Daniel Nyambe AKA Dnel is a Holy hip hop artist . He is also a student at UNZA. He recently launched his VIVA campaign with the release of his 3 singles.
KAPA187: How did you come up with the name dnEL?
dnEL : Well it is pronounced DNL and its basically my name just cut short…I tried other names but didn’t work out. I must say that most or all Hebrew names like Samuel, Daniel, Eli, Elijah etc have a deity to them and the prefix is either EL or JAH thus the EL.
KAPA187: What made you get interested in “holy hip hop” and what made you peruse it seriously ?
dnEL :Well to be honest it was all I knew,I mean, I was introduced to gospel” hip hop” in the early 90s, groups like DCtalk, kept me busy…so I was hip hop orientated ,then school comes along and nobody knew the groups I talked about so I “exchanged notes” I gave them my music and they gave me there’s…well I guess it was because that’s the only music my folks would allow me to do lol, but as Christ became real to me I saw the influence that music had on me and I wanted God to speak through my music.
KAPA187: You have a video for you song “Kwenda na yesu” , it is a very powerful song , explain it to us.
dnEL :The song was written when I was having a crazy day at the studio, so I’m there writing about how bad things were then Genesis 1 hits me! God saw how the earth was empty, formless, etc but watch it, He doesn’t say anything about how bad things where but what he wants things to be… so that’s basically de kwenda na Yesu song…walkin with God not behind ,in front or besides no no no “in Him, we live, move and have our being..” Acts17:28…yep, the video we had a father and son thing going on…
KAPA187: What challenges have you faced in the music industry ?
dnEL :Well to be honest when we started support was quiet tricky but by the grace of God doors are opening in places that we would have never thought…(when I say we I mean the holy hip hop clique).
KAPA187: “Holy hiphop” or any form of gospel music is not played much on radio unless on Sundays ,why do you think this is so?
dnEL :hmmmm I dunno, yeah I don’t really, but what I will say is that call it corny if you like, but Christian hip hop artists (through the creation of good and relevant music) have been and are still having an effect on the lives of listeners in the name of Jesus Christ. I know several people who came to know Christ partly through good Christian hip hop music and with the rise of the internet i.e. technology, though radio play may be reduced to Sunday’s this use of technology can be used effectively EVERYDAY to spread the Good news of Jesus Christ.
KAPA187: What is the main message in your music?
dnEL :Jesus, Jesus and more Jesus well He is the way ,so with him you can’t get lost, He is the truth so you can’t be deceived and He is the life so why die.
KAPA187: What is your “Viva campaign” about ?
dnEL :Firstly viva means long live… but mostly used in expressing support of…in revolutions. Viva is a stand for what we believe… not as a group but on a personal level…eg Martin lurther king jr loved His family so much that he did whatever it took to make a better world for his children…Viva is to awaken the world to God yes the true God. We want Colossians 2:6-10… which is that we may be filled ,through all our being, unto all the fullness of God, may have the richest measure of the divine presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself… smh (shaking my head) wow that’s who the Christian is…a person filled with God!
KAPA187: When did you give you life to jesus ?
dnEL :wow know it a sadly I don’t remember the exact day but It was in march in 1995, but I SERIOUSLY became on fire for God in 2007…
KAPA187: Besides music what other interests do you have?
dnEL :Hmmm I read a lot…on past revivals… Men and women that God used mightily, way, way back in the day…
KAPA187: What is your definition of heaven ? and what do you think it is like?
dnEL :Perfectly beautiful…hmmmm wooooow what I think it is like smh now that’s a hard question.
KAPA187: I personally enjoy your music ,especially your song “I be” , where can you fans get your music and when is your album coming out?
dnEL :well thanks ,man, well you can gt my tracks from. www.realmentertainment-the.com/retunes or my reverbnations page dnEL…yeah. And the album should God willingly be out early 2012.
Kwenda Na Yesu
A feel-good song with a powerful message.
I BE ft Rizen Rizon and Natasha
Dnel and Rizen Rizon team up for this great song ,with an infectious chorus , this is definitively a hit single .
Powerfl stff is cmin ot of zed keep it up man and may God b with u
You are doing nice music keep it up . God will bless you for spreading the word
I dont like rap gospel, I feel these guys mislead pipo. They ve alot of masonary things hiden in there rap gospel e.g lyrics, symbols bible verses translating them in there own mason world. they tunfya christians. Lacrae is an example, the guys is a manson.
Have u pipo wondered why rap gospel does not get any attention?
Have you actually Listened to the lyrics of the above song though? If You have am sure that you will find that it is in actual fact completely in line with the word of God. How did you come to your conclusion? Was this something you read? surely you also have been influenced, to have this opinion, which it is! Just an opninion, your statements have no scriptural backing or any basis, and please dont judge people by saying they are masonary when you have never met them, you dont know the work God is doing on in there lives, where his brought them from or their testimony. Am just saying if your gonna make such a statement back it up with scripture, which is where truth lies right? Grace and Peace :-)
What do you mean rap gospel gets not attention?
Ever heard of Kirk Franklin?
Sorry but i have never heard of him nor his music….
Great staff is being done by these dedicated young christian cats and if you doubt them ask God about them!!!,i am impressd by their stance on christian living coz for so long young people have been dormant and time for a revolution has come and its these same guys like DNEL pioneering the move of God in this generation,so please dont be left out because of having a cynical view but see how you too can further Gods will for this generation,it may not be through music but please play your part in spreading the gospel because JESUS said “go ye therefore into all the world and preach the gospel” but he didnt specify how you should do it,its upto you to find an avenue of how to preach depending on who you are targeting to reach.Peace!!
I am a fan of Gospel rap and I would like to see shout big ups the man Dnel for contributing to the industry. just listened to your track “I be” and it’s some hot stuff man. you know don’t end up like most Zambian artists who suddenly come onto the music scene then disappear into thin air. hope you’ll continue doing this thing man you’ve got talent,keep creating good stuff.try to steer away from that auto tune stuff that’s common with Zambian music, overseas people hate that shit so you won’t be able to sell many albums abroad if you start doing the auto tune junk.be natural just like mother Africa. Stay Blessed!!
I love Gospel hip hop from way back and young man keep it up and pursue your “convict…ion”