Monday, March 10, 2025

Sata’s execution of Presidential powers worries ZRC


President Michael Sata
President Michael Sata

The Zambia Rainbow Coalition (ZRC) has charged that Republican President Michael Sata has taken a path that raises alarm to the democratic aspirations of this country.
Coalition President Cleophas Phiri tells Qfm in a statement that the President’s actions so far appear unilateral, without any consultations adding that in many cases, they are breaching the law.

Mr. Phiri claims that the renaming of national airports and hospitals was done without any consultations to stakeholders and Zambians.

He further states that the dissolution of Energy Regulation Board, the dismissal of the Bank of Zambia Governor and the Anti Corruption Commission Director General all raises serious legal questions.

Mr. Phiri also states that the ACC Director General, because of the nature of the institutions and like judges of the High Court, enjoys security of tenure and can therefore not be fired in the manner President Sata has done without cause or justifiable reason.

He explains that powers of the presidency in Zambia, although extensive are exercised through institutions and his delegates such as Cabinet Ministers.

The ZRC leader says President Sata’s decision to dissolve the ERB Board should have been done by his Minister of Energy.

And Mr. Phiri has questioned the composition of cabinet stating that most ministers have been appointed on tribal lines.

He says tribalism is unacceptable and has to be fought as Zambia is diverse in tribe and its leadership and government should reflect the fabric of its society.

Meanwhile Mr Phiri has hailed President Sata for instituting a commission of inquiry to probe the Mongu saga adding that the move is long overdue.

Speaking in an interview, Mr. Phiri has expressed hope the commission will yield positive results.

Last week President Sata set up a commission to be headed by prominent Lusaka lawyer Roger Chongwe to investigate the Mongu fracas.


  1. For sure too much powers corrupts easily. Let us reduce some of his powers, thats why he is making silly mistakes. You cant be appointing and renaming anything you dream about.For sure too much powers corrupts easily. Let us reduce some of his powers, thats why he is making silly mistakes. You cant be appointing and renaming anything you dream about.

  2. Am worried too, looks like the president has just bought a hammer and every problem or issue he sees is a nail and he just has to strike without thinking or consulting anybody, am really worried too about this excessive use of presidential powers 

  3. What do you expect from a dictator? Sata is a dictator through and through and Zambians should be ready for mediocre decisions from this President. He has already appointed 10 MPs, 2 more than what is stated in the constitution. He had to rescind the decision after two days. By firing some of these people he is just going to make them richer without working because they will get their gratuity plus salaries for the remaining months. It is the country which will bear the consequences, wait and see.

  4. A Phiri shuwa! Would you have kept people who worked with and for RB. You must be a very corrupt muppet. These people had to go and more will go. You must be the only Jew who must have been happy with the way ZNBC, ACC, Times,Daily Mail and all the others were run.

    Trouble we have got is Zambians got to a point where they accepted corruption was normal. Stop being selfish Phiri and look at the broader picture. HE MCS is on the right track. We need to clean up the mess, if you were part of it, sorry to tell you the net is coming. You wait you pathetic individual!

  5. stop complaining guys we elected sata to work and thats what he is u wanted sata to come and consult do u know he did not consult.

  6. If professional integrity was the norm in all the institutions of Zambia, PF would not have been voted into government. Today you lot wish to protect the very people that were looking aside when politicians were raping the systems with impunity; what a shame. Zambia stopped working a long time. For everything you had to know someone to get it; your application for anything from a government department had to be done with a bribe directly or indirectly; what a country. Kayukwa knew about corruption cases in the MMD, did he do anything? Kabonde saw how William Banda perfected violence, did he order his arrest? Chris Chalwe threatened to rape Nawakwi, was he arrested? For you to get connected to Zesco you had to know people in planning, are you aware of this? Did ERB reduce pump prices ever?

    • I agree and disagree with you. You cannot correct a wrong with another wrong. We need geniun respect of the law and constitution. Sata has all the power right now, he doesn’t have to test his powers by just firing and renaming places without due deligency. Some of his actions will cost the tax payers more than what has already been lost. Leadership is about maturity not childishness. Sata should show leadership and not mediocrity like the previous government that allowed corruption perpertuate an abetted.

  7. I don’t think the President is a trabalist,it’s just that he couldn’t find qualified people from other tribes.Zambia needs leaders who will fight for the voiceless.

  8. Some people are really extravagantly dull… Do you really expect the incoming President to keep all Staff from the previous regime? The incoming President has the power to appoint suitably qualified people as special assistants and advisors. Did you expect Sata to keep Dickson Jere, Dr Richard Chembe (Special Assistant to the President for Economic and Development Affairs), Joseph Jalasi (Special Assistant to the President for Legal Affairs) and Dr Francis Chigunta (Special Assistant to the President for Political Affairs)???

  9. What Sata is going is what any reasonable person should do. Get Zambia back to normallity. If Kauda did not invest in Zambia’s education systems most of us would be in villages smoking Kaponda. Today we appreciate that KK’s then futuristic selfless attitude has given us access to international employabilty chances. C’mon Sata we are behind you, sack them, and let them pay for their unprofessionalism bakabwa. Call him tribal we accept; corruction everywhere naku toilet ni corruption.. atase!!

