Monday, March 10, 2025

Metal permit exports suspended, pending new guidlines


Reuters reports that the government has temporarily suspended metal export permits ahead of the release of new guidelines, the ministry of mines and minerals development said in a latest move to increase transparency in Africa’s top copper producer.

Newly elected President Michael Sata has been concerned — analysts say with good reason — about copper exporters misreporting the amount of ore leaving the country, and last week said that henceforth all export payments would have to be routed via the central bank.

The suspension of permits is another sign of Sata’s administration acting quickly on its populist campaign promises.

“All current permits issued by my ministry are immediately suspended pending issuance of new guidelines by the government,” Godwin Beene, the permanent secretary at the ministry said in the document, dated Oct. 4 and seen by Reuters.

The new procedures are to be in place by Oct. 16, according to the document addressed to the chief executives of miners operating in the country, which include Canada’s First Quantum Minerals , London-listed Vedanta Resources , Glencore International AG and Metorex of South Africa.

Copper accounts for three-quarters of Zambia’s export earnings, but the mining industry contributes only about 10 percent of its tax revenue.

According to Zambian figures, much of the copper exports are destined for Switzerland but little of them show up in Swiss customs data, raising questions about transparency.

Former President Rupiah Banda told Reuters in March audits had revealed that the Zambian mining sector owed up to $200 million in unpaid taxes.



  1. I think this is a good development. We need to benefit from these minerals before they run out. Way to go HE Michael C. Sata!

  2. Thanks Mr. President. Zambia has been raped for years. One man od Indian origin in Kitwe has large consignments of emeralds in his house and owns estates in Canada and Zambia remains poor! Besa fye mukutapulapo fye ifya free pa Zambia and the locals remain poor! Good move Ba Sata. Also ensure that land is in the hands of abena Zambia then partner na Bamwisa otherwise we will sell icalo!

  3. Impressive. This govt is actually doing something about the rampant corruption and for that reason foreign investors will take Zambia more seriously.

  4. HH our president could have done better this uncultured man with power in the hand. How can a country be like this in just 10days. Please my fellow upnd and MMD brothers let’s impeach the snake, with red smoky eyes. How on earth can Zambians in the right mind vote for this ugry mind. This is worrying me how this are moving in our land. Viva HHHhhHHHhhHHhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhHHHHHhHHHH

    • I can see that most of southern province colleagues are really bitter.You cant win elections with only one province sir.Next president from NAREP

    • What a shameful comment from you bwana. For the last 3 years this country has been running on kickbacks from top to bottom and you want to slur H E M C Sata for working to put the record straight. Try to impeach him and we will show what we wanted to show your bed fellows if they managed to rig the election.

  5. The Gang of businessmen running Zambia masquerading as leaders with RB at the helm did not care about Zambias future, only how much is cashed in this month.  Only parasites , which they were a few on this site would welcome the situation were foreigners are getting rich while the majority of zambians are suffering, with the country having only shopping malls to show for all the wealth we have. Were 98% of goods sold are made in SA, even foodstuffs. Something had to give and thankfully the gang of fake leaders which was MMD is no more. Zambia needs a nationalist to put Zambia and Zambians  1st, for a decade or so otherwise all we will have to show our future generations is shopping malls. 

  6. I thought ba MMD are supposed to be providing checks and balances as the main opposition. They are so quiet it’s worrying.

  7. AWE NAIMWE BA BWALYA MULENGA LIMBI BWALELYA NABO. Why so negative on this impressive move surely? I grew up in the mine area both in ndola & kitwe and saw how these mines then benefited the miners and communities. Not now. you go there and see what happens. Its a sori sight kwati mulebuta.

  8. You see PF recognize that Zambia is a rich country and there is no excuse for the suffering seen among our pipo. PF are working from that prospective, while MMD for the past 20 yrs have worked on the prospective that we are poor and the natural wealth we have might, just might if we sell it all, help in  digging us out of poverty.
    By the way were is that MMD woman, lady something…   What are your views thus far.

  9. VIVA HH, My foot just tell your man to wait till 2016 to be in opposition again?
    campaigns are over. now it’s time to unveil our Donchi Kubeba brief case! ha ha i am enjoying this, Uhuumn! my vote really counted!

