Monday, March 10, 2025

President Michael Sata lambasts Economists


President Michael Sata
President Michael Sata

President Michael Sata has taken a swipe against economists who are suggesting that if government reviews the minimum wage, it will fuel inflation.

President Sata says it is unfair to suggest that increasing wages for workers will fuel inflation when the same economists get millions of Kwacha.

President Sata also made reference to state media institutions saying reporters are poorly remunerated and lack transport.

Mr Sata says he has also received information that some people at ZNBC are not happy with the appointed of Mr Joe Chilaizya as Director General and Kenneth Maduma as Director of Programmes.

Mr Sata says he wants to improve the welfare of workers at ZNBC and create more jobs by establishing regional television stations.

The President Sata says this in response to a question from a journalist who sought a comment from the President over the proposed review of the retirement age.

Mr Sata says the proposed review of the retirement age is in order and will not impact negatively on young people in seeking jobs.

And President Michael Sata has called the executive arms of government to adhere to the three cabinet principles.

Mr. Sata says cabinet and deputy Ministers must adhere to collective responsibility, cabinet confidentiality and declaration of interest.

President Sata says the three principles should be adhered to individually and collectively day to day as they discharge their duties as Ministers.

The President reiterated that government will at all time adhere to the tenets of Good and transparent Governance.

He has urged ministers and their deputies to ensure that they keep the promise given to the people of Zambia during political campaign.

President Sata was speaking at a briefing session for Ministers and Deputy Ministers at State House in Lusaka on Thursday.

He says the PF Government is committed not only to the rule of law but also truly to a fresh start of transformation on a change program which focuses on developmental issues.

Mr. Sata says citizens of Zambia are entitled to better lives, a vision which can be achieved not by accident but through hard work.

He says time to celebrate victory of the just ended tripartite elections is now over and urged ministers to work hard in addressing economic and social challenges.



  1. Wise words. Let us support this man and his govt. they seem to mean well.

    After all the alternative was RB and he showed us what he could do.

  2. I was very skeptical over the new policies – however, if what I heard through the parliament speech I now say Mr President we will work hard for Zambia

    Mr President we are behind you 

    • Increasing the minimum wage will fuel inflation. That’s a fact. The minimum wage in Zambia is far too low. Another fact. ‘More money in your pocket’ means that the minimum wage will go up. Let’s pray that inflation does pick it from your pocket.

  3. Inasmuch as I support the president, I think he should also learn to consult experts before making certain decisions. He cannot be a ‘Mr. Know It All’. Economists may be right in their say about inflation and the only thing that needs doing is finding a balance so that everyone wins.

    • Let us be fair to others, 450,000pin per month surely ba Economist is not a worth a figure you can talk about today. How much is your talk-time per month yourself? Do you Know that poor salaries brings poor production and at the end poor result,,,OHPS- who is interested in poor out-put. Ba-Sata needs our support Our President is very right when he says Zambian are poorly paid.

  4. As regards the appointment of ZNBC leaders, people will blame the president if things don’t go well. In other words, the president should let other members of his cabinet do the appointing rather than him wanting to get involved. Chilaizya and Maduma may be the right people in his opinion but he does not work with them day in day out. Stakeholder involvement in decision making sometimes helps. Plan-Do-Check-Act.

    • logika,
      good observation. the clique that is at znbc is complex. chilaizya and maduma are too small to handle it. they will be frustrated big time. look at how rich some of these guys are as compared to their meagre salaries. mr presido, we need a real shake up at that institution, i mean BIG ONE!!

    • Point of correction – Minister Lubinda made the appointments and not the President. I realize that this could be semantics because in the end all appointments are done with the nod of the Chief Executive – President

  5. This Tribalist is just going to sink the nation. A Tribal warlord who has lived all his life on tax payers money should learn to respect experts. We live in a REAL world not Sata’s IDEAL World were everyone gets a good salary as worked out by Sata. Marijuana is known to impair individuals thinking capacity overtime. I am not surprised by the hallucinations of this man. Very soon he will learn what inflation means. When you were campaigning and selling your voodoo ideas you stated that inflation didnt matter because ‘people dont eat statistics’! We will see! Employment: wait for rentrenchments as companies recaliberate their headcount numbers just to be able to meet Sata’s ‘minimum wage’. Never trust populists!

    • ba Yechi Yechi, u kno its surprising hw pipo dnt listen to pipo lyk u,i mean,daznt it occour to you dat u speak lyk a greedy fool wuz gat bilions wen yo neighbours child dies of mulnitrition. hav a heart sucker!!!!

  6. Logic, Economist says increasing minimum wage Will increase inflation, Sata says how can that be the case when the economist is getting millions of Kwacha!! He wants to create employment by creating regional television stations? Really, Do the rural people have access to Electricity, Do they have Tv’s??? Talk about big Govt, let the private sector do that privatize ZNBC! 

