Monday, March 10, 2025

Sata calls on Chinese investors to adhere to labour laws


President Michael Sata delivers his inaugural speech at the Supreme Court
President Michael Sata delivers his inaugural speech at the Supreme Court

President Michael Sata has called on Chinese investors to adhere to the country’s labour laws.

President Sata says the Patriotic Front -PF- government is concerned that there is unlimited number of Chinese expatriates who are coming into the country to take up jobs which Zambians are capable of doing.

The President however says the PF government welcomes Chinese investment that will benefit the local people and the investors themselves.

President Sata was speaking Monday morning when he met Chinese ambassador to Zambia Zhou Yu Xio at State House.

President Sata says Zambians are grateful to the Chinese government for funding the Lusaka General Hospital and the Ndola Stadium.

And Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Zhou Yuxio has pledged that the Chinese Investors will abide by all local labour laws.

Mr. Zhou says China will work with the current government to ensure that all Chinese investors follow local labour laws.

The Chinese envoy says it is in the best interest of the Chinese investors to use the local people because it is cost effective.

Earlier the Chinese Ambassador and the President held a closed door meeting.

And Chinese President Hu Jintao has congratulated Zambia’s new President Michael Sata for winning the presidential election.

This is contained in a statement read for President Hu Jintao by Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Zhou Yu Xio.

President Hu Jintao says China is looking forward to working with the new government.

He says Zambia and China have continued to be traditional friends.

President Jintao says that the Chinese government hopes that the mutual respect and ties between the two countries will continue.



  1. Mr Jintao, the ties can only continue if the children of the house benefit, thats what our father is saying….

  2. I like it.. Straight to the point and problem with the issue, with honesty.. no pussy footing.. begining to see why Zedians needed you..

  3. Which laws? The current labor laws are very weak. Change them first and implement. This call sounds very weak MCS, where’s your tight clenched fist???? Anyway, all the best!

  4. China ,no matter how big or how rich the y are must indeed abide by the laws
    of the republic of Zambia.Mr President thumbs up! for calling a spade a spade.
    We are not going to be intimidated by the size of a country or how much influence
    they are currently commanding in the world.It should be a win -win situation because
    if China didn’t need us they should not be in our country buying up chanks of land
    and businesses including the mines.If they are not willing to respect or abide by our
    labour laws and paying our people meaningful wages then they are welcome to leave.Small
    can also be beautiful!!!

  5. Please the Chinese must adhere to labour laws by giving our fellow Zambians a fair Salary not change. They also need to give us mine attire unlike working bare-footed the way it used to be in RB era. How do you work in the mine without helmet. It is crazy

  6. Mr. Zhou says China will work with the current government to ensure that all Chinese investors follow local labour laws. to me that’s where there’s a problem, labor laws should be re visited

  7. well said Mr President.these Chinese they really need someone as firm as u are dont give them any chance of disregarding our laws and let them know that they will not ve it easy this time around..Congrates and Long Live Mr President

  8. By now we should have realised that the Chinese do not build communities which benefit the locals. Their way of life is different from ours unlike the western Countries which build social infrastructure compartible with our way of life. However, the Chinese have, on many occassions, come to the help of Zambia at its hour of need. Let us not forget that they are the ones who built the tombs for the late presidents not to mention Tazara. The Chinese and other investors can only do that which we allow them to do; either by commission or ommission. Zambians must learn to pay attention to details and anticipate the consequences of their actions. I hope president Sata will be surrounded by competent people and not fair weather friends(Bamuselela kwa kaba).

  9. The Chinese must be told in no uncertain words that they will not be treated with kid gloves.
    They will have to adhere to our labour laws and treat all Zambian workers with respect and dignity.
    They must be told that all those Chinese pushing wheelbarrows and raring chickens in Lusaka and elsewhere must either get in proper investment portfolios based on their investment licences or must leave the country.
    This is a new economic beginning, a true economic emancipation for the Zambian people


  11. Very good Mr, President, after sata was declared winner, there was a shortage of work uniforms and safety boots in kabwe, the chinese bought all the stocks in town for their workers. Things are changing for the better, we applaud your Mr President that you have started fulfilling your promises for better livelihold for all zambians

  12. Why are people not condeming ZNBC anymore have things changed………….SATA this SATA that is all it shows . Is it biased or its just doing its job……….

  13. you are all missing the point, there was a closed door meeting first before the xchange of statements and remember RB had a lot of these closed ddoor mtgs. were they trying to oil our incorruptible MCS right at state hse? think abt it and think hard.

