Monday, March 10, 2025

William Banda arrested in Chipata District(updated)


Lusaka province MMD chairman William Banda captured by Patrotic Front cadres in Chipata

Fugitive opposition Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) Lusaka Province chairperson William Banda has been arrested in Chipata District.

Police spokesperson Ndandula Siamana has confirmed to Qfm that Mr. Banda is currently in police custody at Chipata Central Police station.

Ms. Siamana could however not give further details adding that her office is waiting for a detailed report from Chipata.

But Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) Eastern Province chairperson Isaac Ngoma has told Qfm that Mr. Banda, who was reportedly to in the company of his family, was apprehended by Patriotic Front cadres this afternoon and later handed over to the police at Chipata Central Police station.

He is said to have been cornered at Chipata’s Akapuko lodge where he is believed to have been lodging.

He is also said to have been found with millions of Kwacha concealed in a plastic bag and a fire arm.

Mr. Banda has been a controversial figure of the former ruling party who allegedly masterminded the violence that recently rocked the country’s political scene.

On Friday last week, suspected PF cadres looted his house and beat up his employees at his residence in Lusaka’s Bauleni compound.



  1. Just as someone as said on post news paper that we should not pay a wrong for other wrong. All what is needed is justice and not just accuse someone in anyway.

  2. Arrested?? Ba LT are there any  charges or the police looking for official charges? Mr. Banda you can run but you can’t hide.  Mr. Banda, why are you running you also?

  3. His arrest is in a way welcome.
    I blame the lack of professionalism in the police high command to have let william banda rape the country with impunity. The level of incompetence and ineffectiveness in the police posed serious security risks that could have easily plunged the country into civil strife had the then opposition PF decided to retaliate.
    This intensity of inability on the part of the police must cease forthwith
    How I wish William banda was just killed by those who captured him. We cannot afford as a country to start spending money on him, keeping him in detention, and taking him to court.
    He does not deserve any of that. Just kill the MF and feed his remains to the crocodiles

  4. Bring him back to Lusaka, the people he battered with his cadres wont be afraid to identify him now that his political fullback has been removed from office. Money laundering charges may also be preferred against him for the money he systematically looted from marketeers and bus stations.


  6. Justice should prevail. He is not guilty until proved guilty. Look after him well. For those saying why has he been arrested, the question is why was he running?


  7. all those who committed injustice must be brought book. by the way young bloggers ant you ashamed that president looks more heathier than most of you who said he was sick. i can assure most of wont even 50yrs. VIVA MCS! VIVA PF!

  8. Can he first prove that he is a Zambian?I thought he was once deported in the 90’s together with Gumbo!!These lax laws must be repealed and save Zambians from opression and abuse.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  9. Good evening

    No one is above the law. Judging by previous reports, he was obviously blinded by hate for the opposition and obsessed with power that he couldn’t read the writing on the wall.
    Millions of Kwacha concealed in a plastic bag and a fire arm??? That calls for explanation…

    Lesson to learn: if you fight the law, the law will win.

  10. Why was he hiding? What kind of question is that? People ransacked his home and wanted to kill him. Wouldn’t you hide too?

    • The question is why would people want to harm him? He knows what he did, he was above the law about 10 days ago, i heard he even beat police….is that true? People want just and not William Banda, if it was another person doing the same things he did, that person would have been facing the people he harmed. Police couldnt do anything then coz he had the former president’s blessings….even RB should be made to account for a lot of things. Dora too.

    • Ba Destroyer,when people ransacked his home,why didn’t he report them to the POLICE?
      Now he is a running man.LOL LOL LOL LOL

  11. This should be an example to all those william banda wanna bes,this man abused the law and his masters praised him for that,so now the police have realised that the man was breakn the law?

  12. #13. can you elaborate where you read that this kamafool had 4 billion on him. Its quite interesting you know as this is a lot of money. With all this kind of money and the man lived in a half slum home in Bauleni. This man seem not have all his 5 senses except the sense of violence!

