Information, Broadcasting and Tourism Minister Given Lubinda said that Defence Deputy Minister Panji Kaunda qualifies to be nominated in his position.
Commenting on the media reports that Col Panji Kaunda did not qualify to serve as member of Parliament at a Press briefing in Lusaka yesterday, Mr Lubinda said that Col Kaunda’s issue of being bankrupt was addressed when the Former President Kenneth Kaunda paid Hybrid Poultry Farm Limited the amount Colonel Kaunda owed.
Mr Lubinda advised the media that it was important to carry out research on the matter before publishing any story relating to Col Kaunda.
Earlier this week, the Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi said that the appointment of Colonel Panji Kaunda as Member of Parliament and deputy defence minister, contravened article 65 (1)(b) of the constitution because he was declared bankrupt by the courts.
Mr Chipenzi went on to explain that article 65 (1)(b) stated that a person shall not be qualified to be elected as a member of the national assembly if that person is an undischarged bankrupt, having been adjudged or otherwise declared bankrupt under any law in force in Zambia.
The FODEP executive director called on republican President Michael Sata to either reconsider Colonel Kaunda’s appointment or disclose to the nation that Colonel Kaunda is no longer a bankrupt person.
Colonel Panji Kaunda was declared bankrupt by the High Court of Zambia in January 2004 for owing Hybrid Poultry Farm Limited K121,703,436.
yahaya. the man has no moine only to be freed by the old man. Shame PF. I have follow a line of dismissal from office since Pf Sata took office. My question is are there NO LAWS regarding how to fire somebody from Office . Zambia is an interesting country. ILO and labour laws do not apply in Za,bia that some can wake up with hours and fire s staffs in the country. Shame and we are watching
Is this Panji Minister a deputy minister of defense or Home affairs???? Because in the other article he is deputy home affairs.
McDonald Chipenzi Find a hobby than publishing info without an answer. MMD hangover ba sir!!
Good to hear that.Atleast the air has been cleared….ni pa bwato.
A person who was unable to manage his personal financial affairs is just not fit to run affairs of the state FULL STOP. At his age, to run to daddy, is a disgrace. The President may have acted legally but unwisely.
Well said….period!
surely ba col it has to take dady to bail u out
Please, those that doubt PF leadership, just watch and see. These guys have professionals who research before acting. It is a shame that FODEP would publish such an article without getting the facts right. My view is that FODEP leader Chipenzi MUST resign. Alternatively, Col. Kaunda should sue FODEP as soon as possible.
Mayo mpapa naine nkakupapa doesn’t apply to this hombre. What a lucky guy. At the age of 65 years and you still need your parents! I would rather get money from some where else.
Some of you are so childish….money is hard to come by ….why do you want to pretend that K120MM is small money. Kaunda never stole. So Panji is not like some people’s son who are swimming in BILLIONS OF STOLEN MONEY. Learn to live in the real world and stop trying to “keep up appearances” as you are just cheatting yourselves.
TELL THE S******……IN BEMBA THEY SAY ‘KWAPA TACILA KUBEYA’ SO I CAN GIVE MY SON MONEY EVEN AT HIS AGE …. HE IS STILL MY SON …********! i didn’t allow my children to steal like RB did.
That is what family is for, at least he did not acquire a debt to clear a debt. Honestly I wonder how many Zambians dont have debt? At least he had the guts to declare himself bankrupt, unlike bouncing a cheque.
so if courts declare you bankrupt 10 years ago, today do you have to dance to the same tune? i thought you are declared bankrupt for a period not in a life time. who knows if the far was a shareholder in panjis farming company? panji also said he never stole a kobo and him going under does not put shame on him as businesses fold any time and he is not the first. if i was panjis father, i would have done the same. blood is thicker than mizu
Its shameful for panji to trouble the old man at his age for his debts.What sort of minister will he be.now that he is minister let him grow up…..
stupit ***** temwana obe wandi. so i can give him whatever i want……nkakufonkola pamala….
@ munyono why are you bothered is it your father’s money? efyo mulowela ba fee colour.
People should develop the interest of reading instead of just commenting. The discharge is done by the very courts that declare someone bankrupt and not by someone else paying the debt. We need more proof from the courts of law. Mr Lubinda, please be truthful
This explanation makes more reason for Panji not to qualify as he was just saved by his dad. His status remains the same he is bancrapty! Sata should do the wise thing and drop him!!!!! Sata should not be seen to violate the constitution so early in his presidency he should just drop Panji period!
