Sunday, March 9, 2025

Drifting has cost Zambia – Sata


President Sata kisses the palms of Bishop of Canterburry Rowan Williams at State House

President Michael Sata says Zambia’s development has lagged behind because of its drifting relationship with the West.

President Sata says in the recent years Zambia has drifted away from the west to establish relations with other regions.

He was speaking when the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams called on him at State House in Lusaka.

President Sata says First Republican President Kenneth Kaunda achieved a lot during his reign because of the close relations he had with the West.

Mr Sata knelt and kissed the hand of the Archbishop of Canterbury and his delegation that accompanied him to State House.

The President told Dr Williams that the church in Zambia lacks human resource to spread the word of God and asked the Church in Canterbury to send some of its priests to serve in Zambia.

And Dr Williams congratulated President Michael Sata on his election as President of Zambia and wished him well in his quest to bring development to Zambia.

He also acknowledged President Sata’s commitment to develop a fair and just tax regime in the country.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is in the country for a two day visit and will leave the country on Thursday.



  1. “Mr Sata knelt and kissed the hand of the Archbishop of Canterbury and his delegation that accompanied him to State House.” paliba drama pali ba Sata!

  2. Didn’t this bishop recently ordain gay priests in England? He received some resistance in zimbabwe coz of homosexuality. Hmm I hope this isn’t the beginning of wide spread homo tolerance in Zambia.Its un African leave it to the europeans please.We have enough poverty issues.

    • Thus I am tripping here and going to pray the Church in Zambia does not fall asleep, infact all Zambians pray to Jesus and keep Zambia straight.

    • That is the issue my brothers and sisters . these guys ordain homosexuals as priests and our president is asking for those priests to come to Zambia, what is the deal here.Zambians please let us watch and pray.

    • The resistance in Zim was more political rather than the Anglican doctrine on homosexuality. kunonga who led the protests against Williams is a thug who gets away with criminal activities because of his connections to ZANU PF and mugabe….but of course, no serious christian organisation can condone let alone accept and ordain a homosexual.  

  3. Only Kiss the hands of Jesus. Never Kneel down before any Canterbury and all that nonsense. You are better of kissing the hand of a Rabbi or an African elder, read your history, Israel and africa go hand in hand. I love my president, but this is ridiculous.

    • I agree with Mwanawakwitu, I love my president too, seeing my President Kiss and kneeling down to this man is just not right. It’s high time us Africans get up and stand tall.

  4. this is my president. I wish him well as he tries to sort out the many problems of this nation. #1 you have mad my day.

  5. Now Cameron is sending the church again, like they did with David Livingstone to doudle re-colonise us, I dont care whether you are an old Time LT blogger if you can’t smell the roses then use your common sense. By the way Roses smell like poop. Why does Zambia not invite Japan to invest or build Toyota, Nisan, Mitsubitshi, Honda, Suzuki, Mazda, Kawasaki, Sony, Nintendo, Hitachi……………University of Japan in Tokyo for development, this still bugs me.

    • The black race is the minority race in the world. There are only 1 billion black Africans in the world. There are 4 billion Asians, 1.6 billlion whites.

  6. Honestly i do not believe in this Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Williams, i do not even know what Christianity faith he represents because at one time he started campaigning for the boycott of the Great Nation of Israel in Britain. And i do not why? Especially that Christians are supposed to PRAY for the nation of Israel. The Bible states to Pray for the Nation of Israel.

    I do not know why our president knelt before this Archbishop of Canterbury!! President Sata is supposed to kneel before Bishops representing Christians and supporting the Nation of Israel.

    • Is that the same Nation of Israel that kills Palestanians evry day. Is it the same that has the Mossad who are known for eliminating other humans around the world? Do you think that is the one the bible talks about. The nation of Israel is for the Jewish faith and not the Christian faith. Help me understand these.

  7. By the way, I am pro Jesus, pro Ancient africa creating civilisation, pro Isreal( they should seek Jesus too), Pro education, pro Zambia, pro food, housing and common sense.

  8. I mean, “And i do not KNOW why? Especially that Christians are supposed to PRAY for the nation of Israel. The Bible states to Pray for the Nation of Israel.”

  9. From kissing chiti Mukulu last year to kissing the bishop of canter fimo fimo ? Ha ha ha…my Cobra is a comedian indeed.

