Friday, September 6, 2024

William Banda asks Zambia Police to apologise for linking his son to a robbery


MMD Lusaka Province Chairperson, William Banda has given the Zambia Police Service a forty eight hour ultimatum to apologize over a story linking his son to a robbery case.

Mr. Banda says he has no son by the name of Essau Banda.

But Zambia Police service spokesperson Ndandual Siamana has explained that the suspect, 32 year old Essau Banda of garden Compound claims he is Mr. Banda’s son.

She however says police will continue with investigations to ascertain Essau’s real parents.

The Zambia police service yesterday disclosed that MMD Lusaka province Chairperson, William Banda’s son had been apprehended in connection with the robbery of a motor vehicle.

Police spokesperson, Ndandula Siamana said Mr. Banda’s son was alleged to have been involved in the snatching of a vehicle from Cardinal Merdado Mazombwe.

She explained that Mr Banda’s son was one of two suspects, picked up in connection with the incident, which happened last Tuesday night.



  1. Why does the headline say his son when the man denies ti? The police have to abide by basic professionalism, can they not confirm with him before making such careless pronouncements?

  2. It is not the Police. This Issau Banda says his father is william Banda. Maybe william remembers the name Cellphone Banda and forgot his some is Issau but whatever the case u will test your own poison ****. an eye for an eye. Whatever u did to the PF during MMD they will do unto u. Laws of physics that most of us cannot change. every action **** is equal to an opposite reaction

  3. Ndandula should be changed from speaking on behalf of the police. If someone says he is son of Banda, it can be any Banda; William, Lupiya, Kamuzu etc. Why William asks for apology only? Can’t he ask in exchange for his pardon for violence charges?

  4. coming to think of it, we do not have an obligation to apologise to these foreigners. South Africans kwerere us when in SA even Zimbabweans in their poverty still mistreat Zambians. In botswana they refuse to use any other language even english to speak to us. I am talking from experience. And recently Malawi has refused to apologise for mistreating Sata. Deport them all Tekeres and even Rupiah who still have a case to answer over his Parentage.

  5. The first thing the police, if they are professionally trained is to ID a suspect. Please let them watch The First 48

  6. This is simple. How many William bandas are there in Zambia? If not sure search facebook for William banda and see how many will populate . There are so many Williams bandas in Zambia. So police should not even apologise to this guy. Case finish.

  7. Is this police PR a repoter bane.Before any head line and talking to papers we need facts.Police PR is chater box.IG Malama has neve done oparations,he know noting about the airport that it has a station.We are in ma ningi problems with this jokes.How did Malama go to Lilanyi training school.At the airport you have OP,DEC,ZAF SHUSHU,ARMY SHUSHU,ATL,and so on.How did this so gold buyers fly out.Fire every one at the airport.

  8. Alias william banda dont complain. After all william banda is not your real name. That is suspect said he is son to a real william banda who is a zambian.

  9. don’t blame the police or William Banda. One thing bloggers should understand is the lifestyle of many men in the world. So many married men have children with other women while some maintain these children others have forgotten about them (remember Kafupi saga) so william go through your history pages you may have had an affair with another woman during your heydays. In UNIP it used to be “double-double”.

  10. It is very stupi.d of the Police to even divulge the supposed relations of the suspect. There is absolutely no need for them to do so. It is very unprofessional. Are these the PF policing standards? God help us!

  11. @5 KCI Lol why should Tswanas be obliged to speak to you ‘in any other language’ ? Remember you were in BO-Tswana (Bu..Swana) and Si(se)Tswana is their mother tongue. Hard luck my friend you cannot expect people to bend to your whims. The South Africans are also just fine. Their motto is ‘I will speak my language and you will speak yours’. Problem in Zambia is that most people are just daft. If you cannot speak any three of the following languages: Tonga, Nyanja, Bemba Lozi, Lunda, Luvale, Kaonde then please regard yourself as an unteacheable i.d.iot with a double digit IQ!

  12. Please respect the Police Service. They informed the nation based on the information given by Essau Banda. Essau also got that data from the mother who slept with the so called William Banda. Moreover there are so many children born outside matrimonial homes. William Banda cannot claim to have nor at one time cheated on the wife. He is trying to save his marriage.