  14. We need to look at the labour laws and bring them in tune with 21st centuary. No simple jobs to go to foreigners. Only highly specilized skills and with a plan on to train locals to take over within two years of a contract.

  15. ZNBC is still being unprofessional,trying to please the main man Mr.Sata…but one thing is that MMD and UPND are very quiet and mourning,so it would be very difficult to cover them,until they come out of their political brain

  16. let our president meet the abasador of south Africa to deal with the issues of Sun International in Livingstone. twa penga mundala we trasformation also

  17. This is what we wanted someone who is brave enough to call a spead a spead. I salute you mr president. Good begining. Channge has already started.

  18. Good afternoon

    This is only stage one and I feel that we are heading in the right direction. Chinese investment – Yes, but they must learn to respect Zambia’s laws and Zambian culture.

    At least we can see that our new president understands the importance of forging good relationships with the Chinese industry and government on the basis of mutual trust.

    So far, so good..

  19. @19 Are you serious or you just want to criticise for the sake of it. ZNBC can now inform us rather than running commentaries from disgruntled fellas whom i wont mention. They can even tell us what RB is upto now and what the largest oppoisition in parley is planning for its future.

  20. lets not only talk about chinese, labour laws must be revised and implemented, even local big organisations must take this, some organisations are paying worker changes, can 400 pin feed a person the whole month and pay rent? this must come to an end. but I have the hope that this will surely come to an end coz we have president SATA.

  21. I am liking this. Mr Sata is what we call a working president and calls a spade a spade.
    We had enough of that dislodged expresident who was busy erecting bill boards all over the country to build his ego at the expense of serving Zambians. Yes every foreign investor in Zambia incuding the Chinese must respect the peolpe and their statutes.

  22. Some Chinese mining company in kitwe increased the salaries of it’s employees by 80% the same day His Excellency Michael Chilufya Sata was declared President of the Republic of Zambia and they celebrated like I dont know…!You see this is what we need, even before Sata utters a word those who have not been fair in paying their employees have started changing,how I hope that the issue of 3 months contracts and the likes will be dealt with in accordance with the laws of the land.Long live Sata!

    • The language that Sata was using is inconsequential to the issue at hand. What is more important is that he EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATED his position to the Chinese

    • What do you mean? Are you trying to be disrespectiful. Who cares what language he is using? Our President is a very smart and intelligent man. His English is perfect – if that is what you mean. Get your colonial mentality our of your head. Who said that people should only speak English. English is not the only language. Here in Europe people speak all sorts of languages – their own languages and NOT JUST ENGLISH. Work up from your colonial sleep -of thinking that only English is the important language.

  23. We are not heading anywhere! Sata said the labour laws are weak so which ones is he asking them to follow? They had a closed door meeting so what did they discuss? People dont just support blindly! Nonsense!We are not heading anywhere! Sata said the labour laws are weak so which ones is he asking them to follow? They had a closed door meeting so what did they discuss? People dont just support blindly! Nonsense!

  24. Ba shi mulenga nice one.Let kambwili also pay benefits to his former workers zambian investors are the worst.chinese r copying from locals.

  25. I am a shoprite employee and have worked with shoprite for the last 6 years as a casual. But alas yesterday, my collegues and i recieved application forms to apply on permanent basis. We are total 30 at shoprite Chingola. TODAY WE HAVE ALL BEEN CONFIRMED AS PERMANENT. Guess what??? My new salary is now K2.9 million plus 25% housing allowance. We are very HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • must be Walmart – and he is converting his new salary($580) into ZK. Poor soul needs prayers he won’t last very long

    • THIS IS SUPER. You are right all the employers should follow the labour laws – not just Chinese. I am so happy to hear that before MCS – King Cobra says anything, they start getting ready to pay well and to start treating workers fairly. I am living abroad, but I am very happy for my brothers and sisters in Zambia. With better working conditions you can be dignified.

      I hope that he also comes up with new laws about school fees. I suffer paying school fees for my relatives in Zambia because I know that they can not pay the school fees and college fees. THE MMD had turned schools and colleges into businesses for them to steal money and go shopping.

  26. #40 my dear dont be fooled if you speak english you think you are smart or educated. Wrong my dear . many europen and asian countries dont speak english and are much better than zambia in terms of development or technology, while you claim to be an english speaker. English is just a language just like bemba or nyanja . what we need is message. message can be from any language. even the bible was translated from other languages. sata is a smart man . you are just an English speaker memorizing english bombastic words using them without meaning what you say and without feeling  the words . just like chiluba . speak what you understand ,use words  you have feeling with . then its really you!!!!!!!!