  10. The intimidation induced by change of government has made FRA to pay transporters very early this year. Actually I am told that FRA officers are phoning the transporters to collect their cheques from district offices instead of going to Lusaka, where you find very corrupt officers. Transporters used to bribe the officers for them to be paid.This is a positive so far.

  11. Some people may have PhDs in development studies like Chigunta, but they are a serious embarrasment to intellectuals. In his capacity as adviser, the guy takes a brown envelop to Nkomesha, what an insult!! is that what a PhD can do to people? Let sata use all those that have Zambia at heart; as far as Zambia was concerned in the MMD era, there was no positive correlation between the level of education and performance in government.

  12. Aa phiri where were you when RB fired task force on corruption Sunday Nkole and disolved it? So what motivates you to say this at this time when power has shifted to Sata? Is it because Sata is in power so you evidently forget that RB did the same? The best you can talk about is to ask a new government and all MP’s to start working on changing a constitution because the current constitution gives more power to president to hire and fire. Secondly your accusations of cabinet based on tribal lines just shows that you Dont even know who is in cabinet and where they come from. do some research bwana.

  13. ZRC knows no one shall throw money in there way. So complain. You wont see even a penny! What i know every president calls for a press conference and announces those positions, then when disolving you need cabinet to aprove? Foolish thought, read again and stop pedestrian projections.

  14. ZRC please keep quite, your voices could have been better heard if you had spoken during the corrupt time with RB, let Sata clean up all of yous dirt laudry….sha..!!

  15. So far the president H.E MC Sata is in the right path, why keeping the same cobwebs in office who did not respect the rule of law in MMD era? Let Sata work and bring sanity, law and order to our country, at this time Zambia needed a strong nationalist leader, who has the heart for the people of Zambia and only sata can do that without fear or favour. Towards the end of 20 years rule of MMD Zambia went back to the Dogs, looking at high levels of corruption, poverty, injustice in judicial systems, the country had no directions.

  16. Lekeni Sata ateke.This country seriously needs a man of action and that is exactly what Sata is made of.Phiri mwana bola panshi

  17. Where were all these articles when the previous administration had a president who thought the best way to fight corruption was to remove the abuse of office?

  18. The president has vast power to either hire or fire anyone without consulting Phiri as he claims to be a genius.I second NSHUMFWA’s comments.Mwana it Dont KUBEBA government.More are yet to be fired.

  19. Guys, those guys were advisors to Rupiah Banda, not Sata!!! Let the guy appoint his own capable and trusted people, period!!!!!!! Stop acting so dull, just because you have been given the platform on this blog, yaba grow up mwebantu!!!!!!!! Kwaliba . . . ?????

  20. I think Unip days are back!No one can convince me that Unip is not back.It is back in its reincarnation as Pf!!Sata is a dictator period.Wait until he takes away your house.Its not a laughing matter.People will start disapearing sooner than later.Zambians are busy praising a lunatic.What is happening in Zambia resembles what happened in Germany when Adolf Hitler took power with his Nazi party!!Very similar indeed what more with weak institution and lack of a constitution.How do you appoint this and that without a parliament being in place?We are in real trouble.What of Sata being a fan of Mugabe?Is Mugabe not a fan of Hitler?Ala tulimubwafya!!GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.!!Very similar indeed what more with weak institution and lack of a constitution.How do you appoint this and that without a parliame

  21. I agree with these guys. Can someone with a brain in their head tell me what is UPND about this article?
    Anyway what do you expect from PF and Sata in particular? You cannot appoint a hyena as manager of a butchery and expect the meat to be safe and have normal sales. You risk going burst or bankrupt. You cannot entrust power in the hands of a dictator and expect things to be well. People of this country including those singing praise of Sata will soon realize the mistake they have made by putting Sata at plot one. You are yet to see his true colours. The change of names for the airports for example should have been decisions that should have been debated by cabinet, but we all know that there was no cabinet in place when the names were changed. Unilateral actions like these are traits of

  22. Michael Sata and dictatorship are one and the same thing. Dictatorship is what defines and makes him the kind of leader that he is. Zambians for some reason are attracted to his style of leadership. He has always been that way and he is not going to change to something different. If anything, and if indeed power corrupts, then Zambians should, with the passage of time, only expect him to become more dictatorial. Michael Sata is not a new comer to the Zambian political scene. I would like to believe that the Zambians knew that kind of person they chose to be their president. The opposition must therefore get geared for a blizzard!

  23. ZRC-you sound like you live in dream land.RB fired all those he did not feel comfortable to work with, its a normal practice. How do you keep mecernaries close to you?? do you how Shaka got killed, ?? Baba if you enjoyed the brown envelop you will be visited soon. Those with eyes have spoken, corruption had been rumpat, I can repeat to say ZESCO guys unless you are not a Landlord and have not built any house,as patriots spoke you had to bribe those in planning in order seek connection or else no zesco, which country are you living in??? Naming Airports and firing ACC etc,His excellence is smarter than you thought. Instruments of power at work, he consulted others not you. RB, never ever even thought of legacy?. By the way KK was happy he was interviewd on BBC so cry we do not care.

  24. @23,24 and 29, 

    If cleaning Zambia and getting rid of corrupt elements like what Sata is doing accounts to Dictatorship, then I would be happy for Zambia to be rude by such a dictator than a corrupt regime of MMD and its President RB. Why? becoz RB was using democratic systems, if I may all them, to promote corruption while Sata is using dictatorial system to get rid of corruption and build a better Zambia for all. So who in the end is a dictator?

