Friday, October 18, 2024

PF to petition 4 Copperbelt seats


File: PF youths in Kitwe

THE ruling Patriotic Front (PF) on the Copperbelt says it will next week petition election results in the four rural constituencies it lost to the MMD last month.

And former MMD secretary for women affairs Maureen Lungu has resigned from the opposition party to join the PF.

The PF plans to petition election results for the Lufwanyama, Mpongwe, Masaiti and Kafulafuta parliamentary seats.

The PF won 18 parliamentary seats out of the 22 on the Copperbelt.

PF Copperbelt provincial chairman Rebby Chanda said in an interview in Ndola on October 6 that the ruling party has discovered irregularities in the election results for Mpongwe, Masaiti, Lufwanyama and Kafulafuta constituencies.

“There were a lot of anomalies in the election results of the four constituencies. We intend to petition the results by next week,” he said.
Mr Chanda also said the ruling party has devised a plan to reorganise itself in the four rural constituencies.

He said the PF will tour Mpongwe, Lufwanyama, Masaiti and Kafulafuta to strengthen its structures.

“We have made inroads but we want to strengthen our structures in the rural parts of the Copperbelt. In the next five years, we will be more popular and stronger in rural Copperbelt,” he said.

Mr Chanda also said Zambians have high expectations of the PF Government and urged local authorities to play a big role in spearheading development.
“People’s expectations are high, we need not disappoint them,” he said.

He called on PF members to remain focused and kick-start the ruling party’s agenda of delivering development within 90 days.

Mr Chanda said the ruling party is keen to see the development of not only the Copperbelt but all parts of the country.
Meanwhile, the PF on the Copperbelt has thanked Copperbelt residents for their overwhelming support in last month’s tripartite elections.
Mr Chanda said it is now time for political parties to focus on national development because the campaign period is over.

Mrs Lungu said at a media briefing yesterday that she has decided to join the PF because she is convinced that the ruling party is capable of fulfilling the progressive promises it has made in the last 10 years.

She said the PF, through President Sata, has already started implementing some of the promises as can be seen from the decisions he has made in the first few days he has been in office.

“During his campaign trail, Mr Sata promised that he will restore the dignity of Zambians in the eyes of foreigners, especially investors who, for a long time, subjected our brothers and sisters to pathetic conditions of service. The President has clearly fulfilled this, going by the pronouncements he has made so far,” Mrs Lungu said.

She said she is happy with the firm stance President Sata has taken on the fight against corruption, to save public resources.
During her defection in Lusaka yesterday, Mrs Lungu said as a founder member of the MMD, she agrees with Chisamba member of Parliament Moses Muteteka that the MMD was hijacked by people who did not have the party’s interest at heart.

“These are the same people who became blind to reality and could not listen to what people were saying about the MMD’s style of governance, especially in the last days of its rule. With these hijackers still at the helm of the MMD, the party has truly lost direction and I cannot continue associating myself with a political organisation without a vision,” she said.

Mrs Lungu called on every patriotic Zambian to support President Sata in his quest to build a better country.

She also thanked Mr Sata for appointing some women as ministers, permanent secretaries, and to other key-decision making positions.
Mrs Lungu appealed to the opposition MMD and UPND members of Parliament not to frustrate the PF’s programmes but offer constructive criticism which will stimulate national development that every Zambian desires.

“Let us forget our differences and focus on working together as a united family so that we can leave a better Zambia for our children and generations to come,” she said.
[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Wait,so a party that hasn’t practiced internal democracy and imposes its preffered candidates on the zambian people is petitioning about having lost some seats in an real election? PF practise what you preach.You’ll never cease to amaze us.

  2. PF is a circus. what else do they want? Do they want to win all the seats on the copperbelt? Do they want the MMD to petition the votes for other seats? Do they even want the opposition to petition the reslts for the speaker of the house since he only won by 1 vote? Hope the courts will throw out the petition which is just wastingthe nation’s money.

  3. So its clear the mmd was full of hyenas including you mrs lungu. Rbish did indeed destroy this party. Where are vocalists like dora wetbed, ronie shikampuno and vuvuzelas like siulwapa, chifire n lifwekelo?? MMD needs you now than ever before. 

