Friday, March 28, 2025

List of newly appointed Cabinet and Deputy ministers


1. Office of the President H.E. Michael Chilufya Sata

2. Office of the Vice President Dr Guy L Scott MP

Deputy Minister Edgar C Lungu

3. Ministry of Justice

Cabinet Minister Sebastian S Zulu
Deputy Minister Dr Ngosa Simbyakula

4. Ministry of Defence

Cabinet Minister Geoffrey B Mwamba
Deputy Minister Colonel Panji Kaunda

5. Ministry of Finance

Cabinet Minister Alexander B Chikwanda
Deputy Minister Alfreda Kansembe

6. Ministry of Home Affairs

Cabinet Minister Kennedy Sakeni
Deputy Minister Obvious Mwaliteta

7. Ministry of Health

Cabinet Minister Dr Joseph Kasonde
Deputy Minister Dr Patrick Chikusu

8. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Cabinet Minister Chishimba Kambwili
Deputy Minister Dr Effron Lungu

9. Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock

Cabinet Minister Emmanuel T Chenda
Deputy Minister Nicholas Banda

10. Ministry of Labour, Sports, Youth and Gender

Cabinet Minister Fackson Shamenda
Deputy Minister Rayford Mbulu

11. Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry

Cabinet Minister Robert Sichinga
Deputy Minister Keith Mukata

12. Ministry of Mines

Cabinet Minister Wilbur Simuusa
Deputy Minister Richard Musukwa

13. Ministry of Information, Broadcasting and Tourism

Cabinet Minister Given Lubinda
Deputy Minister Forrie Tembo

14. Ministry of Education, Science and Vocational Training

Cabinet Minister Dr John T N Phiri
Deputy Minister Prof Nevelyn Willombe

15. Ministry of Lands, Energy and Water Development

Cabinet Minister Christopher Yaluma
Deputy Minister Charles Zulu

16. Ministry of Local Government, Housing, Early Education and Environmental Protection

Cabinet Minister Prof Nkandu Luo
Deputy Minister Esther Banda

17. Ministry of Community Development, Mother and Child Health

Cabinet Minister Dr Joseph Katema
Deputy Minister Jean Kapata

18. Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs

Cabinet Minister Inonge Wina
Deputy Minister Belinda Kawandami

19. Ministry of Transport, Works, Supply and Communications

Cabinet Minister Willie Nsanda
Deputy Minister Samuel Mukupa



Phillip Kosamu


Yamfwa Mukanga


Davies Mwila


Solomon Mbuzi


Miles Sampa


Freedom Sikazwe


J. Limata Limata


Nathaniel Mubukwanu


Lukulo Katombola


  1. Zambians, you might hate him, but when you go to sleep tonight, remember that William Banda is in detention without charge for days now…

  2. Is it true Willie Nsanda and his deputy has been dropped less than 12hrs after appointment after H.E Sata realised he cannot appoint 10 MPs? Zambia brace your selves!

  3. The new cabinet for the Ministry of Health has to investigate a lot of questions that were left unanswered in the previous administration. Is there an update on that scandal and how do you think the Henry Kapoko case will progress now?

  4. OK.

    I personally hope this team comprises of the most able minds that Zambia has to offer. Otherwise, I would appreciate it if the president would also consider forming a non-partisan think tank, as proposed by Gray Soko the other day, where people like Prof. Clive Chirwa can also be given an opportunity to contribute to the nation in terms of implementation of technological/ddevelopmental policies.

  5. I hear The President nominated 10 people instead of 8, so Is it true that Willie Nsanda and his Deputy have been dropped.Please Lusaka Times Find out and who are the REPLACEMENTS?

    • I hope 2 be concerned n wanting justices to privail is wat da majority is been lookin 4, let W B be brot 2 book n justices, period! lets not insult our parents just coz we want something 2 b done or u r seen 2 compromise with the other party of which you dont agree wit, lets shall true patriotism here n prove all wrong beyond all reasonable doubt.
      it could be that proud tonga is 100% with u n now u ve insulted him!!!!!!!!!!! mmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, plz lets debate true issues of values.