  10. the church in zambia has not human resource? in case the president doesnt know, there are few men going into priesthood even in europe

  11. hmmmm… data zoona. Isn’t this the same Archbishop who was denied an audience by the head of the Anglican church in Zimbabwe because of having ordained gay priests? I only hope thats not why he’s in Zambia ;)

  12. Good evening

    @Mwanawakwitu, I’m with you 100% on this one. I love my president too but I don’t feel comfortable to see that picture. Wouldn’t a warm embrace or a brotherly kiss have sufficed? However, I guess it would be wise to leave such a trivial issue behind and try to focus on more important matters. To me, the future and welfare of 12 million Zambians is a great deal more important than Canterbury and it’s dozens of Bishops.

  13. This stinks, how can a head of state go down on his knees like this before a bishop appointed by Queen Elizabeth? Now you know how the Brits brain washed Sata during the time he was sweeping the corridors of Victoria station in London. This is colonialisation all over again!

  14. @ No 20 Nine Chale greetings my brother, we have not discussed the win our president mr. Michael Sata scored. Zambians won more than most even envision. Yes lets move past this and head straight to development.

    • Greetings brother. Yes, we haven’t specifically conversed about the change in our country. Anyhow, it looks like we are bound to come together and interact on related issues from time to time. I’m glad that we see eye to eye on most issues regarding our African identity.
      I have no problem to forgive the former imperialists but I insist that we should not forget the damage that has been done to us. Our inability to acknowledge that will make us vulnerable to oppression again and cost us more than the so-called drifting from the west. I would rather we drifted from the west than drift right back into slavery again!

    • Greetings bro. Yes, we haven’t specifically conversed about the change in our country. Anyhow, it looks like we are bound to come together and interact on other issues from time to time. I’m glad that we see eye to eye on this one. Stay blessed.

    • Greetings bro. Yes, we haven’t specifically conversed about the change but it looks like we will continue to interact on other issues from time to time. I’m glad that we see eye to eye on this one. Stay blessed.

  15. You know I Like Miyanda more than any other leader @ # Nine Chale, but I like President Sata too, my president and Obama as well. Mr. Sata was a great governor, Lusaka was clean and councils worked. Only thing that hurt was our opposition and one or two independents could not secure the speaker position for real checks and balances. Being in the US and you in Germany, we know just how important a major wing of government being in opposition hands really is. But let Us continue celebrating Zambians in 2011 trully getting a president us the majority voted for.

  16. J Kenyatta once said ” when the first missionaries came to our land we had the land, they brought bibles with them, they taught us how to pray with our eyes shut. When we opened our eyes we had the bibles and they had the land”
    Lets not forget why we started drifting away from them to begin with!!! MOST OF THEM DONT HAVE GOOD INTENTIONS FOR THE BLACK RACE ANYWAY.

  17. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams is gay to start withand a strong advocate of gay rights.Drama as usual from Cobra.

  18. te darma yama ba strawberry. that’s a catholic belief of receiving a forgiveness and a blessing. Hope you’re understand. Believe him and he’s going to do it. He’s action oriented i can tell U.

  19. “President Kenneth Kaunda achieved a lot during his reign because of the close relations he had with the West”…somebody is re-writing history. Those must be British made AK47’s the GRZ security services carry…and were those MIG jet fighters parked up at Lusaka Airport a gift from the USA? Tazara must have been built by the Swiss…after they do good railways. All that Chinese-made equipment that Zamtel owed millions on. Please guys get real…take investment from wherever it comes. Trust me China will own Zambia in 5 years time, nothing will change.

  20. @27
    This is 2011 what are talking about, The Church of England wouldn’t be anywhere without its black members in the developing countries ie. commonwealth!!

  21. Drifted form the  west ? isn’t this the same west that colonized and crippled development, the same west which has gone out of it’s way to cripple and under develop africa with it’s imperialistic policies. What country on this planet has ever developed when dealing with the west, Iraq bombed, Afganistan bombed and so and so forth, in fact the majority of african growth has come from african countries weaning themselves of western policies. And kissing the hands of a white archbishop what kind of rubbish is this, if you remember in acts chapter 10 cornelius tried to do the same with peter told him not to kneel and told him he too is a man. Kneeling and kissing the hands of another man is being subservient.

  22. #30 The bishop is Anglican not Catholic. They are two different churches from each other with different guidelines.

