President, Michael Sata has turned down an invitation from Malawian President, Bingu Wa Mutharika to attend the COMESA summit set to be held in that country.
He has explained that he is unable to attend next week’s summit in Malawi because of being declared a prohibited immigrant in Malawi following his deportation in 2007.
Speaking when he met President Bingu Wa Mutharika’s special envoy at State house David Bandawe, President Sata says until Malawi formally deals with the matter, he fears being embarrassed if he travelled as he is still regarded as a prohibited immigrant.
Mr. Sata told the envoy that he thought he was bringing the revocation of the prohibited immigrant declaration.
“You are fully aware of the dilemma I am in with your government,” Sata told Malawi’s high commissioner to Zambia David Bandawe after he delivered an letter inviting the Zambian leader to the summit.
[pullquote]“I went to Malawi to visit an opposition leader and your government bundled me into a (Toyota) Land Cruiser and said I am a prohibited immigrant. Your government has not been courageous enough to apologise and therefore I find it extremely difficult to go to Malawi.”[/pullquote]
“I went to Malawi to visit an opposition leader and your government bundled me into a (Toyota) Land Cruiser and said I am a prohibited immigrant. Your government has not been courageous enough to apologise and therefore I find it extremely difficult to go to Malawi.”
President Sata has instead assigned Vice President, Guy Scott to lead the Zambian delegation to the COMESA Summit.
Meanwhile, President Sata has ordered the reinstatement of all Copperbelt University students who were expelled for expressing displeasure at the re-appointment of Dora Siliya, as Minister of Education after a judical tribunal ruled that she breached the law over the award of a contract to RP Capital which was single-sourced to evaluate Zamtel.
And Mr. Sata has also directed the NAPSA management to reinstate the Director of Finance who was dismissed for challenging a questionable transition that would cost the authority billions of pensioners’ money.
This is contained in a statement made available to the media by Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations George Chellah.
Yeah, done well. What is Malawi?
Dats are signs of workn govt.
Sata has exhibited the highest form of diplomacy and wisdom. It’s said that you can sometimes fool some people but you cannot always fool all the people. Shame on you mbingu!
Viva CBU expelled students and NAPASA FD
Yaba!! Mbingu wamutarika waonengekera. You should asked george bush whether it was necessary to declare mcs a prohibited immigrant. See now our prez is loved by big time nations like usa, uk, german, russia etc while u u r jst loved by the opposition leader bwezani rupiah banda
I like this!
Reinstatement of CBU students is welcome. Let the students complete their studies. But I am afraid that if the presedent is going to meddle into the running of institutions, then his arm has gone beyond his limits. How can a The Republican President direct NAPSA Management on reinstatement of employees? Our judicial system should have handled this. Is the position of Director of Finance also a presidential appointee? The aggrieved party should have sued NAPSA for wrongful dismissal.
Important issues are taken up by his office for attention.There are people working for him, feeding him important data.The President is not a Super human being,and cant be everywhere and so tasks are delegated.Like the V P to Malawi.Napsa has trillions missing and needs attention.Its peoples money.Namwera??
Ba Kasaka, you should know that the firing of the NAPSA FD came from State House, hence even the reinstatement should be influenced by State House period.
The firing of the NAPSA FD came from state house, so even the reinstatement should come from there period.
You want to waste tax payers money when it is a straight foward issue. Law lyonse nefishipangile sense. When they did what did they base it on?
Do you just have the need to criticize at least something???
This was a politically motivated and orchestrated dismissal and because there is urgent need to sanitize NAPSA as a quasi govt institution, political intervention is inevitable for the reversal of the action.
There is nothing that spells overstepping the mark by the President.
Even with the reinstatement, the victim still has a legal recourse to take the matter to court
He is the chancellor. You do not know that the head of state in Zam,bia is the chancellor of UNZA and CBU. Did you not wonder why there is a vice chancellor to run the administration. Pres. MCS is in his right to reinstate the students. He is the only one worth overiding the vice chancellor’s decision.
Malawi should have know then that whatever goes around comes around. They thought Banda was forever there hence their lack of common sense of treating Mr MCS as a Zambian human being.
President of the people indeed. Well done your excellency.
It seems this country is a one man show….were are the ministers? Does the president run every issue of this country? This is really Africa
yes it is africa, the tonga people party wants independence from Zambia
Your definition of a “one man show” seems to be one-sided. Sending the Vice President to lead the Zambian delegation to the COMESA summit is certainly not what you mean?
Tulemilanga mudala how to rule with no no sense. What do you wnat to hear from RB spokes person?
He is setting the example!
Love your job waiting job in the States…
sata means well for zambia. may God bless him, may he give him grace to change zambia for good. may those that are against him also benefit from his leadership. amen
The character of Sata as PF president then, should be different from Sata the President of Zambia. Sata should rise above such petty differences. By not going, Sata is missing an opportunity to:
(1) show good leadership to up -coming political leaders in the region (2) Put
into practice the reconciliatory message that he touched on when he was being sworn-in as President (3) Reflect the 10 commandments that he declared to follow (4) As new President its huge opportunity to interract and learn a few things from other regional leaders. Further, the context of the invitation makes it wrong for Sata to turn down. Mbingu is not inviting Sata for a State visit, its COMESA meeting which is not Mbingu`s event. The reason Sata has given for not attending is cheap. Sata cannot be arrested.
Yes he can as long as his name is blacklisted. You should know that ‘KEKE’
If it is not Bingu’s event then why is he making the invitations?
He assigned Guy Scott, no need to mourn…..
