Monday, March 10, 2025

Former ministers told to vacate houses by Thursday


Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba
Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba
Former Ministers still occupying Government houses have been given up to Thursday the 29th September to vacate.

Works and Supply Permanent Secretary Watson Ng’ambi says the Ministry has written to the former ministers who have not moved out of the houses to do so.

Mr. Ng’ambi has told ZNBC News in an interview that a team of engineers are preparing to renovate the houses once all the former ministers have moved out.

And Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba has told ZNBC News in a separate interview that the former ministers should have handed over government assets and moved out of the houses when cabinet was dissolved.

Mr. Kabimba says this is because the former ministers occupied the ministerial houses by virtue of being ministers and that they should have moved out after the dissolution of cabinet and the National Assembly.



  1. i think these ministers were promised that they will still be ministers if RB wins but now they should have vacated when they heard Sata won. please you guys leave in pierce and not in pierces

  2. PF why so vindictive? Zambia will last longer than PF.Zambia is not personal to holder.So far the first executive decision has been rename you know it cost R3million to change Johannesburg international to Oliver Tambo international airport.I wonder were the Pf government is going to get funding for this.Since you are also simultaneously lowering taxes and putting more money in our pockets.Lets hear from the intellectuals.

  3. Work has started  Mr president…..we will evaluate you in 6months time on wards,so no one should delay you. Our  Special interest is on the NEW CONSTITUTION and your stance on corruption in practical terms not rhetoric like RB did….we have not forgotten PAUL TEMBO and tjat 2billion at the MMD Convetion Mr president. so this is time to redeem yourself that you wete just a passanger  not the DRIVER….Now that you are the DRIVER,NO EXCUSES!! its time for ACTION!! ACTION, ACTION Mr president!

  4. It is imperative that a cabinet is appointed and that the new govt gives a clear and concise indicator as to which direction it will take. There are major issues to address and if feet keep dragging the same old recycled snakes will crawl back into govt as usual. The new president needs to set the pace and tone at which the govt will operate. We are already getting too many known old voices speaking about too many things without any clear authority. Zambians have to remain vigilante becoz if we do not what happened to KK and FTJ will happen to Sata

  5. Fair enough. Indeed they were supposed to have vacated those premises upon the dissolution of Parliament. That’s the proper way and that’s how the late LPM used to arrange things.

  6. Houses must be left clean….we want SATA’S to start work without delay… former tenants plz vacate swiftly……Zambia is in a hurry to develop

  7. Lets move!!!!!!!!!!!! There’s nothing vindictive about this and rightly put, they should hvae done this a while back. Guys kabiyeni . . .


  9. I wonder where RuBBish is. If they are still occupying ministerial houses it only goes to show that the MMD govt was really practicing abuse of office at it’s highest. The honeymoon is over moroons zwaa!!

  10. Basa everything under the sun has its own time. Your time as ministers is well gone. I hope you are not still thinking like George Kunda who said on Dec 29, 2010 in the Post that Sata will never become a president of Zambia. Kunda a prophet of doom. Kunda can you substantiate your statement now that Sata is the 5th president of Zambia. You were posing with RB at KK international airport when you prophesied.

  11. People are still dazed they can’t easily come to terms with the loss! Either to move to parliamentary motel, farm or rented homes. By the way where is Mr George Kunda? Maybe he is on a retreat working on the failed constitution for resubmission to parliament.

  12. The former ministers should have started packing when Sata won the election last week, even earlier, if Kabimba’s legal intepretation is correct. I assume that it is and they have had a few days to collect themselves and so should have been ready for anything. As for renaming airports, I am not entirely comfortable with the move and that is not to say that our founding fathers do not deserve recognition, I believe that it could have been given to them in a different way. Having said that, I will continue to give this new government support but will also be critical of it where I see that things are not going well. That is the beauty of being part of a great democracy like ours.

  13. Allow former ministers to hand over freely just like RB did to Sata,not under duress.Exert your energies on fulfilling the 90 days work plan.The cabinet needs to be immediately put in place,does it mean there was no shadow cabinet? 85 days remaining.Don’t kubeba the cut for Post,fr bwalya and embattled son of levy.

