By Dr Charles Ngoma:-
First of all, I should like to congratulate the Patriotic Front and President Sata for winning the 2011 Tripartite elections in Zambia after a spirited campaign.
Now that the election is over, it will be nice to look back and see where exactly did it go wrong for the MMD and President Banda? In many democracies in the world, where the economy is booming, inflation is low and interest rates are reasonable, it is unthinkable for the ruling party to lose power. Therefore, I believe that the fact that the MMD lost says a lot about the weaknesses of the Banda administration than the strengths of Mr Sata.
Why do I say so? Well, Mr Sata was rejected by Zambians three times before and yet his message did not change. The economy and many parameters actually became more and more favourable for the ruling party than ever before. In my past article, I did show that we are not where we should be indeed, but we are definitely far much better off than we were in the past.
I am sorry to say, however that the common denominator to President Sata’s loss in 2006 and President Banda’s loss this time round, is the late Dr Frederick Chiluba. President Banda miscalculated on the deep seated feelings that Zambians had concerning the late President.
The turnover of life in Zambia is very quick and as such, young people who were not party to the victors and heroes of yesterday, fill up the electoral registers very quickly. More than a million voters were not born when Dr Chiluba wrested power from Dr Kaunda.
Indeed, to most of them, all they remember about the man is that he presided over the time of great plunder of the nation’s wealth and if they were unemployed, he had something to do with it.
President Banda was made out to have interfered with the Judiciary to free Chiluba and while at that time many would have exculpated him, his more recent remarks during and after the funeral, seemed to justify that understanding.
Mr Banda should not have been openly so close to Dr Chiluba and while he was facing charges. If MMD has to have a post morterm of it’s performance, it must start here. Dr Chiluba was a liability to Mr Sata in 2006, and Mr Sata quickly learnt from that poisonous association and let go. He handed the poisoned chalice to Mr Banda and this led to Mr Banda’s loss.
The whole fight against corruption was shipwrecked at the rock of Chiluba. Time will tell whether Mr Banda interfered with the constitutional office of the Director of Public Prosecution or not.
The second cause for failure was the perception that the MMD were too close to the minning companies that were extracting vast amounts of profits without any benefits to the local people’s. There were very inadequate explanations about how much the mines had invested into the mines in the first place and how much they were making in profits.
Everyone knew that copper prices had risen to record heights, but it was never made clear that it is the result of initial investment and capitalisation that production had doubled since the days of Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM). The last minute attempt to get money from the mines to improve inner city roads was too little too late and was very poorly communicated to the people. In fact, the President said one thing, while his Minister of Finance said another.
The third cause of failure was the government’s failure to make good on a very important promise. President Banda promised Parliament in 2009 that the public media would be privatised. The paranoia that kept the public media houses in state hands was an achille’s heel. Over and above this, the public media embarked on a full scale war against the Patriotic Front and Mr Sata. People love to support the underdog, and more when they see one so unfairly treated. Even though Mr Banda denied that he had editorial control of the public media houses, it did not cut the mustard with the people.
The public media must be privatised or made independent of government, otherwise, even if the state has no influence on editorial decisions, as long as the editors are employed by state agencies, there will self censorship in favour of the ruling party.
The fourth cause, is perhaps the nemesis of all African politics. The failure to separate government from the ruling party affairs. I warned about this in the ‘open letter to the President’ shortly after Mr Banda took over. The days of the party and it’s government are over. We cannot accept a situation where a provincial chairman of a political power goes around behaving as though he is state President, harassing and threatening people at will.
There must be a clear distinction between party business and state business. It is a pity that so many politicians had their umbilical cords cut by the UNIP knife in the One Party state labour ward.
Under this subject, I would include family affairs. We understand that even the head of State is a human being who has family, but it is not proper to have the appearance that sons or daughters have a privilege over other citizens by reason of the filial relationship with the President.
It is in these last 3 Presidencies that children have had such prominence in the affairs of the state. People elect ONE person as President and not a fiefdom or a monarchy. If the new government also fails to recognise this distinction, it will not be long before the Zambian voter bids it farewell too!
