By G N Mtonga:-
I’m writing to congratulate you on your win. I think Zambia has proven without doubt that we are capable of running a country and hold elections for transitions or continuation of a government. Zambia has maintained peace and is doing a great amount of work to improve on social and economic issues. Our political culture is a comparative success and we are building on mechanisms to improve dialogue and discourse. But Mr. President I’m writing you this letter to express some of my concerns about my country and my apprehension about her future.
During elections every politician had promises of what they will do for Zambia if elected. They all listed their credentials for us to watch. Hakainde’s resume says ” Qualified Change Management Practitioner “. Of course even MMD made great efforts to show that we can continue on the MMD Highway and not make an exit; but the fact is the country did make an exit despite of the promises made and we made one onto PF Highway with you as the driver!! Im sure that you as well as I know that you face far much more scrutiny because you came to power on the platform for change. The PF slogan is ‘ “Yes, a better Zambia for all!”‘ Indeed, it is a better Zambia for all!!
Where do we go from here? As a Zambian citizen im writing you this letter because what you do will affect my children and grandchildren. The policies you implement, the language you use, the manner with which you approach global politics; all these will have an effect on Zambia in the coming 50 years. Thats why your election is not only historic because of change but because your govenment will be leading our country in the second half of the century since our independence!! My concerns range from your economic policy to women’s rights and education. Im certain the PF platform has mechanisms of addressing these issues.
1. Education
Mr. President, it does not make sense to run a country in which the majority of poor people are uneducated!! In my editorial “The Youth: Investing In Zambia’s Future” I pointed out to the fact that it is within our short term and long term interests that we fund free public education for young Zambians. This for the most part is an investment in our future as the returns from that investment is calculated by looking at the prospective contributions that Zambians will make. I think your government should start discussing the prospect of looking at our constitution and making a ” Free Public” education a constitutional right for every Zambian. If we make the need for a public education system a constitutional right for our country; our achivement is not political but Nationalistic!! Its the lack of financial resources that continue to prevent our citizens to gain the basic education .
2. Human Rights, Women’s Rights
Mr. President our record on human rights is horrible!! Our prison system is primitive in the treatment of prisoners, we have companies that use child labor, and of course you already know about our record on women’s rights. My concern is that we have yet to see the correlation between the treatment of people and our aggregated progress!! If we provide a platform for women to voice their concerns and for us to crack -down on the violations of human rights in private busineses and our prison system im certain we will see some progress on the conscience of our nation. A country with a government that is intent on building a better human rights record is a government that has an interest in the future of the nation; it is what we do now that will be the premise on which who we are in the future is based on!!
3. Economics
Mr. President for the sake of Zambia i suggest you find better language to address investors and foreigners. We live in a global economy and we cant be isolationists!! Politics, economics and culture all have suffered from globalization and the fact is the world is far much smaller than it was a few centuries ago. Technology has improved. Your language on Chinese investors , who bring their own money to Zambia, should be nationalistic but at the same time you need to look at the role that investors are playing in Zambia. Your politics are populist; but running a country is not a campaign speech it involves taxes, investors, education, health issues and we need to be practical about these issues. The progress of Zambia depends on relationships local, national and international. Investors create jobs, they build, and they also add cultural value to our country. We should however be aggressive on making sure that our tax, labor, and immigration laws are upheld to a greater standard than we are operating at the moment!! Im sure your government will implement the necessary mechanisms to get these things done.
Mr. President these are just some of the concerns I have as a Zambian Citizen. Iam proud of my country because we are able to operate our affairs and we can make transitions. However, your election is not just a Public Relations stunt to donors and the international community!! Zambians need results, Zambians need jobs, we need to end corruption, we need to address our public health concerns, we need to educate our citzens, and we need to develop an economy that is the hallmark of Africa and is indicative of where our continent is going!! Nelson Mandela once said ” It always seems impossible until its done.” Im sure the wisdom of Mr. Mandela resonates with the ferocity of the drums calling people for dance; the fact is until we do what we want to do and make greater effort to pursue our progressive agenda we will always be practicing theory! It is when theory is turned into reality, that the aloofness of a goal is rendered absurd. Dreams precede reality, ideals always encompass reality!! I believe in Zambia! Im certain everyone is in the boat; Just dont drown us we can reach the other side of the river and make another step in the progress of our country!! One Zambia One Nation!!