    • People in all provincial centers have access to electricity. So I do not know what you are talking about. Economists should not just talk about what they cannot not do! They need to start thinking and be innovative and help the new government archive it’s goes. They need to look for ways to implement minimum wage and stabilize inflation! Get to work and for once do something challenging!

  7. I always fault our reporters. If the President say increasing the retirement age will not impact on the jobs for young people, shouldn’t we ask what he means? Also if everyone is getting huge salaries, prices also shoot up. In the long run Mr President, everyone is worse off. That is what is inflation. Regional ZNBC stations, new embasis, more money in the pocket, increased expenditure is what will fuel inflation that is the purchacing power may be weakened. Mr President please give detailed explaination when you issue policy statements since you think we are dull.

    • huge? who says huge? Minimum wage is not a huge salary…People should be paid enough to feed their families…Do you even know what you are talking about? Compare the earning discrepancies between the top earners and the lowly paid…it should not be astronomical…People should be able to afford daily necessities. If you don’t want to live in a fair and just society then let those who want to make things work the hell alone…“People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.” Chinese proverb

  8. I would expect Sata to engage interligently with the economists in order to understand what they are saying. Sata is not an economists but a politicians as such Mr. President please leverage the information coming from our learned friends to make sound decission. Don’t just bark words. Most people earning millions is beacuse of their education.They are therefore not exempted from advising the politicians on what they know best.

    • Common sense dictates that the things that are obvious should easily be comprehensible. Don’t betray your name…Education or not, people should afford basic needs and for someone to start calling evil on such a noble cause is just plain nonsense. There are miners who work long shifts and getting peanuts when their companies are raking in record profits, if you are OK with that and any other so-called economist then you have a problem. Just look at the Scandinavian countries and how they maintain their fair social-economic system….don’t be fooled by full-fledged capitalism…

  9. The president definitely consults other people before making these pronouncement, it is a pity the journalists do not ask him the right questions. They need to ask him to explain in details what he means by all the policies he is planning. Do not just be petty let us be factual ladies and gentlemen. All those plans, where is the money for so many policies to be done in 90 days! I think our president is still in dreamland because he needs to work with experts to harmonize the system and articulate issues seriously, or else the boat is going to sink terribly!

  10. increasing minimum wage will increase standard of living and at the same time reduce the difference between the rich and the poor. Good move President Sata!

  11. Economists are just scaremongering historic data analysing “bean counters”, ship them all to World Bank and IMF in D.C!!

  12. :d

  13. it tiru some economist are good when talking but in doing ha…ba ni sotambe. why are we like these zambians. Look at Chibamba kanyama- well he is educated but he just inrich himself, what role can he do to help Zambians —– nothing . ..zambians where have we gone wrong. HH also is sting he only consinders himself , if he quits UPND then it will be the End of it, Money money is suiter than pipo. So. next election is narep or da of milupi C. Not mad maggot devils (mmd) who used to preach that they were the listening Gvt. where in heaven or down earth?? pipo cried and thats when they pluged their ears with ear plugs or head forms with music on them.

  14. The field of economics is in a mess right now. They couldnt predict the 2008 credit crunch and they couldnt agree how to deal with it when it came. Even the Queen asked, why didn’t anyone know this was coming?

  15. Also, let the truth be told. The Mad Magot Devils as someone has called them has left a heath economy. Single digit inflation, enough food, rated B+ by the world, in lower income group and reserves of over USD2.8b. FTJ when he came to power he claimed he inherited nothing and that is what Mwanawasa said as well. The current president has not said so. Iam hoping by the time they leave, Zambia should be rated A+, a full middle income group, with reserves 20 times more!

  16. These economist are stingy..they get millions of kwacha.allowances,free fuel ,water and accomodation but do not want others to enjoy the same privileges..Whats is Chibamba talking about???

    • What Chibamba is saying is not to oppose the increase of the minimum wage bill but simply saying let it be done with an effective economic eye. That is to consider other negative effects this may bring as we do it. 

  17. # 10 and 11, I wonder if u both r in Zambia, U can’t see that the purchasing power of the kwacha is very weak. I think you are the chaps who plundered this nation. Now you come here and tell us those stupid theories.

    The problem with you is that you think development is Lusaka and Copperbelt. We want someone who is thinking about developing Zambia as a nation.

  18. Zambia consist of people with different academic and profession background such as economists, Medical doctors etc. I guess they command a lot of respect and wisdom in that they contribute to the over all development of the country. If what one economist said about this issue was wrong then I expect fellow economists to guide the nation on this issue as it looks simple but it could be a fact. I know we have economists in PF, MMD, UPND and others who do not belong to any of the political parties who understand this issue very well. We should avoid agreeing to what ever the president say just because we are party cadres, lets think critically and see the future.