  14. When the President appoints the cabinet, this should be one of addressed in the ministerial hand book. There should be clarity as to when former ministers are required to move from the ministerial homes. That will stop these unncessary announcements that embrass people even when they honestly have done nothing wrong. When you put something in writing and make it clear you remove confusion.

  15. This is harassment of ministers that not so long ago served the country legitmately. Remember, these are not squarters, but legal occupants who deserve reasonable time to pack their belongings without being stumbled.I fear we may have taken our democracy some decade back. What voters called for was an enactment of appropriate constitutional arrangement that will create job security, uphold their rights and live in peace. Look now what is happening. Barely 24hours of declaring victory, the first casualty were reported in Bauleni. William Banda’s employees rendered distitutes,and are left without an income .No word to condenm the act was forthcoming from Sata.Next MMD property ransacked without good reason and now ministers being harassed with eviction. Shame!

    • Thats not harrasing them they were suporsed to do that after parliament was dissolved but what were they waiting for.if rb could do that then who they,i know you are still mourning we understand but move out and mourn some were else.SORRY

    • I’m not an MMD member Nor supporter Bystander..i very much agree with you…this is harassment…they should be given decent time to move out…we should not support a Governments that harrasses others…MMD did that to KK for no reason we should learn from our past and learn to be better people…….PF should focus on developing the country.

  16. The MMD administration was extremely rotten and all of them were just lumpenising! How could they legally continue inhabiting government ministerial homes when parliament was dissolved and the only 2 people who were legally entitled to stay in these houses is the president and his vice? Come on you shameless opportunists, ZWAA! Normally, the time these thieves continued living in these houses should have been used by the ministry of works to do maintenance work.So get out now so that those houses can receive a coat of paint as some are dirt!

  17. What has happened to Besa Chimbaka, Fostina Sinyangwe, Ma orange, Jacob Chongo, Molobeka, etc? Rebels!!!!!

  18. There is nothing wrong with this, let these guys move out quickly. RB has led as an example George Kunda kindly leave as well! 

  19. GBM has visited and toured his Minsiterial home he has told the engineers to move in and bring it to speed fast because as Minister for Trade and Industry he needs to start working and living in good quarters..he was accompaied by his battered wife without her ungrateful relatives

  20. It is unlawful to ask somebody to vacate a house immediately. If there is urgency, then they should provide these people alternative houses of the same standard or give them notice of at least 3 months. It is against human rights to ask a person to vacate his home immediately. I am sure any court will be able to give these people enough time to organise alternative accommodation. What is the hurry?

    • man Jacob those were not there houses,and the three months you are talking about its the dissolving of parliament which means they were not ministers any more.look at the eX president is he still in state house?obviously not.this is also called abuse of office

    • Brother Jacob,
      put your biblical name to its proper use and be as just as you ought to. The tournament has ended and we are no more at any campains. Those guys lost and they need to give room to others. What are they still doing in those houses. Do they have to be told that those houses are no longer theirs. If Banda, their leader, handed over state house which even has some bit more of luxury, who are they not to do the same. Would you tell me that the PF prepared a home for RB for them (PF) to be obliged to get homes for these boys as well. When we (UNIP) left, no one ever wanted to know our destinations

  21. yasautwi likelezo utautwa likelezo zamanon’gu (whoever doesn’t listen to advice falls in the trap and dies anywhere in the plains and vouchers will feed on him)

  22. Hope most of these ministers were prepared. Times change it is time for new people to occupy those houses. I hope it will be not the same people being appointed again as ministers after defecting to PF.

  23. You chaps,when the republicans lost the last presidential elections I didnt hear them apologizing to the democrats.Why do you want whoever was against Sata to appologize-for what? for being wrong about who would win,?so what if we were wrong.BTW Sata won by 43% meaning 57% of Zambians did not vote for him. whoever was disrespectful to Sata before shouldnt have been.Its manners- we are to respect elders.But we don’t all have to agree with Sata today

  24. What Kabimba is saying is not reasonable or rational. Suppose these people had moved out, would they have moved back if MMD had won. This is commedy. Treat these people fairly and do not act like those PF thugs that are hurting people out there.