  27. Did any neighbouring Presidents or foreign ministers attend Sata’s inauguration ceremony…..Can someone please advise especially SA delegate if at all!!!

  28. I’m happy with his response but too early for all these praise I’m reading. Let us be excited but mind that worshiping leaders too is not good. The implementation of what is disscused is what is th problem. Until it moves from lip service to tangible politics than I expect that bravo bravo reaction. I love the new president but let us not blind him with “yes sir all is well”  which killed former presidents’ focus  and touch of reality.just when we are this excited,the devil can enter and destroy. It’s five years for pls let’s be steady and use our wisdom not this cadre mentality which takes us no where.

  29. Impemba no bunga fibe patanshi yenu ba kateka! Musunge icalo bwino. Mwishibe ukuti abekala calo baba nga mu cabu, mwaba impelwa mano, mwaba ne mpanda. Bonse bana bobe ukutulafye ku buloshi, ukupita muli mwanachinkwala ukufika naku Muchinga Province, kwa Nawaitwika, kwi Isoka.

  30. I can no longer see any more blogs from the ENGINEER-AUSTRALIA, you dont have to hate bro/sis. Come out and contribute. Its just the way life goes.

  31. Anyone can talk. Implementation! or atleast a plan that we can all see on paper is more important than hearing about closed door meeting without specifics.

  32. Uyo muntu aleita ukuti ni ijiniya te injiniya, ndemona asoma ifya kupamga kaponda mu Ostelelya. Ba injiniya abengi tabaishiba ukulemba ifya fikansa fabulamo umuto. Ba injiniya abene batemwa infya kusasnshys sanshya muli ba shyayanshi yabo. Wasambilila bumakanika waba motoka wati nine injiniya, njikalilo shobe. Walishiba compex variable efyo imoneka iwe!

  33. Ba Kateka Mwabombeni??? This is a very good beggining my Mr president!! Let us work with these Chines but they should adhere to our labour laws as you have put it.How inteligent you are Mr President.My heart is filled of joy bcoz i know you will take this country to great hights.

  34. The truth of the matter is that investers were dancing on our poor government just imagin Shope rite, mining companies in Copper belt and Kabwe increasing salaries and buying protective wear before thay are even visited. What will happen once the government is in full control of the situation. We told you that ba Sata is a man of action but instead you were insulting. We all deserve a living wage from the Chinese, South African name them all including Zambians. No more exploitation of man by man. We also need a fair deal from our copper which is going without any meaninful benefit. VIVA PF.

  35. Mwebena musumba (#54), pulani tabapanga pa bushiku bumu. Pulani te pulani pulnifye iyo!. Ikwimimbi shifwile shayika sha tontokanya bwino, ukubofya topwe sana. Te pulani pulani fye iyo, ngameno yamukanwa ayamenafye ukwabula ukutontonkanya!.

  36. Yes lets look into improving the labor laws but watch out for one Austine Liato of the opposition who is most likely to vehemently oppose any changes to better the labor laws!

  37. Relax people, drop the nerves and let the president do his job. This is only the third day in after Mr. Sata was sworn in and this is just the first of many headlines to come.

    I can’t help but notice the tone of grudge in some of the comments. In my view a lot of haters are going to have a really tough time. We Zambians need to realise that there’s no short cut to plain hard work in imbibing a lasting attribute into your personality. All achievements come at a price. Let us not be too greedy by expecting too much already from him. For God’s sake, he is only human!

  38. By increasing the salaries up, the chinese and investors are just buying time. Dont be suprised when industries start closing one by one, and we wont have even those small salaries …Already kaponyaz are demanding for more money for apparently no value as they have been promised more money in the pocket

  39. #61 don’t worry these china men will never go anyway..they need to work harder and pay back the money given to them by their government and the chinese government needs the raw materials from places like zambia to continue producing goods for sell in europe otherwise china too.. will follow europe in the never ending black hole..the americans can be in trouble at the moment but will be more than willing to reap off or step in where the chinese fail..we are safe now as long as Sata and his men put the house in order..and route out dubious investors

  40. The president should be careful that he does not incite workers to demand for abnormal salaries.Otherwise even the civil servants will demand for an abnormal increase in their salaries and the GRZ may not have enough money to pay them.Good move Mr MS but be careful.

  41. President Sata simply asked the Chinese to follow labour laws, what is unique about this? Even RB once said it as a dimplomatic gesture but did the contrary. If anything, President Sata is cowing down…just making an appeal. We will only congratulate him the day we hear one or two Chinese firms have been closed for not adhering to the ‘labour’ laws, whatever that means. By the way, what deliverables are in the 90 days?