Lastly but not least, was the open hostility to certain sections of the society who seemed to disagree with the President. Dr Chiluba was a master of charm when he was under attack. Quiet often, he was able to get out of difficulties with the media with a chuckle and oratory. It is ironic that President Banda was seen to be weak aloof and not in control on the one hand, but was also suspected to have a hand in everything!
President Sata is called such nicknames as ‘king cobra’ and ‘man of action’, which endear him to the voters and yet rejecting Mr Banda who appears to be less demanding and dictatorial. Mr Banda would have done himself a great service had he extended an open and genuine welcome to State House from the media houses that seemed to be against him.
It is strange that in 3 years of his Presidency, he never gave a one to one interview like the one he did after he became Vice President. The public want to see ‘THE PERSON’ in his native environment. Mr Banda could have taken advantage of the same institutions that were against him and open up to them, instead of attacking them publicly. Perhaps this was an abject failure on the part of his press office.
It remains of me however to just say one more thing. Mr Banda served the nation to the best of his ability. Called out of retirement and a crown thrust upon his head through death, he did not shirk his responsibility to serve, but took up the challenge and did well. He obviously could not do everything in the half term but ‘adde paruum paruo magnus aceruus erit’ (add a little to a little and there will be a great heap).
Above all this, his legacy to the country will be the strengthening of our fledgling democracy. He was truly magnanimous in defeat and lives have been spared. He put the country first and his own ambitions last. We turn a new chapter. Now, Zambia’s democracy has come of age, and we hope that we will fix the ugly issues that came to the fore during this last election.
Well written and said.
We are waiting to see how the PF govt will handle the public media, already its PF and micheal Sata on public media. They cannot even show us clips of pipo who are being attacked by PF cadres
#2, walasa, actually there is not going to be any difference because PF is MMD (b). Remember there is MMD(a) and MMD(b). Watch the space…
Well said brother,one more thing though,he was ill advised by Dora. when the center crambled they assured him all was okay.
Already Sata and his nephew miles sampa are there to plunder zambian wealth!
Banda fixed anyone who did not support him: magande, mpombo, masebo, mulongoti – the list is endless! Â Positions were reserved for those sucked up to him and gave him very poor/bad advice – aka George Kunda: Where was democracy in MMD? Well – Zambians were watching & got fed up.Â
Why let criminals go scot free – what did Banda owe Chiluba? Why sacrifice Zambia for Chiluba? Â
The Cathoric church is not zambia, pipo voted for him because of the mouthful promises he made to zambians, and we are ticking our checklist, already we are remaining with 86 days to go.
actually the catholic church is Zambia, that is why the president will rule on its principles. how can you survive an election when priests campaign against you.
Dora Siliya was stupid and a liability to RB
nice article. i think the former president was misled by the people very close to him such as Dora and Peter Daka etc. even his son has mention this. William Banda also contributed a lot the to His excellence’s   downfall. people hate violence, William Banda was de-campaigning his on party by being violent. Â
Perfik! Even his son Mr Andrew Banda has said the same things. RB surrounded himself with hyenas and they led to his loss. But, it is his fault that he chose wrong friends like Mulongoti and Mangani who later abandoned him and Kunda, Dora and Shikapwasha who misbehaved badly.
Da nigga wz nt prezdnt material in da 1st place.he wz against hikin mpz salariz jst lyk mwanawasa,mwanawasa passd on, da 1st thn rb did(wen he stole da presidential seat) wz 2do wat he wz not supôzd2 do. Salariez!!
Dr Ngoma I remember your articles very well.Amazing that you didn`t say all these things in those articles. Here we are, you won`t say anything bad about HE MCS yet you sound like you have a billion things to say.
Grow a pair and come out and say everything. I will post more.
President Sata is the peoples president, while the former was all about himself! Talk about shopping, world tours and developing chipata..
If i were president i would kick out foreigners who’s only interest is to fill their own pockets without any consideration of the welfare of the countries citizens!!
Everywhere in Z people where complaining of ill treatment they recieve from foreign investors in Zambia.
Some investors even have the gutts to spit, insult, even kill Zambians working for them. RB did nothing to stop that, all he cared for was the money he got into his account!
Im just a kid hopefully when i grow up to be presido one day, i will be like president Sata, the peoples president.
Thank you.