    If the loss to PF is still haunting you, its better to keep quite and admire the working GVT as issues unfold. You are yet to see more, just wait. 

  25. UNIP under David Kenneth Kaunda ruled Zambia for 27 years and I am sure you could see schools – universities, colleges, hospitals, roads, mines, housing whilst MMD ruled for 20 years but can you compare to what UNIP achieved in the first 15 years? Please give Sata and PF time to sort out the mess left by MMD who could not even manage to build a university other than naming an old infrastructure in Kabwe as a uni. We need more new institutions of learning, hospitals (not mobile hospitals), talk of mobile hospitals, could you please give them to military and refugee camps as well as disaster management teams!

    • could not have put it better boss, but then again some people just hate our President,but he will prove them wrong tepano Tuli

  26. Sata is a 74 year old regionalist and sexist. He is not suited to govern in the 21st century. To all PF cadres be reminded that Zambia does not belong to PF only. There are 13.2 million Zambians who lay claim to it. Sata is not a cosmopolitan person. He is not a Zambian nationalist. He is a regionalist who is comfortable only in the company of the males who speak his mother tongue. Sata is a huge mistake. He will destroy the country in 90 days! Please Mr Sata stop playing to the gallery with your cosmetic changes. We dont want smoke and mirrors. Just give operational independence to the quasi govtal institutions. Replacing people with your own psychophants is not change. We call for operational institutional change!

    • You don’t know what you’re talking about. F U C K YOU ASS HOLE  Go suck RB IF YOU LOVE HIM SO MUCH.

  27. Zedian are not used to King Co straight foward leadership style…pipo are used to GRZ moving slow…U wanted actions in 90 days ,..and now??? Sata told u that thing will change in just 90…believe it or not by xmas Zambia will never be the same …And also know that Sata will never seat on the is either he strongly agree or violently rejects advise…You just learn to love or hate him..the only thing i proud of MMD is OUT …

  28. President Sata  is a decisive leader who is trying to make lemonade out of lemons. He is trying to do things in the best interest of Zambian economy, its investors and the people. Zambia needs him… there are so many issues that need to be straightened out in Zambia which only his leadership style can untangle. 

  29. Rainbow my fat a.s.s just get on with thr program, PF has another 3 terms to go, unless you have something useful to the good of our shut up or put up…

    • Let it not be said you where not warned. I am not an SDA member, but a Christian. You can use any language and swear words you feel like in life, its your choice, BUT do not use such profanity under the Psedo name ‘Seventh Day Adventist’. Doing so is trying to mock God. Do not mock God, my friend, because it backfires. (Galatians6 -v7)

  30. Mr Phiri are yo insuniating that president sata shud just be seated until parliament resumes or what. becuase seem to be conderming everything he is doing. Yo RB when sworn in office started galavanting nd increasing his pay, you want that from sata

  31. To hell with these one-man “coalitions”. Do you seriously expect the president to keep Banda’s aides or appoint aides frfom losing UPND? What are you, stupid? This is a deomocracy, Sata won and he deserves to appoint HIS own team. Suck it in and get over it you losers!

  32. Guys how long did it take RB to make his first trip and how many miles did he clock on that Presidential challenger?

    Answers on post cards please!

  33. #32 Icalo Lifupo. Sata served for the first 10 years of the MMD years. So PF cadre stop pretending that this old bag of yours is a brand new agent of change. He was the most powerful man after Chiluba in that cabal of thieves that fleeced off Zambia between 1991 and 2001. Sata even campaign for Chiluba’s Third Term attempt. The 1991-2001 MMD in which Sata served was a total failure. It succeeded only in the areas of criminality i.e looting of public coffers and murdering political opponents! Tell us something else we dont know dear PF cadre. We know who Sata is. His record is well known! He has lived off the public his entire adult life! He wont change Zambia! He will only change the fortunes of his henchmen!

  34. Good evening

    I believe that the constitution provides Mr. Sata with enough powers to enable him carry out a major shakedown of a system that became corrupt in it’s 20 years of existance before his government can follow up it’s agenda. Such a shakedown will often include immediate, solitary action taken by the president.

    Of course complaints will rush in about the manner in which he does things but as long as there is enough evidence that he is doing it in the best interest of the people of Zambia, I don’t think the worries are justified.

    #25 Caf-U pls. don’t dramatise things. If you believe there’s a parallel between PF & Nazis, then you probably also believe that a balanced diet is holding a cake in each hand!

    • Find any book on the rise of Hitler and the nazi and tell me if the circustances and behaviour of Sata and Pf are not the same.Revisit the history books!We pray that Parliament will stop Sata and Protect Zambia.But he already to 6 mp’s from MMD and made them deputy ministers without consulting any one.what is the meaning of dictatorship?Who killed Penza and Paul Tembo?Sata as President must tell Zambia now!We still pray for better leadership of consensus and consultation.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

    • Find any book on the rise of Hitler and the nazi and tell me if the circustances and behaviour of Sata and Pf are not the same.Revisit the history books!We pray that Parliament will stop Sata and Protect Zambia.But he already took 6 mp’s from MMD and made them deputy ministers without consulting any one.what is the meaning of dictatorship?Who killed Penza and Paul Tembo?Sata as President must tell Zambia now!We still pray for better leadership of consensus and consultation.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  35. Sata is the head of State. He is republican president. God some muppets won`t just get it.

