Sunday, March 9, 2025

Bailiffs pounce on MMD


Bailiffs have seized property worth millions of Kwacha from the MMD Secretariat in Lusaka.

The action is over unpaid rental arrears to the National Pension Scheme Authority – NAPSA.

NAPSA has issued a warrant of distress to recover Four Hundred and sixty one Million Kwacha in unpaid rentals by the opposition MMD.

The MMD has its national Secretariat at the NAPSA building in Lusaka.

A ZNBC News crew that visited the Secretariat Wednesday morning found officers from the Sherrif’s office removing property which included office furniture, computers, a fridge and two Toyota Hilux vehicles.

And one of the Baillifs, Masauso Banda says he was only acting on instructions from his clients.

And Special Assistant to the MMD National Secretary Tobias Kafumukache who was found at the premises described the action by NAPSA as unfortunate.

He says more than half of the arrears have already been paid and wondered why NAPSA has taken such an action.



  1. his is really embarrassing.. the Question is, why did NAPSA wait this long for the rentals to be accrued up to this much??.. they are equally corrupt and need cleaning up!

  2. The worries continue as the drama continues to unfold. These is vengeance and nothing else which is a shame. Why are people by passing proceedures and setting wrong and unruly precedents? NAPSA only issued a 7 day notice yesterday or the day before. And my understanding of litigation will suggest that NAPSA should then apply to the courts for the recovery of it’s debt and only after the court order has not been adhered to, should the complainant look to use bailiffs. This is not right and despite MMD’s failures, they should not be hounded in this manner. 

    • Agree, sorry sight this is becoming. I hope very soon, Zambia will not prove that success is based on which side you belong. Too many things happening to quickly. The operation clean up is now overboard. Drawnong in success already!

  3. Eya ya yeah…musalu ali pesamba nomba alipamulu.Ha ha ha bet this is a common thing in Africa when an opposition party owes people money.


    • The question that begs an answer is whether or not NAPSA followed the right procedures in its quest to recover the rental arrears.It will be unfortunate if NAPSA`s fails short of what the law of the land demands.Is it vengefulness at work?

  5. Ba DeadNBC! Suddenly they can give disparaging and destructive reports  on MMD. I hope  Sata is not fooled by this bootlicking muzungu wanging media

  6. And yet they were buying campaign material and vehicles as if its running out of fashion, only a thief whose got one hand in the till thinks like that!!

  7. #7: Poor me

    There is everything wrong with the action simply because this is thuggery and laughs in the face of the rule of law. Laws are there to be used by the agreived and NAPSA, even at this stage should look to recover it’s debts through the normal and set proceedures. After all, it should lead by example and witch hunting is not setting a good example. MMD should rightly be taken to task for abuse of office but taken to task should not mean thuggery!

  8. I can answer some of you but not all. The fact is MMD was in power and intimidated NAPSA all these years.Now that the carpet can be removed, we are able to see the once hidden dirty.
    Sorry but people have to try hard to do the right things all the time. It’s not Sata if they were paying,I don’t see how NAPSA could have done this. PF learn a lesson. 

  9. The gesture to ask anyone that owes NAPSA money to pay back is all good. It does not matter whether you are MMD, PF, UPND or some rich person.

    However this is double standards. Records are there that show that PF owes ZNBC K220 from the 2008 Election Campaign which they have not paid till now.

    PF need to start need cleaning their house holds or remove the plank in their eyes first

    We have so many rich people that are either PF Supporters, MMD Supporters, UPND Supporters who intentionally shy away from paying what is owed to Caesar or the tax man.

  10. If PF owes ZNBC why didnt they recover this money when mmd was in power? Last time i read znbc said the pf owed 20 million and not 220 million.

  11. When you are the ruling government you can get away with things like not paying your rentals. But as soon as you are out of power bailiffs come. These are lessons to learn for all, MMD especially.

  12. While the wrongs of 20 years of MMD are being exposed, no one should be blind to the wrongs of 2 weeks of PF. Hopefully these issues will be raised in parliament when sitting resumes.

  13. =pnm #12 Please read the short article before blogging. According to the report,  bailiffs  were “acting on instructions from his clients,” who in this case is NAPSA. So how does PF come into this case. NAPSA has the right to use any means to gets its monies. Sorry but your worry is unjustified.

  14. MMD how can a big party fail to pay rentals? Poor management of everything. Look how they left”Donch kubeba house” (former state house, it was renamed midnight last night) dry and dirt.Now even the chick monkey is happy it’s green with water for the impalas and peacocks. Hey what happened to the degree from Greece RB ? Wonder how your farm looks like. Hope you don’t keep animals else wildlife authority will be instructed to take them away. Mostly cattle that can’t tundila you to complain. 

