Tuesday, March 18, 2025

President Sata cancels New State House and Airport Projects


Artist impression of the New State House that was to be built
Artist impression of the New State House that was to be built

President Michael Sata has cancelled a contract to build a new State House and the construction of a new international airport which was supposed to be constructed by Chinese company, Shanghai Construction (Group) General Co and a Turkish company, respectively.

Mr Sata said the country’s current State House is more than adequate and wondered why the former government had decided to embark on an expensive venture of building another State House.

“Building a new airport is an important venture and needs cabinet approval and advertising. I am cancelling the building of the airport… and there was no tender. We are going to investigate,” Mr Sata said.

President Sata also revealed that the number of expensive Toyota Lexus vehicles bought by former President Banda was in fact not two but four and has demanded that investigations should be launched to find out where the other two cars are. He has directed Minister of Home Affairs Kennedy Sakeni to investigate the matter.

And the president Sata has said that he is disappointed that people who allegedly bought the gold that went missing from the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) sneaked into the country on October 12 and were allowed to return to Switzerland without police detection.

President Sata said he had lost confidence in Lusaka Divisional Commander Mhlakeni Zulu and has since retired him in national interest and replaced him with Ms Mary Tembo.

The President revealed that the multi-million dollar gold that mysteriously went missing was in fact bought by Swiss national, Nicola Bogdan Buzaianu, who is also Zambia’s permanent representative to United Nations Education and Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

Mr Buzaianu and two colleagues allegedly met former President Banda’s son James and former press aide Dickson Jere. Mr Sata said the three men also allegedly met the former President before travelling to Mfuwe where they had a meeting with an unnamed businessman.

[pullquote]“We were supposed to swear in a deputy Minister Sara Sayifwanda but my sister wanted to twist our arm and wanted to be cabinet minister. We promised a smaller cabinet and we are not going to increase ministries,” the President said.[/pullquote]

“It is very sad that the Drug Enforcement Commission seized gold and it went missing mysteriously. The people who bought were in Lusaka a few days ago. They came with a private jet and saw my predecessor. The name is Nicola Bogdan Buzaianu,” President Sata said. President Sata said Mr Buzaianu and two other men arrived in Zambia on October 12 aboard a private jet.

Meanwhile, the President has revoked the appointment of Zambezi West member of Parliament, Sarah Sayifwanda (MMD) as deputy Minister of Gender because the MP demanded a full Cabinet portfolio.

The President said the ministry, which has been renamed Gender and Child Development, will be run by a permanent secretary. “We were supposed to swear in a deputy Minister Sara Sayifwanda but my sister wanted to twist our arm and wanted to be cabinet minister. We promised a smaller cabinet and we are not going to increase ministries,” the President said.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. If he goes against the Chinese and fights corruption from top to bottom, as it seems to be, then he has won my support.

  2. Please investigate and start the arresting. I cant wait to see justice done to those who plunder state resources at the expense of our poor people

  3. Sure,Mr Sata a new statehouse is not in the national interests of zambia.However,a new airport is needed like yesterday.The current airport is a squalid,wretchedly poor place or a version of an upgraded ghetto.Having said so,i notice the same sweeping powers you’re using to cancel contracts and order this and that is what is wrong with zambia.Reduce the powers in order to reduce abuses by presidents and their henchmen.Have a system of collective running of affairs where naysayers have an input and a right to question even the president.Of course that means reducing your powers and you’ve got to accept that.

    • Mwana the guy said,we wants the Airport Contract to be tendered..thats a start…and yes the president has too much power which you gave him because of chiluba and you keeping your mouth shut about it…

    • He is not against the building of the airport. But he says the tender procedures were not followed and there was only one bidder.

    • For years we have said the biggest problem is our presidency has too much power. But when people get into that power they love it so much that they dont want to change it. This power is good when you have a good president, but catastrophic when a bad or corrupt chap is on the throne.

      I hope Sata will be so kind as to ensure these powers atr trimmed for the sake of Zambia. otherwise he will just be as guilty as FTJ, LPM and RB before him.

    • The Office of President in Zambia has too much power. This is not healthy. It is good when you have a good president but catastrophic when you have a bad chap on the throne. I hope HMCS will ensure we have a constitution that trims the power of the president, otherwise he will be as guilty as FTJ, LPM and RB who advocated for reducing the president’s power but loved it so much they kept the status quo when voted into that office.

  4. How can a Ministry be run by a Permanent secretary? While I applaud the investigations on the Banda Govt, We still need to Keep an an eye on your men too? Word has it that Miles Sampa is the new James Banda? How much did Miles Sampa get from Mahtani???? When will this matter be investigated, when you leave Govt? The fact is that you are a product of corruption, K2billion from nationals assembly, money Laundering in South Africa!! 

  5. Was Banda thinking this was going to be his permanent home? The current building is historical and symbolic. How could you allow a foreign corporation to construct such a sensitive structure? As for the airport, as much as we need a new one, it would be out of vanity. Sure the KK airport does not look appealing, but is it that urgent with our roads in such a mess and poverty at an all time high? kudos Mr. President. But please have more people in your cabinet from the South and Western province. I know you are not a tribalist like RB and HH.