Congratulations Sir, My Hope is as you say : “Yes, a better Zambia for all!”
The success of our country will depend not only on one person but all of us Zambians, let us work very hard not to sleep when it is time to work and dream that we shall have money in our pockets, never.
totally agree!! UBUNTU we can do and achieve anything.. Everyone should make an effort to contribute something.. I’m so ready……
Why didn’t some write to RB
Rb was ignorant and stubborn plus he couldn’t tell the difference between clay and excrement.
Whats your point Mtonga ? The Chinese are welcome they just have to abide by our laws- treat workers right and not take away jobs Zambians can do ! Taxes are important to the welfare of the nation if you want the language changed on this issue join MMd. Enough of investors taking Zambia for granted.
Our president has done a great job in making sure that that is done.. however.. there have been cases where his language was not presidential.. his approach has changed from what he used to say before he was president.. A president should understand that there is the national and international part to being president and langauge should reflect that and he should be able to make decisions that are both short term and long term… Zambia is by far the most stable country in Africa.. and we will continue to be like that as long as our leaders look to the future and understand their role in the international community.
Excellent article. I hope the president will have a chance to read it.
People can now enjoy their constitition right of expression. Democracy.
Wonderfully written. I hope our big man will take one or two. I am also proud that you have reminded our president that Zambians have proved and stand ready to go through transitions if need arise. Although the needs of people are diverse he should at least try to improve or address the basic needs of people.
Thank you. Im sure the president knows everything that was said in the letter and will find time to implement some of the policies.. Iam confident in Zambia in the next 5 years we will make far much more progress than most countries in Africa.
Spot on!!!!!
yes change is very good, im also excited and all but im sorry im not coming back to zed anytime soon.
I have read the whole story because I went straight to the Economy bit.
Iwe Mtonga I don`t agree with your stance about the Chinese. Look they are not here for free. It`s not as if they are just throwing money at us for nothing. Even those rearing chickens are getting a profit.
Stop this mentality of worshipping foreigners for the sake of it. It`s a two way thing. They help us employ our people and we help them with a profit. The question you should be asking yourself is why didn`t they go to the West? The law there is tough.
Becarefulor you guys will bring slavery on yourselves without realisng. They only have to respect our labour laws. Simple!
The trouble with Africans is they never stick up for their brothers as long all is well with them. Well done HE MCS.
@Italian Bunga.Well promulgated! its explains why most Zambians are too docile and cry foul when investors trump on them.
Your article constitute some element of jealousy. i pray that sata doesnt waste time reading this article. Gosh i wasted my time on it. LET THE MAN WORK FOR THE ZAMBIANS. PLEASE LEAVE HIM ALONE.
Iwe SO what.. ” Jealous” Sata is old enough to be my father.. how on earth would be ” jealous of the man.. The man has given us change and transition.. something that few countries in africa can do or have done.. understand one thing.. Sata will contribute to zambia greatly.. but just because we can elect a president and a government does not mean we should end there.. we have alot of things to do and say.. Zambia is the light on top of the African mountain.. we are at the moment the example in Africa..
What is th matter ba LT
Useless article, we shouldn’t forget that the president has people to advice him on those issues. If Mtonga has something to offer let her form her own party.
Iwe Galilee… Advisors get paid to advise.. there will never be anything better than a citizen expressing their concern… This is what democracy is about.. We are passed the stage where we just take orders.. we can SIMPLY BASED ON OUR CITIZENSHIP AND THE FACT THAT WE PAY TAXES express our concerns however trivial.. WE HAVE REACHED THAT LEVEL.
Nothing new or good about the article.what is it that Sata need to know after reading this rubbish?
This article is not what I expect the president to read. Let us be honest the issues above have been covered during mr Sata’s campaign meaning it was his concern too. Does the writer want to get the praise when these issues are sorted and dusted? The point of Chinese investors has not been well presented.what tone of language did you want to hear? To see those coal miners in southern province working with no protection shoes was un believable and if you think the RB formula was better on the investors is an insult.we are well of poor in our own land than to be treated like slaves of 100 years ago.it’s our country the Govt has to have a say,you can’t watch people do what they want and leave when they are done.sorry unless you know what I don’t know about what Sata said to the chinese
Wrong, if we can’t benefit from these mines its better to have them closed for now hoping the future generation will be a bit more intelligent than us to extract adquate wealth for the nation. Yes they are bringing in much needed cash but whos benefiting? same bloody investors paying themselves 100 times more than their Zambian collegues, in any case we wont be any worse off than we at the moment if they left because we still paying for education, there are still no drugs in hospitals and roads are as bad as they’ve always been. the only thing that would change is that they would be less traffic on our roads because thieves wont have as much disposable income as they do at the moment.
