Sunday, September 8, 2024

Mahtani trial fails to take off


File: Lusaka business man and former Finance Chairman with lawyer Mumba Kapumpa at Magistrate Court.

Trial in a case in which Former Finance Bank board chairperson, Dr. Rajan Mahtani is facing two counts of acquiring special interest and money laundering charges failed to take off today.

This is because Dr. Mahtani is still recovering from an operation he under went at South Africa’s milpark hospital on 4th August 2011.

Dr. Mahtani’s Lawyer R. Madaika availed Lusaka Resident Magistrate, Joshua Banda a letter dated 8 September 2011, from Dr. Mahtani’s Doctor, Robert Girdwood.
According to the letter, Dr. Mahtani can only resume his normal work duties three months after the operation

Dr. Girdwood also states that Dr. Mahtani underwent quintuple coronary artery bypass grafting surgery, followed by post-operative recovery.

He adds that Dr. Mahtani is progressing well and he has asked him to return for follow ups in two months time.
The matter comes up for Mention on 14 October 2011.

Meanwhile, The Lusaka high court has adjourned to 12th September, the appeal hearing for 3 Patriotic Front (PF) cadres, convicted on assault charges.

The trio, Ashel Kampengele, George Lemba and Francis Mumba are alleged to have assaulted former PF member, Samson Zulu on 5th June 2009.

Lusaka Magistrate, Exornobit Zulu later sentenced the 3 after convicting them on assault charges.

Kampengele, Lemba and Mumba however appealed against their sentences.



  1. Dr Mahtani get well soon.No comments on Finance Bank for now.Im so sure Ashel Kampengele,George Lemba and Francis Mumba will be sentenced and forgiven by the Cobra for having done a good PF job.Time will catch up with you,you like it or not.

  2. Good evening

    The allegations made against him are too serious to ignore. Money laundering is not a trivial offence. It will therefore be a good thing if he is still brought before the jury despite the presidential order to reversrse the transaction and gave him back the Bank. If the charges are dropped, it will raise a lot of questions about political interferance into judicial matters. Wishing him a full recovery all the same.

  3. Julius don’t make me laugh,what can you do you closely followed Regina Chiluba’s case, but only complained in you bedroom na bamake mumba yo wife. We can only watch the politicians playing there game with our money and facilities. 

  4. But I thought there was a picture on the story about Mr Sata giving back FB to Dr Mahtani where Dr Mahtani is seen sitting very comfortably with Jean Kapata and GBM at State House? So, he resumes normal duties 3 months after the operation – and receiving his Bank from State House is not part of his normal duties? Wow!!

  5. Justice on trial according to the world of Michael Sata. Mahtani was tried and prosecuted by Sata a few days ago and verdict was announced to Zambians. Wait a minute, which trial failed to take place again? As stated before, BOZ have valid reasons based on law that led to the take over operations of Finance bank. Sata simply overlooked BOZ (since it is payback time) and returned Finance back to Mahtani. I contend again, Mahtani Finance bank Malawi was closed off and blacklisted doing business there because of non compliance and money laundering. We don’t agree with sale of Finance, but its return to Mahtani boarders on economic sabotage to the Zambian economy supported by Sata.

  6. Iwe mwenye you came from South Africa to defend yourself now you cant attend court. We know you are waiting for your minions at state house to quash the case bambo.

  7. So he came here, got his bank back, then went back to Milpark to recuperate. Nothing adds up here. Just hope Sata wont be interfering with the judiciary this time round.

  8. No. 5 u r right. Mahtani was seen at State House to receive the Bank, how did he get to State House if he wasn’t well? Please, let the law take its course. Presido Mubarak was appearing in court on a stretcher, I rest my case

  9. Mathani bankrolled PF.Sampa was at the centre of this. FTJ warned RB to watch Mathani. Investigations revealed the high level abuse. The survival for Mathani depended on PF winning. MCS blinded to other realities but only seeing the political nature of the FBZ sale. Implications very deep for Zambia.


  11. This is problem with this mafia. Today he is happy because Sata used his back to bring in his campaign funds from Taiwan and as he reward he is given back his bank. This is also meant to protect Mmembe from the debt he has over the Zambian Airways. Even the charges he is facing I can assure friends that they will go nowhere. The problem with Mahtani is that he never learns. He should stop being dubious and do clean business so that he will have no problems with politicians. Why is it that it is only his bank that get in problems with politician?