  6. Zambia is a praying nation thats why God delivered it from Idi Amin Banda.

    With all the poverty in Zambia,he wanted to build a palace. Please cage this criminal.

  7. RB was an extravagant old man all that real estate for living quarters ? thats the size of a hospital or university. Even Buckingham Palace or the white house is not that big. With the airport I think a newer modern airport more runways is needed to deal with increased air traffic. Theres so any trade avenues that can be opened for Zambia. The current airport is an eyesore and is not fir for purpose, the airport trolleys look like chigiligili’s with mangishi. With more international airlines liek Emirates flying to lusaka we need an airport that can accomodate a lot of airlines

    • The president said:… YES AN AIRPORT IS NEEDED. he canceled the contract because there is no proper tender meaning, an airport will be built but with proper procedure. hope you understand. and soon we shall have a national airline. i love this man he is addicted to action and allergic to corruption.

  8. #8. FYI .permanent secretaries are the CEO’s of ministries. They do the day to day operations. Thats why you see they still function when parliamnent is dissolved. Ministers are political figure heads, Further more a PS is a career person in most ministries .

  9. # 7. @. I refuse fimo fimo —-FYI .permanent secretaries are the CEO’s of ministries. They do the day to day operations. Thats why you see they still function when parliamnent is dissolved. Ministers are political figure heads, Further more a PS is a career person in most ministries .


  10. our state house is a more like a museum if you have been there or if you compare to the state house in Tanzania , Zimbabwe, Malawi, Botswana just to mention a few of course, is not important?

  11. Kudos Presido!!! Even the USA has kept the same OLD WHITE HOUSE becos it is a NATIONAL SYMBOL!!! So STATE HOUSE STAYS!!!!

    Kudos again!!! NEW AIRPORT?? NO!! What it needs is a MAJOR UPGRADE!!!!!
    Suggestion would be to move ZAF- Int Airport to Mumbwa. It is too easy a target, & every jim & jack can take photos day in day out. We would save money by closing down this base & upgrading the others. ZAF headquarters having been gifted Lusaka Airport, as HQ, have no reason for maintaining a big base in lusaka.
    Vacating ZAF-Int/Airport will give more acreage for the Major upgrade of KK Int airport.

  12. Zambians are docile .This man is feeling the pressure
    of 90days.Let’s wait and see.What is wrong with a new
    State House and a new airport? State house is not the White house .U can build a smaller building for the press. and turn that old relic left by the whites to you munthus
    into a hospital or for the Army who are next door.
    Zambians are Docile!!

  13. The USA White House, Australia Prime Minister Lodge, UK Number 10 have maintained the same Presidential Building and all these countries have the resources to build new buildings but they have maintained the same buildings!!
    Why did Rupiah Banda want to build a new State house in the midst of poverty and Zambians dying without getting proper medical treatments?

    Anyway Banda did not care about Zambians as he did with the Mobile Hospitals which wasted our money. He need to be held accountable for all his insensitivity NOW!!!!!!

  14. New state house not a priority mr Bwezani and for it to have airport iyo mwalichilamo mambala.Yes we need a modern airport but let us tender no single source like RP capital.Its now four vehicles please investigating wings speed up and cage this man this is plunder to its highest point.Mr president sir go ahead and clean up the mess we salute you.chapeni chino chaalo.e boom iyi

  15. #15 kamunga boy

    Uli kapuba!!! You unthinkable MORN KOLWE and goat!!!

    Zambia can not afford to build a new State House in the midst of poverty. Zambians need new Hospitals, Medical equipments, drugs, roads and electricity in the remote Rural areas not mentions peri-urban areas!!

  16. Why a new state house now?How many millions would have been spent while zambians on the street leave under a dollar per day?James has become big headed also by bringing private businessmen while using corrupt policemen like zulu,plse ba sata fire and clean up zambia which smells with corruption.RB and sons shld be under strict monitoring from now

  17. It is clear that a lot of things were wrong in the Banda Government. How ever, I would love for the president to work and make pronouncements after all the facts are established. For example in he ZRA 4 billion scandal, the facts are that the scandal is true but there are no scanners in Nakonde yet only Chirundu and Livingstone. It is importatnt for the president to give accurate information so that people take it seriously and not just power drunk.

  18. Playing to the gallary. It’s action time. Comic Sata is like the Press Secretary. As he talks others are mopping the loot. You are now president, just do you job. You will look a fool if no one is convicted over these allegations. JUST DO IT.

  19. Rupiah Banda and his sons, all the right hand men and his henchmen must be arrested and charged. We don’t want to see another circus like the Mwanawasa-Chiluba circus where we lost more money trying to recover stolen assets and the circus went on for years without any tangible result .

  20. # 15 where are those Countries, you are so much an imaginary creature. Did you ever see the White House where Obama lives?
    Anyway, King Sata need to becarefull allegations. He is a police-officer himself, but he shouldn’t giving so much information before Attorney General draw up case against Banda & is Sons.

