MMD National Secretary Richard Kachingwe has described party members leaving the party following its recent election loss, as opportunists.
Major Kachingwe says the reported resignation of newly elected MMD Chongwe Member of Parliament Japhane Mwakalombe is disappointing.
He says although Mr Mwakalombe as a democratic right of association, it is morally wrong for him to put the electorate in Chongwe through a by-election so soon after the tripartite elections.
Major Kachingwe however says the MMD secretariat has not yet received the resignation letter from its Chongwe Parliamentarian.
He says MMD members must learn from the Patriotic Front, which remained focused even after being in the opposition for a long time.
[pullquote]He says although Mr Mwakalombe as a democratic right of association, it is morally wrong for him to put the electorate in Chongwe through a by-election so soon after the tripartite elections.[/pullquote]
Major Kachingwe says one can contribute to the governance of the country even from the opposition, by providing checks and balances on the ruling party.
He has urged MMD members to remain focused despite the setback.
He was speaking in an interview with ZNBC News in Lusaka on Friday.
Mr Mwakaolombe was Friday morning reported to have resigned as Member of Parliament for Chongwe.
And Major Kachingwe says the party is studying the fate of Members of Parliament appointed to serve in the PF government.
President Sata on Thursday appointed six MMD Members of Parliament as Deputy Ministers.
wait and see….:d
 MMD members must learn from the Patriotic Front, which remained focused even after being in the opposition for a long time. point
MMD will not exist after next year
Reasons:It does not exits much in urban areas. ii the rural people move with the rulling government.Who gonna hold it. atleast unip’s founding father’s son is able move with it in his suite case.
Mr Mwakalombe’s conscience was troubling him after realising he won after rigging.
nothing to do with conscience. He’s just dead scared that Masebo’s petition will expose him
Only goes to show the calibre of people offering themselves for leadership. No principles whatsoever. What was he trying to prove in the first place? families can still belong to different political parties. Zambians let us show such clowns the cost of indecisiveness.
we need 2 have a strong opposition in paliament 2 provide checks and balances. Resignation of opposition members of paliament 2 join the pf makes sad reading. Some of these chaps are just after personal enrichment and don’t have the interest of the nation @ heart. A waste of much needed resouces on an unnecessory by election.
I fear for this party.
If it is true Honorable Mwakalombe has resigned, then it is clear he is trying to avoid an investigation into the irregularities that Ms. Masebo has alleged to have taken place during the elections. I guess if he resigns, he avoids a court case and possible exposure of whatever role he might have played in the process.
It’s true that this MP is not only an oppotunist but has also betrayed the electorate of Chongwe. I would not be surprised to learn later that he has been paid by someone to do so. This is very dangerous for democracy. Children are watching and this behaviour may not end. In the long run we’ll be hearing from those who brought this democracy saying that democracy is not good for Africans. Let’s hope that this is just a rumour.
Please, keep the MMD stronger as an opposition. UNIP failed to keep its place as a formidable opposition.
We need at least three strong political parties in Zambia.
Can somebody shoot that arsehore.Why did he offer himself to be picked? I still remember how he boasted of trouncing his cousin before nominations, there should be a fine or punishment meted on these clowns for wasting taxpayers money and abusing people.
i definately like that.such crips should be shot.Mwakalombe has more water than brains in his head.one bullet in his foolish head.
if it is true that this man has resgned then he must be the most useless MP the MMD the ever produced.He should be asked to account for the TAX PAYER
‘S money that was wasted in that copaign
Country men & women, this MP’s knows very well the reason behind his resignation. It will be interesting to know why.
Zambia is bigger than one tribe, if 11 of the 19 members of Parliament list Bemba as their primary language then we have a problem! Imagine if all those Bembas were Tonga or Lozi for that matter, there would be protest and chaos in Zambia, but all no, you are only labbelled tribal if you are Tonga or Lozi! In The US, a blackman is not racist, only a white man, Bembas are not tribalistic!!
first of all i disclose my tribe as Bemba I dont care if you feel slighted that bemba s ahve been in power and and they have been through chiluba well other tribes have the right to be in power too we have been inclusive every time we had power and secondly we have the highest proportion of the population in Zambia we were instrumental even in coming up with the name Zambia and we fought had to be liberated where was chacha and what does it mean so those complaining shut up and work your way to popularity and be eloquent this is the 21 st century just prove worthiness to rule some of u guys sticking to the so called tribes that feel slighted have very egotistic and selfish tendances when you rid partiality and self conceit then bembas will follow forget you complainan
#14 grow up!! What is it you have against Bembas? MAZOKA wasn’t Bemba, most of us believe he was a president Zambia ought to have had, we mostly believe, his vote was stolen!