    Chakukalipa kaikulike kuchimuti ichamfungo!

  36. UPND chaps are dull, am not surprised they are Tonga. Typical of Tongas, dullness is in their DNA, it is in their blood. No positive contribution even when they saw how corrupt RBs kids were.

  37. #2, Something else?? – One Zambia, One Nation, One Party (in governance – PF) One Leader, and that Leader?……………(fill the gap). Please accept change and get a life.

  38. My apologies #2 and 32, its post 42 i was responding to. I am sure you will understand, I have just been having a few due to the good weather we have been experiencing in England.

  39. “And from now on, Michael should take every opportunity available to address this deficiency. Let’s tell no lies. Let us mask no mistakes. Let us claim no easy victories….Michael has made some great mistakes of a tribal and nepotistic nature”
    Fred Namakando Membe, oct 1 2011

  40. Yes, Sata has just been voted as president of Zambia but not absolute rruler of Zambia. We have rules and regulations and a republican constitution to follow as a civilised society. Indeed Mr Sata can change things like any in-coming head of state can do, but they do it through institutional bodies available. Let Mr Sata continue at the rate he is doing we will be debating a national issue if he is the right head of state. Zambians Mr Sata is seen to be erring and this has to be questioned, admitted, and demand correction. We say so to save him.

    • Sata is not the one who framed the current constitution. The constitution grants him the powers vested in him. If the Zambian people feel that he SATA has failed them they would not use the ballot to kick him out as they did to RB and KK. Third term debates where quashed in 2001 because they people spoke and Chiluba got scarred. Zambia does not belong to SATA only but to you and me and we can stop all the manipulation. RB and GK failed to produce a fraudulent constitution. 

  41. Give the new presdent room to impliment his goals of developing Zambia. He is a Zambian with Zambia in his heart. Dont just condemn everything he does. Renaming the airports was a good. It would have beed beautifull if KK did that to Rueben Kamanga, Kapwepwe and other Zambian leaders before they died.

  42. On 23rd Sept, 2011 at 00:30 hours, it dawned on me that we Africans actually prefer to be ruled by dictators! If someone is not he’s deemed to be a weak leader..

  43. We have for years argued that the president has too much power. However, the changes that Sata has made so far are fairly cosmetic. Banda was very corrupt and every appointment he made needs to be examined.

  44. The way Sata is doing things its like he thinks he rules Zambia.Sata,it is the law that rules but Sata governs and it has to be according to the law.In true democracies the central bank governor has security of tenure & the president cannot replace him willy nilly.He has to serve out his term & this is to ensure his decisions are done without fear or political interference and thats why their tenure overlaps different presidents.

  45. Out of 5 million plus voters,only 1 million plus voted for Sata the shameless Dictator.When results were finally announced I was among millions of Zambians who went out in the dark to celebrate and dance to the song DONT KUBEBA.Why?Because I well understood that VICTORY FOR SATA MEANT NO CIVIL WAR.I hope you saw those dull PF cadres with machetes.Sata is a dictator.He owns the PF party and now he wants to own Zambia and treat Zambians like guinea-pigs.We wont allow that.He managed to fool 1 million plus voters who are still fooled and believe in the 90 days crap.He couldn’t fool 3 million plus voters.Thats a lot.We are watching.THE DICTATOR AT WORK.

    • you can help the people of zambia by doing little things like buying some tooth paste and a cleaning stick for the president who desparetly need one ,instead of complaining.i never was fooled with woeds from the stinky old mouth of you sata.

  46. Bulozi sapili indeed.just what did you think when you voted for mr sata ?what changes did you think he meant on 90’days. Just wait and see what zambia will be before this christmas! I for one I love every bit.corruption and selfish MMD is better than Action man sata. Never vote if you don’t know what you want. Hammer king C do it your way you have less time to consult the name of airports. Let us give chance you ruled for 20 yrs and did harm than good. 

  47. Some bloggers have sour grapes indeed. MMD still want to be in controlof the system but guess what they lost the elections. The man hasn’t even implemented policies and you are all crying wolf. What about the errors of MMD were they not dictatorial? Did MMD build companies or sell everything for a few cents in 20 years? Did they not leave 80% of the Zambians unemployed? Were transactions ever transparent or accountable with MMD? You were all quiet and never said anything about MMD dictatorship. Now President Sata has been voted as president so get with the program. Please give more balanced constructive criticism as the last party in power were not saints.

  48. Muyembe, you are silly. Today in Zambia all tribes are equally educated. This is selfishness and tribal superiority. It must be stop before its too late. When it comes to tribal balancing only a foolish leader can ignore that, and may not be fit to be president of Zambia. One of the major complaints from Western province in lack of tribal balancing in the execution of Zambian probes. KK did this very well and he united Zambia. Sata needs to learn from the best, not move by empulse of his emotional heart and call it action. You cannot make such serious decisions in one week of being in the office and not make a mistake. This makes me question the integrate of those who surround him.