# 11 Do unto others as u want them to do unto u.simple
It sounds silly but this issue starts the second liberation of Southern Africa.Zambia is a Shinning star once more and we start from Malawi.They must have free and fair elections like Zambia..Zimbabwe ,no comment but south Africas Foreign policy is taken over by Beijing, following the Dalai Lamas Fiasco.Like the Arab Spring,Africas Rains will start from Zambia.Good governance and freedom for the people.
@Kasaka. Your advise can not hold water.The CBU students dismisal there was political intereference from above.The FD dismisal was also polically motivated.No law or judicially was consulted.If u really ask me, dictatorship was practiced by people who heartlessly dismissed this people.Icintu chintu umwene.You want them to go to the law for their cases.Leka abaice bapwisha isukulu.The FD opposed that transaction on principle.If he did not do so, I am sure he could have been on the firing list.Sometimes it is important to use common sense
too much comedy
I think why Sata is making sort cuts in some of these issues like NAPSA DIR FIN its becoz he knows how poor and slow our judicial system can be. By the time the case is settled the man will have suffered for ziiii. and those CB sundent wil have developed cob webs in their brains may some of them were ba mature good MC clean more dirt…..
The Engineer (Australia): So how is Australia mate?When is your work permit expiring or did it the Nigerian way and got resident permit.It is wonderful to criticise Africa from the safe havens in your self imposed economic diaspora.By the way I heared the lady minister is tightening immigration laws.I wanted to come there also.How is the temperature? Do they call you names? Are u having it easy there? Or have u diched your Zedian citizeznship? When get bored and tired living in a foreign land, perhaps u might think we are stupid and come try your luck of ruling us here. Just maybe please do not lose your African touch.You are a child of the African soil.
@Sianga: Do you really think this is comedy?Put your feet in your friend’s shoes.I know most of those CBU guys.One was in the final year.So you see comedy in all this but you did not see comedy in what was happening in the previous goverment.If you wanted comedy, you could have gone to one of those compaigns were Bikiloni was. Maybe you could have laughed your lungs out. This is not comedy my friend and this is not a one man show.The plan was there long before MCS even became presido.Injustice was happening in the daylight.It is good that he made it public.Some of you culd have started asking too many questions if it was not done.Then you could have said otherwise.Opposition for you means opposing anythin even if it is a good deed.So which is comedy?
Never been confident in our leaders much as am in Sata. A wonderful turn of events in Zambian politics!
This explains why no single head of state come for the inngrtion of HE chilufya micheal by the way how Many pipo hv got Sata as there surnames here in zed
They were not invited. Banda had invited them to his instead. But as you noticed, things did not turn out that way. Oops!
You MMD losers complaining about President Sata’s so called “over reach” are the same architects of the Constitution he his operating under. You never bothered to listen to constructive criticism concerning our porous Constitution, as far as Presidential Powers goes. Now you complain about how Sata is over-reaching?! You thought you will rule forever, didn’t you?!
Show us where Sata has breached the current Constitution and people might listen to you. Otherwise, just enjoy the ride! The man is simply utilizing Constitutional instruments you “short sighted” MMD sycophants fought so hard to protect. These are the fruits of your Gearge Kunda and company. Soon, you will be powerless to do anything if PF ministers start stealing—you castrated corruption (ACC) laws too, didn’t you?!
Cool down yambayamba!Go to soweto market and buy a cuccumber to cool down!!No one hates somebody or anybody.Just use the heard to think and not legs or hearts to think.Same for Sata!cool down.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
No 14
20 years in OZ and no intention of coming to Zambia anytime soon thanks.
Then shut and send your village bululus some money for food
So why are you so interested in Zambia affairs??? focus on the rights of the Australian Aboriginies. We are doing fine in Zed and do not need irrelevant arm chair critics to take space on our blogs
25 years in the mighty USA and have never been so ready to go back home! Zambia, here I come!
well said yambayamba
What about Sata’s heart and flying?Can he fly regularly?watch this closely!GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
he was flying around during campaigns regularly. has nothing to do with his heart. u were so used to your tourist banda that you cant bear to see a president that knows that work is in zambia and not flying around to play.
Mr president DELEGATES RBish would have gone that thief loved holidaying.
President Sata called the spade by it’s name. Whats the fuss. Malawi it seems has’nt had enough of its diplomatic gaffes. What should have happened is that that country shd have sent an envoy to deal that with that particular issue of the deportation to HE MCS explaining the circumstances of his deportation and a possible apology. Just keeping quite and thinking the congratulatory mssg and invitation would blow the issue away is naive. MCS is again, was forthright and rightly so.:-?
Good move bakateka.u understand these issues let achimwene government apologise to u and RB
As for Sata’s refusal to attend COMESA meeting in Malawi, it is within good reason for Sata not to go to Malawi. Can you imagine if he showed up and got harassed by the Malawian immigration? The same people condemning him for refusing to attend the summit would be condemning him for “how he just couldn’t wait to test the “Challenger” on his first foreign visit as head of state.” I know RB wouldn’t have passed up this opportunity. The man loved jolly rides around the world.
I think the onus is on Malawi to right things. They should bring the PI case on Sata to a speedy conclusion as a goodwill gesture to their neighbor’s top man (President of the Republic of Zambia). If Malawi can’t do that, Sata has plenty of issues within Zambia to keep him occupied for the next five years!
I am enjoying this topic ma Guys, carry on, go on, move; this is what it takes to be in a democracy. At the end of the day even when/if we fight, shove, push, insult, castigate each other etc., etc., we are still a family, we are Zambians…
Well spoken.
chumbu munshulula
am enjoying this topic too..awe this is good mwe.. three cheers!!**==**==
Immediately HE MCS was sworn in, the onus was on the Malawian Govt to revoke the deportation order for the sake of good neighbourliness and bilateral relations. Don’t these faggots school in Diplomacy and/or Diplomatic Relations? C’mon Bingu and your Malawi, revoke the order and apologise. Its not like it will break a bone.