  21. #19
    Ba UNDERTAKER naimwe! We all know that MMD had majority in parliament and that everything could pass! Remember the removal of ‘abuse of office’ in parley? The only thing they failed was the pseuo-constitution!
    Having said that, we seriously need a new Int airport as at yesterday! Zambia stands to benefit a lot from a new airport. Its as important as building new roads. Its an eyesore each time we come back home!

  22. Mr president do you want to know which businessman i went to meet in Mfuwe? Its Steve and Anne Tholan directors of Chipembele Education centre, investigate this this is real these are my fellow thieves hiding in the name of community works and very corrupt, what you are arregic to.This is not my first time i meet these crooks and tell you what it was only a 15min meeting,ooooooh!!!!!!!!! how important it was.
    Dickson Jere arranged for this meeting the previous day. Mr President deport these creatures before they finish the abundancy natural resources of beautiful Mfuwe. PLEASE DONCHI KUBEBA!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. By the way, has anybody bothered to ask some hard questions?…..for example, how long was RB going to be in State house if he had won the elections…how many more terms? How long does it take to build such a huge and lavish estate? I am just wondering if RB was building this for himself or what?

  24. Sarah Saifwanda dont think by PF giving you a favour then we have run out of options,no.Remember that we will soon be having by-election and we are winning and the same sit you declined will be filled by Sylvia Masebo.You have missed your chance because of pride.

    And Mr.President consult these people and agree with them before announcing so that they dont embarass you in future like Sarah Saifwanda.

  25. I feel so much pain inside of me. It looks like too much money is embezzled everyday from the state coffers. I feel I can manhandle RB and his gang with my own bare hands. How can a whole country be raped by just these few charecters?…and who is talikng forgiveness when women are giving birth on sacks and on the floor in our dirty smelly hospitals? Please lessons must be learnt here and examples given. If the constitution is not delt with soon, even the PF government will fall to these vices Sata lone can not fight everyone, the constitution should. All these people surrounding Sata now are there for personal benefit and the people are a vehicle to take them to the resources of the country.

  26. #15 Kamunga boy or what ever, this is not a boys thing. You are suffering and some kwangala wants to enrich himself and sons and you are there vomiting rubbish.

  27. Please Please your excellence we need a new airport. We don,t need to go to SA or Kenya or Ethiopia when going to China or Dubai. We need direct flights. That is the airport you can call KK international Airport. We are tired of seeing the national air strip. Our KKIA is only fit for helicopters and those private jets for serious deals. A big airport is a serious MUST

  28. I am not against the construction of either the two, but the procedure that was about to be used. Parley is opening today. Maybe we shall see some immunity stripped from someone so that we move forward. The game goes on. This country was going to a rot. Thank God for giving us wisdom to choose a different Govt.

  29. What do we need a new airport for when your mothers, fathers and uncles are dying without their terminal benefits being paid? What kind of prioritising is that? Go to UTH and see how the ordinary Zambians are suffering in the midst of plenty. Zambia is not pure, it is poor in leadership that is all.

  30. well put gentlemen! well except the misguided KAMUNGA fellow. It is our national interest to not sit on the side-lines and watch our resources plundered. we have done so for too long. I must admit that i was slightly sceptical and wary of Sata’s agenda, and am still critical of his appplication of his presidential powers but if thats what it takes to clean up the filth and rot of the previously corrupt administrations then so be it. He does tend to have a worrying dictatorial tendancy, but if this policies bring development and rid us of the scourge of corruption- he will be better than the previous holders of the presidency. There is no need for a new statehouse. That place is already as strong pillar of power antiquated as it may be. 

  31. Did RB care, why caring so long his family was on the centre of everything.The truth is coming out, who can now doubt the old man Mpombo. Bravo old man———–Now what about his parentage issue give it a thought. Kabimba did you appeal the case or the youngman Mchinga stopped you.

  32. THE suggestion by my brother #16 Braggadacio II, was a great one. Moving the ZAF base to lusaka city airport would allow for move space. Some countries have their military airports next to the civilian ones, so its not the first time this has been done. But we do need to expand the current airport to suit. Only if it is not feasible to do on the current site, should they consider another location. I dont think that the right procedures were followed , thats why his Excellency has put a stop to these contracts. Im liking this guy’s straight-forwardness more and more. Lets hope it doesnt become one sided. We are after all a participatory democracy. The people’s opinion must count in these decisions. Thats why we eleceted MPs. Thrash decisions out in Parliament. Good call Mr. Sata.

  33. Our old structures are well enough, just need some upgraded, maintain them should be must.As for the Gold deals please honorable Sata dig deeper and cage them

  34. I remember pipo being shifted from airport land to Mikango to pave way for Expansion of KK international airport. What has happened to that land?

  35. The building of a new airport has much as is a wlcome idea is at the moment not the ideal considering the backdrop of high levels of poverty and underemployment in our country… putting up of new terminal buildings and acompanying inferstructure at our internation airport is long over due but this must be subjected a tender process that is transparent…. for a new state…. in the words of ftj”come on guys” who needs one…. espiscically single contracted please spare us the rot…

  36. Surely the airport is not urgent as some of you are putting it. The KK airport inst that busy to be upgrade unless if the flow of traffic increases.

