FORMER Finance and National Planning Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane has said some MMD members have gone into hiding after former President Rupiah Banda lost power to the President Michael Sata.
Dr Musokotwane appealed to the present government to help bring Zambians together because the campaigns were over and that the Patriotic Front(PF) were now in power. He cited broadcaster Chanda Chimba as one of the members who were not certain about their safety should they come in public.
Dr Musokotwane said several other members were in hiding and that the party was not aware of their where abouts. Dr Musokotwane said President Sata was currently Head of State which the MMD had accepted but there was need to help the members of the former ruling party to live without fear because he is now President for all Zambians.
He said the PF was no longer an opposition party and that Zambians were ready to receive the benefits of having a new government. Dr Musokotwane said the issue of providing a new constitution for the
people had remained topical and Zambians were anxious to have it. He said even the promises for an improved welfare of the people was anxiously being awaited and that the MMD would now work as opposition party.
Meanwhile, asked what had gone wrong in the MMD after several predictions stated that Mr Banda was headed for victory, former parliamentary chief whip Vernon Mwaanga said the national executive
committee was expected to meet this morning to discuss such matters. Mr Mwaanga had predicted that the MMD would win the elections two days before voting started on September 20, 2011.
[Times of Zambia]
please do not hide we are all Zambians baba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is to tell us the our campaign was not issue based but character based were people speak against the person unlike look at what the nation wants.
After 20 years of heavy chewing with the MMD, I’ ve officially quit and joined the PF with immediate effect. Thank you all for welcoming me.
The guilty are always afraid!! Why hide when you have done nothing wrong???? Chanda Chimbwi knows why he is hiding….the wall he was leaning on when howling has suddenly disappeared!
It wil not be wrong if these people can be smoked out of their hiding places because they know what they did. They just went too far.
oh———–so PF failed to wipe out this party–MMD. In 2016 UPND will make sure its wiped out.
Its not the job of president Sata to organise MMD,if they go hiding we shall have HH ‘s party in opposition. When is he going to attend to the pressing issues? He wants tangible change in 90 days and can not afford to attend to MMD matters. Was MMD going to organise PF if they won?? Every leader would rather has a weak opposition so he can have less interferences.
Why are people asking silly things from Sata? even what was fine in MMD is now wrong. I can’t believe you are asking Sata to help rebuild the people who wished him dead or sent to Tanzania.
The guilty are always afraid. Sataists should actually hunt all these hiding MMD lumpens and annihilate them because as the Nkhosi ya maNkhosi Shaka Zulu wa Kajobe once stated, “Never leave thy enermy behind lest they come back to fly over thy throat”. All MMD lumpens must he hunted down and eliminated, they are a cancer to society and a waste of space.
Zambia should preach and practise Reconcilliation with Punishment. Yes we need to move forward but corruption cases must NOT be swept under the carpet.
you’ve hit the head on the nail…..
You can run but you cant hide,How long are you going to hide Ba Movement for Mad Dogs?
Chanda chimbwi malibu yakuilombela! Let the law take handle such cases my fellow citizenz.we are in power nw y chase around the oppozition?lets show them we r beta than them,o else we wil dent da image of our brand new government. Peace 2 Mother Zambia!
I get disgusted by some educated people such as Musokotwane who fail to uphold professional ethics. Surely even if its job seeking, the man should have advised the then presiden tto run the financial affairs of the nation in a better way. I just feel with all these professionals Zambia has, imagine what a beutiful country it would be if they were able to uphold professional integrity. Thats all we ask from these people. It means there would be no false accounting, no miscarriage of justice, no poor quality roads, good quality water systems, good sanitation, proper reporting of events; and the list can be endless. What is wrong to tell your leader: “Sir this is beyond my professional ethics, I cannot do it”? Musokotwane and co were a serious let down to Banda; poor man wish he listened!!
Lelo Musokotwane we will see you now.