  6. not a very inspiring cabinet…a Finance Minister who was last in the position in the 70s…under UNIP, a Justice Minister who is on record as having taken money to destabilise his party…UNIP…a wife battering foul mouthed defence minister, a semi literate Minister of Works and Supply…a crude and uncouth Foreign Affairs Minister etc. etc. I really hoped HE MCS would surprise us with new and vibrant minds from across the country…also note the very strong tribal leanings of this government. CHANGE INDEED!!!

  7. Replica of appointments made by FTJ in 1991.
    Looks like the Lozis,Tongas and Northwest people have been sidelined again.
    We never learn.

  8. #5 Nine Chale, This is a Tribal govt! Punkt! This is certainly not the best the country has to offer! Unless the country is confined to the Northern/Luapula province axis! Let me hear anyone shout … Hakainde tribalist! Milupi tribalist! Seems people like HH ‘qualify’ to be tribalists because they dont come from Bemba speaking ethnicities! This is going to be one big and long ‘Tiyende Pamodzi comedy show’! I am in the front seat with 5 barrels of popcorn!

  9. That ministry of chiefs should have been merged with ministry of home affairs.Then there’s no need to have ministry of health and then duplicate its duties with ministry of community dev,mother and child health which in turn is duplicated by ministry of labour,youth,sports and gender.The issue of gender should be inside ministry of community devt.Its a waste of public resources.

  10. what is difference in the functions between ministry of health and that of the dept of child health in the Ministry of Community development, mother and child health? You also have dept of gender in the Ministry of Labour, Sports, Youth and Gender, is this not an overlap of duties?

  11. #10 I feel sorry for pipo like you. About all these pipo u cannot find any good. Too many Bemba’s on the list because their pipo voted for them on the winning ticket as opposed to other provinces who fielded and the opposition. By the way the so called unpresidented development that chi Rubbish was boasting about has left a major water pipe damage by bulldozers. We have had no water for 3 days. Since these foolz MMD did not do any studies when starting the expensive show case. They did not check were the water pipes are, now with the all dust they have left and it has already started raining these road a disaster. This is treason!!! Lock these thieves up. Williams has been charged now fools and given bail bafikalaa.


    Has Western Province received its pledged Vice Presidency? Could it be this Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs given to

    a) Cabinet Minister Inonge Wina?

    Senior most ministries that reflect the character of any serving president are the following:

    Ministry of Defense

    Ministry of Finance

    Ministry of Home Affairs

  13. Message to PF supporters…is this really what you were expecting…is this the change that you have fighting for 10 years to achieve? Are these really the best and most accomplished brains that PF has to offer? Though I must congratulate the abolition of DCs. Come on PF, prove us all wrong and do better. Your country expects!

  14. How do you  bundle such broad and diverse issues together :
    1. Ministry of Labour, Sports, Youth and Gender
    2. Ministry of Community Development, Mother and Child Health
    3. Ministry of Local Government, Housing, Early Education and Environmental Protection. 

    Someone tell that old man in our state house to consult before he opens his mouth . The ministries he has created make no sense, they have diverse issues which are different from each other such that they can not be done in the ministries he has created

    Mother and Child Health is already dealt with under ministry of health. Early Education is suppose to be under ministry of education. And why would environmental protection be together with ministry of local government?

    I think we finally got a very ignorant president

  15.  ok number 15…GBM does make some fine mealie meal. It is u i pity, for you do not yet know what you have unleashed on this great country…we know these people very well…they did not deliver under UNIP or Chiluba and under MCS won’t be any different. PF has missed a golden opportunity to showcase it’s talent and plans for a better tomorrow. Let’s rise above the vulgar language and debate issues with facts and knowledge.

  16. Are Cabinet Ministers there to represent Provinces or Regions or Tribes, such that they MUST be appointed from all provinces, regions or tribes? just asking.

  17. In Uganda after the overthrow of Idi Amin a certain Professor Yusuf Kironge Lule was President between 13 April and 20 June 1979. This highly educated man formed a cabinet with all members being doctors, professors and engineers all with PhDs,DPhils and all the degrees like one would find on the thermometer. The government was short lived and collapsed spectacularly and was overthrown by the military because all of them had no clue on how to run a country.
    But Zambian Sata knows what sort of skill mix is required when running a country. Mix the semi-literate with the barely literate and so on….On your bike chaps get on with your tasks!!!!

