Monday, March 10, 2025

Zambia expect PF to deliver on its promises-Dora SIliya


Opposition MMD Spokespern Dora Siliya
Opposition MMD Spokespern Dora Siliya

Opposition Movement for Multiparty Democracy MMD spokesperson Dora Siliya yesterday said that the people of Zambia are expectant of the Patriotic Front Government to deliver on its promises.

Ms. Siliya said that as a responsible opposition political party, the MMD will ensure that the PF government delivers on the promises it has made to the people of Zambia.

Commenting on President Michael Sata’s speech to parliament yesterday, Ms. Siliya said the MMD was looking forward to hear from the president his government’s plans for the mining sector.

She said that the party also expected the President to comment on the labour matters. Ms. Siliya said that the MMD will this weekend sit and analyze the speech of the President so that they can prepare themselves for the next sitting of parliament.

She said that the party will ensure that it makes responsible contributions in parliament in questioning certain pronouncements made by the President.

MMD Mwandi member of Parliament Michael Kaingu said most of President Sata’s pronouncements are not very different from the way his party used to run Government.

Mr Kaingu, however, pledged to work with the Patriotic Front government on progressive national issues. “The success of Government is the success of everyone and we want to share in the success. We will give the government as much support as possible as long as what the government will be doing is not obnoxious,” Mr Kaingu said.

And Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has hailed President Sata’s speech. ZCTU president Leonard Hikaumba said in an interview yesterday that the President’s speech highlighted a number of important issues affecting many Zambians.

“Of special interests to us as workers is the issue of what it means to classify Zambia as a middle-income country. We think that this classification should translate into improvement of people’s lives,” Mr Hikaumba said.

Mr Hikaumba praised Mr Sata’s emphasis on employment creation, especially for young people who have skills but cannot find jobs. He said the President must ensure that more employment opportunities are created and provide an environment where the youth can be self-employed.

[pullquote]“Of special interests to us as workers is the issue of what it means to classify Zambia as a middle-income country. We think that this classification should translate into improvement of people’s lives,” Mr Hikaumba said.[/pullquote]

“I think in this way we shall tackle the issue of high levels of unemployment,” he said. Mr Hikaumba further welcomed Mr Sata’s emphasis on reviewing social protection strategies, noting that most retirees either die before getting their benefits or get insufficient retirement packages.

“The indication that the social protection strategies will be reviewed is a good approach. We would like to see a situation where people will be looking forward to retiring because like that they will not end up destitute as has been the case in the past,” he said.

Mr Hikaumba said the labour movement also wanted to hear something about mining from the President but this was missing in his speech. “We also wanted to hear something on the media because there has been quite a lot of talk on freedom of information. We thought it was going to come out strongly in the speech, but it was missing…we hope that even with the absence of these issues in the Presidential speech, they will still be attended to. We hope the national development plan will be revised and since these issues are there in the development plan, they will be given attention. We think these issues highlighted provide a good framework from where the new government can make its foundation in the developmental process,” he said.

And Bankers Association of Zambia chairperson Mizinga Melu said President Sata’s speech is hope-inspiring because it focused on a number of factors that will empower the Zambians, especially the youth.

Ms Melu also welcomed President Sata’s vision for the country’s education, health, and agriculture sectors. “I was very excited about the fact that he is looking beyond just maize and fertiliser…this will encourage farmers to focus beyond what they have been producing in the past. Most farmers will be empowered, the economy will be empowered,” she said. Ms Melu also welcomed the President’s call for the banks to reduce interest rates.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Good morning

    Look who’s talking now. The headline says “Zambians expect…” but as you read the story, it unanimously changes to “MMD expects”.

    Anyhow, the opposition are always welcome to air their views as long as they are constructive. I don’t think our president has a problem to work with members of the opposition as long as they contribute professionally to the development of the nation.