I hope PF will maintain a link for think tanks to continue offering suggestions so that their leaders do not turnout to be like these chaps. If any PF official is reading; we have sugestions that would help with the evidence of things changing in the next 86days. You have our email addresses, give them we will offer the Kaponya technical advise at a cost but with 100% discount. They will pay 0 kwacha.
Has Zambia Police gone to sleep again? It is the duty of the police to protect everyone irrespective of their political affiliation. They should stop getting orders from politicians the way they did during the MMD rule when people like William Banda the thug reigned supreme over them.
The question on my mind is why do politicians in a ruling party forget that people are watching evey move they take? Hiding before you are brought to court means you knows the wrongs you have committed. To have the former minister pleading on behalf of his friends to be forgiven even before they exculpate themselves is an insult to the voters. Even PF will concentrate on amassing wealth for there families at the expense of development knowing well that no one in Zambia is answerable for sins committed in public office. Someone has to set standards and that is not harassing opposition. You don’t go in these offices to abuse people and their resources and plead for mercy. Come out of hiding and we confiscate those mansions built on our money while you laugh at us squeezed in compounds.
“Some” or “most”? The title says most and the article says some – big difference!!
This should be a clear lesson to all of us. When it is time to conduct campaigns, we should do so without offending others or causing them any harm.
This politics, look at how Sata and RB are treating each other, cordially. Some cadres were just too over-zealous as though they were the candidates for the Presidency.
Let them come out and apologise, they will be forgiven if their apologies are genuine.
With time things change for those who are moving with the the times. The PF cadres are more civilisesd than the MMD cadres who held on to the passed and old ways of doing things. Now that they have woken up,they have found that things are different when they are expecting to be killed no one is doing it. So just come out things are not the way you used to do them….being violent.
Orgasm Tembo, are you a think tank organization? On what?
this is the problem with blind support, he knew what needed to be done but kept quiet now he wants to talk about the constitution and the plight of the poor. Just keep hiding and allow PF to do it work while UPND, NAREP and the independent MPs offer checks and balance
What makes such a seemingly full-fledged professional behave like an uneducated cadre who does not know where his next meal is coming from? Is it simple greed or shear cowardise?
@4- if you do not change your party president HH and replace him with a sensible leader-your party will never ever rule this country…HH lost it all 25% to 19% and now 18%…why should you allow him to continue,,,he has failed you
Mr President Sata, could you please help protect Zambian citizens that are being persecuted by thugs, masquerading as your party members. Zambia is bigger than an of us. the rule of law should be allowed and be seen to be implemented. despite all your good will and intentions, it is scenes like these that people were afraid of the PF govt. Governance is also about civility
Do unto others as you would others do unto you…….
I would not be here if Zambia was run like a country not a chicken farm. All I needed was a pay that goes with my education and my wife treated like a state registered nurse but atase who would listen. Workers  get change of the ministers’ corruption as salary because “there is no money”,while each one from director,deputy director,permanent secretary,deputy p’s , minister,deputy minister etc change posh expensive cars.there after they fail to deliver and succeed in stealing.MMD should be left to disappear until all of them join FTJ. When they start disappearing ,I will be saying”may there soul not rest in peace”‘not after the agony the caused us.
Too bad that people are hiding..let these cadres misbehaving be caged as well-we need peace
Just come out of hiding, but the rule of law must be observed and the first thing we should look at is Chilubas aquittal and RB parentage.
hahahaha vj wawa your predictions were so fake,lol chanda chimbwi is hiding in south africa.
Michaelme, PF has to disappear for MMD to disappear. They are called PF, are they not MMD faces? Mangani, Mulongoti, Mpombo, Masebo, Kapijimpanga, Sata, Guy Scott, Sakeni too many to mention all. We need real change for things to change.
