POLICE have confiscated 49 bicycles and two motor vehicles belonging to the opposition MMD, deputy national chairperson Kabinga Pande has said. And MMD deputy national secretary, Chembe Nyangu has complained about alleged escalating witch-hunt and victimisation of the former ruling party members and leaders by the PF Government.
Mr Pande said yesterday that the bicycles and motor vehicles were confiscated at his Makeni residence. He said seven police officers went to his home and confiscated the bicycles and vehicles.
Mr Pande, who is former Foreign Affairs minister in the former government, said 49 bicycles and two motor vehicles, a Toyota Dyna and a Hilux were confiscated in the morning and were currently in the custody of the police.
He said the bicycles and motor vehicles were in his custody by virtue of him being the party deputy national chairperson, adding that he did not feel shaken by what had transpired.
“I don’t feel shaken by this, my conscience is clear. Whatever is happening is meant to weaken the MMD but we have to be strong as a party,” he said.
And Mr Nyangu said in a statement yesterday that the PF Government was pursuing the former minister of Finance, Situmbeko Musokotwane over the bicycles seized at his farm in an action he claimed was aimed at eliminating the opposition.
He said the PF Government was “clearly on a fishing expedition” to invent an offence because Dr Musokotwane, who was alleged to have stolen the bicycles, was initially suspected to have used public funds to buy them.
Mr Nyangu said the party wondered why the new administration had chosen to focus on Dr Musokotwane to explain how he obtained the bicycles and other campaign materials even though there was no law to support their claims.
“The use of campaign materials is normal. The materials may include transport equipment such as bicycles, motor vehicles and even helicopters as has been the case with PF. “The MMD is aware that all political parties in the recent general elections utilized various forms of campaign materials,” he said.
He said the party was calling on the police to handle the matter with professionalism and condemned the alleged partisan approach displayed at the time the bicycles were being seized at Dr Musokotwane’s farm where a PF leader led the media to cover the seizure.
[Times of Zambia]
Mwachilemu kuba now it’s time you face the law.
Kabinga used to be a clean man. Are u saying you have fallen in the corrupt ways of MMD? The problem sir is that MMD spend more money to campaign than even David Cameron of UK used. Even the EU mentioned that your campaign expenditure was abnormally high.
You all miss the point, Zambians enable corruption to happen because of stupidity and plain foolishness. The point he is making is that the Police have ZERO reason to confiscate those bicycles or cars, has anyone actually gone out and told the police they were stolen? And if so from whom? Of if public funds were used why hasn’t the state actually provided evidence? Confiscation should occur when evidence is shown that those items are in fact stolen or the proceeds of ill gain. Until then this is a politically motivated attack. That makes these actions themselves corrupt and illegal, the PF can get away with it because people just overlook these things the same way FTJ’s stupditiy was overlooked in his first term. Change starts with a respect for due process, not witch hunts.
Well written, though witch-hunt was started by MMD themselves, My question still remains, why keep party Materials /Assets in their homes? it is wrong also. MMD have offices and for sure warehouses. For sure these materials were bought using state funds. No doubt about it. MMD had too much power that they did anything. On another note, I take Zambian Police to be very STU..PID.. Unethical with no Brains, they always wait to told to do something. Like allowing GOLD to be stolen???
I have the Zambian youth to take time to learn zambian economic and political history. This may help in making valid judgement. Dont be misled by Mmembe.
A thief is only a thief when he has been charged and found guilty by law. These guys haven’t even been charged, nor has any evidence been provided to show that these things were stolen or bought using state funds. This is a clear abuse of power and the fact that people are saying “this is the best time to be in Zambia” shows the level of thinking that people have. If you want people to be charged for corruption don’t support this nonsense, support the law and due process. Investigations should take place professionally. To tolerate this is to tolerate mediocrity.
The law exists for a reason and in this case the police are not following it. You can’t confiscate anything until evidence exists to show it is stolen or the proceeds of theft. That hasn’t been shown at all.
Shit of you they will be charged soon .
Not to worry my man they will be charged soon!!!
These items including motor vehicles came in the country without MMD paying duty on them. Tell me that avoiding paying tax is not an offence then I shall agree with you
Its funny how things change, yesterday the PF wr the ones crying, today its the MMD, yes police must do their jobs professionally but the MMD shld b the last to ask fo professionalism, they destroyed almost all professions in Zambia, their bunch of lawyers even laughed at Winter Kabimba fo losing all cases he took to court each time he sued the MMD but they forgot that judges wr compromised. Cry now, its yo turn.