The article is nice Mr.Mtonga and chinese issue, i believe was already discussed earlier at the state house
Im pf bt this is gud advise önly people who love you wil expres wht yov shud improve on sata is new he needs time let us al rary behind hm bý workng hard thn shal we reberate ovrselves frm mental slavèry,its nt wht a country shud do 4 you bt wht you do to yo country wil hve a great impact to our generation to come löng ljue zambia tiyende pamodzi nimvuitima vmo uvj 4j kfpdm
Ya ya there is nothing new in this article, in fact it looks like a copy and paste of bits and pieces from previous articles.. there was no point in dressing up these 3 points into so many words, for all i care, this could have been one paragraph.. and while you are trying to make a argument/point, you also sound like you are saying Sata is indirectly $+up!d which makes the writing irrelevant.. And am sure all this is being addressed already so fanks!! for the nicely edited and written article but i think it was in vain…well obviously for the bloggers entertainment!
A serious waste of time this article is. It does not inform, educate and even less entertain. It looks like the author is one of those imbeciles who didn’t expect Sata to win and this is their useless attempt to come to terms with the unexpected and become part of the band-wagon (boat rather).
LT. please do not subject us to this kind of nonsense. Learn to discriminate relevant and irrelevant input. A few beers with the boys at a local tavern would have sorted this guy out instead of this useless telling of what we already know.
To me the article is useless and mtonga should know that Zambia is for Zambians not Chinese.maybe you are a Chinese in a black skin.
No substance worth reading. An open letter to the head of state must have something worth to say and not based on your low level of thinking. Please research before you write or publish in LT. readers are not benefiting from this article due to its low standard in fact they may start becoming like the author if they keep reading such articles. Ba LT raise your standards.
Terrible , letterI an write a btter letter to my fiance, that would make him read it, I will tell you this is some joke of a letter.
No wonder zambia is a laughing stock here in scotland.
All can say is that I have had friends asking whether zambia is a town, dont get me wrong they all know Zimbabwe, Zambia is inferior and an unknown quanitty here. You ask people what they know about zambia, people say Oh Mugabe? But then again all they are trying to say is we dont know Zambis we know zimbabwe, not surprising is it, as Zambia is not world class, there is nothing to attract anyone to comeing there, unless you are chinese of course
ka mushota kaliba useless do you know why zimbabwe is known that side it is because mugabe chased your bosses form zim land and grabbed the land from them.Just continue changing nappies for your bosses children.I cant leave Zed to go abroad to change nappies.Shame on you expatriate nappy changer.
Mushota you piece of tripe, what planet are you from you disgust me. You claimyou can write better and yet your posts are full of spelling mistakes. We have a lot of learned zambians living in Scotland who I’m sure would not associate themselves to a puny puke like you. Like I’ve said you’re a piece of shyte not worth reading about. You probably associate yourself with those low life wife beater Scottish drunks in whicherver part of Scotland you claim you hail from mabe glasgow or Oxgans which is an area infested with drug addicts low lifes and mahule like you. Atase iwe ka ule ka £1.00 get a life. Scotland is a very big country Why wont those sorry Scots remember Mugabe the senile tyrant? We sakala nyongo iwe uzavutika naka muzungu ka pama benefits ke uli nako. Ba swa mashi.
Nonsense!! Maybe in Scotland Zammbia is not known but here in the USA it is! What is Scotland anyway? a province?, State? a territory?
It is a pity that iwe Mushota can write this bullshit. Tell you what! There are better places than Scotland. There are a lot of responsible Zedians living abroad who still respect Mother Zambia. Please submit comments that are helpful and not insults.
You are a fuking *****t
KA MUSHOTA,who cares if Scotish people don’t know zambia.They are just uneducated.Good article.