LEVY wasn’t a Bemba either!! Even our Grandfather of Presidents, KK, though it is arguable depending which way you want to identify him!! R.BANDA is not Bemba. THUS IN THE LAST 46 yrs that Zambia has been independent, has had ONE Bemba, CHILUBA.
One needs to be objective when talking politics in Zed! Just becoz the URBAN POPULACE find it easier to converse either in Nyanja or Bemba DOESN’T MEAN WE IMPOSE OURSELVES NOR do WE EXCLUDE others, becoz we KNOW OTHERS UNDERSTAND WHAT WE ARE SAYING!! PF has names spanning the width of the country!!
WE ALL KNOW WHICH PARTIES have passed a “fatwa”, about only them!
#14 grow up!! What is it you have against Bembas? MAZOKA wasn’t Bemba, most of us believe he was a president Zambia ought to have had, we mostly believe, his vote was stolen!
LEVY wasn’t a Bemba either!! Even our Grandfather of Presidents, KK, though it is arguable depending which way you want to identify him!! R.BANDA is not Bemba. THUS IN THE LAST 46 yrs that Z has been independent, has had ONE Bemba, CHILUBA.
One needs to be objective when talking politics in Z! Just becoz the URBAN POPULACE find it easier to converse either in Nyanja or Bemba DOESN’T MEAN WE IMPOSE OURSELVES NOR do WE EXCLUDE others, becoz we KNOW OTHERS UNDERSTAND WHAT WE ARE SAYING!! PF has names spanning the width of the country!!
WE ALL KNOW WHICH PARTIES have passed a “fatwa”, about only them!
‘And Major Kachingwe says the party is studying the fate of Members of Parliament appointed to serve in the PF government.’
Why? The MMD, during the Mwanawasa government, appointed opposition MPs to government jobs and caused confusion in the opposition parties. What does the law say? We should be guided by the laws of the land and not personnal pronouncements.
very unusual fo an mp 2 resign so soon after being elected. what is the reason?
this result has been petitiond. he prob knows sumthing that we dont.
Don’t worry Major we are coming home to beef up the opposition!
Cowardness in this man called Mwakalombe, am sure he got afraid When silvia Masebo said she will petition for a re-counting of votes, he sure knows that he did not win that seat without the help of rigging by MMD, so his consciousness was troubling him, hence just give up before he is found guilty.
yes i have heard of some one steal,then they start asking themselves of how the person they stole from is feeling,then they feel bad about themselves and later just leave the items they stole at the doorstep of the victim.mwakalombe is not a hardcore bakalamba,he thinks we all know what went on when RB was fixing Masebo,mulekeni tafishiba,mwaiche saana,he is not a product of the late FTJ, remember Anderson Kambela Mazoka in 2001?katobele merciless iya zoona.
This is what cheating can do. This f.ool stole votes from others and now he is being haunted for being s.tupid. I am commanding the PF government to investigate this f.ool thoroughly. This guys has a lot of answers as to why he managed to win when he was not meant to. Just take him behind the bars and I am sure he will tell us what transpired in Chongwe. What a f.ool!
mwakalombe you are the most coward have ever seen in MMD,why do you resign when your JUJU is still working be like william who is still waiting for the juju to expire.COWARDS
It’s amazing, now Kachingwe is singing praises of the PF. The MMD is finished.
#8 Matafwali, your observation is spot on. Now RB’s statement ‘We never knowingly abused state funds’ is beginning to expose the depth of the shady MMD activities in the just ended elections and throughout their years in power.
He knows that he did not win a clean election. He is honest and sincere. He has seen the worst coming after Masebo filed to petition the Chongwe parliamentary elections. MMD was a very dirty party and many will go to jail. Mark my words, Dora Siliya, George Kunda, RB and his sons will go behind bars
Ani Tambila
you have just decided to go off the topic. however you have failed to understand that Minister are chosen from elected mps. in this regard both MPs from Western are appointed and the only one from the East is appointed. And from the nominated at least I know of Dr Simbyakula. unless you tell me Simbyakula and katombola are bembas then it is a tribal cabinet. you may wish to know that none of the 3 pf MPs from Mpika is in cabinet. Imagin if HH was elected  how the composition would have been. so stop being tribal and face reality.