Am sure, Sirs, that the Police have done their homework. They are law enforcement agents. For the Police to confiscate, the have information.Lets wait ,hear and See!!
It’s pay back time…..the 10 commandments ,two of them say;Thy shall not steal……2) Do onto others, how you would love them so onto you. Who was William Banda, MMD or NAREP? hahahahahaha
The same stick you use, the same shall be used on you. PF tread carefully.
The same stick you use, the same shall be used on you. PF tread carefully. PF tread carefully.
No wonder you remove the part of the law that should have been used “Abuse of authority…” You have to account what ever the case!
# 6 who informed u that the police never investigated your claims,any investigation is done in secret,the police do not need to alert the media of what /who they are probing.only when things have reached an advanced stage thats when the media gets hold of it.so the police are within the procedures and they have the powers to confiscate but the victim has to produce proof of purchase and show proof of tax receipts and lastly the source of funding,if govt money was used the said items are forfeited to the state ,but if no fault is found then the items are returned to the owner.you feel this because MMD are now weak and confused.we are professionals so wait and see what we come forth.
Good afternoon
#4,6 Thoughts, I don’t think the police would go around the country confiscating every single item that belongs to MMD. If that was the case, they would have lots of work to do. I’m sure they have executive orders which justify their acts of dispossession. Right now, you and I have not heard their side of the story, so we can only speculate. Let us wait and for a statement from the IG.
Otherwise, in my basic understanding of law, confiscation of corpus delicti is mandatory in a case where misappropriation of tax payers funds is suspected. The right to confiscate entails the handing back of the seized property once the investigations reveal that the property was not acquired unlawfully. What do the lawyers among us say?
correction: “let us wait for a statement from the IG.”
Don’t worry ba MMD, bakamibwesesha ifintu fyenu nga tamwafishitile unscrupulously, for now they must be stored under safe custody mwitina iyo! It is all part of professional investigations, maybe aimed at reconciling your statements that the MMD had no money yet the expenditures seem otherwise. Remember you have new people that have moved offices and they have their own way of doing things or carrying out investigations.
PF be careful!!! remember the MMD had 38% votes from the total cast!
#4 You are right.you have my thoughts. On top of that the president denounced the Inspector General Dr. MM that he is slow in carrying operations. He wasnt alert when the Buzaianu Jet landed at Mfuwe international Airport and left without being confiscated. The President told the nation that he is not confident with the Police Commanding Officer i think because the IG never informed him of the Jet in time. The IG only tells the President of MMD’s Cars and bicycles of which he is not confident with. The Police should look at serious issues first and not of MMD’s 49 bicycles. Let the Police tell the president what the Buzainu jet came to Mfuwe for.
If the items belong to MMD, why go to the media and complain? Go to the police and explain and show the evidence. Pande thats how it feels in the opposition, just smile and wait for the police to finish their work. Dont try to be wise when 4 weeks ago you were so foolish.
What are all those bicycles doing in the back yard of Musokotwane? ask him, its tax payers money. What are you talking about you Pande? you will see it, you think you are an touchable? This is the end of your MMD. Buried for good
Ha,ha ha victims at last. MMD you will never win sympathy, remember when the whole country was in your pocket how you grabbed Sata’s vehicles and teargassed him. How you arrested opposition cadres on violence charges leaving your own bad eggs, how you stole money and removed clauses to benefit yourself. This country would have been better without you MMD. They say time will tell and trully time is telling stories on you, Shed tears to your self infact we want not only to weaken you but to make you extinct from politics of Zambia. You will see more. Good work IG . VIVA UPND as opposition and down MMD shit
I for one do not condone revenge, and I think the police are chasing peanuts. There’re bigger crimes committed under MMD including the DEC gold scam just as an example. Yet MMD when in power went for anyone propping up the opposition with wrath, including grabbing a bank from a Zambian. The bank was dubiously given away for a song. I think it’s payback time, not in a vengeful manner but legally. The PF needs only not to repeat MMD’s mistakes otherwise they would head the same direction.
