Sunday, March 9, 2025

Zambian Soul Artist was main attraction at the Nigeria Independence Bash in Kharkov, Ukraine



Zambia’s Ukrainian based Soul Artist- Ariel was the main attraction at the Nigeria Independence Bash in Kharkov, Ukraine
The Soul Singer sang immediately after the speech read on behalf of The President of Nigeria addressed to all Nigerians on this special day. The Soul Singer, known for his live performances sang his Song Woman, an appreciation song for all women (mainly mothers). The smooth melody caused a quiet atmosphere as people paid attention to the strong lyrics and great vocals. This was followed by a great applause from the crowd. He was the guest artist at this event.

Watch the performance below.

He is aiming at spreading his music world wide, this is just the beginning.



  1. Stop misleading people,of course he was not singing for the President of Nigeria.This is some association of Nigerian in the Ukrain.As for the boy,thumbs down he has no vibe whatsoever.

    • I think it’s very sad that you decide to hate on a young and upcomin talented artist.. What pleasure do you get from seeing people fail? Even if someone is not perfect, there is always room to encourage them to do better. I’ve seen him perform and i can CONFIDENTLY say he is one of the best LIVE Zambian performers to date!! I’ll be laughing at you when he gets his MAMA in a few years time..

    • They havent said he was singing for the Nigerian president, neither have they indicated that. It is written plainly that he sang soon after the speech read on behalf of the president was read. Maybe you should learn to read and understand an article before you go on expreesing your lack of understanding. EISH!!!

  2. Ariel.. Keep it up man.. We are gonna keep supporting original art and talent!! And thanks for repin good for Zed in Ukrain..

  3. @Muyembe They havent said he was sing for the Nigerian president, neither have they implied that. They have plainly written that Ariel sang soon after the speech read ON BEHALF of the president was done. Learn to read and understand an article before commenting and making yourself look like you dont understand even the simple matters. What are you? A hater? EISH!!!!!!!!

  4. Who gives a shit who he was singing for… He did good and needs support ad ecouragement! Why y’all pull him down …..wankers! 

  5. Thanks so much our African Brother! On behalf of the Nigerian Student in Kharkov Ukraine. WE really appreciate your presence at the event. Love the track you dished out to us on our Independence day. WE LOVE YOU!!! Hope the Love, Peace, and Harmony continue among we Africans. Cheers!!!

  6. Always great to see a Zed Kid stepping up in life and doing something positive. Forget the critics Ariel, continue hitting your stride as a musician. Today you’re singing at a Nigerian Independence Bash, tomorrow you might be performing on the NBC Top 20.

  7. Great stuff and welldone son. But keep an eye on your weight. No offence but make sure you get in the gym a lot more.

    Proud of you.

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