Monday, March 10, 2025

MMD was misled by public media- Lubinda


 Information, Broadcasting and Tourism Minister Given Lubinda
Information, Broadcasting and Tourism Minister Given Lubinda

The Patriotic Front government has stated that it will not allow the public media to mislead the party.

PF spokesperson Given Lubinda says that the public media managed to mislead the people that the MMD government was popular, when in fact was not.

He says that the PF government will ensure that every person is covered, irrespective of the political affiliation.

He says that the party does not want to operate the way the MMD operated the public media, where it was decieved that it was very popular.

Mr. Lubinda added that the voiceless in the country should also be given the opportunity to air out their views.

Mr. Lubinda has stated that the PF government will ensure that professionalism and sanity is brought in the media.

And two Media bodies have commended newly-appointed Information, Broadcasting and Tourism Minister Given Lubinda’s pledge to prioritise the enactment of the Freedom of Information (FoI) Bill, saying it has been long overdue and it will enable journalists perform professionally.

Zambia Union of Journalists (ZUJ) president Anthony Mulowa said in an interview yesterday that his organisation welcomed the assurance by the new minister to enact the FOI Bill into law.

Mr Mulowa said once enacted into law, FOI Bill would not only enable journalists work efficiently but that it would also positively contribute to the country’s governance process.

“As ZUJ, we welcome the assurance by Mr Lubinda that the Government would enact the FOI Bill into law. This is a highly commendable move.

Our appeal is that its enactment should be expedited as it is one Bill that will enhance the country’s governance process by promoting transparency and accountability in the management of resources and thus contribute to national development.

“Journalists must embrace this opportunity and ensure that they perform to the expectation of the public,” he said.

He said it was therefore imperative that media personnel in public media should take advantage of the good will by the PF Government to exercise their talent to the fullest so that the public was well informed.

He noted also that there was need to improve the conditions of service for journalists from the public media to be motivated.

Press Association of Zambia (PAZA) president Andrew Sakala in welcoming Mr Lubinda’s sentiments said the move had been the media’s outcry for a long time.

“The enactment of the FOI Bill has been long overdue. Therefore, as PAZA, we welcome all measures aimed at promoting press freedom,” he

Mr Sakala also appealed to Mr Lubinda to ensure that the Independent Broadcasting Act (IBA) and the ZNBC Act were operational as well by taking them back to Parliament for amendment and that that should be done through a public process.

He added that as the new Government revisits the Constitution making process, the Minister should consider and support the media recommendations in the Mung’omba draft Constitution.

[QFM/Times of Zambia]


  1. Is he the new PF spokesperson? I am behind, can someone update me please. Or maybe he is the new government spokesperson.

  2. This is welcome news.

    PF should go one better and sell off the two state owned papers, as the government has no business running newspapers anyway. It is not democratic for them to own newspapers and certainly does not make the government or tax payers any money.

    ZNBC also needs restructuring; it’s long overdue; why can’t they take a leaf out of SABC and its success?


    • Sorry my are probably day-dreaming.bearly two weeks in government Mr King Cobra has deliberately appointed his relatives and friends in his cabinet.50% his relatives,90% from Luapula and Nothern province.NEPOTISM and TRIBALISM of the worst experience whatsoever.DONT KUBEBA.More MONEY IN HIS POCKETS.lets face facts,my comrade,DONT KUBEBA.he may end up being the worst and not the best President.

  4. Guys don’t get too exited. Experience has shown that on this particular issue, politicians fail to walk the talk. Freedom of information bill will not be inacted into law because ‘he who controls the media. controls the mind of people in the long run’

  5. The Standard of operation is clear-RULE BY THE LAWS of the Land ,not rule “OF the politicians,BY politicians,FOR politicians” that was absolutely wrong and the law should teach MMD politicians a lesson so that in turn PF should never rule this country in the same way.Zambia is ffor all ZAMBIANS. WE NEED CHANGE,CHANGE that we can believe in-The rule of law!! PF please speed the enactment of the NEW CONSTITUTION ASAP!!

  6. Sell of Zambia Daily Mail & Times of Zambia, overhaul ZNBC to operate along the lines of a true public broadcaster like SABC or BBC. Merge ZANIS with information ministry and turn the Ministry of Information into a on a department focusing on GRZ communications. This can even oversee GRZ printers as well. We don’t need a ministry of information that serves as a mouth piece for the party in PF.

  7. I totally agree with Lubinda that the MMD mislead or fooled themselves and believed their own rubbish when everyone else thought differently. Text book political masterbation.

    I am glad PF are showing commtment to the masses and people who placed them in office. I am even happier they realise that it is the system (more than the individuals) that needs to be upgraded.

    • WOW,WOW.the PF are showing commitment to the masses and people who placed them in office.WOW.great my comrade.Sata appointed 50% friends and relatives in his (not our) government.90% from luapula and northern provinces.I hope you got that.NEPOTISM and TRIBALISM.If that is showing commitment then congraturations.DONT KUBEBA.MORE MONEY IN SATA’S POCKETS.