Ka thandiwe nakabika nagogo..lol yaba
Its all well and good that the issues raised as having contributed to RB’s fall may have played a part.However to be the devil’s advocate here let me say that this election was largely won or lost on regional and tribal lines.HH carried the southRB the east and Sata the CB and Lusaka for those very reasons.We’re very tribal but won’t admit it.
Provinces and tribes have been there ever since Sata came to contest as a president. Bring the other reason like Mongu killings.
Hands off my president, you ARE a true democrat and you tried to develop zambia in a short space of time you were head of state, I have never seen development so much in my entire life since I was born in the second repuplic like the one I saw in your short time in office. Now the new head of state has a high pass mark to be marked on. He now has to build more schools and hospitals than you did, make more roads and airstrips reaching our door steps than you did, maintain or reduce the bag of mealie meal which you have left at K40,00/25kg bag of breakfast while provide more fertizer bags to farmers and buy their maize at least at K65,000 or better, reduce PAYE and increase taxes for the mines without affecting mining investment levels, deliver a constitution within the promised period with
Good article but I am not sure if our democracy has matured with all those PF thugs harassing citizens. Furthermore, if one carefully examines events just after the polls took place, you can see that although Banda gave up power smoothly, there was resistance from his side to concede defeat. We saw election results being delayed and strange announcements from ECZ. MMD had not been prepared for a defeat and had been taken by surprise. I say we are going in the right direction and do not agree with the maturity claim.
Its clear that some so called analysts have very little depth or understanding when it comes to the subject matter they want to address. RB lost the election not because he did not do enough to win, he lost because the majority of Zambians where determined to get rid of the MMD regardless of who was leading the MMD government and how well the country was doing. This was borne from the fact that Zambians believe with some substance that the MMD government rigged the 2001, 2006 and 2009 elections. Because of this nothing that RB did could have changed the situation, if RB had won the election last week, there would be chaos in the country and everyone would be convinced he had rigged the election. Either way RB was caught between a rock and a hard place. He did well to leave gracefully.
@#17 Enka Rasha. Unfortunately it`s there the world over. Ever heard about Labour/Torie strong holds, Democrats/Independents strong holds? Like it or not votes don`t swing that much in certain places.
@#2.Proudly Zambian. So who do you blame for that? Or are you saying it was right for RB but shouldn`t be right for others if they wanted to keep it that way? You are a very selfish person.
Honestly spikn people dat voted 4rb in ’08 wre mmd sympathizerz..théy did coz of da late HE LPM SC.
Banda was stubborn!
I like Dr. Ngoma’s take on issues. One thing he forgot to mention was the role played by the POST in ensuring RB’s fall. One time, Chanda Chisala (blessed Zambian philosopher) of Zambia Online wrote an article advising the POST to write negatively on someone in the morning, afternoon, evening and after midnight (rephrased by me) until the people start dreaming the negativity. This the POST took hook, line and sinker to the letter on RB. The negativity was so vitriolic until people only saw RB as pathetic. No matter what RB would do would only be seen as established in the eyes of the POST as a harrasser, corrupt, inept, a liar etc etc. Well, the rest as they say is history. Rest in peace RB. Welcome HE MCS, the righteous one as per the gospel of the P…….
Power of the Tongue.
Sata :~ vote for Mwanawasa if you want a state funeral.
Mwanawasa:~ sata will rule over my dead body.
Sata :~ RB will be the shortest serving president.
RB:~ I will cry if sata becomes president.
How true! We were taught growing up to keep quiet when we were either very upset or hilariously happy! We were told that things said in these two states are prayers that are often answered!
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. ~Proverbs 18:21
It is true indeed, we should be careful what we confess and, this just reminds me, if we always say Zambia is a poor Nation we shall always be poor because that’s the way we view our land. Get up to some positive confession everyday.