  49. if there is party that people should not look for is UNPD. These guys atet money from the failed constitution, supported the removal abuse office law,cohesed with mmd in misusing government resources and now they are planning to frustrate the work of government by supporting discredited people like VJ.Do these guys mean well fot the country.What they should know is that Zambia has more people who mean well for country than these group of misguided bullets

  50. amazing how people fail to see reason. the message in this article is very clear and i think that the way we questioned Banda, Mwanawasa and chiluba we must question Sata. if we keep singing praises were they are not due we shall create a dictator. He is president but we must show that we are watching. the MMD 20 years are behind us now… lets focus on the future. while skeptical, i wish Sata well coz his success is zambia’s successs and i will voice my concerns everytime there is questionable behavior 

  51. It is sad, whoever is criticising the actions taken so far.
    you walk in a dirty house on Friday,and you opt to sleep outside for 3 nights waiting for the cleaners to come on Monday or later in the week, yet you have been provided with the broom and matches and foods and stove with foods? You a saddist if you can not prepare your sleeping room & arrange things, clean up, in the order of how things should be. This is exactly what SATA has done. He is operating within the frame work of powers vested into him, so, if you have a problem with that then I would rather you go and consult your mentors. The $ 98M deal between NPF and ZNBS, yet the pensioners are suffering without being paid, a huge blunder for RB, and you were quiet.shame on you. Bravo president move on we are behind you.

  52. I clearly remember Mr Sata saying the constitution needed to be changed because the President has too much power. Was that just for RB? The problems analysed in the article amount to corruption as well. Corruption is not about stealing money or getting bribes alone. Abuse of power is equally corruption. Manipulating the electrolate and intimidation to wrestle power and retribution of perceived enemies are equally corrupt practices.So let’s not throw stones at others when we get the power we even get worse. It appears we aint seen nothing yet!!!!!!!!!

  53. In all the 3 years of RB you RAINBOW whatever you call yourslef and you miniot you never came out to oppose any of the rampant corruption by either FRA, NPF, ZNBC, Times of Zambia and Chanda chimbwi, you must be a frustrated group. Just keep you fake mouth shut, I feel sorry for you. just go and beg for mployement instead of hiding in you fake RAINBOW as a way of syphoning funds from donors. Wait you will also be investigated. You are like Mumbwe pakulila nishi pali oko ashintilishe amatako…jus zip you mouth and allow SATA to cleans the merci and bring order.

  54. #36.

    I thought you promised to change your blogging name the other day. Please honor your word. Your veiws are far from representing any church judging from your language. Please have respect for religious institutions. I can excuse contempt on political issues but please respect God.

  55. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Give credit where it`s due but also offer positive criticism when a wrong is made. As Zambians we need to move away form this euphoria of unnecessarily overwhelming a leader with praises for every step they take, irrespective, lest we make a tyrant of them. As for tribalism, it has to be condemned whether it`s committed by HH or MCS. Lets not burry our heads in the sand simply because this time around it’s our kinfolk involved.

  56. @52 al capone,as you call yourself very proud of who al capone was,shame on you.please wether 1million people voted for sata the fact is we did,accept that we knew about his character but we choose him thats how bad people didnt want please wait for 5 years.

  57. #61 Yes people may question Sata but…if every little single thing he does is criticized it does sound like sour grapes. Factually speaking bloggers never questioned MMD enough that is why 80% of Zambians were left unemployed. Moving forward let Sata implement his policies, and then judge from its fruits. Remember how Mwanawasa was called a cabbage yet did a brilliant job. Sata is getting his staff together one may not be happy with the choices but it is his right as president to choose some staff. Sata has dissolved some boards…if the appointments are a hinderence to PF’s plans to make changes to develop Z then PF can remove them. In business they call it restructuring. Naming an airport can be changed if the next party in power are not happy with Z freedom fighters being honoured.

  58. Hey #52 if Tekere laid his hands on you, you would not be taking. MMD frsutrated constitution making process, let them feel how bad it is. They thought they will rule in perpetuity.

    A Phiri anabwela too bad no brown envelopes, go back to the village. We need even just one term to fix you cohorts of MMD for your corrupt deeds. Viva Cobra more venom on these plunderers

  59. Ulichipuba chi Phiri. Ba kabwalala imwe. You are afraid of what you have stolen. H.E MCS is closing in. You will vomit our money.

  60. #66 Iarisa I agree with you when you state that,”we knew about his (Sata) character but we choose him thats how bad people didnt want mmd”.wow.I like THE CHANGE people people are desperate,they make decisions out of desperation.jumping from the frying pan into the fire.even if it means ruining our future,our children’s children’s doesnt matter.ARE YOU ZAMBIAN?we only have one country my friend.May God the Creator give you wisdom and strength to use it.

  61. When, is the President going to review appointments of “some” of the high Court  Judges?
    All Judges must undergo a thorough background check before being appointed to this high office, how can a criminal judge, judge fellow criminals? They need to be prosecuted and judged with same harshness!!

  62. iwe al capone cicolor. yo criminal syndicate is no more. there is no more mafia government in zambia. its time to bring the criminals to book.
    no5 italian bunga , orgasm tembo and kimbaguist keep up the good work.keep reminding these criminals that its over. they are going to jail.