  37. PF chaps should learn how to think outside the box. Our current state house and airpost are a disgrace especially the airport. Further imagine how many jobs would be created if such projects started. imagine and new business park in place of the statehouse land all that will mean jobs jobs jobs. How do you want jobs to be created kanshi.

  38. …His Excellency is just 21 days old, evidence ilipo, change is inevitable! Zambia really needed this MAN like 3 yrs ago! Go Sata! Go PF! “The Hour” has gone (soon to be jailed!). Come the 90th day; \:d/!!!!!…….as we wait Parley……..Be Well!

  39. I doubt if this is true,i really doubt.Sara good job for refusing to be relagated to deputy minister in a senseless ministry,its not about jobs but satisfaction on the job.

  40. Mr Sata did well to cancell that damn contract, any serious religious scholar would tell you that the design is totally misplaced and against our christion standing.Am total against that thing not jst on cost bt based on my religious beliefs.

  41. I was going to be disappointed if Ms Saifwanda accepted the the position of D/Minister. Sata just wanted use her parliament. Good that you turned it down.

  42. We need a new airport Mr Sata.That archaic hanger you call KK international is a sore eye.The new State house is unnecessary.I don’t like the way you are trashing RB though.We are hearing a one sided story- the Sata version.Let RB and his henchmen also give their side and let the courts give a verdict.I think we are more interested in development and reducing presidential powers than witch hunting.


  44. Good morning

    African corruption meets Western corruption.

    The allegations in this report are too serious to ignore. The Swiss national Buzaianu who fraudulently acquires the gold should not be spared and equally deserves thesame fate as all others that have been retired by the president.

    This is a good thing because the message will now get accorss internationally that corruption in Zambia will not be tolerated. Well done, mr. president!

  45. You PF guys. You should stop and reason before you coment. The president is making serious mistakes which you are so shallow to detect. Of the presidents we had Kaunda and banda imprest me alot in term of infrustratual development. Why new state house. The current one is not safe. there is no security anymore. FTJ (rip) exposed all details of security of state house. rendering it useless for the president to leave in. Remeber MCS makes enemies easily with foreign countries. Security for him is cadinal.
    Airport new.. we seriously need one. the one we have is big enough but below world standard think guys help the president don’t worship him

  46. Why should Sata dramatise issues about RB? If you claim to be fighting corruption, you should bring to the table the credentials that go with it. I am afraid Sata falls short. Sata has breached a number of laws so far since taking office. He has usurped ministrial powers to dissolve and appoint various boards and positions. More than 50 percent of his cabinet are directly or indirectly his relatives (according to October 4—Post editorial comment). Isn`t this corruption? By the end of Sata term the level of corruption in Sata`s government will be worse than what Sata is revealing against RB.

  47. state house mmmmmmmmmmh,when students at the two universities dont have rooms.they 4 pipo sleep in a room meant 4 2pipo…this is strange.

  48. state house mmmmmmmmmmh,when students at the two universities dont have rooms. 4pipo sleep in a room meant 4 2pipo…this is strange.

  49. @Yes, I am with you. People think such projects directlly involve getting money from government coffers and starting to build, those are old ways of doing things…..oh i forgot that the presdent is old.

  50. Keke, you maybe right but the fact remains that Rupiah was corrupt, when he let Chiluba go scot free that is when I knew that the guy was corrupt.

  51. # 44 u don’t seem to be normal. Did u eva see any ruling party appointing a person from an opposition to b part of the govt? Try to be thankful for what H.E MC Sata has done. i guese u ar one the non exisitin party movement for mad dogz mmd. go to hell with yo silly comment

  52. [-( sure statehouse needs to be stopped

    but airport awe mwe i even feel ashamed to invite people to Zambia

    ka airport kamusebanya

  53. SATA and Chiluba revealed the state house hiding tunnels that KK put up for the safety of the President. Zambia is one of the countries where a president can be snatched with no difficulties. The president has nowhere to hide himself. The KK airpot is not worth it. Go to Nyerere or Jomo Kenyata, beautiful airports. If you have travelled enough then you can not oppose much. We need a new airport mwebantu.

  54. #50 keke, would care to expand a little for us that arent privy to that information? what laws has be flouted and please expand on the relatives in power. Im merely curious, thats all. As i have mentioned before, i am on the fence with this guy but i also believe everyone has to prove themselves given the opportunity and he needs to show and prove. Its not uncommon even in so called ADVANCED DEMOCRACIES that power will be wielded by a select few “elite” with alot of political and financial influence. That is the spin-off of open market and democratic policies. Unfortunately it is very few governments that are representative. Most heads of government will choose people that are loyal to them or reward their allies with political office. It comes down to the presidents policies.

  55. Thank you Mr president for that move. You are always an inspirational to us youths. You have revitalised the ardent spirit of the late president, Levy Patrick Mwanawasa. This should be a lesson to all those who abuse power that time will always catch up with them.

