United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema has said that he does not regret having left the PF-UPND pact as the decision was a collective one.
Mr Hichilema urged the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) to assert the rule of law so as to restore order and stability in the country during the period of its celebration and noted that some PF cadres have opened a war path of political retribution and vengeance on citizens whom they consider as enemies.
Hichilema said the destruction of property and violent attacks by PF members is unacceptable and the ruling should make its position profoundly clear and known on this matter and called on the newly elected administration to use its constitution mandate and obligation to guarantee the enjoyment of constitutionally entrenched human rights by citizens.
The UPND leader who was speaking when he addressed his first post 2011 election media briefing at Pamodzi hotel yesterday challenged PF to prioritize policy implementation as the time for political promises is over, adding that the ruling party’s 90 days expires on December 23 and Zambians will appreciate all fulfilled promises as a Christmas gift.
Hichilema urged President Michael Sata and his team to ensure they deliver all election campaign promises such giving citizens a constitution within 90 days, free education, jobs for youths, and restoration of the Barotse agreement.
Commenting on the future of his party, the UPND President said his party is now Zambia’s number one dominant, powerful and most reliable opposition force to offer checks and balances, and also logical advice on various challenges the country is faced with.
The rule of law is what we have been calling for for years HH. Lawlessness is what led William Banda to think he was above the law.
As for promises, politicians make promises the world over. Cameron when he was in ooposition promised the British a referendum on the EU if people voted him into power. Tell you what he is not only quiet about it but very quiet. He promised to get rid of illegals, that is history now. He won a lot of votes because of that but hey!
HH HH HH HH real change. it was wrong for u to leave the pact.
Indeed there is nothing to regret. We have the numbers in parliament and our country is by the constitution. So join us as we put together our votes and ensure that the Speaker of the National Assembly will be either from your Party or our party. We have the numbers and we need to ensure check and balances.
As evidenced yesterday power has been given to wrong people who are hell bent on abusing it as shown yesterday. In fact yesterday was just a NDYONKO. How does one just wake up and rename all the Airports without consultation and people applaud him for that (Hitler?). Does it mean he has power to even name everything in the country before his heroes. Who told him his heroes are Zambia’s heroes. We have to be watchful more than ever now that power is in wrong hands.
i think this Chief bootlicker should shut up his mouth and find something else to do. don’t you feel honoured to name the airports in reference to the Zambian heroes like KK? let Sata run the government the way he feels good to the people. you are now in RSA there is Oliver Tambo from Jan smuts. please swallow your pride and work the PF goevrnment
You are mad full stop
They are you cheap old man. Get a life.
Your comment makes sad reading…..it’s such an honor to name the airports after KK and those who fought for Zambia’s independence.u just have ill feelings.not impressive at all.
When is it going to register in your thick head that MMD is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD!
You were in power for 20 years and managed to take Zambia 20 years back. Who, in your thick head, do you think is going to let you govern again?
why havent they barred you from this blog yet??? i diot!!!
Ba mmd bootlicker, mwilaikoselesha, there’s nothing like hitler here, like it or not The President has made the right decision we should remember our fore fathers who fought for the indepence of this country. It sounds good KK international Airport oooohhh!!! Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe and Harry Mwanga Nkubula Impalume sha bulwi bwachine…. fearless men they are our heroes…..
Hope you mean it HH. the problem with this under five he is full of himself (Pride):-j:-j:-j
Personally regretful but collectively ok
Yah, this time around you would be smelling the position of veep but your collective agreement to pull out of the pact has already be shot at by your own tonga fellow in the name of Chizyuka who said hh was cheated to leave the pact. ishi ninsoni fye bane. i know you are feeling like you have a small stone on your throat which is called ichikonko because you have lost a damn good opportunity to solidify your position as the next in coming presido but anyway, mutinta will not just sit idle coz come what may, people will hound you out of the pole position or else they will leave and upnd will crash like unip and soon mmd will be a cracked pot so leaky that no one will like to use it
HH sounds more of an under five compared to Elias chipimo.
Correct :)
Oh yes you do regret leaving the pact HH, just admit it. Well, not that it will be of any help anymore . . .
I agree that there is no need to cry over spilled milk. What is done is done and one can only look forward. However, I am a little apprehensive about the manner in which HH is talking about what needs to be done. I don’t think that now is the time to fold your hands and sit back to see what will be achieved in 90 days, rather, as an opposition leader, you also have a role to play in making sure that the country moves forward. As for the 90 days, my opinion is that PF are trying to set a baseline on which they will be judged for the next 5 years and I for one will be closely monitoring how they move forward BUT I also plan to play my part in ensuring that I help to develop my country in any way I can. We should all roll up our sleeves and help the govt in power. HH must do the same.
Well stated my good man
Quite important word from HH for seriousy citizens
Pride is one thing that will take HH down. Such brilliance to rot in the perimeters outside of power potentially forever due to reputation of leading the so called outrightly but wrogly labelled tribal party. The Pact could have now brought us this genius to contribute positively to the development of this country. As @ #5, I think he is deep down personally regretting, ashamed but collectively consolled.
hahhahhahahahahahaha HH a genius. Very funny
HH sould just shut his mouth, he wanted to be a spoiler party but instead it helped much for PF to win. the problem of HH is that his party is on tribal lines, if mmd is to organise itself, its still the biggest opposition party because it can penerate in any province. HH just accept it that you were just too selfish not to be Deputy of Sata, you knew very well that your party was not as popular as PF but you wanted to reap what you did not sow, please HH do not bring confusion in Zambia by letting your MPs boycot things in parliament
There is no confussion in bringing checks & balances,PF gave MMD sleepless nights now its UPND/MMD turn uko!we have the nos in parliament.real change is coming…
by the way, where are the rebel PF MPs?
Ok HH I have never been your fan and to to be frank I have been Sata’s through and through. However, I’m giving you a benefit of doubt now. But first you have to convince me that you have shade off the tribal tag so that even if I decide to vote for you in 2016, it wont be a wasted vote because what you need is national appeal. I like putting my bet on a winner. You still have a chance
Tribal tag, Tribal tag, Tribal tag, Tribal tag, ……………… Can someone clearing point out HH’s tribal tag. And as you do this think of your stance.
Hope HH also4 admits that he waz not factor in the 2011 electionz and, will not be for a long time to come in Zambian politiks. Stop saying “PF cardrez” and instead refer to them az “the people of Zambia”. All the best #3 on the other side of the fence, persevere, you may just remove the PF govt. in 15 – 20 years.