  63. I salute the president to fire useless and corrupt leaders like kayukwa. Mr president sweep all the mess and people should know that public offices are there to save all zambian without akapatulula.We the people of zambia we employ you mr president to look at ZESCO ala twachula pafula with their method of charging people when connecting power Why should a person in KAPIRI-MPOSHI with no industry made to pay ZMK 2,900,000.00 just ukwasha amalaiti and to move a single ZESCO POLE one gets a quotation of ZMK 16,500,000.00 this is them bapompwe mwishibila nsala with or without consulting phiri amene alibe nzelu.A phiri do you consult to fire a criminal awe utuma NGO spare us and look back of your RB way,chanda chimbwi,ZNBC,DAILY and TIMES MAMBALA NJALA YAKUNJOKOLA MANJE

  64. You people if he does not act, you same people start saying, he is too slow, what else do you want from our President execept, making noise. Give him praise. We love love our listening President like the other one, who was just surrendered by thugs.

  65. “Nearly all men can stand the test of adversity, but if you really want to test a man’s character, give him power.”
    — Abraham Lincoln

  66. Sorry Ba Phiri, this is not the time for your advice. You had enough time to advice the nation during our rule but you chose to eat with us. As for me, i have reformed and support Sata to clean the mess. He is right on the spot.

  67. My dear #36, Let it not be said you where not warned. I am not an SDA member, but a Christian. You can use any language and swear words you feel like in life, its your choice, BUT do not use such profanity under the Psedo name ‘Seventh Day Adventist’. Doing so is trying to mock God. Do not mock God, my friend, because it backfires. (Galatians6 -v7)

  68. Dude……he dissolved the ERB board before he had a cabinet. There was no minister of Energy at the time, and as Pres. he had those powers and acted within the framework of the Zambian law. How can the whole lot of you miss such a fact???

  69. #8 you are tribalist for sure.michael sata cant appoint people from other provinces because only those from luapula and northern provinces are educated!zambia has many fools like you thats why we cant develop.but iwe ndiwe galu maningi.

  70. #52, who did you want to be president after the elections? Is it RB-HH the siamese twin? Mind you no MMD presidential candidate has ever gotten more than ONE MILLION votes. At his best in 1991, Chiluba got 972,212 votes. Only 1,283,234 votes were cast out of more than 8 Million people then. Grow up!

  71. Does this mbeba know what a coalition is??? Can he tell us it’s composition??? Does he know what the rainbow is???? Is he using the last bits of our money that MMD had stashed from us???
    ACC investigate this guy, find out who funds him!!!

  72. president satan will be short lived. he will not perform. he will spend his time on vengency and he will only relilise it after hes been chackecked out

  73. zambian will will cry under the sepent spirit. he calls himself king cobra. what does the bible say abot a snake. a snake is evil and he is what he proclaims. Sata is a Satanist . Rember the way he made mwanawasa end. just after haging him he went to die. all those were powers he wanted. he is a very bad witct. hope he will not kill his cabnet . shortly before elections, he sacrifacised his son. the sone died bearly few days after elections and he won. Imwe bantu. we have a satanist in power.

  74. Satan will not talk about the constitution any more coz hes in power. he was making that noise coz he was jealous. that man is canning. any way since he too old now let him rule a bit but under dictatorship. we see it coming. twachula. pantu satan even advisors he can just slap them. they wont be talking.

  75. Srn Citizen, can you tell us here which chapters of the act have been breached by our dear President since Mr. Phiri has not given us any references.

  76. (ZRC).Sata wants to show you how the 90 days theory could be put into practice.Tell you what?Time has come for Zambia to be saved.N….Mumba professed it in a political manner.He saw Sata and PF coming.Zambia must be saved from vouchers and opportunists.How do you work with people who have brought the country down.?Stop day dreaming and face the reality.You fully understand how ACC operated.Just enjoy your media coverage>We know LT has always been anti PF-Sata.Now tables are turning round.I know for sure that LT will be more professional now that someone a real Satana is out

  77. Our president is doing the right thing @ the moment, phiri, for your information ( on renaming the institutions) with or without consultation HE did the right thing & we the masses appretiate that because the individuals named will always be our hero’s/ great fathers coz they’ve upheld peace and thats very vital. As one bloger said, why didn’t you raise such issues when mmd was @ the realm? If at all you view MR SATA as a dictator, well thats you thinking in those line. Things will change soon and we want to see change if not, our children will blame us if things dont change.

  78. Yebo #51 ulichiyanga thats why yu lost the elections.Sata is the person who can correct corrupt practices in Zambia.Mwakazyibila tu brown envelops yebo kabwalala.Get over it loser.

  79. Be sober Gentlemen. All these institutions that behaved badly in the RB era did so because of one problem, the presidency as an institution is too strong. These institutions acted on instructions and we all know that. If Sata continues in such a path ie, without sorting out these issues through the constitution, ZNBC and other media will behave the same, it is just a matter of time before this government starts to take the heat from the people, and they will start issuing instructions to the public media. Deal with the cause, and not the symptoms…Phiri is correct.

  80. Zambians should not make the mistake of still basking in the election euphoria…Sata is the President and he is accountable to all Zambians. Personally, I don’t support the tribal balancing thing….what is it for…is it not acceptance of tribal appeasement? Zambians should be concerned with perfomance, if the appointed work for all Zambians, there should be no problem. I warn Zambians never to turn a blind eye to unilateral behaviour of a president, before you open your eyes, dictatorship will be the order of the day. We need strong, balanced institutions rather than a strong presidency.

