated. Time to stop the rot is now.
Good news from times and daily…not banda..banda…banda…
The following leaders of political establishments such as the Forum for Leadership Search were causing anarchy by instilling hatred and spite in the citizenry through their misguided political views. They were receiving money to issue negative and divisive statements, thereby causing tension through the national broadcaster, statements which were made not in the interest of ordinary Zambians.
We are a democratic nation; we support the freedom of speech, freedom of expression and all other democratic rights as laid down in our constitution.
However, Neo Simutanyi, Thabo Kawana, Edwin Lifwekelo, Gregory Cifire, Chanda Chimba III, Ronnie Shikapwasha, VJ Mwanga, George Kunda, Dora Siliya, Faith Kandaba, Situmbeko Musokotwane, Humphrey Siulapwa, Moses Muteteka, Edward Mumbi, Francis Kalonde, Chief Mwanachingwala, William Tekele Banda, Elvis Nkandu and many others were unfortunately not just expressing divergent views. They were receiving money to issue unwarranted unfounded, personal, hateful, disrespectful, non-issue-based, un-Zambian and baseless attacks on a presidential candidate in the 2011 race.
To receive money corruptly and execute the wishes of the corruptor, not bearing in mind the consequences this would have on the nation is an act of CORRUPTION. The fight against corruption went to sleep under the watch of the MMD government. Judicial proceedings were tempered with, as evidenced by the dubious and questionable acquittals of a few selected individuals. This evil flourished in the previous regime at the expense of national development. This vice received rich manure directly from the toilet droppings of the top leadership of the MMD.
Former President Rupiah Banda and Sons, Thandiwe Banda, Dickson Jere, Judge Gregory Phiri, Judge Philip Musonda, Ernest Sakala and some former State House officials will be followed by the law and where wrong doing has been committed, offenders shall face the full wrath of the law.
Those who abused their office by removing the “Abuse of Office” clause from the constitution will be nailed. All abuses committed prior to its removal will be prosecuted by the law.
There shall be no personal or targeted, individualized attacks on citizens and therefore similarly, there shall be no protection of sacred cows in the restoration process. This is not the time to start talking about “forgiving” those clowns.
Forgiveness is for people who have committed sins. These plunderers have committed crimes, offences against the multitudes. They have gone against the constitution. Their hour of reckoning has come. Fake bishops preaching about forgiveness are part of the bunch that has been reported to be plundering church funds while they purchase and enjoy worldly pleasures. They too will stand before a judge in a court of law.
:-\”No Way Reloaded (Roaming), i have been following your observations and comments. They are genuine and accurate. It’s very painful to admit the misplaced comments of some citizens in the name of Freedom of Speech. I am patiently waiting for this new government to do the right things. The overwhelming support given by the Zambian people deserves nothing but the correct action no matter how punishing to others. I also know that the band wagon of advice is overflowing, but i would not mind jump on this boat given the necessity. It’s time we demanded the nothing but the best. ‘La lutta continua”
#4 i guess this is why the people of zambia voted you out of office.Too much lip service,wake up boss people need,jobs ,they need to eat just like you are doing there in SA.
YES!!! If there where any scandals in the sale of Zamtel, then all calprits have to be brought to book.This is a new government that will ensure that one of the ten commandments “Thou shall not steal” is followed.
Whatever the issues and concerns about PF, we the Zambians have removed the arch demon, enemy of the souls of Zambians from the history of Zambian politics. We, the Zambian people have relagated to the the same fate as UNIP, never to rise again. No more shall we have ourselves second class citizens in our own land, at the mercy of slave driving and self preserving demons of MMD. We the people have broken ourselves free of this demon. It is dead. No more william banda, no more chakuti and his sons. No more political markets. No more dollar ya sila, No more George kunda (thank you Lord!), Now, we can walk tall, poor or rich, as owners of our country. We thank God for this rare opportunity. We the youth have prevailed. Goodbye MMD, goodbye RB, Goodbye Thandiwe, James and Henry
Yangu Jalas neighbour at UNZA, back to practicing law,
Yabipa nomba Dora. Let us see how far we go with this. Thanks Harrington. it`s the whole lot.
Yazanda Dora nomba. We were telling you at bola panshi. I`m luvin` it!
Those who are fleeing or thinking of doing so should first hand in their funding sources for auditing. The minimum charge you may receive is one of corruption. Any other offenses discovered along the way will also undergo the correct and legal procedure through the right channels, leading to prosecution. After serving and being duly reformed, you may once again rejoin our democratic society and enjoy the full benefits of every free citizen. May God bless you all and our great nation.
