FORMER Finance and National Planning Ministers Ng’andu Magande and Situmbeko Musokotwane have said the Republican constitution provides for the postponement of the budget presentation to the National Assembly in an election year to allow for the new government to draft the financial plan in accordance with its priorities.
Mr Magande said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that Act No 20 of 2009 amended Article 117 of the constitution provided for an extension in an election year. According to the constitution, the Ministry of Finance shall subject to clause 2 cause to be prepared and laid before the National Assembly not less than the second Friday of October before the commencement of the next financial year estimates of revenue and expenditure of the government for the financial year.
Immediate past minister of Finance and National planning Dr Musokotwane said it was envisaged that in an election year it would be difficult to meet the Constitution requirements of the second Friday of October. He said the minister of finance in a new government has within 90 days to present the budget from the date of the swearing in of the new President. “The constitution already provides for delayed presentation of the budget in an election year. So it is not a proposal required but mere
implementation of what the constitution already says.
“It is obvious that the new government would not have enough time to present the budget,” he said. Business consultant Bob Sichinga on Tuesday proposed that the new government should be given more time to prepare the budget. According to the constitution the budget is supposed to be presented on the second Friday of October.
[Times of Zambia]
Huts off guys, you served Zambia well, wish you well in all your plans, you are true partriotic zambians! God bless you.
Thats gud for once! If only these thick headed politicians were as cool and level headed as this, with no malice, Zambia could have attained greater economic heights. Thanks guys for your now soberness!!!
It is a shame that ZWD have sunk that low without any sense of shame. When are these guys going to go above tribal politics and tribal hatred? One doesn’t even need to be told who these guys are and where they come from. Times have changed and we need to move with time and get out of our tribal slams. Believe you me HH will never be a president because they have made him look like one, more especially that he even sponsors them to spearheard tribalism. At the end of the day, they are loosers. Lets pray for them.
Why should u talk about the already rich Tongas, whn u sleep on a collapsing rusted roof. your brains need to be examined may be some wires are improper.
Situmbeko…keep quiet! you failed us and could not control your big boss.Magande is fine and not you.
The Tonga party will never rule zambia.bacepa sana.
Well I thought their had their budget to implement in 90 days , why do they need more time? More time to rename all toilets in Lusaka and copper belt first before they get to the real work?
I think reality has now sunk in and this cabinet is full of old people, and I doubt it has the energy to deliver. For example the Finance Minister is Sata’s family member and served in KK’s administration and you call that change.
And I hear the president had a memory lapse since he does things alone without any question and advise and ended nominating 10 MPs instead of 8.
I think Zambian news is getting exciting. I need to order a bag of popcons. Looks like the circus bus has rolled into town
Just get over it pal..keep your negative waves to your little self!
we know you thot MMD will win, hence yr bad language.you must be ashamed of yrself now.concentrate on real issues.we knw the PF pill is too bitter for you to swalow but you will remain like that atleast for the next 20yrs.this one you will hang.\:d/
Get over it.No matter what you say,unfortunately,you will never get anywhere near this.I mean being in goverment.Am tonga by tribe but you suck.The popcorns you are about to order are just a lie.Stop deceiving people you leave well.Nonsense and shut up.Welcome to reality.
@BMC and Mutototo Seven Hours (what a name) I totally agree with both of you..
#6 Chief Bumlicker
Just give up mate, wasn’t the sucker punch we inflicted on you not enough to make you realise that the is game over for you thieves. Move on mate
Govt budgets should work according to laid down five yr plans regardless of a change of govt midway.So to say that the new govt will draft budget according to its priorities seems just misleading.Only a kaponya govt does that.
This is an interesting government i tell you! How on earth did they come up with 90 days of economic miracle——-without alignment to the national budget system? And Sata breaches the constitution 6 days after the guy was sworn- in. Has it ever happened anywhere in the world?
It is an African thing. In developed countries parties work with the civil servants and will already have a budget by the time they take office. But our President didn’t even have a cabinet in mind until a week later! And then chooses more MPs than he is allowed.
@3 ZWD is a LOOSER
What ZWD is doing is even better than what The Post did against Levy and RB. The ZWD isvpointing out very obvious facts mwebantu.