  8. Good afternoon

    Pity it took them (MMD) long to realise that they were being manipulated by the media (or is it the other way around? Anyways, it takes two to tango.

    While we welcome the turn of events, let us not forget that free media is the only essential requirement to expose corruption in society, so we have to be alert everytime it is supressed by the powers that be.

  9. Lubinda knows the truth, media influences agenda setting, and this has to be responsible. It is not always politics that influence public discourse. Zambia comprises different societies that can influence agenda setting in public discourse. E.g in regards to FAZ , the Post newspaper shaped opinion about FAZ  leadership. It found Kalusha’s leadership questionable. Others like PF leader, Sata not long ago called for Kalusha to resign. FAZ members too like FAZ executive members were resigning because of Kalusha. It is not long ago  that govt intervined in FAZ  but failed. 
    Now the new govt has to follow up from the efforts of the media and other stakeholders to address these leadership problems in FAZ once and for all. Hero worshiping belongs to MMD who made were too scared of Kalusha.

    • yes my are very right MMD *****s were scared of Kalusha Bwalya.PF is not scared of anyone no wonder Sata the Dictator has appointed 50% relatives and friends in the new government.NEPOTISM and TRIBALISM.DONT KUBEBA.MORE MONEY IN HIS POCKETS.

  10. Well, Given Lubinda and your PF friends you are certainly Talking the Talk! I am desperately waiting to see you Walk. Remember Talk is cheap. Like @3 better to dispose off Daily Mail and Times of Zambia. Zambia is one of the few countries where govt owns and runs newspapers. That is why Zambia is embarrsingly at the bottom of countries in Africa ranked in terms of Press freedom! Give ZNBC operational independence. Appointing your own psychophants to run these institutions wont to do. Singing PF praises instead of MMD praises is not the change people were looking for!

  11. #2 Nenani Banda, Please hold your fire, Lubinda is minister of Information & Broadcasting, in other words the media falls under his umbrella and therefore he does not have to be GRZ spokesperson to talk about his departments.

  12. But PF should forget about MMD and focus on the task @hand…… Pay them no attention!!! They’re in the ARCHIVES……..Oredy…!!!

  13. Good decision.Yes high time ZNBC,Daily mail and times of Zambia became more than the ruling partys mouth piece.Go ahead and make then independent.


    • Im so glad you can see through these crocs.most people especially PF cadres have gone back to sleep.they trust people who sweet talk them to sleep.we should remain are very clever,comrade

    • tekanyeni might be a propheter or a n’ganga but dont count the eggs before they hatch.they havev only been in power for ten days

  15. PF please I am on my knees begging you. Do not allow George Lungu m md Kitwe cman any where near our party. This guy is poison especially misinformation and violence. He caused a lot of people to leave the MMD

  16. give the new govt time.where is your proof that lubinda is lying.just bcoz ftj ddnt fulfill his promises does nt mean every other person wont.lets wait for 90days pls.


    • dont wary about MMD *****s.wary about these PF *****s who are ruining our government barely two weeks in government.dont worst your time about Dora and Shikapwasha.wary about Sata the Dictator and Lubinda the croc.DONT KUBEBA.MORE MONEY IN THEIR POCKETS.

  18. the biggest problem is most people want to believe what they want.Lubinda is telling lies.his BOSS has appointed 50% relatives and friends in government.NEPOTISM and TRIBALISM.can we honestly believe what Lubinda is saying if he cant even protest over those silly appointment of incompetent ministers with connection to Sata the Dictator by blood or friendships.crocs,crocs,crocs.I dont believe any of that crap.SORRY.

  19. Noble words indeed. The challenge will be for PF to really keep the State-owned media truly independent, particularly towards election time. There is also natural self-censorship by the public media’s editors, who want to protect their jobs always. Let the PF now stop telling us what the MMD did or did not do. We now that already. The PF should just get on with the task at hand and fulfil all those nice campaign promises.

  20. People, give the PF government the benefit of doubt. They have only been in government for a few days and some of you are already saying, ” they are lying”. Time will tell. Some of you are still bitter at MMD’s loss because you had interests. You are the ones who were benefiting from their dubious dealings. Zambians what a government which will care about them and it’s PF’s time. Any leader whether in the west, east or Africa appoints people he can work with in government and of course from his MPs. Give me an example of a leader who has appointed his “enemies” to cabinet! Zambians are not going to eat cheap politics or bitterness because some of were the ones saying Sata will never be President but Zambians have proved you wrong…..Suck it up!!