Mbingu, President Sata is not like any other president. Shame on Malawi leadership. Soon Mbingu will leave the office, then the new opposition party will invite Sata for inauguration!! For CBU students, Sata has shown that he rules above board, and he is president of all Zambians. And thank you for bringing sanity to NAPSA, it appears it was a conduit for DMM crooks siphoning people’s money.
I surely hope corruption will come to an end,look at our Country,our embassy in China,so many diplomats just enjoying government money when we all have to enjoy that just because we are not connected,this i wish the President to change and clean the embassy of all these diplomats.They take the embassy to be their homealone,if children connected to ministers are there they are offered drinks,but for those of us no.I will be graduating next year July hopeful to get a job back home not nchekeleko thing.The accountant who calls himself sifaya even tells some of my fellow friends when they ask for bursaries top up money that if they are not connected then nothing,what kind of government wastes money on such people.The President should come and see how many dip
I am happy with the stance he took, sent VP, Commerce Minister and Foreign affairs minister (Scott, Sichinga & Kambwili). Delegation and for a good reason. Sata nafuti nafuti,show them that a president does not have to go everywhere he’s invited, he can delegate!!! You got 90 days to start righting the wrongs and unnecessary travel to a ka country with no diplomacy is definately a well thought out move. Thanks, MCS!!!!
Sata has boobed big time
sata has done well by refusing to go to malawi the is good i hope mbingu has learn t a lerson thums up mr president
#22 – The Engineer. For someone in Australia, how come you are flagged up as being in the US all the time. Are you one of those diplomats in the US that are supposed to be called home soon?
ya Mr SATA is right also he should look at the people who were involved in all this who went to pick him up at the boarder from Lusaka and whose car was used it was MUSA who gave his 504 to go and pick up sata with police from Lusaka Mr SATA should also look in to this Musa as he is not a police officer so why was he involved this man has spoiled lifes of a lot of people and he goes around telling the Indian people that he is well connected in police and the judiciary if they have any problem they should go to him he is so powerful he just wakes in CJ office
Before we realize, the president will start appointing men to marry certain women with immediate effect…. He should learn to use his ministers and the judiciary in order to implement certain decisions otherwise, it will back fire. why didn’t he instruct the minister of education to investigate the matter of the expelled CBU students:-?
Bushit! who do you think will be waiting for an investigation? Your thinking like Ruphia
At first glance, this issue looks and sounds petty. But on another front, when you think about it in a rational manner this could indeed be a new dawn for politics in our region w.r.t. how governments aught to treat opposition parties. Certainly for Zambia it has been one big roller coaster lesson.
#11, Deportation is not petty. You should have known by now that Malawi is led by a bloody unpredictable dictator unwanted by Malawins themselves. Our president has done the right thing. Our country is unfortunate to be neighbours with Malawi under Bingu and Zimbabwe under Mugabe both of whom are Rupiah’s closest buddies.
If history is not dealt with once and for all,it always haunts the present. meaning that history repeats itself,so if the malawi issue remains unmentioned and unsorted,at a point or the other it’ll come to spring up and worse than it was,so i say it was a wise move mr president. And for CBU students,am glad the ryt to education has been granted back cz i believe thats what democracy is about.
Mr. Sata, as usual making a fool of himself.
Euli pamwamba, why should our President go to Malawi after deportation? What has changed in Sata that Malawi now wants. Musungu wanga every time and instead of facing reality. Treaty opposition leaders from neighbouring countries with respect.
This can happen to any one Sata or Mugabe. So lets learn from this all.
I think this Engineer (Australia) is repairing bicycles in Australia or condoms his white bitches break during their rough ridings.
President Sata has a point. Some of you disgruntled MMD chaps do not know what you are talking about. Bingu is a f.ool who has killed his own people because they were complaining about shortage of fuel. He has also marginalised his vice president Joice Banda for holding a different democratic view and for telling him that killing innocent people is not good. Now what do you MMD losers want; you want him to kill our own president-NO. After all what is in Malawi apart from stupid Bingu. His days are numbered mambala. Keep it up Mr. President Sata we are with you and no longer behind you as true patriotic Zambians. I end here.
Surely it’s common sense. He is still a PI in Malawi. The fact that Sata is now president has in noway altered this embarrassing status.That status should be revoked first before he can travel to that country. Is it a complicated process to issue a revocation order?
Good afternoon
It is quite unfortunate that Bingu wa Mutharika’s second term has become a litany of woes when his first term started out relatively well. His government has been muzzling the media, passing oppressive laws that violate the constitution and shrinking political space for opposition. As if this was not enough, they also deported the British High Commissioner, thereby alienating the international community.
I am impressed by the firm stand taken by our president by insisting on the revocation of the prohibited immigrant declaration. It shows that he is consequent in his matter: if some one slaps you in the face, you don’t go about smiling at them. An apology is the least they can do.
Well done His Excellency,let Mbingu apologise.Malawians are very sttubon.Guy Scott & Chishimba Kambwili wil attend the summit on behalf of mother Zambia.
I like the stance the President has taken. I wish he can personally demanded an apology from Bingu. Why is Bingu so sturbon; we are not answerable to Bingu are we?. Bingu is answerable to Sata whom he owns an apology. Let Bingu apologise if he is man enough. Bingu is a shameless dictator. Sata is a smart President Zambia has ever known. I had some reservations for Sata but now I think he has won my heart. May God bless President Sata. I end here!