  10. We used to say that there was something wrong. All we were getting were rubbish jibber-jabber from Mr Capitalist and his “friend” (one and same person) MMD Chief Bootfimofimo. The guy(s) wound spout tripe no man`s business. Happy to be lining their pockets when the masses were suffering. Pathetic people they are.

    No wonder the whole of MMD and their friends were panicking. They forgot to pay rent yet they went and bought 4x4s to make sure they continued stealing from people who were voting for them.

    Sata Nafuti Nafuti! Just wait until we get the reports from those commissions. Muleingila bangwele.

    • Keep it up Bunga, i like your classy and witty analysis. keep their heads ringing! What intuitive analysis you bring up. Just dont insult.i know how you feel,there is an inner kid inside of you grabbing the bull by its head!

  11. Any one seen Mr Capitalist. We need him to say something about this. Jesus bakaboke ba MMD! No wonder someone was saying we didn`t misuse public funds knowingly.

  12. No.6, come down to earth and face your bitter reality. The problem with you UPND cadres is that you were very sure your HH would win the elections but we predicted he LOST. And by the way that was his last chance to win the state presidency because 2016 it will be PF, 2021 maybe NAREP. By then HH will be either be history or a chinkote. So move on and try plan ‘B’ which of course won’t work either. Hard to swallow is’nt it?

  13. HH is not even a factor here. Please leave UPND cadres alone. This is Maestro He He He posting at #6. He has a thing about H.E MCS. 2016 HH will have lost four elections-now that will be a record for Zambia. Remember the nonsense He He He used to say about H.E MCS having lost 3 elections and asking him to give up? I wonder what he is saying about his HH now.

    PF will be growing stronger and stronger and once EP hear that the government has changed (in 3-4 years time), it will be all PF baba. Kunka mulilo bana lalye nshima! Sata Nafuti Nafuti!

  14. No.6 Ulichisushi. This development is not for PF, MMD, UPND nor UNIP. This is good news for all. For your relatives in the village to Cities iwee kolwe. Learn to appreciate. This should have been the way of exporting minirals from lden days. give credit where its due. Nakushako.

  15. When you an individual imports a 2nd hand motor vehicle into the country  ZRA will waiting for you at the border rubbing their hands with glee, just waiting to type in the details in their little computer then charge you 2/3 of the value of the car and to the last ngwee.
    Now ask these selfsame ZRA chaps how many of our  highly precious valuable copper rods left the country last month and they will clueless….its high-time normality was brought in, some foreigners have been living it large on Yachts in tax havens for the past 2 decades at our expense and due to incompetent and highly corrupt MMD leaders like Ka Chiluba, BUFFOON RB & Co..

  16. This is a good move. And please could we have the right office bearers speaking more often than the preseident making all the pronoucements!!!!! But this one we definitely support. And let 16 Oct be 16 Oct, not mailo or 12 Nov.

  17. Good. Its good to see patriotism and nationalist actions once again. We last saw this with UNIP. Despite their shortcomings, UNIP was full of freedom fighters that loved and cared for Zambia, the land people shed blod for. But MMD were quick to sell Zambia, like thieves who only come to steal, destroy and kill.

    Zambia is our land and the Lord gave us all these natural resources. Viva patriotism.

  18. Latest research in the UK (according to the BBC) shows that Copper-alloy surfaces have natural intrinsic properties to destroy a wide range of micro organisms…so expect the price of this versatile mineral to increase even further as it will widely be used in private Health Institutions, NHS hospitals, Care Homes, Laboratories etc in the UK and world wide for fixtures and fittings like door handles.

  19. I am still waiting for Capitalist on this one mwe bantu. The man has suddenly disappeared with his Jibber-Jabber. These are topics pre-elections he would defend like a Lioness defending her cubs.

    We would have been called ba Kaponya and all sorts of names who don`t understand the economy by now.

    Kaponya in State House has recognised something was wrong in the system Capitalist where are you?

  20. #6 Are you Zambian? You are very selfish. Come to terms that SATA is our president. Makes me wonder how some of these UPND under 5 bloggers behave. You mean to be proud that you don’t benefit from the copper proceeds? Get serious.

    MMD were so incompetent, on what grounds would they have $200 million unpaid taxes??

    Mr. President 99.9% of all profits should be spent in Zambia. Goodness Africans will always be used, we seriously need to put a stop to this nonsense.

  21. Another very good move! You are building a sound platform Mr Presido. Hopefully, when you have finished with round one, everything will just be in place to move on to the second round. So far so goodish!