Out of 22 ministers Levy had a few Lenjes and Solis, RB had 6 from EP, but Sata and his vuvuzelas called them tribalist. Out of 19 ministers now, 11 are from kuluBemba! Next he has fished old dinosaurs from UNIP. Chikwanda, Kasonde (former Director of Medical Services and KK personal doctor, in UNP). Come on! Where is change you people? You just have to be plain blind not to see these irregularities!
We told you about the change you wanted now live with it you and that Fledie Membe and his fat lawyer mate who cna even auction their souls for the love of money..on the 10 nominations we hear Wynter advised his boss he could nominate 10..you see he was reading the old constitution…as usual….but this is the beauty of demcrashi you elected by way of numbers quality doesnt matter…
These two mugs make my blood everytime i see them, just a disgrace utter disgrace!
There is certainly need for a bit more time for the new minister of finance ( from the 1960s cabinet) to study present day trends. I believe he has been an astute economics student over the past 40 years or so..
Bootlicker your time is over, all your comments are kicks of dying horse.
It`s your time which is over,leave him alone and get a life.
The biggest mistake Sata made was to publicly declare that he is gonna rule according to 10 commandments. Can you imagine a president matching is standards to the 10 commandments? This is what will give Sata hell and not his political opponents. He is the only leader i have ever heard say that, even in biblical times— never! Zambian leaders never learn they have a problem of using the bible to trick people. This is what late Chiluba did. He declared Zambia christian nation—and used it to rape the country!
@ David, to hell with your tribalism. Who said us tongas will beg to be in cabinet go ahead and rule if you think thats what is important to you.We have many bemba friends who dont think tribe like you.Go on be excited, what you should be ashamed of is what you are experiencing is jst a feeling.When Pf Delivers it will go to every zambian, who knws may tongas will benefit more while u remain with you excitement which doesnt bring nshima on your table.You are the only tribalist.Infact stop prophesying about Tongas that they will never rule, you are inciting hate.I f i was minister of home affairs i will order police to arrest you for inciting hatred amongst the 72 tribes
I see fermented grapes all over this place. Enjoy them folks. There is a new sheriff in town.
“At least we have some woman minister in the provinces” – how degrading
Ba #10 The Saint, do we have career Permanent Secretaries in Zambia who are non partisan? Who would have allowed PF to get near Civil Servants. I don’t think Zambia belonged to your ideal world that you are suggesting.
mp for chongwe resigns before gets in to office wat a shame, another by election
those are 2 brilliant brains from down South!!
MMD CHIEF BOOTLICKER. I think now you are licking amatako yakwa RB. Why can’t you just keep quiet and start packing soon you will be going back ku Mudedele. You are an *****
chongwe mp knew it was a flook.people wanted masebo nd nt him.o these becoz RB.i pit him as he prepares the sentence.
MMD Chief Bootlicker, stop exposing your ingorance here. And to all of you who are tribal can you ensure that you start thinking seriously about finding other countries to live in. We can’t have people who promote tribalism, Zambia is bigger than any tribe within it’s boundaries.
Sata’s Cabinet stinks of corruption from the get go, His level of thinking is achaich and full of vindictiviness. Being tribal in Zambia like being racist in America is one sided, If you are white you presumed be be a racist and the opposite in not true, Blacks re not racist just s Bembas are not Tribalistic!
It is good that the newspapers interviewed the former ministers in regards to the budget after what Bob Sichinga said. If we have to develop we need to verify information with people that may know. I hope Sata can also learn to ask other people before making embarrassing announcements.
Hello guys, Sata is now in the driving seat as against the time he was a passenger in Chiluba’s government. He could not deliver fully that time so he alleges. Hey!! give him time to drive and hope we have no accident!!!.
We are heading there-crushing because you dont take off with such an acceleration-high speed. Too bad for this nation. Our president pls sir take your time, you still have time to run this nation just give any idea you think of a second though. consult others before. We love u sir.
My dear Munyono, just forget about some of these empty tins to keep on making noise and robast statements against us Tongas. One plain fact is that Tongas and not beggars and they possess enough wealth to keep them going. Just for your reminder, some of these guys who write ill about Tongas sleep in the gutters and they don’ t even have well established and sound backgrounds no wonder they have got no good morals except for hauling insults to people even in the public without shame. Me I know them and I have grown up with them so never you be cheated. Some of these fools don’ t even have well established homes or parents so why should you worry about them, that’ s why their thinking base is very shallow and lack vision.