  42. Going forward we should put a stop to closed door meetings. There should be no secrecy. It must be transparency forever. Let’s have a close in the constitution that precisely prohibits people in leadership to hold closed door meetings. Truthfully closed door meetings create a window of opportunity for corruption.

  43. The Chinese can be fair, but if you allow them to take advantage they will, you just have to be firm and clear like MCS

  44. This is just a statement, it has nothing to do with pragmatism. We have to wait for tangible impact on the ground. His statement on too many chinese expatriates for example – what is he going to do about it to reduce the number? Statements like these easily get lost in translation and then it is business as usual.

  45. What the President said is just an inch to what the Chinese needs to do because we should not forget the fact that China has grown good economically and in some way needed just like the Major europe is needed BUT what need to be seen is that they put a stop from the Chines taking even the soil to go and refine in China ,all these needs to be done in Zambia,they need to build Factories and buy Safety clothes for workers and pay them enough money each one accordingly to the input and effort he puts in the company and when they workers are mistreated they should also learn to speak out,each human is entilted to Human rights and morever we have freedom of speech,so my fellow workers lets know where to report misapropriate treatment,its not only the Chinese employers could be Indians n so n so

  46. Zero boys i think Botswana presido was one of them who came 4 the inauguration. Its very encouraging to hear our presido come out very strongly on the china man. Long live HE Sata. We a waiting 4 the press conference… I want the following 2 be sacked. Perm sec Lombanya an MMD cadre sitting on CEEC funds 4 Copperbelt projects. DPP for perveting justice. Police IG for being a hoodlum in uniform. The presiding judges over Kafupi plunder cases which led to his dubious acquital. Attorney Gen for abusing the due process. Dora silly must explain to us the ZAMTEL deal. BOZ governor to shed more details abt FBZ AND MANY MORE THIEVES. By the way where is VJ??? What a way to finish a career.

  47. Not bad. Mr. Pres, ensure your labour laws are in place so that you have a basis and there is no segregation. Everyone should adhere to labour laws, the chinese, the muzungus and the locals.
    Also you can limit the number of chinese coming in by limiting the number that are given Zambian visas. Isn’t that the way Europe keeps unwanted immigrants in their territory? Some can be deported of course. But as long as it is done according to the law, there should be no problem. 

  48. No 53. I only contribute to subjects i have knowledge about. If you followed me correctly you would have seen that i comments on issues of economics mainly mineral economics which is my area of specialization.
    For the subject at hand, while the Chinese must adhere to local labour laws including paying of decent wages, why question is how many Zambian owned businesses are paying decent wages? Why are Zambian owned businesses not being asked to pay decent wages and safe working environments?

    • Stick to mineral economics – what ever that is. Political FDI’s have to be dealt with politically as Hu could easily take his money elsewhere whilst Zambian businesses fall within Zambian law and are dealt with internally.

  49. This is what all zed people expect from their leaders, a good leader should look after the interests of the followers and not his own pocket alone. Sata my president continue fulfilling your promises. So far so good, few leaders will have the guts to say what you have uttered so far.

  50. You were really a force to reckon with Mr President.Thanx to Znbc for making Mr Sata more popular through Chanda Chiimba 111’s program-Stand up for Zambia.Is Siulapwa sick?I miss his comedy mwe.Hehehehehe!

  51. Muno Africa amakwbo yalenda, umulandu wakut ba margin ba polofeti balikula. Ba mwisa (chainamen) teti bekale muno calo cesu ngatampali efyo balebulungamo muli kopa wesu. Elyo amkwebo bakonka muno Sambia yakapelelwa, elyo nokuya bakaya, nangu mukabapapate shani. Eico ba Kateka, ba Mankangala Umushifukatilwa ba Sata nabawamya pakubebelapo. Ati “akasoni kafwilile mwibula”.

  52. #40.
    The language that Sata was using is inconsequential to the issue at hand. What is more important is that he EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATED his position to the Chinese

  53. Thank God for arresting wiiliam banda.hes son the one who shot the two people that died on thursday and of them i didnt know it was my brother inlaw i hate MMD they killed my brother inlaw.