  4. There is very little reasoning in the PF. There should be nothing surprising about the constitution breaches we are seeing.

  5. This rubbish…… stupit nonsense MA RUBBISH why cant they just swallow their pride that they lost! or they want expensive by-elections so that they can rig! nonsense think twice imwe ba Poor Finishers

  6. Can this nonsense stop. It’s time to start working. Elections are over and the PF is in power according to the wishes of the majority(among the participating political parties) of those that had the opportunity to vote. Sata is now president for Zambia and not just for PF. When he does a good job lets encourage him and give the man the support he deserves, when he errors we shall equally not relent in making sure he knows and that he does the correct thing. Just sitting around hoping things will change wont help. We all have to work to see a better Zambia, its not only Sata to do the work! NO BY -ELECTIONS PLIZ START WORKING….SHAaaa.

  7. PF just wants more seats thats all, as much as Zambians love PF I think its time we didn’t give them too much power coz the day will come when we live to regret it. Freedom n independence should not be left in the hands of 1 political party but all Zambian. just sayin 

  8. Opportunist Maureen Munkonge Lungu, you never stop. Just because JBM and Sata are in power and you think you will be appointed to the foreign service again. Everyone is talking about nepotism and tribalism. Sata is aware. Where were you when PF was struggling?

  9. Please look at the margins before you conteplate on that wasteful voyage.Masebo lost by more than 6000 votes and she claimed rigging.Please get to work you are running out of time.

  10. “We are making inroads in the rural constituency”! Pf has accepted that they had weak structures in the rural copperbelt where they lost, why claim that you won the elections. But am not supresed thes guy a used to take such nonsese to court & it showed in RB time. I can only apeal to the opposition political parties to unit & come up with a polical party structure that will be representative structure for the whole Zambia. PF is taking as too far

  11. Do you want another one party? Be content that you won most of the seats. Do not waste time and govt money with bye-elections! 90days will soon come to an end with songs only!

  12. Wapya baisa, muyopanji bamambala pali petition? Tikuzibani nauCrook wanu imwe amabala, mufisanji?
    Who says when you are in power then you can’t petition even when the anomalies are there to see? Just relook at the results for Mpongwe and the previous ones and you get to see that not only these but others before have not been genuine. Tiyenabo.

  13. First -Its within the law to petition, and its the court to rule, not Sata. 
    Second – Its the parties(PF) decision to petition and they will use their own resources, not govt’s. 
    Advice  – There only one party that is trying to critise everything. That party is doomed and constipated. It will never be in govt for as long as that imature and childish leader continues to lead the party. Watch out for Chipimo jnr. Young, intelligent, charismatic, smart, articulate, educated … The young man makes very constructive and positive criticism. That is the type of leadership we need. Not just young but foolish. Chipimo is my next presdo.

  14. Ubu ebushilu ba PF. But we told the people that you are worse than MMD. But lets wait and ensure that you punish yourselves out of office. Tapali eko muleya ba PF mwaamba bwangu sana ubunangwa

  15. # 14 Ugly Truth. May you also highlight on why the MP who won in Chongwe resigned? The gentleman just come out in the open but he is decent enough not to accept FRAUD.

  16. “Former MMD secretary for women affairs Maureen Lungu has resigned from the opposition party to join the PF.”

    Wanting to eat with both hands, one leg here the other there. Drift wood and politics of the belly

  17. ba maureen, mmd – fdd – mmd and now pf.

    please give us a break.

    all these ministers in pf know what type of a gold digger that you are.

    if they give you a position, then we will loose confidence in the party.

  18. What is this political prostitute on about?  If she wants Zambians to be united, then why is she running away from her own party?  Is she the bitch that took over from Masebo?  Just shows!

  19. What is this political pr*st%tute on about?  If she wants Zambians to be united, then why is she running away from her own party?  Is she the b*tch that took over from Masebo?  Just shows!

  20. What an opportunist devil MOLEEN LUNGU political prostitute,surely you cant work in diversty?stop this nosense of bootlicking and heroworshiping


  22. but they never had these seats to start with. Why is it such a suprise that they did not win them???? Power makes people think their invincible *smh*

  23. A little contradiction here, ‘focusing on National development’ does not go hand in hand with petitions for lost seats.

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