  2. Dora….Dora…SATA is determined to deliver not your thieves. MMD tthugs. How can , the First lady, Thandiwe Banda ,a primary school teacher is now worthy K8 billion kwacha after 3yrs at State house . Now owns hotels and Flats in Malawi,Tanzania and other neighboring countries, how about the JAMES&sons, OMG RB!!………when poor Zambians have no medicines, have poor roads, Farming products going to waste ,the state of Zambia is poor everywhere?.This is serious corruption and greed RB . Why get tax payers Cash to benefit and create jobs for other people in other countries. This is serious gentlemen!!…. 

  3. Nine Chale I concur with you the headings should read “MMD expect…..” and should have added deliver genuine projects (not like the one’s MMD tried to fool us that they had started when in actually sense they were trying to buy votes).

  4. How does “MMD” fit in the same sentence with the word “responsible”? Especially coming from her Ladyship?

  5. Thank you Dora. I am sure H.E has already started delivering.

    Just to remind you, Zamtel sale is on the agenda.

  6. I know we need constructive opposition but hearing from Dora Siliya so soon after her antics makes me cringe. I have just read the speech and I am hopeful that the three parties should work together towards bettering Zambia. For the first time in 47 years we have a govt that seem to champion the well beng of its citizens and all we need to see is action from all of us. Corruption will be dealt with for sure and if it means locking up the former head of state so be it.

  7. Dora Siliya a word of wisdom for ya.I know you say the success of PF govt is a success for all zambia.However,when in politics you use the golden rule.Never interrupt the PF or ensure they’re upto scratch when they are making a mistake.Otherwise how do you expect to form the next govt if you don’t capitalize on their failings?

  8. MMD Mwandi member of Parliament Michael Kaingu said most of President Sata’s pronouncements are not very different from the way his party used to run Government. If MMD did work according to the president’s pronouncements we could have voted for you guys. your party allowed lawlessness to flourish which this man is saying is allergic to. allow people to do things professionally then we will move forward. your government had no direction running a country like a ship with no captain and the crew in it with no campus at all. Sata will deliver because he has a vision and not careless like his predecessor….jokingly he said drinking is for young people but that was impressive to hear coming from a head of state. it showed seriousness with which he is carrying his duties not ba Banda!!!!!

    • Really!!!!!??? and what was the MMD’s stance on corruption and abuse of office. F$%#$%king hypocrites. Now that you are in the opposition all of a sudden you are righteous??

  9. Dora Siliya should refrain from making comments about that the people of Zambia expect the PF Govt. to deliver on their election promises, when she was in the ruling govt. what did the MMD deliver to the Nation of Zambia – oh sorry just a legacy of corruption, self enrichment and a state in chaos which the PF Govt. Is rightfully correcting . She should rather keep quiet as we do not want to hear her opinions.

  10. The ex-president has to be jailed first, together with his accomplices, OK, they have to appear before the courts of law and found guilty, no doubt about this either. We must refuse to move forward before jailing the plunderers. This is step number one. Step number two is to develop the country at a fast pace to make up for lost time, thanks to stupid punks who brought about the mess we are in now. Step number two is easy because every body will be working hardest like the president and his team to make our country attain first class status. But we have to cage and punish the plunderers who have reduced Zambia to destitute situation. I am going to be very annoyed if these punks are allowed to roam free, given amnesty and pardoned! 

  11. Waiting for MMD to deal with Senior Chieftainess Nkomesha of the Soli people since MMD said (RB & Kachingwe) they would deal with her after elections.

  12. Typical MMD, interesting that DORA.. DORA, you and your corrupt president are History, we do not need such leaders in our country. MMD you are also very S.T.U.PID to still keep her as your spokes person, she will further mess your party.

    Keep quiet and let PF work, else we will investigate you and your RB??

  13. @#20 Wantanshi. Aha. Wansekesha ati thanks to these planks! Trouble is she has the audacity to come here and open her gob.