  56. this is very good news i’m happy to see this , zambia doens’t need a state house now we need feed the poor people in our country as for the airport I’m happy too unless it was a PPP they should be a tender and we don’t need a chinese construction company we can create a JVC with a zambian construction company and architects , I’m sure we’ll get a new airport its looooooong over due

  57. oh last thing you must be careful with these chinese gifts “statehouse” as the chinese import labours , design, material from china …if we plan a new state house get a zambian architect to do it same with the airport as they know the true character of the zambia people and its’ context

    And the president Sata has said that he is disappointed that people who allegedly bought the gold that went missing from the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) sneaked into the country on October 12 and were allowed to return to Switzerland without police detection.
    The President revealed that the multi-million dollar gold that mysteriously went missing was in fact bought by Swiss national, Nicola Bogdan Buzaianu, who is also Zambia’s permanent representative to United Nations Education and Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). PLEASE HELP ME DIGEST THIS DAILY MAIL STORY.

  59. conratulations Mr Sata. Am however worried with these important public revelations u r making. 2de u say 2 lexus 2moro u say 4, meaning u did not fully investigate. Kindly tone down sir u hav been in office a few days and dont kubilima bilima. Dont Kubeba until u fully establish the facts.

  60. Mr Sata,will be the Best President of all times in Zed.Thanks man of ACTION,man of the pipo of Zed we need such decision.THANX

  61. how can an a state house be built by foreigners!!! that means our president is not safe at all. this RB is very stupid . he should just go to jail . fat presidents are nuts . you will never see a fat president in the west . only africans are carrying heavy stomachs almost on the ground like reptiles .its really a shame . why they can not give contracts to zambians ? many zambians went abroad to study ,they came back with nothing in the heads? i dont think so .corrupt banda . God answered you well . Great you are out . MMD should just go to hell . They didnt have any interest for our beloved zambia !!!!

  62.  Unbelievable flamboyant life style of our former president RB when millions of Zambians were and are suffering. No wonder he shielded late FTJ from being convicted because him too had embarked on the same path.  I’m annoyed, and if these MPs both in the ruling party and opposition fail to lift his immunity and let the Zambians down. Prosperity will judge you harshly and come 2016 you will all go. It’s up to you my fellow  Zambians to open your eyes, judge whether these politicians genuinely care about you or just go in parliament to fatten their pockets.

  63. RB should not be judged in the press going by the revelations from State House. We should tread carefully with these allegations. If anything, let the President not comment on such matters until thorough investigations are carried out.It was said 2 Lexus vehicles, now it is 4, let’s be careful. New State House? well, with the tunnel revelations, there are pros and cons, but its not necessary at the moment. Although there were plans to have a new State House, i personally don’t think RB and company were just going to start building it without the approval of the electorate via the Parliament. I don’t think they were this so duffed.

  64. What are we waiting for? Arrest the Banda’s even after they have lost elections, they have the guts to sell stolen gold!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Mr. President. 

  65. Am listening to mr president’s speech now on coppernet solutions am telling you we have been stamping on the rose all these years without knowing it .this man has a passion to improve zambia lets support him.thats when my eyes hav open to see that the MMD was doind nothing have been supporting blindly.

  66. Iwe chi Number 86, PUMS what security are you talking about if state house is constructed by Chinese contractors? Do you think China would be interested in threatening life of a ZAMBIAN President? Mr SATA Calm down now it seems state house is everything now it is DEC,ACC,…What will your cabinet ministers be doing when u have information and comment over every small issue? Can we have the tender for airport out within 90 days? People lets consult before commenting on issues , the Turkish Govt got that tender on good will when RB visited turkey even Kavindele was their, the turkish Govt agreed to do a design and build project under a concession loan. Now u have stopped the project, we need a consulting firm to design,produce tender documents, call for tenders, etc shame , non starter proje

  67. it may not be a necessity now but you can say other countries have maintained theirs so should Zambia we a re our own republic and we should change colonial structures. The chinese shouldnt build or any other foreigner.

  68. #14 MBUZI – stop lying. Permanent Secretary is not a career position. Permanent Secretaries are appointed by the President. And it is against the Constitution for a Ministry to be solely run by a Permanent Secretary. If Sata wants to have that idea, then the Gender and Child Development can only be a Division within Cabinet Office. You can’t have a Ministry under Cabinet Office. You should be reading govt documents before yapping out. Every Country has rules, you can’t just wake up and start setting up your own things. Follow the constitution. Sarah Sayifwanda was right. You can’t set up a Company and then say the highest position in this company is the Operations Manager. Permanent Secreatries are Operations Managers of ministries. Some things Sata is doing aren’t making sense.

  69. One of the reasons why you are seeing all these cancellations is because Sata and his team want to do exactly what RB did. They want to bring in their own contractors whom they can control. Sata can’t say there was no tender advertised for the airport and even you gusy who live in Zambia agree to that? Didn’t you see the tender for the airport advertised???? Stop lying. I’m not saying what Sata is doing is wrong. But Sata should just say that he wants to readvertise the contracts so that he brings in his own contractors to renegotiate the deals. He doesn’t have to come up with a cheap excuse of accussing everybody in the past govt of corruption in order to do that. There are some good things MMD did, the economy is in good shape and they left over $2Billion in reserves.

