Monday, March 10, 2025

Opposition floats Kapita and Lungu for Speakers


United Party for National Development vice preswident Richard Kapita
United Party for National Development vice president Richard Kapita

Opposition political parties have floated UPND Vice President Richard Kapita for the position of Speaker of the National Assembly.

UPND Spokesperson Charles Kakoma says the opposition have also agreed to field MMD Lundazi Member of Parliament Mkhondo Lungu for the position of Deputy Speaker.

Mr Kakoma says the opposition will also go ahead to field FDD Chasefu MP Chifumu Banda for the position of Deputy Chairperson for the Committees of the whole house.

He was speaking in an interview with ZNBC Nws in Lusaka on Tuesday.

On Monday, opposition UPND President Hakainde Hichilema said his party was consulting other political parties over the impending election of a new Speaker of the National Assembly.

But Mr Hichilema dismissed as misleading newspaper reports suggesting his party and the MMD were planning to field veteran politician Vernon Mwaanga.

Mr. Hichilema said the nation would be informed of the candidate his party would support for election as speaker once consultations were completed.


  1. What is going on kanshi ?you lost and the best you can do is to reflect on what made you lose and not being more of an under 5 and petty . stop wasting our time we are busy cleaning the mess your fellow losers left behind

  2. From the presidents actions so far it seems that he’ll not need a majority in parliament to pass laws. Look at the retirement age for example, he decided to raise it on his own. 
    The efforts of the opposition to frustrate PF will be useless.

  3. Democracy calls for all to participate, not just the ruling party. Its seems number 1 doesn’t know the tenets of democracy at all! Learn instead of insulting… ask if you don’t know.

  4. Ba HH, I will would be surprised if MMD could support your proposal for Speaker because they already have a deal for deputy Speaker. And Matibini looks more credible than your Kapita. When are you doing to accept that you are not the biggest opposition party to be calling the shots.

    • Agreed totally. I don’t see how they could go for the Speaker position over MMD in their coalition when MMD has almost twice the number of MPs! This is just a senseless move on UPND’s part.

  5. @ubupuba bupwe, I think you dont understand the dynamics of politics. This is not a one party state. Remember the opposition have got their own people whom they are representing and deserve recognition and respect.

  6. Thats the whole point we need checks and balances in parliament right from the top to ensure some order its not about blindly hero worshipping HE MCS and all that he proposes even when it may not work for the good of the masses…

  7. The small party always wants to have its way when it goes in a pact with others. UPND has 28 seats (28) while MMD has 55. If the MMD/UPND parliamentary Pact was genuine, logic dictates that MMD should have its member as Speaker with UPND as Deputy. How is it that a party with more members is sacrifyicing its position? What promises or conditions have been given for UPND to assume dominance of MMD? Could it be that the UPND Speaker, if the UPND gets its wish, will for example, block the reintroduction of the Abuse of Office Clause? After all, some UPND members voted with MMD to remove it?

  8. Let the fun and games begin.  PF can control govt but the opposition combined control parliament.  The opposition should stop any and every *****ic idea coming out of State House.  They have nothing to lose.  If PF have the mandate, how come they don’t control the house?

  9. HH you talk too much but you always tell the truth you will never be president of this country reason being that you always put issues of tribe in everything you say and do.when our beloved UPND president AK Mazoka pass on you said only a Tonga person could take over from him,but i doubt if that was in his mind when he formed UPND the other people who where not Tonga by tribe like Bob sichinga a person who could even have been President of the party.but any you are just stuborn for nothing fool.

  10. Just wait people, most of these MMD MPs will be in jail. I am not losing sleep over this. Sata Nafuti Nafuti!

  11. Mmmmm… Dr. Patrick Matibini or Mr. Richard Kapita, this is really a hard choice…… My God people this is the hardest decision that we could possible make!!!!!! And I am being very sarcastic about this…

  12. Guys is this not the Richard Kapita who was dragged to the lusaka local court for marriage interference or is it causing the breakdown of one Mendes marriage?