This is just ridiculous how this these person be allowed to do this, does he know how much he is going to cost the government to run the by election. I think the government should seriously look into stopping by elections, let the sit that has been vacated by the resigning individual be given to the party under which it was won. Also the resigning MP must be given and automatic 5 year cool of period wher he can not be nominated for a parliamentary seat. This fool should know that he has to go beyond his selfish needs and save the people that have elected him regardless of whether he now is among the opposition bench or not. Less than a month and government has to spend money on a useless by election, come on, let’s be serious, get rid of these useless chancing politicians.
God help MMD they really got their hands dirty
I think we need to bring serenity to these MPs and people voted into office. Look; this fool is creating an unnecessary By-Election and a cost to the nation. Maybe once voted in power there shud be a deliberate law not allowing these fools to just dream and resign like this. It is very foolish and a set back on our economy. Stop being bought imwe and do the work the people sent you there for.
Family issues eeeh! Mwakalombe may have received a death threat from Nkomeshya or has been paid ka brown envelope for sureee! Shame upon you.
thats what happens when you have politics of the stomach and cheeks….no back bone…and people run away…!!
Better the case goes on in court s that if its true that Masebo worn the election, the court declares her the winner in order to avoid wasting resources on a bye election.
thumbs up to wakalombe. Kachingwe will remain alone in MMD. Next to resign is Dora chisusu.
the man was sick knowing that the abuse and rigging issues could be exposed under the masebo intended petition, and his Godfather is no longer in Power. SAD
Mr Kachingwe is very dull and is not a deep thinker, he opens his mouth before thinking, Mwakalombe was forced to contest that seat and he was assured of victory come what may, he knws if the matter goes to court MMD will b embarrassed, so instead of kachingwe saying the nonsense he is saying, he must commend mwakalombe for the bold decision he has made, come to think of it, which other elected mp never went to parliament in the history of Zambia?
We need a strong opposition in Zambia.MMD members should not be cowards,they are still the 2nd most popular party in Zambia.Don’t leave PF to run the country without checks and balances.Power is sweet.After a few months of tasting power and satisfying the masses with a few election promises,power may corrupt their minds.MMD UPND Zambia needs you, don’t sleep now.
#27, Yes that sounds sensible. It will also facilitate to expose the misdeeds of RB and his doomed MMD. RB is responsible for the demise of the MMD. Mwakalombe’s resignation is yet another sharp nail in the MMD coffin and many puppets like Dora Siliya, G. Kunda, Musokotwane and VJ are having sleepless nights.
Mwakalombe has been corherased by PF.. they are offering him a diplomatic job.. he has no principles.. shame shame on you!!
i dont understand all you guys condeming the man, he wants to clear his conscience because he knows very well that he did not win that seat clean. The issues Masebo raised were all true and those were things that were happening. MMD is dying fast. Watch and learn…
But y now? He should have just snoozed in parliament for five years than causing an unnecesary by election.
Yet another good example why the MMD LOST the elections: How can you now call your MP an opportunist when you went out of your way to prop him up, Kachingwe? Have you no shame? Did you not know he was an opportunist before you picked him to stand against Masebo? Or was that the main reason you in fact picked him – the fact that he was an opportunist? You too Kachingwe are an opportunist, probably more so than this poor fellow! This truly is the end of MMD!
…a strong opposition….in the name of UPND/MMD. Are you mad or sad? I’ll tell you what will happen. The rest of the opposition parties will back PF. Mark my word
if the rest of the opposition parties decide to back PF then they are all damn stupid.we need very strong opposition to help push PF.Dont Kubeba.hope you understand what that means.silly
What is there for the MMD to probe about Sata-appointed MMD MPs? I believe Banda did appoint UNIP Mps in his former cabinet. DID MMD probe those appointments? Kachingwe go back to ZNS if you have nothing sensible to say. MMD is dead and buried, thank GOD!!
Expel all those who quit MMD so that they can re win the seats under the PF.
Actually, Sata does not want Masebo near him. This is way of fixing Masebo.
This guy will now be PF MP and Masebo will find it hard to push PF to look into the rigging issues and the court case.