  70. We can go on and on debating the ‘new state house and new airport’ issues but the most disturbing thing is that Rupiah Banda was all out to rape Zambia and bring it to its knees. He forgot that he was there for the suffering Zambians. The man is sick and he aimed at being president for life. What was he going to do with 4 luxury cars and already 2 of them are ‘missing’. By the way, has Musokotwane submitted the bicycle documents?

  71. Ba Usher @50 Rb and sons have been giving thier version for the past 3 years.silly tribalist What more do you want. koswe iwe

  72. Speculation, Speculation, Give us the facts Mr Sata do not rush to the Press! As Obama says, you hvae political capital now, use it wisely. My question remains, Is Sata the right man to fight corruption in Zambia tooth and Nail? Can we believe that he will adhere to the same principles?

  73. 63 and others you give me relief to see that there some in towns who do not worship Sata. I have relized the majority of his worshipers where born in the mid eighties onwards and they where the majority new voters who made great RB to loose. The no less of these politicians thanks to Post for hiding alot facts. Many mistakes from the president very embaracing.
    1. reduced cabinet by 3

    • No. 99 its not worshiping but its supporting what is right. If yr RB stood by good principals he could have won. He was busy comissioning what LPM started and instead of building another big hospital he preferred to build a state house and u think he is resonable. How many pipo can state house save hjust himself and family at the expence of tax payers – yet a hospital would save thousands of life. its a matter of priority which RB never had and it really costed him and am so glad.

  74. The white house was built hundreds of years ago by American slave labour. Our statehouse is less than 80 years and has a lot of space. If it is inadequate, expansion would be ok, not a new one. KK international is hardly used. One plane lands in two hours and then it is sleeping. When it gets busier, it can be upgraded. OR tembo received upgrades during the world cup. What is this mania about discarding what you have and building new things? By the way, city airport was dumped and now a kalingalinga quary. In Windhoek the city (eros) airport is a busy one handling all the small domestic aircraft. Take away proflight, all ntembas airways, etc from KK international to lusaka city airport

  75. Excellent speech from H.E MCS. Has promised that corrupt prctices from the previous regime will be investigated and people found wanting will be prosecuted.

  76. #86. I salute you. even if we needed a state house ! truelly it should not have been the any Foreign company, then where is the seecurity? You see, FTJ revelation of tunnels was miscalculation he should have just been Jailed, he put state house quarely like open market. But then, do we really need a multivillion state house project at the expense of retirees who walllowing in poverty their money $98 million was diverted to ZNBS? RB was crazy, selfish, and got too drunk with power no wonder he was crying and never wanted to leave stae house. Zambians being robbed day light with and looting with hissons. country men and women lets call for removal of immunity and he be tried with entire cabinet. Joshua Kanganja needs to be probed he I doubt if he is clean. That is where syphoning of occurs

  77. # 27
    if have ever used a thing such as Google earth you will be able to understand why #15 has a point ..dont just blaba about things you dont understand ..with google earth i can even see how many cars you have parked in your drive way .

  78. Once the dust settles, we must look at the powers the president in Zambia has. Unless these powers are reduced, the abuse will continue. We should move away from hunting ex presidents every time a new one comes. You dont see such things happen in UK or USA. Their institutions are strong enough to keep abuse in check. We must become a country of strong governance institutions as well.

  79. In just less than three weeks Sata has been in office, to me he has already proven to be the best President of the five we have had so far. One recent statement that he is ‘allegic to corruption’ is one great one which very few African leaders can have courage to say out because most of them are very corrupt!!

  80. Mr President ,that’s bad karma and a distraction
    There is a lot that needs to be done ,MMD is history
    Time is ticking ,great you cancelled the contracts move
    Onto the next thing

  81. Also Mr.President pls set up an “employment tribunal” were employees can lodge there complaints.Just like what’s done in uk.The labour office is not effective rather it’s toothless to effectively resolve workers problems.Even cases at industrial court takes so long to be disposed.

  82. And where are all those bloggers who were defendind RB?/ have u seen what yo man was involved in?-LOOTING BIG TIME..And this is just a tip of an iceberg…MULEKAKWA,WATCH THS SPACE..

  83. City airport needs to be seriously looked into , thats a major income generating airport.
    its being neglected big time ,..lets revert it back to civillian airport ,ZAF has no use for it realy

  84. Whatever MCS hopes to gain by these relevalations is irrelevant compared to the substance if the revelations.

    The Banda’s, especially the children were willing to do anything to get kick backs for conaracts. There were surely selling our Zambia.

    They were running a Kleptocracy.

    Lets now concentrate on reducing the powers of the presidency and support freedom of information.

  85. Zambia doesnt need new state house now, there are more pressing needs in the nation, who ever brought Banda into state house is the one to blame ,the man was dull,selfish and far from people, he lived in his own world for the three years, he failed the people of zambia

  86. Former Finance Minister once reported on projects that were going to be developed through PPP and the Lusaka airport was one of them. Do people go away with documents when they leave public office? We definately need to upgrade our infrastructure in order to improve our economy.