Guys, what has become of ba VP Kunda? Is he still alive? Now we shall see how he will fair in this new action oriented ‘republic’ of King Cobra, the fear-less. I want to see how he will defend himself now with ‘red lips’ turning white…
Iam mmd,but i can’t still believe how this man could lose our election which was ours to win.immediately he started fighting membe and company in public then i knew the end was coming for this man.secondly when he imposed william banda on the people after they rejected him aat provincial level i knew that this man had wrong advisers and the end was coming.when people were shot in mongu insted coming out to console the people and talk to the aggrieved he went to meet the  chichief in closed doors,chinese were let loose to do what they want finally that campaign was too lavish for people who are living on less ththan a dollar per day to stomach
If by vote coucounting RB won the election no amount of protest will hhave made him to surrender power,i wouwould have legally won the election conducted by ecz and was not going to be stopped by a mob.it’s just as good he was beaten by the vote count coz a lot of poor souls would have died.
I am told that people are applying for positions in this government by any members of the public. My Dad thinks I have as much of a chance as him, I wonder why he foolishly thinks that to be honest
But If i am to take any position in Zambia the least I want is 8 no security forces to look after me and Nick, I want 2 vehicles full of fuel all the time, I want maids atleast 3 I need to be paid in excess of £95 000 which both my fiance and I are getting. I want a house minimum 6 bedroom and all self contained, I want security to the maximum and I want to be caressed, cartered for and respected to
If this happened then I would come to Zambia and take a position in the govennment. Otherwise I am not applying I shall stay here and drive the car I drive and better weather Thanks
Oh wow, this is a very constructive comment that the rest of us who are actually concerned bout our country have to read *dripping with sarcasm*… No respect for yo dad… Undermining your heritage. Yo presence or absence from this beautiful country of ZAMBIA doesnt take away or add anything from us who love our country. I’m a 22 year old studying in China, and I actually can’t wait to get home to do my internship at UTH or work in our hospitals because I wanna help my country and it’s people. Your comment is just pathetic and embarrassing to the rest of us youth. Others will think we have no reverence for the country which birthed us. Anyway, enjoy yourself over there. £95,000… Ah, what does it benefit a man to gain the world and lose his soul… Tsk…
In summary George Kunda signed the death certificate for RB and MMD.
The article gives some highlights on some areas that made RB (and the MMD) lose their “favour” of the people. Big ups to H.E. Michael Sata and the PF for their sweet victory. My first adivce kuli Cobra, batata, you have a huge task way ahead of you.
To all the electorates (cadres and critics alike), Chiluba became like Kaunda, Kibaki became like Moi, Zuma has become like Mbeki, Mutharika has become like Muluzi so will Ouatara become like Gbagbo, Sata like Banda.
seally Mushota #24, i think stay where you are before bad lucky follows you, to be honest, you can be a liability to the nation and worse enough you got no respect for your parents
#24. MUSHOTA! going by your rantings, you stay in a cottage! (Servants quarter). You walk mostly and if at all you “drive”, you drive these junk leftovers! You’re just a servant of the whites. Back home, we have build our own houses, eat anything we want unlike you daydreaming *****!
Well articulated article. Thumbs up my man!
In addition to insulting the catholic church, Ruphia Banda’s administration also rejected the will of the people by denying them a much needed constitution. This also contributed to his administration’s downfall considering the huge amount of money that the failed constitution making process gobbled. The guys were just over drunk with power.
Never take people for granted!
God bless Zambia
The loud mouthed pentecostal preachers had their part in RB’s downfall. The talked beyond measure against Sata, and were blind to rising proportions of curruption and injustice. They lied to RB and assured him all was well. They amplified Chanda Chimbas smeer campaign and proclaimed him as God’s messenger. Now they will watch as Chanda Chimba is buried in the grave he dug for Sata. If they dont repent and become proponents of good governace as opposed to upholding some candidates above others, their oblivion is assured. Shame on all of you.
Good leaders have always listened or heed to advise.this was what was lacking in RB,KUNDA,DORA and the entire management of the MMD.
Good morning
In my view (and as the headline indicates), this analysis is too one- sided. I would appreciate an analysis present from BOTH sides of the fence:
A statement like “MMD loss says a lot about the weaknesses of the Banda administration than the strengths of Mr Sata.” is not completely true because it sounds as if Mr. Sata won the elections simply by default. But was it not RB who actually had an upper hand throughout the campanigns considering the facts that:
– MMD had more access to the state media compared to PF.
– MMD had more funding compared to PF.