  22. Yes Capiatlist, MMD Bootlicker, Senior Citizen and Maestro,where are you guys? We need checks and balances on this blog. It is becoming boring here! Come out of your hibernation and stir the blog. Hope you have not given up the cause.

  23. LT you should obtain first hand news and make your own analysis. This archaic type of reporting. Cut and Paste.-“The suspension of permits is another sign of Sata’s administration acting quickly on its populist campaign promises.” How else do you expect new policy directives to be implemented, if there’s no alignment of the already existing programs to the new ones?

    • This was a press release from the permanent secretary of the ministry of finance. So you would like LT to cheat stories because people like you wont like the real one? Not everything requires analysis, like raw news. And all this mambo Jambo policy directives and whatever suited up word are said just to confuse people. Things are simple Mr, Zambia is the largest producer of copper in Africa, second in the world and that counts for something and the results should be visible to everyone. People are smuggling copper concentrate and cobalt like no mans business. Get Real…

  24. @ 25
    Yes…Where are those mouthy characters?? Even that chap ” The Engineer” and his daft elaborations, i just hope MMD paid you guys your monies for your stellar on-line campaign work before the elections! Kekeke 

    • Because you  have been a fool, and you are a moron for that matter.God gave you the brains to use. Grow up, open up your eyes. Read widely, and digest what you read and then you would know what has been happening in your country.

  25. #6 Are you Zambian? You are very selfish. Come to terms that SATA is our president. Makes me wonder how some of these UPND under 5 bloggers behave. You mean to be proud that you don’t benefit from the copper proceeds? Get serious.

    MMD were so incompetent, on what grounds would they have $200 million unpaid taxes??

    Mr. President 99.9% of all profits should be spent in Zambia. Goodness Africans will always be used, we seriously need to put a stop to this nonsense.

  26. Are people still doing count down to 90 days or they are overwhelmed with my actions!!!! I love this country and I am now proud to be a Zambian.

  27. We will ensure that Zambia gets maximum benefit from it’s copper and other minerals and other exports. The kwacha will even be stronger than ever before and Zambians will have more money in their pockets

  28. #6  So what happens when you impeach Mr. Sata? OMG don’t you see the irony of your comment, MMD are being exposed for their incompetence everyday even on the above article, do you think they have the stomach to face the ballot box just yet? THINK what do you really care about eh? HH’s interests or a prosperous Zambia for all.The best your HH should be doing now is going back to the drawing board with 2016 in mind and rebranding the party to shrug off that tribal party tag and positioning themselves. Going to bed with MMD is not a good idea for now. 

  29. Italian Bunga Bunga (Original) I would like to remind you that soon late President Chiluba took over after real change 2 cabinet ministers were involved in corruption. Mr Chibwe (late) he bought fake furniture for state house and was reprimanded. The other was Mr Mchael Chilufya Sata (our current president) involved in some corruption. Since MMD was founded on Good governance, Rule of law, Accountability and Transparency and zero corruption torelance, the vice president then late president Mwanawasa wanted Sata prosecuted for corruption. Chiluba objected to it and that led Mwanawasa to resign from cabinet. We can now only raise the issue of Sata being corrupt and its seen in his appointees that fight of corruption will be satle for him

    • Read widely my dear friend.Read and analyse. If  you base your argument on 1 editorial read, then you   area fool, illiterate and still need to get back to basic research literature. Not  only will it help you, you will be able to impart the same knowledge to your off spring too for a better Zambia.

  30. Please again PF like I have said before, this should be tired up with how the money should also be cleared through BoZ from London Mental Exchange. Then these owner should be free to transfer cash only after dividends are decleared like any other business. this will give us two benefits as a nation with immediate effect: 1. BoZ will have a lot of forex and money for lending at very low rates in country (Switerzland economy runs on similar principle) 2. It will be easy to collect taxes as this will be compared to the dividends being declared, also companies will be forced to re-invest as such do attract no tax. we told MMD govt about this approach but refused and it has costed the nation development

  31. we thank you so much your excellence for bringing sanity to this wealth and beautiful country zambia which was heading for a disaster with the crepto-maniacs.