How nice for former minister of finance to call for reconcilliation now that the MMD lost the elections. Bwana former minister, where were you when our President M.C Sata was insulted left, right and centre by cadres hired by the MMD. To some cadres, insulting M.C Sata was their Daily bread. Former president Rupiah Banda even praised Chanda Chiimba for those disgusting documentaries he used to produce, why didnt you advise your president against these acts. I never heard you conderm the likes of Lifwekelo, Chifire, William Banda, Chanda Chimba, Rev Moses to mention just a few. Actaully these people were paid by your own party to keep on insulting President Sata, why didnt you conderm your party for doing this. Why should you complain now that you are on the other side you hipocrity. Shame
I bet if the PF members were the ones being harassed by the opposition the police would have made arrests. Once again we see a police force that protects the members of the party in power. When will these people learn that party is not government? Dr Ngoma’s article shows this as a failure of our politics in Zambia.
@ 9Â OrgasmTemboÂ
During Levy’s reign, MAGANDE never used to tolerate such nonsense. He would literally tell of Levy that there is no money to waste and because of his integrity and fiscal discipline Levy had immense respect for Magande as FM.
#Very good! I love Magande if thats what he did.
How i wish Musokotwane came out like this to condamn violence caused by William Banda and Chriss Chalwe. Chanda Chamba knows why he is hiding bcoz no one is chasing him. The best thing he can do is just to swallow his pride and apologise to the Zambian people, we all know that he was brought in by Dora Siliya (ninsala yalengele ENZOCHITILA KOBILI) Its a surprise to learn that Chanda Chimba has been described by Musokotwane as MMD member. Shame on you……
Musokotwane, You are not hiding WHY? You never attacked anybody . You talked politics and so no need to hide. Those hiding let them continue hiding because no body chased them. They just decided to go hiding knowing what they were doing was wrong.
SATA has no time wasting on Chanda Chimbwi. MMDs are everywhere and are not attacked. So why talk about those who have chosen to hide themselves. Not a single MMD member will ever be attacked for belonging to MMD. Those hiding are hiding from their own personal enemies. Now they want PF to jump in and start nursing and practicing them the way MMD did. Too late. This govt is by the rule of law, not favors. Come out and apologize to your own enemies. PF does not want those apologies because it does not see anyone as an enemy. All are Zambia
Shaka Zulu said “Dont leave an enemy behind, for he shall rise and sort you out” This is the sillest buch of words to have come from Shaka’s mouth. He was not killed by his enermies, but by his brothers. “So I say unto you, thou shall not leave a brother behind for he shall rise and sort you out”
now monkeys have been unleashed into the green maize field. if we have never witnessed loot, it’s now here.
Sata hasn’t got time for such kaka idiocy. He is busy building our country. Just a word of advice to all hiding “mbulis”, please keep hiding kikikikiki
Why is Musokotwane singling out Chanda Chimba? What is the connection? Has he just realised that what Chanda Chimba did was wrong? Come on Musokotwane, talk about the ‘unknowing missuse of public fund’. Chanda Chimba is an adult who is not under your care. He will take care of himself!! Lifwekelo is a free man appearing on TV and he has not been lynched!!
# 2 KWENA IWEE WALISAMWA, You know how to eat. You made me laugh. Damn, what a good humor you have. Welcome to PF… Now advise all your other MMD cadres not to hide, we are all Zambians. Just let them sale those RANGE ROVER Sports and give back the cash..
Where is Dickson Jere?******
Nafuti Nafuti,
You are a hopeless tribalist who lacks exposure and deep understanding os issues. Of course when you refer to mokyes, I nkow you are insinuatign that now Bembas are in power and by your shallow reasoning you expect them to loot the treasury.
For your information, this is not a Bemba Government, this victory and the PF is composed of all people across Zambia. The Vice President is likely to be from Western Province, probabbly a woman, other senior Government officials like Wilbur Simusa, who might be Minister of Mines is a Southerner, can you be sober and reflect on reality! Zambia is not one tribe and no one tribe can rule this country!! May be that is where some Parties get it wrong, watch NAREP!!!!
So are Bembas real monkeys stealing maize from the fields then?!
NAREP, another Bemba party, has no MP nor a councillor. Sata Nyoko.
Most MMD members have gone into hiding hahahahaha oh its not fun but i want to know who shot my brother inlaw since he was a pf cadre.
