Monday, March 10, 2025

President Sata directs Ministry of Finance to allocate funds for feasibility study of roads construction


Former Secretary to the Treasury Likolo Ndalamei: his position has been abolished
President Michael Sata has directed the Ministry of Finance to allocate funds for a feasibility study that will pave way for the construction of roads in Lusaka, Central North-Western, Northern and Eastern Provinces.

President Sata said that the funds should be allocated in the 2012 budget soon to be presented to the National Assembly.

The President issued the directive at State House in Lusaka during a swearing in ceremony.

He named the Leopards Hill road linking Lusaka to Chirundu which could help boost tourism for Luangwa as one of the roads that should be worked on.

The President has also named the Chipata-Chadiza-Katete road, the Kalulushi-Kasempa-Mumbwa road and the Lukulu-Mwinilunga road and the Kaputa -Kasama road as some of the roads to be constructed.

President Sata says unlike his predecessor Rupiah Banda, he will not commission the construction of new roads if funds are not available.

Meanwhile, the Office of Secretary to the Treasury in the Ministry of Finance has been abolished with immediate effect.

This is the latest move in various cross cutting measures announced by President Sata to reduce the size of Government and cut down on costs.

President Sata announced the abolishment of the position at State House in Lusaka on Monday.

The President has also reduced the number of permanent Secretaries at Ministry of finance to one from the previous two.

President Sata has also abolished the position of Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Tourism.

He says there will be only be one Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and Tourism.



  1. This is a President who is working. He deserves all the kudos from all the Zambians who are interested in a prosperous Zambia. 

  2. Sata elo alapena nomba! Directives everyday. Is he even sleeping? I saw him at church yesterday with the crooked Fr. Chilinda.

  3. Great move. Even though UPND is my party Am changing sides. My party is fullof under fives. So they will petition this move by MCS in parliament

  4. The president is at work for real, good move to cut government payroll, its a good way of cutting government spending and the USA governement is also cutting its spending by abolishing some unnecessary government posts and channel that money to some developmental projects. 90 days to transform Zambia at work, man of actions.

  5. Ba president dont forget u need to rest as well, so slow down and how will combined ministries work since they are not housed in one building especially when i comes to PS approving document. yo Government has to come up with a solution to that, but meanwhile cool down we want u to finish your term.

  6. So i take it Western Province’s roads are in tip top condition that’s why it has been left out. That province has the worst roads in the country, surely some emphasis must be put on developing roads there.

  7. No 3 and 5 wake up. We dont want retrogressive pipo in Zambia, think positive. Dont u know that roads are part of develpoment? The President is a workn man thats why u see him involved in everything remember the times he used to be a minister, thats why we voted for him pantu icibemba citila icikwanka bacimwena ku mampalayna. Twalimona ifyo ba RB batwankile pali bu Presido nefyo ba Sata Batwankile pali bu minister efyo bawinine

  8. We want jobs not roads. How can we drive without an income? We want more money in our pockets as promised. Viva Pa bwato!

    • Have you ever been to school? Road constructions will create jobs and that will put money in people that will be working on the roads in their pocket. Wake up and go and look for a think money will fall from heaven straight into your lice infested pockets?

    • My firend, we all need jobs but an economy without good infrastracture cannot have credible investments hence fewer jobs. Road making is key to development as it attracts investment hence creating more jobs for us!!!!

  9. The big countries have made it to the moon and even to outer space.Meanwhile, Africans are still trying to get to the village.To get to the village ,the Africans are still waiting for road construction to start.

    • A point of correction.
      Nobody has been to the moon.
      Have you ever wondered why America with its 1969 technology managed to land on the moon and yet has failed to do so given the technological advancements made since then?

  10. @ 11, roads construction in itself creat jods for engineers,plumbers,machine operators,surveyers, accountants,laborers,etc…unless you cant understand what it takes to have a poor road which also lead to slow in communication and delvery of necessary inputes…let Sata sweep pliz!!!

  11. At the rate the presido is going he might fire himself !!! Above all good to see house cleaning just the Chikwanda appointment bothers me, the man is form the 60’s. Anyway hope he can prove some of us wrong.

  12. wakula mpundu wandi nobe ukaimwena muno mu chalo tamwaba ukuwamya! The one who was making campaign promises is the one to make decissions in order to fullfil his campaign promises which he made! GO, GO, GO MCS!