Chipenzi is just a loud mouth!
Bankrptcy is a mere legal term, it does not entail that such a person can not change their status. It is just that a few people still hang up on the MMD have difficulties accepting that PF is in Government, cortesy of zambian people and ruling!!!
An undischarged bankrupt if his stuation has changed needs to go back to court to have him cleared once he has settled all his debts…so even if the state paid for Panji on behalf of the former president Old Munshumfwa its worth setting the court records correct…..
It looks like people here prefer thieving sons of Former Presidents. Peharps in Zambia you earn respect after stealing money from the people.
The key word is “an undischarged bankrupt”. Has he been discharged by the court as per procedure for him not to be called a Bankrupt person. This is what Lubinda is supposed to tell us not that the debt was cleared and besides why clear a debt when someone has already been declared bankrupt by the court. Did the order state that he money still had to be paid somehow by a Bankrupt person.
#15 & #19 Spot on, right on the money. If Panji came out of bankruptcy , certain he needs to go back to court and get a discharge, I could be wrong, but can LAZ please put up their hand and answer this question. It is at times as these that we need them, than hiding behind a political correctness expression=”constitutional lapse”, when in fact what is happening is constitution breaching with impunity.
Also we need to see the records of Hybrid Poultry farm that the debt was settled eventually.
It is courts that declare bankruptcy. It is a legal status that can only be cleared by the courts.
#21 Beautiful contribution!!!! Can those for Panji please address points raised by Braggadocio
We are waiting.
Iwe No 10, who told you Kaunda never stole? Just because he was NOT brought to account does not mean he never stole. Unless you are part of the Malawian mafioso, you will always claim your innocence. Word of advise to you and your colleagues; if you have nothing to say please go fishing….
@chumbu munshululwa …… I don’t know when you were born. FTJ brought in Scotland yard to investigate and he was cleared so you can f……. go fishing in the sewerage yourself. FYI my village doesn’t share border with Malawi.
UMWANA TAKULI KULI BAWISHI NABA NYINA…PANJI IS STILL A BABY TO SUPER KEN….no matter what age……if papa saw it fit to help sonny..what’s the issue here? grow up bloggers……..bambi bamisungafye pabafyashi nanomba….
The Constituion is being breached here and LAZ is just looking on because their president is a PF cadre. There is no explanation that can now suddenly make Panji not bancrapty he is bancrapty. Infact if they rush to go court now to discharge him, it will be merely a political gimmick to keep him in employment for having helped Sata. I repeat the honarable thing for Sata to do is drop Panji or Panji himself should resign on moral grounds!
mwanya bafikala Panji has come to stay! cry your rotten lungs out and my son will be getting his share as minister……….
Shi Panji God bless u
Iwe chi Zayellow – can you provide proof of court order discharging the bankrupcy!
Lubinda should not take Zambians for fools. He needs to provide evidence (i.e. court references of when Panji was discharged from bankruptcy). No need for pontificating on need for research. If there is no discharge record, then the guy is still legally bankrupt. He needs to quickly go back to the courts and get this thing sorted out or he and his President are breaking the Constitution.
What did S*t*n do with the copy that RB gave him at his inauguration? Did he even open it to read just one page? Or is he using it as a door stop?
In a nut shell, Panji is not supposed to be a deputy at all. He was and he does not qualify to be hold office of that caliber unless someone is there to gain a little coins. No wonder he rushed to PF for a job. Ba KK lyonse pa bwato yet he dissed Sata kanshi balebinka umwana pa job. indirect payment. May I ask was it Ch7 or 13 that Panji went thro. Iam inclined to CH 12 tho.
How do you allow someone who has no cash to rule us? Oh my God! Is this the beginning of worse things to come. Please HEMS scrutinise this man before fire start spreading. This is how people start losing confidence in a party
At his age he runs to daddy for help? He cannot even manage himself and he is in an important ministry! God help us….
This new found love affair between the Kaunda and Sata clans makes for uneasy reading. Aboslutely no morals – how shameful. A grown man like Panji is bailed out by his elderly father then given a job in the ministry of defence?? How can someone who has failed to manage his own affairs on a farm in rural Zamiba be given responsibility of defence procurements etc? These chaps have strategically placed themselves to line their pockets. All the old hags who have been “appointed” to prominent positions are the same people who brought Zambia to it’s knees in the UNIP era. What are they going to do differently now? This time they will probably make sure they steal every last ngwee in the coffers. to be cont….
cont… These peoples children were sent abroad on lucrative government and ZCCM scholarships. They came home every holiday including mid term and they always flew first class on the then Zambia Airways.