  18. @ 24 dont go very far MMD was full in educted pipo but wat happened?? we need action oriented pipo. just today there was a meeting in chingola the chairman of vendanta owners of KCM came for see his stuff, apparently its the 1st time he is meeting hes employee, reson for his visit, better packages for all miners, increments NFC had increased salaries for all staff. we need a leader investers can fear, thats wat we lacked in RB and MMD. so let me continue where Levi left from. the past 3 years were retrogressive.

  19. I wish you lot could be more civilised and stop using foul language.The fact that this forum is unedited doesn’t give you green light to use insulting language.It’s a good discusion forum,please don’t abuse it by your foul brains,it’s embarassing and despicable.How would you feel if they started editing all the contents? If you have nothing sensible to contibute then don’t do it.

  20. @27 Amayama, Mwaba @18 has very valid concerns that is causing worry to every progresive thinking Zambian. Yes, Mwaba is Bemba but his rational objection to Bembalised cabinet is valid and that is what every Zambia is expressing. If in doubt do your simple analysis on the list of cabinet members. Some so worrying that deplomacy will be at “Mwenemushi”level and you will have protests from diplomats accredited to Zambia. Our worries are more. You do not create categories or areas of development and bundle them with unrelated ones and call them such and such ministry. We have had ministries ever since independence, what every in coming govt needs to do is modify and be creative to form better and relevant ministries.

  21. TONGAS are always buttocks, mwaanina aatekelwa. even the provincial minister seems be imported for you. Mulacibona caka subizya kwale kumulomo. lets hear from you.

  22. Local govt and waste disposal= environment. There is a relationship people dont just condemn. Tho i wish there were at least two MPs from UPND.

  23. Lozis have been taught a lesson! We told you that Sata is a worst tribalist, you never listened. He used you and has dumped you 6 days after you helped put him in office. Where is you Barotse Agreement? he cant even talk about it now.

  24. These pipo ran for parliamentary seats now they are in cabinet, so lets give them time to deliver and judge them according to thier levels of performance as time goes on.

  25. # 18 early childhood education will be under the local City Councils, that is why it has been brought under local government. It is time to decentralise and give the local authorities powers to run our pre-schools. It used to be so at one time. Just concentrate on counting the 90 days, wait and see

  26. This is BEMBA dominated & highly tribal. No excuse. CHILUBA’s MMD was rejected by eastern province just as SATA’s PF has been by North Western & Southern. But FTJ’s cabinet did have lots of easterners. SATA has been running this race longer than FTJ did enough to know he would get zilch in those areas. If he cared to balance his cabinet, believe me he would have fielded people from such in urban constituencies so they would be in cabinet. PERIOD

  27. here we go again 97% of the cabinet is from one tribe ,this is tribalism worse than under RB just look at all the senior cabinet portfolis :

  28. We shud expect more surprises from the Cobra’s government.I dont trust him and his crew.90 days is a hoax.the Barotse Agreement within 90!!!!!!!the new constitution within 90 days.more money in your pockets.I predict massive strikes expecially from mines around the country this year and early next we gat Willie Nsanda and GBM as Ministers.tuchili tuledabwa!!!DONT KUBEBA

  29. Nothing special with this cabinet and it won’t change Zambia much since like over half of these folks were once in UNIP or in MMD and they were failures.Unlike in the west where a politician will always be a republican, labour politician or CDU our politicians are just opportunists only out to live off public coffers.Old wine in new bottles but still the same stale taste.

  30. lets not judge a servant before before he is even sworn in. that is jealousy bafi****. let bakateka decide whats best. Whether u like it or not hes the one at plot 1.