  19. I wonda wat kanyama z upto.hw much money does he get at ZB?he gets millions of kwacha at da xpense of da poor.jst b objectve nd swalow yo pride.wat r u doin, abt ths yoself?NB has poor workng conditions nd he z busy sayng we r ok.fool.lets go sata.

  20. simple math. you raise the minimum wage you increase inflation. the other way round, you reduce inflation, you increase purchase power of our currence on foreign commodities which we largely depend on since there is hardly any manufacturing going on here. In mwanawasa’s govt kwacha appreciated amd more pipo could afford more imports. cars, TVs, industrial equipment etc

  21. These *****s economists get shit like k 15 to k25,000,000 each and we talk about minmum wage of say a K 1,000,000 *****s are barking, wats that? we all need a better life, there are so many mechanisms we can use to maintain inflation, the only problem is Zambia`s educated fools think too much about their bellies and not the country. They talk too much and impliment to little, shame on you hypocrits.

  22. Very basic economic fact – inflation increases with huge salary increments. There better be mitigating policies, otherwise the gains of the previous GRZ will be wiped out in a couple of months. The president has multiple personalities. The one that addressed the inflation question is the one I dread most, the clueless.

  23. We shouldnt just take whatever these economists say as gospel truth. It takes the all cream of proffessions to build the economy

  24. Does Economics mean,to chock the poor in order for the elite to live well? or does it mean that others must be suffering for the elite to live well? or others should have low salaries and wages for the elite to have heft salaries? is that the way you balance up equations in economics?

  25. Well,economists like chibamba kanyama can’t offer anything to the nation.Their interest is to enrich themselves.Mr.sata is very right.Why should one economist get 500milion?This is why economists don’t make good presidents.These chaps are too selfish.They can let the country suffer for the sake of stuppppidd economy which doesnt benefit poor majority.A govt is there to save the people so that our lives are improved.So economists don’t want to improve the minimum wage?Ha ha these chaps want people to continue suffering and continue worshiping economists.Economists had no solution when we experienced global crunch in 2008.Others were saying u have to put more money in banks and while others said no bailouts.Economists are crazy people in the world & believe in theories and stealing.

  26. Anybody dispusting the facts stated by Economists is either a grade 12 drop out or a senseless praise singer.Pay everydody K10m,prices will go up because of ernomous demand then we will be back to zero,as simple as that.

  27. economist sure u are a disgrace, what can a K700 000 minimum wage do? Remember that this is the money you get for a 2 day plate washing piece of work in europe. Please consider your brothers and sisters who are paid slave wages—- K300 000 per month. They are also human just as you are, you have children so do they, you have wives so do they, you want good life so do they. So please let our friends also breath in the same way as us.
    HE. MCS please remember these poor workers treated as slaves. May God bless.

  28. @Wow:

    Is Dambia Moyo a Bemba?  If she is not, then she does not qualify to be BOZ governor. The job will remain vacant until a suitable Bemba has been identified.  Vote for your own.

  29. Mr.Presido, increase salaries for your employees (civil servants) first before you dispute simplest defination of inflation.

  30. please the learned explain to me how inflation will increase if for once instead of me running to my well to do brother to pay for my children’s school fees i take the burden off my brother and pay school fees myself because now i can afford. will the school increase school fees simply because now i can afford. tell me how inflation will increase if for once i can now afford a packet of milk that was in the shelves of shoprite for a long time. am i not increasing the sells at shoprite?? more sells more outlets opened , more jobs for my siblings from schools. increasing minimum wage does not mean printing more Kwachas in seculation..leave sata alone mwe mbwa mwe !!!!!!

    • #40 Shi Kayasa, we should make you BOZ governer so that you can go and apply your simple theories. Please have respect for professionals, they have given advise you either take it or ignore it. But know this that they will be the last to die from hunger after the economy has been ruined.

  31. It is simple.  Increase salaries and employers will demand increased efficiencies and reduced staff numbers.  If not, then the increase in cost of production will be passed on to the customers of the goods. When cost of goods increase then you have inflation, stup*d!

  32. I once asked for a Ten rand from my economist cousin to use as transport money to go and attend a job interview (1998), the response I got was a string of questions ranging from how far the place was from my place of residence, to the shortest possible route to the interview. By the time I came to receive the money, I had already missed an interview. she is still an economist with one of the leading banks here in S.A and drives an old Cressida.

  33. You guys writting from abroad have run away because poor salaries. So you want less educated to be trampled upon. Talk about production to counter balance inflation. Please do not denie others happiness just because you’re happy. Economists are talking about short term and not long term. Goods and services must increase. Economists should give a way out and just blutantly end about iflation. GUYS SUGGEST THE BEST ROUTE.