Why should he go when he is still PI in that country? Atase kwati tulepapatila! What is there tradewise to promote in Malawi? Tu nshaupwa bwino fye……. Atase, they can hang. We can do without them. They can be stubborn, but remember we can also be stubborn. The easterners of Zambia share some of their ancestors too. Tulemona who will cry first. The drought is fast approaching them from their north. Tuchule just because of Bin Laden wa pa Malawi.
@38 Duducha:
Investigate? My foot! What is there to investigate when the case is so clear that the students were expelled for oppossing Dora’s reinstatement? Let us be real. MCS is spot on.
Well done Mr. President, Bingu is becoming another Mugabe, don’t associate yourself with him. Yes our Vice President will manage. Looks like it will be end of tourist RB era. Damn that Presidential Jet never rested.
What a gentleman our President is! If I was him, after talking to that Malawan High Commissioner about that nonsense, I would have bundled him in an old Toyota Land Cruiser and dropped him off in Chipata.
Well done Mr President.
Atase; tulepapata naku Malawi!!!! There’s a lot of UBULOSHI kumalawi, we don’t want unnecessary sicknesses ba Kateka!
Ba fikala naba finyo bamo tabakwata amano here. How the hell do yo expect the old man to travel when the PI status has not been lifted? This site sounds like its controlled by Simata Simata who always pause silly questions on Facebook like he is not a mature.
Sata and many of his people are still behaving like they are opposition. They need take their new roles seriously and show statesmanship. Do they know what diplomacy is? Sata needs to move past his ego and realize that it is important that the two countries always enjoy good relations in spite of his PERSONAL experience with that country. Malawians are our brothers and sisters and it is being short-sighted to disrupt the harmony that exists between our two countries. The new govt should move on. They are now in power and it does not benefit anyone to deal with such petty squabbles.
More like the US saying Syria/North Korea is our friend we have to move on and embrace them. Bakamilila abakashi mulelolesha imwe.
I do not know why this non-issue is receiving so much attention. There is no rocket science on this one. Why must a state apologise to what it did to an individual? When MCS was deported he was a private citizen and not a Head of State. That private citizen ceased to exist 2 weeks ago and may resurface after 5 years. So technically they can not apologise to that individual because he does not exist for now. If you are the Minister of Education, can you go to your former teacher and ask him for an apology for the beating he gave you because you did not do the homework? No, you can’t unless you have serious problems.
There are serious national issue to solve and whether we like it or not, good relations with our eastern neighbours are important. In my opinion, we are being childish!
@#47 Sheik. I hear he clocked more air miles in less than 3 years than Gaddafi did in nearly 40 years. Jesus Christ!
Kuti wapapa!!! No 41, 22 & 34……………Yes indeed freedom of expression!!!!!! But sorry I dont agree with your stance. Has the PI declaration been revoked? NO!!!!!!! Did you expect him to go and be embarrassed by some excited Immigration Officer at the airport again? You never went through a scenario where the parents to your friend told him “we dont think your friend is supposed to be coming here” in reference to you, and then you still insist on visiting your friend and end up looking very silly!!! Sori, bakateka is sport on, if anything its Bingu himself who must travel, epompelele with my comment.
# 11: keke- President Sata is still regarded as undeclared element and prohibited immigrant in Malawi. By law he is not supposed to enter Malawi not until that ordered is reversed.
People you surprise me.Tell me,what is the job of the President?If you didnt know,let me tell you…he is the overseer of the company called Zambia.He has the right to inerfere positively in sectors which are not doing fine.
Zambia has a disease called corruption which has gone so deep.He has the duty to show us how we should do certain things.After he has corrected the systems, you wont see him interfering unless again in areas where we will fail to reach our expectations.So imwe mwebaiba,dont think by you saying the President is over stepping in some areas,will stop him from catching you,you are wrong.
I am writing this from Malawi.
1. Well done, President Sata, for refusing to come to Malawi while your status is still that of Prohibited Immigrant, and while your expulsion is still unexplained.
2. I know that our own President went to Zambia for the swearing-in ceremony, but I am not entirely clear as to whether or not he actually attended it. Can anyone there in Zambia tell me if he did attend? The President’s various spokespeople here seem to be saying that he did attend, but had a seat which was a bit far from the action, because so many other people were there. They say all this in such a vague way that I do not know if he did attend the ceremony or not.
HE,MCS has work to do in Zambia and does not need to travel unnecessarily unlike RB who would be gone even without an invite.
#61. Yes your president attended the inauguration ceremony in Lusaka but I think he could have been invited by the former president who thought he would win the elections come what may. But when the scales tipped towards Sata he did not reverse the invitation as it was a state function. At-least thats what I know. I end here!
:) Every Head of State is invited to attend the inauguration ceremony for which ever President will win dear Peace Maker! Its not necessarily the sitting President who sends the invitations but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And many Heads of State did not attend the inauguration ceremony of President Sata, because that was the same time the United Nations Summit was taking place in New York.
zambians and malawians are the same people if bingu is foolish which i believe he is, let it not effect our relationship after all he is going soon God bless malawi and zambia
This was a politically motivated and orchestrated dismissal and because there is urgent need to sanitize NAPSA as a quasi govt institution, political intervention is inevitable for the reversal of the action.
There is nothing that spells overstepping the mark by the President.
Even with the reinstatement, the victim still has a legal recourse to take the matter to court
Engineer we know who you are dont tell lies on the blog..the facts are that you are still a student your father and mom are divorced. Your father was a dealer lived off your grandmothers wealth who was also a dealer in substances prohibited. Your mom only now works in an intergovermental organisation…you have an older sister who is also in Australia doing drama….so please dont lie before we post your names….you are half zedian and half tanzanian..if i were you? Shiii dont kubeba….