MMD leaders must not just preach reconciliation without recognizing the harm they caused against then opposition PF cadres.
There can be no reconciliation without accepting and taking responsibility on the part of MMD leadership for the violence against PF.
MMD has not publicly acknowledged that it knowingly and intentionally carried out a violent campaign against then opposition PF and must publicly apologize.
Once these basic steps are met, the we can talk reconciliation, otherwise what is there to reconcile when the perpetrators of these crimes have refused to take responsibility?
Where did the public funds come from to sponsor all those thugs to throw garbage at Sata during elections? Why did the MMD leadership NOT speak out against violent actions by the MMD thugs and the openly abuse of public resources by its leaders? Why did Musukotwane himself NOT stop the abuse of public funds and resources? Where was he all this time?
Only the guilty go hiding. I hope PF learns a lesson from these MMD cowards and never to do or be the same to other opposition parties. As my new hero RB said in his last speech “Do unto others what you would want them to do unto you” (well not his exact words). Wise words!!!!
Remember I said that the treasury is being looted just before the campaigns – this guy has some answering to do and should not be allowed to divert attention. The whole MMD and RB Campgaign Teams should be visited without delay. They have amassed personal wealth which they can’t explain and have gone to hide it and it explains their disappearance!
Do not blame these people that are hiding. The problem are the thugs that PF has unleashed. It is totally unacceptable in a democracy to allow such lawlessness.
Musokotwane were u happy with what chanda chimba was doing? You should have praeched peace when chanda and the NGI’s(Non-Governmental Individuals) like lifwekelo,chifire were busy inciting hatred in the hearts of peace loving Zambians.Shame honourable
Muskotwane, we must play clean politics not those of character assassination and name calling. Zambians mus mature. Those who are hiding must come out and give evidence of the allegations they made. Otherwise they must answer fir their actions. If they were right, then the law will release them. As simple as that. This is how we shall build a better Zambia. Not through libel etc. Chanda must answer for his actions. If someone spnosered him, i am sorry, he betrayed the boy. As a PF guy, i will hit him hard if i meet him
You thug, you!! Â You are all headed for the International Court of Justice for genocide. Â You will meet Charles Taylor soon. Â Sata Nyoko.
ba musokotwane what evidence do you have that these people who are beating MMD cadres are PF members? remember your member s were beating zambians anyhow,so they are zambian who were beaten before who what to revenge not the PF cadre,mind your language. They need to be beaten again inorder for them to learn one thing.
# 38 We are talking about things that we know baba ,so don’t hide thieves in the name civility or democracy or your hate for PF and its caders. MMD guy buying a block of flats for a girlfriends from stolen money – is it a PF problem or police case??
What a way to destroy a country… soon Zambians will be refugees around the world.
All those who might have comitted crimes against Zambians must be allowed to move about freely without insulting them. However, the law must visit them! Vigilantee justice is not needed in this new Zambia.
#19 Galito. Its politics of poverty that make educated people behave like uneducated fellows. That’s what we have in Zambia. Politics of poverty.
The police’s job is to maintain the peace. If they are let cadres fight each other, it could be that they are compromised. Ie our politicians are above the law.
where are the rebel MPs now. machungwa, were are you. chanda chimba, we shall surely get you so that it will be a lesson to others. we shud also be careful with these chaps who are defecting now. rupial bwezani wasala weka. ODINEYA CHISALA IN LUAPULA you resign or else we shall get you
No Zambian should be condoning violence, we can not stoop so low to say that Just because these MMD cadres were involved in violence, this should now be dished out on them. We have to break the cycle of violence, politics is about contesting ideas and not war. All political parties should know that when they come to power it is not forever, they win because their ideas are better at that time and people want to try out those ideas. After that we expect the ruling party to get down to work and ensure that all Zambians are saved, we should not forget that with our current constitution, the elected preseident and his party do not even represent half of the electorate, it is their imperative that the ruling party shows humility and governs with respect for all Zambians
The only change that would have made REAL sense would have been UPND and HH. Sata is a combination of UNIP and MMD. So what has changed? From MMD Thugs to PF Kaponyas.