    Someone remind her of the Zamtel saga please! It will soon be squeaky bum time Dora. Then you will see how H.E is delivering you plonker!

  14. Hikaumba you are a shameless pig.You thought your schemes would last a life time.Even small boy knows that you were feasting with Rupia at the expense of the workers.
    God is for us all.My bro.Your days are finally over.

  15. It is reported that Thandiwe Banda’s wealth is estimated at K8 billion both in Zambia and Malawi. just saying!

  16. Its so funny to see MMD esp the likes of Dora talking. During campaigns they used to tell us that Sata is evil and will bring war in this country and for sure soon after elections most MMD leaders went under, running away from their own shadows. Days went by expecting the great Michael to do the obvious, little did they know that they where dealing with an expert in political matters. Weeks passed down the line, no action against these thieves, foolishly they start coming out of their hide outs and start yapping.Soon and very soon the king cobra will strike heavily on all those who plundered our much needed wealth.

    • And what did MMD achieve in the 20 years they were in power??? the last administration even removed the abuse of office clause and went on a plundering spree. man grow up, the biggest thing that PF can do is to root out corruption and ensure that business is done on merit. have you been to the councils, the civic center, have you tried import a used japanese auto rec do you know the ZRA procudure at chirundu. corruption is a cancer that eats a nation from the inside out. such things were unheard of in KK’s time. Everything else will fall in place.


  18. @ 27 you are not a true ZAMBIAN. Are you RB’s son? Your comments seem to be out of hate and frustration. Just wait and see. PF will deliver way better than MMD. Just shut up if you have nothing to contribute.

  19. The speach aroused Zambians expectations and those expecting results in the hear future will be disappointed wspecially the un employed Kaponyas. While we appreciate certain changes though challengeful will take time to achieve long after PF and Sata. Never heard such an over ambitious regime of Sata that even KK the Great never planned it that way. Sata belongs to that category who will make pronnouncements as if has a magic bullet to solve issues- No it involves lots of factors beyond mere political rhetoric. Soon we shall question without fear or intimidation or rebattle PF by every expectant Zambian.

  20. PF under the MCS presidency, will DEFINITELY deliver on their promises and this should include the prosecution of Dora Siliya, for her corrupt practices and all the Banda clan and their fellow hoodlums, who are walking the streets of Lusaka, thinking they have struck it rich and have gotten away with it. PROSECUTE PF, NO MERCY FOR THEIVES.

  21. It proves that foolish people are never ashamed. Can Dora speak so early? Dora can you realise how many times you insulted our thinking? Your brain is as soft as your bums. Anything from MMD is irritating.

  22. @32, Okey,

    No, he didnt forget. He simply sidelined the sector knowing for sure that gvt is taking good care of mines related matters. What the president is to do is to shift our dependence on copper mines which are run by foreigners and encourage zambians to venture into agriculture and other sectors. We have long been talking abt mines but what happens when these *****ic investors close mines? We all suffer, becoz of reduced gvt revenue.Sata has put an emphasis on agri, excellent. Do you know that the world is experiencing food shortage and this will continue for many years to come? So most Zambians engage in agri, they will money in their hands instead of waiting for an investor to pay you a meager salary. A good strategy for PF gvt.

  23. Pipo like Dora should be consulting the best legal brains at the moment becoz Sata wil sort them out
    Dora is a rotten mouthed woman. I did expect her to start talking so soon the insults she unleashed Sata are stil so fresh. My friends at ZAMTEL are still watching her ready strik BUMS.

  24. Ba Dora, just go to bed and dream about the man you want for your soft bums as you always wished in your campaign speaches. Sata will deliver much better than your man RB whom you could follow to Livingstone to service without invitation.

  25. To me they have already done their work , if they give back finance bank , pays have been upped in a number of industries , they are following up the corrupt ,and others are just resigning from the stollen votes what else do people want

  26. “Dora siliti bokosi commenting on pf pronouncements what a shame”. Dora and RB should first tell the nation on how they have suddenly amassed so much the wealthy.

