President Michael Sata says he is confident that the nine-member Commission of Inquiry he appointed to investigate the January 14 Mongu disturbances will pave the way for an amicable settlement of the problems in Western Province.
This was contained in a statement released by George Chellah Special assistant to the President on Press and Public Relations
“I have no doubt that the high professional and personal integrity of the commmission chairperson Dr Roger Chongwe, SC, and his team will help bring about an agreeable and peaceful settlement to this matter,’’ said the President.
The President said he remains committed to addressing the main causes of public discontent in Western Province thus the Barotse Agreement.
Meanwhile, Chief Justice Ernest Sakala will tomorrow, October 12, 2011, swear-in members of the Commission of Inquiry appointed to probe the extra-judicial killings of civilians during the Mongu demonstrations.
The swearing-in ceremony will take place at 15:00 hours at the Supreme Court and thereafter the commissioners will proceeed to State House to pay a courtesy call on the Head of State.
President Sata named the Commission of Inquiry last week to investigate the Mongu killings and pardoned all Barotse activists who had been jailed over the January 14 riots.
Tough times ahead for Zed’s 5th President. Prayers and sackcloth should be considered to ride over the hills and troughs ahead.
Sata you are winning me over……we pray you dont get detracted
Well, let the commission find the red lipped snake and his monkey toilet guilty of those stinking extr-judicial killings so that the government can kill the both of them, especially the red-lipped one, before HIV nails him six feet to the ground.
Yazanda,no more promises now,people are waiting.19 days gone 71 remaining.
Commissioner please do your job well oh.
I’m a lozi and I do not believe in cessation. We are all Zambians
@ No# 5 Concerned Citizen, Amen my brother you are wise. I am sending a prayer for you and your family to be blessed and given your good desires.
I am Lozi too and do not agree with this cessation crap. What Zambia needs is decentralization. Shame on those who want to divide Zambia. Who is feeding these people with such illusions?
Why are Bembas here pretending to be Lozis? In number 5, 6 and 7 is one person a thief from Northern province
#5 and #7, I hope you are trully Lozi’s otherwise that is progressive thinking, we are one, and a little bird tells me that most of the “LOZI’s”pushing for this cessation nonsense do not even live here in Zambia, they are speaking from their short lived comfort of the western world, formenting trouble for us genuine zambians who have weathered the storm all along, let us just talk of developing these rural areas period!!!!!
I am not too sure I get this obsession by the people of Western Province to separate from Zambia. First of all, all countries of the world are trying to get together to be more relevant… There is power in numbers… The United States of America, The European Union, The Asean States, Russia, India, China….. All these places have one thing in common…. They have the numbers!!!! These stupid people calling for separation of Western Province and claiming to be enlightened are an embarrassment to themselves and to Zambia!!! Maybe they should just be caged!!!!! Freaking embiciles!!!!!
The UK, Scotland will be holding a referendum, what are you talking about countries coming together? Yes, there is power in numbers…
#8, how can you question my authenticity? Are you trying to imply that all Lozis are on the cessation bandwagon? You should not jump to conclusions, as I know what I am. Why would I claim to be lozi if I wasn’t? Spot on #9.
I am not too sure I get this obsession by the people of Western Province to separate from Zambia. First of all, all countries of the world are trying to get together to be more relevant… There is power in numbers… The United States of America, The European Union, The Asean States, Russia, India, China….. All these places have one thing in common…. They have the numbers!!!! These stupid people calling for separation of Western Province and claiming to be enlightened are an embarrassment to themselves and to Zambia!!! Maybe they should just be caged!!!!! Freaking embiciles!!!!!
#13 Please watch your language and be civil. Lozi’s are not stupid people but our brothers and sisters in Zambia who we love. One should not embrace such rhetoric language that ends up causing divison. By the way not all Lozi’s are for cessation…it is just a small group.
I see people have things twisted, its one thing to set up an inquiry and cessation is a totally different thing. I do not see Zambia splitting at any cost, judgement should however be passed for the innocent lives lost during the Mongu riots and their families compensated fully. Its a shame that RBs govt had to use force when the Western province issue required people to sit down and talk. This is the 21st Centuary and there should be no room for tyranny. Sata has taken a very good and courageous move.
first reaction and investigations after kikikikikikikiki that is Sata. VIVA VIVA Sata
heheh..its time you face what you promised the people..wapya mudala..they want independence..give them!
Reasons for high fuel prices in Zambia
1. corrupt procurement process2. Co mingled crude procured from 2nd or 3rd party companies in middle east.3. old tazama costly to maintain. Maintenance costs absorbed by high fuel prices4. Too many middle companies involved in the  transaction namely, banks(as financiers since the gvt cant afford), Inspection companies working on behalf of gvt and banks to report on volumes, Tazama responsible as transporters and as fuel terminal managers, Indeni, ERB, and Ministry of Energy. All these campanies and gvt depts get some share from fuel sales.5. Theft by inspection campanies workers and Indeni  workers is rampant.Most of whih are not reported to the gvt by inspection companies for fear of having their contracts terminated.
please look into these.
I love this strong REAL zambian leader who is going to sort out all the mess our country have been put through. Few day after being president all the stealing companies are sweating!!! He will hold his words as far as Barotse is concerned.
Mr Sata, stop going round the main issue. Deal with the people advocating breaking off otherwise the situation will again break into violence and more people will end up killed. I value the souls that were lost but the commission of inquiry is a waste of money and time. The main reason is the demands these people are making. I believe no one set out to kill people but emotional demands like these have a way of turning demonstrations violent in split seconds. I for one will prefer a federal system of government for all provinces as they are all equal.
#20 IF WHAT WE HAVE ISN’T FEDERAL, perhaps you would like to give us a better definition of the word?? Or as someone has already mentioned above, did you mean to suggest DECENTRALIZATION????
people in western should just accept to be together with the rest of Zambia, please mwebantu, this is not sudan where you have north and south, and later we start killing each other. i think we cannot afford to be using passports to go to mongu from chipata or lusaka only to buy fish
I think #24 must be a former rulling party cader who has failed to believe that they are no longer in gvmt. they spent so much money thinking they can win an election ,they and under -estimated the DONCH KUBEBA slogan, well not even a king can be wiser than the people he leads. accept reality and save yorself the heart attark. SATA is now president and he is working ,and will not leave state house or the country until after NINTY DAYS. remember NINTY DAYS . shame on you.
@ConcernedCitizen and VLAD PUTIN Indeed you are zambians,kindly tell us what cessation means! If you have little understanding of what The Barotseland Agreement 1964 is about i strongly suggest you seek the interpretation services of a qualified International Lawyer. We will try to see if we can help you bare the costs.You naive comments bear the hallmark of people in need of some degree of enlightenment.