  13. If it was not WB the police could have been right to annouce the missing vehicle of Mr Mazombwe. It is not police at fault but the boy who described the father and his status. How can people start defending Banda when he has never been to the police station to identify the boy. It is too early for the apology. May be it is a trap to discredit the police.

  14. LT please dont publish such news, we have serious issues to deal with in Zambian than william banda and his sons, get serious and give us real issues online. Atcually delete the Article as it is not ever worth Publishing.

  15. The police are being plain stupid and unnecessarily political. We must try to maintain some level of professionalism in Zambia. Even if you want to prove that you love the govt in power and hate the previous govt it is cheap and dull to try and seek favours by bootlicking to the point of throwing away your professional ethics. How can people develop confidence in the police if they rush to the media to announce someone’s identity without checking whether what that person is saying is true. Obviously they were only interested in showing the govt that they are busy hammering chaps from the previous govt. It is not cool. As a police officer, you are supposed to check every fact and not work through the media like a politician. Ndandula and her Commissioner shouldbe reprimanded for this.

  16. Who does this foreign criminal think he is to give ultimatum to our police? We are fed up of this misfit issuing statements here. Zambians can never play it so big on foreign soil but why do we tolerate this chap. Can someone please send him packing back to Nyasaland.

  17. They should change Police training at Lilayi. It is very disappointing to see the police not making an effort to take criminality serious by first of all checking that the suspect is not lying. If some steals a car, you catch them and they just say they were born in Senegal do you then immediately believe them and stop your investigations there??? Something is seriously wrong here. What if the guy had said he is Sata’s son???

  18. Atase ka William banda. You even have the audacity to give police an ultimatum to apologise. A crimninal like you giving an ultimatum to police!!! just shut up with your criminally inclined family. Your son takes after you.

  19. While it is true that there may be many William Bandas around, the fact of the matter is that the police identified the suspec as son of William Banda, the MMD Lusaka provincial chairman. It is quite obvious that at the time of making her statement, the police PRO was referring to William Banda, the politician, otherwise it is not common practice for the police to identify suspects as children of particular parents. In our profession, we say “If in doubt, don’t publish.” The police had ample time to confirm whether the suspect was really the son of William Banda, the Lusaka Province MMD chairman. As it is, William Banda has a right to complain. This is a big lesson for the police: they shouldn’t rush into makiing comments

  20. @15 musiwa likota, i hear you,most zambians shock me as well,they expect people to speak english all the time,please change the attitude,thats why foreigners mistreat you, you also answer them in your own language period,i understand lozi,tonga,bemba,some nyanja and tumbuka at least learn i am zambian.

  21. Nelson Mandela had to study africaans in prison when all other prisoners refused to study their enemies language,when he came out of prison & visited cape town he addressed his enemies in their own languange so @5 kcm,be real,let them continue mistreating you, zambians are pompous too much engrish (English) kwati mwali wina.

  22. Thought the police would be more professional than this circus. Change of govt means nothing in Africa and Zambia. People please!! if I read Bill Gates’ son arrested, the perception is that we’re talking about the microsoft guy – not the fact that it could be another Bill Gates. There’s only one William Banda making the news. I always despised this man from his UNIP days but that doesn’t call for PF cadres with no jurisdiction arresting him, dragging him to a kangaroo court and now saying son arrested in robbery. This circus needs to come to an end otherwise will be clowns even when William and Sata are gone.  On 5th president and still having freak shows.

  23. A 32 year old man cannot be the responsibility of his parents. Therefore, his father’s identity should not even be disclosed unless there is a relevance, e.g the father is also under investigation. We’ve always known that ZP are not professional. That is why they failed to arrest William Banda all these years.

  24. Why is Vernon Mwanga’s website down? When it was up, I had a chance to read it. It has some fantastic claims. I was a bit sceptical about the voracity of some of the claims. May be he has been told by some the people on the site to take it down. He claimed to be one of George Bush’s (senior) best friends.

  25. Iwe Ndandula, get facts before you announce such stories, did u confirm with WB wetha the guys in the cell ws his son? Ur not fit to b in that position :)>-

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