    When another government comes again Finance Bank maybe in problems because they will try to fix him. Even Sata if Mahtani annoys him their short romance may end and he will be in trouble. That bank is illiquid and a danger to depositors.  

  12. Matahni is not only robbing the govt but even us the citizens, our friends are getting pathetic salaries yet he claims to be zambian.Surely the Presido should consider his double standard against corruption we don’t want him to repeat what RB did on the Chilubas .Let this ***** face the full force of the law.

  13. I thought he was at State House th eother day? Well enough to be at state house but not well enough to be in court.

  14. Attending the announcement of his bank being restored to him is more important that attending to a court case. This is the anarchy of dont kubeba ideology, there is no respect for the law and the justice system. I just hope parliament will live upto it’s power in curbing some of these excesses of power to balance our country. We are in trouble. The fire is definately hotter than the pan!!!!!

  15. something stinky is happening here..I hope people will NOT realize when its too late. The judicairy is already being compromised by interference from the powers at SH. Pipo, its plain to see that Sata is taking our economy for his personal ride, why should Mahtani go to state house to receive the bank? Does your president have advisers? or maybe pipo are scared of him!!!!! look at our kwacha, rocketing to the dust! MMD messed our economy but this time we should embrace ourselves for something worse!!!

  16. All you under 5’s please go and hang yourselves. Mahtani laboured for his bank. The accusations the Bank of Zambia made against him are in court and not yet proven, so why grab his bank when he is innocent unless proven guilty?

  17. He is in the recovery process, not well enough to sit in court for hours on end. That is the doctor’s opinion, so your stupid opinion doesn’t matter.

  18. Mathani founded the Bank from scratch tefyo? If Mathani decides to write off anyone’s debts or decides to throw parties so be it, that’s his choice. The problem in Zambia is that we always want to pull successful people down to our levels of poverty especially fellow BLACKS. We don’t appreciate hard workers amongst us. When one is successful you say he stole or he is corrupt or he is a friend of the system where else can he get the money? When someone gets a pretty girl you say what has she seen in him or you say it’s just his money she is after. We are always looking at the negatives. We BLACKs to be successful we must stop this envy and start praising those who do better than ourselves then we shall compete for innovative ideas to want to succeed.

  19. This matter reminds me of Mushota, he absconded from a court case on grounds of poor health but was seen the same day sun basking on a beach in South Africa claiming he was doing good contrary to reports by the Post that he was dying of an incurable zero immunity ailement. Now, Mahtani as there at State House seating nxt to Geoffrey Bwalya, looking happy and health while receiving his bank from Zondwe. But when in comes to appearing in court for money laundering, Mahtani is all of a sudden bed ridden. Well, Chiluba did the same, feigning sickness, until he all of a sudden died of a viagra induced heart attack. Mahtani, “u tokomele nja tuwe, wa timela onafa”.

  20. Sirs, FBZ was grabbed from its shareholderS not shareholder… It was grabbed using the law that is designed to protect Zambians from a failing bank ie a bank in liquidation. BoZ took FBZ through an audit that cost almost US$2million with an intention to run the bank dry. Even after all the expensive costs and high withdraws the bank was still solid. BoZ asked FNB to run the bank and later TRIED to sell it for $5million. Sata came to power, sent his Finance Minister to ask who First Rand Paid and when, FNB did not pay because they knew that the deal was shady… had they paid, Sata could not have done anything about it. Let Mahtani get well and he will answer for his deeds.

    Be a Patriotic Zambian and remember that FBZ is more than Mahtani. Remember that FBZ was almost made South African


  22. #24 It is your opinion that is stupid – did he have to go to our State House to receive his Bank? He could have built his Bank from scratch but that does not mean that he is free to be unethical in his dealings. The flight from Johannesburg to Lusaka is two hours – a more strenous two hours than sitting in court – especially if you are innocent.

  23. Please let the will of the Loard be done cause the case that FB director is being accused of is just too political. Yo Banda was just being too pate over this issue hence he just rushed the sale thinking that him will never leave the seat, now that he has left the seat let him be known by the court, and he should be known by the name,( chi big plunderar iwe.)

  24. Yes, Mahtani was in a jovial mood at State House with GBM and Jean Kapata. He was fit to be at State House to be given back his bank, but he couldn’t make himself available for court? Something is amiss here. Unfortunately, the Post is now compromised, we will never get the real truth.

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