I remember vehicles belonging to Mr.Sata being confiscated and kept at the ACC offices. However, after investigations where concluded they were handed back to him. So were is this crying about political witch hunt coming from? If there is no case these properties will be handed back to the mighty MMD. If the police force is acting un professionally that is very regrettable. We (MMD) will be back in 2016
for sure MMD is breaking apart..Characters that were credible in MMD should join forces with unshakeableUPND so that we see a strong opposition. PF is itching for a total elimination of the big opposition parties. ACT NOW lest you continue gnushing your teeth.
New Ten commandments:
1. Thogh shall not posses campaign materials,
2. Thoug shall not bedwet
3. Though shall not steal public funds ie parliament money nowadays, with me it was different
4. Though shall not have red lips, thats corruption
5. Though shall not buy new lexus whips
6. Though shall not go to Malawi
7. Though shall not go to Mfuwe
8. Though shall not be Chinese
9. Though shall not be slow
10. Though shall not be in Rupiah’s shoes, naibila pantu
Nice, but I like your consistence in misspelling ‘thou’. And it is ‘thou shalt’.
The same measure you use, it shall be used on on
Whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad, and that is what happened to MMD.
i thought mr sata has a toyota cressida
UPND MU POWER 2013, SATA IS SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For now its not about who is sick and who will rule when. For now its about seeing to it that the guy with the signature appends it to the right documentation in favour of credible functional institutions and sound legislation, so that whoever comes whenever they come will find a strong constitutional structural foundation in place. In 2013, whoever is there then, we wont kubeba. Again. I guess this is one thing that this election has contributed to our realisation of our democratic rights. That we donchi have to kubeba.
Comm no 7 give give reasons please otherwise your thought is postive
Most deals are cracked there, any Mfuwe visit smells of corruption
Indeed the police need sufficient evidence to confiscate the MMD materials..This uzakambila kusogolo type of reasoning by police must end please lets learn from the western world on how things like this should be handled( innocent until proven otherwise) ..Those bikes are assets of the political party and unless it is proven that state funds were used to purchase this items, is when police should intervene fullu stop!!!
MMD confiscatef my car when o shopped it to zrd because they thought otherwise. Sata’s cars were cpnfiscated too. It was after we provided proof that we were given back. So just provide proof and tou wil be given.
Mpande u and MMD must prove u never used GRZ monies to buy the so called campgn material beyond reasonable doubt.. From the a few revelations so far MMD was rotten and stinkin with corruption no wonder u mother Fs removed the abusive clause from GRZ rule book…You must now face the music.
MMD should start speaking like the credible opposition that everybody expects them to be. The way they have imploded within simply shows that the only way they can exist is as the party in power and not the other way round. As the saying goes, you can only find out what a person is made of by how they handle themselves in a crisis.
“Nyangu said the PF Government was “clearly on a fishing expedition” to invent an offence because Dr Musokotwane, who was alleged to have stolen the bicycles, was initially suspected to have used public funds to buy them”.
Well, they fished out over a thousand bicycles which Musokotwane was going to ride a bike a day for almost 5 years. Pande is actually shaken hence his statement that he is not shaken. Musalu walipesamba.
mwansekesha. kaunda promised us an egg a day. musokotwane has taken it further to a bicycle a day for almost 5 years…
lock them up
Tell me I am dreaming. Other people are talking about manufacturing the next generation smart phones. What are discussing? Confiscating bicycles! This cant be real.
So you want us to discuss smart phones? If they store smart phones, will investigate that. Or are you saying because it is not high tech, we should not discuss that? It is bicycles, and the discussion will be on bicycles. When it is time to discuss something else, we will too. If you so wish to discuss smart phones, you can join late Steve Jobs’ Apple. In Zambia we do not even make amatebela or even a needle, you want us to discuss smart phones? Not now. Be realistic man!
Pande, you say PF wants to weaken MMD. That’s better than what you wanted to do to PF. Because MMD didn’t want to weaken PF but to destroy it completely.
you the MMD confiscated Sata’s two vehicles,which were for his wife.The U$ 100,000 belonging to Mr.Sata was also amost confiscated and yet it was give him by GBM through Finance Bank.You wanted to give away Finance bank that were Sata and GBM money is..I also have my money in Finance bank
chembe nyangu
1. stan yo call
2.tom bar you call
The same stick you use, the same shall be used on you. PF tread carefully
Spot on #34 Voice of reason. Progressive Countries are busy strategising on smart power, to use Obama’s words, as a main job creator of the future. And they are using our Copper to make components for the smart gadgets, and creating jobs in their countries, whilst we are so engrossed in mundane issues like confiscating bicycles such that they occupy our centre stage.