  25. Ba Winter Kabimba, by now you should know the little basics.Much as we appreciate your never having won a case in the courts of law, such basics should be poridge bwana. Anyway, this is what happens when you get a degree in mature age.

  26. So Shikapwasha will again blame Sata for his lack of preparedness in owning a house of his own and will call Sata “cruel” that he is being asked to leave his government-owned house!! This fake reverend is a disgrace to all men of the cloth. He probably has forgotten how they hounded Mpombo over both the house and the government vehicle!

  27. How many jobs were created in renaming the airports…i guess wrong priority to start with….Zambians want new airports built and not what MMD renovated to bring them to the carry status. Our president has scored zero on this one. He should have been announcing the construction of new airports in Northwestern, Western etc and create jobs for Zambians.

  28. MMD did the same to Mpombo and that chap called Mulongoti Mike. They are lucky to be given 48 hours. I would actually charge them rent from the day parliament/cabinet was dissolved to Thursday because these thieves were no longer ministers/MPs.

  29. Please abolish all this ministerial house thing, these honourable men of the house should buy there own dwellings like all hard working people. They should get mortgages like all other citizens. People voted for change. Save money on maintenance of these houses and use it to repair schools and hospitals instead of so called ministerial houses. If they do not have houses they should rent like all the hard working teachers, nurses, and other civil servants…

  30. Well go figure… the list of priorities, Cage William Banda, Change the name of airports ( all due respect to the people who rightfully deserve to be honoured) but really, get the vehicles use in campaigning and evict them. When will we have a government in place any chance of that happening any time soon? We have a President and several loose cannons firing indiscriminately on all subjects. We need some coherence please.

  31. Sata is not liked by the majority & should be diplomatic if he has to move anything fast in the National Assembly. He must also reverse his wrong decision to rename our international airports. We simply can not afford the renaming of 3 international airports.

  32. I fail to understand those who seem to think that this is PF at work. I’m sure those of you pointing a finger at PF have no idea what soever on what terms a minister occupies a government house. Let me enlighten you, the moment president dissolves parliament you cease to be a public servant (minister) therefore dissolution of parley is notice to those occupying/possessing gov property to hand back. The perm sec of works and supply is in charge of gov property and is accountable. Please if you don’t understand a news story better ask instead of yapping showing your ignorance. Access to internet does not mean intelligence. Zed needs to move forward but with some ignorance exhibited here, it will take years. This is not PF’s doing. 

    • Mufaweli –  You are right that ministers are public servants and therefore deserve dignity like all other Zambians. The dissolution of parliament does not mean ministers have to vacate Govt property – Obviously when there is regime change we expect new govt to form a new govt and in such a case, it is only human and reasonable to give public servants a descent time frame to vacate govt housing – Not within 24hours. What is unfortunate is that Investors are watching and the conclusion is if the President can treat his own people so inhumanely, what will he do to immigrants? This Michael Sata abrasive style is not suited for such high office – Believe it, this is the beginning of the abusive of power. That has always been the meaning of “Donchi Kubeba”  

  33. New cabinet has leaked. Mr. sata is to ennounce the following people as his new cabinet on Monday:
    Guy Scot -VIP. GBM- FINANCE, Willie Nsanda- Defence, Given Lubinda-Information, Nkandu Luo-Health,Edgar Lungu-JUSTICE,Miles Sampa-Commerce,Chishimba Kambwili-Mines,Winter Kabimba-Home affairs,Inonge Wina-Foreign Affairs, Jean Kapata-Tourism,Wilbur Simusa-Gender, Gerry Chanda-Local Govt,Mike Mlongoti-Education, Father Bwalya-Transport,Mumbi Phiri,-Livestock,Bert Mushala-Energy, Mark Mushili-Agriculture, Lackson Kazabu-Sport, Fackson Shamenda-Labour,

    • It would help if you could spell. Verify your facts before partaking in rumor mongering. Why not wait for them to ENNOUNCE? Lol!