So why doesn’t Charles Ngoma simply go around and ask Zambians to tell for themselves why they voted for Mr. Sata and bring the facts to us instead of laying down general theories of relativity?
you are *** let us not talk about dora let us talk about our brothers and sisters who are being  attacked day and night,,,,it is the reason why i will never ever come to zed,,
correction: ” an analysis presented from both sides of the fence” and not “present from…”
Ba Bwana your analysis is flawed. Your comparison of developed democracies around the world and the Zambian situation is like comparing apples and mangoes. The positive developments regarding the economy and inflation reduction should be looked at in the context that in the developed world the voters are beneficiaries due to the structures of their economies.
The Zambian situation is such that the inflation can go as low as is and the economy booming, but the majority of the Zambian people who have bought into Sata’s idealogy are wallowing in poverty. With all the revenue from the booming copper sales, the youth and the common man (PK Chishala ‘s) have not benefited in terms of employment and improvement in terms of the standard of living.
Mushota. Who needs you anyway. Stay where you are as some of us who know you will make sure you are sorted out immediately. Who said that its time for plunder. MCS clearly put it across to everyone that its time for hard work.
They are tow major reasons that has contributed to the failure of the MMD this year,,, some MMD officials like Dora, William Banda and others were the problems in the part and the other reason was the misuse of the public media. STAND UP FOR ZAMBIA Â by Chanda chimba was the worst programme on ZNBC,, we were all upset to see our own brother Sata been insulted like that, on this one even the enemies of Sata turned back to him.Â
@37 Nine Chale
There is nothing to present from the other side. Opposition is easy. This article is on why Banda lost. The MMD did not lose much it has 55 MPs against PF’s 60. Most of the losses were from swing places like Western, Southern and North Western Province. It is Banda who lost and not Sata who won. Banda was in a worse position in 2008 than he was now.
The CATHOLIC CHURCH before and after Independence they have never fought for power in the nation but it remains a voice that has been heard during sha sha sha,, and when KK took zambian pipo for granted the Church again stood up and when MMD came in power,, the Catholics never became royal to the part but it fought against the THIRD TERM campaign and lastly it fought for misuse of things. Mark my words even Sata when he mishander things the same voice (catholic) will be heard in favor of the pipo. Hence, Dora Siliya should understand this. Â
Failed to manage everything. He had everything given to him on a silver platter, but he just squandered it all.
monkeys have envaded the green maize field, we need to impeach them b4 it’s too late.
nini yamako
@26 Mushota, Please don’t disturb us we Zambians are busy applying for JOBS not you and NICK, You denounced your citizenship long time..
Well said Zambians, public media please stay away from our President don’t lead him in to temptation as you did to fallen RB. Pleas report realist things and cover the President once a week.
Mr. President SATA Please no speeches at the Airports. You have a boardroom and office. Let that go with UNIP, MMD(a) chiluba & MMD(b) which was Sil.ly DORA & R Bwezani
Benz @ 25, good one!! #2, now that the boot is on the other foot you can feel that it pains like hell, huh?? Wait, all heads of govt media and other institutions are packing as soon as cabinet is announced. Be patient, even thorough investigations will be underway just hope that you’re not involved like Dora & Co.
you *****s surprise me, Banda had no Two choices but Hand over power.. its not like he could have refused,,, because they would have been consequenses for him…and ultimately the Endf game would have been a public hanging for him… atleat saddam was hanged in private.. anyone should make no mistake to think they can simply refuse to leave office when A angry Mass has decided.
#24 Tell The Truth
Spot on. Zambians should never ignore the role of The Post in Zambian politics.
Also, note that The Post is in the business of selling papers based on hatred. Very soon The Post will turn against Sata for necessity. The Post never supports the ruling President or govt in power. Why? Because they make money by peddling hatred against the establishment. The Post does not make money by being positive, but by being negative and building up this negativity in their readers. Very soon The Post will start attacking Sata for no other reason than to sell their papers. Mark my words.
@ 20 you have given a fair analysis of RB’s downfall. The people just had enough of the MMD 20 years is just too much to be in power for a political party and not healthy for a democracy. Of course RB ‘s stubborness and ill advise from the vultures that surrounded him also played a role to his downfall.
#25 Well summarised and actually true….I add be careful what one says or utters for words bring forth death and life……
Let’s wait and see what SATA will do for ZED.
promises were loud.
we wait implementation.