(These views are a personal opinion and are in No Way held by the Patriotic Front party or its members)
this MMD chief bootlicker is not serious about others peoples well being, it looks he is too selfish to concede defeat. by the way what have you been doing in SA instead of being together with your now opposition party?
He is like a louse this Harrington.
No way reload, hope you are not just a simple cadre like me, you promises are sweet to every citizens’ear. How will you forward this to the president king cobra? Are you in the cabinet? Hope you are sir you speak big words. Punishing wrong doers sets standard and example which is th only way to cure th cancer of corruption in Zambia. Zambia has hope I can’t wait to see drastic measures being implemented soon before I can say viva Zambia.
Forgiveness is between the plunderers and God but how they meet God is nobody’s business! Arrest them….thieving muppets!
“More money in your pockets” Gentlemen, i hear miners from Chambeshi NFC have had their salaries increased by 80% immediately they heard that Ba SATA babapela ubufumu.Can someone confirm this?
#20 Hey Loser, we already conceded defeat and handed over power as we promised and we have moved on and making more money for ourselves as we have done in the past.
And which school did you go to where they taught you that if you are MMD and lose an election, you can’t go and live in South Africa? Matero University? Or Kulima Tower School of economics?
Am free like a bird ..I can go and live anywhere I want. You can remain and choke with your bitterness while our prosperity sores to greater heights. People thought I will stop blogging. Am still here standing. Don’t get a heart attack over me.
Get get on with developing the country. There are 86 days to go. Only known development done so far is loot William Banda’s house. How inspiring. We are watching you.
When Chiluba took over I thought ” akesu akeipi” will bring happiness but atase only to his cabinet and family.mwanawasa brought hope too with the fight of corruption but yes he tried if only he did not employe his family and that of his wife only in state house and cabinet. Even drivers in mwanawasa compay became deputy minister- that to me is the waste form of corruption. Banda called himself the president of all zambian -you all haven’t yet forgotten what he did unless he left me and my family only in poverty .I really hope to see man of all in our new president. God give him more wisdom amen.
I doubt if PF will have the courage to it. They have already started massaging some of their promises e.g they have changed the language on windfall tax and 90 day promise.
Ba Bootlicker, just us upto next month will make reshuffles and I can assure you that no nchito for you at that SA Embassy. I have your full details. Hope you will manage to pay Uni fees for your 2 children who are there and one at UNZA from the monies you looted with your boss RB.
Put the law to work for our country to prosper. Am sure Dora siliya knows that the law will visit her soon.
We have to be careful with what we say now because we still need FDI.We shud not allow individuals with old scores to settle ruin it all.
Viva PF
Dont Kubeba ni mbama
Check your pockets, nashamba ukwingila. Its for real ‘more money in your pocket’
Bootliker!!! Wats your stance now? Why did you to S/Africa? Zambia wasnt a good nationa teeee???I can assure you that within 90 days as said by the president,the nation will change.You will definately see change.You will soon come back, u went that side bcoz the nation wasnt run well.
I have recognized my Predicessor here on the blog Mr.Joseph Manda.How are you doing? How are you bro?Remember our times as locally engaged stuff at the Chinese Embassy Zambia?Man ,thanks for your encouragements.Man this is our victory as Zambians.May God Bless M.C.Sata the Republican President.God Bless Zambia.Thanks to all positive minded bloggers.Time for action.We are looking forward to having BOZ in China.We are looking forward to the emerging of Zambian companies here in China.We are looking for the inflow of Chinese tourists to Zambia.We are looking for culture exchange between the two long time friend The PRC.
ZAMTEL is now more efficient under private hands than it was under govt bureaucracy. I don’t know what Mr. Harrington is trying to do here but I think the people prefer a much more efficient ZAMTEL to a drain on our resources ZAMTEL. The deal is already done, stop trying to win political points by sending us on a wild goose chase and start governing. You have 86 days left remember!!
#36 I have never said that Zambia was a developed country under MMD. From Time to Time I said that we were moving in the right direction. Poverty in Zambia is still widespread and am sure even after 90 days it shall be. If you listened carefully to Sata’s inaugural speech, he said I will initiate Development programs within 90 days ..a shift from I will develop Zambia within 90 days. Zambia’s problems are structural and you can’t solve them in 90 days and Sata has realised that already. MMD was moving in the right direction and I hope PF continues and if they solve them by December , great. I have businesses in Zambia and I need a broader middle class base to afford my services, great if that happen in 90 days.