  32. look at the chain of people involved here,the mines,the transport businesses,the common man as driver,that doesn’t mean the country will be suspended too there so many losses uncured here,i dont think we had to suspend,Bob sichinga is a bad advisor

  33. It therefore clear that to believe PF will be there for ever or long time is self dellusion. Mr Sata himself has set high presidence which may be a pitfall for him and either end up in a hard core dictator as ( our neighbours) or be impeached. The two worrisome issue for him is TRIBAL and CORRUPTION in disguise as has happened before. This will spell end of PF we know them they all came from MMD.

  34. Number 6, you don’t think! I think there’s something wrong with you. It seems you are supporting and probably benefited from the corruption going on in this country. Wanya, HH will never become President, we ‘ d rather vote for Chipimo than HH, and for your own information, MMD will never rise again! you fool!

  35. This old for nothing is destroying Zambia.all you people blogging here are kaponyazi. Zambia needs men likeHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh. This young man is intellegent than this old for nothing. Pliz MMD and Upnd let us impeach this shikulu once parliament opens. 10 days feels like 4 years already. He has destroyed Zambia in 10 days. Viva upnd next GRZ

  36. Mwefikopo, campaigns are over!! Lets stay on point. For those applauding our GRZ decision to stop exports for now until GRZ changes things what is it that you are applauding? There are 3 possible outcomes from this 1. New measures could benefit Zambia 2. New measures could harm Zambia 3. Maintain same processes. Abamano would have been discussing flaws if any in our current system and suggesting new measures & their dis-adv & advantages

  37. RB was the president of the investors and Sata is the president of the zambian. man of action.even if he goes with what may be mistakes the intention can be seen by a kabova that the president want a comman man to have a share of what is ours. fools think they have been to school and yat they want to let thire ourn brother starve to death. RB dressed even the his race to remain in state house how kind was he?

  38. HH is only intteligent in Southern alone or to tongas.People who say HH is intelligent are some tongas who like promoting themselve even if they are not educated.Some tribes are pompus for nothing.This is why it’s not easy to win election in zambia if u start being proud.Better u become humble or else u’ll cry for insulting people who voted for PF tht kaponyas.Why should kaponyas give intelligent chaps now jobs?ha ha ha some tongas are laughable in this modern world.let us unite and grow up.we need one zambia one nation.

    • There is too much pomposity in your posting! Check yourself before you talk about others, you are full of shit tribal bemba *****. Refusing to work with PF because PF continuously belitlled UPND is not pride. Kaponyas will never create jobs, they will fire some people and replace them and sing that they have created jobs. After saying all the nonsense you are calling for one zambia one nation! Check the speck in your chi eye, u cant live with other tribes John unless the guys bootlick you.


  40. You kaponyas will soon cry. For you are ignorant. Even the jobs you have will go. Ask KK on what he did in 1968.?? And the result? Zambians are already a laughing stock abroad?? They think we are mad being electing such a leader.

  41. Sorry #6 U5 has to learn from the veteran of Zambian politics before he can pull one. As the state of affairs stand now. He is finished!

  42. Zambia was lawless for too long, with some families behaving like they owned Zambia. Sata needs to finally rid Zambia of the stench of corruption. All you haters out there, buckle up as this will be a bumpy ride.

  43. Capiatlist, MMD Bootlicker, Senior Citizen and Maestro Internet was being paid for by MMD. They were also being paid for 4 every word they used. Those that are complaining about sata’s cabinet being bemba, who did u vote for in your areas and on what ticket? People in Luapula, northen, CB and Lusaka were very clear voting for their people on the PF ticket. They are some people who voted for UPND, MMD in their areas and sata gives priority for PF and what he has as raw material u call him tribal. Does anyone here understand what impeachment is and in which country has it ever been used. What percentages in parliament is needed for such and what reasons do u need to start the motion. Give the man a chance and swallow ru bitterness.

  44. Sata has already committed serious corrupts and immoral acts. Look at the list.1. nominating 10 MPS instead of 8. 2. appointing a banckrupt person. 3. Not following the law on removal of some officers. 4. giving back Finance bank a few hrs after appointing a commission.(the guy provided the plane that sata used in the election campaign. 5. sending negative ernegy into the national 6. firing innocent dcs.