  87. Did RB & JB USE STATE HOUSE TO STEAL GOLD FROM DEC OR WHAT? If true, what are the police waiting for? we want to see thieves behind bars as promised by sata b4 elections. Infarct, he said they will be in jail on the 22nd of September. this is October.

  88. I think RB was right to build a new state house that befits the country. The old state house as it stands is an eye-sore. The airport is one of the waste structures in the world. There are so many planes that pass by that stupid looking airport to SA and yet we are a centre. Imagine travelling from UK and pass by Lusaka and then come back to Lusaka. If it was a better airport Zambia can benefit from airport levy from airlines. Yes we can cancel these projects but I can assure you there will be nothing that will be saved to benefit Zambians. Atleast jobs could have been created in building these two mega-structures. After the so-called 90 days dream I will ask some of you what we have saved from these rhetoric. Life will still be the same. Poor roads, useless infrastructure and the like.

  89. Good Decision Mr President. I am sure an Airport of international standards will be built soon. But on the State House issue, I think these more important things like more permanent roads/highway structures that need to be built between major cities/towns and not these “Welensky” era narrow roads that we still have and continue mending (Now how embarrassing is that??)

  90. I concur with all those advocating for a new airport we really need it like yesterday. There are many international carriers that use it and early next year emirates will be flying to Zambia. So the extension/building of the terminal must be continued even if it was started by RB s govt.

  91. I do not understand bloggers who keep on saying they want evidence to prove that Rupiah Banda was a full time plunderer. If you choose to turn a blind eye to the evidence that’s your own problem. May be you need to be reminded that RB himself admitted guilt by his famous statement ‘We never knowingly abused public funds’ and also said ‘I know that they are going to arrest and jail me.’ These statements are enough evidence to have him punished accordingly.


  93. i dont think building a new state hse is a priority for now but for the airport we need it ASAP…The firing of Lusaka police commandant is the most unfair dismissal l ve ever head.its like firing your maid after a burglar breaks into your house at nite when your guard was fast asleep outside.

  94. That is the problem in Zambia, every Jim and jack is an expert. First of all ‘am saddened by the colossal corruption that Banda devil perpetrated in an impoverished nation like Zambia. I think it’s time that we take serious of these allegations and make sure justices prevail; we should set precedence over public abuse and corruption. I still don’t understand how James found himself in Gold that was actually forfeit to state and had the ode city to overrule all laws and sale that GOLD! I think the laws should be applied adequately and cage these pigs. We are poor because of scam like Banda and his manions.

  95. Chief Clown in the house!  You are just changing names on ancient airports which you cannot even repaint?  How are you going to run a small government when you have just created a 10th province?  Let me see.  A new province requires:
    1. a Provincial deputy minister and his/her entourage and offices
    2. new provincial executive (education, police, agriculture, community development, forestry, intelligence etc etc).
    3. administrative offices
    4. etc etc
    You could have fooled me but I don’t take it. You are destined to go down as the worst president Zambia (nay, Kaponyaland) has ever had.  This sewer and its Chief Toad are beginning to be nauseating!

  96. On having a new airport, I strongly agree with the president that it’s not necessary.As for the new airport,I would like to appeal to our president that there is really need for us to become a part of the modern world and put up a structure worth calling an International Airport.This will have it’s own economic benefits as lusaka by virtue of its position will become the hub of southern and central africa not to mention that this will be good for hosting of big international events.

  97. Is the new Lusaka Province Police Commander the latest Chief Kaponya’s girlfriend?  This thug should learn to keep his cobra in his pants.  There is no need to appoint every p*ssy that has milked his cobra. 

  98. On the airport Mr Sata just look for other contractors. the idea was good which was started by Banda, may it is the excution which was wrong. This will promote trade and tourism for the much need forex for you to fulfil the money in the pocket policy of slogan.

  99. @116 Kalusa

    Was the former Finance Minister Bemba?  If not, then don’t talk to him bcos non-Bembas know nothing.  Only a Bemba person knows what he is doing and will do a proper job.  King Sata has decreed and that is all that matters here.  He knows everything!

  100. Lets remove the immunity for this old thieve. Let him pay back the money he has stolen from us. Pliz get to Zampost as well, the CEO also renovated his residence at more than K1.4 billion, bought himself a car for more than K1 billion and a cellphone handset for about K9 million.

  101. @108 Dejalas Joburg

    King Serpent being “allergic to corruption” is the biggest joke of all town.  King Clown flew with K2bn to Kabwe in 2001 which he distributed at the MMD Convention, of which he pocketed K600m.  This was money stolen from Parliament and Katele and other people got in trouble over it.  Believe this rubbish at your own peril!

  102. Go on King cobra. You are great son of Zambia. Really we were wasting time on RB the plunderer. Thanks God heard us by giving you to us.
    Really I am liking you now .
    Those who cursed that Sata would not be president are now cursing the day they uttered those silly insipid words. Hahaha..the stone that a builder rejected has turned out into a conner stone..ukoooo.