Is that not corruption and plundering the nations resources? And worst still, most of them came back with no meaningful qualifications.
It is important for the minister responsible for legal affairs, LAZ and parliament to give the legal position after seeking what legal evidence is in the courts. This does not need to become a political issue as it is a constitutional one. It only becomes political if the constitution is breached. We need to move from thinking in a partisan manner and mature to a level where we value our state and constitution above party. This will stop successive govts from abusing the constitution. I personally think it is a good reason for Sata to get rid of panji like he did nsanda as he is really not ministerial material even by zambian standards.
Every country has different laws on how bankruptcy can be declared and/or lifted/discharged. Someone with the knowledge of Zambian Bankrupt laws needs to educate us on this.
But common knowledge entails that only the courts of law can declare someone bankruptcy and likewise only the same courts of law can ‘undeclare’ or lift or discharge that bankruptcy. Merely paying the debt won’t cut it. I would think this is like a conviction, only the court can lift that conviction. But again this is mere speculation on my part because I’m no lawyer… Check Wikipedia for various countries on bankruptcy, particularly check how bankruptcy is annulled in Australia.
# 1 GM …..Panji cleared his dues from using his in ‘inheritence’.
Hope you too are keeping estates and monies to bequeath your offsprings. If you have not, then it is time to start. I do not wish your children bankruptcy though! Panji’s family support has put him in good stead and benefits the old man again.
A good lesson from the good bo-ndate KK .
In short: Panji is a lawfully appointed Deputy Minister of Defence.
The very reason we need the opposition! They challenge certain unscrupulous decisions on behlaf of the people. Otherwise, don’t expect anyone with PF to challenge Sata. What we need is democracy.
Glad the people of motherland are
vigilantt and I am sure this keep PF on their toes! This is our democracy keep, sharp! Sharp, I mean.
Just you wait….National Service in various forms will even make our people even shaper!
Sit up! Sit ease!
Moving on a double…No malingaling… always eyes right… or left… in a particular formation… ready to attack until Zambeziland is combed through…
But dear bloggers don’t you wait to be reminded of your duty move!
March on and be your own boss and produce results deserving our motherland. Back to jobbing I go. Glad I paused to hear of what is going on back home.
Can someone please tell me when Dad helped Panji out of his financial misery. Was it after he heard that his little boy was about to be appointed Deputy Minister of Defence?
mwenya must go
The explanation is not complete and the matter has not been fully addressed yet. Paying off a debt is one thing, being cleared from a state of bankruptcy is another. Have the courts formally discharged Panji of his bankruptcy?
#23, we saw more than enough constitution breaching with impunity when your boss was in power! Leave Panji alone. At least he has a father that can help him unlike some of you who would have acquire a debt to clear another or better still, went and stole in order to clear a debt!
Panji is still bunkrupt hence the father bailing him out!! He his not fit to hold office. The man does not even know the dress code. Aagh Shame Zambia
@47 PM Agreed… you make very interesting point there. The fact that Panji had to be helped by his father actually still makes him bankrupt. Bankruptcy is an individual state/status and it has nothing to do with your relative being rich or anything. A husband can declare bankruptcy even if the wife has lots of money or helps him pay the debt. Don’t we have bankruptcy lawyers on this board to school us? But I seriously smell sour milk on Lubinda’s explanation. And just why did it have to take Lubinda to defend Panji… why didn’t Panji speak for himself?
@chumbu munshululwa …… I don’t know when you were born. FTJ brought in Scotland yard to investigate and he was cleared so you can f……. go fishing in the sewerage yourself. *****!!!
ichikulu chonse, the father settling his bills for him? I feel sorry for the old man,his sons should be looking after him, not the other way round.
Panji is still bankrupt as he is not a viable individual unless the big man had also given him some extra cash to put in his account. Anyway, in the scheme of things, which one is a more serious breach…appointing someone who is on his knees as minister or using your presidential powers to facilitate deals worth billions of kwacha for your sons??