  45. Most Zambians are unemployed and poor. These power unemployed Kaponya’s make up the majority of voters. The Gerabos on the copperbelt are not happy to be stealing copper but would be happy to have decent jobs and businesses. This is why we booted RB out and brought in our fellow Kaponya who understands our needs. We re the majority and we will always rule. Donshi Kubeba wilalilalila sshh

  46. Help me understand this people, why do we have customs division at the borders. Lets not fatter Sata over systems that already exist. Most of us, yes including myself dont really know the kind of transaction these companies structure especially just to manage the forex and price risks involves in international trade. Exporting copper is not like selling tomato at soweto or chisokone market. Its even old fashioned to suggest that no copper should leave unless BOZ receives payment very very unrealistic.

  47. leshina – if you think that all of us who are supporting PF are kaponyas then go tell under 5 that come 2016 he won’t get even half a vote from Lusaka, Copperbelt Luapula & Northern province. With immediate effect I call upon all progressive Zambians from East to West & North to South to rally behind H E Michael C Sata as he cleans up the mass left behind by RB & MMD. Remember our President wants to take development to every corner of Zambia and even you foolish leshina will benefit from it

  48. I did vote with the majority but this repeated insulting of who I am is now slowly but surely making me re-think my decision. What is making me sad is the level of tribal comments even when the campaign period is over. One thing with some of the bloggers lets us learn to write things that are of sound standing. HH did not win because he did not have the numbers period, let us move on. I hope Sata is not appointing based on his tribe though we should all belong to that tribe. therefore, my request is if you do not like HH or Sata leave with it, campaign period is over please, lets get to work. Sata needs all the advise he can get, that is where we come in, not regrating voting for him due to your comments on this site.

  49. I am still waiting for Capitalist, MMD Bootlicker and Aussie Engineer! Oh dear, they have sent their young brothers (as seen) above to insult!

    I am loving this! Donchi Kubeba wilalilalila shhhh! Filonga twimbamo na copper, kamana kulobamo Pale, libala kusombolamu ifipushi but tu MMD busy eating with both hands.

    The Kaponya in State House has done in less than two weeks what RB couldn`t do in almost 3 years. No wonder he has gone into the history books for rong reasons.

    As for you bitter UPND, divorce yourselves from these morons MMD or be prepared to be painted with the same brush-corrupt! A pact with a party that people despise is suicide. There is more to be reviewed about MMD and the last thing UPND want is to associate itself with them.

    We are waiting!

  50. Thanks Poor Zed People #54, let us not divide Zambia but work together. The only problem is that the losers think that SATA and his supports do not measure to the standard which is insulting and is making other people hit back. One Zambia, One Nation.

  51. The problem with HH is his failure to read the public mood which at the moment appears to be for Micheal Sata. He may geneticaly not like the Bemba people worse still Sata becoming president of Zambia but what can you do if that is what the zambian people want!!!

  52. Thank you Zambians, I am back! I hard taken a holiday after the elections to rest. I am now up to speed of what has happened in the last ten days. Ha, surely Zambia was weeping. on its knees. MMD had destroyed the country to say the least. These results show that People have been stealing left, right and center especially those from Govt. But surely, God has answered our cry. God bless Mother Zambia

  53. Surely it would be more prudent to wait and see what the new guidelines will be before celebrating this move? If they are seen to be restrictive, punitive or bureaucratic they may well dent the country’s image of being pro-business which might effect future investments not only in copper mining but in the extraction of other minerals such as nickel and manganese which Zambia has in abundance. If our business friendly reputation is lost other sectors such as tourism, manufacturing and agriculture might not see the required FDI which would lead to significant job creation. High labour costs and a militant workforce with low productivity and Zambia’s landlocked position might just mean that investors will put their money elsewhere especially in the light of current global economic meltdown.

  54. “Mr Sata also said there should be continued reforms in the Zambia Army, Zambia National Service and Zambia Air Force in terms of sustained medical and educational service as a means of curbing corruption”

    Its seems corruption can be cured by medical means… this guy must be give a Noble Peace
    Prize in medical science

  55. Way to go Mr. President. Haters swallow your throats so that you die you worthless unpatriots. This country cannot allow day light robbery by the mine owners and keep a blind eye just because the preisdent and a few of his sidekicks are benefitting. If you ask me Rupiah became JERABO number one in terms of conniving with mine owers to loot the tax money and this happened more rampantly during elections. Now we have our Kaponya who has the country at heart and we just want to encourage him that when he is finished he should be rated higher than your Rubbish bin and silly HH put together. Go H.E. Michael Chilufya Sata we are behind you.