  23. #32… it stinks man… sorry!Jesus is the way , the truth and the life! he came all the way from heaven to die and cleanse his sins…not from a bishop!

  24. Archbishop of Canterbury, is to the Church of England, what the Pope is to the Catholic Church, so MCS knows what he is on about.

    • No, you are wrong. The Pope is the supreme head of the Roman Catholic Church. The Archbishop of Canterbury is not. The supreme head of the Church of England is the Monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, at present Queen Elizabeth II.

  25. hahahaha i llove this blogg,somtimes i feel like we are sittin in a cafe drinking coffee chatting and lauging.its good sometimes to keep quiet and read people’s commets.LOVE YOU GUYS

  26. It is either that Mr Sata is a lier and smooth talker, or he has lost his memory. It was KK who changed course and turned to the east after the 1969 Mulungushi reforms. Please Mr President don’t rewrite history. The UK government gave Zambia £1.5 m in 1964 to help the young country on its 5 year national development plan. When UDI was declared in Southern Rhodesia, the UK government sent Royal Air Force planes to defend our airspace and assisted Zambia in various fields except building a rail line to Dar. The western govts said it was not feasible, and going by the TAZARA history, looks like they were right. KK turned to China and USSR for help, while at the same time playing east vs west as a non-aligned nation.

  27. What this man has done has got nothing to do with being a catholic. How many catholic presidents are there in the world? Do they do such nonsense even when they receive the Pope in their countries? Utuchawa umuntu wenu, twalichilamo!

  28. Sata is always going to give intenation relation nightmares…now is fighting the west aganist the east…the truth is the west is going to the east (China) for bail-outs..So Sata is better served by learning the global political dynamics of 2011 compared to 1965..

  29. Sata you should never kneel before a fellow human being and worse off you did it before a person who advocates homosexuality.The Bible says that no man will lie with another man but this priest,erhh pest thinks he knows better.It is because of such false prophets that the Bible says that you will be surprised to see who won’t be in heaven or who will be in heaven.Sata when you kneel down let it be for God only and not a human being.

  30. This is China, it is real and not a game…..with the foolishness the west who are rioting like anyone becoz they are broke!This is China and it will be China watch it Grow!

  31. Our President has no clue about current economic dynamics. The West have nothing to give in terms of development. Their own economies are not growing and they are in real trouble. They are also looking to China for investment and business to help their own economies. Their aid is about maintaining the status quo with strings attached to their aid. Just the other day Cameroon announced that countries that persecute gay people will have British aid cut. That has already happened to Malawi. Typical arm twisting and bullying conditions to access of aid. Is that what our president wants us to be dependent on? The whole world is looking to learn from China, India and Brazil, we abandon relations with these blocks at our own peril. He’s doing the colonial “muzungu anikonde.”

  32. #46, you hit the nail on the head. KK was swayed by the socialist agenda in the late 60s, which was one of the factors of our economic demise. That ideology does not work, period!! 

  33. This Gay bishop of Canterbury was not welcomed in Zimbabwe. Not even Mugabe could tolerate him as he is gay. Now Sata should kneel before a gay bishop. By the way this guy is not a Catholic priest but Anglican. And Sata is catholic. What a controversy! Does this president knows what he wants? Maybe its all about “dont kubeba – we are gay”!  Someone to remind Sata that he is the president of Zambia and he should not worship gay bishops. I am happy that Mugabe and the Anglicans in Zimbabwe gave this bishop a cold shoulder. I end here!

  34. If this had been a private visit to Mr Sata, it would have been fine for Mr Sata to go on his knees to greet the Archbishop. However, if this was a State/Business visit, it was unwise for the President to go on his knees, and to kiss the Archbishop’s ring. Cameron doesn’t kiss the Archbishop’s ring in England as British Prime Minister.

    Furthermore, it might be true that the Anglican Church and the Roman Catholic Church do not have many joining their priesthoods, but that is not to say we lack ministers of the Gospel in Zambia. If anything, Zambians have gone all over the world as Christian missionaries, to preach the Gospel to a backslidden West. The spiritual needs of the Western world are desperately greater, while Africa and Asia are doing very well.

  35. @50 i think the same!
    #54 Our president surely need to understand current gobal economic dynamics at play. Turning to the west when the west is headed eastward for help leaves much to be desired.

