Monday, March 10, 2025

FODEP President defends Sata’s cabinet


Members of the new Cabinet at the swearing in ceremony at State House

A political analyst has challenged those questioning the composing of President Michael Sata’s newly appointed cabinet to point out individuals of high calibre that have been left out.

Dr. Alex Ng’oma who is also Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) president has told Qfm that President Sata has constituted a team that is capable of guiding the country to social and economic prosperity.

His sentiments come in the wake of concerns by some stakeholders that 50 percent of Cabinet ministers that President Sata has appointed are either his relatives or close friends.

But Dr. Ng’oma has contended that the President’s appointments are timely as he has chosen those available to him.

He has expressed hope that the government will deliver on its campaign promises to the Zambian people.

On the move by President Sata to terminate the contracts of Anti Corruption Commission Director General Godfrey Kayukwa and others, Dr. Ng’oma says the President’s decisions are within his constitutional powers and that he should not be questioned.

The Zambia Rainbow Coalition on Sunday charged that Republican President Michael Sata has taken a path that raises alarm to the democratic aspirations of the country.

Coalition President Cleophas Phiri said that the President’s actions so far appear unilateral, without any consultations adding that in many cases, they are breaching the law.



  1. I couldn’t resist this one. I think FODEP is making a mistake. Is it really FODEP job or mandate to defend the PF cabinet. I don’t think so. Though I agree with Dr Ngoma that the president has appointed from what is available to him, I totally find his statement asking people to point out high caliber people that have been left out. Come Goma my friend the 8 nominees where supposed to be the president ‘s best and he had nominated Willie Nsanda and you would rate Willie Nsanda as someone of higher caliber than an average Zambian? I don’t think so.

    The President is making mistakes and we need to raise them. How does he appoint a commission to look into FNBZ and before it even sits, he already announces the decision. There is something wrong here people.

    Is Sata the court now? TBC

  2. Mahthani should have gone to court and made his case there than by-pass the courts and go to the president, who out of excitement with the newly found powers , decides to reverse the sale without even waiting for recommendation from his Justice Minister who he gave 30 days to give him a report. And I don’t think the Justice Minister has done any work because if he had he could have at least contacted Firstrand.

    These are serious issues and concerns, forgot my name and look at the content of what am saying. We have a seriously problem being birthed here and I see everybody by-passing our judicial system and going to the president to get redress. What would be the function of the judiciary then?

    I rest my case and will wait for more comedy today.

    • Why didn’t the MMD govt take Mahtani to court to defend himself?? The sale of finance bank was done at state house!!! so what is wrong with the President stopping it from the same state house?? MMD started the mess and he is simply correcting it!

  3. What kind of analysis is this? Ati “over 50% appointed are either his relatives or close friends” Can you please give us facts, and then again how can you appoint someone you have no clue about especially when forming your first govt? First cut is the deepest so you need to put people you are certain will deliver.

  4. Bootlicker please stick to the topic above, how does FNB and Mathani come in. Efyo muponena, writing essays on questions not asked.

  5. I tend to agree that the calibre is worrying. Lets take GBM. He is yet to make any policy statement about Defence but chooses to host defectors to the PF from MMD and making pronouncements of how MMD will be finished. Campaign time is over and its time to work. 

  6. Is this the Ngoma guy who was caught trying to sneak out a ballot paper in a printing facility in South Africa? If he is the one, the it explains why the guy is giving such a low grade opinion? Ngoma says Sata has stuffed cabinet positions with relatives becoz he only had relatives to choose from? PF has 62 MPs —– and out of these all Sata could see are his relatives? If somebody does not see any thing wrong with the composition of Sata`s cabinet, they need a midical check up–becoz even a 1st grader can tell from Sata appointments that the man is a hard core tribalist.

  7. #4,if ever impeachment was needed it should have been applied to RB who crookedly abused institutions to plunder, from ACC, RDA, ZRA, FRA, Zesco, Napsa, ERB, BoZ to many more. Sata is merely implementing what he told you on his rallies and I am sure the amount of abuse he has found there even him could have not imagined. Corruption was so embeded in the system such that who ever is seen to sweep the dirt now becomes the one making the room dirty!!