  56. Before we get excited about this move. Let us wait and see the benefits. It would be silly to be excited just to find that at the end all metals going out were actually accounted for in that past the new president acted based on heresay.

  57. Iwee Chi # 61 The Engineer (Australia) , don’t you know that education advancement can curb corruption? I work for an oil marketing OMC and we recently just had an e-learning programme to update staff on how to detect and avoid corruption. You even give yourself a name like ‘engineer’ when you are an ignoramus! The continous reforms in Zambia security wing is in both medical and educational services! We mbuzi we! The above article has nothing to do with your comments in case you had nothing to say. Donkey wena!

  58. Good evening

    Quote: According to Zambian figures, much of the copper exports are destined for Switzerland but little of them show up in Swiss customs data.

    So where does the rest go? This raises serious questions about accountability and transparency in our metal exports. Someone has to explain!

    Quote: Copper accounts for three-quarters of Zambia’s export earnings, but the mining industry contributes only about 10 percent of its tax revenue.

    Goodness! That would be like Germany’s automotive industry contributing only 10% tax revenue although it’s products account for more than three-quarters of the country’s overall exports.That’s unheard of anywhere in the world!

  59. anyone who is a patriot should be happy with this move… this issue of tonga this , bemba that, lozi this.. will not help our country.

  60. The Copper industry is the backbone of this economy. By doing this, you are suspending potential income for the nation. Exactly how much will it cost Zambia to suspend the export of copper for this period?? What is the opportunity cost of suspending copper exports??

    It seems the new govt still think they are in an election period. They seem to still think it is campaign time and they can stick to their populist rhetoric. This is now time to start governing and you cannot cost the nation millions in tax revenue over suspending copper exports. This is not the time to play politics but the time to start governing. Can the new govt stop it with the trivial issues like naming airports and start governing.

    • My dear citizen.learn to understand when you read. and please, please learn to research. I pity, your statements are very mambo jumbled and looks booky! what a pity, get a good  education my fellow citizen.Don’ t de-learn yourself in this year. in this way you will soar high in this blessed land of Zambia.

  61. # 8 Witness,

    You are a parasite in the UK, please come back home and do something instead of complaining of foreigners pa Zed when you yourself are an unwanted immigrant…

  62. Oh dear! Capitalist is backbut not with his jibber-jabber. His is talking about somethig completely different. The man has lost it since his party got kicked out.

    Capitalist, the long term benefits of this out weighs the nonsense you are talking about. You selfish mugs were enjoying the kickbacks you were getting from this.

  63. Oh dear! Capitalist is backbut not with his jibber-jabber. His is talking about somethig completely different. The man has lost it since his party got kicked out.

    Capitalist, the long term benefits of this out weighs the nonsense you are talking about. You selfish m*u*g*s were enjoying the k*ickbacks you were getting from this.

  64. #78 Capitalist This not a time to shield corruption either! We need to sort out the rotten system first before we can continue business as usual. We need to find out why copper exporters have been misreporting the amount of ore leaving the country and remove the framework that allows such irregularities to exist. That’s exactly what president Sata is doing by suspending export permits for now. It has nothing to do with populism, it is simply a decisive action taken by the Head of State in the best interest of the nation to weed out corruption to the root.

  65. @ #82 Nine Chale

    Millions in revenue are being lost by suspending exports. It is possible to permit exports whilst you work out a framework to stop the cheating (if at all it exists). What the PF govt has done here is poor govt policy and this will affect investor confidence in the nation as investors will view the PF govt as unpredictable. What is now likely to happen is these mining companies will not carry our mining expansions in view of the unpredictability of the PF govt. Other investors who made pledges will probably not fulfill them.

    Zambians all of the sudden have this arrogance that they can do it alone and don’t need investors and this arrogance comes from the PF populism. The fact is this blind nationalistic arrogance will cost the Zambian economy greatly.

  66. On this one i support Sata a hundred percent!Copper is our life but the problem is deeper than meets the eye.This might need a real enquiry but iam aware of some top pf officials being involved in metal scams.Good luck though.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  67. Good Move Mr Presido….For HH fan…HH is too much of Tonga…ukucha icisaka…One Clever Tonga would have made Zambia proud was Mazoka…he did have a country-wide following…HH will be DC for Mazabuka..