  36. Mr Sata should not cheat our citizens that Zambia has not developed because they have distanced themselves from the west. I honestly do not understand what he means because what he said (just to appear to be a good boy to the bishop) is a sweeping statement. Zambia has a surplus of US$2.5 billion, but when did Zambia accrue that money? Is not when China invested heavily in our country without PRECONDITIONS. This president has a short memory but we will remind him of candid facts.

  37. The west has no money. It is the east which is doing very fine. Enlightened people should advise Mr Sata. On Dr W’s visit, ‘danger’, Watch the relationship carefully. The hypothsis will be confirmed very soon and Dora Siliya will be laughing

  38. Mwanawakwitu i hear your cry.This is what it means “the woman rides the beast”(Rev17). Everything is going in one direction.God help us. That man needs John English.

  39. Zambians got the change they wanted.We were wrong to elect Sata!!Who helped Zambia the east or the west?Do you remember the sellous scouts and ian smith’s airforce?Do you remember Gen.Peter Zuze?What about the tunnels in Lusaka?who equipped Zambia airforce?Do you remember Ronald Reagans constructive engangement?Do remember the Imf’s special drawing rights and 20% devaluation of the kwacha when the kwacha was stronger than the dollar!Sata doesnt know all this!!!By the way the bishop is protestant and our president catholic!why kneel to him?Wake up Zambians and see.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  40. Greetings #23 Mwanawakwithu.

    We haven’t conversed about the change but i’m sure we will have a chance to do so in detail some day. Meanwhile, I’m glad that we see eye to eye on this one.

    I would rather we drifted from the west culturally, mentally and economically by being fully self dependent than drifting back into slavery once again.

  41. At 74 Sata is definitely in his early stages of dementia! Lol Kaunda and the West? Nationalisation? Socialism through Humanism? Mr Sata youve forgotten all this? Does this guy even remember that he left UNIP and joined the MMD! Why did you leave Kaunda then, Michael? Be very very afraid Zambians! This guy has the memory of a microwave oven chip….It is going to be really bad in 6 months time! You took a risk in electing an over 70 and you will pay dearly for this! Next time he will be asking to kiss Obama’s butt if ever they meet!

  42. Sata is just embarrassing himself. A president is not supposed to things that do not make sense, especially to foreign dignitaries. What does he mean when he says drifting in relations has cost Zambia? The statement does not make sense in any context.

  43. The president kissed the ring and not the palm. Get your facts right and consult before publishing stories. It is a symbol of respect and recognition of authority which has been practiced in the Catholic and Anglican churches for centuries. Nothing sinister here at all!!!

    • Well, and only Sata amongst all presidents that have met the Bishop knows this or what? Sorry but this is complete rubbish dude. To me this is just a slavish adoration of the muzungu by a past his glorious days president.

  44. Ba Sata twapapata.Dont comment on issues you dont understand.You’ve been in politics for so long but dont seem to understand the relationship KK had with the East against the West.Then putting up the drama of kissing the ring of the homosexual bishop.CHANDA CHIMBA where are you hiding?Hope you are compiling the documentaries.THIS IS REAL CRAZY

  45. #64

    I used that phrase “wake up Zambia so many times before the elections but we chose to elect like we were blind folded. Anyway, I understand the dynamics of the election. We literally jumped from the frying pan into the very fire. Only the intense heat will wake Zambia up. In Zimbabwe there were lots of people protesting the presence of the Anglican church leader with anti-gay placards. It’s amazing that in Zambia the president was worshiping this man. As rightly pointed out by others, Cameron never worships this man. Why is he trying to send priests/bishops to Africa when they are the ones with more need. Only five people attend services if any in a church. Many of their churches are now sold as pubs. What a joke.  

  46. The president’s level of spiritual deception appears to be high. The same Ten Commandments say, “You shall have no other Gods before Me…you shall not bow down to them nor serve them.” Bowing to the Anglican is wrong. It is selling Zambia to the devil. Sata needs some spiritual awakening. God is the owner of Zambia and the president is only a steward. So the steward better pray to the only true living God to remove the deception.

  47. Which god does president Sata worship? I have never seen any President do what our President has done? Is the nation been given away again? O God almighty what must we do?

  48. i am also quite frankly let down by the President for kneeling down!! Honestly, why? Wouldn’t a simple greeting have been sufficient? Looking at the picture, you could see that even Rowan Williams was surprised, he never expected such! Is this the Sata i have known for many years sure mwe bantu? Unacceptable indeed! 