Its not only the Chinese mistreating Zambians. Safari tour operators also need to be checked especially in the Luangwa valley. Pay rubish and keep staff in their camps for a night even when they are not on duty. That is why Mfuwe has a high prevelence of HIV. They also bring in exparties for jobs that Zambians can do and pay them alot of dollars, many of them do not even pay taxes.
Generally good article and there is nothing wrong in citizens reiterating their views in an open letter such as this. However the paragraph on economics was narrow in focus and truly off the mark.
This Mushota are you normal??? Please stop commenting about Zambia just concentrate on Sucking that man d***! The artical is neither here nor there! The president has repeated time and again! Nkachiwasha chino ichalo! Hez on the right track!
This article is written by an MMD sympathiser …although some points a fairly good, the general idea here is that Mtonga the author has exhibited a significance sense of acute myopia here!!! Why highlight these points now, are you for some reason implying that the PF have no direction or agenda to move this country forward? Populist politics ….rather this than the rouge traders in MMD.
Is there a time when a man can express his concerns as a CITIZEN and not always be put in political parties.. in fact i actually supported michael sata because i didnt want MMD to rule for 25 years.. Understand one thing.. Iam a citizen of zambia before i vote for a political party,.. and these are two different identies.
Good morning
I share the same sentiments with #14 Michaelme & # 17 Miss Nkuka (former Miss Daisy?)
There seems to be nothing exclusively new in this article worth the attention of the president in an open letter. I’m quite sure that president Sata is aware of these issues because it is with respect to the same issues that Zambians elected him for presidency.
After every storm there comes a calm. We need to wait and see what policies the new government enacts before we start writing any open letters to the president.
Meanwhile, let us also bear in mind that the Chinese (and other foreign investors) think generally different from us and what they value is NOT always in our best interest.
I agree with your comment, I actually always agree with you because you are always objective….and yes, I am former Miss Daisy.. Recently, i took time to watch Roots again.. the old movie? I was touched by the guy that got so whipped just because he wanted to use his African name,.. So i thought, okay, let me embrace my African name, which i never used much….perhaps lets say in celebration of the freedom that i can :)
We need to wait and see what policies the new government enacts before we start writing any open letters to the president
This issue of the chinse is realy a big shi…t. we all know we need investors but not those who will come and rear pigs and chickens no way. Tell those chines to go to india if they will be given investor permit to rear chickens mtonga iwe. we need investors in technoloy eg making cars mining machinery, cell phones laptope etc coz these are lobor intensive investments, my untie in chama rearers chicks. on education you sport on.
Mushota, the reason why Zambia is not so well known is because we are by far much more of a peaceful and politically stable country than Most countries in Africa. I did my Masters in the UK a few years ago and i also came across people who just didn’t know Zambia at all. As you have correctly said, most people know Zimbabwe, South Africa, Kenya and Congo DRC. The reason is simple, look at the political histories of those countries. This is also largely because most western media like to report more negative than positive developments happening across Africa. Zambia has been a relatively peaceful country than any of those countries above, not so? Just for your own information, even when i was in South Africa for the past 2 years, i met people who thought Zambia was in Zimbabwe.
Now I am in Germany and it still the same. The African countries that are well known here include Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Zimbabwe, RSA, Somalia, Sudan, Kenya as well as Nigeria. And if you look at the political histories of those countries, you will know the reason, I don’t have to mention it here. So if Zambia is not well known outside there, it just shows that we are a good country politically and the manner in which the recent elections were undertaken depicts that well.
. I remember when I was at Heathrow to catch a flight to Cape Town, one of the chaps working at the airport there asked me, ‘where do you come from? I said ‘Zambia’. And his response was simple: “Oh Zambia, what a peaceful country”. In response I said, “it is indeed”. My advice, it is the responsibility of every Zambian to sell their country to the Zambia and the world to Zambia. As President Sata said, it should two-way traffic.
Sorry, i meant to say: My advice, it is the responsibility of every Zambian to sell their country to the World and the world to Zambia. As President Sata said, it should two-way traffic.