@43….hehehehehe the Australian Zambian Engineer has come out his cave. You said ‘ Sata cannot rule’. What are you going to say next? Refugees from Zambia…..nay! May be of your type economic refugees. Zambia will never experience war. Independence was won fighting with sticks and stones, nothing more! If you see a few cadres throwing ‘ifishinde’ at each other, you say it war….ok!!! but remember that inkondo ya fishinde has been fought by cadres and Zambian youths for years!! Get a life man! Your favourite guy just got a kick in the gonads (not literally in case you say I am supporting violence)….at he is not complaining and just waiting for his package!! Nice House for Rupiah Banda….there he is sticking his middle finger out at MMD……:)>-
SATA should quickly discourage his cadres to avoid chaos in the country.
This is not what should be allowed in our land.
No one is leader forever – is SATA entertains this type of behaviour it will catch up with him when he leaves office.
SATA needs to understand that he is president of the republic and not anymore just for the PF.
I know that this will be hard for SATA to adjust because he was used to the opposition. But now he must understand that as a leader you face challenges, challenges that sometimes will go against your personal interest; and this is just but the first of SATA’s challenges. How he will deal with this unrully behave will determine how much credibility society will place on him, both from within and without, whether he be seen as mature or imature leader.
The problem is that the law was not able to deal with transgressors who were aligned to those in power. That is what must be remedied. Once you allow “broadcasters” like Chanda Chimba to abuse the public, then, when tables turn, some will feel that he deserves some punishment. Action must be taken now to ensure ZNBC does not become the mouthpiece of the party in power otherwise it will be like MMD all over again.
we know y Venon Bwanga was supporting Rubia Banda as being the father in law of one of the Directors of Nyiombo investment, the company which was awarded the contract of supplying fertilizers to farmers throughout Zambia and Banda’s son Being the Front in organising the scandle. Can also same one tell me the wereabouts of George Kunda?
Its unfortunate that those MMd members who did wrong or were hired like mercenaries have gone into hiding. If one never did wrong why go into hiding. I have Muhabi Lungu very free like a fish swimming in water. Its a lesson that those who think they above the law. Now they can run away but they cant hide. As for William Banda there was no point for him to run away if his conduct has been good. Even RB & Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane they have not gone into hiding. Yes there is need to forgive those who wronged others but what wrong did they do to ask for forgiveness?All MPs should ensure that fromm this parliament no individiual shall be above law or stronger than our public institutions of governance. NO STUPID SLAGONS LIKE BOMA NI BOMA. Sats plz forget about those who wronged the nation.
No 50
The outcome of election in Zambia does not affect me in anyway. I have not stayed in Zambia for 22 years and nothing in common anymore apart from it being my place of birth. I contributed to the blog based on my personal views. If Sata is now president does not affect me in anyway. It affects the people who not have to hide. I can never support that from anyone and thank God i live in a civilized country
shut up musokotwane……you are the worst finance minister ever….was nothing but a simple puppet…..you assisted foreigners to rape our land…you piss me off so much I start to throw up.
mwamona..u are spot on. What this country NEEDS is REAL CHANGE. REAL CHANGE will not come with SATA and the PF. Infact, SATA needs to go to a diplomatic school. For him to tell the CHINESE AMBASSADOR that “the fact that you have a big population in your country is not my problem” leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Where is ettiquete???????. You cant tell people that you are “too many”, thus they should stop having children.
This is why unwarranted attacks on character are not encouraged. Sata lived his life in the past, it is gone, may be remembered but he will never live it again. Chanda Chimba has nothing to fear, let him come out now and stand by his words, that is what activists do. They have nothing to be afraid of. If govt is vindictive against him society will rise up for him. There is a french proverb which says: “The same thing that prevented the tortoise from climbing a tree, is the same thing that made the monkey’s hands to look dirty.” Never talk ill about your opponent, you might live to regret it.