  8. Is this the Ngoma guy who was caught trying to sneak out a ballot paper in a printing facility in South Africa? If he is the one, then it explains why the guy is giving such a low grade opinion. Ngoma says Sata has stuffed cabinet positions with relatives becoz he only had relatives to choose from? PF has 62 MPs —– and out of these all Sata could see are his relatives? If somebody does not see any thing wrong with the composition of Sata`s cabinet, they need a midical check up–becoz even a 1st grader can tell from Sata appointments that the man is a hard core tribalist

  9. It is not the ballot paper stealing N’goma? What does he want again from us in government? After all his ka NGO is on the 3rd on the list of NGOs to be deleted next year.

  10. NANGUFYE ELO ULEUPA…NOT EVERYONE IS HAPPY…SO!!!!! TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT…..the cabinet has been appointed….lets us just help the big man to build our country…

  11. MMD Bootlicker,i hear you and the whole world is hearing you!
    This country is in trouble. The only President i can relate Sata`s actions and lack of regard for the law is the late Ugandan Idi Amin.

    • #15 Keke, Call Sata whatever you want. But going by the amount of corruption rubbish he found in the system and the need for us to immediately get rid of it, the very best any democratic president can do is nothing less than what King Cobra is doing if sanity has any realistic chance. A kid-gloved president can further sink this country into sticky mud. For the first time since the days of KK, we have a president who understands that robust national development can best be attained when there is discipline and order in government. It was discipline and order which made KK build the university of Zambia, countless parastatal companies,schools, hospitals, roads, etc all in 10 years!!!

  12. #9 Keke, if you believe that Sata is related to 50% of his cabinet then its you who needs your head checked. Miles Sampa is Sata’s nephew and he is where is he is because he is qualified and also worked for it. In fact I thought he might even be full cabinet minister seeing that he’s an economist but he’s only deputy minister. Speak facts, who else is Sata’s relative in Cabinet??

  13. So mr so called ngoma whats your point you really wanted this country to continue with leaders like Dollar are you serious my dear,the problem most of you guys in the mmd you came from Zimbambwe including you Bwezi and you totally got NO heart for this country kindly leave us alone you have failed to fight Mugabe and you want to mess up our lovely Zambia to hell LONG LIVE SATA MC sc …long live PF policies we are behind you arrest the *****s…sweep..sweep sweep zambia.


  15. Bootlicker please help me see why you couldn`t resist this one only to end up talking about something completely different?

    But anyway, you need to get this into your thick head. You mugs got used to ukulilapo. Just like you did with CRC. You guys knew the rubbish was not going anywhere but because you are so selfish, you still persisted after all you were being paid any way!

    If you were asked to investigate something, as a person doing that investigation, on the first day you get all the information you are looking for are you going to go back another 100 days to find the same information?

  16. Was Cleophas Phiri benefiting from corruption brown envelopes? People who are resisting change are those who became used to corruption for 20 years. It is time to have fresh air, a fresh era where corruption is not condoned. 

  17. #18, well i guess you just have to stomach it for the next five years don’t you? We lived in RB putrid era with an unbelievable stench for 3 and survived, good luck\\\\

  18. Dr. Ng’oma has always been a PF spokes person.
    This is the guy who was found with ballot paper in South Africa.
    Now, the caution we have to take as citizens and our colleagues in the civil society is that we avoid the risk of HANGOVER.
    We need to guard against the hangover of thinking that PF is still in opposition and that SATA is still an opposition leader.
    If that is not well handled it would lead to us creating a monster whom we will end up worshiping and failing to provide checks and balances.
    This can lead to creating a dictator, because by the time we realise, we will have a deep rooted dictator and reversal will not be possible.

  19. The President has not done enough yet.He needs to go deeper,i.e visit the passport offices,city councils mostly the Title deed area,those fools are sucking our blood.

  20. Dr. Ngoma, what capacity do you have to defend the indefensible? Everybody knows you concocted the fake opinion poll putting Sata at 56% prior to the elections. You’re a PF cadre as far as i know. So spare us your rhetoric and boot-licking. Apply for a job at statehouse especially Chigunta’s former one. I won’t be surprised to realise that sata one day appoints to some position after sounding the ‘don’t forget me’ whistle.