  68. Mr President, I hope that while you mop up the filthy that ba kapoli bamu MMD left, I your govt will put in place measure that will prevent reverting to the bad corrupt practice such that should PF not be there tomorrow, the next gang will start doing as they please. Don’t entrust the issuance of these metal export permits or any other permits to one or two individuals because they can easily be bribed as was the case with work permits where south african carpenters, electricians and fitters used t brag that they used to bribe their boss to get the permits. Please make it difficult if not impossible to bribe someone in order to get these metal export permits.

  69. So no export of copper until premits are reissued? Will Sata pay miner’s salaries at the end of the month? This is an absolute rubish.
    Who is controlling borders, government (read ZRA/customs/police) or mines? If govt. wants control over the export they should push ZRA/customs to the their job. With commodity prices sliding on daily basis mines are just looking for an excuse to stop projects and development. Unfortunately President is offering them an excuse on silver plate. And all this poor chaps who expect that anything will be changed cannot be further from the truth.

  70. @ 79 Donchi Kubamba  

    You one of the MMD parasites who has changed his blog name. Shame on you. Just be a graceful loser. unfortunately for you most Zambians don’t see shopping malls full of imported goods as development as you MMD parasites do. Hence why your party got shafted even after unprecedented bribes.
    FYI i am working on behalf of Zambia were i am, and will be returning soon for a much needed rest. 

  71. @ 83 Mr “Daft” Capitalist
    Some people are daft as a brush, why don’t you see the logic behind this are you still short sighted, look at the bigger picture; the long term benefits. Its called checks and balances. How are you going to know who exports X metric tonnes as the system is a shambles at the moment and I can foresee some ghost companies on the books syphoning resources through the system (which MMD is highly capable of) 
    Would you rather lose £3million for week whilst paper work is sorted or £300 million a year through unknown leaks in the system? Remember these resources below to our great grand children not us!!

  72. @88 Witness

    My party is NAREP. It got shafted that’s for sure! You see the problem here. You automatically assume me to be MMD. I wonder why.

    Let’s not even take the hitalk bribes. We all know PF’s sponsorship (and its leadership) is not exactly clean

  73. @88 Witness

    My party is NAREP. It got shafted that’s for sure! You see the problem here. You automatically assume me to be MMD. I wonder why. Narrow minds perhaps?

    Let’s not even take the high road and talk bribes here. We all know PF’s sponsorship (and its leadership) is not exactly squeaky clean either…

  74. Looks like a good move on face value. Hope it is within the prescribed ways of doing it. The move was long overdue. Akulumphuno should have done this but hey no ………….. he did not!

  75. @ 90 Donchi Kubamba 

    It Just goes to show that even narrow minds can see the wrongs  and the need for change in our country. Narrow minds can see the wealth Zambia is endowed with yet the poverty levels of our pipo remain mind boggling. Narrow minds can most importantly see that if shopright and spar are all we have to show for our wealth, then something is defiantly  wrong and the need for change. 

  76. iwe capitalist lost revenue for whom? the communities that these precious minerals are coming from are only benefitting through employment and not much else. its just consumption as yud say in economics. if the investors dont like it they can go but they cant bcause theyve put too much in .so they just hav to put up with it. theyv stolen enough and they know it. btw , is it glencore that has world wide notoriety.always in trouble with regulators wherever they operate.

  77. ‘Transparency’ hides Zambia’s lost billions

    Mining corporations’ tax avoidance schemes cost African nations billions of dollars each year.

    Khadija Sharife Last Modified: 18 Jun 2011 15:43

    Zambian copper being offloaded at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in an archived image from 1966. Much of Zambia’s copper exports appear to ‘disappear’ from official paperwork, leading to huge revenue losses for the country [GALLO/GETTY]

    African nations such as Zambia are often seen as grossly corrupt.

  78. The guidelines can still be created and the businesses can go on transacting. Why should you suspend sales? This is an extreme. Unheard of. I can see majority of the bloggers ululating, Zambians should be very care. We are not a very smart country–we depend on one commodity and sold t one country—– China. There very easy country to squeeze.

  79. This is just the first step and a good one at that, the second step is direct the mining houses to bank the proceeds from the export within the country. That’s how we will diversify this economy, with readily available and cheaper capital in our Zambian banks. Good start H.E, Capitalist you are either in denial or just an *****.

  80. the president must go further and make sure the revenues from all exports are banked back in zambia and the forex window controled . we will see the kwacha strengthening to two digits soon.. viva mr president viva nationalists

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