Yes, we will need to support him, but we will not take away what he promised.
We will still remember what he promised to the people of Zambia.
We will count it as dishonesty conduct if he will not keep his promises.
We will count it as deceipt if he will change his stance.
We will treat him as liar if he will not fulfil the promise he made to the Zed Youth.
Reality will accompany his promises
His friend Obama, who was in fact more realistice in his promises has met reality during his tenure; his most challenging reality is the ‘Republican’.
Hopes of the americans are being shreded as reality faces Obama. We will see how SATA will handle reality versus his policies.
Change of party in power is welcome. Having the same party yet changing personel is not so good. In UK, power changes between Labour and Conservatives. In USA, between Republicans and democrats. In either case, the parties have different ideologies. Zambian politics need to get to such ideological differences. At the moment, apart from UNIP, the rest are MMD offshoots. Hence so many defections between parties.
Hi aii
Am waiting for Baroste Royal Agreement to be implemented.
@55 I hope you will not be disappointed when your Agreement is implemented. Honestly, I have seen nothing much to be excited about there. Anyhow, back to the subject matter: I think we need to keep our dossiers up to date and consult them as we seek leadership and leaders. Those whose parents lived in the era of Rupiah’s hey days will honestly confess to you that they never thought in their wildest dreams that incompetent Rupiah could rise anywhere above patronage through KK. You can only imagine the shock. On the back of this analysis is Rupiah’s own track record of blatant failures, which should have served as a warning to all. This analysis is like piggy backing a sedan on a race car!
Well written and said indeed. Our only hope should be that the new govt. will make good of thier campaign promises and learn from the mistakes of the previous govt.
Hey Mr Sata can you please put up your cabinet as soon as possible
It should not be taking you too long considering the fact that your party
was expected to win what ever MMD did in its desparate attempt to hang
on to power.Remember you have only 86 days remaining to show four fangs.
Clean up BOZ,ZNBC,UTH,MEDICAL STORES,ZRA and all those plunderers
in Chalala[PLUNDERES DEN] civil servants who cannot account for their wealth.
Do not forget that Rupia said he has nothing to do with Mwanawasa,s Legacy. Now he has left the true legacy of corruption, arrogance, greediness etc. Am waiting to hear from Kunda and Dora who thought they are small gods, untouchbles, supper genius in all areas of life. No sorry for William and Rupia because they were the controlling officers of Zambia. May be Dora is going to be married and be responsible.
A few valid points lost in many words and poor grammar. I am left wondering WTF the man is saying.
As for those running away and hiding, yes please run because when we catch up with you eating soil will be more pleasurable considering what we will do to you. Democracy is opression of the minority. My fist is hungry for Chanda Chimbwi.
What do MMD themselves attribute the lose to?
If RB’s son knew that the father was being misled, he should have advised the father. Needless to say, a leader who surrounds himself with yes men lacks self esteem. Lacks leadership qualities.
Very soon this fake Dr will be licking Pf`s azz. Why do Africans behave like this?
Honestly am stll a suppoter of mmd. With the coming in of the new president we should not expect to live like kings suddenly. it will take all zamians to work had and develop zambia. Corruption is everywhere in zambia. its not olly leaders who are corrupt. As an individual we should stop this practice
Sick and tired of RuBish lets move on and forget about crooks.
Those of you who say that Zambians were just fed up with MMD and wanted change, why didn’t they vote for non-MMD parties like UPND? Sata IS MMD. Mr Sata’s message was not new but the same on 3 occasions. I agree with this article, RB lost what should not have been lost. I for one doubt very much if he would have lost if he was from the northern part of Zambia!
Now the Post has also changed it’s tune from Sata to Michael. Member always starts by belittling people in power before he unleashes anarchy.
MCS renames international airports, Lusaka is KK intl, L/stone Harry Mwanga Nkumbula and Ndola Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe. good gesture but the airports should also be upgraded.
This is an opinion and analysis. There are mistakes but this is how nations develop. Nobody is perfect. The trouble with you Africans is that when issues are analysed by your own people, you insult them, instead of contributing either by agreeing or refuting the opinion, why a personal attack on the author? You also have every right to give your own view, no one stops you.