Sata does not want Masebo, Mulongoti, Magani and Mpombo. The only person that he has taken on borad from all the loud-mouths is Panji Kaunda & Bob Sichinga
Go after all those that embezzled state funds. Take your time ba President and don’t rush like Mwanawasa did when he was investigating Chiluba to gain popularity within MMD. You have the mandate of the people investigate all plunderers. If possible jail them for lengthy times. This guys knows why he has quit before things become complicated. I hope the petition still goes ahead. Restore confidence in the ACC, reform Electoral Commission of Zambia, Get rid of Daily Mail & Times, reform ZNBC so that it operates as a true public broadcaster just like BBC or VOA operate.
I don’t think it makes senses to chase the journalists, they worked according to their master’s directive. What the president have to do is to reform the institute. This is what I think can be good. However I appreciate your first paragraph and gave you a +1 vote. Good contribution mwaiche :)
Zambian constitution should be amended on parliamentarly by election, if the MP elected resigns, automatically the runs up should take over the seat. Only in case of death by the seating MP then a constituency should go for by elections. Its a waste of tax payers money to hold these by elections every now and then, so the ECZ just wasted money on this chongwe seat and very soon people have to go to vote in a by election just after general elections. Are you kidding? wasting time, people’s energy and money.
It would be better if the party that held the sit retains it unless if it falls vacant by demise of the holder or if an independent candidate decides to join a party.
No by-election! Silvia Masebo will pass unopposed!
Its SO IRRESPONSIBLE for Mwakalombe. Its true we need strong opposition parties to keep PF on its Toes working. SOME PIPO THINK THEY OWN CERTAIN CONSTITUENCES????
Why report this when the affect mp has not yet tendered his resignation letter??? There might be a good/bad reason for his pending resignation? Finally let big brains fill empty holes in PF. Well done Sata cos your aim is for the betterment of the nation NOT the party :)
Mwakalombe is a damn COWARD.If all of us end up in the PF then we’ll all be remote controlled by the King Cobra.Our President has dictatorial traits so he needs very strong opposition parties for checks and balances.If we all think alike then no one is thinking too much.Mwakalombe is a disgrace.He probably was born to be a stupid follower.Silvia Masebo does not own Chongwe.What is wrong with these guys?
Nkoloko ya pwanyika!The worst is to come if the MMD does not get that watch which has been stuckat 11 oclock fixed.
Now you believe when HH says UPND is the major opposition party?
MMD you were warned that Banda was UNIP.You rejected Magande the true blue after being bribed.WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND.I predict a lot of bye elections in the next few months.
We don’t have pa Zed  politician who are really convinced with party they belong too, we have mobile politician.Â
PETITION should still go ahead so that We can know the truth. Being overtaken by events is not to says there were not crimes committed. We still need to know more of MMD schemes. Other MMD MPs might have used the same methods and might need to be taken to task too. I think other MMD MPs are failing to sleep and might have silently urged him to quickly resign to avoid exposing MMD tricks and let others face he accusation. Once it is proved MMD bribed people and the courts accepts, it will give impetus to other to petition the remaining seats. MMD is as scared as a cat being chased by a dog
The Chongwe seat is not exclusive to the royal family, it is for any leader with vibrant ideas. Masebo should not treat that seat as a personal to holder. This woman has changed parties for i dont know how many times. She lives in Lsk and i dont think she has a heart for the people of Chongwe. Chongwe district has remained undeveloped despite being near the capital city. Wake up people of Chongwe and find a reasonable leader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abdominal pains hamper Kunda’s campaigns
By Roy Habaalu in Serenje
Wed 14 Sep. 2011, 14:01 CAT [6723 Reads, 10 Comment(s)]
KUNDA had diarrhea before elections. Is he well now. Diarrhea with Fear are not good friends.
Kachingwe it’s wise to lead with ur mind free. Mwakalombe is sincere to resign as his concious is not free due to the dirty activities MMD implre in Chongwe.
Dearth of leadership in MMD, they should have met by now to chart the way forward. That’s the problem with having a part-time president who didn’t know how to president of the country.
Uyu cikamba must tell us how MMD rigged the eRections..
He knows that he will not have money for regal fees hence koposamo itaulo
Please all MMD Permanent Secretaries should be replaced before they frustrate PF policies. Please king Cobra act fast
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