  22. #21, walasa…..lets clean up this house and every broom shall be needed to do so. If it seems the laws are being bent to achieve this then so be it. Laws were not even seen nor considered when all this dirt as being created and swept under the carpet. Let sanity prevail all corrupt elements should be very, very afraid and the innocent rejoice and walk freely. Thats how the rule of law operates!!


  24. Dictator? Last time i checked you were giving him an expiring date.You thought he was gonna die…sorry here to stay and get used to him,

  25. #3: Please ask the Post News paper about the facts on the issue of over 50%, The post edition of sunday 2nd October highlighted this issue and we trust the post so much on facts

  26. Sata is doing the right thing, look all those who against him is they are no longer benefiting from corruption, why was fuel coming bi road? were was Tazama pipeline and indeni who own diabit trucks.why Mr. fundanga sold fiance bank when cabinet was already dissolved

  27. What is surprising is that Sata was in the forefront condemning Levy and RB of tribalism but he turns round and makes the same mistakes- 11 out of 19 ministers are his tribesmen . For those that want to wish this fact away i can only assure you that it will blow-up it is just a matter of time .Lol!!!

  28. Is this the disgruntled FODEP president who tried to steal a ballot paper in SA and embarrased my poor Zambia?

  29. Ba ***** I dont know why mwamukoselela GBM ati He has no calibre. GBM is a self made billionaire he is a good manager he has managed to establish a lot of viable businesses. Some of you are failing to run even a fleet of four taxis. Ama Degree na ma Masters pamulu mucula culafye *********

  30. It is sad to note that state house has become BOZ, and has also become the Supreme Court, right, and also Public Service Commission??
    We are in a celebration gear but we need to watch out because we risk eroding the power and authority of our institutions of governance.
    You hear that a lsit of civil servants is being formulated at state house to take up the DA jobs to replace the fired DAs.
    If civil servants will take up the jobs where is the institution of the Public Service Commiossion.
    The longer we take to recover from our celebration mood, the riskier it will get for us in terms of losing it altogether.
    We may end up creating a worse governance system than what we have replaced.

  31. Interesting reading indeed, Sata is doing everything in his powers but the extent to which he is consulting still remains unknown. At the rate we are going Zambia is likely to have its name changed.(LOL) Seriously perhaps the commisions appointed to investigate should be given enough time to investigate and then conclusions can be drawn from the same. The firing of Chaps in sertain positions is inevitable because this is common practice and makes sense beacause any change of Governemnt will ineitably mean new people.

  32. Ka HH ZOona alibe zelu.The man is bitter for loosing.i’m a youth but i can’t give a vote to the underfive.Viva PF

  33. True. If Sata doesn’t stop and think, he will end up worse than FTJ who was on a path to bembalise all institutions in the pretext that it is high calibre people who almost all ended up in prison including Sata himself. We are watching. The path Sata has embarked on will lead the other provinces which were defragmented due to the HH- introduction- into- politics factor to rethink their position and re-unite again. The country is going to be devided on tribal lines with Southern, western, North western forming one block and northern and Luapula provinces forming another under PF. Off course the CB is their stronghold. The other provinces will be shared. The situation will be alarming and once Sata is irritated by such sentiments , evryone will see why he was not supposed ton be president.

  34. Uwakwisano, if you can see tribalism, neptism in this GRZ then you need to have your eyes checked. The replacement of DC is degree civil servants is a good thing but this Sata shoots himself down by appointing cadres,relatives etc as permanent secretaries. We have career civil servants in this country who are qualified not Amos Malupenga!!! Mwanawasa made the same mistake of running the country from bwingimfumu. Foolish PF cadre you cant reason, *****

  35. Good morning

    The best way to silence all those questioning the composition of the new cabinet is when they see that the team is seriously committed to their duties. Professionalism is much different from politics. It’s barely a week after elections and people are still thinking and talking politics.

    But real governance has more to do with professionalism, delivering people’s needs and sustaining development. Food, clothes and shelter have no politics. As far as I’m concerned, those who voted Mr. Sata for president care less who sits in his cabinet as long as they have enough food on their table and a better life than they had under RB.