Please you are free to wite your own articles too but as much as there are flaws in it i think it has a lot of good esp in encouraging us to move forward in a proper way.Lets not always be critical/We should balance up what ever we do appreciate the good and criticise the not so good.It wasnt a wasted effort on Mtonga at all as one can pick one or two good thoughts
Mr Mtonga, your article has received mixed reactions which means that your views are debatable. I only join you in congratulating Mr Sata and the PF. We are now breathing cool fresh air after suffocating for too long at the mercy of the defunct MMD.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, how about this to spice up things, This afternoon I will be watching my team Tottenham playing Arsenal in a north London premier league derby and I wish to warn all you Arsenal supporters out there on this blog that your team will be given a good drubbing.
Before I talk about M’tonga’s letter, I would like to find out where Patriot, Senior Citizen, MMD Bootlicker etc, are. If it is true these are/were in the diplomatic service, let them walk out on their own out of principle.
#30 Chills; Sata is a God and PF cadres are his multitudes. The God is Mr know all . There is nothing that a mere mortal like Mtonga can say that the Almighty doesnt already know. Sata at the moment can do no wrong. Everyone should just just get on Sata’s ark and we shall all sail to the promised paradise on the other side. There, we shall forever be singing Kumbaya! Americans call it getting drunk on KoolAid!
Pls mind what you say brothers and sisters. Sata to be God and infallible being a human being? this is blaspheme May God the create of the heavens and the earth punish or forgive you.
Mulesalako ifya kulemba bane mwebalila muma politics.
It is true Zambia is a peaceful nation, Most of the countries known in Europe have big problems
Nine Chale, I agree with you.. In fact I often if not always agree with your comments because you are objective.. And yes, it is former Miss Daisy, changed to my African name after watching Roots again, the old movie??…the poor guy just wanted to use his African name..not Tobi or something and he got whipped for it…so i thought in celebration of our freedom, why not embrace my name
I have read the article, I will not act on it because it has nothing to better the lives of my people. I have renamed the article to tissue paper
In addition to what Ste said, please don’t worry your pretty head about stupid people who don’t know where Zambia is. Gosh! I didn’t know such people existed until I ran into a few hundreds of them. Any person who in this modern age where information is freely available doesn’t grab advantage of it is worth only of your contempt. You have to be brain dead, if you lack curiosity, desire to learn, explore and generally satisfy a normal human’s innate quest for knowledge and understanding. These people worry you! Jeez!
If I were exposed to information such we have today I would have dropped out of school faster than a sputnik and educated myself faster and better than with a professor standing in front of me and confusing me.
Just TWO WORDS will suffice.GOOD GOVERNANCE, chapwa!
Has this writer been in China or any other countries before?Let him come to china .China is China and all other people are addressed as ALIENS.Ask anyone.When in China whereever you come from no matter how rich you as an investor is,if you do not respect and treat chinese well,you’d never do business here.Be realistic and travel for you to be exposed.Actually when you come to China,you will regret being Zambian/African cause stuff will be hard for you to do.How in hell do you let them do simple business which should be done by locals?Come to China and see if all those cheap stuff can be done by foreigners here.Wake up.Stop day dreaming.Defend and protect your land and all other will respect you.
i can not agree more than that. it very true, i wax in Sichuan Province in main land China and in Beijin too..Wake up.Stop day dreaming.Defend and protect your land and all other will respect you. there was no tone of language that the president said that should exagarated here.
good points,, this is what it means to be a concerned citizen. I agree with you Mtonga on the issue of language,,, language plays a very important role in Governoring the nation. Our president which learn a inter cultural language that can be understood by every investor, a mean a language that calls for dialogue. All the best Mr Sir.
#19 Mushota,,please find time to read the above article,, this is what it means to be a zambian in diaspora, not you f ool,
people like ka mushota are useless to developing our country.my advice to you is that just continue changing diapers for the scotish children as an expatriate diaper changer.and let us worry about our mother land zed.
@33 Musiwa Likota. Iam not sure readers get your point. I do not need to heap praises on Sata for I’ve known Mr Sata since a young person in Chifubu Ndola. Mr Sata is an accomplished polititian as was late Chiluba. The late Chiluba was refered to as Moses of the bible. Today Mr Sata is King(cobra) servant who can not err to many Zambians. PF the party he leads has not published any agenda for development. However, changes and many more are being made (good and bad ones) to many he is a god. I believe he deserves to be reminded quite often to avoid being Moses (Chiluba) or Banda that since he is in power he can not be reminded the promises made during his campaigns. Your article is spot on.