  15. There is a third hand in this drama but surelly the Mmd are a disorganised lot! Nowonder they lost the elections and now will lose the speakers position!!Who is their leader?Cause it seems their Banda re-retired!who shall save Zambia from Sata?Its Sata all the way.A good one man ,one party Zambia!Lesa apale.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  16. very strange..i thought 20yrs in power would have made them rich as a party… u know genuine business ventures.. but then again how can they run a country’s finances and yet they cannot even manage their own affairs at party level.william banda had pocket change running in millions when he was arrested..y not send the bailiffs for that loot..would help NAPSA

  17. @24 Spot on, I as well wonder how such a party would manage Zambian Finances. Explains why we cannot have any tangible development back home. At least UNIP had assets which MMD grabbed. Chiluba made these MMD people so dull that they could not think about development but how they would make their own personal cash. Very corrupt regime. It is Sad and shameful indeed.

  18. Why has it taken so long for napsa to do this?There are corrupt chaps in that organisation.they need to be investigated too.

  19. ‘You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.’ Matthew 7:v5

  20. mwebantu there are no scaners at nakonde border post. so what is the K4bn paying for if thrse scaners do not even exist?

  21. #28, let us not play with the word of god on such corrupt issues, these are thieves in the sense that they never did what they were employed for and got paid FAT salaries every single month. Makes us wonder how they would let one of their customer MMD have such debt in Rentals. We are not here to judge but tell the truth that there should be some corruption or a deliberate negligence to bring NAPSA down. Please note NAPSA has pending liabilities in Pensions and suppliers.
    I would urge you to read the bible properly as it never encourages such.

  22. #22 Senior Citizen: I have read and understood the article very well. However, you need to read and understand my comments…If you do, you will note that there is no reference to PF and my point remains that the whole approach is wrong. Wrong if done by PF, MMD or anyone who has regard to proceedure. If anything, the whole thing draws a pararrel to the Presidents behaviour when he instruct in Minister of Justice to consititue a commission to probe the sale of FBZ but 3 days later he ignores his own directive. I would therefore not be surprised if the “The Client” who issued instructions could well be the PF lead Government. Besides, NAPSA I believe is a state run organisation.

  23. There is no viable argument, why NAPSA should not collect their dues. MMD should recollect on their campaign promises twenty years ago. Infact MMD executives should be prosecuted for occupying private property by force. That was power abuse. This is  a shame and irresponsible.

  24. Dear #31Sheikh, Clearly you missed the point. let me put it plainly. Both PF and MMD owe money to public institutions. It is a no brainer that PF Govt is behind this move by NAPSA, and I have no problems with that. BUT for PF Govt to stand up and hastily instigate Bailifs on MMD when the two are in exactly the same situation is hypocritical unless they first pay their dues to set an example. Just because PF is in power does not constitute exemption. Or are you advocating that we go in circles in the governance of the Country. And please note:- I do not play with the word of God. I use it for guidance. And on this issue it says ‘You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.’ Matthew7:v5

  25. it seems harsh if they were given 7 days only yesteday. but its pay back time. am not suprised. the mmd did a lot of things to sata to try and finish him.especially that episode with the vehicles and the 100 thou. they are now facing a harsh retribution.

  26. Brother and sisters, pls dont ask WHY NOW… as tho PF is carryong out vengeance. No, the reality is that we shud be happy that those corrupt guys who used to allow MMD to owe so much have been fired. Clean hands have come to NAPSA, and they are simply cleaning up the house. Honestly, if MMD could spend so much on campaign vehicles, why didnt they pay for rent. The vehicles cost far more than rent! This simply means that MMD was abusing the state funds. 

  27. There is no law it is about following orders from the boss. I hope this is a learning experience for PF that when they will be out of power they will dance to the tune.

  28. ….the will be out of power the will dance to the tune. Yaba 1.37 am British time…jobbing.. trying to get an education!

  29. The reasons why MMD didn’t pay rentals its because it was in power and so it was defiant. NAPSA should have followed the court orders and not to act childish by collecting the items without law. Sad, both MMD & NAPSA are corrupt, period.

  30. Bane, umucinshi nokucindikana cisuma sana. Twilaimona ukba abasuma nokupata abantu abanenspamulandu fye wakutila tabali ba Bemba iyoo. Muno Zambia twaba imitundu shingi sana emulandu bonse teti tube aba Bemba iyoo. Bushe uyu wine HH mutuka nokushoba imwe bambi cilabushiku mulandu nshi amucita ? Nga cakutila tamwakwata ufyakulemba, bushe kwena ninshi kulabosa fye nge mbwa ya pena ? Ndi mu Bemba naine wine nomba ifyamafi mulembako pali HH fyacilamo elyo tafisekesha iyoo, filanga fye akapatulula ka mutundu. Mwishibe ukuti aba Tonga abangi tababipe mitima nga fintu mwaba imwe bambi, pantu mumoneka fye abantu mumimoneke lelo mumitima yenu no lusato lwawamako.