There goes a typical PF cadre. Where in the article have you seen “PF cardrez’? Don’t just bubble. Put a thought to what you want to put across. It is conspicuously written “PF members” which is a nice shot from the head to the tail, u included.
well said mr president
There is nothing to regret for HH, The pact was like a sona to him full of hot air, how did you expect him to stay in such conditions.HH has survived outside employment for years now jst to serve the minority voices.Zambians lets learn to appreciate our opposition, dont let your stupid tribalism take over your heads.Imagine the headache of mobilising resources for campaigns without govt support.HH did that, even Mr Sata did that.How many of you have mobilsed even money for your parents to assist in faming or even shopping.Stop that nonsense of name calling stick to real issues
# 9 That’s the spirit.We don’t need to sit and wait for the pf government to do everything for us.we need to do our part.If you love Zambia help by building it and moving it forward.HH is just looking for faults in the new govt.Give Sata sometime.Start comment after 5 years.We need to move on Zambians,please.
Seriously this man will never rule this nation coz his gateway was Sata and the PF. If the UPND is going to get back let them rid themselves of this HH. Mazoka was a great man and HH cant equal him. thats just my opinion!!
Bootlicker. You will soon see how you guys abused office starting with Dora. Harrington is on the case. It is one thing being in power and controlling all those judges, it is another being in opposition.
The sad thing is this time people will go to prison. The net is coming and don`t think you are not going to be caught. It`s alright hiding behind a computer and feeling invincible.
You watch the law take it`s course.
#14. The rebel MPs all lost. Insoni ba Mayo ba Foshitina, even BY. Next time BY will stand as Councillor as Sata said
power is sweet ba hichilema. Just swallow your pride. Can compare republican vice presidency to your post in upnd? Call a spade a spade!
HH over rates himself….Up & Down number1 with 28 seats & MMD second with 55 seats??? What nosense is that HH????
HH i pity you over your comment,i think you were wrongly advised to leave the pact.forget about the 90 days, just wait for 4 years and see what will happen.
We need to learn to move on if we are to progress as a nation. PF now you are in govt, yours is to listen and take that which is helpful. I already seeing most people going for the defense when they is no one attacking. I personally I feel PF govt must succeed in order for the next true 21st centurary leader to take over in 2016. i do not mind from which province or party this leader will emerge from. though I sense some tribe still feels this is there domian and others should just vote for them. how sad. PF please educate our masses through free meaningful education. so we can have true voters and not cadres.
This is the product of a development oriented mind. If only the majority of Zambians including the people in leadership could think along the same lines. The thinking portrayed in most of the comment are based on regionalism and the mere contentment of having PF in power. What happens there after “at fikaisova”. Not until something goes wrong that’s when they will bring their brains to the drawing board and think of the way out. God help Zambia.
UPND needs to elect a visionary leader who can take the antion foward..he is an opposition leader from the South thats all he boasts about already NAREP is courting the 2016 revolution and HH is not included in the surge..
But why was he bragging that he was going to win elections without the pact? Nachimukalipa ati the madalas have taken the mantle. This chap is pompous, pride will kill him. I would have loved to see Mazoka lead the nation and not this HH, he is not even the founder member of his party. UPND should try Sajani, he could do better.
Gary Nkombo can do well as UPND presido and not this ka proud brat called HH.
HH, I dont understand how the blogers are thinking ,you regreating abut not being VP,well your mission is not being VP but President,if you can play your cards right,i dont see why you cant be Republiv President,make sure,you consolidate your position,try to get Lusaka Provice,Western,Eastern,Southern,Northwestern,part of central provice,the Presidence can be gurannteed,the problem with Copperbelt provice too many Bemba speaking fellows,luapula,northern part of central,these provices are pro-bemba,no matter how good the vote cant be given to you,even Elias will get stronger in these provinces.Zambian face it your tribe in Nature
Yes people are talking of Ellias because he is bemba,y not talk about Milupi?Mtesa?they are equaly brilliant & more experienced.Yes c/belt is predominantly bemba,but not all days are mondays!west,east,northwest,south can equally unite & have a president from either!Telema na bo.
@Undit and real change 2011 you’re the most dull of the dullest! You mean tribalists. Your seem to still be living in the Stone Age. Nonsense!!! If you want it to happen that way then wait and see, and you shall surely cry with you so-called intelligent …..
Walasa, dont take us for a ride with your waiting game.We are in a hurry to see change.Why tell us to wait when our pay are getting smaller and smaller.If you want to wait wait for us ni change in 90 days
HH you are a fool. Look at the figures since 2006, your number of votes (percentage) keeps going down. Sata was always raising his percentage from the time he made his first attempt. He actually won in 2008. Just be frank, you miscalculated by pulling out of the Pact. Do you know where the boat is? It has docked at Plot 1.
HH will never be president,one can tell from the voting pattern that only Southern province votes for him!! TRIBAL PARTY
HH is but the best that the Zambian people rejected only on tribal lines. Talk of MMD and Eastern province. Don’t allow some one to exploit your weakness for his glory. Better in poverty and proud than being in power under oppression. We know the beast that palyed a bigger role in PF victory. How about the rule by the 10 commandments of the Catholics. How about the moslems and other protestant churches which do not follow the commandments of the Roman catholic. Enjoyable bloggers.
shut up you bitter bitter man…dont tell us what to do,we are in power. just watch by the sidelines
who let the monkeys out. who? who? who? zambia on the loot.
chatile just accept defeat and don’t be proud for nothing you fool.you promised the pipo that you will retire sata but he has retired you instead,chiluba said over his dead body sata will never be president but were is he ?rupia said he will retire sata but he is the one who has been retied.so when GOD SAY YES it will always YES there goes my president at state house ,man of action and man for the poor pipo.not stingy and under five boy proud for nothing
Den thinksd he is a king maker and prophet who can bewitch zambians to vote for his prefarred candidate.If you support NAREP, dont think everyone wants NAREP.How do you compared a party without even a councillor to big parties like UPND, what criteria of prediction are you using.Are you a prophet or King maker
munyono just watch NAREP, lo they come to displace UPND!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
#26 you didnt sense properly,brave people always succed its not a matter of tribe boi. mobilise true voters if you think its not done in a right way.
