Monday, March 10, 2025

FODEP calls on President Sata to uphold constitution


FODEP Executive Director, McDonald Chipenzi
FODEP Executive Director, McDonald Chipenzi

The Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) has called on President Michael Sata to uphold and defend the constitution jealously as he tries to reorganize government structures and operations.

FODEP Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi says his organisation has observed with concern that new government ministries have been established, merged or dissolved without approval of the national assembly as required by article 44 (2)(e) of the constitution.

Article 44 (2)(e) of the republican constitution states that the president shall have powers among others to establish and dissolve government ministries and departments subject to the approval of the national assembly.

In a statement made available to QFM, Mr. Chipenzi questions which part of the law is being applied by the president to make the ministries and departments functional and dysfunctional, in the absence of the national assembly.

Mr. Chipenzi says his organisation hopes that the decisions made by President Sata which require national assembly approval, will be presented when parliament resumes sitting.

And Mr. Chipenzi says the appointment of Colonel Panji Kaunda as Member of Parliament and deputy defence minister, contravenes article 65 (1)(b) of the constitution because he was declared bankrupt by the courts.

Article 65 (1)(b) states that a person shall not be qualified to be elected as a member of the national assembly if that person is an undischarged bankrupt, having been adjudged or otherwise declared bankrupt under any law in force in Zambia.

The FODEP executive director has since called on republican President Michael Sata to either reconsider Colonel Kaunda’s appointment or disclose to the nation that Colonel Kaunda is no longer a bankrupt person.



  1. Thanks Fodep bcoz you’ve also seen the concerns we have been raising regarding the rapid fire issuing of orders by Sata without consultations or any regard to laid down law.Litlle knowledge has people(including Sata) thinking that the president rules.No,the president governs according to law and thats where Sata seems to be lost.You don’t just do things the way you like you have to follow the law even as president.The dismissal of Fundanga raised alot of concern as central bank head should be independent and now i fear Sata thinks he can also dismiss the chief justice who is also independent and has security of tenure.Little education is dangerous.

  2. We do not need bankrupt MPs no matter who they are the law does not allowed Sata we like but do not take us for granted follow the law, it is becaue of such things that led to the down fall of mmd not listerning to the people!

  3. but you seem to be apologetic when reminding this fellow about reality.take him on as you took on RB mulemutina sana bafikala aini?

  4. TIZ which constitution? Is it the Mungo’mba Constitution?, The Mvunga constitution? the 1964 constitution?? There are so many constitutions in Zambia, God knows which one is being used!

  5. Even telling civil servants to vacate immediately from govt houses is not only immoral but illegal. Seems new emporer is drunk with newly acquired powers.

  6. FODEP now has two voices. If they want to talk sense they use Chipenzi and when they want to spew trash they use Alex ng’oma. What an organisation.

  7. This is where the rule of law should be upheld. It is up to the elected MP’s to deal with these excesses without fear, favor or blind loyalty! MCS should not wait to listen to peoples concerns as the emotional drive that catapulted him into office may disappear pretty fast! Do or be seen to do right not falling into complacency too early. However continue the cleaning up.

  8. It’s ok as long as the changes are being made for the better. Moreover, the same constitution you are talking about has to be revised and amended. This is the new era and Zambia has been behind and asleep for more than twenty years. Let the King Servant rule or govern has some may put it. Viva MCS!!!

  9. like it or not, there is a streak in us as black people that prefers to have dictators for leaders and sata knows this….. as long as he maintains the dictatorial tendencies, he is assured of a long presidency tenure. i can visualise the praise coming from most zambians, something like: ” icho chisata!!! chaume ooohhh…..”

  10. The guy is talking sense. Sata is the worst President Zambia will ever have had. Serious complex and a pompous demeaner. What a complex.

  11. It is a fair question if indeed the constitution says so, am sure our Presido HE MCS will address this issue soon enough, as he is very much for the Rule of Law!!!

  12. Very soon he will run out of ideas because of lack of consultation. Typical characteristics of dictators trying to please people. The core focus is on the ‘faults’ of others rather than on viable and sound strategies and policies. Zambian people need tangible outcomes and I doubt if this can be achieved in 90 days with the epicenter on short term objectives. National development is a dynamic process that is on-going and requires rigorous analysis and planning to achieve long term goals. We are watching the space and documenting the ‘talk’.

  13. Articles for real debate being shunned. Viva FODEP. Okey your comment is well timed and has a lot of entertainment in its message. Iam surprised that Chiefbootliker is missing on this field day.

  14. PF govt has not dissolved any ministry or department, but just merged them. if this will be subject to appoval by parliament then thats Mps job, period.

  15. The honey moon will be over soon and people and institutions will start asking for the New Constitution to be ratified. Will Sata deliver it?

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