  81. The Sunday 2nd October editorial by the Post should be considered as a key turning point to Sata’s presidency. Though craftly written, the paper questioned Sata’s appointments which it believe were based on tribalism and nepotism. Mr. Action knows no limits of his power. Some bloggers, for lack of maturity, are enjoying Sata’s usurping of power. If he has the executive power to bulldose his way, he certainly does not needs institutions of governance such as cabinent and parliament, does he? Zambia is being undone slowly and we will soon wake up to a rude shock!!!

  82. Ba cleophas,Imwe mwenzodyela muli Banda .Driving the latest range rover?What consultations do you need to name a stadium and who are the stake holders.All the president has done is recognise important people in the past.Did you want the president to appoint a commission of enquiry to consult and come up whith names of stadiums?The president has shown that he is a decision maker who does not waste time.And how do you know he did not consult.Mr Phiri tell us what consultations went on in the past when giving names to roads,stadia etc.And the issue of private secretaries a phiri,these are apponted by the presidend himself.Is kaunda’s private secretary or mwanawasa’s still at state house?The president chooses his own.The president also has the power to appont the chief at acc,it is law

  83. mr phiri you need help.its to early for you to start acusing His Exellence,there is nothing wrong in renaming or maybe you dont appreciate what our predicessor did.there is need to talk about development not this.wise up mr phiri,wise must be one of the persons who wants to frustrate the current government.nonsence!

  84. Believe me whoever you are ZRC or any nobody: Africa needs this kind of leadership esp zambia after what it’s been through. By the way did you know that the military were ready to take over the country’s rulership should RB have won? Anyway, you have the right to express your opinion, for that we allow you to and continue to but rest assured your opinion is unreasonable, let him rule without your disturbance. But Honestly, you are very dull… say only a few

  85. Its easy to fire and hire! Creating employment for those thousands of youths who were attending Sata`s rallies in Kasama, Mansa, Lusaka and Copperbelt is another thing! Once he is done with his firing list —let outline his job creation vision and strategy to the millions of youths across the country. They are eagerly waiting.

  86. Its easy to fire and hire! Creating employment for those thousands of youths who were attending Sata`s rallies in Kasama, Mansa, Lusaka and Copperbelt is another thing! Once he is done with his firing list —let Sata outline his job creation vision and strategy to the millions of youths across the country. They are eagerly waiting. I doubt if Sata has any vision and strategy on job creation for those youths.

  87. 89 and 90, it is not the snake as you put it that is inherently evil but the character. thats why we have poisonous and non poisonous snakes. oh do you need to be reminded that at one time God told Moses to make a Bronze snake upon which the people who were bitten by vipers in the wilderness could look up and recieve healing. its there in the Bible unless tau joba mwana Numbers 21 verses 5 to 9

  88. Imwe ba Lusaka Times, learn to give credit to the stories you copy copy from other websites. That story was originally posted on the QFM website. Imwe you just copy and paste kwati nimwe mulembele. Viva QFM!!!

  89. We cried for a constitution and the MMD gave us rubbish, spent 135billion on nothing, but a constitution that was made to make them stronger. The PF have promised us a constitution that is people driven, and will reduce president’s power. Sata knows he has nothing to lose, he learnt to live the moment he almost died. So what this Rainbow fimo fimo should be advocating for is a new constitution rather than moaning in your little corners, and were, where you when the people of Zambia were crying out for a consitution, let me guess busy eating at RB’s table.

    • You guys are all saying the same thing – but differently. The underlying problem is not SATA nor RB nor Chiluba – Its our constitution. Simple. Because of our current constitution, we are at the mercy of the ‘personality’ of the President. The historic idea (error) of our constitution was investing power in the ‘presidency’ and not the ‘president’ and the basic assumption was that the president would have counsel around him. That Counsel has failed. It comes back to the initial problem. Poverty.. So in order for anything to change.. will either need to change our Poverty level or our Constitution..At some point it appears Education level is no longer a factor –the educated in government have really failed to make a difference, as someone has already pointed out.

  90. ZRC, never heard of it. I think this guy needs to come back to reality. This is normal. The time for ignorant politics has just passed. With the coming of the new Admin we are hoping the game will be up-ed a bit and move from playing with peoples heads, to the truth. The past Admin thought Zambians were too dull to catch on to all the lies flooding the media, but in the end the majority let them know that we are not that stupid. So with regards to Sata seeming to abuse power…get real. All this is necessary and Im looking forward to more changes. Not to mention, that all former presidents did the same thing. Maybe not as dramatic, tho. When they didnt want to work with someone then that was it. No questions asked alot of good people lost their jobs based on a leaders gut feelings.

  91. If they lost, why should be still holding on to the posts they held during the MMD gov’t? These are not personal to holder positions. In fact, there might be a new vaccant post for William Banda, Door Bouncer at one of the clubs in the places he did mess up big time.

  92. Seeing all the comments from MMD VUVUZELAS make me laugh my lungs out. All of you beginning with your RB, KUNDA, DORA, CHANDA CHIMBA, SIULAPWA, ROY MWABA…………… THE LIST IS ENDLESS terribly demonised SATA and you were on record to say SATA will never be President. Now you have the taste of your own medicine. Wake up from your sleep and get to reality that SATA is State President and will remain so for the next Five years. If you doubt his capability ask the workers at Chambishi mine. They already have a pay rise of more thatn 80%. Never ever heard of in RB time. Ka Roy Mwaba should be ashamed now. He was always speaking for his pocket and his ARVs cheque. But SATA is a peoples choice. like it or not he is in state house and let him rule us as we expected not you to confuse him.