Spot on by Sata it shows integrity on his part, these African summits are a waste of time, and frankly waste of tax payers money and paper. BUFFOON RB would have been salivating and drooling at the chance to meet his thieving mates and add more precious air miles. That corrupt Mutharika regime are a nasty lot who wouldn’t even hesitate to machine gun their own people when they are protesting peacefully
Mr. Mutharika our president has more pressing issues to attend to like Nation Building!!
Welldone again MCS, uyu mu nyasaland, needs to be taught that you are cut from a different cloth. Dont ever go into that country until they have a new democratically elected leader. As for the Aussie engineer, stay put where you are, Zambia, is only looking for dedicated patriots eager to go back and help develop the country. Adios compadre!
Pliz pipo!!! All you *****s that think Mr sata has made a mistake. Deal with it! If that was your child I’m sure you would be happy. Ichalo chalikalipa ukaikulika
That is why i always question the calibre of the bloggers on this forum. The President should have exercised diplomacy. He should not have given that puerile excuse. He is visiting Malawi not in his personal capacity but as a President of the republic which is a member of SADCC. He definitely enjoys immunity which comes with that office. If his reasoning is applied World over, a lot of leaders would not attend the UN general conference. I like Mr Sata very much but i feel he needs to consult more. He has so far shown that he is a man of the people.
# 72 Democrat
The president has much-a-work to do in Zambia.. The sent the VP to go. That is enough other wise what is that overblown cabinet for if they cant attend in the presidents place.. He dos’nt have to be glob trotting to every summit he can attend.
Ba Sata mule kula naimwe, kwati kaiche!!!. He He, And saying goes, “If you call yourself an international leader, then you must be prepared to face people whom your own mother would not want to meet. @ # 54, Are you playing holier holier than thou here? Wilabepa ubufu, witchcraft is everywhere including in Zambia, nga filya fimbi fwachitike ku Kitwe fya ku Nakonde nifinshi??
If there is no business for Zambians to in Malawi, why did you open your embassy there? Why do Chipata boys keep jumping the border to smuggle grocories from Malawi? Why do Zambian musicians come to perform in Malawi, I thought they have found a lucrative market for their music in Malawi because of similarities in language and lyrics? Why are Zambian prostitutes found in the streets of Lilongwe, finshi ba konkako?
Number 74; Tawakwata amano. Learn to read between the lines. The status of our president is that he’s a prohibited immigrant. Can you ask your follish leader in Malawi to reverse it and then invite President Sata.
The Zambian prostitutes are there to look for useless people like you …and not anyone else!
They keep saying,” Iwe mudala uli na weight, onjezako k200 nizakupasa sex ya bwino”.
Why should it be a sin for Malawi to be deport a Mr Sata, when it felt it necessary to do so, but when Zambia deport Morgan Tshvangirai back to Zimbabwe for similar reasons then it must acceptable. Awe takuli, there will be no apology from Malawi, its either you take it or leave it ba Sata takuli ukupatikisha.
The likes of “The Engineer” are showing their true colours. what an ***** you are the same cockroaches who give us Zambians abroad bad press.If your Oz wife doesn’t want to move to Zambia that’s your problem. Its just beggars belief, you are the same chaps who were supporting very corrupt regimes yet you have no intentions of setting foot in your home country. I highly doubt it if you are an engineer as educated individuals don’t wear the professions on their sleeves or labels.
Keep your bitterness to yourself if you unable to contribute constructively!!
#11 KeKe Your are right, #59 Anold Nyambo You are pedling lies. Mr Sata is taking local politics to regional Comesa and Sadic. Mr Sata was deported as an indiviual representing an opposition party posturing in a foreign country which was animical to peace and security to Malawi. His ban was lifted a few weeks ago which he states in his press statement. He lacks statemanship dilomacy by turning down that invitation as #11 said how will the region receive him because its in such gatherings that new heads of states are received. What will happen if Comesa and Cadic member states boycot Zamabia with such attitude from our president?
He “…..delivered an letter.” An letter? ba Times?
Why are you surprised? Others already commented about how almost every Parliamentary Candidate and Members of the Central Committee were hand picked. Certain habits die hard. Wait, you have not seen enough!
One is respected more when you do things contrary to the treatment you were given, that is, if badly treated, treat them better. Now President Mbingu is a hero over this! Is this the tooth for a tooth? We are in a new covenant of Loving even those who hate us! I hope other Heads of State will not feel bad as Malawi is just a host but membership is wider. Zambia is not an Island. Be a peace maker your Excellency. Its not about you. Its about Zambia. When you were deported you were a PF president and not head of state. Take it that way!
You sound kinda stupid, don’t you think?
I think Next will be South Africa that had questioned our President at the Airport when he was party president. That is when he was found with US dollars- was it 27000? I do not know what will be the reaction when invited by President Zuma.
MCS the last true statesman standing.
Ladies and gentlemen, the question is: Was President Sata justified to turn down the invitation? Perhaps yes considering his PI status (though it was lifted last week but not officially communicated). But did he act and communicate appropriately as head of state? No, he acted much more as a populist; looking for vantage points in the areas of controversy. He wants praises ‘Sata has done this and the other!he needs ministers to carry out tasks, and a spokesman so that he only remains for damage control.unfortunately…we have a long way to go.
Dear #74/#75 Lake Malawi, I follow your argument but I think you missed the crux of the matter, which is simply this:- Governments in our region must NOT treat opposition parties as outcasts of society. So, whether it is Mbingu Govt Vs Sata or MMD Govt Vs Tshvangirai makes no difference. Treat opposition parties with civility because they’re Govt-in-waiting and are part and parcel of any democratic dispensation worth its salt. To bundle a leader of a very well established political party into a Vehicle and deport him purely because he holds a different view to the ruling party in the country he comes from should be discouraged. Thats the lesson.We are not saying Mbingu should have feted Sata, no. Just respect him because he could be the Govt in waiting. And this has proved to be the case.