  21. I would like to appeal to the new government to probe the corruption which happened at MOH during which Donor funds were stolen and the government was made to pay back to the Donor community. As tax payers we need to know what happened. We demand also that the current MOH PS who is MMD stooge should be replaced to pave way for proper investigations. We also demand that the former Public health Director who ran way and stood on MMD ticket even though he knew he could not win but did as way of running from the isue should be called to tell the nation how he handled the Global funds while at the Ministry

  22. Indeed let the Post restart the Kapoko issue the heads at MOH should roar. MOH is now skeleton too much corruption there.

  23. iwe al capone#22 so u wanted sata to appoint his enemies and total strangers to him so that he works with insecurity.lets stop pretending the world over people appoint people they trust and have confidence in.if he is rewarding pipo who sacrifaced a lot to get PF into power thats still fine bcoz he couldnt b in state house without their support.

  24. Mr. Lubinda, I never thought you are all the good as well,, I thought you can be a draw back for ba Sata,, all the best

  25. Invite also Chanda Chimba to come and finish his programme STAND UP FOR ZAMBIA if he did it on good faith as a zambian. 

  26. As mentioned before elsewhere, this team was in MMD including Mr Sata and what they say is nothing new. The geopolitical land scape has changed and become more complex than before. It requires complexity methods and creativity approach in order to have a vibrant media in the nation. At the moment PF ascended to power through the Post newspaper. The post and others are involved in financial scandals involving an airline. At the moment nothing much is heard of the post. What relationship is there between the PF and the post? PF will need to be transparent and accountable through and through. You can’t bake a cake and test it yourself and tell Zambians it tastes good. Let Zambians taste it too.

  27. i cant remember hearing LUBINDA,GBM,SAMPA MILLS, and a lot others in this cabinet as ministers in MMD.a blanket statement as ‘this team was in MMD’ is misleading.stop choking with hate and allow PF to seems some ppo are ready to fast for 30days to see to it that the new GOVT fails from the word go

  28. My Government at work!!! :-)
    This is the time to push any politican before he/she becomes gets too comfortable and relaxed… please also get rid of Times and Daily Mail, these are pointless the gov’t!!

  29. This time am just saying thankx PF for the right vision. But remember there is consipirancy MMD and UPND. Juts be vigilant in fullfilling the promises, Zambians shall be behind you. Especially the media fratenity support this move. Go PF GO….Goooaall

  30. There is nothing wrong with government running the Times and Daily mail. The issue here is honesty. As long as it is made clear that these two institutions are there to represent the government. Let those that want to air different views start their own. Freedom of speech also includes governments right to shape public oppinion. The current government should be free to use them as they wish. The people will decide who to believe. Is it fair? Hell no, but whats the alternative? Privatise? By doing that gov would be left with no way of representing it’s position which makes it harder to function. Let them use the times and daily as they wish. In turn the rest of us should be allowed to say and listen to what and who we want. Freedom is for all including government. As long as we are honest

  31. #31 What do you expect? Politics like any other proffession will have the same players with a few new inductees every now and then. The only change we get is a change in slogans for the most part its same people different shirts.

  32. “And from now on, Michael should take every opportunity available to address this deficiency. Let’s tell no lies. Let us mask no mistakes. Let us claim no easy victories….Michael has made some great mistakes of a tribal and nepotistic nature”
    Fred Namakando Membe, oct 2 2011

  33. #33 igweee you are a real carder of the PF, lets see you post comments on your suggested road map to development and not your continued vuvuzelaling of donchi kubeba

  34. #28 Igweeee,its not logical really to give positions to enemies and total strangers.With all respect I agree with you,Most Igwee.An empire is built on loyalty.But are political opponents enemies?Why not pick qualified PF cadres like you,Most Igwee?Is GBM more qualified than you?I dont think so.Reyford Mbulu messed up MUZ financially but today he is Labour deputy minister.Thats dangerous,Most Igwee.Im so sure if you think opposition party members are enemies,then pick from qualified and experienced PF cadres.Not 50% relatives and friends only.FAMILY EMPIRE.Igwee wama Igwee,as far as you are concerned,what is NEPOTISM?Is it not another form of CORRUPTION?

  35. Where is Rev Shikapwasha? he he he Has he also fled. Where is Dora “Chisusu” Siliya?? Kwena time changes and situations change.

  36. I am just resting, from a massage. Got gratuity, all the kick backs from RP capital, Zamtel, I planned well for my exit so all u loosers wondering where I am home relaxing. Going to visit RB soon, probably needs a massage too.

  37. #31, HH was also in league with ngande mwananjiti’s small paper which failed to prop him up amongst the enlightened.

  38. Is Rupiah Banda not supposed to cease all political activities if he is to enjoy his retirement benefits as a former president? Can someone withhold his benefits so that imunyokole njala mambala?

  39. 90 days is not a long time, so please focus on the job at hand. Problem with Africa is that we dwell so much on the past rather than getting the job done. Imagine Obama or Cameron going around talking about the Republicans and Labour respectively. People voted for you, so get used to ruling as you are not in the opposition anymore.

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