Munyono,the coffers are empty.Sata needs to collect enough revenue so tha all the promises could be fulfilled.You saw were the former govt took the money(Massive campaigns).Whether you like it or not there must be money in the coffers first for the govt to work properly.
Which coffers are empty?Dont mislead us coz Banda handed over $2.5 billion dollars in the reserve bank!As for HH,he is a disaster.He was saying nothing at all.What of the cabinet?what of the coalition govt.?Because its obvious Sata cant form a govt.since he doesnt have the majority in parliament!You mean you cant see that!He should be Veep of a coalition.Look carefully at parliament.Sata’s minority govt can be dissolved any time by Mmd and Upnd.See now!!HH should talk sense.Sata has no choice but bring Upnd on board.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
Mulipa banda where are you? How is Japhet and senge? Where is the big man?
The Boat was well captained and there was no way out. I dint like the way MMD was running the affairs of this country. Tenders were being done and single sourcing at State House. I hope PF will avoid this kind of nosense. PF should tackle the high price of fuel. Afew guys had billions of Kwacha in their pockets. Yes Situmbeko Musokotwane and Caleb Fundanga should be made accountable for those truck loads of Kwacha which used to cruise along Cairo Road.Zambia Police Service were bought Bedford Military trucks but the sam version found themselves painted white in MMD hands. The question and issue that must be lingering on everyone’s mind is where did MMD get the money coz during their convention Suresh Desai (MMD Treasurer) stated that they were broke and owed creditors over K7Billion.
I had a dream of this article here on LusakaTimes just after the MMD advised HH to leave the pact,, my dream has become true,,, already its a big change. Sorry but we knew you can say that.
#3 you are a disappointed politician,, you wanted him to worst money on calling debates??? So far so good ask your brother who work with Chinese in Kafue,,, 20% increase,,,
HH is hurting, his address was very immature and had no substance of moving the country forward, am afraid Chipimo gives us more hope than HH if their address post-election is anything to go by.First of all, MMD has 55 MPs and UPND 28, which one is the biggest opposition party?Pride goes b4 a fall and pride is HH biggest undoing. Then we must evaluate UPND performance in election with 2 number of MPs in the last 3 elections, the answer is that he has never moved the party up since Mazoka died, their #s have been reducing while PF was gaining in every election, besides, regional performance is also cardinal, PF penetration in none traditional areas like Eastern, Western, Central, N-Western and Southern (Livingstone) was swung the election in its favor and UPND will do well to focus on that.
HH you are a liar, You thoght MMD will pave a way for you to the presidency, you are an opportunist. To be honest with you, Zambians are now able to distinguish seriousness from child play. If you think you are the next rulling party, just because you came third, you are cheating yourself. Zambians now know what kind of a politician you are.
Our value system in UPND is very different from PF. HH would have tainted his resume. You cant work with people who understand what they say, and who dont belive in what they say.
Ba guy mwasala kwasila; you remain and be with your “untainted” stpid resume. Wooooooo!
Our value system in UPND is very different from PF. HH would have tainted his resume. You cant work with people who dont understand what they say, and who dont belive in what they say
Peolpe, let us learn to be appreciative when we see good things happening. The opposition nerver used to be covered by ZNBC but with PF in power both UPND & MMD press comferences are covered.
Now, let us move a step further & critsize positively. The speaker can come from any political party provided one has wisdom and ability.
I love my beautiful country Zambia. the real Africa indeed.
Fine you do not regret, well I also feel you saved Zambia from the infighting that would have been the order of the day. All the best as opposition.
I wonder why some people are apologetic to the new government. HH is just reminding PF govt what PF prromised us. It is time to deliver. Why give them time? They are the ones who said what they are to deliver in 90 days. We didn’t force them to promise anything. They told us themselves, so if they were not lying, let us see the results or else it will be the first failure we’ll attach to them & we’ll keep on reminding them. Running government is not for jokers!
HH has achieved much in his private life,its not pride but principle,can 2 walk together unless they are agreed? Amos 3:3.HH forward you still have more years.
It was actually a blessing that you left PACT and we do not need you bwana. Our job as PF is penetrate Southern, Western, Eastern and North Western because true transformation in dvelopment terms will be experienced in these areas under HE Mr MC Sata and PF Government. Actually does UPND still need to keep you bwana HH, NAREP will overtake you and maybe have a chance to rule after we have done ka 20 years.
The thinking of PF cadres is so weired! Why do you get offended when people remind Sata of his 90 day promise?
This is the best outcome one would have hoped for, lets just pray that there will be no more Chizyukas and machungwas in that parliament, we need a free and vibrant parly(happy too that HH is not an MP), GRZ must work and be checked effectively
Well,HH wanted to pass the constitution so that he could be a vice president but kunda blocked him by telling MMD members not to vote for constitution.he is a corrupt chap,who was bribed by RB .MMD officials will reveal how corrupt HH is.That will be the end of the tribal party in Zambia.He just wanted top block sata.The man is a finished politician full of pride.i can’t waste my vote to tht stubborn pompus tribalist who chased sakwiba when it was clear tht sakwiba would take over from Mazoka.
Sepa sahao
.viva PF
HH can you please share the money you were given by MMD with your members you are being unfair.
We Bembas are tribal and will never vote for HH because he is Tonga but rather we shall vote for Chipimo in 2016 because he is Bemba.
[-( Full of himself this youth who is above 35yrs – pride pride. The fact is that he regrets big time, thats why he will never be president of Zambia as long as i remain….
By the way just keep quiet you fool by this time you would have been our VP and who knows maybe next pres but for now am sor you will never be one .your life as a politician is over infact u are aging now.Game over HHHHH Game over>>>>
There is absolutely no need for HH to regret.
Elections are not just about removing one part at all costs and putting another.
Elections are about putting leaders in office with an agenda to develop the country and take it forward.
If the candidates decive people by their retoric and dupe them into voting for them, it becomes a total loss to the country.
I hope SATA did not do that but is commited to what he promissed.
In politics you are better off deceiving your fellow politicians than deceive the nation.
Because once you are found out by the citizens that you have duped them, you will pay for your actions.
You can lie to a person that you will give them food when they vote for you.
But you cannot lie to a hungry person by trying to convincing him that he is not hungry.