  13. Mambala William Banda, what the hell was he doing with K180 million cash, two pistols and a short gun? Was he heading for Mfuwe or South Luangwa on a game safari or what? Where did he get all those millions from? Just grab the millions from him if he cant explain their source and let the poor fool go back to Malawi… At this time, we should be more concerned with reconciliation than vengeance. Lets UNITE and move this country forward. Even the Chanda Chimbwis, Lifeless Lifwekelo, Chifichifi and others must be allowed to simply publicly apologize and allowed to continue living their useless and NOW VERY POOR Lives.  

  14. I’m very happy that mr w. Banda has been arrest atleast justice should b seen to b done for the animal behavior he exhibited. He behaviored like that bcause the former gorvt felt he is representing them well. Ask Mr Rupia Banda, he will tell u there is nothing wrong to beat up inosent citizens.

  15. All those asking why the plank has been arrested, please there are posts just after the story. Have a read.

  16. My plea fellow zambians is to allow the law to take its course,lets not be like vigilantee.No one has a right to grab another to the police but inform police about hiding suspects etc.PF lets question everyone standing from Rupiah and rich children

  17. one down many more to go, where is big matako right now, Bulaya, and all these that robbed the govt should be brought to book

  18. Charges
    1. Inciting violence
    2. Occassioning bodily harm.
    3.unruly behavior. laundering.
    You can add others. Are you ok now?

  19. William Banda has been working with Elias Mopndela,he wa always at NHA.His lawyer Chishimba’s young brother is the Manager at Mulungushi International conference center and Mpondela’s former wife brother is the accountant.This money is from NHA and Mulungushi conference center.Mpondela is keeping the money at his friend’s lodge in high bex hill his name is Diwali a INDIAN MAN.cHISHIMBA USED TO WORK AT ZMCOM LODGE AND GOT WAY WITH ALOT OF MONEY.

  20. Yea he should explain how my brother inlaw died on thursday who shot them together with his landload i know he was a pf brother inlaw is one of the two who died on thursday didnt know all these days til very angry with william very much angry.i wish my bro was here to see the changed zambia MYSRIEP mr sitali

  21. this is violation of human rights since when did cadres start manhandling people! Sata please what the hell is going on in this nation??sata please why are you doing this to your fellow beings..hope pf rules forever! Things fall apart!

  22. i belive mr simon mwansa kapwepwe(mhsrip) must be smiling in his grave….he also surfered at the hands of this william banda……this is a great day for this great nation…when pitbull *****s like these can be caged……hoped the cadres would have hung this ***** by the balls…..i guess zambians again have scored a first for tolerance!!!

  23. I do not suport William Banda, but PF cadres are not policemen to arrest William Banda. From my understanding William Banda was not a fegitive, there is nt a arrest warrant from the police to arrest William Banda. Now,my some tell on what grounds the PF cadres have arrested William Banda. Are they not aware that his house was burnt and he was beaten by PF cadres. His life was threatened and therefore his decision to hide for his own protection. One only hides from police if there is a police warrant. Zambia has laws and the new administration is starting on a bad note by not operating according to the law. This is sytematic targeting of political opponents. The targeting was planned before the elections by PF leadership, it is just being implemented by lower ranks.

    • Lawlessness in Zambia whereby cadres has more power than policemen. They got the power from the late kafupi who used the cadres to identify police officers beating or harrashing any of them …

  24. So Pf cadres are now the new law enforcement in Zambia? This can’t be good.Let the police do their work.Cadres should not be nabbing people.

  25. #42 Billy, just like it was in MMD. William Banda and his fellow cadres were law enforcers for MMD. So dont just blame PF cadres they were hate by williams Banda’s actions years back when MMD did nothing to stop this man’s behaviour.

  26. hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe I have no sympathy for this man. he was used by my father now he is on his own. What a waste of his precious time. We advised him to skip the country early.

  27. At that point of him moving and hiding with a firearm he should be considered as been dangerious to our society. Thank God they gat him before he could shoot anyone. Now let him face the law and if found guilty he need to serve a sentence or just deport him back to malawi where he belong.