  34. # 3 Brian, you seem not to understand tenants law. The former ministers enjoyed living in those houses for free for over two months. They were not ministers and for sure only one person deserved to stay in their house, and that was RB. Even Kunda stayed illegally because MMD was nothing but law breakers. If your job ends today, how long do you expect to still continue using that company vehicle? How long are you going to use even their email address? Their jobs ended and in fact if I was the PS, I would send them bills for the period they stayed when they were not ministers. They deserve to pay to the period. ZESCO should also collect its dues from them and not from the Ministries. This is not being vindictive, it is being legal. Banda left immediately, why not the ministers?

  35. The Picture behind kabimba is quit scarely u knw, u may think its…………. himself, is someone going to work on the image aswell? otherwise can’t imagine having that scarely thing in my office.

  36. funny how life has a way of humbling human beings, just a few weeks ago these guys had those nice ministerial privileges, a couple of weeks down the road all that is withdrawn. Life is useless mwe!!

  37. # 46, I like that Sata is creating a new position for Guy Scot – VIP, where will his office be? At the VIP Lounge at the Airport? Will he be getting paid by the government for being a VIP? So what happens to other VIPs in Zambia? Will they cease from being as such? Ha ha ha ha ha ha. You see, when you speculate, you are bound to trip yourself.

  38. Infact its been long overdue,They were suppose to vacate those houses the time parliament was dissolved.Why are they still there?

  39. The same old ministrial houses of the 90s. I hope the ministry of works and supply will do a good rehabilitation or it will be the beginning of stealing through contracts. Govt should start building modern houses for ministers. With all those allowance (+ 15% increment of 2008); I hope they built themselves good houses.

  40. Theres nothing wrong with them moving out by Tommorrow, If RB handed over plot one to Sata, who are they to continue staying in the houses…They should just vacate full stop..!!

  41. Well. Hopefully there is none homeless among our beloved former leaders. Hopefully too, we can criticize these ex-ministers factually and respectfully so as to sidestep the danger of failing to isolate the painful lessons necessary to inform our continued journey.

  42. Time to move out guys, term of office has come to an end. Hope your positions will be replaced by young vibrant, creative, proative patriots. The time for old, tired, cadres should come to an end [maybe in 50 years].

  43. We appreciate new ministers need to accomodation but we need cabinet to be set up and begin to work. You have been voted in to work and wasting our time when days are ticking against 90 days will not be sold to Zambians. Put your act together and take a look at the failed constituition by addressing contetious issues and agree with opposition before parliament debate and vote in a new constitution which we need urgently. Why din’t you have a shadow cabinet? this would make easy for a new cabinet or employ professionals in some key positions for effectiveness. Advice at no cost.

  44. PF dont get drunken with Power, We need a Cabinet not this nosense.we want a Government spokesperon.we are tired of Press statement today is Mangani,miles Sampa,Bob Sichinga the next day is Wynter Kabimba.Dont rule us in suspense.We are looking for a Working Government.It appears you never expected a win at all,you were just planning to bring violence which might have erupted into unnecesssary War.Thanks God you won.

  45. Let them form the time cabinet was dissolved or police should get on them.MMD IS FINISHED WITH WILIAM Banda in the police cells.Police should get on KOTOMBI OF MMD

  46. Lets start work. Zambians to be the 1st benificiaries of Zambias wealth. No more indian and lebanease drivers like Zambians are too dull to drive. no more chines electricians when we have graduates doing nothing. MMD turned a blind eye to this as long as they were paid

  47. Ba Carito, you don’t just name Ministers without researching and vetting them. You will be the same people criticizing if that is done. The government is fully functional as the PSs are doing the management part. So, the rush to name the cabinet is just for curiosity’s sake, but believe me, the PSs are the key people in every ministry. Ministers are just policy and are in fact not necessary. That is why in some countries, they don’t have them. They have the equivalent to PS as Secretary of ….. and they don’t come, just like PSs, from the pool of politicians or congress, but according to their expertise. So, this call for early appointment to satisfy your curiosity is not necessary. Let them Vet the suckers and you will get the names soon. No need to rush.