Lusaka is named after the Soli chief. Solis will not like this. I would suggest that Mfuwe airport be named after KK and be a full international airport to boost tourism.
I oso urge President Sata to keep away from pentecostal pastors if he wants to rule this country based on the LORD JESUS teachings. People like joshua banda, chihana, masupa are unprincipled mecinaries whose sole purpose is say what the president wants to hear. they practice christianity of their stomach and pockets rather than siding with the poor whom God, called them to selve. Any president getting advice from these so called pastors has made a road to abuse state funds.I oso urge President Sata to keep away from pentecostal pastors if he wants to rule this country based on the LORD JESUS teachings. People like joshua banda, chihana, masupa are unprincipled mecinaries whose sole purpose is say what the president wants to hear. they practice christianity of their stomach and pockets rath
Still waiting for dora siliya either i enjoy those soft bums alone or i put her into R4M so that more men can enjoy those soft bums.
R.B was nerver and will nerver be presidential material period, the man was picked from the farm, he is a farmer. He nerver had any plans of being presido, it just came on silver plate, so what do you exepect, nothing !
Fellow Zambians.
I have one comment that I inted to continue posting. The solution to our economic problems lies in our constitutiion. WE NEED A HEAD OF STATE AND A HEAD OF GOVERNMENT. The current arrangement puts the president above all citicens. HERE is the SOLUTION. A head of government who is a politician shall be elected by the people. He shall be responsible for the day to day functions of government. A head of state who shall be one of our paramount chiefs on a five year rotational basis shall be in charge of all state functions, the army and the police. This will ensure the protection of all citizens regardless of their political affilliation. Here lies the solution. Everthing else will fall in place. LETS DEMAND FOR THIS IN THE NEXT 90 DAYS.
Mpezeni as President?
@74, KK is not Kunda. Mfuwe is in Kunda land. Mfuwe is an international airport.
Lots of bitter people here. i know it hurts to loose, especially if not expecting it. the term is five years, not 90days. But in 90days alot can happen. I worship in Matero, i missed Church for 4 weeks, when i went there last Sunday there was tarmac road, poor in quality but nevertheless a road. i have worshiped in that place since i was 15 and we have never had a road, then in 4weeks flat we had a road! My point is, with resources and political will, alot can change in 90 days. By the way 90 working days, lets remove weekends.
You have tickled me so much, ‘nakabika nagogo’.
He misled himself whenhe paid Vernon Mwanga and Neo Simutanyi to lie to us that he was leading in opinion polls. Simutanyi told us that there is no desire for change in the country. By the way, Neo must redeem himself for being used by Banda to influence the people’s choice.His must disband his organisation because no ohne will ever listen to him.
Finally Mulongoti is talking “Banda betrayed the trust of Zambians by engaging in glaring acts of corruption through the misuse of public resources and the practice of aiding corrupt elements” Lets see how many other people will now come out of hiding and say what exactly was going on. Mulongoti was one of the vultures until one day he came to his senses, but unfortunately banda removed him. I hope he and banda learn their lessons that your day always comes.Â
Dull loggers.)R.B. Lost nothing. He remains better than us all in every aspect as former president. It is you and I that lost a true father in him. We are now equally vulnerable before the snake whether P.F. Or opposition. Satan has no favourite slave.
oh my God!!!
now bembas are called monkeys in a maize field.
anyway thanks tongas. hopefully your hh is not involved in this cos he coined the same.
if he is, we will sort him out the william banda way. not the machipizya way.
I don’t know what your point is. Lusaka is a name of a person, Mfuwe is not. It doesn’t make sense to replace a name of a Zambian with a name of another Zambian. Mfuwe Airport was built by KK’s government while Lusaka and Ndola were not. The UNIP government only built a new terminal building at Lusaka international airport. International flights at Mfuwe are only allowed at certain times of the year. I think Mfuwe should be KK international airport. It will be one of the most important airports in Zambia in future. Watch!
I believe that RB is a good man. I believe that he did not break the law and I hope that if there is any justice in the world, he will be vindicated by a free court of law, and not this present bench which according to the President Sata is compromised because the judges are all ‘ba muselela ukwakaba.’ RB was so weakened by the Post propaganda that he needed friends and unfortunately the Post enemies became his friends. Remember you people that the Post started attacking RB EVEN BEFORE he became President. When he did, they just continued their onslaught, unlike how they have started with Sata today… calling on us to support him! This is just tribalism!