  28. Yes this country has got laws, but this set of laws is for Zambians. Foreigners coming here and start hacking our own, sorry we have different laws to such. 

  29. So, the PF cadres captured Banda, handed him to police who in turn threw him in police cells but the police have no clue why they have even arrested him in the first place? Sounds like the Zambia of the 1980s under….

  30. He only had 180m Kwacha Only not 4 billion bane lets not blow things out of propotion. Secondly lets not build a nation based on revenge, in Rwanda they created the Machacha court where people involved in genocide repented and apologised. This is the same reason we must create an establishment for these fools to apologise and we reset the button to zero rather than investmenting to revenge and past anger

  31. PF cadres, we should not be too excited because we too will be arrested if we misuse our hard earned power. Remember, you may run but you will never hid. 

  32. Actually PF cadres are human enough…Imagine it was William incharge of this…This person was going to be killed under his orders…Whoever is asking when did PF become police….sorry my fool this is called citizen arrest!

  33. What are the charges against him? I also heard that the man was strapping. Why should someone like him be allowed to carry firearms?

  34. so the Pf are the police now ? if people came a robbed your house looking for you wouldn’t you also carry a gun? his innocent to proven guilty , and not because pf cadres say he is 

  35. on a side note if his carry that gun illegal his in the right place jail, they shud although through any other people with illegal arms in jail like some of the chinese bosses 

  36. The man has as many guns as MCS. This is a colonial phenomena, one whiteman one bullet unfortunately they will finish us the owners of Zambia those of us born after 1964 and born in Zambia not these Rhodesians and Nyasa’s

  37. William Banda was a businessman and are you saying he cant have K180m? Only a person who is not enterprising can think otherwise.Zambia is a democratic nation and people should not be victimised for NOT belonging to PF cos a person like me will never belong to PF and I cant imagine myself being attacked by some incorrigible cadres cos both of us may go to the grave.

  38. I do not know whether Mr Banda was in th process of committing a crime when he was arrested by the cadres, but in fact the law does allow a ‘citizens arrest’ – where one is in the process of breaking the law. I suppose ‘gun totting’ might be enough reason to apprehend someone. The only reason it may appear to be a vengeful act is because the police are behaving like they now want to please the new govt. They had opportunities to stick charges on him before, but let him go on several occasions and he was able to continue his political dance – and obviously thats because ‘his master was beating the drums in the nearby bush’.

  39. He is NOT William Banda, his real name is “Saidi Awalli”, a Malawian national. If I were him, I would have kept quiet and enjoy my (b) millions, just like the rest of them; Dennis Liwewe, Tom Mtine, Wonani in Kabwe, Bituwelo Khowani, KK, etc, etc, the list is endless…

  40. As the saying goes that violence begets voilence, if this man new that he did nothing wrong, there was nothing to hide about, after seeng that his life was in danger he was suppose to seek refuge at the police,and you people who are condenming the PF, to me its like sympathising with the devil because this man was really evil. This struggle is not only for PF supporters NO, all of us should get every person that breaks the law and hand them to the police, this is one way of assisting the police.It was going to be bad if they got him and beat him, but they handed him to police which is good.
    Bravo PF.

  41. Gents, let this be a lesson to all weather PF or UPND. If William Banda had carried an issue based campaign he would be free and enjoying the cash. He is actually very lucky to have just been taken to Police because this man was ready to kill innocent people.

    This also goes to Chanda Chimbwi and Edward Mumbwe. Lets not have the new version of this gentlemen.

  42. #43 I think thats a beer hall story.Its speculation.Unless you can prove that MMD cadres were law enforcers before the results were announced I will not buy it..This revenge mentality is not good for a democracy.So assuming HH wins the next elections what will happen to PF cadres?

  43. The fact that he is on the run tell you how fearful Banda William is.

    Please, do not bring him back to Lusaka or Chongwe…because ….naumfwa umwenso boyz geoz… naumfwa umwenso.