  48. Ops! Do we still have government houses in Zambia? I thought everything should go to sitting tenants! Are former ministers sleeping tenants? Sorry to ask since its donchi, dochi kubeba! Pabwato

  49. Ya!!! that potrait yaba presido. kwati ninshi. Please fast, bring in an image builder. The potrait is kinda scary. The painter must have been a kaponya painting under ilaiti ya koloboi.Yahh


  51. You are now beginning to understand why African politicians want to make as much money as they can when they are still in office. If you have not managed to make yourself filthy rich in time you will never be forgiven by your family. PF it is now your time to plunder….. On your marks……Get ready……………GO.

  52. yes new cabinet is coming by monday so please vacate those ministerial house, its 90 days no time wasting, you had enough time to vacate those houses after cabinet and parliamenty was disolved.

  53. GRZ should get out of this business of providing houses for ministers.Unlike lower cadre employees like the police these guys can well afford their own housing.Where were they living before they became ministers? GRZ should stop wasting our tax money especially on people who are more of a burden than an asset.

  54. Ati Mpombo wibilima, lelo Mpombo is the man. He played his cards straight and he is now in the champion’s corner. He vacated his ministerial house and moved to his farm. Now these entrenched MMD ministers who thought they are there forever are stranded at their own peril. They are even afraid to move into their mansions because they built them with stolen money. What a troubled world?

  55. @47 Sam,how can you say Sata is not liked when people just elected him by the ballot?if you dont well others did, chakunyokola ka?yes chimanyokola.

  56. 49..#..I do not think is correct. But position or two positions are not correct. Mr. Wilbur Simuusa could lead Ministry of Mines not Mr. Chishimba Kabwili. Aslo the vice president may go to Wilbur Simuusa..!! Lets wait and see…!!!

  57. People don’t just condemn, these Ministers were supposed to move after dissolving the parliament. It is just that they were so confident that MMD will win again. Works and supplies have to renovate and paint the houses for others ministers. this is common sense,when you move houses,don’t they renovate and paint for the next tenant..
    MOVE OUT Kabiyeni.. You have your own houses!!!! if nothing too bad. You can rent mukomboni. This is nothing to do with MMD but a fact. We have 90days to deliver so our ministers need to come in quickly.

    Dora, Peter Daka are a few to mention in Government Houses. Next to state house..

  58. You are right that ministers are public servants and therefore deserve dignity like all other Zambians. The dissolution of parliament does not mean ministers have to vacate Govt property – Obviously when there is regime change we expect new govt to form a new govt and in such a case, it is only human and reasonable to give public servants a descent time frame to vacate govt housing – Not within 24hours. What is unfortunate is that Investors are watching and the conclusion is if the President can treat his own people so inhumanely, what will he do to immigrants? This Michael Sata abrasive style is not suited for such high office – Believe it, this is the beginning of the abusive of power. That has always been the meaning of “Donchi Kubeba”  

  59. My countrymen, we need to be empathectic in all ways. Whatever goes up will one day come down. Let us respect everyone in all parties because you never know what tomorrow will bring about. Leadershipship comes from God and it is God alone who knows what tomorrow will be. As an individual, where ever you are, you can unite this nation and at the same time you can divide it. See what our President has done. He has renamed our three International airports and just that, he has done a very very big work that most people have failed to do. That is unifying the nation and that is the spirit we need to all Zambians within and abroad.

  60. Get those corrupt cockroaches out of there…we have a nation develop, tangible development not world bank jargon phrases dreamed up by some silly economist!

  61. Yes just build more modern homes in the process creating jobs for the so many brick layers and helpers we have in the country. But we have to keep in mind these houses can not be sold to ministers due to there location so maybe house them in alternative and let the construction start

  62. Lets not hero – worship Sata. We might create a dictator in him.Dictators dont create themselves, its pipo who create them thru hero-worship.

  63. Don’t agree with some of you bloggers, where is it that this has become inhuman?? These people were told to leave a long time ago? They decided not to, because they thought they are the LAW. Other Ministers moved out some time back. Be fair and this has nothing to do with SATA.
    Where will u accommodate other ministers? Don’t judge as the cabinet is not yet formed. You will get some MMD ministers as well.
    With regards to building other houses? For what? We have other priorities like Renovation of Hospitals; roads which are so much in bad state after MMD dug them all.
    Go to UTC and see what’s happening. People are sleeping down coz the same Ministers you are backing neglected the health sector. Just keep quite if you have nothing tangible to contribute.
    Out OUT OUT!!!!!!