  93. Sometimes it calls for drastic actions where a system is heavily destroyed by those running it.

  94. Mr. Sata will work, we know after 5 yrs we shall be judged. So Us in PF will work double the effort to develop this country, to reduce corruption and to punish corrupt offenders. we need to raise & safeguard the resources to develop Zambia.

  95. It could be true that the President is acting very decissively on issues. On the Powers, we only need to deal with the constitution and all will fall in place. It is only when you see Sata and the PF back pedal on the constitution tha w will know he wants to keep the excessive powers inherent in our curret constitution!!!!

  96. Ba Phiri, leader of a small group under MMD go back to the drawing board your MMD is finished so you better sweep your house not to advise President Sata our Patriotic and Vibrant leader. You couldn’t advise your MMD President now what ? Consult you! for what,what value will come from you and why waste time? You are not PF Not even in cabinet just shut your organization and go to your Banda for your benefits quietly we know you. You are disturbing our expectation please!!!

  97. Why do you think Zambians voted for Sata & PF and not others?? Public mood needs to be satisfied not with protracted considerations for people who failed the nation at great cost! If Sata has broken the law, then let us know in writing through the right authority (Follow procedure as well by consulting your wife before you released the statement). This why most of us educated people fail to deliver coz we major in trival courses.


  99. Collective decision making is important otherwise the cabinet is worthless. Errors in H.E MCS’s appointments would not have occurred if group wisdom was employed. Transition is equally important than immediate action even where replacements need parliemntary approval.
    PF should lead in a manner that upholds democracy not doctorship

  100. He has removed them in NATIONAL INTEREST period! The president’s office starts operations before cabinet and if there is war whom would he consult??. We beg to move!

  101. I always knew that Sata we president one day. Sory guys but zambia needs a leader like Sata to weep it out of slamber and drunken state otherwise we will always remain sleepy and drunk!!!!!!!!!!!!

  102. But some chaps are dull how can u fail to point at the law which clearly shows that the president has breached it? That phiri was an MMD sympathiser wanya. U mst be the only chap that wanted that nonsense at ACC, ERB and BOZ.

  103. To us this shows that this guy is more tribal than the people he was accussing. We were so expectant that the new PF Government was going to exibit the highest level of tribal balancing especially that Mr MCS was in the fore front of accussing others of tribalism ei in levys family tree and HHs Tonga Party. So when we see these things we ask ourselves many questions as what it means to change goverment. And change for what if these things are not taken care of.


  105. Ladies and gentlemen, whatever action H. E. MCS has taken have been taken according to the powers vested in him as republican president. The only error so far which was also recinded was appointing 10 nominated MPs instead of 8. We really do not have time for monkeying arround allowing some of these aides with questionable motives to continue in the office. ERB has been a pain in the backside not only of the consumers, but also the oil marketing companies who have had their margins shrunk by the greedy of this institution, thereby inhibiting investment in the fuel industry. I cannot wait for the ZESCO top managemnt who are all MMD stooges to be fired as well. Investigating sales of ZAMTEL and Finance bank are long overdue. So what is dictatorial about the above? Get lives, Sata is working!

  106. When a Lenje/lamba President appoints a cabinet full of Lenjes,Tongas,lambas etc…its tribal balancing. When a Bemba Pres. appoints 6 of his tribesmen its tribalism!!

  107. Our President has not even sat down and you have already started complaining! Let our President and his Cabinet work. Mind you this is not MMD but PF!

  108. With due respect to you Mr. Phiri, I would have appreciated if you had qouted the clauses of the Zambian constitution that the President abrogated in all that he has effected in 10 days so far. He made a public apology when he withdrew the appointments of the 2 MPs, am sure he was advised that he entitled was overshot by 2 and he obliged. Do you call that dictatorship? I dont think so. The man is tribalist you say! Dont put words in his mouth, we are all Zambians whether 90% are from one province to me it doesnt matter,what we want are results. so let us wait and see

  109. I think the presido is overdoing it. He has ordered for the “immediate” hand over of Finance bank to its Owner (a good thing) but im just wondering what this owner was doing at State house when this order was made.

  110. thanks Phiri . At least there are some in Zambia who are not afraid. There is hope. We have a wrong man in power. Hope africans know what they doing

  111. Let the President do his Job. It is time to work now! More cash is dropping in our pockets soon. Thanks HEMS


  113. mr sata is doing what he thinks is right. i welcome the firing and the clean up in general.. he wants to start a new govt and please let him do it.. would you rather he named the hospital after rb? you complain and criticize too much, lets give the president chance like we gave mmd 20 years to destroy the country…

  114. Mr. Phiri is one of the political consultants for RB and the fact that he chose a wrong horse it still pains him. ask him if he did not get $30,000 from MMD?

  115. Sorry he will choose people from HIS PARTY as ministers! Do you want him to choose from UDNP? They walked away at a crucial hour. What is wrong with you guys?

  116. Zambians didn’t vote for UPND, but PF , if the going gets turf just fight hard, divide Zambia so that you can get southern province with HH as president.
    Sata can’t work with corrupt people thats why he is fighting hard to get rid of them

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