  44. We should be commending the cadres for handing him to the police. And the police should be keeping like they say “we re keeping here for your own safety”. If it was in SA even in a police cell William will not be safe unless he is kept in isolation. The pipo that killed lucky dube 3 of them were by fellow inmates. Again there is citizens arrest but let us also not forget the for the past 3 yrs the police commanding officers has been RB. He says who should be arrested and since he is no more and there is no new commanding officer yet, the police are waiting for orders what to do with william but none are coming. Sata cannot say because it is not his job and the cadres are what they are, cadres.

  45. William Banda has been arrested in connection with the violence that occured in Chongwe District during the former President’s political rally in Chongwe last month.

  46. why did RB think he was responsible for bumper harvest? Zambian agriculture is very basic, if it does not rain no maize. We have seen this during chilubas droughts. but our river flow throughout the year. This is were we need proper minds to get to irrigation farming as opposed to seasonal. Chiluba did winter maize but it ended up a money scam as usual. Let us revisit that without dubious minds.

  47. Sata must put an end to this-there is no need for all this excitement by the PF cadres-are we going back to UNIP’s vigilant days? Pls leave the old man alone-that election was a matter of life and death to him just as it was to many PF followers and hence he needs to be forgiven for his thugly behaviours-where is the reconciliation being preached about by many PF leaders if they can let this happen?

  48. this is to show that they didnt even know or believe that they would loose these elections,he could have left earlier than land himself in such problems,why didnt he use juju as he had said.

  49. @71 priscilla,the country had already gone to the dogs you mean you didnt see that?the bus stops were being run by mmd cadres and you didnt see that as well.if you live in the diaspora then shut up.

  50. Ka Banda……chimutu kuyipa. People the guy is old…crazy! Handing him over to ‘bujus’ is the best move! We should know better and avoid doing what they expect us to do….! Once beaten twice shy…. William Banda is done people…just look at him! Kaoneka monga nimatako yambuzi pa menso lol!

  51. William Banda is being arrested arbitrarilly especially when done by PF cadres.The police don’t say what wrong he has done and the PF cadres did it just for a payback with no real chargeable offenses in mind.Raiding his home and destroying property was an offence and it broke the law.If this is how the PF starts then we are in deep shit.


  53. You guys the way you are treating MMD guys, you risk plunging this country into a civil war. If Sata doesn’t stop this, he might live to regret it. Slowly, the good democracy that we were all talking about soon after Sata’s inauguration is being killed. The path you are following of hunting people down for trivial stuff will backfire very very soon…and could plunge the country into civil war. Sata must be very careful. If this doesn’t stop, one day someone will remember my words. We are reaching a point where individuals will start taking the law into their own hands to defend themselves. RB was not perfect, but we never had moments of desperate lawlessness like this, almost like the wild-west. Exactly like in Kenya a few years ago!!

  54. I won’t be surprised to hear that hackings have started in shanty compounds. And that is how Rwanda started. Rwanda didn’t erupt in just one day. It started slowly, EXACTLY THE WAY things are developing in Zambia right now. By the time you realise, it will be too late – you will be watching your son being hacked or your sister being raped and murdered infront of you and you would be forced to rape your own mother. These things happen in other countries which made stupid mistakes like the way things are starting right now. BY THE WAY, THIS KIND OF POST-ELECTION VIOLENCE HAS NEVER HAPPENED IN THE HISTORY OF ZAMBIA, EVER!! I’m very very very very worried….

  55. As far as iam concerned this Banda thug is a psychopathy who probably should be in chainama hosp than any where else, what shocked me was the chongwe saga where he went and ordered the then opposition to take down their camphgain materials when they resisted, he blew the whistle and vans full of MMD cadres arrived beating up people,while the police watched!!! this was anarchy at it’s best!!!!!

  56. Kunta kinte whatever ever name yu call yourself just shut da f#9k up! Do u know what war is?
    Do not come up with cheap threats! so you think that what was happening should just be ignored?*****!

  57. I feel sorry for this old man. It is always prudent to do politic in a dignified manner. William Banda today would be free and enjoying the money stolen from the people of Zambia just like other cadres are. All these can only be blamed on two people: Police IG – Kabonde and the real culprit who pretended he did not see or hear the complaints about William Banda. This is Rupiah Banda. Rupiah Banda with his love for power, paid a blind eye to what his brother William Banda was doing.