  36. MMD Bootlicker – you are making assumptions here that the minister of Finance did not go to Bank of Zambia to begin their 30 day assignment. If I give you an assignment to remove water from the toilet bowl in two days – on the first day you go there and you find that the toilet bowl has not water and all the seals are perfect. Do you seat until the two days are over for you to report to me?

    No Wonder you MMD people messed up our country – you have no sense of duty. Sata is not a judge, he is not a court! He is just looking into what is happening. MMD’s justice system was a mockery to say the least.


  38. Guys don’t expose your dullness on this strap, Zambia is abov yo tribes, the problem with some of yu chaps is that you can not dif luapula,northern,copperbel,central,lusaka.if someone comes from this region, he is not bemba, beside has it never occured to you that over the years mmd had an upperhand in mpulungu,nakonde,isoka,mbala,mafinga,do yu know y?these regions are not bemba they are mambwe or namwanga land.So dnot expose yo ignorant if yu don’t understand zambia,shut up! beside, i wud rather have an unbalanced cabinet that can devlp the country than a bunch of crooks from a balanced cabinet whose only goal is thier tummy at the expesnse of the nation.

  39. To criticize everything while proposing nothing is an ACT of irresponsibility. What we are saying to the President is that the people of Zambia want a Government which proceeds from the interest of majority country men and women, where participation is welcome from all PROVINCES, not just Luapula and Northern Provinces. We need a Government which will look at all the interest from the nine Provinces and not just from one individual or tribe.

  40. Can someone justify appointing relatives and friends. The post already commented in their editorial on Sunday.
    1. Bob Sichinga – Minister Commerce(bapongoshi)
    2. GBM, Defence minister and relative
    3. Chikwanda – Minister Finance – relative- was even family rep at sata’s son’s funeral
    4. Mrs. Mwamba, Deputy Minister Finance (GBM’s elder brothers wife)
    5. Mr. Yamba, Permanent Secretary Finace (married to Sata’s wife’s sister)
    6. Ing’utu Suuba, PS Southern (his son’s mother),
    The list is endless!!!!!

  41. #50, read the post online editorial and comment on what they have said about corruption and the likes of Sata our president

  42. Chamikalipa ba koswe, leave PF and SATA alone, why did you not change the constitution to curbe the presidential powers. SAta just appointed the people that voted for PF period.

  43. So if Sata practice corruption then it is ok since they can perform and when Levy, FTJ and RB practice corruption then it becomes an issue? Let us be fair to this country, we did not vote to put friends and relatives in power but we wanted to root out corruption and not to promote it as it will be very difficulty to uproot. Lets wait and see what the man of action is upto for now

    The Party shall ensure that all the public institutions, State-owned enterprises and popular mass
    and similar organizations are led by persons who are members of the Party and who are
    uncompromisingly committed to achievements of the Party. PF CONSTITUTION : PARTY SUPREME ORGAN
    The Party is the supreme organization and the guiding political force in the land. Its aims and
    objectives as expressed in this Constitution shall provide guidelines for all persons and associated
    to it. (VISIT I hope you now understand the recent firings and replacements.

  45. Zambians lets be very carful in what we say ,rember the bible Jesus did so many Good things but in the end people still asked for barnabas, and condemed Jesus
    reflect on this otherwise zambia will be like zimbabwe our kwacha will drop like like all bz of kketahdyte too much excitment is bad rember Jesus come back from the dead be very careful.


  46. This is a sign of our times. The poor calibre education most of you had under MMD rule is evident in your spelling and grammatical errors. You have all been educated under The New Deal and your education is not worth anything in this globalised world. Fight for your rights and as long as your children get a better education, better health and more career opportunities, it does not matter what tribe the deliverer is. The bearer of good things is welcome in any land. So shut up and demand a better future for your children, you half baked, ill equipped, loud mouthed bigots.