  34. Imwe bakabolala Sata did not say every economist, the President said fake or bogus economists who wants all of us to be economists to me as a politician what matters is every human being is entitiled to three meals a day, accesess to education and employement. I dont want start mentioning names here but i know some of these bogus economists who run some bogus companies and mistreat their wokers. those happy days are over every man is equal in the eyes of God, let he who has hears listen…..

  35. Well,economists like kanyama can’t offer anything to the nation.Their interest is to enrich themselves.Mr.sata is very right.Why should one economist get 500milion?This is why economists don’t make good presidents.These chaps are too selfish.They can let the country suffer for the sake of economy which doesnt benefit poor majority.A govt is there to save the people so that our lives are improved.So economists don’t want to improve the minimum wage?Ha ha these chaps want people to continue suffering and continue worshiping economists.Economists had no solution when we experienced global crunch in 2008.Others were saying u have to put more money in banks and while others said no bailouts.Economists are crazy people in the world & believe in theories and stealing.

  36. Education is importatnt in what ever we do. Economists are key to a healthy economy. Like it or not, you will not be paid something you are not worth. Go back to school (night school) is still available, improve your education because I refuse to be paid the same with somebody who has not invested the same in knowledge.

  37. Hey these economists are greed and useless! Mr President is helping those employers who exploit their workers and even pay them little cash abash! Nonsense economists! To hell with you. Thats corruption rocked the country because pipo had no money. Please God may you increase His Excellency President Sata’s years. He is doing fine. Please patriotic zambians lets support our President. He’s God given man, A patriotick zambian whom God have us. You vuvuzelas you’re in hot water for corruption you brought in Zed. Sata go! go! go! go! Go ahead.

  38. indeed may God bless. The fact – yes inflation will be there, bt these economists ar getting scared bcoz the next stage is to cut on there overpriced salaries. Plz pipo, reducing that gap will be major solution, even to remove the shameful shanties when u enter Lusaka.

  39. the economists are talking because they care about their country, you cant just make pronouncements and hope all works out. More money in the pocket if its worthless means nothing. We are in trouble indeed. And who says these economists are on govt payroll???? why do you keep rushing to say at expense of the poor??, work hard and put money in your own pocket, GRZ cant afford to give all of us money or jobs. Dont deceive yourselves in thinking the redeemer of Zambia is here, we still have to work hard otherwise you will wallow in poverty.

  40. What is Zambia’s new ideology? Socialism? Communism? Or KK’s humanism? One of these must be it, me thinks!

  41. The president say some people at ZNBC are not happy with the appointment of Chilaizya and Maduna. Why? Is it the people at ZNBC or the president himself? The reason being that the two gentlemen are not from the tribe that eats….

  42. all you people commenting on the retribution that Sata is bring into our lives are not in Zambia, firstly you are cowards who have run away from Zambia in search of wealth from other countries whose presidents and the stake holder worked so hard to achieve, secondly you are all full of selfishness. and thirdly greadness has impaired you thinking. The big man knows wat his talking about. stop posting stupid and senseless kind of thinking. Zambia is ours you are not a Zambian any more you are a maquerequere.

  43. Just a point on your editing Lusaka Times, when you highlight a word as you have highlighted ‘minimum wage” in the above article,  the convention is that clicking on it will lead you to an article that will explain what the minimum wage in Zambia is, and not a definition of ‘minimum wage’

  44. just implement more TAX on those pipo that are geting millions of kwachas like the same economists you are talking about. I believe there has to be implementation and balancing on this issie.

  45. You can talk however way you want people but the minimal wage has been long over due and no sane Zambian can stand abuse that has characterized industries. If this experts mean well in their suggestion then they must as advice the president and work out a balance the will avoid inflation.

  46. Number 9…i can tell you are lozi from the way you are analysing things…your comment is just filled with hate and nonsense….shame on you…cant you atleast comment on what the economists have said?…

    • Man you are the one filled with hate and tribalism. What exactly has the chap said that has hurt your ka small ego? Gee man get a life! The guy has just asked the president to consult and leave certain appointments to his ministers so that he doesnt get exposed when things go wrong! And this for you denotes ‘hate’ and being ‘Lozi’. You are certainly a very tribal i.d.iot

  47. I am not an economist but I get the logic, raised minmum wage leads to high cost of productionn which makes producres increase prices of goods

  48. someone please show me what value economists and lawyers add to the well being of an economy apart from milking itmand predicting wrong things, economists and defending thieves and murderers.

  49. I also oppose Kenneth Maduma’s appointed. I feel the President was operating on nostalgia when the appointed was made.
    Fine, Kenneth has a 7pm news voice, I AM KENNETH MADUMA, but seriously what programs are we going to see on TV? Get ready for the return of Maya and Dallas….