Stop dreaming. From your pseudonym, you are dreaming of owning a Brabus! Dream on
understanding corruption is so difficulty so some pipo.stealing your own money is a crime as well.those bicycles were meant for campaigns meaning that mmd members were the ones to receive.HOW many mmd members who don’t hav bicycles now but they heavily campaigned?unless u tell me that after elections campaign materials like tshirts and bicycles are given back to the party leaders.in short,those bicycles were not distributed to the intended receivers-mmd members,hence commiting a crime.if this won’t be the case then they have to explain how,where they acquired cash to buy the said bicycles.pipo am telling you thieves will go to prison this time around.i can feel it.as at now no one is guilty until found by the courts of law.This is NOT politically motivated.wait and see
Only a dull person wouldn’t know MMD embezzled our funds for the useless campaign.
Accountability! Where did you gaet the money to flood Zambia with your rubbish advertising? How come you have no money a few hours after you lost elections. just admit that you arethieves and the Zambian people have rejected you
It is shocking to hear the theories PF supporters expound in public about the heaven on earth that has come to their country, about ‘pay back time’ for MMD and how much ‘people’ stole. This populist government should wake its supporters up otherwise this is a recipe for a lot of problems to come. Everyone will be affected in the end.
#29 you wont see my vote in your next 20 years bid. huge numbers of bicycles and cars parked at someones residential is evedence enough that MMD abused National resources and Tax payers Dollars. Where were they going to take them anyway? share them among MMD members. I am with the President clean up the mess MMD accumulate in the last 20 years excluding the time the Late Mwanawasa was in power. There is disease in Zambia and its called corruption. I believe Sata has a remedy as he is allegic to it.
I wish to take this opportunity to officially announce that I have from this date October 16th 2011 that I have quit my participation on this forum after a landmark victory for PF. I now need to concentrate my energies helping this great govt on achieving its election promises. Being a staunch cadre of PF, my participation on this forum in the pre-elections period was to help garner support for PF. For this I say thank you to my fellow fans including those who didnt believe in my opinions reflecting the ideals of the great PF party. I wish you a happy and a blessed moment as you carry on this journey of mature debate. For those who dont believe in the ideals of PF, perseverance is key because you never know maybe one day your respective party will be power, God willing. Thanks.
Cage these mafias, they were above the law not more than a month ago.
#4 “thoughts”, just as much as you are asking for evidence to prove stealing, ZAMBIANS ARE ASKING FOR THE EVIDENCE THAT THOSE ITEMS WERE OBTAINED WITH EITHER PURE MMD FUNDS, OR THEY INDICATE WHO DONATED, Becoz if they CAN’T PRODUCE THIS EVIDENCE, THEN THEY ARE GUILTY FOR FAILURE TO JUSTIFY HOW THE ITEMS BECAME LEGITIMATELY THEIRS, & as such I don’t think majority of Zedians just as my self, will lose any sleep NO MATTER HOW MUCH MMD WOLVES HOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you guys don’t cry foul. I voted for PF so MMD can also feel what it means to be in opposition. When Sata shed tears when you threw teargas at him and Mpombo at DEC you were all smiling. Stand firm this is what it is to be in opposition. If you can’t withstand it, resign and leave it to Sonny Chintombwa who was born and brought up in opposition
I thought MMD had offices and for sure warehouses / stores to keep these Items? Why should they be at individual’s homes?
Clearly shows that something is wrong. Zambians don’t get mislead, we are all professionals. Honestly we don’t keep company assets at homes?
It is unfair to label PF on this, as our Police force is very inefficient, sometime just want to do things to be seen they are working. They would have done this during campaigns but don’t forget how MMD operated that people like William Banda would never be touched.
An Eye for an Eye, MMD did this to UNIP. Don’t be fooled. It’s their time to take the heat.
wapya munzi.Ba Pande just go back to the central bank you were more descent that side.