  13. The choice should be Patrick Matibini.UPND chaps always try to be superior even when they know that UPND is underdog.Why should they choose a vice president to be a speaker?Matibini is a netraul guy needs to be supported.kapita is a politician hence his interest is UPND.If those chaps vote for Kapita then i’ll just say MMD really is confused party.But i’m sure MMD chaps are intelligent and can’t allow HH to control them.Infact UPND has only 28 mps.This is the reason UPND left the PF/UPND pact coz of selfishness of HH.HH wanted to be the president of the pact.He couldn’t believe that UPND was a small party.It is the same thing he is doing in MMD/UPND pact .HH wants to control any sitituation.This baby really is just tooooooooooooooo selfish and tribal

  14. Judge Matibini is a better choice by Far, he is a judge, no political affiliation with a humble background. UPND is just fighting PF,they know this. UPND has not appointed Kapita with the interest of serving Zambians but with selfish motives and jealous. I just hope he will not go thru during voting,then we can say, once bitten twice shy. 

  15. PF will have its way. Just as the PF had rebel MPs when it was in opposition voting on the same side as MMD the same thing is going to happen this time around. MMD will not vote unanimously. Some of its member will vote on the side of PF, including all 6 who have been appointed as Deputy Ministers. For some reason UPND thinks it holds the swing vote in parliament. I think not. MMD now is weakened and alot on infighting will arise as finger pointing starts over the corruption charges some of its leaders will soon be facing. This will lead to fragmented voting. Another issue to consider is that the Speaker is supposed to be impartial or atleast seemingly impartial. UPND vice- President? [-(

  16. HH is just stupid man we khow what he wants, you guys just vote a person for a reason.Dr. Matibili is a right person in parliament.

    • muzi.. wateva u nid SEROIUS prayers…we dot isults bt articulat ideas in a beta maner..its a disgrace.Len 4rm pipo who r inteligent on d brog

  17. For democracy’s sake the Speaker should be from the opposition. In the past two weeks we have seen gross abuse of power and we do not want this to continue..

  18. So now UPND thinks its bigger than MMD? It can make such announcements? No wonder Sata kicked them aside useless selfish self overrated nicumpoops..You shant form GRZ until after 20 years….by that time real change will not lie with will will see what it means to be told you too old to rule…

  19. Guys if someone can tell where Amusa Mwanabwanabwa came from which political party. Are these guys just want to make a hard life for PF because there are in power now. No-one was saying anything when RB was ruling. If really someone here can ask him/herself a question for how many year Amusa remained as a speaker?????

  20. PF have 68 MPs Plus 6 MPs from MMD plus 3 independent Mps= 77
    . MMD and UPND have 28 plus 54, minus 6 =76
    . Milupi has 1 MP while FDD has 1. So who will take the position of Speaker?

  21. Let’s all be sober, and being your Mbuya I can tell all my Bemba relatives that stop all this because Sata is president he knows best. I support my president, but for continuity and Zambia’s safety’s sake the opposition should provide the SPEAKER PERIOD! the ruling party cannot control all wings of government, that’s how MMD destroyed our country in a mere 20 years. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Calm down and see the wisdom of the far east MWANAWAKWITU style :)

  22. Guys………. you know Ka hh is just sturborn. he has grown big headed and thinks he will at 1 time rule zed da answer is 0. Ka hh is tribalist and his appointment as upnd president was questionable. he thinks his inflated worth will make us vote for him no ways. we zambains want a poor president becoz 85% of us are poor not plundere money from ZPA. ekatu onaulile wikalo ka hh atase. now u r berging for our vote fuseki. MATIBIN DA BEST SPEAKER

  23. Its really very hard toc choose between a partisan politician and a honorable judge with a relevant doctorate. Gimme a break. Matibini and Mkondo is hand in glove. What a marvelous marriage

  24. ba mdd or sole mmd m wapwa bamambala abaiche ba toddler ba tombolilo bamichinfye yaba ka george red lips were you ?apapene yaminyonkola insala mwayamba ukutungululwa na ka duiper ka hh am advising to get knowledge from duiker mpombo us from pf we accepted his advice no from ka hh. stupid boy.