No. 24 correct, we do not know what makes this UPND lunatics big headed, they are worse than rapists. The fact is HH you will never be state president of ourland, otherwise the sun will rise from the west. You tried to hijack the pact presidency when you were a rep from a minority party and now you are saying you are the major opposition when you have only 28 MPs compared to MMDs 55 and you call yourselves intelligent guys, *****s
HH all you need to do is apologise to your party for the mistake made and possibly resign from your position and let another person take on…PF and UPND would have made the best govt ever but you decided to leave,so Zambia shall work with this govt and pray for it
Chipimo is better than HH mark my words………..Narep will form GRV one day and Not HH……….How can you be president with MPs from two provinces…
ba HH muli chipuba ,where in the world have you seen anyone keep all the election promises.Some people say you re educated but you not leadership material.your tonga mind is so confused and bitter,Give Sata and zambia a chance.get lost we mbwa we.
the pf maggots will condemn you for speaking sense..the way to go sir!!2016HH
HH and your UPND fools just take some time before you start criticizing!
HH your leadership skills have been exposed just by looking at your behaviour post elections. While all presidential candidates have congratulated sata for his victory you are the only one that has not done so. How can you insult zambians by insinuating that all those upset with the conduct of William Banda are Pf cadres. While I don’t support violence, I think it’s a good lesson to all not to abuse power while on office. I have not seen any reason to defend William banda.
When is the cabinet also going to be re-named kanshi?????? HUH
obotunde How many MPs does Chipimo your fellow Bemba man has? Leave HH alone. We need to see new airports for example not new names of already existing airports by your president who cheated us that he can do miracles in 90 days.
I did predict that, after 20 September RB would abandon MMD, after all, he was in MMD not to serve but to enrich himself, Its a pity his followers were all blind, they respected views from Dora, Peter Daka, and William Banda. Shame. MMD, no assets, just nkhongole zekazeka. After 20 years in power, no assets for the party? what a useless party. maybe Senior Citizen can start making contributions to his party.
Only tribalist from the tonga tribal party think this under5 can ever become president, Let us face facts,NO way even if Zambia freezes shall we allow your kind into plot 1. All you fools talking about this wet muntu winning in 2016 are a bunch of wet fools. UNIP 28 years, MMD a very bad bunch 20 years. PF with a very hard working cabinet, cleaning mmd mess 20 years. So under5 and his fools should try in 2031 and how old is under5 going to be? Let us take his 28 mps and nible away eastern province 20 years is a long way to go ba sir, ezaba nyokola njala. PF is here for another 3 terms, Tepano Tuli mukalalila muchiTonga bane
If bembas are not carefull will plunge this country in chaos one day.This is all our country we need to live in harmony.There is is no tribe more superior than the other this we shall resist to death!
#64 you knew polititians do not keep campaign promises but gave them your vote.
#41 can you introduce yourself to me on [email protected]
Jst team up with MMD, you are capable of impeaching the PF President if he became funny. You re the majority combined. 2016 for HH
Whats so special about the VP position, only for people who want employment.
OK guys they say never say never. I remember a certain Tonga chap He He He Maestro, Nshinya (aka Senior) Citizen, MMD Bootlicker, a fo olish Mr Capitalist saying HE MCS will never rule this country. Remember Don Chi Chi saying over my dead body?
But to be fair to these UPND, their chances are as slim as anything. No way MMD will come back. I personally see Chipimo taking over but he has to be very patient not to antagonise himself with the ruling PF as this will make him unpopular with the majority who we know. UPND will be strong in Southern but they are rarely going to gain ground in the most populous provinces.
But hey for now the Cruise Liner is heading towards the Carribeans! I am sat on the deck enjoying my Mosi! Imwe!
Fellow Zambians.
I have one comment that I intend to continue posting. The solution to our economic problems lies in our constitution. WE NEED A HEAD OF STATE AND A HEAD OF GOVERNMENT. The current arrangement puts the president above all citizens. HERE is the SOLUTION. A head of government who is a politician shall be elected by the people. He shall be responsible for the day to day functions of government. A head of state who shall be one of our paramount chiefs on a six year rotational basis shall be in charge of all state functions, the army and the police. This will ensure the protection of all citizens regardless of their political affiliation. Here lies the solution. Everything else will fall in place. LET US DEMAND FOR THIS IN THE NEXT 90 DAYS.
if sata can be a president, i don’t think H H can fail to became one, any thing is possible this is the same thing we use to say about mr sata but now is the different story you can say whatever wanna say the facts remain the same. its you and me who never become president coz i have a different assignment to do
I don’t understand why PF cadets are full if Hate fir HH u stupid PF bloggers stop your hate fir ZAmbian citizen.HH has asked your blind government to keep your promises. We told you PF are warlords and blood thirsty thugs. We are monitoring the situation should your nonsense continue we will have no choice but defend the normal Zambian citizens
HH and UPND are all a bunch of sorry lozers! This under 5 totally regrets leaving the Pact, today he should have been VP, and next President of Zambia. insoni bayama imwe….. Anyway, the next President of Zambia is definitely Chipimo!!! You stupid tongas are too tribal! wanya!
No. 75 waloba ilyauma mumbwe. MMD and UPND even if you combined you can never impeach the presidend. PF we have 60 + the 10 the president will nominate which will be 70 and this will give us 47% which leaves you with 53% which much much less than the 2/3 required. By the way Mbala is coming which we will scoop with ease plus the ones that will be petitioned in the courts as we have witnesses that were sent to rig, ala tuli mumatone.
#77 u r sharp and wise.
One Zambia! One Nation. One Nation! One leader. And that leader…..! H.E. Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata 2016 vote yes.
HH you have weak political strategists. Next time IAM around Lusaka I will give you a call and provide you with the winning formula, but be prepared to listen. First thing is since elections are now over, go for a Convention and get the right team. Mazoka won the election that was stolen from him by Chiluba (May his soul rest in pieces) through having the likes of Chisange, Lubinda and Sakwiba (original one). Remember that “in politics, there are no permanent enemies or friends”. By the way can anyone from Western Province tell me whether our friend Sibote Sibote won. He is gone quite.
Mr man(HH).when mi heard yah chat abot conting di tree monts fi PF and dat time running away fi we di government,sory,mi cried fi yo stupid pullout of di party pact,was so FOOLISH of you ,so mi bredren shut yah mouth abot us ***** man ,yah wuda bin di vice by now.
chipimo will be the biggest opposition whether you like it or not…Besides, he is more mature and speaks sense……not this tweet…who has also misunderstood the meaning of 90days…..besides claiming to be an intellectual. let me clarify it… within 90 days…people will see change…and there are already increaments in pipos salaries already before the president even says anything…..ask the pipo who were being taken advantage of on the copperblet by these investors.