    # 76, Kunta Kinte, just be real. It is you who wants to fight back. You never on a single day condemned what MMD was doing to the people of Zambia. What has happened today? While I do appreciate your concerns, but it would have made more sense if you did so during MMD rule. But you screamed “Boma in Boma”.

  58. The day i was waiting for has come,, I can`t stop looking at that foto kikikikikikik mambala uzakambila kusongolo,,, Im happy. Nextttttttt please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  59. all you MMD with you coments you are just ashamed and jelousy that PF is in power. Because you thought PF would not win. Nipa Bwato Nomba

  60. It is good and fine that he has been arrested. But what are the charges? Working for GRZ is no crime, having money is no crime, carrying a fire arm is no crime, lodging in Chipata is no crime. Why has this man been singled out and arrested? Has GRZ instituted a tribunal and called to answer the previous government?

    This is sad and unacceptable. If he has committed a crime, let him go through the courts. If he has done the crime, then he should do the time. If cadres are going around victimizing citizens, then God help us – where is my country going?  

    Zambia belongs to us all, not the opposition, not the ruling, not UNIP, not MMD, and not PF. Zambia belongs us – the citizens.

    • a docket was opened for the chonwe violence so just handed him to the police as he has been missing in lsk. hes suppose to wait till the investigations are done

    • the police have the right to arrest anybody for reason of protecting his life. banda can be killed, so the police need to move in.

  61. Amazing that LT can start reporting negative on MMD cadres. I hope you will also change color of website from blue to green.
    Otherwise I don’t care about William Banda, I just wonder why he never used the gun, maybe because he forgot bullets in the house.

  62. :( this is ridiculous really – its like we heading for kangaroo justice. There is a police force to make arrests and not political cadres to harass people like this. Mob justice will just bring fear for opposition parties and that is NOT democracy. Lets not celebrate such behaviour as tomorow this same kangaroo justice will be on you. I hope Sata speaks out on this nonsense.

  63. # 86, I do believe you understand that PF cadres like their nemesis MMD cadres are all citizens of the nation called ZAMBIA. The law in Zambia allows its citizens to institute CITIZENS ARREST. And that is what happened here. Yes you can voice out your concerns, but what you have left out is that when the citizens arrest someone, they have to hand them over to the police, which of course was done. Did they beat William Banda after arrest? Not in this story. So, you and me have no evidence of any, and I repeat any Kangaroo Justice being meted on William Banda. So, do not just excite yourself with nothing. William Banda was on the run, and anyone, even the innocent if they are on the run, I did not say they are running, I said on the run, definitely apprehending them is justified.

  64. I am very much concerned what William Banda was planning. This man is very dangerous. We all know that Sata and Mbingu are not friends at all. Could William Banda go and recruit and mobilize rebels to start attacking Zambia? Probably so. Can Mbingu help try to bring down his enemy? That said, I feel like Zambia has achieved what Rupiah Banda failed to do, caging this dangerous man called William Banda. Put William Banda and Hitler or Himmler in the same room, you not notice the difference. These guy were cut to torture, maim and kill people. Even devil is not ready for them in hell. Arresting William Banda was the best thing, not only for nation, but himself too. Other people would have not wasted their time walking him to the police station. He is a very lucky man he is in Zambia.

  65. What a sad turn of events, PF cadres have now become police men? Let the man be prosecuted by the law if indeed he did an injustice. Let’s not have a situation were these excited PF cadres are running around the country violating people’s rights. They are not the Law.

  66. Hey Chipata’s… Lodge; Please correct your establishment’s name spelling from “Akapuko Lodge” to ACAPULCO LODGE. For your information, Acapulco is a Mexican town. Good name, though.