  49. Mushota, i hope you are watching the way your Scotland is being butchered by Spain in the Euro 2012 qualifier right now! At least, our boys have made it to the nations cup. As for Scotland, they will need to beat Spain in Spain this evening, but its already 2-0 in favor of Spain. Will the Scottish make a surprise come back? Look, the 3rd goal has just gone in for Spain, wow wow!!!

  50. Going by his comments, i am sure that when this aging Zambian president meets either Cameron or Obama, he’ll kiss their feet. KATWEGUBA

  51. “Katweguba,” you have cracked me man! Mmmm…, so sweet!!!! I love this. For me, i think this is the first disappointing i have seen from our President! This is just very unSata, what really happened to him Bane, hey!!

  52. It is normal for Catholics to kiss the ring of a Bishop. Strange as this act may seem.

    Not kissing the hand, wena. :d:d:d!

  53. Rowan was shocked, Mr Sata is probably the first lost soul to kneel to him. Its a shame he is our head of state.

    KK should have taught Zambians to safeguard our independence. If you look at this you wonder where we went wrong. Giving our freedom away, worshiping the same authorities our fore-fathers faught for independence from. As for Mr Sata he is being true to his true convictions, he never involved himself in fighting for freedom, infact he worshipped white men then and still does it now.

  54. On a lighter note, may be our State House is not as impresive. Had it been an impresive edifice, Rowan Williams should have been the first perosn to kneel before President Sata upon arival at State House.

  55. This to #41. actually the Archbishop of Canterbury is NOT to the Anglican Church what the Pope is to the Catholic Church because the Pope is the Head of the Catholic Church whilst the Queen ( or the reigning Monarch) is the Head of the Anglican Church, sorry just had to correct the mis-education plus Anglican priests can marry -so fewer gay people in that Church.

  56. This single humiliating photograph and his misplaced comments about our history with the west may well have turned the tide for President Sata i.e. he will be perceived as a clown by most heads of state and the international community. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning. We need a solution quickly, or we are in for some serious humiliation ahead. Zambia will become a laughing stock.

  57. Mwanawakwitu why Israel? Dont you think we need to believe in our own ancestral spirits? Banshimutindikwa, bakatebebe, bamutantala pama tamba and the like?

  58. I wonder what our neighbors in the Congo would think about Sata’s statement? They suffered genocide at the hands of Leopold the Belgian King and were subjected to the kleptocracy of Mobutu with the West’s blessing. The West supported countless wars such as the ones suffered by our neighbours in Angola and Mozambique as well as supported apartheid in South Africa. Did we really elect a man who is completely ignorant of our recent history in relation to the West? I am beginning to think that perhaps the rumours of him having been a police informer to the colonialists might be true. As for turning to the West, why waste time when you have less than 90 days to make more money for the Zambian people with people who dont have any?

  59. Please lets learn to separate personal expressions of beliefs from diplomatic protocol. SATA is merely showing his personal way of doing it when one meets someone they respects. May be that is why he succeeds because he knows that the greater blesses the lesser. I am sure Dr william was touched and will surely do something greater for SATA and even zambia. 
    Economics is not just working hard but also being clever in understanding how influential people want to be treated in order to release their influence.

  60. Yes, this bishop of canterburry is a well-known pro-gay anglican church leader. I only hope there isn’t more to this. And on drifting, no, we never did. KK was anti-west and despised what the west represented, but he loved the eastern bloc, socialism, communism and all. The president’s advisers must ensure he doesn’t entangle himself in such historical lapses, better yet, they should ensure he doesn’t waffle.

  61. Sata needs to visit Museveni, Mugabe and Bingu Mutharika for some orientation so that he gets acquainted of how true African leaders relate with the west. Sata is indeed a disgrace to Africans particularly his counterparts. He’s indeed an “Uncle Tom”.

  62. I like sata you all know this but this I total embarrassment I can not even come I fear the neighbours will bust laughing. Whites love it when you belittle yourself big time like that. That’s proper hypocrisy on the part of the president. God ‘s respect does not call for that pls does sata still smokes those big cigs?Sata has been a politician for long why does he do such things? Oooh we are in for the biggest shows from state house than in the last 47 years. 