  31. Sata is an unashamed  tribalist  whose aim  is for the country to be dominated and ruled forever by  Bembas. He was inspired by the # one tribalist , late Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe and then later coached Chiluba. He has made incendiary and disparaging remarks against  other tribes, true to his tribal bigotry. It was Sata and Chiluba`s scheme to offload the ego egos ( kaponyas)  from the Copperbelt to the entire nation so that bemba Language spreads.  Forewarned equals forearmed, as other tribes are watching keenly and knowing the serpent; will defy all odds and rule by his snaky script, which is capable of causing a national explosion.

  32. ooops!! when did Keith Mukata join PF?? or is he still MMD??? I must state that i ve little misgivings about some of the newly appointed members of the cabinet and some provincial ministers. The Finance ministry needs to have someone with vibrant and economic ideas that can be able to respond well to the volatile trends of the global market. The man they have appointed may not articulate some of these ideas. Is Miles Sampa a leader???????

  33. I beg to differ on the newly merged ministries. I strongly believe that with proper consultation with Human resource management csars, the president could have realised that, there is complete variance in terms of homogenuity in job descriptions of these new ministries. The starting point I believe should have been doing a job analysis and design and then identifying the similarities in the skills required for the ministries before deciding on the appropriate ministry merger. If cabinet office which is mandated with HR issues were involved, then Mr. President, its needs to be cleaned but if it was not consulted then you errored. The ministry of Health already has a department of Martenal and child health therefore, it is totally wrong to place it under ministry of community development.

  34. If the intention was to look at the welfare of children in terms of social affairs and ammentities such as pre-kindergarden facilities, then probably, this may fall under Community development and child welfare services. Local Govt with an environment mandate is also misplaced. Environment protection would appropriately fit in with Lands, Energy, Environment and water development. Another suggestion worth considering could have been just going back to Lands.Envornment and natural resources. This however should not cause panic because, the names of ministries, can easily be realigned without costing the govt any money. I think, in future, there is need for extensive consultations before making such important decisions. Wrong job descriptions produce poor results. Good luck Mr. President

  35. Any pastors on the blogg? Pliz help me. Ever since this man took
    power in this Christian nation I feel that it may be true that God
    doesn’t exist or if He does then His intentions are questionable.
    This is beyond THEODICY.

  36. WE HAVE IT ON HISTORY THAT INTELLECTUALS ARE GOOD POLICY MAKERS BUT ARE NEVER GOOD POLICY IMPLEMENTERS… we all know about Akashambatwa Mbikusita Lewanika, the guy has a brilliant mind but eish he lucks the ability to impliment… shame!!! lets wait and see what these kaponya’s are able to do! but the likes of Nsanda is literally going over board does UTTA ring a bell??

  37. The cabinet is well balanced. RB’s government was full of Eastern, Western, North Western and Central provinces. Now that PF has own, obviously, he has to reward his loyal members first. He has also picked from the opposition and almost from every region. Western has 3 Cabinet ministers, Southern has 3 also. NWP, Central are also represented so I don’t see why people are saying it is a Bemba cabinet. If other provinces had voted for Sata, most would have featured. UPND missed a huge opportunity to form government when the rejected the pact, so who do u blame for that.

    H.E. Sata and VP Scott, please give us Kafue Province as advanced by Nkoyas in Western Zambia. The KP issue has been overdue for a very long time now and we believe this is the time for implementation.

  38. It is a shame that ZWD have sunk that low without any sense of shame. When are these guys going to go above tribal politics and tribal hatred? One doesn’t even need to be told who these guys are and where they come from. Times have changed and we need to move with time and get out of our tribal slams. Believe you me HH will never be a president because they have made him look like one, more especially that he even sponsors them to spearheard tribalism. At the end of the day, they are loosers. Lets pray for them.

  39. # 52 I assume you have read their article on the cabinet?? that website is pathetic, its sad that in this day and age such vomit can spew from so called “journalists”


  41. MMD ministers pliz just do your job dont become PF.Cobra knows he cannot run this country without our party MMD represent us well guys and make sure no baseless arrests are made.

  42. This is what happens when the only way out of a truant government is by voting in a tyrant. Having bedded both Sata nd RB, I can attest to the fact that Sata is a better and more considerate lover.RB, however was more generous and gullibe when it came to material needs and money. Foolishly, he expected no accountability. Sata was more astute. A cunning fox!None of them are presidential material but Sata is of higher intellect.