#6 Saint – Dont simplify bankrupcy to suit your argument. Becoming bankrupt does not mean you cant manage your finances. Richard Branson was declared bankrupt twice but he now runs on of the most sussesful airlines in the world. Simon Cowell, was declared bankrupt but he runs the most sussesful talent show on earth. Panji has paid back what was due and that should be it. If he is incapable to perform in his capacity as deputy minister, Sata will be answerable as an appointee and you can excersise your voting rights in 5 years. Just yapping wont take us anywhere.
I have known Given as a person who strives for the truth and fairness even under difficult sitiuations. From that angle I want to believe him. I hope my trust is not in vain.
Lubinda should know better how to handle this matter. Am embarrassed for being a strong PF supporter. He should present court documents that show that Panji has been relieved of his bankruptcy status.
Panji you are welcome. Come and corect the mess the Just-Fired Army Commander Lopa has left !
How did Hon Panji Kaunda end up Bankrupt. I know it is possible and it can happen to anyone. Could he have been living beyond his means or he just mismanaged his business. Why should an 80+ years old father bail out his adult child. I am struggling to come to terms with this matter. We delivered a peoples victory together, but my problem hangs around whether he can handle the heavy responsibility bestowed upon him now if he failed to manage his personal finances. Thats the big question? May be am ignorant of the term Bankrupt? Pls help me understand. This isn’t an attack on the Colonel but simply a question worth a though from all of us.
Infact even if he were to be cleared by the court that declared him bankrapt, it would still be morally wrong for himto take office because he did not pay the money out of personal prudence and good management. He’s still a crook!!!!!
Ba Lusaka Times did you “carry out research on the matter before publishing this story ?” When did KK pay? Is Panji liquid?
“Mr Lubinda has explained that deputy Minister of Home Affairs Panji Kaunda is qualified to be nominated as member of Parliament because he was not declared bankrupt, as reported by some media institutions.
The minister explained that according to court record number 2003/HPC/175, former President Kenneth Kaunda settled the debts that his son Colonel Kaunda was owing Hybrid Poultry Farm and that the matter has since been disposed of.”
Lubinda show us the court order discharging him!!!!
what do you expect when you are led by uneducated ponyax? I am strong PF supporter but i am worried by the rate at which we are moving.
#26 young man didnt chiluba bring in the scortland yard to specifically find stolen money or property by kk? talk about witch hunt to the max that didnt produce anything but a book. so pls dont say kk stole money because it has been proven that he didnt steal a single ngwee and trust me chiluba would have given anything in this world to find it.
How can KK paying off the debt change his bankruptcy status. That can only be lifted on application to the High Court. Can Lubinda produce the records that show that Panji has been rehabilitated otherwise is this ‘dochi kubeba’ to the citizens?
Interesting to see that what all cadres have in common is the unbridled support for their ‘god’ at all costs – whether their idols are wrong or not they would never see that wrong. We saw this with MMD cadres over their unwavering support for RB; and now PF cadres are doing the same with Sata and so are HH supporters. Reading someof the supporting comments here is very interesting. Some of you guys even writing in private you still can’t show some spine and become objective and condem things when they are wrong. Imagine if you were actually serving in the government. Jeez I didn’t know that blind loyalty is really that blind.
Mwebo ba Kifeni baleni ikaleni panshi. Ba Chilaisha aba mwaleta mu nchito iyikulu ifi bakamiletela ama disashita muka ngibukisha.
even after being advised to research the dumb journalist and his/her editor simply reported what Given said without doing any research. kudyuuma!
That’s what we need – chcks and balances. These chaps need to be explaining themselves. Weldone FODEP! And now we need the evidence that the courts cleared the clown.
Where did He borrow money to clear his debt? Who told GL that borrowing to clear one’s debt is to clear your indebtedness?
“Grow up. The fact is that he was cleared lawfully”/:)
He was never declared bankrupt people. You are yapping without facts!! The fact is,panji was abt to be declared bankrupt but KK paid off what he was owing. Do you know that most you bloggers are bankrupt. yes you are. look at the owings you have compared to your earnings.
There are things that can’t be defended, There is a court record of Panji’s bankrupcy & KK’s clearing of the same doesn’t cancel this. An individual who has got himself to such lows can’t be appointed period. No wonder he had to go in shorts for swearing in.
Even if Paji was to have been declared bankrupt, the law only forbids election of bankruptee and not nomination of the same.
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