@ Brabus #81, I don’t agree with you either, Zambia at one time in the Kaunda’s era was attacked by South African agents for habouring ANC cadres in Zambia not so?Why? The reason Malawi deported Sata, was that, Malawi did not want to be seen as meddling in the political affairs of Zambia, then, during Rupiah Banda’s presidency, by allowing Sata to conduct the his political business in Malawi with Taiwanese, Bakili Muluzi etc. But all those are gone, all we are preaching here is change management? Lets move with time? Malawi was diplomatic enough to lift the travel ban to Sata, as well as send him an invitation, But if he is not interested then its fine, he can stay.
Sata is still PI in malawi. Just because he’s now president does not mean the law favors him to go there. This is the simple reason that he decided not to go.
The amount stupidity here is staggering! Forget about the unexplained reasons for Sata’s deportation from Malawi. That’s past. To move forward Malawi has to do the correct thing, that’s to first legally revoke the PI status of the now president of Zambia, Chilufya. Malawi is further heaping insults on the president by stubbornly refusing to eat humble pie and admit what they did to Sata was unfathomably stupid. The decent thing for their president is to accept the fact that his GVT acted stupidly and unprofessionally and apologize and follow the due process of law and revoke the stupid PI status. Is that complicated or are they just behaving like a difficult child?
Mbingu is behaving like a typical African leader. You feel sorry for the people of Malawi. All you morons saying nonsense about H.E MCS should try following the happenings in Malawi.
Well done Mr President.
Viva change in Malawi!
@#84. Wantanshi. Difficult child is even better and an insult to intelligent difficult children. The man Mbingu is behaving like a foolish child.
@#82. Iwe chi Lake Malawi. Stop being foolish you mug. Hilary came to Zambia and met Sata and the others, if he did the same in Malawi he would be a PI. Mbingu is denying the fact that he is in bad books with the worst at the moment. Read the press of Malawi even the government controlled media are talking about it.
Why do Africans just support for the sake?
@#82. Iwe chi Lake Malawi. Stop being foolish you mug. Hilary came to Zambia and met Sata and the others, if he did the same in Malawi he would be a PI. Mbingu is denying the fact that he is in bad books with the west at the moment. Read the press of Malawi even the government controlled media are talking about it.
Why do Africans just support for the sake?
No need for Sata to go, RB has this invitation in his itenary for 2011…RB ahd already accepted b4 the elections…lol
Wel done mr president,in chewa we say mutaya makoko saibala koma mudya nyemba aibala.in english,he who eats nuts 4get the day but he who will throw the nut peals wont 4get.mbingu has 4goten wat he did some months ago.such are presidents we needn,t in africa they destroy.napsa fd and cobusu members,gud call mr sata we need justice.viva zed.
Hate him or not the man is right to refuse.A shadow president is what Sata was and Malawi presido should know that, let him say sorry and bring back the diplomatic relation between them.Sata is not the character you push around and I would have done the same.
It was Banda who asked Malawi to treat Sata like that now that he is gone Malawi has to build the relation and respect any shadow cabinet of other countries. One day Sata will initiate this reconciliation if Malawi president is shy or rude,I know king cobra just wanted a spade to be called by it’s name period.
@#82 Chi lake malawi you are so retarded. This is new time and age, it’s the 21st century.
Italian Bunga Bunga (Original)
Thanks, that’s exactly what I meant, a very foolish child.
@ # 88 Na iwe wine chi Italian Bunga Bunga, uleichindika wamfwa, you are the puppet of the West. You are the one that preaching about yes boss attitude to the westerners for the sake of donations. Donchi kubeba, about the Malawian press to me, I know what is happening in Malawi more than you do. Kabiye mukukolopa ifimbusi uko uli.
That is what happens when you just pick anybody and make them president of a country. Sata the president of Zambia is different from Sata a Zambian citizen who was performing dubious deals in Malawi. We would do the same to a citizen of any country. Malawi owes nobody an apology. This behavior is going to isolate us and you will see by the way you will be treated in other countries. Let him boycott South Africa as well. Then you will see. Do not take stubbornness too far.
Lake Malawi whether you are from Malawi or not we do not care mate Malawi messed the relation by dancing to former president Banda tune. Italian BB# 88 is right the west do respect opposition that’s why Hillary talked to the opposition or Sata when she was in the country. I can’t believe they put him in a car and sent him back to Zambia and to day we have zambians who wants Sata to rush back there at a simply invitation from the same man. Listen to Sata he said first say sorry,ie first tell the world and my country men you regret your earlier action,then we can do business together.
Even if you want to criticise Sata pls don’t ask him to belittle himself to a small neighbouring country’s president. Spare us the shame not even HH should be treated like that south of the equator.
Very petty stuff, Sata would be attending as head of state not private citizen that was earlier expelled from that country. Iran, Libya, Venezuela, Syria, Cuba and all other countries the US considers enemies still attend UN meetings. This is just taking it personal. Take a leaf from Mandela, he still visited some western countries including the US that considered him a terrorist in the fight against apartheid. ANC was still on a list of terrorist organizations until the Bush administration removed it. Where are this man’s advisors? Seems like one man show resolutions.
#82 you can’t even be ashamed yourself. Don’t embarrass your stupid self. MSC is a very principled man. Mbingu was trying to please his poor RB but now time has caught up with him, he should be ashamed just like you.
Peter #67, you really suffer from inferioty complex. So what if i leave in the USA? I also lived in the UK for a number of years during my university days, nothing special there. If you where smart you should attacked my ideas and not talk about where i live. Good day!