  47. The revelation in the article makes sad reading. Zambians thought Sata was appointing BEMBAS in general only. The truth from Dr.Ng’oma has come out that actually these appointees are either relatives or close friends but above all have to be BEMBAS. What a sad development in Zambia after the first president fought so hard to unite the country with one Zambia one nation. Those who defend this stand Sata has taken are doing so out of shame and win favour from govt like post newspaper staff given jobs by Sata. Sata has satlely picked a few non BEMBAS to disguise a national out look. Clever not dull as his looks hoever, no president in Zambia has ever done this obstinate show. Pity intellectual BEMBAS not related to Sata, pity Zambia.

  48. HH,Fr. Chibuye,Rainbow coalition and the Post have observed that TRIBALISM,NEPOTISM,REGIONALISM AND SOCIAL CONNECTIONS have been applied by H.H. SATA in his appointments BUT TYPICAL AFRICAN POLITICS condemning those who mean well for our country and ululating for those in power at the time.ZAMBIANS you are a pain to yourselves.  

  49. Someone here is of the view that it does not matter is SATA appoints tribesmen and relatives a long as they perform.
    That is very sad thinking because even if they perform; who told you they are the only ones who can perform?
    The other thing Zambians must not forget is that tribalism and nepotism are not only defined as such when people cant perform, NO!!!
    Whether people perform or fail to perform, tribalism remains tribalism and Nepotism remains nepotism.
    Get me the definition which states that tribalism is when people from the same tribe fail to perform.
    Get me a definition that says that nepotism is when you appoint relatives who fail to perform.
    I will clearly submit to you that nepotism and tribalism are not a function of performance.
    But the two are an act of corruption.

  50. The Truth Pains says:Tue Oct 04 at 11:50 amHH,Fr. Chibuye,Rainbow coalition and the Post have observed that TRIBALISM,NEPOTISM,REGIONALISM AND SOCIAL CONNECTIONS have been applied by H.E. SATA in his appointments BUT TYPICAL AFRICAN POLITICS condemning those who mean well for our country and ululating for those in power at the time.ZAMBIANS you are a pain to yourselves. 

  51. Who are Bemba’s? There are different tribes in the north of Zambia and they aren’t all Bemba’s. Or do you really mean those people from Bemba, speaking tribes, like the Lundas, Lungus, Tabwas, Ushis, Chishingas, Lalas, Bwiles etc. A president can only work with those mainly elected from his party and not otherwise. For example His Highness Kanongesha, says we did not elect anybody form PF, because they did not have credible candidates and yet he expected somebody in cabinet form the northwest. How can this be? You reject a party in your area but expect representation? You reap what you sow. Let Michael appoint those he thinks will deliver and let God judge him and the people will also jugde him.

  52. #62, You are right so we are jugding him and we are saying his appointments of the people from either his tribe or region or relatives is wrong and that is a fact which you will not force us to belive that was a right decision he took. We will fight so hard that he does not continue with corruption and nepotism as he used to preach againist a few weeks ago.

  53. You have control over your choices, you have no control over your consequences. When the pact broke down, some over valued individuals thought they were going to frustrate PF. Now they are busy planning impeachment just because they are still hurting. To be honest, go ahead and see how bakaponya will react. UPND making a pact with basakala Nyongo bamu MMD, and you think you are image building? I wonder where you get your advisers. There is no sober reflection after the loss of elections and 2016 is too far to wait for some. A party that could discount Professor Chirwa’s advice for Joe Kalusa’s!! If sata has made a mistake he will rectify them; just give the guy time to work. If it were you, and were harrasing you, would you have done the work properly? Easy fye ba some of us!!

  54. # 63, you still have not addressed the issue I have raised. Are people from Luapula, Northern, Copperbelt and Lusaka, from the same region? It is from these provinces that Sata got most of his MPs and they are not all bemba’s, are they? look at the appointments and tell me that a Ngoni, born and bred on the copperbelt, is an easterner. If this is the case, then we have problems. Sata, can only work with those elected on his party ticket first, before he considers others. If you guys in Zambia and Zambia’s other regions did not vote PF, do not expect to have people from your so called region in Government. Let us go past tribe and region and let us wait for results, then JUDGE!

  55. FODEP PRESIDENT IS PF AND STOLE BALLOT PAPERS, BESIDES HE IS BEMBA LIKE SATA; His name is Ng’oma and not Ngoma note the difference. These tribalists are on rampage.