Nobacking from state house NSCZ u turns on NFL. Kamanga accepts decision by NSCZ, STRANGE HAA. Things can change so suddenly. No Dickson Jere, No Nenani Banda, very soon no Teddy Mulonga Simata/ Kamanga doomed
Musokotwane you remained mute when the half-term former president and you in particular ‘never knowingly abused state funds? You encouraged Chanda Chimba to use state media to broadcast trash with impunity. My advice is, Tell Chanda Chimba to come out humbly and apologise publicly for his crap.
Correct No. 66, some people can never see beyond the end of their noses. This Chanda Chimbwi should have done a risk assesment, he should have had a “what if quastion” in his mind. I think he was one of the many lunatics in MMD that had info on the planned rigging which we crushed.
Ba musokotwane, dont talk too much, you too just wait for your time, deep down your heart you know what you did
Bo Musokotwane you are a disgrace!!! We want to discuss real issues. Where is the people of Zambia’s money. The money you dished out to people like William, Chanda Chimba and others who were on your payroll while hard working Zambians are wallowing in poverty. So please dont deviate Mr. Sata from real issues he has a programme to implement…….
What happened Mr VJ Mwaanga, MR RIGGER you did not do a good job. You should now enter your retirement, we are tired of rigging and this has made you lose all creditability you had as a politician. Go back to the farm in macha.
Engineer australia, why are you then clucking if HE MCS has no effect on you??? we nkoko we!!!
Fwe bene, we will push for dual nationality, webo ukome boycott ya dual wa mfwa????
# 50 & 62 you are getting back at yourself lol. Forgot to change the name ka…. hahahaha(C ought in the act)
its not sata to forgive its us the ordinary pipo who felt insulted, let down, and degraded who areÂ
teaching the mmd thugs a lesson, so that others can learn from it.
What did they do? Well, they say the quilty are afraid lol
Its good that Musokotwane has seen the need to reconcile. But he is not genuinely calling for reconcilliation for the sake of the country but to save his own skin. Its good that you are feeling the heat of what you sow.
The guilty are afraid. Audit the senior MMD cadres in government and you will be shocked…just start with the expensive GRZ cars they have personalized…and when you dig deeper, the stench of the rot will overwhelm you!
You should have known better. You abused your powers and all the reasons to hid. No forgiveness before justice! Please round them up and let them face the law. Chanda Chibwi will have to answer for all his insults and he must be taught a lesson so that PF cadres wont repeat his stupidity.
Kent says:
Tue Sep 27 at 10:27 am
“How nice for former minister of finance …, where were you when our President M.C Sata was insulted left, right and centre by cadres hired by the MMD?” Sounds like a “tit-for-tut” an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth type of affair. Is this the direction the country is taking after all the praises from across the world? Is PF going to wreck havoc just because they have been voted into power? Is this the time for PF to make their former enemies pay for sins they committted against President Michael Sata? Is not this the same William Banda spirit now being perpetuated by PF? You cannot correct wrong by doing wrong.
59 makaka,let the president ru the nation.
MC Sata has nothing to do with this. But Chanda Chimbwi, Edward Mumbwe and Lifwekelo should be clobbered a bit in order to pump sense into their thick heads. They have no manners not even bad ones!!!!!!!!
Who can guess my blog name before 9/20?
You were Sata Nyoko! Â Now that is my new blog name. Â HA HA!!
Hv u seen what is happening now, satanists hv managed to rule our country, the post have been trying hard to divide our peaceful nation, now that their leader has managed to win elections they hv become boring, as they are acting like they are the # 1 Govt controlled newspaper, more than even the our public media. We can read the situation that most of our public meadia dont even enyoy what is happening now with the post and sata.
Point of correction, I am not a member of MMD but a professional juno……. well at least i tell myself that! And am not in hiding, just taking a 10 year sabbatical!