  50. Ok let’s do it this way, since economist are getting a lot of money let us reduce their wages to something between 5 and 10 million kwacha and put the minimum wage at only K1,000,000 so that we recover from their colossal salaries so that we avoid the so called inflation.Those talking about zambia being rated B+, Are the lifestyles among most zambians near you ok,whether they are educated or not?

  51. Can economists explain why inflation is only triggered when low income earners get a meagre pay rise but when the already high earners get even bigger allowances and other perks our learned economists say it is all ok. It’s all nonsense.

  52. Economist please help me understand this, does it mean when you and a few zambians get something that others will never get even if they work all their lifetime will not cause inflation but when the opposite is done to the rest of the zambian people with less than a fraction of your huge salaries will inflation be caused?

  53. Chi Bamba Kanyama is intelligent but has always been an alarmist and bad at forecasting. The president heard his -ve reaction and like most people was not amused hence the comment about some bogus economists. Forecasting is a special field and there are only a few respected economists in that realm and most of them are as old as SATA.

  54. I hope, I am objective enough to comment in a non bais manner. The move to increase minimum wage is a welcome move. what is need is to carry out what are called mathematic models to try understand the implication of each increase and in the process put up policies which will increase productivity for the country to export more. this way we earn more forex to offset internal deficients as a result of more people being able to afford.Like the shoprite example it means we must be in a position to import more, with the excess forex we have built as a nation out of increased productivity. Otherwise, we have to increase prices of commodity till a balance is struck when others cannot afford, or else we take the Zim route. What is need is to give ideas to HE on what needs to be done.

  55. the strongest econmies of the world with lowest inflation pay their citizens huge salaries.. tok about SA, USA, UK even Botswana. the other good side of giving pipo higher wages is that it will stimulate consumption there by creating demand for agricultural and industrial products-this will further stimulate production job creation more money in pipoz pockets as a multiplier effect— thats development isnt it? more money will also improve the borowing power of citizen from banks who will bulid more houses, buy more cars, life will just be great. Sata is on the right track. lets go presdo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. If you are well vested in economics and follow world economic trends, I would say Sata in stepping on a time boom. Most big world economies are shrinking and this is going to affect the world economic situation round two. It’s therefore, prudent for Mr. President to engage economists in making decisions that affect the economy. If the copper prices fall, there will be disaster.

  57. The solution to our problems is to make use or challenge our Engineers to design and make or produce things out of our raw materials. Eg roads, bridges, buildigs, power stations, plumbing material like taps etc. Economists and lawyers are necessary but not very crucial because they just talk. Our Presido Knows what he is doing. Just wait and see.

  58. In all fareness, why did Chibamba’s statement get such a reaction if he is fake? Second,chibamba was actually agreeing with the president except that he gave a broader context to issue of minimum wages; implications and how best to handle it. The reaction by the president has shocked many people!

  59. Mr president we certainly appreciate your ego, however, you can’t just dispel the basic principles of macro. there’s absolutely truth in what the economist are saying.

    causes increase in minimum wages also causes inflation and that is liquidity. In economic, we call this a implicit functional relations.

  60. The said economists are just greedy, they are used to holding pipo and the country at ransom by few *****s controlling majority of the national wealth… this time Sata is cutting the cake equally

  61. The issue is that the majority of Zedians are not in formal employment and so the minimum wage will only increase the purchasing power of a few so how does that increase inflation?

  62. What do you expect from PF kaponyas? For them its cash cash and more cash in the pockets. Everything else does not matter. How you get this cash does not matter too. I am sure that we need someone who understands school to appreciate what economists are talking about. MCS is a G9 if not less and for him dreaming is part of him. Very soon PF kaponyas will come to their senses when they realise that the boat is leaking and eventually sink. I end here!


  64. Lusaka Times should publish Chibamba’s statement which was widely covered by radio and tv. Chibamba’s two books place him above the average mind and the president can do well to listen to him than simply trash good advice. I am sure ZNBC has the full statement and let’s debate it so that we find out who has over-reacted.

  65. It is very healthy to argue over the state of the economy of the nation, i am very pleased so to say, Lets look at it from our homes, Yes you know what i mean if you are a true economist!!,i am a layman in economics but what i learn t was that, there is macro and micro,so it’s up to the implementer or the one implementing the logic,in this case it’s P.F and and they have chosen to apply and “try” a macro way. Doesn’t that sound nice since there two sides of a coin? in this case a MACRO and MICRO.eeish lets pray that it pleases the mass..