  67. This is just wrong, leave the old man alone. Political vindictiveness should not be allowed in a Christian country. It is for this reason that i have failed to endorse Mr. Sata. We are getting back to the vigilante days – UNIP mentality. If Banda, has committed any crimes why did the police wait until PF got in to power? This is just wrong, we don`t want this in Zambia. If some people want to settle old scores, they will face the full wrath of God before they know it. Two wrongs don`t make a right. That is why we need the young generation in State House, we are tired of freedom fighters. 

  68. James Bwezani Banda, you mean you organised the money for this thug to run away to another country malawi, mmd must have bought him fire arm to protect him from th nonsence. Ask rupiah to come bail you

  69. I have no nice words for Mr william Banda but i have found his arrest ironic as the police action failed to arrest him when he commited those crimes. according to news reportes Mr William Banda insigted violence in Chongwe within the police sight and nothing was done. Its time zambia Police starting doing their job professionally regardless of who is in power. if the crime is commited it needs to be delt with its swiftly. I believe Mr William Banda’s detaintion is violetion of Human rights as he has been detained for more than 48 hours without charges. its is will be unacceptable if Police charge him for crimes they failed to arrest for before elections. Muzungu anikonde should end its what draws us backwards.

  70. Chipata Members of parliament need to ensure this issue is sorted. Mr William Banda seemed to be over exercited as he is used to old ways of doing politics. lets find it in our hearts to forgive him and let himself reflect on his actions who knows he can be an advocate of peace.

  71. So PF cadres are now arresting officers. Was he a wanted man by the police? The man disapperaed for fear of being lynched. Tell us the reasons for his arrest .


  73. # 4
    Naomi: William Banda beat up many people in Zambia but he could not be arrested because he had the support of RB. So, to answer you correctly; he has been arrested for assaulting many innocent Zambians!

  74. Some people are very shallow! That is what is called ‘citizen arrest’. The police have been given a chance to perform their job! The man was charged in Lusaka for violent conduct and a warn and caution statement was recorded earlier this month. The man assaulted many people in Chongwe and some are still nursing their injuries. Ask MMD Lusaka Province youth chairman, who tried to intervene but was almost roughed up as well.

  75. # 41 you are right, As much as I am PF, we are going the wrong way as well. Where are the Police? PF CADRES please stay away from such matters. We have ZP to do their job. It is same mistakes that MMD made.

    Let the law deal with him. Its now time for change and do things differently.

  76. Now that the Commander In-Chief for Vigilantes is toothless Kaya. William Banda should rot in Jail or deported to his country Malawi. He need to face the law. Those who are asking what crime has he committed may be they are not in Zambia. Let them ask themselves why is he running away if he is innocent? Also in possession of fire arms. In Zambia?

  77. Number 40, 41 and all those fools questioning why pf cadres should do the arresting must be fouls, it’s either they dont follow current affairs or are mmd cadres. Well, you don’t have to be a policeman to arrest especially one who people off their lives. wait until your own is killed in cold blood. It’s either you are stupid or you are from Malawi or Zimbabwe.

  78. All those filled with sympathy for “the poor old man” should be in fact be glad that he was at least peacefully apprehended and handed over to the law – which, by the way, is the duty of EVERY citizen!
    I would have understood the foul cries if the man had been molested or tortured by an instant mob as is usually the case with public enemies in Zambia. Au Contraire, the PF cadres you are trying to potray as being heartless actually had a heart for the old man. Think about it…

  79. you guys askin questions,you dont read papers.that man is allegedly masterminded the violence that recently rocked the country”s polititcal scene.assaulting pipo,he shud be answerable in court of law.

  80. you cannot correct a wrong with a wrong. lets forge forward and not dwell on the past. today its PF that has won tomorrow it will be another party… so we have alot of lessons to learn on how we campaign, what we say…. I
    ssue based campaign are the best

  81. All PF members should be careful not to eat any food from Mulungushi conference center,the maneger is a MMD planted chap called Chishimba to put posoni in the food and he is working with William Banda and Elias Mpondela to clear the PF leadership.Take it from me,careful

  82. William Tekere Banda is a small MAN but Violent man. He was surrounded by Violent cadres who were protected by the system. Now he has met his match. I wish it was me who met him months ago when he was terrorising the people. I would have beat the shit out of this small madala man.