@#93. Lake Malawi. I have more respect for HH than Mbingu mate. Got to laugh at your simplicity though.
I am off to clean the toilets now. It`s what makes me send my kids to school.
Peter #67, you really suffer from inferioty complex. So what if i live in the USA? I also lived in the UK for a number of years during my university days, nothing special there. If you where smart you should attacked my ideas and not talk about where i live. Good day!
Mercutio pls you are talkin of Libya ,Syria etc attending UN yes that is not at a personal level and what option do they have? No one messes with UN but my friend not a personal matter like the Sata issue and Malawi can be asked to apologies. What you seem not to know is opposition in a democratic system is a shadow Govt which neighbouring country should watch closely and respect. Sata knows how important participation is to this mission that’s why he has sent his Vice. If he went and get shot cheap politicians again here will question his intelligence. May be because we have no topics to blog since morning otherwise Sata is right.
Mutarika will remember Sata when the people of Malawi demand is blood for the torture there going through. Never be in bad terms with your neighbour in politics,they hold the keys to your exit door you find yourself in William Banda ‘s shoes.
Malawi GVT has been exposed for the stupidity every thinking Zambia already knows deep down. The only country in Afrika that supported apartheid South Afrika and spied for them. Shame, this time there’s a real Zambian president with Zambian interest at his heart. We are moving forward ahead at sputnik speed away from stupid *****s we have had the misfortune to be neighbors with.
At the end of the day, I am pro-Zambia and I am happy that a high ranking representative will be attending this Comesa summit. Well done.
what is happeing to Sata is what happened to Katumbi when Mwanawasa come in power..he deported Katumbi only to discover that Katumbi is Governor for Katanga province in Congo DR…Levy had to normalise the relationship with Katumbi. In case u have noticed, Malawi has refused to revoke the PI nor apologize. Only a fool can go to stupid Malawi…Sata is morally and legally right…in any case, comesa summits are never ending without any tangible progress in ‘comesa’
People need to understand issues from a profound perspective. Sata was actually lucky not to be detained and depoted instead. Those defending are just embarassed that the current president of Zambia was depoted by a neighbouring country. Sata was posturing in a foreign country. Try it in RSA, Angola, Britain, USA etc actions perceived to be animical to peace and security of their country they will arrest you as a common criminal & don’t blame them. The question is have we got a stateman as president of Zambia? How does one demand apology from a foreign country that arrested you. Was RSA wrong to question Sata with his $20000 at airport now that he is president. Swallow your sturboness its embarassing & it will ever be.
I wish to support your position on this one. Many Zambians are not aware that once they leave their borders, they lose their status of the originating country. You become subject to the laws of your host country and must comply to everything there. But such lessons are difficult for many people who have never lived outside Zambia. Sata was carrying a normal passport and not representing anyone. Why expect another govt representing millions of Malawians to apologise? That is unreasonable and an abuse of his current position.
Personally, I have spent time with Malawians and they are amongst the most pleasant people we have in the region. I can not think of another country that we share so many values. It is unfortunate some people have big egos and are only interested in short term goals
I do not know why this non-issue is receiving so much attention. There is no rocket science on this one. Why must a state apologise to what it did to an individual? When MCS was deported he was a private citizen and not a Head of State. That private citizen ceased to exist 2 weeks ago and may resurface after 5 years. So technically they can not apologise to that individual because he does not exist for now. If you are the Minister of Education, can you go to your former teacher and ask him for an apology for the beating he gave you because you did not do the homework? No, you can’t unless you have serious problems.
There are serious national issue to solve and whether we like it or not, good relations with our eastern neighbours are important. In my opinion, we are being childish!
Mercutio, the UN has diplomatic immunity to the US, so Iran, & others can still step onto American soil on that technicality, so can Mugabe!!
Good thinking Mr. President. Mbingu should just swallow his own bitter pill and accept that he made an unforgettable diplomatic error when he allowed Sata to be declared a PI. i DONT LIKE SOME OF MY NEIGHBOURS and Malawi is one of them. The people are so backwards and JUST WHAT IS Malawi anyway????!!!!!! Just how can a serious leader fly into Zambia and fly back after receiving infor that Sata won the elections. Mbingu has nothing in common with our country’s leadership under Sata and he forgets that one day he will leave that office. abash Malawi!!!!!!!!!!
Jeff Mwanza
I feel sorry for you,
you think Zambia is an entity on the World scene, for your information Malawi does not need Zambia for her survival. Please know that the only unity that is there is that Malawi
and Malawians are Blood related thats why 2 of your 4 Presidents were Malawians, so please dont write rubbish here think before you contribute
I welcome the reinstatement of CBU students and FD for NAPSA. Let all CEOs of all institutions learn from this and that they should not run institutions to appease political leaders
This issue is really not about Malawi vs MCS. This issue is about Zambia and Comesa. MCS is our president and as such has diplomatic obligations, one of which is supporting regional bodies, such as Comesa and SADC. While MCS is a PI in Malawi, the President of Zambia is not.
If our president is willing to put diplomatic ties on the line because of something that happened to him as a civilian, then I think we are heading for tough times. For what its worth, I am glad that the President sent the VEEP to Malawi. It proves that while the president is bitter about the past, he cares enough for Zed to keep the Comesa dream alive. Well done.
This action by Mr Sata (he should have just quietly sent the VP to represent him as a way of showing his displeasure) will have serious repercussions on his presidency in relation to how he is going to relate with presidents in the neighborhood. Mr Sata may be an old man but he is a junior to Kagame, Khama or Kikwete because though young, these have held their positions longer. Leaders do not like newcomers to upstage them – this was the problem between Big Bob and Mandela. A diplomatic disaster is waiting to happen in Southern Africa and our President will be the main actor. Now wait for economic repercussions. Let us not blindly support backstreet behavior by the highest Office in the land.