  27. I hope that MMD can promptly get over the shock of loss and review their new role as the party in opposition. They need to do a lot of house cleaning and re-brand themselves to gain credibility and trust. They must have a clear agenda on how they want to operate. They should weed out those that have become “baggage” for they can only weigh then down. Quickly, they must consider removal of Dora as spokesperson and install in her place some one with gravitas, which person Zambians can take seriously.(She cost them a lot in that role in the period before and during the campaign). This should be easy with Bwezani not commanding the same clout he did as president.(In his view she was “damn intelligent”!). Without cleaning up, MMD will go only one way – to the bottom of the hole!

  28. Poor speech from the president just the samw on on is anaguration as was mambo jambo…..
    all the way… MMD didn’t loose the election if you check the statistics.. Some pipo say PF is popular hahahaha … it got 42% of the registered voters about 1,090,000 the total registered voters are about 5million. so on about 20% of the registered voters voted for him.. what is the view of the 80%.. suprising though pipo are still wearing budges,t-sgirts vitenge for MMD in big numbers with pride.. RB was popular elections could have been rigged

    • Please spare us your rhetoric and embarrassment! Is it really so hard and difficulty to think? Even a grade five can understand the election results better than you. I feel sorry for your ass mate!

  29. Dora, shut your bokosi! Did you deliver when you were in power? We need to establish where you new found wealth came from soonest.

  30. Dora, Kaingu, Hikaumba, and Melu so you had to come out from wherever to make comments on the presidents address as champions of the wills of the Zambian people! Lo and behold! The reptiles(crocodiles, lizards and snakes) have reappeared wanting to bask in the sun but be aware that all kinds of weapons including malegeni and other missiles are targeted your way and you may not enjoy the sunshine!

  31. Yes Dora you must believe that Zambian people made their minds for new government that Sata is in office. He has so far shown us that we are on the right track………..Ba Sata tata wesu, on the your list of things you are looking at please find out Y a Chipembele Wildlife School is having an armad vehicle?. Y he chases people who pik dead wood ofr fuel?, Y he is trusted to go in the park and GMA all by himself?… If I know him you must know him even better. As Zawa.


  33. Hikaumba is the watse ZTCU leader this country has ever produced . he represents himself and his stomach is bushit!!!!!

  34. What happened to Capitalist and his gang? These words will haunt these people.

    Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth says:
    Tue Aug 02 at 9:03 pm
    Mr. Michael PUNCH-DRUNK Zondwa Sata at it again. Instead of telling people what he intends to do, he resorts to name calling and non-issues. Mr. Zondwa Sata should understand that this year elections are issue based. This is why he is going to lose for the 4th time.

  35. What happened to pf government? Where has he taken his rants, ZWD?

    pf government says:
    Tue Aug 02 at 9:48 pm

    Well well well, I predicted this didn’t I? That Mr Sata will begin to decampaign himself as soon as the election date is announced. This is just the beginning, he will continue like this until the election results are announced. Seems that the ghosts of Chiluba and Levy are now haunting him. I am sure that even PF cadres now understand what we have been saying about their leader. PF cadres speak for yourselves, do you need any further convincing that Mr Sata is not presidential material? Do you still want to be in the boat that the owner is sinking?

  36. And this lunatic called Chimunya, why have you run away? Thank you for calling me all sorts of names, but my vision seemed better than yours. Do you recall this rant?

    Chimunya says:
    Tue Aug 02 at 11:37 pm
    I dont know how Zondwa wamene ti zonda maningi thinks he will win E province with this stance? Mangani you must be ashamed of yourself you are supporting a person who hates your own people. This is basically saying that any Easterner should not aspire for public office because they are Malawian. Panji, you must be you must be really proud of yourself. Isn’t this the same medicine that this mad foo.l inflicted on your old man?

