Monday, March 10, 2025

Zamtel to cooperate with state on probe


Zamtel says it will cooperate with the new government in its probe on the sale Zamtel by the MMD government.

Zamtel managing director Hans Paulsen says the company will continue operating normally and has pledged to work with the commission that has been constituted to investigate the sale of Zamtel which saw Libya’s Lap Green Network acquire a 75 percent stake while the Zambian government retained 25 percent shares.

Mr. Paulsen was speaking to journalists in Lusaka today.

The sale Zamtel was condemned by some stakeholders after the then minister of communications Dora Siliya single sourced RP capitals of Cayman Islands to evaluate Zamtel assets and find an equity partner for government.

Meanwhile, Zamtel has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with World Vision to deliver water anode sanitation programmes to rural and peri-urban communities at a cost of K1.5 billion.

Mr. Paulsen said the MoU is in line with Zamtel’s objective of rolling out its water for life project which will see the company sink and rehabilitate boreholes country wide.

And World Vision national director Michael Veitenhans said world vision will continue partnering with the other stakeholders in implementing developmental programmes for the benefit of Zambians.



    • Why would you even make such a comment Sir/Madam? Your comment lacks reason and that in itself is nothing less than shameful.
      Do you not realize that your being away from Zambia is contributing to the massive brain drain? All the best living abroad.

    • Are you normal? It is always about yourself which suggests that you have got some personal issues to deal with. Do not drag everybody into your personal problems. Lyonse ni ba fiancee. Nga ni ku Zambia ngabali mufwitila. 

    • When you decide to stay in diaspora that is your business. It should not be somebody’s business. You went alone, you never went with Zambia. It seems you never loved the house you came from and you are like person who does not care about the people who brought you on earth.

  1. No. 1 Mushota that is your own problem and you are a failure no wonder u want to stay in other countries! U have no direction and u will never be free as long wherever u are its not your country. mother Zambia is now in capable hands and if u understand politics ask! Foolish!!!!! sata viva is working.

  2. #1 mushota- OOOH we shall miss you girl you are so cute. Anyway as you wish bye have a bright future,if you happen to need us,you are always welcome baby girl.we appreciate whatever you contributed to mother Zambia. Pls in case Scotland becomes too cold please come back with head up. Bye bye

  3. Why don’t we go as far back as the initial sale of ZCCM. Up to now no-one knows what happened to the money that was realised from the sale. I would really want to know especially how they picked Binani and not First Quantum for the sale of Luanshya Mines. I believe Sata is in a position to lend his voice to this issue … 

  4. We are waiting patiently…not only for the Zamtel and Finance bank inquiries,but how best the decision will be executed. Action….Action Mr President, Ba zaulu lana!!

  5. Zamtel sale was bad sale for Zambia it needs to be reversed and renagotiate to benefit Zambia. Any national telecommunication should not be mishandled as its part of the security of the country. We appreciate it required capitalisation for it to acquire modern tele equipment that did not mean to be sold for a song. Its like the Luanshya mine when sold to Indians by Chiluba. Mined copper ore on the floor awaiting processing paid the total bill the whole mine was sold for, what a fuss. PF govt. need to revisit all sold companies to determine if there was transparency and sale added value to the country.

  6. Lelo lelo Dora,mwati aziba kuti naizanda Dora?mule mona muma motoka yonse nomba kuti mwaufwa @ naya ku Ma…………oh sorry.wapya mundzi va nyeka kunyekelatu!

  7. Co-operation from all stake holders is all that we need,so that we wont spend more money than we will recover, like what happened during the Chiluba regime. All those who have benefited in anyway need to surrender whatever they gained in terms of Swiss numbered accounts, mansions, cars etc. Those of us who outside Mother Zambia and dont have anything to contribute positively let us be queit and wait patiently as Batata is steering the nation to another level. Shalom


  9. Well done ZamTel.. . ..  not refering to cooperating with the investigations (you don’t much of choice)  BUT that you are to deliver water anode sanitation programmes to rural and peri-urban communities at a cost of K1.5 billion.  All companies should invest in / sponsor  some developmental projects in order to improve the standard and/or quality of living for all Zambians.

    • The land phones are serviced by only 6 engineers for Ndola Kitwe Mufulira Luanshya Kalulushi Chambishi up to Solwezi. So if your phone stops working you are doomed all you will get are promises. My phone is now 1year o o o

  10. this time many pipo who ran away from zambia will be ashamed,
    Mr Sata has already shown ZAMBIANS that he is 100% better than RB, DORA and SHIKAPWASHA combined.
    look, Chinese have started increasing worker’s salaries on their own even before Hon Shamenda occupies Labor Office………ka Mushota go to Uk and continue looking after the aged.

  11. Honeslty speaking i have a reason to return home. i m working tireless to finish my studies and be a valuable asset to mother Zambia

  12. i think people are welcome to institute all these inquiry commissions and witch-hunts, its a free country. but i sure hope someone will keep record of the expenses incurred for this so that at the end of the day we can do a cost-benefit analysis

  13. #15. Optic fiber owned by zamtel the (inter net broadband thing). Zamtel is the real thing. All these tu ma airtell/ mtn is kids play.