  13. Hakainde ,R.B And other corrupt pipo are having private meetings to find ways to stop the man of action from embarasing them by planning to vote VJ as speaker.Why these corrupt pipo are complaining of the speed? they want to be given more time for them to destroy evidence. go go SATA now engage gear 6

  14. study that will pave way for the construction of roads in Lusaka, Central North-Western, Northern and Eastern Provinces.
    Great move H.E MSC at least you are starting with some great provinces. GO GO FORWARD.

  15. #18 Don’t cheer for him, Sata is over speeding! He need to slow down, 90 days is around the corner he may overturn. Even if ni mubwato teifi mwe, speed yachilamo, we can end up muli ndubwindubwi…

  16. Only a useless person will not understand what its means to change government. Anyway it means bringing new people in power, new laws, new policies etc. So far 11 days PF in power and zambia seems to move in a positive direction, sanity is coming back to Zambia. Just got listening to qfm, one caller said their salaries have been raised 40% by his Chinese investors since Sata got into office, more money in the pocket. Next move is to reverse the sale of Zamtel. How do you sale your own information iwe ba MMD? VIVA PF VIVA Sata.

  17. How about Southern Province??????? We too need roads. Gentlemen what goes around comes around. Today it is you in state house but tommorow it may be Hakaliyangile in state house.

  18. Guy Scot and Lubinda are on record of mocking R.B with his road works saying he is doing roads in his last 90 days us we will do them in the first 90 days.Todays we remain with 79 days we yet havent seen those works.Lets see who will laugh last…..

  19. Zambian are used to lazy all over the presdos like RB…now we have Action Hero. And you think Sata in hurry.,… well he better be… Zambia is behind schedule by 10 wasted years under the Movement for Mad Dogs… now we have PRAGMATIC and FOCUSED (PF) leader

  20. Sata is talking of constructing —Lukulu-Mwinilunga road? Thank God — becaz of my work i have been to 8 provinces in Zambia. I dont know how you can have one road linking Lukulu to Mwinilunga. How? Can someone contribute on this —–

  21. Can we also have only 1 PS at Justice but FIRE Kalulu, also lets have only one Deputy Secretary to Cabinet and only 1 PS

  22. iyi e Zambia twalingile ukukwata years ago! Ba Sata tiyeni tata pyangeni ichalo. tupyange pyange, nsaka iwame kosho mulilo iwe twafwa kumpepo. Viva PAMAKA!

  23. SATA at work!!!! He is a man of his words,.. 90 days. Some people thought it could not be done. They are being proved wrong daily. At the end of 90 days Zambia will wish they voted in SATA 10yrs ago. 

  24. Now, I am getting structurally confused. The Public Finance Act No. 15 of 2004 provides for a Secretary to the Treasurer. An office which is also critical to the functioning of anti-corruption initiatives of Audit Committees in Ministries. At least we should be told how the Act will be reviewed and what changes we expect.

  25. I think this man is going bonkas for sure. How do you have a ministry without a Perm Sec? I doubt if this is an effective way of cutting costs. So who will be the equivalent of a perm sec @ Tourism and how much will he be getting Mr. President? Because whether u like it or not, u’ll need a chief executive in that ministry.And whoever is goona take those responsibilities will be equivalent to a permanent secretary in other ministries and getting the same benefits.

    • You seem to be missing the point – the Ministries have been amalgamated into one and therefore, only 1 PS for the new big Ministry. Directors will be in charge and reporting into 1 PS for the whole new Ministry.


  26. elyo mwasokoloka nomba mwe baishiba ama ACTS nefyashala eeh? mwalikwisa lyonse? have you just boght glasses to see these things? u see, pipo needed to be wakened from their slumber, here we go!

  27. # 27, the two districts are in two different directions and provinces. Lukulu is in Western while Mwinilunga is in North Westerm province, the shortest route from Lukulu to Mwinilunga will be cutting through Kabompo district. I am not sure of the direct link of the two districts as it was suggested

  28. My Tonga brothers southern provience is being sent back to the stone age, we are being punished for being HH followers and if we keep voting on tribal grounds, waiting for HH or Hakaliyanile to become president then our great grand children will live in pre-stone age times. We need to embrace one Zambian one nation and accept that no tribe is an island, failure in doing so will just result in us being more isolated. We cannot just keep hating President Sata because he is bemba. I also implore HH to congratulate him on becoming our 5th president, HH should not go around sulking like a child, its for this reason he is called under5.