  66. The elections are over and we have a new government in power. With this in mind it is time HE started explaining how his actions are going to achieve whatever he intends to do. For example he has not given details of how he is going to develop and improve the lives of Zambians in 90 days and yet we all have accepted that somehow he is going to do it. All we have seen is mass hiring and firing which in itself with the right intentions is fine but just how is it going to help. The problem with our President is that he does not do detail. He expects everybody to blindly accept that he knows what he is doing. It is a pity that MMD, who should have been questioning some of the actions, are still licking their wounds. 

  67. Zambia has come of age now that we have had 5 state presidents in 47 years of our independence. Zambia has experienced its presidency with various ideologies ranging from Nationalist that was responsible for countrywide developments seen to this day. The second presidency came with a hanging indefinable ideology called New Culture, a blanded with democratic multipartism. This was the advent of corruption in Zambia. The president was incapable of grasping the art of ruling due to his poor bacground. His failure was the elite had de- facto presidential powers. The third presidency was with a sound economical ideology that had an effort to continue from the first ideology of national development.

  68. Zambians should not be intimidated. We need free and independent thinkers who do not fear to guide our president.we should now discuss the merits and demerits of chibamba’s statement so that we do not plunge ourselves into problems. Lusaka Times should publish the statement in full.

  69. In this republic the real fight against corruption began which was only in theory with Mr Chiluba. Little did we know that this corruption cancer created by this unschooled president would be with us for years to come. In part Zambians are to blame for we bequench all our beliefs and expectations in the person we elect. So they come up with ideas in all types, shape and form. Eg presidential slash funds, brown envelopes culture etc. That is a form of corruption to corrupt our minds not to speak against such things.
    The presidency of RB was unexpected. Though in the system before, the man was out of touch with things. He tried to recall the nationalist ideology to which he was part but his long absence from the wind of change made him stranger to multipartism.

  70. #12: People in all provincial centers have access to electricity. So I do not know what you are talking about. Economists should not just talk about what they cannot not do! They need to start thinking and be innovative and help the new government archive it’s goes. They need to look for ways to implement minimum wage and stabilize inflation! Get to work and for once do something challenging!

  71. PF supporter again you are in power therefore naturally comments or observations may be touch to you, please be patient and read between lines in order for this govt to achieve more as we all want a better life.

  72. The unexpected power endowed on him resulting from the passing on of his boss was enough to make him drunk with new found power. His inability to read trends and mood of nation blinded him further to rule of law. He eventually became everything in himself. His weakness was desplayed in how his sons usurped power and abused it for personal gain. He has many things to answer to the new PF government as more and more revelations will hinge on him as president then. Little room to escape though he freed his predisessor on reasons Zambians are yet to understand. A friend’s lacky may not be yours. Zambia is in the fith presidency whose ideology is still taking shape. Zambians are yet to see with good signs so far and high expectations. Hope not to regret as we have done before. Good lack ZED.

  73. I hope this quote will answer your fears and concerns. SATA does have advisors.At least he wants to make the middle income a reaToday, most mainstream economists favor a low, steady rate of inflation.[9] Low (as opposed to zero or negative) inflation may reduce the severity of economic recessions by enabling the labor market to adjust more quickly in a downturn, and reduce the risk that a liquidity trap prevents monetary policy from stabilizing the economy.[10] The task of keeping the rate of inflation low and stable is usually given to monetary authorities. Generally, these monetary authorities are the central banks that control the size of the money supply through the setting of interest rates, through open market operations, and through the setting of banking reserve requirements.[11].

  74. Guys, Economics is not science. It does not work like exact science. They always fix the so called economic theories/principles in rstrospective and if it makes sense now it does not mean it will make sense later in a different situation. I can even challage the economists themselves. That is why in developed countries, the implementaion of the so called economic theories is always tempered with some common sense, depending on what is obtaining at any particular time. Check this:1.0 You Zedian economiist after reading books say the GVT should not be involved in business and capitalism is the best option and everything must left to the market forces, crap!! When we had a global econimic meltdown, Zedian economist were giving a warning that GVT should not interfere in the economic affairs,

  75. Do not blame Sata.He is just making a reality what became a everyday song of the MMD that Zambia is middle income country. The world Bank said so.He has international advisors and experts at his disposal.Chibamba talks too much theory.Have read and listsened to most of his rhetoric.It is crap and it can not work in the real world besides Chibamba was a minor in Economics and major in Bussiness Admistration. Anyway we need those people for checks and balances.If USA can have them on CNN dennouncing Obama’s policies we also need them. Remeber William Buffet tax which Obama wants to implement.William Buffet the billionier admitted that his secretary pays more Tax than him who makes millions. So I also propose that the Presido increases tax on those chaps(chibamba) and reduces on us to balnce

  76. I like the dude but man he is in for a rough ride. He is so confident about everything that he is blinded to the truth.

  77. Mr. President please don’t make comments that will chance away axperts from your side. You should listen from experts. there is a negative side to anything and what we experts always want to do is to find the correct balance.