  54. Some chinese must go back. We can not allow a situation where someone can come all the way from China to sell salaula or rear chickens. Most labour laws are good but due to corruption any Chinese who wanted to come to Zambia and start a simple business were allowed in the country. That is wrong. We want real big money investors and I am sure there is a minimum amount of money a person or company should produce before given a business permit. Corruption in Z has been on the roof starting from airport, police officers, govt offices, FRA is worse especially in kalomo. Being an agriculturist I am praying that a turn around of policies will benefit the country because if there is a drought next season a lot of people will starve. We need long term plan and sustainable plan.

  55. This is certainly a president in the making. Already making things happen. He is on point; these are things we need to address and these are things that we need to make happen!! Step by step our country will have the dialogue that we need to have and we will continue to do what we do best; MOVE FORWARD!!

  56. Chinese Investors, are u clear on this one/ one of them is .no more beatings o insulting yr imployees.Viva viva vivaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

  57. #40, What do you mean? Are you trying to be disrespectiful. Who cares what language he is using? Our President is a very smart and intelligent man. His English is perfect – if that is what you mean. Get your colonial mentality our of your head. Who said that people should only speak English. English is not the only language. Here in Europe people speak all sorts of languages – their own languages and NOT JUST ENGLISH. Wake up from your colonial sleep -of thinking that only English is the important language.

  58. It is wrong to have investors bring their labourers from their own home countries when there is abundant workforce locally. Who can there be economic growth in a country if all sectors of the economy is left to foreigners. Developed countries(so called capitalist economies with free enterprise) have all got policies that protect their local business. There is nothing like absolute free market, the visible hand of the govt is always there to formulate policies that promote local industries and at the same time put in place incentives that encourage foreign direct investment. We can not let the chinese let alone and investor encroach in such areas as poultry farming, merchandizing, and any other industries that does not require massive capital investment.

  59. Is it suprising that our products, even agricultural products fail to penetrate the European markets? It is because of their government’s deliberate policies to protect and promote their products and their industries. America has companies in China, but tell me, do they send workers to work in Walmart China? No, because the chinese policiy will not allow that when they have abundant human resource. Being a developing country does not mean, being subservient to a point of stiffling the livehood of your own citizen. There is a need to also have a credible institution that handles the issues of Investment. Good luck Mr. President, you are hitting the right knot with the Chinese. Let all investors know that Zambian interests come first before their investment.

  60. H.E.Mr. Sata well done and well spoken.These abantu do not treat us right when their pipo are free in our land. I would also like your hardworking hand to stritch and clean the Embassy of Zambia in China,the diplomats have no job to do but just earn too much money and boost. Atleats when we graduate we are sure of finding jobs when we get home your excellency,thanku.

  61. What laws do we have, our laws are so outdated
    They need to be changed,America keeps making
    Laws at every incident, Zambia relying on ancient

  62. Warning Mr President (Mr Sata):

    Chinese people are sweet talkers. Watch out for them. They will try by all means to evade the labour laws. Chinese people will always go where there is “bread & butter”, and NOT where the bread is unbuttered. Remember, Chinese people are in Zambia because life is better for them in Zambia than in China. Don’t allow the Chinese, and all other (so called investors), make you think that once they leave Zambia, we are doomed, NO NO. Let there be mutual benefit in all investor dealings, and please adherence to labour laws is primary. Enforce the law.

  63. This is very exciting. Next should be the South African investors in the tourism industry and so called Conservation Projects who have taken all our Jobs. 

  64. Is teh Zambian president responsible for labour laws – making the laws and enforcing them?

    What is the role of parliament and MPs in this?
    What is the role of trade unions and the police/courts?

    Isn’t there something wrong in the way we govern ourselves if it has to take the president to ensure that the Chinese obey the labour laws? Couldnt that mean the president has undue influence of our laws, whether they are obeyed or ignored?

  65. Why did the Chinese not obey the labour laws under RB? This question also raises serious issues about the Chinese ethics themselves as a people.

    As Zambians, how did we end up in this situation where a foreign people come make us slaves in our own land. What went wrong? Are we not capable of governing ourselves? To make laws of labour and immigration and enforce them?

  66. If everything depends on the president, we probably have a broken governance system in Zambia – the Executive vs The Judiciary vs The Legislature. An effective system would have controlled the influx of the Chinese already. MPs alone could have revised our immigration laws and our labour laws accordingly to protect the people they represent in parliament. Law enforcer would have enforced the new / revised laws. That’s what they are paid for. We do not have to wait for a new president.

  67. Bravo #99. The South Africans have taken our tourism industry for a ride for far too long. They behave like they own Zambia.

  68. :d I think Zambia is way too lax on Immigration Systems
    they are exporting all their money to foreign countries and abusing the common man

    Please, I hope New Administration will do something about it

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