  56. Indeed, the guy can only work with the material he’s given. In this Cabinet there is Scott – Veep, Zulu – Justice Minister, Wina – Culture, Lubinda – Information & tourism, Shamenda – Labour & Sport, Phiri -Education, Chenda – Agriculture, Sichinga – Commerce, Yaluma – Lands & Energy, Simuusa – Mines, Chikwanda – Finance, Sakeni – Home Affairs, are all these Bembas??? Mwebantu, looking for tribalism where there isn’t won’t help us. Just because almost everyone speaks or understands Bemba in Zambia is not the Bemba’s fault, twafisangafye elo tukafisha, no need to be tribal, its just a fact.

  57. Yaba … nepotism and tribalism are corruption wether you perform or not , if thats the case that SATA has appointed relatives then its a pity. Note he will also be answerable one day. Whose next to be fired today?
    as bad as it may seem it is inevitable. Have you ever noticed that when you have a lot of money initially intended for Business once the money is thier the ideas run out. Same Sata has so many positions he has to fill but doesnt have the people to fill in the gaps.

  58. # 70 clive chanda,
    Your argument looks more defensive than objective.
    You tell me that SATA can only work with those elected, right?
    Well answer me if i would like to know wthether the following needed any election or indeed were also elected for the offices which we all know need no elections:
    Cyprian Chitundu – ZESCO Ltd
    Dr Martin Malama – IG Police
    Dr Bwalya Ng’andu – BOZ,
    All the above made yesterday, did they need elections and were the bearers elected?

  59. I think people are right here; President Sata needs to reflect on the sensitivity of the appointments to balance the regional representation. This is important for Zambia. I also hope the Zambia Watch Dog will be allowed to continue working, because speaking is better than bottling their feelings. If they dont speak we will not know hw frustrated they are.

  60. Part of the Post Editorial: This government belongs to them. Zambia’s future belongs to them. It is corruption for one to give government jobs unjustifiably to his relatives, friends and associates. Tribalism, regionalism and nepotism are a form of corruption – and a very dangerous one for that matter. There appear to be elements of this in the appointments Michael has made. Look at the names of the people Michael has nominated to his Cabinet! Over 50 per cent of them are directly or indirectly his personal relatives.

    • Who never did this in the past and who will never do it in future. Is it not Ba who was pleading to you to vote for him and yet you rejected him. He has also rejected you so don’t complain.

  61. #73 Uwakwisano,
    You will just get tired trying to defend our president.
    There are many other appointments you will see coming from Bemba land and your defense needs to be revised because most of the positions you are gona see are not even those requiring political affiliation or any elections.
    So with your current explaination there will be inadquacy in catering for the needed clarification.
    Examples to that effect are already there.
    One may argue that the presidents cannot be stopped from appoing tribesmate as office bearers, but when the %age is too high, it raises questions.
    Also we must understand and agree that tribalism does not mean it is so only when 100% of the appointees are tribesmate, No!
    If the number is too high compared to other tribes by ration, it is tribalism.

  62. If Sata wasn’t a tribalist he could have used the nominations for N/western,Lambaland,southern etc for appointments to give credence to his being a national president. He missed it on this one and the consequences ,i am afraid, are dire.!!! Only time will tell.Lets wait for the party to be over.

  63. # 70 CLIVE CHANDA, this is the problem we have, pipo like you, the fact that a bemba is born and bred in southern province does not make him a tonga, he still remains a bemba. sata would have nominated tongas and nort-westerners in his cabnet to balance up. the problem is, he is the greatest tribalist zambia has ever known.

  64. #73. I agree with you. I also can’t see anything tribal about the selection of cabinet. You can’t say anybody who originates from Luapula , Northern even to some extent Copperbelt provinces as Bembas. in northern province there are bisas, lungus, mambwes but we blindly group them as bembas.