  83. What about mr kanono, difficult and all those who supported mmd, why are you beating and burning their vehicles. PF learn to co-exist with other parties, if mmd did not allow you to co-exist, you wouldn’t have been here by now.

  84. Violence should be condemned and the PF should watch closely the behaviour of the cadres because what is happening now can stop with the PF or the PF can make it continue even to the next party that will rule. I also hear people asking questions like; “Are PF cadres Policemen to arrest others?” I think those cadres did not arrest Mr Banda. They just helped the Police. Every patriotic citizen would do the same for a suspected criminal who is on the run. If there was a criminal on the run, would those that are accusing the PF cadres just look at the criminal escape? People are there to work with the Police and I think that is not wrong. They just have to know where they have to stop and not to take the law in their own hands

  85. In zambia, cadres are allowed to arrest someone without a case? This man if he’s loaded with a good lawyer, there’s comes income for him again.

  86. WANTED PERSONS!! Elvis Nkandu, Gregory Chifire, William Banda(In Custody), Edward Mumbi, Neo Simutanyi. These thugs will be dealt with accordingly.

  87. This idea of “PF cardrez” must stop and should be replaced with “concerned Zambianz”. It doezn’t have to take the so called “PF cardrez” to see the wrong that William Banda perpetrated az Lusaka Province MMD Chairboy. The people William harrassed in Chongwe may not necessarily be PF, so stop demonizing the PF name. However, nobody should take the law in their handz. 

  88. This development of PF cadres taking the law in their own hands is not healthy for our country at all. Yes William Banda is on record for doing some atrocities but that does not make him a thief. To my best of knowledge the Police were not looking for WB as no charges had been placed on him and as such he was not a fugitive in the strictest sense of the law. The man was fleeing from a certain lynching – going by the looting of his property. I urge the President to come out and speak out with these unbecoming vigilantism that has no place in our society. Beside, the rule of law takes precedence in H.E Sata’s Presidency so lets see that taking shape in reality

  89. William Banda has a lot of money that he realizes from the chain of illegal stands he owns at Soweto Market where he reaps good amounts every day. Hopeless old man.

  90. The Police stated that a docket has already been opened for William banda and in fact he was warned and cautioned with regard to the Chongwe violence. The Police are now taking this serious because of a change in govt otherwise WB would still be on the streets terrorising innocent people.

  91. 42&43 Have you ever heard anything like ‘ Citizens arrest’. Point is citizens can arrest a criminal and William Banda was one such criminal

  92. To William Banda (from Malawi) manning the gate at Chiluba’s funeral house; “When you are in a foreign land, love its people, and have their genuine welfare at heart, they will forgive you of many cultural blunders…”

  93. Rupiah Banda should ask this thug the following question: unali kufisamanji mambala iwe? It is good that William Banda is now in the hands of the police. This is better than lynching him.

  94. Sly- What do you mean you ****. You and Kabonde were just wacthing William banda almost plunging this country into civil war without doing any thing. So want the guilty go freely. ****8

  95. William Banda is a f.o.o.l or an idio.t. This is the same way he left the country after UNIP lost in 1991 or that now he’s been foiled at the border. Why put your family’s safety in such grave danger all for politics and plundered loot?? He never learns, clobber him so that when he joins PF, which is a matter of time, he will not victimise Narep or UPND supporters.

  96. All this is exposing the unproffessionalism of our Law enforcing agencies. when you are connected they dont touch you. Now that Banda RB is out thats when they want to prosecute William. Other william Bandas will emerge with connections to the Presidency and they will not be touched. Ten yrs down the line, new arrests and beatings.

  97. not even a shimaini who has worked for 30 yes can have that amount.wen the chap only worked for 6 weeks campaigning for RB and get away with 250 million petty cash etc

  98. May some confirm the name of the tall guy (white shirt) behind William Banda.William Banda needs to be caged for real.He should return the chickens he stole in chongwe just before trhe elections.The guy whose chickens were stolen could not marry and enjoy his wife because of Willian Confused Banda.