  103. An airport definitely needs to be build. forget the state house. build something that will benefit the country economically like good roads

  104. Grow up, No 131. Give us something that will add to national development, not an expression of hatred. **==**==**==**==**==

  105. People, you have a new President for 5 years and must extract the most out of his promises. Five years from now you will all be looking back to see what has been done. The kind of language some of us use is worse than what the Republicans are using on Obama, downplaying everything he’s done to get him out, shooting down his plans on account of Senate majority and even sending hate mail….and Zambians are much more refined to do this!

  106. Whilst it would seem extravagant to build a new State House, there are two things to consider: 1] It was going to take more than 5 years to complete that structure – remember a State House is not just a common house, so what you see on the impression is nothing. Therefore, RB was not going to live in that State House. 2] The security of our State House was breached by FTJ – it therefore falls very short of meeting the standards. May not be urgent but we need to replace that structure.

  107. Well I support Sata but I think the new State House and Airport must be important ventures. Airing of the details about the State House on TV makes it a security risk thereore our old state house inspite of its history must become a zoo or at least a home for the vice president! A new airpot is must Mr. President! Please consider that! Just run tenders and let it be open. If the ones who were to do it win then give it to them.

  108. Those opposed to what Sata is doing wait and see ba mumbwe. It ‘ll be another celebration of the people. RB must be arrested ,proven guilt ,he must go to jail. That will be a great lesson not to mmd only but also to pf and the future generation. We too need a very prograssive constitution that will prevent even the president ‘s abuse of office. We need our money and justice.

  109. The president is presenting to Zambians what ought not to be done and will rid all what is discovered to have been decided with questionable intentions. Well done Mr Sata. However, we note the premise on which you stand to reveal what we are hearing. We also know that you are not angels nor the whole of your ministers or PF. We will therefore hear these things at arms length for we know what you and your team are capable of doing and some actions and decisions are already leading to corrupt prictices against which you are preaching. Why should we take it at your word? Zambians just have to wait and approve or disapprove in time to come.

  110. Politics,politics,politics.We’ve seen this before.Former Presidents are demonized but never arrested.They are called names,mistreated,sometimes imprisoned for few days,but if they dont react even airports are renamed after them.From nowhere they are hero worshipped by the same leaders who mistreated them.KK for example is now said to have led Zambia towards the WEST.And that was why the economy was ok in those days.mmmmmmmmmm…bane,thats fiction.KK led the country towards the EAST.If the economy was ok then why the change of government in1991?So Sata,when are you arresting RB and James?Today in parliament you called or almost called William Banda COMRADE.You jocked through and through with George Kunda and Dora Siliya.I liked that and I dont blame you,it’s the game we call politics.

  111. Please Sata dont excite people’s emotions and hatred by blaming everything on RB.If you have evidence then arrest him.Arrest all those he was doing dirty dealings with.The clock (90 days) is ticking.Honestly we need the new airport manjemanje and later but not a priority we’ll need a new State House.The one you live in is an embarassment to us as a nation that has been free since 1964.

  112. Isn’t this house covering the all entire UNZA Great East Campus? It seems like the all entire Vatican City is in that House. What kind of extravagance is this? Did this guy plan anything for the people of Zambia?

  113. I beg to differ with most bloggers, a new better looking State house and international airport are in the national interest. We need structures that will have a positive psycological effect on us Zambians and an “intimidating” effect on foreign visitors. That way we will negotiate better in whatever deals we want to strike with them. I think this one of the reasons late Chiluba could shamelessly go to west and beg. The structures he saw in the west compared to what he was accustomed to in Zambia made him think he was not worthy. It is also the reason why our President could kneel before “Bishop” Rowan Williams right in the State House! For Williams, there was nothing to mesmerise him when he arrived at KK Int airport, not even the State House. But remember that President Sata was

  114. But remember that President Sata was in London last year. So does that say something to you in relation to what I have just written?

  115. Zambia is a landlocked country and naturally should have sound aviation infrastructure. It is shocking to note that we have one of the most dangerous air spaces in africa due to lack of air navigation systems. We need a brand new airport urgently!

  116. @5 you are right but building of the New Airport Needs a Tender, it was just given to Turkish Company because RB and his sons were given a big cut. It is really sad that JAMES BANDA BECAME TENDER BOARD of Zambia, These BANDA Boys need to be investigated and should be arrested.
    Shameful indeed that Former President Banda would still be getting involved in such corrupt deals. DEC have to explain this very silly chaps as well.


    • It was a good call on stopping the project before it even started. Why should these guys make their lives luxurious @ our the Zambian peoples expnese


  119. Is it possible that Sata will be challenged in some of his wrong doings? Already He is firing mps who have done so. Its like a one mans show for him.. Ether u are with him or wont havea job

  120. how much does govt spend on renovations on state house? research and stop being a press aide mr sata certain things backfire. MMD was developing tourism hence kasaba project and many others. Kazungula bridge is a ppp project y so much tok on the ppp project at airport

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  162. I really do care about Zambia and am thoroughly dissapointed by Mr Sata’s decision. An airport is like a gateway to the world and creates the first impression of a country. It’s really important for the airport to be good. The current terminal buliding is really old and either has to be improved or a new terminal should be built. Many international airlines are planning to fly to lusaka. Mr Sata should change his decision.

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