  25. UPND is going to lose again Dr Matibini is a better choice as Speaker that Mr Kapita. For once agree with the President.

  26. This will be the test of how much control RB has on his MP’s, the tonga man can always push his cows knowing that the stable will always have enough cows to replace the one which has been disposed off.
    RB also has to be seen to be gentle to King Cobra in that his comfort, if any, very much depends on what evil spirits haunt the man of the moment.


  28. Tongas have a faced of been kind on the face but I have lived with a few in the west here they are selfish i dont hate them i just see that selfish trait in their character very bitchy and always advancing self interst i dont know why they always mix inferiority complex with politics one thing thing is they are mostly drunkards remember what happended when nkumbula and KK WENT TO LONDON TO SIGN THE INDEPEDENCE FREEDOM CHARTER HE WAS CUT DRUNK RUBISH AND KK REPRESENTED WELL THATS WHY THE PEOPLE CHOSE HIM THEY ARE NOT SOCIALLY INTELLIGENT THEY CAN BE BOOK SMART BUT NONATURAL WISDOM VERY MUMBWA MUMBWA AND MAGOYE GWEMBE MUNYUMBWE JUST KEEP DRINKING MABISI AND ENJOY NKOLOLA SHIT ROTEN MILK SUCKERS

  29. Ilke #11’s comment. that is the way to think. The opposition should have floated a more nutral person. Hands down to your line of thought.

  30. For Zambia to progress and develop, the question that we should be asking is, who is the right person for the job, who is more credible and impartial, this is not about political mileage. Candidates for the speaker should be evaluated on their capability, impartiality etc and not who floated the candidate. It is time we started departing from the culture of supporting for the sake of supporting or opposing for the sake of it and those who are being elected or appointed to these office should execute their duties with professionalism and not to please appointing authorities, only then can we start seeing meaningful development.

  31. HH intention is obvious…to oppose hence the choice of candidate…and can you think of if;;…undp are minority by HH has the Balls to nominate speaker munshita yaba MMD

  32. The reason HH lost out is cause he thought he was bigger than Sata. Now he thinks he’s bigger than MMD – doesn’t he ever learn!? If he had said Lungu for Speaker and Kapita for Deputy, that would’ve made sense. Thus, I’ll go for Matibini and Lungu but with their roles interchanged.

  33. Tuleteka bakwindi. HH you are a jaqus loser. Just wait for young Chpimo to come and sort you out next! Let’s see who else you are going to pack with!!!

  34. PF supporters! There you go again insulting and calling people names. Let democracy decide who the best candidate is. When you say Mathibini is better that Kapita, in what ways do you say he is? If it’s political affiliation, I think the fact that Mathibini was proposed by the ruling party, it shows which side he’s on. Parliament should be strong enough to curb the madness the president is drving us through. I don’t mind who goes through. Don’t bring HH in such discussions!

    • But HH brings himself into this, he is a very sore loser who,s main intention is to frustrate the president, HH needs to take his frustrations somewhere else

  35. In all respect I think the UPND had wrong intentions when picking Mr. R kapita. They should have proposed a person outside their party, in as much as we want checks and balances it should not be out of hatred. HH is bitter from the way he is behaving, the Judge seems the beta option in this case but hey we can only wait and see what those 155 men & women will do. If any of you is reading please remember it’s not your party that voted for you but as the people. For once do what is right for mother Zambia.

  36. Leave MATIBIN on the bench. He is better suited there than in this mud. He doe not need to lose his job after years given the fact that the bench has better incentives. His credibility is not suited for the parliament!

  37. BA PF are just woking up to reality that you can not have more money in your pocket by voting. for meaningless change. . Mwapya, your workers are demanding increases and soon zambia will come to a standstill with galloping inflation.. As all of us will be on our employers to increase before we increase our workers salary.

  38. I know that some bloggers are confusing U.S politics and African democracy. In Zambia for example, the president has the power to over-rule parliament which is not the case in the U.S. The other problem is that Zambian politics is not about ideologies as is the case in the U.S. The difference between MMD, PF and UPND is their leaders and not ideologies. For this reason, I see some UPND and MMD siding with PF; knowing too well that should they face suspension from their parties, they will re-contest on the PF tickets. Please wait and see, many MMD MPs will be switching camps.