HH has demonstrated his lack of providing leadership by hiding behind “collective responsibility”. If Sata had done the same he would not be the Republican President of Zambia today. Yes it is important to listen to other divergent views but at the end of the day it is the leader’s responsibility to be seen to be giving leadership. The writing was on the wall that the people of Zambia wanted change and their preferred change was a pact between PF and UPND.
Alas, selfishness and lack of proper assessment of reading the mood of the nation has put paid to the decision you took “collectively” and possibly has diminished the possibility of HH ever ascending to the Republican Presidency especially given the performance of Elias Chipimo, who can only do a lot better next time around. Adios HH
HH does not need to regret anything. People voluntarily enter pacts and leave them in the way manner.
The only thing is that, it was no so much about Sata or HH, but about what Zambians wanted.
So the question is, did Zambians regret it? Have they now moved one? It is necessary to speak about the pact now that the elections are behind us?
Well well, why are we failing to agree that what we need is develpoment and ideas for the way forward and not the hatred for Tongas. Even if Tongas do not rule so are the many other tribes(over 50). For bloggers who are sticking to this line of thought you are just building unneccessary tension against each other. Be mery your own is in state house, therefore the question to you all who are saying Bemba this Bemba that, are we not to join and enjoy you celebrate your victory as if we are not Zambians too?
Chipimo stands a better chance than HH… mark my words. He has more of a chance to win on national level than our friend who only wins in southern province. That is a bitter FACT!!!
Problem is that Tongas sometimes perceive themselves as tribalist. This is why I would never Vote for this Under 5, HH should grow up and bring functional arguments/ suggestions than his Nonsense PULL-HIM DOWN attitude. Get it, we have 5 year and will show you how King Cobra spits!!!!!!!. He is hardcore man at work.
You will not win Zambian peoples hearts with your funny ideology to think condemning will make you popular.
Keep quite and give President SATA a chance
This man HH, will never be President for Zambia. If anything, UPND needs to elect a new party president as part of its rebranding and strategy for next elections. HH’s performance in the last three presidential elections has been declining. He’s clearly not a ‘sellable’ candidate. Ignore this reality & UPND will go into extinction.
Dear bloggers, anyone to kindly avail a list of elected MPs, it will be interesting to see this.
I pity HH, he is a very proud folk,i dont think UPND will ever be in power. Even in losing one can show humility. If he can be so proud in losing what more if he wins? HH cannever reconcile the country. He has failed to reconcile with UPND founder members like Patrick Chisanga and the like coz he wants them to come begging from him..
IT is now time for HH to give chance to other UPND members. HH can’t be recycled all the time while others are just standing and watching
Im joining UNPD and my aim is to stand as president. No one will stand in my way. HH’s time and chances are all now over.
#91, Sata is president for all Zambians and we all need to celebrate his victory because this change has come for all of us. I was personally so hurt when HH decided to pull out of the pact because that was surely going to properly align him for the next presidency. Being Veep would have helped him lose the tribal tag, but alas, it was not meant to be. Ndipo abena upnd mukose!
HH learn to be humble, i wish i was..
Ba HH utotwine tuma MP 28 mostly from Southern and a few from Western and you call yourself the strongest opposition! You are just bitter and disoriented because you thought PF wouldn’t make it without you! Why didn’t you congratulate PF for beating you and the rest? Ba HH humble yourself and acknowledge that you are not as strong as you think. Besides Elias and NAREP are a better option to you sorry HH! Your head is in the clouds!
Saying he has no regrets leaving the Pact ……………………………….. is like saying pigs fly!!! Of course he regrets the only avenue that would have seen him be as near to the seat of power as possible……………..
Its true that you dont regretmr HH but of truth chibaba.Just join the current presented ,he is a gud man and a christian he will receive you unto himself.
ah ah ha ah
There is nothing to regret HH, what the people of Zambia wanted was change, and that change did come without your help. The only advice HH needs, is to listen to what the people want and then you will understand Zambian politics. Personal drives will end in any RB fashion where people speak and they are later viewed as enemies. Don’t follow but try and lead and the Zambians will concur with what you are aiming for……..PF has emerged and has formed govt in 10 years. You might make it next or next or next or next…..keep trying (clean politics)
Are you sincere with your with yourself.Learn to accept defeat by congratulating the victors.Call for a general conference and let your position be challenged.
Ba Hichilema please we dont want to know whether you regret or not. And dont remind Sata of his promises he already know as selfless zambians have already stated in a more good manner than you who is bitter. mind you in even in your own party upnd not all like you so watch out
HH is our next president whether Pa Fwaka tribalists like it or not. We have over-supported you (Chiluba, Sata, Chinsali Man) without any reciprocal effort on your part. If you think the western half of Zambia will vote for another Bemba just after Sata, then your heads need checking. By the way, who is this Chipimo?
You are full of shit, you worthless piece of crap,no Tonga is getting into plot 1, not in this life time. you and the the tonga tribal party are dead and buried…We are having a Lozi as our next president Mr Given Lubinda fits that profile. HH can shag all your cows if you like
HHHHHHHHHHHHH you are politically finished 3 attempts and you are nowhere near the presidency so just apply to be a councillor in any party but not UPND.UPND is finished period!
#106. Mphangwe. There are more people in CB, LSK, Luapula, Northern, Central and Eastern than there are in Southern, Western and North Western.
This is no time for tribal lines. Grow up you plank! Remember, One Zambia, One Nation but don`t get to the And that Leader nonsense. Aha!
Mr. H.H. people of Zambia voted for PF meaning thats what they wanted. Remember you came up with a slogan thats states real change. indeed people needed change and they saw it in PF. For you to say you dont regret, you mean you dont give a damn to people,s wishes when its them who vote not wemwene. No wonder you see people teasing your name ati Hakayivotela Heka
You have nothing to offer the Zambian people. Continue with your regional politiks. Useless HH.
2011HH now 2016HH. It’s HH for life!!!! Chipuba chabo balekeni abene!!!!
People are your employers, who did you consult when leaving the pact your inner circle.Please next time HH consult us the votersthose chaps you consult are just few votes remember.
HH, when you left the PACT it was good riddance coz you would have been boasting that PF would not have won without you. Thankyou for leaving. And your fellow ***** Rbish would have won had he accepted the 50+1.