Don’t worry Mr President, every decuission you make some people will critisise and some will agree. In this case I think it was a good one.
Who is advising our good president on this one? International relations have a certain code of practice that have evolved over hundreds on years as different nations interact. These are the ones that are applicable now and not an individual’s ego. When you go to another country as a private individual, you are asked what you will be doing and how long you are going to stay. If MCS broke the law, then it is him that should be apologising and not the other way. I hope sanity is restored quickly.:-?
Adviser stop arguing like a kid, do you know what you are talking about? Or you are one of those bitter MMD chaps
Sata must be impeached….
Bingu is a dictator, I must say the African Union is useless and toothless, he continues to oppress the oppositon in that country. He is a man I would not like to be associated with at this time.
I hope the bloggers do understand that we need malawi more than they need us. Muchiji border is the fastests and best route from DAR. tHE PEOPLE OF CHIPATA AND KATETE DO MOST SHOPPING IN MALAWI. SOBO DRINK IS FROM MALAWI. tHE MUCHIJI RAILWAY CORRIDOR WILL BENEFIT ZAMBIA THAT MALAWI. SO DONT JUST OPEN YOUR MOUTHS.
But for real bemba’s have said all ati Pansaka tapabula Chipuba!!! all those saying that our President must forget about the all thing are the ones we call Pansaka as ifipuba, please Mr. Sata don’t even think about it you are right and you think so highly and you love us as people of Zambia.. And by showing them that you really think and you are also important in the image of God you have sent your Vip to go there so really you are so good and you have just shown as Zambians to stand strong and know what we want in life.. Viva Sata you are the best so fr!!!!
President Sata needs doses of tact to appreciate statesmanship. For starters, he did not know better by declining the invitation. Again, it was no good aiming to embarass a fellow president. The bible says, “Be peaceable with all men.” In truth, nation Zambia and all its fullness belongs to God and Sata is only a steward. More stil, the Owner expects the steward to be a good and faithful servant, not a mocker or avenger since vengeance is God’s only, and men ought to forgive one another. By and large, Zambia has much to lose for being an unforgiving “bad neighbour.”
I’m sure the people of Chipata and Eastern province will manage without fi Sobo and Powers. Its time to support Zambian produce from Zambia Breweries.
Ahem! So Sata is so scared of going to Malawi and has delegated a guy with a mzungu sounding name (Scott) and two ministers with Malawian sounding names: Kambwili and Sichinga to represent Zambia? Good job! This is not a Malawi meeting, it’s a COMESA Meeting and I don’t think Bingu will be spending sleepless nights on why Sata is not going. It is purely Zambia’s own preregative on who they send to any Summit to represent Zambia’s interests.
That said, it should be said that Malawi has already gone thru what Zambia is going through now. Bingu himself, when first elected, was well loved and he attracted plaudits from all over the world for turning Malawi into the food surplus nation that it is today and for engineering an economic turn around.
l support you Mr president.they should apologies first.mbingu should kneel down .viva pf.
bingu is a bully;
bingu picked on sata when sata was helpless;
bingu picks on poor voiceless malawians;
do not be swayed by this ‘let by gones be bygones’;
bingu was sacked from comesa for his bullying;
he deserves to APOLOGISE and change if that is possible; do NOT play with dictators… zambian/malawian relations do not depend on bingu – we are related people and we do not bind families by the activities of mad uncles, do we?
and i am a malawian
Malawi can get the hell on. What goes around comes around. Look who is laughing now.
Great wisdom and tact. Let Dr. Guy Scott go there and I think Malavi will learn a lesson or two from Zambia! Well done President Sata!
The only people who could possibly be disgruntled by his actions are the opposition who clearly still haven’t woken up from their bad dream ie; DEFEAT! Its over and done with guys, get with the program. Quit drowning in your pointless critique. This boat is sailing irrespective of your senseless negativity. Here comes a man motivated to change things, something Zambia has not had in yonks! We completely understand he has intercepted your thieving ways and your days are numbered, but again….get over it! There is absolutely nothing wrong with him turning down this inviation. He was diplomatic enough to send people who do not have legal complications to enter the country. No one in their right mind ( especially a head of state) would risk such an embarrasment.
This ( 2007 occurence) goes down as another thing in the book of what MCS has gone through in his political career. This man has been through A LOT! This has a lot to do with who he is today and how he handles things. People are so quick to judge without knowing what drives certain forces. Sata is not a follower…he is a LEADER! A tough one at that! MCS….you have kicked off to a GREAT start! Keep on keeping on! We know you aren’t affected by the small minds anyway, you have SHOWN US…you are better than that! KEEP SAILING!!! The MAJORITY are on board…the elections were the FIRST sign…more to come!
Mr Sata needs to go to Malawi and attend COMESA, even without the apology of Bingu. COMESA is a regional organization that has nothing to do with what happened between Sata and Bingu. A case in point, Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe is a PNG in the USA, but attends the UN meetings in New York without asking for an apology from the US president for the PNG. President Sata needs to go beyond personal politics as a Zambian leader.
Guys, when Sata visited malawi, he was not just a private individual but an opposition leader and hence a potential president, if mbingu wa whatever had an iota of sense in his empty head he should have looked at the matter along those lines. when Hilary Clinton visited Zambia she met Sata on the premise of Sata being a potential president, she did not come to visit me because i am a private individual. Sata has made a right decision not to go to some backward african country that embarassed him, this will teach a lesson to some other african leaders to be tolerant with opposition leaders internal and external period!!! moreover zambia attended the comesa thing through the VP. who needs malawi anyway!!!!
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