  39. Hey under Chiluba, the speaketr was nominated from MMD the same under Levy and Banda. What is wrong with proposing a candidate? There is no problem. He is not going to be partisan, just the Amusa was. i DO not see the need for parochial minded debate. Kapita has not won the postion, neither has Matiini done so. Let not count the chicks before they are hatched. Going at the rate Sata is breaking the consitituion, we may have a dictatorial presient very soon. He is too zealous I guess. For the safety of mther Zambia, I suggest he consults good lawyers before making some of these changes!

  40. #53 Happi   Read the zambian constitution and you will see how much power it gives the president. Our constitution has flaws and this is why your saw rebel mps still in parliament, vice president staying in office until election time, first lady compaigming using public resources just to mention a  few. Corruption was at its best. Why should someone buy NRC OR PASDPORT  when you have right to have one? undrstand better how easy it is to getcertain documents in other countries.mind u it is even hard to renew passports when dfiaspora

  41. PF will only win if they continue making death threats to MPs, so far they have only succeded with that Chongwe whimp.

  42. I am staunch UPND supporter and come from the same area as Richard Kapita. And because where we come from we are taught civilized values from childhood, i don`t support him. Richard is a smart guy with lots of common sense attributes but he is our UPND vice president, its inappropriate period! I dont need to go further. The speaker should come from opposition but not one with strong political ties. There are lots of guys with no strong ties to parties like Mark Chona, Mvunga, Sondashi etc.

  43. #54 Constitutional Lawyer, i agree with you. Somebody should should tell Sata to go and clean up the passport office. Can you imagine being asked to 2million on top of official fees. Passport stinks with corruption.

  44. The move will be good for our so called democracy. And hope the composition of parliament stays this way. then we may just have some balance of power. It could be the best ever for Zambia.

  45. Dr. Matibini is the best choice. Any one who opposes his candidature is just a bitter UPND chap with no plan for Zambia but just bent on fighting Sata!

  46. Come on HH and your Tonga tribal party, how do you honestly explain having your party VP as speaker of the house ? how really how ? Do u wonder why Zambians well never allow you into plot 1, as because of this under5 kind of thought. Or are you saying only a UNPD member should be speaker because President Sata is bemba and Lungu should be deputy because he is easterner ? Forget your tribal crap and allow people to work on merit, not your tonga this and tonga that, go and form a country in your own little village because Southern province belongs to zambia, not a minority party. We do not hate you, but we are afraid of your line of thought

  47. Haters You wait and see PF will soon have an out right majority in the house, MMD & independent mps working for the govt, lead by HE Sata will see his good deeds and will vote with the govt. All those trying to bring about confusion in our country out of sheer greed, we should find a way of fixing them, whats wrong with sorting a few greedy persons to achieve a better life for the majority of our people. OP its your job to deal with these greedy & unruly under5s, if they don,t play ball. Even in the west people are taken out for the good of the country. OP destroy them by any means ,make sure yaba nyokola njala

    DEPUTY SPEAKER is a politician
    DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON is a politician
    WHY then are you saying PROPOSAL from UPND is a politician you need someone who is neutral like Matibini. For checks and balances too bad i wont support Matibini but whoever the opposition float even if its Kapita. Just like we voted for some useless MPs from PF coz we needed change

  49. Senior Citizen, you have come back sober with your wriggling tail between your legs! Unfortunately, your attempts to compare Zambia and the USA bemuses me as we follow a parliamentary democracy (modelled on the British Parliament) the only difference is election of the president who (you might say- as in the USA) is elected by direct suffrage. From where the speaker is elected (within/out of parliament) the constitution is not silent. That’s why we wish you and RB (when you had the advantage), you would have given us a constitution that was acceptable to all! Even us kaponya’s (as you called us) know that! We don’t have degrees like your RB to perform but we have will of the people and we are sailing! Its full scale muwato and the captain is at his best! AHOY!

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