  64. They dont even have to tell them to vacate. They should have done that at desolution of parliament. Its like they were expecting to come back to power at all costs.

  65. Think what you can do for your country, not what your country can do for you
    Time has come to change the mindset of the avarege Zambian. Gone is the parasitic behaviour of MMD. Even their bloggers have changed names.

  66. There are still some dick heads here, these ministers should have moved a month ago…this is not PF being vindictive but it is law that was introduced by MMD in Laye Chiluba’s time..So why should it be any better for MMD when it was not for UNIP…Number 3 stop thinking with your pockets and think with your brains…

  67. The Zambian people voted in PF for five years and not 90 days…….MMD was in power for 20 years and was downhill for Zambia save for the time L.Mwanawasa was in power.So judge the PF after they have completed their constitutional tenure of office in 2016

  68. These people HAVE BEEN ILLEGAL TENANTS from lets say a week after the trems as ministers ended!! They have had all this time to VACATE, NOT UNFORTUNATELY, THE HOUR HAS COME FOR THEM TO LEAVE THE GOVT HOUSES, THAT THEY LIVED IN FOR FREE, it’s time to get back to the real world, THERE IS NOTHING FOR FREE!!!!

  69. Our multiparty demoicracy is still young. In fact MMD has ruled since we became multiparty. That is why ministers from the previous government stayed. They should have left soon after dissolution of parliament. We need to put these fine prints into the constituion to avoid unnecessary conflicts. It should be an orderly prosess and not chasing each other. We are all Zambians.

  70. THE Coward Ronnie Shikapwasha will start chulling again, but thids time hes abit luck coz he retained his MP seat. Lucky u id.iot

  71. 90 days, I thought the term runs for 5 years. Why are trying commit treason? It is 5 years imwe ba ngwele. 90 days is for them to settle down while they fire those that they intend to lock up for corruption. So, do not disturb their plans. If your family is on the list, ndaba zyabo.

  72. What kind of harrassment are people talking about? Remember those ministers were living somewhere before they occupied government houses. Did they not own their own houses? Please don’t tick off everything that the present government is doing. Be reasonable in your commenting otherwise you just show how ignorant you are. 

  73. Wynter Kamimba…….you must be relishing the moment Well, like some one said, Zambia will last longer than any party, I pray that the PF Government leads by example, meet all their promises and above all, do things transparently for all to see. Kubeba abantu nomba.

  74. #31, u re right but it seems u ve forgotten how to count. Start from where the former president dissolved cabinet. Is’nt that more than the the 3 months u re talking about? don’t show ur foolishness to the world. Time for these guys to move is now. Go pf go.

  75. pliz u mmd chaps dont show us your foolishness here twapapata. those chaps should have vacated wen cabinet was disolved, listen to winter’s inteligence……and not this dull chap sakwiba who’s toking like the cadre he has become. RB moved out of state house and still his bunch thieves are still occupying govt houses?! damn y’all!!! GET OUT!!! Fundanga for being a silent beneficiery in sale of FBZ, OUT!!!

  76. #99, you know, initially I also had same feelings like @31 until I realised that these guys ceased being Minisers on 28th July 2011. So according to standard Government procedure, they should have moved out by 28th September 2011.
    So please pack your belongings and leva our new employess to occupy them.

    We are the employers and again 2016, we will be holdig an interview, sadly owners of Zambian Watchdog are not doig well to prop u their man!!!!

  77. damn right man.i don”t understand why people have to be so mean on this least he asked for three months because some of you would have asked for three years.lets look on the bright side also and balance up things.stop being crazy,nfyo nfyo.  

  78. Number 31….Please make sure you consult before making uneducated comments…ministers are suppose to move out of govt houses after cabinet is dissolved… there is nothing wrong about asking them to find alternative accommodation…and please dont realte this to PF…ITS STANDARD PROCEDURE……

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