  63. How will RB and his fellow crooks justify the purchase of two Lexus rides for K3.6 billion for State House, while retirees go without benefits, as the president rightly stated. This is an outrage! Which MMD blogger is going to defend this extravagance? Thank you President Sata for exposing this rot. Keep up with the good work of telling the nation what RB was all about. Hospitals do not have medications, while RB and his cronies were rolling in expensive rides. Zambia is not MTV.

  64. When it comes to muture trust, the WEST is the way to go
    other regions come after the west I am talking hegemonic status and its legacy here. Honestly the West isn’t as sneaky as other regions. the West abides by International Norms. As a democracy thats what we need

  65. #97 WOw, what norms are these ? Is it the predator drone missiles that are killing innocents in pakistan? is it the illegal wars in Iraq and afganistan? is it the missiles that are dropping on libyans killing women and children for oil? What about how the west dumps nuclear and biological waste on african soil. The same west which you say loves democracy and yet props up puppet dictators worldwide to serve their own selfish motives. The west does not abide by international norms they bend the rules , ignore international law when it suites them to start wars . Africans have a puppy like memory and a stockholm syndrome mentality, you are praising people that have killed millions of africans and dehumanized us  and still continue to do so SMH

  66. He went to the colonial office last summer and was pictured by the post being lectured on how to hand Zambia back to small briatain. What did you expect. The guy is a pupertual colonial stooge

  67. We have to be smart, rhetoric development is the last thing we need. Lets do business with other regions but alighn our national interests with the West.

  68. lets not be backwards here no one can accept colonialism. the colonisers have out grown it. if we need genuine development we have to stop racism. i think its what is happening on this blog. about about blacks who have migrated to the West and hold higher government position would you associate that to slavery? May Sata’s kiss has something to do with the region. lets not jump to conclusion.

  69. #87 thanks for your correction on a “little technicality!!” You are right, the head of the Anglican church is the Ruling Monarch, HOWEVER, THE SPIRITUAL HEAD, IS THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY !!! As for Catholics, the Pope is both!!! So your jibe at “mis-education” is a bit heavy handed I dare say!

    It is amazing how so many people on this blog don’t seem to realise that both Catholics & Anglicans ARE CHRISTIAN after all!!!!! SO THEY DON’T WORSHIP DIFFERENT GODS!!!!!!

    • # 106 You are so right ,sorry wrong choice of words (mis-education) and ofcourse the Head of Both Churches is Christ.

  70. There are reports that David Cameron is going to be a crusader of gay rights across Africa. I got two words for the PM and this archbishop, HELL NO. Keep that nonsense in the UK, and if your aid comes with such conditions, then keep your aid. How can the British target Malawi, Ghana and Uganda for opposing gay rights? Utter nonsense.

  71. Let’s face it people, President Sata made a mistake of belittling himself to a mare servant of the church and by saying things out of impulse but, the country was sold a long time ago to the Chinese by Rupia Banda and sons. Take for instance you want to make a call to most of the public institutions by calling a zamtel line in Zambia, you will be lucky if it goes through, but if it goes to voice mail, yangu tata!!! It’s a Chinese answering machines first then English second. you would think that you made a mistake and phoned China accidentally.


    • I kneel down when greeting elders. This is a Zambian tradition. Sata is just greeting a person he considers an elder. What is wrong is to bow down and worship any human. Whether Catholic, Anglican priest or bishops, no one has to bow down and worship them. In Lozi tradition for instance, people kiss each other’s palms as a greeting. There is nothing wrong with that. The French kiss on the lips, the arabs rub their noses against each other. The worl has many traditions and one can choose which they deem fit at the moment. What I see here is that Sata is humble. This is the message we must get from this.

  73. Stop with the homophobia. I get disgusted by people who bash gays.

    Some of you are absent parents, thugs and so forth yet you dare condemn other people simply by their choice of shagging? Tiyeni uko! hypocrites.

  74. This old buffoon dose he not know that the West is Broke the people funding the West is China so why go to the middle man when you can do business with the boss. But as for a PR stunt kudos to Sata but they wont run that in the papers in the West until it suits them

  75. All very well to gravitate to the west, but lets enact laws that protect and benefit the nationals Bwana President. You should consider inclusion of nationals on directorship of foreign companies and stipulate a minimum percentage reserved for nationals on contracts! That way our people are not bystanders, but meaningfully participate in economy of the country of their forefathers!! Its preposterous that the foreigners baletulila amasuku pamutwe. Zambia said “no” to that in 1964!!!!!