Sorry …two long time friends , The ROZ and The PRC.We are looking for equal opportunities,mutual respect and trust.We have to stand for the one china policy.We have to see culture troups from Zambia perform in China and vise versa.We have to promote people to people communication.We have to use brains that the two governments have trained in various fields in China.Anyone who has stolen a ngwee in any way has to face it .
I just received a call from the PF’s SG to be dressing up the president elect with my
Range of suits which will be specially designed for him, this is really awesome I feel like
Going back home.
PF change the look of mother Zambia and put a smile on every Zambian’s face.
# 39 …Bootliker?? For sure it wont be an abrupt change but change will be their which people will have to see within 90 days.MMd wasnt moving in the right direction as you have put it,it was moving in a very wrong direction thats why peolpe decided to vote it out of power bcoz there was NO hope.
Yes indeed people are job hunting. All these people now being vocal are but from the same that treated Zambia like a personal purse. Willian harrington is one of them. Move over them period.
# 38…Mr Capitalist!!! Zamtel has for sure improved in its services compared to the way it was.”FINE” what we want is to follow the right procedure in which the company was sold.Was that a right way in which it was sold?
All cases of suspected corruption or abuse of authority must be pursued with the vigor and ferocity they deserve. We have done pretty well as a country on the political front but we are extremely inept in our national resources management, supervision and administration. Its time we turned that corner and do a better job in that area too
Like Harrington has said, Zamtel is a critical starting point in this fight.
Let the law take its course
#5 MMD Chief Bootlicker,
You claim you ‘left coffers with surplus cash’, come on be serious. By the way, can you help me understand what Rupiah Banda meant by ‘we never knowingly abused state funds’. This sounds to me like admission of plunder and theft at the highest level.
Yes, Harrington is right, the clean up of the MMD mess must start now and the criminals must be caged.
Alabi needs to answer very very simple questions it is not vengeance. But Zambians need very serious answers from these simple questions.
Ba #27, MMD Chief Bootlicker, now that you’re in opposition, you’ve even started being vulgar? KEKEKEKEKEKE, funny how tables turn. MMD members that have been making money in an honest way will continue prospering but those that STOLE???? SORRY!!!! PROSECUTION IS WAITING. TIME TO PAY FOR ALL THE INJUSTICES INFLICTED ON THE COMMON ZAMBIAN!
Wrong, this article is not from Zambia Daily Mail
My interest is to know where RB and his party got the money for their campaigns. Farmers have not yet been paid for their maize they sold to FRA and yet we saw extravagant spending by government during campaigns. Their only interest was winning elections and not paying farmers who made them boast of the bumper harvest. Where did they get money to buy bicycles, chitenge materials and cell phones they were dishing out country wide?
William Banda has been working with Elias Mopndela,he wa always at NHA.His lawyer Chishimba’s young brother is the Manager at Mulungushi International conference center and Mpondela’s former wife brother is the accountant.This money is from NHA and Mulungushi conference center.Mpondela is keeping the money at his friend’s lodge in high bex hill his name is Diwali a INDIAN MAN.cHISHIMBA USED TO WORK AT ZMCOM LODGE AND GOT WAY WITH ALOT OF MONEY.
Good question # 51. The word is that MMD spent billions of kwacha on the elections. We need accountability here. They were so extravagant with their spending, that they even had lollipops with RB’s image on the wrapping. Outrageous!!
Good point # 46. That did not make any sense at all. It’s like Bill Clinton saying that, “it all depends what the word is, is.” How can one not knowingly abuse funds?
MMD did not accept defeat they had no choice. Pipo were readdy to to war if they had won elections. RBs son just told us that his father was shocked upto now he is still in a shock.
Iwe chi Harringto you just looking for a job the privatization in final and we have seen the benefits already.Bakolwe just wait at the end of 90 days.You be haunted by your own shadows.
I hear this colourd CHAP appointed by Gadaffis Sons to run Zamtel pays himself 500,000,000 per month??is it true and he was even insulting SATA we hear SORT HIM out!!Lelo lolo his leutenat is called jere related to the Ickson jere it was a farmily affir HR ITS BANDA RELARED TO RB THESE SHAMELESS TRIBALISTS LET THEM GO!