Does HH qualify to be called a recycled loser?? UPND needs REAL CHANGE of its own leadership.
Zambia will never be ruled by Freemason’s it she is a nation full of christians this HH keeps fooling himself that 1 day he will rule this nation it will never happen if Sata who was an opposition wins does no mean that even HH will will. We will not even know where the nxt president will come from nt HH
How i wish that some people could be intelligent, for once, on this platform. I had expected that people will analyse the substance of what HH said. Why do some people always want to float the tribal tag against HH. HH has worked for his money. WHETHER U LIKE IT OR NOT, UPND IS AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE A FACTOR IN ZAMBIAN POLITICS. What HH did not want to be entangled is the PRIORITIZATION OF SHARING POSITIONS and money. HH has his money. By the way, how come cabinet is taking unnecessary too long to constitute????????????????????? HOPE NO FIGHTS OVER POSITIONS ARE TAKING PLACE
Now dont you have somebody to take care of UPND? that ka H.H boy will kill the party, please we need to have a strong opposition in the name of UPNd
Sorry ba HH. You regret leaving the pact. Dont just pretend and issue useless statements about the 90 days. 3 attempts and nowhere near the finishing line. From 28% in 2001 to 18% in 2011 and you expect to be president in 2016. Stand as MP on the Copperbelt or Northern Province. ATI i will make sure SATA retires!!!!! youth above 50 years. Youths forever.
HH is already irreleavnt to Zambian politics and the earlier UPNd realises this the better. He misguided his Party on the NCC and also on aandoning the Pact and now members must reflect on whether he should lead them to 2016 elections, for a sure defeat, again!!!
Boss you never said anything when MMD was wiring PF,you were very quite or maybe very happy,so what are you telling us?
HH ur so proud and u make me upset when u tok about 90 days ending 23 dec,didnt u seen fromer president handing over state house & adminstration for a few days…so dulll,90 days starts when cabinet is formed..your finished only mazoka could make upnd,and ur tribalism will never make upnd win
There is wisdom in the saying: “if you can’t lick them, join them.” UPND would have been better off as a junior party under the PACT than outside of it. The party must now fight for dominance over the MMD as the main opposition party. How easy this will be is yet to be seen. Normally, it’s more probable for a main opposition party to steal the show than otherwise. As of now, UPND is in third place and a very distant third for that matter. Their task ahead is overwhelmingly challenging.
Much has been said about UPND being a tribal party and people are yet to come to terms as to what that means. In simpler terms, what this means is that, the bulky of UPND’s support is from Southern Province. But the people of Southern Province don’t want to be viewed as tribal. As a matter of fact, Southerners are by nature and practice non-tribal. Therefore, the longer the perception lingers that UPND is a tribal party the more likely the party’s stronghold will get eroded. We may see PF and MMD gaining more ground in Southern Province. UPND should see such a development as an opportunity for it to transform itself into a national party. Key to such a transformation should be to chose a non-Southerner as it’s leader.
Thats why you are called an under 5. HH uleeichefyaaaa………..Swallow that pride you have then you will rule this nation, but as long as you cant control yourself over the some decisions make,then i can assure not to rule.Compare how you did in 2008 and how you did just the ended elections?You droped badly and you expect to rulewith that redeness you have!! Forget….Nomwaice Chipimo awamapo but he also has to start as a councilor.The president office is a very big office to be joking around with like wat you do.
During campaigns he was dancing showing us his ass… after the elections he is talking about 90 days… Just organize yo party, stop talking about yo friends.
When it comes to haters remember.. Elephants don’t swat flies… Your a giant(Sata).. Don’t respond to small things(HH)..
I can see some Bemba *****s on this blog. Never say never, who ever knew that the lunatic would be in statehouse. Is this a representation of what you tribalists can offer. Shame.
HH swallow your pride and start afresh organizing your party, you definately personally regret leaving the pact.people if you look at the numbers of the just ended elections between HH and Chipimo you would see that Chipimo did better far most old political parties despite forming his political party a year before elections. come 2016 the battle will be between HH and Chipimo, and chipimo mighty even win those election.
HH is no longer a factor because of him being selfish – The future now lies with Elias Chipimo Jr and and bit of Charles Milupi. And all you MMD cadres who are busy condemning H.E.M.C.C with only 5days in State House are jealous. By the way where is RuBBish Shrek, any news guys?
Im PF but the MMD are No.1 Oppositon Party both in Numbers in parliament and Votes in the 2011 elections. HH cheats himself with his under five politics. How can he claim he is No.1 Opposition. I can tell you Chipimo can even overtake HH in next elections.
Ba HH you did well to us in the Peoples Pact. Just accept that you have been bitten pants down. The question is how can a young man be bitten by an old man? It means you are irrelevant to zambian politics. Watch out young Chipimo is coming. Viva Obama of Zambia the great Micheal. Your speech was shallow, learn from the Chipimos
SATA and his team must stop harassing inocent Zambians.
Zambia is meant for all Zambians and their should be no room to victimize innocent Zambians just because they expressed different views.
Chanda Chimba must be free to live and enjoy freedom like any other Zambian.
having different views should not be deemed crime.
SATA insulted Mwanawasa so many times, the post has insulted RB so many times; if the former governments were as vindictive as SATA and his tean, would he even have become president today?
They both allowed SATA all the freedom to say whatever he wanted, and why today should he be vicious???
There is no need – because when you become president does not mean you own the country, you are just a servant.
unless you tell me SATA does understand this little fact.
It is very hard for HH to accept facts because he is full of pride. His pride keeps pulling him down, I wonder what is happening in the UPND camp now. This election HH lost terribly and he has every reason to regret leaving the pact. But as other bloggers have noted, PRIDE is part of HH and with his attitude he stands very little chances of leading Zambia. After crushing so many times and the numbers going down, am sure UPND is looking for someone to take over the failures of HH. HH must now realize that running successful business is far different from running political institutions. Once he gets this in his mind the better for him. I hope the UPND will realize that they have a wrong chap leading the party. He may as well try standing as an MP unless if the party is personal to holder!