I agree with you when you say that he was attacked even before he became president. He was even called Judas Iscariot whatever in one editorial. Â RB’s mistake is that he started living up to the names and the Post’s bad image of him . . . . enternaining Chiluba as though to provoke. You see Late Mwanawasa was called cabbage but he was to prove us wrong. He fought corruption at least tried. Chiluba’s immunity was removed etc I guess you are well updated with the good he did for Zambia. People mourned him honestly. Did realise late that he wasn’t as bad as we thought. But to my dismay RB did the complete opposite. He decided to fight the Post by being the person he became.
Mushota liule twalitomba sana. She cannt come back Dolar Slit is even better
@The Saint I agree with you when you say that he was attacked even before he became president. He was even called Judas Iscariot whatever in one editorial.  RB’s mistake is that he started living up to the names and the Post’s bad image of him . . . . enternaining Chiluba as though to provoke. You see Late Mwanawasa was called cabbage but he was to prove us wrong. He fought corruption at least tried. Chiluba’s immunity was removed etc I guess you are well updated with the good he did for Zambia. People mourned him honestly. Did realise late that he wasn’t as bad as we thought. But to my dismay RB did the complete opposite. He decided to fight the Post by being the person they said he was.
RB embrassed corruption. That alone should be good enough reason to know why he lost. The list of his misdeeds is longer than this. It therefore goes without saying that he was his own undoing.
Siulapwa,Chifire,and other world dogs imimbulu will have no food for the coming 4 years for calling Sata mad man,sick man and so on.The chaps will soon die kusala even lose bakashi babo to the street bar boys and men.
Sata never won these elections comprhensively mojority of the voters voted against him 3.8 million of them therefore power should not get to head too fast.The post vuvuzela is asking Zambians to support him why when they never gave support to RB Sata himself never gave RB breathing space just wait for the MMD to overcome their shock defeat he’ll have sleepless nights and hope people won’t be disappearing again.MMD must ust it’s 55 seats wisely together with UPND’s we are in control of the house .Look out for real democracy next month on wards.
@#93 Elo Lwanya. Go and find out the number of people who voted. I would have done that before ranting if I were you. You will be ashamed after you have seen the number of people who turned up to vote.
Ke ke ke ke ke ke ke! Still sailing!
Thandiwe didn’t luk nice in dat skirt! @93, then why is he President? lets not despise him.the best we can do is watch and wait.
we are waiting for the new republican president to give policy guidelines on how the whole governance issue will handled. we are nor for the pig ( party and its govt) which is slow emerging. its not fair for cadres to harass constitution office holder and the person who swore to uphold the constitution is quite.
we need more action from the man of action. we are counting down from ninety. as hh as put we are waiting for our xmas gift.
Please leave all these people alone. I know the likes of Kunda are fools, but Banda if a fool himself. You cant say the man did all the bad things because he was misadvised. Is he a robbot? Does he not have a brain of his own? Can you say he was wrongly advised that what William Banda was doing was good? Even the most stupid person knew it was wrong, but Banda relied on advice of his people, come on guys. And what is this nonsense about being magnanimous in defeat? You could say that of KK, but not Banda. He had no choice, but to leave, so spare the people all this shit.
MMD just expired. (Best before 31.10.2006) and worse still they will never rule again because they were funded by government and now that they are no longer in government they will never have the capacity. They’re history!!!
@ #29 (MUSHOTA): Oh wow, this is a very constructive comment that the rest of us who are actually concerned bout our country have to read *dripping with sarcasm*… No respect for yo dad… Undermining your heritage. Yo presence or absence from this beautiful country of ZAMBIA doesnt take away or add anything from us who love our country. I’m a 22 year old studying in China, and I actually can’t wait to get home to do my internship at UTH or work in our hospitals because I wanna help my country and it’s people. Your comment is just pathetic and embarrassing to the rest of us youth. Others will think we have no reverence for the country which birthed us. Anyway, enjoy yourself over there. £95,000… Ah, what does it benefit a man to gain the world and lose his soul… Tsk…
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