#35 Very encouraging; #25 very good points. Cheers
Why do bloggers judge the author and not debate the issues are raised? On education, every one knows how important this is. We had free education under UNIP until the money run out. By 1991, free education was only on paper. Some of us were privileged to go through that transition. Education costs money. The first priority is to build the economy to the point were there is enough money for everything else. On human rights, there are so many issues here that include g a y rights as well, the death penalty etc. I personally think that this is not priority. IF PF has to do well, they must grow the economy by at least 10% year on year.
#45 The Saint, “The first priority is to build the economy to the point were there is enough money for everything else”there will be no such time not even in USA or China. Let us just work hard all of us in all fields of professions including rank and file. Unlike mushota’s preferred country,we have more raw resources.our work culture needs to change as a matter of priority. We are living in the hard times world all over so hard work is the only way forward,yes and good Govt policies. Thanks
I think the issue with foreign investors must be well understood. No one must come with their money and take the law into thier hands. Mines are opened without the due process of an Enviromental Impact Assessment being undertaken. Our people are sidelined and foreigners brought in to drive graders! We must only accept FDI if it first and foremost that benefits Zambia and its people. Why give out our God given resources only to live the locals wallowing in deeper poverty. It is my view that we must have no apologies about that. Just look at Botswana our neighbour. Are they going backwards that they insist on the Tswana benefiting first! No of course! Can you believe an investor comes all the way to open a shop selling nshima and toys! What does that benefit the Zambian economy.
We really need to critically review Foreign Direct Investment policy. What can we agree as acceptable FDI. We must also insist that technolgy be deposited into the local economy. Of course we do acknowledge the comparative advatage of nations and the benefits that accrue from global trade. But look at it this way; the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Zambia grew by 7%. But what made the growth. High output fromm mining and favourable prices on the world market. Who runs the mines and how much of these resources are benefiting the local population. May be 2%! Mining has it subsequent costs. Today Kabwe is amoung the top ten most polluted places on earth because of mining activities. Is that what we what our country to remain like and with no inbuilt capacity to undertake corrections.
yes even in MMD Govt there was free speech you could easily criticise PF !
# 36 Musiwa Likota, you are a genius you probably think like i do. who in Jesus name is Mtonga? the know it all multitudes and followers will ask? what does the know -it all,does not know about what he is saying here? And all of them will shout in unisom “Donchi ukubeba”! we are them all waiting for great GOD to drop from the sky and make every body be ‘high”
you pepole are crazy, i cant hold my laughter…keep it high bro…infact let him legalise it.
kamushota,it is your responsibility to represent your country,you have family ties back home,unless you are a comedian,but do your best to explain the reason why your country is stable.read #29 – 34 .and get some insights and if you need help on how to sell your country we can help you.but you are not the only one of that mentality,you are courages by exposing your thoughts on zambia.i have trouble educating some of my fellow country men here in the USA but they are semi zambian or others are just uneducated ,one needs to understand the POLITICAL,SOCIAL AND ECONOMICAL SYSTEMS to explain to ba ZUNGU.otherswise keep it and iam sure you are learning.
Gentlemen and Ladies. Please understand that the purpose of my editorials is to ” editorialize” I speak about what im thinking, my fears, my concerns, and many things on my mind. If you know anything about my work, you will see that i supported Sata and change. I discuss investors because Im certain we can benefit from globalization; its a two way street but a president has to be very careful on the language he uses; no matter who he is dealing with. My bit on economics was not a “policy proposal” but a commentary. Zambians learn to be civil in your responses on my article.. and as much as I appreciate your diverse comments.. PLEASE PLEASE NOT IFYANSELE… Be sure to continue to watch out for me.. THE FACT THAT I CAN MAKE YOU SPEAK.. is enough for me to continue political discourse
As soon as all of us Zambians wake up and start working hard, we will have fewer and eventually no investors to come and rear chickens and pigs in our backyard.
If Zambia is not known to the world that should not be a source of shame, we are still human and enjoy our freedom of belonging, better unknown than be known for all the wrong reasons. I travel a lot and when people ask me I tell them Zambia is in Africa, Southern Africa Region, we have the mighty Victoria falls, the source of the Zambezi river that bears the falls is in Zambia and not Zimbabwe, its always my source of pride to showcase my Zambia to the ignorant masses.