    • Yeah, this was going to revolutionize the world of information technology in Zambia but was given away for a song. She and her boss must tell us why?

  14. I remember there was a lot of hullabaloo when ZANACO was privatised. Years later, it looks like it made good business decision to privatise it.

  15. To be honest I hate this place I am living. I was better in Zambia than now. In life I have realized that it’s not what u possess but having a smile on your face even when u don’t possess anything. While in Zambia I had less money but enjoyed everymoment of my life. But here even though my pay is $54,000 (middle income earner) I am un happy. I miss my country. Even if it was kapenta/bean Monday to Friday 24/7 I was a happy man.
    Mushota you are telling lies. To be honest England/ Europe is hard life. Mushota tell the truth.

  16. #22 you’re wasting time on this bitch mushota. we’ve seen alot of that nonesense. I’ve lived hald my life in america and i’ve seen alot of the Mushota likes. They’re stranded bitched used by stupid tired white people. now let not get excited and loose focus on issuess. We need to have toll free numbers were Zambians can call and have their concern heard. Let him also talk about the passport office were even foreigners get passports with ease.

  17. Hmm is Zambia in a position to refund the 275 million paid for Zamtel? I doubt. This investigation is going nowhere and exists just to lock people up to appease the masses, we will never get Zamtel back.

  18. Lest we Forget to Remember:

    Abdominal pains hamper Kunda’s campaigns
    By Roy Habaalu in Serenje
    Wed 14 Sep. 2011, 14:01 CAT [6723 Reads, 10 Comment(s)]
    KUNDA had diarrhea before elections. Is he well now. Diarrhea with Fear are not good friends.

  19. Mr president can you also ask Dora to surrender her passport to governement untill the invistigation of ZAMTEL is over, otherwise she will feel scared and flee the country like william Banda wanted to do. Zambians are more than Dora Chisusu

  20. #21 uli mbwa sana, catholic has nothing to do with this topic. Zamtel was owned by zambians not catholics, now why mention them… Respect yourself pamenso nga RB. Sata is our president and atleast I didnt waste my vote.

  21. # 24 it’s not about refunding. We are interested if Zamtel was properly evaluated and why Dora single sourced RP capitals to do the evaluation. These are issues of transparency and accountability. If some one abused his/her office in the way Zamtel was sold, then the law has to take its course.

  22. # 24 it’s not about refunding. We are interested to see if Zamtel was properly evaluated and why Dora single sourced RP capitals to do the evaluation. These are issues of transparency and accountability. If some one abused his/her office in the way Zamtel was sold, then the law has to take its course.

  23. Pls don’t kid yrselves. Zamtel deal just smoke screen. We will have to refund more than $ 1 billion. it’s about finance bank!

  24. All we want as Zambians is the quick excutions of these assignments given to these commissions of inquiries and there after appropriate actions taken by Sata’s government.

  25. #1 mushota. Zambia does not need you. and to tell you the truth, this is the best time to be in Zambia. it is rocking and am proud to be a Zambian. You that side are and will always be a second class migrant laborer.

  26. I wish SATA was a bit more serious than this.
    There will be no objectivity in these probes.
    Why appoint a PF cadres to take lead in the probe of Zamtel sale and other national transactions when there are many other, more qualified independent zambians to carry out the task.
    Are we saying now that evrything ranging from cooking to economics should only be done by PF cadres?
    These are errors and omissions!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. It is just a matter of time, majority of Zambians whill feel the 2011 election loss of MMD.
    For now they are still busy with celebrations of SATA’s victory.

  28. MUSHOTA….Keep to your specialty of doing BJs on that old Scottish man..we dont need such skills in ZAMBIA..

  29. Dont warry about Mushota.
    She must be a very happy foreigner who is missing Zambia.
    She is welcome to come back, other than lose weight by thinking too much about Zambia.

  30. Zambia is being run by foreigners, just look at the names of company leaders mentioned in the article. So glad MMD is out of power, Sata better change things. Unlike the weak likes of Mushota, there’s many Zambians sidelined but capable of handling the nation’s affairs and so now should be their time mwe

    • Mister, was Zamtel was not being run (down) by Zambians before being privatised? Where were the capable hands then????????????????? These foreigners have made a difference and if you live in Zambia, you’ll notice the changes in Zamtel. Kwaaaasila.

  31. iwe ka stanyoko ka Mushota, kacitile ubu ule uko kwine ku UK. Wika bwela naku ku zambia no tuswende after abasungu bakucita pa kamusula kobe. Uletusebanya ka swine upipa amafi abasungu no ku mon’gona amamba yatusungu utukote. Amano kwati nici Dora ica menshi chi cisusu. Kamakaka wikabwela upolefye ukokwine mpaka utusungu tukatendwe tukasale ifyanakashi fya ku Brazil ifya misula iikulu!:d

  32. zantel will never be retained and that’s a fact.but the people involved in the sale and evaluating of zamtel’s assets to LAPGREEN will pay through there necks if they have to.otherwise they will be jailed,no doubt about for some of you bragging that zambia is a bad country,please this site is for creative discussions and ideas to be put four th to help each other for the good of our you’ve been told,continue looking after the old in scotland.we lived in europe aswell and life there is something keep away from this site and let patriotic zambians have meaningful and fruitful interactions on this site.

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