  31. Violence begets violence, so do vengeful acts, they too beget vengeful acts. When the MMD came to power in 1991, they grabbed virtually everything from UNIP. KK was even thrown out to the vultures squating in that Kalundu house with a leaking roof. Had it not been the ANC of South Africa to give him the former residence of OR Tambo, KK would have been in the streets. His HQ building was repossessed by the government. Now, the MMD has only itself to blame and should swallow its own medicine, “isini ku situwa sililo kuli mawee manyando”. Though Sata ought to know that unless he vacates the Levy way, he too will have to dance to the “sinjonjo-fwemba” kalindula music he is compasing.

  32. #36 Brabus, You cannot generalize and it is wrong to accuse every party including PF or even UPND as hypocrites. The article is about MMD who have been in Power for 20years, at the same time founders of NAPSA. They appointed the Director General at the institution in question. If he was a competent Leader why did he wait until now?

    If MMD won the election this was not going to be reviewed, neither was he going to send bailiffs. So lets give PF a chance and stick to MMD and their NAPSA arrears.

  33. If its the bailifs then,acting was on court orders but could not be executed because of fearing wiliam banda and cadres.

  34. Funny how a week can change so fast for MMD. The lesson here is that MMD took Zambians for granted. I hope they now know that people want development not embezzlement. NAPSA go after them.

  35. let them just pay period and if mmd vote for kapita most of them will end up in jail coz they involved themselves in criminality. let them not be misled by this tribal upnd party and its tribalist leader who thinks he is a rich man and yet his exaggerated assets is $8m which cannot even buy woodgate house.

  36. Like NAPSA had a choice! MMD was controlling at the time, so there was no way they could have claimed that money. Let the *****s just pay

  37. the move that NAPSA has taken is not the right looking at the notice which was issued yesterday. Let them wait for the 7 days which was stipulated in their notice, if MMD fails to pay thats when they are to take this move.

  38. I believe NAPSA is guided by laws regarding collection of rentals,ther z more to it than jst NAPSA not executing its duties. There z sometihng fishy and NAPSA should also be investigated

  39. yes what you did to others, dont even complain ba MMD, you thot zambia was yours. this is just the begining. ka HH naiwe shut up ulibe nzelu. go sata, go chipimo. sata today, next chipimo, HH ku southern

  40. I have read most of the comments posted above. I also went back to the comment by NAPSA published yesterday on LT. I think most of us have missed something. The original statement does NOT state that …NAPSA has today issued…. Indeed no date for the letter of demand is known, equally, we do not have a date when the statement was issued by NAPSA. In short, we do not know when the 7 day notice was issued. This being the case, most of the comments above are not backed by any facts. We are reading what is not written! We are ‘reading between the lines’ – a classic reason why many people fail exams! Let us stick to facts. If NAPSA has acted beyond the law, MMD have access to legal redress (our courts have always been independent). Let them sue – where are their ‘expensive’ lawyers?

  41. # 43 musenge chikoti!
    Kwena ulimmupuba mwandi, y talk about rubish in your mouth.
    Brush it b4 u come out again.
    talk about MMD Seizure

  42. The last time I said ‘Wina azatulula….’ Some people thought I was joking. Here we are now, there are lots of skeletons in MMD wadrobes that have haunted inocent civil servants and others over the years. Yes, We are yet to hear more. Long live mother Zambia

  43. Are the items NAPSA confiscated worth the amount they claim? To me they seemed like one tenth of the amount! Come on guys!

  44. Ba NAPSA don’t start & stop with MMD go beyond, theres a lot of money owed to you which cud’ve alliviated penshioners sleeping in corridors & stations, unfortunately the former ruling party saw it right that way.This must save as a lesson to all that are in power & aspiring to be.. don’t take Zambians for a ride. Purge all tumtemba companies that don’t remit what they deduct from impoverished employees. Pleeze sweep out all the dirt swept the carpet kept by the corrupt MMD [movement for mass destruction] government.

  45. Sata is on record saying those of you contributing towards NAPSA are just losing your money. How will he react towards this now that he condemned NAPSA during his campains. I am watching.

  46. NAPSA “has taken such an action” because the new president is watching. Plain and simple. If the MMD was still in power, it would be business as usual. Tough luck!

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