  78. Good evening

    The problem with economists is that they are good at articulating problems but they are barely capable of offering workable solutions to the problems they wish to eliminate.

    It is this attitude that makes them highly suspicious to our president and also to me. If indeed there is any truth in what they’re saying, why don’t they become part of a consultation team that can search out ideas and advise the president on economic issues?
    It would certainly be a more meaningful thing to do than to lay back and make big money while predicting hard times ahead. Unless they’re telling me that they don’t care about the future of our country?

  79. Economic is about implementing the uncertainty “the unkown result” in the hope that it works because of the belief.especially the MACRO,economists knows this even Chibamba Kanyama knows..

  80. I am no economist. However, there can be no economy without economists. Yes it`s true some economists are in the pockets of corporations, but, basic principle- more money in circulation fuels inflation and hence drowns the currency value. What we need is a ramping up on education to raise more technocrats (middle class; better educated better pay), attract direct investment in manufacturing and technology to diversify economy and avoid too much copper reliance. This will have the domino effect of increase in employment as well as increase in exports to far, wide and  in-between, raising kwacha value as well as revenues

  81. Remember this, mandatory price wage increases will result in mandatory price increases (don’t` forget how businesses become excited to increase their profit margin) ranging form low end to high end products including transportation and therefore, the  net effect of this supposedly  genuine gesture being negated

  82. People…lets be reasonable. It is criminal to pay someone 400000 in this era. What will happen is that people will steal from their employers (direct theft,time etc).
    Now we have to strike a balance. Lets increase taxes for those who get more and reduce taxes of those who get less.
    But the Government must also widen the tax base and also get more from our mineral wealth.
    I am paying around 35% income tax=apprx 3,500,000. I am willing to pay up to 40% if the government can show more prudence in managing the resources for the benefit of all…

  83. In my opinion, minimum wage is applicable to developed nations because they are wealthy and have a relatively stable economy, and furthermore, don`t forget that they have come a long way and this has evolved over the years due to their experiences. In our case, we have to compete for foreign investment and such acts may deter prospective investors. My question is have we made a research to find out that employers will have the capacity to  meet whatever minimum wage  obligation is decided upon? For example, will the lowest paid civil servant who due to lack of time or some other reason employs a maid or baby sitter be able to pay it, or for that matter a marketer, kantemba owner etc who employs somebody be able to meet it as well as tax from their profit. We may stifle entrepreneurship

  84. Does Sata understand business? If i own a restaurant and labor costs go up because government has increased the minimum wage, does Sata expect to me to sale the my chibwabwa and nshima at the same price? I will in some way pass on the cost to consumers. In other words i will adjust the price of my chibwabwa and nshima. Of-course government should review the minimum wages in Zambia —but do it smartly so it does not hurt the same workers they are trying to help. Otherwise most of the people will lose jobs.

  85. Does Sata understand business? If i own a restaurant and labor costs go up because government has increased the minimum wage, does Sata expect me to sale my chibwabwa and nshima at the same price? I will in some way pass on the cost to consumers. In other words i will adjust the price of my chibwabwa and nshima. Of-course government should review the minimum wages in Zambia —but do it smartly so it does not hurt the same workers they are trying to help. Otherwise most of the people will lose jobs.

  86. only a person who has not travelled around ZAMBIA can dispute how big northern province is and uncordinated in terms of road network.The provivnce is too big to attain meaningfull developement. Just Mpika its self is bigger than tunisia or togo.The idea of dividing it into two provinces is wellcome. economist talk too much and do a little no wonder they have not been good leaders.look at Mutharika is a well polished economist but he has failed to transform malawi and he will end his term with high poverty levels.While books work but to be realistics and considerate of what is obtaining on the ground is good.

  87. On a serious issue, we need to raise, notches higher, the quality of our education. Apart from high populations, economic  and political stability, congenial environment, cheap labor, one important reason western investors have flooded the emerging economies (India, China, Indonesia, South Africa, Kenya, Egypt and Brazil) is that these countries are highly skilled and therefore  can easily adapt to versatility,  complexity and sophistication as demanded by industrial evolution and dynamism.  Remember, the western world has created these emerging economies (markets) by heavily investing in them. For example there has been a lot of outsourcing by US companies. If you went into WAL-MART (Largest world retailer) today, 70% of products are made in China.

  88. Economist! Are you Capitalist or Bootlicker fimofimo? You think Sata does not know what he is talking about? Yaba amaeconomists You will be eating macro and microeconomics! We need reality check food on the table!

  89. #38 Mwine Nkoko. Tribalism is a thing of the past. these days people are employed on merit. In regards to Sata’s appointments, its ironic to think he only wants to work with bembas. We are one Nation a family for that matter. its rediculous to keep duelling on tribalism.