  37. Yaya, yaya, yaya the hater. This is called history. How does it feel to be bigger losers?

    YAYA says:
    Wed Aug 03 at 5:54 am

    Kalos2021,i have always told you thich headed chap that you devil SATANA is finally gone all bloggers expect for you see things differently, how shallow is that?Satana has no new ideas no plans on how to develop Zambia.

  38. Welcme back Dora. When did you return from your self-imposed exile in the UK? The PF govt is not interested in witchhunt or retribution. You will only be prosecuted-not persecuted as MMD govt did- if you committed any crime. If you are clean, you have no need to worry.

  39. Ba Pande you were a reasonably ‘clean’ man until you joined thje bandwagon of MMD rogues. sadly, you have to face the consequences. and by the way, do you still want to keep Rupiah ‘gold Lexus’ Banda as MMD president in the face of all these shame revelations of the corruption syndicate he ran and tries to continue running?!!

  40. So what is your solution on the plummeting Kwacha? Buy more Lexus? Let Banda and Dora steal more? Give some suggestions, you have seen it going down. What do you think should be done?

  41. This twag should just keep her mouth shut! PF has a lot of mess to clean up which her and her boss left. Such people must be even be ashamed of themselves mwe! Time will catch up with you and the law will visit you soon. The fake promises you were accusing the PF in Petauke, I hope you she does not mean that.

  42. Ke ke ke ke, kaoneka monga kali pa top-up. Its true common sense is not common. Jezebel has come out from hiding so fast. The red lips and her eyes, hazardous substances. Keep your husbands in your closets.

    Can any one please tell me where Chanba Chimba and Siulapwa are hiding. If these guys have fled Zambia, that should be the first investigation for RB. Where did they get the money. Again if they are still around, what are they still doing?

    Also Gregory the failure. I head he was premised a job by RB if MMD nafuti nafuti.

    Hikaumba, keep quite, don’t think people never knew your tricks.

  43. She looks so sexy and consumable in bed and yet she wets the bed and does not submit to sex in bed. Life is tricky. No wonder the bible says beauty is vain but the virtous wife comes from the Lord. Looks are very deceiving. I hope Ndandula siamana is not like Dora because her looks also melt me down. Dora, having soft bums means nothing if you have no respect for your man and especially if you just lie like a dry log

  44. Dora ala sunda pa bed what can she tell the school children.Dora Chisusu,Dora ChisusU PA BED.bA sUNDA PA BED BA MAMA BA Dora.We have MPS BA chisunda pa bed ata se ama fi.Dora ati ula sunda pa bed,that is why even you former boy friend in Kabulonga left you for some other girl called Mwanza.cHISUSU WHAT did that boy friend in Kabulonga drop you for a girl called Mwanza.Ati because you don’t know how to dress and ukusamba.ulanuka akampa

  45. Pameso kwati she is trying to block ukusunda on the chair.The speaker should allow her to take a Chemba pot.When comes pakusefya pangwena will make her a Chamba pot

  46. I think Dora is smart regardless of what she did in the prevous government. No mater how Sane someone is being arround corrupt people is a huge force to get hands dirty. i wish Dora was in a Visionary party, we could have seen her smart side. too bad she fell for the MMD Ideology of “ulima mwilbala alya mwibala”- Corruption.

  47. You are right madam Dora. And one of the promises the PF govt made is that it is going to fight corruption. And just like you madam Dora I am also anxiously waiting to see PF govt deliver on this one and arrest those who corruptly sold Zamtel.

  48. Dora ensure that Our president does not go around kissing the hands of other men … remember your advice to men in the east?


  50. #27 Dr. Martine Malama has just finished preparing a team to investigate corruption we shall see who is a liar very soon. Wish you all the best and prepare for the waste, u will know what MMD is made of.

  51. And for Shikapwasha, who championed the waste propaganda I have ever seen coming from a general, prepare enough oxygen tanks coz your nose will soon be needing a lot of it.

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