  43. Young people voted for PF and he rewards them by appointing dinosaurs like Sebastian Zulu, Alex Chikwanda and recycled and reinvented Nkandu Luo? What new ideas will these expired politicians bring? GBM will need to polish up on his reading since he has failed even to provide a firm three certificate. Guess his main qualification is that of being BEMBA and thats all that matters. Chishimba Kambwili, oh my God, what the hell was MCS thinking……..:((

  44. I have never been an ardent supporter of Sata’s style of politics,but this is a decent cabinet. Except where serious doubts still linger-Foreign Affairs and Defense.Kambwili is shockingly the face of Zambia to the outside world,he ticks none of boxes.I can’t begin imagine how Kambwili can be guest or host the Queen.for instance.Put education and language to one side. His personality is simply a disgrace.Although defense could have been done better, Its a relief that GBM is nowhere near Zambian cofers as earlier rumoured.Sata cannot be accused of tribal inclination, he has done his best to represent every region of Zambia.Attempting to balance tribes for the sake of pleasing everyone as opposed to ability and need will lead to a big cabinet,the very idea we are trying to get away from.

  45. Also pleasing is the absence of unprincipled bed-hoppers.Mangani, Mpombo,Mulongoti,Masebo, Kabigimpanga,Chitala and the like must be kept as far as possible from the centre of decision making.They should prove they are not just chancers of government posts but politicians who can perform even without being in cabinet,Let them serve their time at grassroot level within PF ranks to deserve appointment as everyone else. Of course a term of office is such a long time, there will be false starts, by-elections and reshuffles.Sadly some of them may get into cabinet. Now lets move away from tribal accusations.If tribal balance was easy the national football team would have been the start point. Unfortunately,football has been dominated by Luapula and northern players from the 1960s to recent yrs.

  46. @61 Bystander the national soccer team has NOT been dominated by Liverpool & N.P from THE 60’s. Check your records of the 60’s & 70’s or ask Liwewe. You will be shocked to note that the ONLY SINGLE district to produce an entire KK11 line up except goalie was MWINILUNGA back in the days. This feat remains intact to date. This blatant tribal suppression by Bembas is progressively gradual. As a pure Bemba myself, I hate it for two reasons; it misrepresents my people’s true attitude to towards others & it capitalizes on the unfortunately docile nature of Zambians in general. Thank God my self esteem lies in who I am as a person & not my tribe. Before I am Bemba, I am a child of God, a Zedian then at the very least bemba    

  47. Time will tell. No matter what Banda was far much better than the cobra. In this short period he has already made numerous mistakes. Look! 10 nominated mps.Having been in government for too long how could he not know the limits? Also look at some meaningless names given to his newly created ministries……….expect worse things to come. This is going to be the worst BOMA…….ever !

  48. And his spoken English is terrible. ZAmbians ! Is this the man we can have for a president amidst so many intellectuals. We will cry and do come to regrate it.

  49. You rejected him in Southern Province but you want ministers to be chosen from UNDP that walked away on him at a crucial hour? Why can’t you ask HH to choose Ministers from UNDP and rule? Come guys stop complaining. You should blame yourselves for the problem. Zambia XI is chosen form players in the league not outside and we look not at names but availability.

  50. am a ugandan writing from Uganda but worked in Zambia for sometime. am happy for the change of govermnent especially that it was peaceful. But if i were to advise the president, he needs to bring change in the education sector, Zambian deserve better, let education be accessible otherwise what i saw while i was there was not good. Zambians going to study in all those neighboring countries is not a very health part of the economy. Secondly, Mr. president, liberalise the economy much more than it is. bring in other investors to give competition to EXPLOITERS” LIKE Zain/Airtel. Allow competition in the economy and people will not blame you even if you dont perform miracle in 90 days.
    Thank you and wish you all zambians prosperity. Fight HIV/AIDS than RB’s gov’t.

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  53. Somehow most of this comes from the family tree but people are not aware. From UPP to PF just the same people. Lets not just comment from abroad lets go back and take care of our country.

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