  76. I kneel down when greeting elders. This is a Zambian tradition. Sata is just greeting a person he considers an elder. What is wrong is to bow down and worship any human. Whether Catholic, Anglican priest or bishops, no one has to bow down and worship them. In Lozi tradition for instance, people kiss each other’s palms as a greeting. There is nothing wrong with that. The French kiss on the lips, the arabs rub their noses against each other. The worl has many traditions and one can choose which they deem fit at the moment. What I see here is that Sata is humble. This is the message we must get from this.

  77. Please bear with me. It is, “You shall have no other gods before Me…” and not “…other Gods…” Besides, according to the Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, 1921 ed, page 37, Catholic ten commandments are modified and condensed. Verses 4, 5 and 6 found in the Holy Bible have been done away with. If they exist, surely our president would have known better because these are the verses that outlaw bowing down to other gods. Again which bible is the president using to govern Zambia? I beseech him to use the Holy Bible.

  78. Dementia is terrible! I am quite sure that King Cobra Sata thought he was kissing Jesus what with Williams pale skin, gown and to top it all the beard! No St Michael, Williams is no Jesus Christ!

  79. You have got what you wanted, so please shut up!!! I pray to God that MMD does not go into oblivion. We need a change of government sooner than 2016

  80. Elo chati na pwe!! What nonsense is this that the “Cobra” should be kneeling and kissing uyu musungu? Atase. Tepotulebatumpika aba basungu. The cobra has indeed lost it’s vernom! It was utterly unnecessary to be kneeling. Cobra was not meeting this man as a believer, but as head of state!! Ba President mwilatusebanya, nimwe bakateka nomba.

  81. The West does not care about Zambia. They care about their interests. Africans should get this straight. The development cost to Zambia has been through bad governance and not the relationship with the West.

  82. # 31 Ugly Truth and # 57 Peace Maker – Archbishop Rowan Williams is not gay. He is married to Jane and has two children. He is however a very controversial character. Just recently he angered a lot of people by suggesting the the adoption of certain aspects of Sharia law in the UK! As for Sata’s antics, I am so ashamed he is from my tribe and chief. Can someone please teach him some presidential etiquette?

  83. Can’t the reporter see that the Chief Dunderhead was kissing the hand and not the palms?  This sucks.  We have a PFooter in da house!!!!!!

  84. This is a complete blunder by Sata – both picture & message completely wrong. My fear is that the more he blunders, the more the Shikapwasha types will emerge to support the prez & that will be the beginning of the end to our hopes of a better Zambia.

  85. Surely i dont agree with our president especially when he says there is no man power in Zambia to spread the gospel.
    Please Mr presido, we have many servants of God in our country who are serving all over the nation  and it sounds like you are looking down on the men of God that are laboring for the well being of this nation.
    Pls, may be you are right as we do not have gay in the name of priests.

  86. #117 Musiwa Likota, Whats with you always referring to SATA as suffering from Dementia!! infact you are insulting all the zambians who voted for him to be presdent. You have shit in your brain. If you have nothing sensible to write just shut your trap.

  87. Only hope that homosexual is not here to propose Sata for gay marriage. That kneeling could it be a yes to a proposal? Why should we be the only ones to accept a man rejected by other African nations, a man who is a danger to our children. Imagine such a thing was done to your child. Zambian lets support our president but lets unite in coming against animal-ism!

  88. @110 Good point.I don’t agree with what gays do but there is no need to make them feel like theirs is the worst sin.Sin is sin.Some of you have girl friends all over the place ;steal from work; lie every single day and think you are better than the gay person.remember the two people who were praying in the temple?One couldn’t even bring himself to look up and speak while the other as arrogant most of you bloggers raised the hand and did what you are doing now -comparing thenselves to the sinner.Are you any better?He who has NO sin let him cast the first stone.

  89. #111 I know you are annoyed but the message you are putting across is correct. Wait when reality sinks in – we started going East when the West could not support us – liberation, Tazara etc. Now they are even broke and one expects anything from them. We need to ensure that the Chinese respect our labor laws but thinking that if they leave the West will fill the gap, is dreaming.

  90. we people need to know that there are power brokers,presidents dont just come up,the kissing is not just a kiss,but an acknowledgement ,worship,as in screte societies,open your eyes people.

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