  90. ” President Michael Sata has taken a swipe against economists who are suggesting that if government reviews the minimum wage, it will fuel inflation.

    President Sata says it is unfair to suggest that increasing wages for workers will fuel inflation when the same economists get millions of Kwacha. ”

    I couldn’t have said it better. It is a hypocrisy at the center of neoliberal economics that they see the wage increases of the common man as inflationary, but the wage increases and golden parachutes of the wealthy as ‘a good thing’.

    That kind of thinking can end now. In order for the economy to grow, people have to have more purchasing power, whether from higher wages or a stronger Kwacha.

  91. Ways to increase wages are a higher minimum wage (or better, a living wage that equates actual JCTR food basket) and increase unionisation so there are more employers compliant with the minimum wage.

    Or more people can be put at work, through infrastructure projects, financed through mine taxes. Roads, bridges, rail, irrigation (only 3% of arable land is irrigated).

    Then there are green technologies, solar energy, which should replace a lot of fuel imports. Solar Thermal can heat and cool entire buildings.

  92. Private companies do not pay people better by cohesion or patriotism but by their qualifications and performance as determined by their evaluations. For better paying jobs and more money in their pockets, people need to be adequately educated.

  93. Its a very simple issue… lets measure the inflation rate in 6 months time and this mister know it all president will understand what the economists are talking about.
    This is is not even university economics its actually high school level understanding of economics but i understand the president never made high school so i can forgive him

  94. these are promises we have been waiting for am over the moon to hear thatu will review our low salaries in the public media especually in ZANIS Mr President whare there is a lot of confusion! you will have my vote again Mr President dats for sho!

  95. No. 58 ‘Truth Teller’, I think it is pathetic for you to question my tribe because of my comment. I may be Lozi, Tonga, Ngoni or Bemba but the fact remains that I am Zambian. Please, let us not dwell so much on this tribal thing and do what is good for the nation.

  96. Mr President, when you were in government both under Kaunda and under Chiluba, did not not see that Zambians lived under circumstances far below world poverty levels? Why now? Alot of Zambia children have died through lack of drugs in hospital and a lack of proper healthcare. Why now? Why don’t we have proper schools, hospitals and habitable homes in Zambia. Millions of Zambian have left the country in search of good healthcare and jobs and homes. We could not even buy a nice home in Zambia to call our own, everything is under corrupt hands. Zambian govt failed to build houses for its own people since 1964, they just use facilities left behind by colonial masters and they are not shamed to see their own people living in huts and plastic make shift homes. Too late Mr Sata, too late

  97. Go ba Presido, Go. We know you mean well for Zambia. Let the high earners pay more taxes to curb the inflation. 1.Increase the minimum wage 2. Lets have several taxing regimes 3. Less taxes for the low earners e.g 20% and 40% for the high earners ( the Chibambas of this world).

  98. Mr kanyama if you are reading what these bloggers are saying please comment on what is going on in the world market people are protesting all over the world as am writing

  99. What inflation, give people the money in their pockets. Chibamba can try living on K 200 000 per month for a year. That ll make him a true economizer.

  100. #70 is right when he says biggest economies pay high salaries and have low inflation . I don’t think economists in countries like USA , UK , Botswana etc as cited by #70 have a different educational formation or they just have a better flair of innovations , unilke those who just count days before the next salary pay . #46 has talked about education as a guarantee for good salary . Mao Tse Tung ( Former China Leader ) said : ” Cow ‘s droppings are worth more than a dogm ” , as the droppings will make the soil fertile whilst a dogm will remain just a slogan . By analogy , education is worth nothing if there is no palpable fruit to talk about .

  101. RETIREMENT AGE . Let me suggest the following : 65 years to be MANDATORY and 45/50 years to be OPTIONAL . Some category of people would want to work for others until they are betrayed by lack of energy , let them go up to 65 and get retired automatically . Some other category of people would want to retire early in order to venture in different fields , let them have such option once they reach 45/50 years of age . Young men and women nowadays represent about 75% of rich people because of their determination and innovation ( whilst other young people would want to do the same but lack funding ) . Early retirement package will provide sufficient funding for starting a new and probably better life .

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  106. You really make it seem so easy with your presentation however I find this topic to be actually one thing which I believe I might never understand. It kind of feels too complicated and very vast for me. I’m having a look forward to your subsequent post, I will attempt to get the hold of it!

  107. well the president was pleasing electorates by the small salary hike and mr chibwamba decides to counter hence the reaction from the president.ya its normal,but the president should increase and sort out inflation by over taxing salay for chibwamba at ZB and his business workshops where he makes millions in two days for preaching ideas that he cant impliement himself.why work if you have busines ideas and methods mr chibwamba business is reality not theory,If you want to advise write to the president not in the press for self glory,We know you and are watching you.**==

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