#134 be real…
its not president SATA but the citizens who were oppressed under the previous regime,note that the is no blood on any citizen from the opposition ,this is a gud signal that the PF doesnot intend to harm its felow citizens but it wants calprits to expaucate themselves through the courts of law,the police still have the YES BWANA MENTALITY,but iam sure in due course they appreciate the change,WILLIAM BANDA IS VERY SAFE IN POLICE CUSTODY UNLIKE IF HE IS LET FREE SOME criminals mighty pounce on him and we pipo we say PF,so give credit were it is due,NO HARM WAS DONE TO HIM OR HIS FAMILY ONLY HIS PROPERTIES REGRETEBLY.WHEN DID WILLIAM BUILD THAT HOUSE AND THE GUEST HOUSES?IF ITS THE PAST 3 years then those assets should be given to the MMD PARTY.the citizens are doing a recomeble job.NO BLOOD
Sadly HH is regarded as one educated person, but when one reads between the lines, you would see how bitter this man is. HH even when the people in the former ruling party are sending their congratulations to HE Sata, him chooses the start a fight with himself. In fact, The fact that he is mentioning not regretting his decision to the leave the PACT, that means he really is regretting. He mentions that they left the PACT collectively, with who? John Kalusa? Those kids were dealers. They got paid to destroy the PACT and left his party. HH is not sleeping. In fact people should not equate his action with pride. He is just stupid. His foolishness is unmeasurable. He gave lip service to PACT and thought people were not seeing his dark corner moves. Now, watch this, he is done. Bye HH.
How tribal is UPND. I thought they floated mps in more than 135 constituency. Does it mean all the people who stood in those constituences are tongas. Let us be factual. The leader is tonga but not the party.HH or any other tonga person will rule zambia one day and it doesn’t matter which party. We saw Nkumbula and Mazoka driblled. When you have tried the rest and then you will one day try a tonga. Tongas are human beings, created by God and Zambians also. No need to insult them for their voting pattern.
HH should have known that in politics, what counts are numbers. He says their party is now a force. I doubt that. HH will soon be history. In fact Maureen Mwanawasa could make a better leader than this guy. He holds a very small segment of the population. based on nothing but tribe. He should be a leader, not of Southern Province, but all people. People will never forget how he ascended to power in UPND. Him and that ka chief, Mwanachingwala, are a sad story of the Tongaland. That ka chief is like a door rag now. I don’t know how his subjects look at him. Probably they have same views considering that they are all Tongas. Hate for anything Bemba is their hallmark. But thank God, it is not them to decide, but the Lord is clear on this one, it is SATA to lead.
Ba Cisi, sadly they have the worst voting pattern on earth. So blinded by hate and they believe in themselves alone. Yes they are Zambians too, but they should also realize that others are Zambians too. Let’s suppose everyone behaved the way they behave politically, Zambia wont be Zambia as we know it.
Hey, where is that lunatic called Maestro, and the the Tonga Bull, insoni mwebantu. Maestro the most annoying and tribal Seventh Day Adventist hell bound hater. I feel good that Sata won and shut these people permanently. They deserve it.
HH try to be consistent. Dont just say you would provide checks and balances.Who doesnt know you in Zambia?Very soon you would be quiet until when days for next elections draw nearer.Try also to say congrats PF before beginning consoling yourself by portraying your pomposity to Zambians.Watch out for Narep.We have seen maturity in Chipimo in the way he carries himself.We have relegated you to the groups of Siulapwas of this world.No vision but full of unproductive words from his mouth.
Whatever happened to Prof. Chirwa and UPND? Was he not adopted? DId he stand? Aaaah, HH and his blogsphere supporters!!! Unlucky for him they did not turn up on election day when it mattered as vigorously as sthey ranted on their UPND websites.
If HH does not make a serious assessment of his party and himself he must watch out for Elias Chipimo Jr’s NAREP in 2016
HH, there is no magic in becoming President. Put your act together by ensuring that you do not put off your campaign until 2011. A lot of Zambians have tipped you for the job anytime soon. PF starts out with blundering. Who told Sata that it is the job of a President to rename places. Where is the duty of our city or town fathers? Have we done away with the Local Government Act? Or maybe the man cannot do better than being a Governor? And look at the guff of Catholic doctrines and discipline. Does he know that the supreme law of the land is a CONSTITUTION that does not embrace some of the 10 commandments and the Catholic doctrines he was talking about.
Organise meetings across the country in all districts. Invite people who will raise funds for you and do the mobilisation. Find people who will work day and night to get people on endorsing you. Re-brand the UPND to make everyone feel they are moving forward. What are the key things that make us feel to move forward. Study all groups: students, marketeers, civil servants, men in uniform. What brings them the feeling of self actualisation? The bwato is soon getting stuck in the mud. In fact when huge boats get overcrowded on board that is when disaster strikes and Zambia will soon be ready to find in UPND the need to move forward. WISH YOU A HAPPY PERFECT MARRIAGE WITH MMD IN PARLIAMENT!!!
Ati HH real change! What real change?You have made PF rule Zambia by disadvantaging MMD in Southern Province.Didn’t you know that if you just campaigned for mmd they could be in power today?Your calculation was absurd.You said it that you didn’t want Sata to rule manje waona?Where is the focus for Zambia from you?We are aware that mmd was to campaign for you in 2016 tizakuona with those chiefs from Southern Province who were endorsing RB on ZNBC almost everyday.
Loser iwe.Ninshi ulelanda ?
Cisi cesu says:
Wed Sep 28 at 3:44 pm
How tribal is UPND? What matters is not whether or not UPND is tribal, but how it is perserved. The statement: “A Tonga must take-over from Mazoka” still rings loud and clear, not just in my ears but also in the ears of a large section of the Zambian electorate. As a people, Tongas are non-tribal. HH is probably not a tribalist. Unfortunately, UPND is perceived to be tribal.
Beware of voter fatigue. How long do you expect your people to go on voting for you without the prospect of UPND ever coming to power? # 148 highlights your problem.
Timee for Politicking is over but you are Politicking. Roll up your sleeve and lets work.
The individuals who said upnd must be led by a Tonga long left the party, so what is tribal about the party itself? It is clear once again from the results that voting in Zambia is regional. Look at MMD – its base is now Eastern Province, PF has Luapula and Northern provinces – with Lusaka and Copperbelt as bonuses. And what is the fuss about Chipimo? He is not going anywhere as long as Sata is president and has a grip on Luapula and Northern provinces.
(UPND) A party for the tongas, by the Tongas from southern zambia. HH you will never rule Zambia. If sata does not perform, I would rather vote for Chipimo Jr. Wabamo. Besides, i have not heard any congratulatory remarks from HH. This chap is pompous for nothing.