    • I agree with you that HH needs to mature and congratulate Sata for winning the Presidency. Its however not right for you to insinuate that by voting for HH, Southern is being tribal. In 1991 Southern gave Chiluba 100%. If you are a believer in God, be fair to others. Northern, Copperbelt and Luapula which are Bemba dominated provinces voted for Sata, is that not tribal. In 2001 while the rest of Zambia voted for Mazoka, Luapula and Northern did not. Did you condemn that as being tribal?. People are fee to vote the way they want and they should not be demonized for that. That is democracy.

    • Mita my brother l must admit you have given facts, statistics l was ignorant about and for that l am ever so grateful. The point l was making was earlier we are all Zambians and should embrace all tribes and not judge people because they are different from us. Mita l am in alot of tonga/Lozi gatherings here in London, l do not like what alot my clan seem to propose.

    • Mwangala Hatembo, who told you Tongas hate MCS??? Its people like you brining this confusion and thanks God you have confessed that you hate Sata. What you should understand is that selection of leaders for a nation should be based on principles and not pleasing people to get favors!!!! i hope you chew my words….A good government realises that southern province is part of Zambia and that it is included when evaluating the country’s economy!!!!:)>-

  29. #9 there is a fantastic plan coming up for western province so be calm and patient! The western province will be one of the most beautiful places in this country as a result of the PF government!

    Just get ready to work hard and participate in the growth that is coming to Western Province.

  30. Please source for investors who can build highways with toll gates if GRZ and Zambians are not able to do it. These a lot of cars on zed roads and one can make huge business by investing in good roads

  31. VICE-PRESIDENT Guy Scott has said the on-going road construction projects will be reviewed as part of the new Government’s roadmap to track the levels of corruption and promote transparency in the governance of the country.

    President Michael Sata has directed the Ministry of Finance to allocate funds for a feasibility study that will pave way for the construction of roads in Lusaka, Central North-Western, Northern and Eastern prov.

    Is there some doublecrossing, doulble execution or parallel execution of works. MEN AT WORK

  32. Zambia is boiling-I like this man called King Cobra, Ba Sir, spit and bite them hard! Please continue sweeping clean-we have been ruled for too long by cowards fearing the so called foreign investors ripping and vandalising our resources! Any foreign investor Sir should get used to getting a marginal profit and not abnormal profits they have gotten used to. Those not happy let them go, others will come in. Sir, it is time we started seeing benefits of having minerals such as Cobalt, emeralds, Gold,Copper etc.

  33. There you have it, BUFFOON RB was busy moving with a pair of scissors and commissioning projects every project in land even when there was no money for them (banking on Donor and Chinese help). Just disgusting and appalling those MMD crooks were!!

  34. No need for a feasibility study. Ask any junior Officer at RDA the information is already there. A study will just gooble huge amounts of money for nothing. What Michael should do is to ensure that there is seriousness by the agencies concerned. No more shoddy deals and works. The RDA and Councils are indeed rotten smelly eggs. We need a transparency and citizenery watch over road construction because its key to development.

  35. MMMH. Kafupi started on fire like this. He ended up stilling under the guise of hard work. Wait, a gene will dictate terms. Watch this space.

  36. yes there times when a President needs to commission some activitie. the same thing is happenning now. this guy is busy abolishing thing on vengence and yet we only have one Zambia. whats wrong with him. the guy is too old and he cant even continue in the next term. what he is doing now will follow him after five years. wait and see.

  37. #9 Lukulu is in Western Province. The President is simply suggesting linking Western and North Western Provinces with the Lukulu Minilunga road via Watopa.

  38. When is Parliament resuming? Has cabinet started working? It will be good to start hearing ministers working.

  39. Yah that want we want action ba Sata not fly all over by the time you land you find your children have been shot at for refusing to eat dog meat. by so called infeestor

  40. ba sata mwandi u ar doing a great job, coz if u start wit da roads then developments wil be evrywayer, pipo of chadiza have never seen da tarmac road before, so if they put chipata-chadiza-katete roads, it wil be a great move thats why we kol u man of action.

  41. mwebantu give the president His Excellence Mr Micheal Chilufya Sata time to far so good.Zambia reached levels where we never thought somebody could turn things around for the ba president.God bless you and give you good health.

  42. We told you!!!!! Northern province is not forgotten in everything. PF Govt does not know that the country’s economy aggregates from all sectors and provinces..Western province has Kuomboka and strong culture for calling tourism just like southern has vic falls apart from being a good farming site. I dont know much about Luapula which also i believe has its unique features very helpful to the economy. However, iam impressed the PF govt is working…so dont kubeba even when we heading towards doom!!

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