  66. #79 Fine! I think lets carefully define who is “Bemba”, is it someone coming from a tribe called bembas, in which case hailing from Northern Province, chinsali, with paramount chief chitimukulu as the king of kings?? Or is it the many tribes whose dialects differ but are loosely connected at some common points with the bemba language??? If you say the former, then the President is not appointing from the Bemba tribe alone as from this definition, only GBM qualifies to be Bemba. If the latter, which is most likely your position, again he’s not tribal as by this definition, Bemba is many tribes in one and he’s not choosing from one main tribe but just people with similar dialects. So where is your tribalism???

  67. Mind you, the tribes loosely linked to icibemba cover the entire Copperbelt, central part of Central Province, the whole of Luapula and the central & western parts of Northern Proince, consisting over 60% of Zambia’s land mass and almost 50% of its population. Names in these regions could be similar but it still does not mean you come from the same (bemba) tribe. There are lambas, lala, aushis, lundas, chisengas and actual bembas, and many, many more that are, according to your tribal mind set, are all bembas because their language is similar to the bemba you know!! Go back and do your Social Studies!!!

  68. While you justify your tribal defenses remember then that even in Southern province the best province to belong has dialects too. We the tongas are just a few coming from around Monze and Choma. However all those coming from Southern stands and acknowledges being called a Tonga. they will never alienate themselves as other people are trying run away from their own origins and inclination. Keep on justifying your arguments. Iam a TONGA and happy that MMD is out. My experience with MMD cannot be compared to some of you just arguing. Had it been HH or any other person it would not have mattered.

  69. Every nepotistic or tribalistic leader will justify that he has made appointments based on people he knows and on merit.
    The same with SATA and his supporters, he cant say that they have chosen people on tribal lines or based on nepotistic line.No one confesses and announces that they are engaged in corrupt practice.
    Just like any other forms of corruption, SATA will not confess that his appointments are based on corrupt practice of nepotism or tribalism.

  70. those who are resisting progress will end up on the wrong side of history..MMD bootlicker whatever that means, you’d best keep your mediocrity to your sorry self..Zambia is on a freight train now and there is no way you parrots will stop us.

  71. “There appear to be elements of this in the appointments Michael has made. Look at the names of the people Michael has nominated to his Cabinet! Over 50 per cent of them are directly or indirectly his personal relatives”
    (Post Editorial Comment—October 4th, 2008)

  72. There appear to be elements of this in the appointments Michael has made. Look at the names of the people Michael has nominated to his Cabinet! Over 50 per cent of them are directly or indirectly his personal relatives”
    (Post Editorial Comment—October 4th, 2011)


  73. SATA BREAKS THE LAW AGAIN. The President has breached the constitutional requirement by appointing Colonel Panji Kaunda. The appointment of Colonel Panji Kaunda as Member of Parliament and Deputy Defense Minister, contravenes article 65 (1)(b) of the constitution because he was declared bankrupt by the courts.Article 65 (1)(b) states that a person shall not be qualified to be elected as a member of the national assembly if that person is an undischarged bankrupt, having been adjudged or otherwise declared bankrupt under any law in force in Zambia.

    Are we beginning to see a blatant disregard for the Law of the Land?

  74. Zambians are great pretenders. It is a well known fact that Sata is one of the hardcore brazen Zambian tribalists. Voting MMD out of power was a good thing but the choice of president was terrible. The country has ended up with the worst tribalist for president. What a pity!

  75. #75 chitundu – Lungu, Malama – Bisa, Bwalya Ngandu – Mambwe/bemba. Bemba is bemba, Lungu is Lungu, Bisa is Bisa, for you who are tribally inclined. Nevertheless, despite the anger that Sata’s victory has generated, give the team time to perform. 90 days wont cut though.

  76. Isn’t Ng’oma the guy who was trying to steal the ballot for PF in South Africa?  Which tribe is he?  Is he Bemba as well and defending his tribesmen?

  77. No 86 Uwakwisano

    You Bemba supremacist, who told you that Lambas consider themselves as Bembas?  You tribalist clowns will continue justifying your actions as democratic, well earned, justified, bla bla bla.  But the truth is there for all to see.  Chief Kaponya is a Bemba supremacist! FULL STOP!!

  78. Do people go into cabinet to enrich themselves or to perform a duty for the masses? I get the feeling most Zambians feel you go into cabinet for the former.

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