HH walenga ubwamba ukwima kufyo walanda. For sure u are regretting, u were misled by MMD
HH…….we regret as your supporters!!!!!!!
# 154 you could be right but look , it is how one sells himself/herself . Lusaka and CB are very multi-ethnic and these can go to anyone who is very appealing to electorates (MCS was). HH is just a manipulator who will crash politically if he does not change.
He chased Clive Chirwa who gave him free of charge sugggestions. Even Thandiwe Banda noticed that if the Southeners vote for HH , MCS will win. Imagine HH could not see that as leader. He has no strategic alignment in the way he thinks. Let him concentrate on his bussiness and let others take from where Mr. Mazoka left. HH is behind the destruction of UPND. The longer he is upheld, the faster the part will crumble……………..In the meantime viva MCS……….
Tepano Tuli mwalila muchitonga ka? Tonga peoples party & Your under5you can all craw back to the rock you crawed from, Tonga Bull & maestroe Hhehhehhehhe, where are you ? come back and ponta about your young under5,..Obama ( my ass)…. Proud to be bemba and proud to be Zambian. We are all Zambians but some cows think only southern province matters….PF nafuti nafuti another 3 terms, lets make sure stays shut out
All you PF buffons on this site, do you really understand the meaning of democracy? What good is there in having every Zambian being a PF supporter? HH made a very good strategic decision to break away from the Pact beacuse this puts him in pole position to be the main opponent to Sata in 2016. The truth is that Sata won’t be popular for ever. As a president it is inevitable that he will make unpopular decisions. Chipimo can’t be the next president becz Zambians like rotating the presidency from region to region. As a fact this is the first time Northern province has produced a president most likely the next president will be a Southerner, N/Westerner or Westerner.
# 138, thanks for that observation, that’s exactly what was on my mind, the man is hurting and you can see it, at least put up a face and congratulate the winner!!! what a leader!!!!, you will never get my vote!
Chipimo is much more polished than Hichilema. This guy is so pretentious. If you had a chance to listen to the debate, if one can call it that, this guy thinks too much of himself but lacks substance. At one point the debate was about the houses that Banda had been giving out to buy votes. Mr HH’s response was that this was a non issue and it was small potatoes. Basically condoning corruption. Chipimo had the sense to point out that this was done to buy votes. Even the way he presents himself as being special puts me off. Chipimo is the future not this regional *****. UPND should ditch him for somebody else. Loser
HH u have been President for ur party for
more than 10 years, why do you pave way for others? what does your constitution say about ur term of office? we are looking forward for ur convention this year. to tell you the truth you are finished and done with ur tribal party. ur voting partten guyz tamwakwata nensoni. any way we shall
When some bloggers say HH is brilliant where are the facts? Please bring data here we evaluate. This man has failled to organize UPND, its now worse off than Mazoka left it. His riches are from the blues “Privatisation” of Zambian companies. Look at the old man at 73 yrs old, formed a party (not inherited) and now he’s ruling. I dont see any brilliance here a part from egotism.
# 162 Zed Patriot, I feel for you my friend. But name calling is way below being a buffoon. What you are missing is HH being bitter and sorry for his loss. He thought Sata and Banda will share the votes and him sail through easily, but he forgot that he got off the boat when he jumped ship from the PACT. Your logic of him doing a good thing for democracy and multipartism was not his logic. He wanted to screw Sata, and mayo mayo mayo, that old man is really shrewd politically. He bit two very rich billionaires hands down. They are now both licking their wounds. Sadly, it seems HH is a very bad loser. He is a bitter cursing Sata every day and night. Hope he is not spending all his days praying for Sata to die. Ask him to congratulate Sata on the win, or we will continue calling him a loser
“Commenting on the future of his party, the UPND President said his party is now Zambia’s number one dominant, powerful and most reliable opposition force to offer checks and balances, and also logical advice on various challenges the country is faced with” – The begining of any problem is not conceding that it exists! Why do you continously bury your ugly head in the sand?
Why do you over rate yourself? too much! MMD is no. 1, in case you didnt know! Politics is numbers! Rise from your slumber! I can now see what president Sata had to contend with! And to let GO! -“You under 5!”
. Mind you there are now more appealing younger men like Chipimo! Is it mere mischief, or you are just plain stu.pid?
HH will never rule Zambia, Chipimo will
What has HH done to you bloggers,whats the matter really here,HH will never be President ,Honestly who cares,maybe it will be my turn, dont assume people last forever,i feel the Political terrian in Zambia is not an easy one,especially if your a Tribe which is not prominent cause most Zambia vote on Tribal Lines, Sata got CB, Luapula, Northern over 90% Vote ,Whn HH did the same where he comes from,Even Rb did well in Eastern…How do u stand for Presidency where you can from your not liked,cant run your Home
MMD Chief Bootlicker, you are just jealous !!! leave the PF government alone, let them do what they think is good for Zambians. If you can’t DEFEAT THEM JOIN THEM!
Just hamble yourselves and apologize to the new government.
people before you comment, look around and think before you comment, who said UPND is for the tribal, you that are talking about this are the ones that are tribalist and we don’t condon that in zambia for we believe in one zambia one nation, can someone challenge me if you UPND won any seat in Luapula and northern province, y it is because that were the current president come from. Even MMD how many seats did they win in Eastern almost all the seats y because thats y RB comes from. So dont just post before you luk around instead, go and beg for JOBS from HH than u talking about the nonsense. no tribalism, no nepotism, no racism but one zambia, one nation as dr kk puts it.
I think the problem with you HH is that you are too fast!! You need to start from somewhere go back to your drawing board and start as a ward chairman and please be a people person especially the poor.
UPND-MMD, its time you consider a pact if Zambia is to have a strong opposition. Never think of tommorrow, now is the time. Go into parliament united opposition. Get to work guys Zambia looks to you.
UPND-MMD Pact, Unless the UPND are now sharing the corruption and the use of the poor and illiteracy idea with MMD, then a pact will be strong. Anyway the pact was born when they both shared/embezzled over 250 billion kwacha at NCC. Only PF (SATA) new it a waste of resources. Gud lucky in you pact. MMAARRUUBBIISSHHII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
viva pf you are in power
every thing that goes up must come down… unip… then mmd… en nw pf… then we shall vote em out.. lol
Hey!!I??ll definitely have to check out Sean??s post. And I love the idea of blogging about a failure and how you learned from it. I??ll have to do that one soon