  99. Those who think its unfair to arrest William Banda should be reminded that, a warn and caution statement was recorded from him in Lusaka. The man already has issues with the law. He’s already on police books.

  100. you pipo who are saying its unfair for william banda to be arressted are not serious have you forgotten what he used to do to innocent people ? come guys this holier than thou attitude should come to an end this man is not above the law justice should prevail. can someone tell where Dora is has she also gone in hidding kekekeke what goes round

  101. Bring him to me. It seems like you are not yet ready to deal with him. Please forgive him and bring him direct to me so that I squeeze his balls to death.

  102. He was found with 180 million kwacha CASH (ZNBC Main News by Ndandula Siamana) A lot of investigations need to be done on these people they have alot to explain… Viva change of government viva PF!

  103. Number 42, we are not targeting political opponents. Why are we not targeting people like Dora. Those are the ones whom we might call political opponents. William Banda was not a political opponent. He was a thug who had “immunity”. Now the old fool has no immunity. Its just natural that we help the police. Look, he could have been helping to advise the former president and educating young ones on dangers of violence but he was the one in the fore front of violence. When you kill with a sword, you will also die with a sword. I thot he was wise enough to know this looking at his age. This goes to everybody fond of such vices.

  104. Hahaha, this is when am looking at the picture of the old chap. Looks like a young boy caught stealing the last piece of relish kept for his father to feast on after a hard day’s work..This man never learns. Chiluba deported him. After coming back, he could have played a low profile. Am sure he even stole the 180m cash found on him. Thieving little old bustard.

  105. The picture is interesting. This is when am looking at it properly. Look at this tall slim chap. He looks viscous. Am sure enough internal blows were unlished on the ka man.

  106. Zambians are we SERIOUS. William Banda was just going to his country, he was going home to Malawi and U arrest him for going home?? ha ha ha ha ha kekekeke….. William Banda after all was just a small coward man.

  107. Why should PF youths start arresting people when we have the police, are we going back to UNIP era where vigilantes becames Kaunds police men? I see a danger.

  108. Citizens arrest for crimes committed under MMD! Yes he is free to go to his country after answering charges!! No one is denying him his freedom!!!

  109. PF did not ransack William’s house. His fellow cadres ransacked the house and took extra campaign bicycles, materials and a lot of money. This man was a terror to MMD as well he was untouchable. He should have learnt his lesson that time in Chiluba’s time. He is a danger to society after serving his sentence he must be deported for G ooooooooood!

  110. I wonder what case or crime will he be charged with.What has he done?The guy was just running away from himself why arrest him?Thugs will start rulling Zambia now if this trend continues.


  112. That man is crazy let him feel the way a leceka amatako ya bantu.If i was there i would have burt him with petrol.***** ka banda william

  113. He must be given to the wild lions to have him for saper, or those that have never done bunji jumping before can try it on his humble ball….finish!


  115. PF Cadres do not have any legal rights to arrest and detain fellow citizens like William Banda despite what he is alledged to have done. This amounts to a serious abuse of human rights and unlawful detention.If cadres are taking over the job that police officers are supposed to be doing,then the entire police force should be made jobless for they have no role to play in the country.Where is the Inspector General of the police and the country’s chief legal advisor in all this;and what on earth is he doing?These guys should immediately resign or be sacked for gross incompetence and for being cowards

  116. but i see violence in Satas government too. let him advise his kaponyas to behave.

    and let the workers be respected too. thanks

  117. the violence has started and we see another dictator in Zambia for the next 5 years. he cant advise his people. too old namwe plesase

  118. Micheal Sata advise your people. you have won and they shouldnt be rush on inocent Zambians. its a democratic country mind you.

  119. Sata you are not God. dont judge others and rember soon time will come if you wont die of your diesese then your behavior will eat you up.

  120. Utu jili jili my dear sata cant advise his people. he too is a kaponya. have you forgotted. we are affraid Zambia for the first time in History will be lead by a KAPONYA

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