Prisoners are in prison to serve their sentence and not to live in luxury, if they want luxury they should start behaving as responsible citizens and contribute to the welbeing of Zambia.
Easier said than done my friend. Yes most of prisoners need a hard sentence but squishing them in a cell with no ventilation, no food…is not right. Imagine this, you can be jailed for failing to pay a speeding ticket. I dont think our jail systems caters to the level of your crime they just jail you. Imagine you were booked by traffic police but due to the inefficiency that be they dont tell you that you have to report to court. Next thing you are squished in a cell with hard core thugs who will rape the life out of u or u suffocate. We need more prisons, better spacing, air, they can eat beans even if its a bit rotten but give them someting and uniforms just basics. They dont need alot of stuff like what they have abroad.
When it comes to investors we need education
Lots of education, and people must know their
Rights ,President has too much to worry about
There need to be ministry these investors report
To and people to go to the workplaces to ensure
Labor laws are followed , otherwise labor laws just
Piece of useless writing,you can’t blame investors
Alone the country had no structure and they did as they
Pleased , structure needs to be put in place
#55 Mr Mtonga your statement “Be sure to continue to watch out for me..”is not in the interest of the bible. Forgive each other in the same way the PF has forgiven the MMD, amen
Good points but not on the foreign investors. We have to be hard on them the same way they would be hard on us if we went to their countries. Do you think you can just walts into China and set up a business or America or UK? Do your research. We have to be fair. Investors should be realistic, they can build QUALITY bridges, hotels, buildings…. but not selling dollys at Kamwala or eggs in vans, or chickens and pigs thats for the local investor. The only way to deal with such investors who have enjoyed immunity for so long is to be hard on them in both language and handeling. Otherwise they will continue to think we are soft and thats not true. Unless you are saying Zambians cannot raise chickens, picks, sell eggs or dollys at the market.
I disagree with the author on the issue of the Economy.Zambians must know that,In as much as we need FDI we should also be transferring Economical power to the Zambians. The big Economies that we have seen in the world today are not built on FDI but empowering local entrepreneurs so that they participate in the running of the country.Many scholars and academicians have written articles about this matter and i think it is the right step we should take as a country.We need to empower Zambians and I think the PF government should work at creating opportunities for Zambians and Not the Chinese like the MMD did.At the Moment we need a Mixed economy,where both the public and private sector can participate in.this is what china,brazil and India have done.
A good reminder for those who have gotten into comfortable chairs after all the majority of them are in the group of those losing a thousand gray cells a day!
Sorry folks I’m digressing from the topic, but in todays papers in Uk the chinese are selling fake iphone5 which has not been launced yet by apple and last month it was reported that there was a fake apple store in one city in China, the workers even believed that they were were wortking for the apple store. A few months back it was reported that some chinese people got sick after eating rice made from plastic in china….Therefore, it is no wonder their economy is so rich that their govt turns a blind eye to all the fake stuff being produced in their country. Have those chickens and eggs being sold by Cchinese investors in the markets in Zambia been checked by the bureau of food standards to make sure they are not made up of toxic stuff that may put peoples lives at risk?
To answer everyone.. my comment on Asian investors is not suggest that everything about their investments is good.. no.. they are dumping goods in the zambian blood system that are toxic, but they are also developing the country in other ways.. If i was the president.. i would be careful with my language to make sure china-zambia relations are good.. and i would separate the investments in productive and unproductive and i would be very tough.. WHICH Michael Sata is already doing.
As to ” the president has advisors” i wrote this letter as a zambian citizen and not an advisor.. these are things that concern me.. and as a Zambian of course by virtue of birth have the right to make it known to my president.
Zambia has long way to go.. and our politicians are leading us and we just should not follow.. this is the democracy that our fathers fought for.. so that people like me can come and write a letter to the president and express my concerns.. for the most part the president is undertaking the necessary measures to ensure that our country has a better future.. he is cracking down mmd problems, he is dissolving administrations that dont add value to the country.. and he is consistently proving to the Zambian people why he is the Zambian president to lead us into the second half of the century since independence.. in 1964. This is our country and we need to make sure we are critical of our politicians to make sure they are held accountable.
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