1)thou shall not keep a 1000 bikes at your backyard
2)thou shall not keep 49 bikes,a canter & hilux as vice chairman of opp. mmd
3)thou shall not bed-wet as a member of parliament endowed with big buttocks
4)thou shall not rush to the media when police pounce on you tuma hiden bikes
5)thou shall nominate your vice president/puppet for election as speaker of the national assembly because i the lord your God shall embarass you with just a single vote
6)Edaward mumbi thou shall not quarell with the cobra on polling day because he alreday knows that he has won while thou folishly thinkest shi Henry will carry the day.
8) thou shall not come to Lusaka from some kama farm in Chipata(nachbwabwa mumeno) and three years letter your granddaughter wife is 8 billion worth
9)thou shall not assure your members that i will be arrested and jailed because YOU WILL BE ARRESTED CH*****
10) thou shall not build a new statehouse because thats being wasteful elo kuti twakuponona
well done wanya wanya
let us all watch and see how the MMD behaves in opposition because the last time they were in opposition it was only for a few months and they took over power.Nomba balebapoka amanjika this is canterhiluxbicyclingly interesting(extremely interesting)
the pf will fail due to such kind of behaviour..!
SATA’S cars where contiscated by MMD so what’s the issue about now ? what goes round comes round so! just show the zambian people where MMD got the money to buy them items. you will get them back . the way SATA did. MMD your days are numbered you all were in that government to fatten your tammies while most zambians had no food did you care? did you listen? NO! cos you thought your part will be in office for EVER AND EVER. WHAT A SHAME !
@57 you are right and THANKS for reminding us, actually it is true, MMD wanted to arrest SATA over his Hyundai vehicle, it applies to them this time around.
Worse of this all is that these are Party Assets, why keep them at their Homes? For sure they wanted to sale them as part of their party retirement benefits.
GRUB THEM & GIVE THEM TO POOR ZAMBIANS, extravagance on MMD campaign Materials was unethical, it was too much considering that poor Zambians have nothing to eat. MMD were immoral in their actions.
Iam in love
The police officers are professionals and their programs are conducted professionally. So the MMD will recieve back their bicycles and vehicles just Mr Sata received his cars only if you produce your valid receipts both for procurement and clearance. This will entail that your funds were not for the tax payers.
@ 2 and @ 4 the so called “THOUGHTS” Who are you for the Zambia Police to tell you why they have confiscated the items in question?Do you understand the rules of evidence?Which law are you using to drive your points?You must be educated but certainely no learned.Cite auhthorities to bark your claim.Otherwise,you remain an empty drum.please don`t display your ignorance by attempting to comment on matters that are outside you realm.Start the Law school wherever you are.It will help.
time will judge these *****s for stealing from us.
RB was UNIP in mind. The current president is UNIP in both soul and mind. UNIP mulilo, you touch, you burn
mmd time to dance, you thought pipo were shipishi!
I feel sorry for this Pande guy, thats wat you get for being friends with corrupt people.
The MMD still thinks they have the mandate of the people because they managed to steal 38% of the votes. let us go to the elections on a level playing field and see how they will perform. The fact that they lost the elections even after stealing votes shows they are destined for the dust bin. They are no longer a force they thought they are. Wait until they start losing those seats in numbers then they will realise they are not a force they athink they are. Mr Pande, Chembe, William, and all other MMD leaders should keep it closed lest we remembers there are around. In Life , what goes round will always come round. I dont see the witch hant that is being talked about. The cry babies who have never been in oposition are just confused. :((
And by the way what they are getting as MMD is only 30% of what the MMD did to others. They are simply tasting the bitter pill that they made.
Okay, truth be told: Even for the MMD to reach to 900, 000 votes, they rigged massively. The only people who voted for them were voting out of oppression or financial interest. Taxes were so high to an extent that the government single handedly accounted for a material portion of inflation. All we are waiting for is the new budget. I believe that the ability for the PF government to deliver on their promises hugely depends on it (the budget). As for salary increments, the labour office needs to begin company door to door investigations, and must also negotiate with the ministry of finance so that companies are given incentives to hire personel such as tax reduction for every say 10% increase in the work force.
I think most PF fans on this site miss the message in stories carried. They seem not to understnd the difference in the separation of the arms of govt. I think it is impossible to reason with these guys in a sensible manner.
Where is your vice president who could have taken over the reigns of power? The “Convetion voted” down the post of MMD Vice President! Thanks for the democratic ideals of the paty and its government in RB and his henchmen! And you want to set up a commision of inquiry as to why you lost? You guys are joking! I need some of the money please appoint me to that commision!