Why should this foolish Musotwane talk for Chanda Chimba,i did know he was MMD Chanda Chibwi.No Mukotwene is talking for him,let come out in open,or let go to Malawi,sorry he is from DR congo.Chanda Chimba now his wife is eating grass and she has a new boy friend due no sex from chanda chbwi.
Dr Musokotwane, Iam disappointed with your professional conduct. Certainly as I graduate as Dr sooner than later, I do not think I would compromise my profession to call a spade a big spoon ? that is rediculous. You have also dispointed the institution which conferred you as one. You saw it fit to denounce the current president then now you seek peace even before you are probed? Look at Professor Lungwangwa, you guys you are not an inspiration at all !. You are are disgrace. Rule of Law does not mean run to the president for mercy??? where on earth??? repsect the institution and know where to go. Comrade SATA when he was agrieved went to the police and in most cases he sued those who wronged them. why not follow the same rule of Law?
All this hate. How long will it take for us to rise above all this? The elections are over, we have a new government. Let us get busy. We have a lot of work to do. Let us move forward. Roads need to be paved, hospitals stocked, children educated. Persuing the former government will not profit us, and if it must be done, there are instruments in place that can be used. In the mean, the show mush go on!
Some of you people surprise me, he is only asking that the PF government protect all Zambian citizens. Has he said don’t prosecute people who plundered? You assume too much. The statement is just that, a call for the government to protect all citizens regardless of their party affiliation.
Some of you have said MMD was okay with violence. RB was consistent in condemning political violence. Sata on many times tolerated violence in his own party against ‘rebel MPs’. So lets just take the statement as is: a call for the government to act and control the situation.
He hasn’t said anything about corruption. Those MMD people who stole should be found and prosecuted.
So Sata should now organize MMD member? Let them continue hiding, he is going to organise them for you
Georgina Kunda is hiding in a toilet so that when his rear explodes, he doesn’t have to run far. Chanda Chimbwi has been fitted with a urinary catheter to take care of his fear induced incontenence. Wirriam Banda has been arrested for his own safety.
A lot of insincere people are now offering false apologies. Just ask William Banda or Lifwenkelo what they would have done if Ala Bee had won. We would have been in deep s h i t without a doubt and without mercy from these cowards. These imbeciles are only getting as good as they would have delivered. Forgiveness? Kwisa? What we need is justice so that those who contemplate the same stupidity are afraid.
its only five years from now,PF will also needy to acount for their deeds.But thergarry we expected it!& we shall have it for five yrs if God doent not redeem us soon.
By speaking out on behalf of MMD when most of its leaders are either in hiding or still trying to recover from the shock of defeat, Situmbeko Musokotwane has started the race for the succession of Rupiah Banda in MMD. Watch this space and mark this date.
The doctor has more brains than Satan. Â Let him go for the leadership of MMD and let him transform it into a formidable force to ensure Satan only rules for one term of 90 days!
Chanda chimbwi why hiding we mubemba wa nsala and ulisebenya nganipakale ninkoloso.What you did to my CATHOLIC CHURCH,Priest,and Bishops awe mune it is sin against the Holy spirit which we call sacriledge.Zambia is for everyone now why were you propegardaring malibu yakuilombela.Hats off all ZAMBIANS to show that power belongs to people and we have set a precedence for other nations to see for my PRESIDENT MIKAELI CHILUFYA SATA namikumbwila ipalo na Lesa mukulu amifumfumwine ipalo and forgive and forget remember the song we sing YESU PAKUCHINDAMA ABALA ACHULA ACHICHEFYA.enomen et fili et spiritus sancti AMEN.Always DEOPTIMO MAXIMO
Former minister of finance did you put your house in order bwana.your calling of the pf to bring together all zambians pamo is everyones prayer and that is what the president meant during his inuguration speech.Bwaana former kasunga wa chipao cha zambia u are one of the few presided and see the sale of FINANCE BANK at 25billion sure yama is it worth awe bane muleba serious nangu kulyamo.Just look at the infrustracture ,furniture, amacomputers and only ATMs its more than ka 25pin think about it ZP pamobe mune