Friday, March 7, 2025

RB welcomes investigations [Updated]


Former President Rupiah Banda
Former President Rupiah Banda

Former Republican President Rupiah Banda has welcomed investigations into the disappearance of gold at Drug Enforcement Commission which has been linked to Dr. Nichola Buzaianu.

Mr Banda has also welcomed investigations into the purchasing of LEXUS and the alleged missing vehicles.

Breaking his silence since he left office Mr Banda says that all the relevant people involved in the transaction involving the vehicles are available and will provide necessary answers to the investigating team.

Mr Banda however says that no gold went missing mysteriously at the DEC as has been portrayed.

He said that he is availble at any given time to answer to any clarification which President Michael Sata may want to know about.

The Former head of state, his son James and former Press aide Dickson Jere were last week linked to three fugitives whose gold was ceased by the Drug Enforcement Commission but mysteriously disappeared while in the care of the commission.

President Sata revealed that the fugitives arrived in the country by a private jet on 12th October and had a meeting with former President Banda.

Mr Sata told journalists that one of the fugitives Nicola Bordan Buzaianu was escorted to meet President Banda by Mr Dickson Jere and President Banda’s son James.


Below is the Stament in full


Following the numerous allegations made against former Republican President, Mr. Rupiah Bwezani Banda, I wish to make clarifications on the following issues:

  1. That Mr. Rupiah Bwezani Banda has a number of friends both in Zambia and outside who have requested to meet him following his gracious exit from the Presidency after the September 20, 2011 elections. Mr. Banda has granted appointments to a number of visitors who have been coming to see him since he left office. To the best of his knowledge, he has not met anyone who is a fugitive.
  2. That Dr. Nichola Bogdan Buzaianu, a Swiss-based businessman, requested to pay a visit to the former President during his planned trip to Zambia. Dr. Buzaianu applied to the Zambian authorities for permission to land at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport 48 hours before his trip to Zambia and the Zambian Government granted the landing rights to Dr. Buzaianu who arrived on Wednesday, 12th October, 2011.
  3. That a request was made to the Zambian authorities to extend the usual courtesies to Dr. Buzaianu at the airport which was, in fact, done. He was received by a protocol officer at the airport and taken to the VIP lounge while his immigration formalities were done. He did the finger print biometric procedure at the airport before he proceeded to the customs and exited. He spent about one hour and 30 minutes at the airport while doing his formalities.
  4. That all relevant security wings were at the airport when Dr. Buzaianu was doing the usual formalities and at no time did he hide his identity. The former President provided vehicles for his visitor to pick him at the airport together with the state security attached to the former President’s office. President Banda also requested his former press aide Mr. Dickson Jere to receive his guest on his behalf at the airport because his security did not know him.
  5. That after leaving the airport, Dr. Buzaianu proceeded to the Taj Pamodzi Hotel where he was booked for an overnight stay and did not hide at all. He later paid a courtesy call on President Banda that same day. During his stay at the hotel, Dr. Buzaianu interacted freely with hotel guests and staff. If Dr Buzaianu was a fugitive as alleged, he would not have been openly moving around.
  6. That the following day, Dr. Buzaianu proceeded to Mfuwe to visit the Chipembele Educational Centre, which he has been supporting as a philanthropic cause. Dr. Buzaianu proceeded in the normal way at the airport and paid his airport taxes before he left Kenneth Kaunda International Airport for Mfuwe International Airport. At Mfuwe Airport, Dr. Buzaianu was cleared in the standard manner as prescribed by the provisions of the Immigration and Deportation Act before he went to visit the school. He flew out the same day with airport permits for his flights from Mfuwe.
  7. That President Banda welcomes the investigations of the sale of gold by the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), which has been linked to Dr. Buzaianu. All the relevant people involved in this transaction are available and will provide necessary answers to the investigating team but suffice to say that no gold went missing mysteriously as has been portrayed.
  8. That on the issue of purchasing or alleged missing of vehicles, President Banda also welcomes the investigations into this matter as he was not a procurement officer. All the people involved in this matter are around and are still serving even under this administration. So they will provide answers as they are better placed to explain where the missing vehicles are, if at all they are missing.
  9. That President Banda is available at any given time to answer to any clarification which the current Head of State Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata may have concerning this matter or indeed any issue before they are made public. He remains committed to supporting the current President in order for him to succeed in running the Government. This is the position President Banda took when he made his farewell speech at State House after losing the last elections.


Mikatazo Wakumelo

Administrative Secretary

Office of the Fourth President


  1. Way to go RB….. we are proud of you. you an example of a mature leader. Show them how clean you are, let them investigate ka. they cant be insulting you like this yet u dint steal anything, but you brought development and moved zambia from low income to middle income country. 

    • Moon yellow your are a piece of shit and you have no idea of what you are talking about. If Rupiah is your relative and you are the beneficiary of his stolen accumulated welthy, then I can assure you that, not only Rupiah Banda is going to face justice bt also his beneficiaries like yourself moon yellow. The trash!

    • Munyelo tekanya wisabiala saana mwana. RB is not being insulted by anyone. Besides when he was at the helm of the presidency he has a bad record of insulting those in opposition including the incumbent presidency. Do not just praise these leaders blindly. Let us be factual. 90% of Zambians still live abject poverty and you talking about middle income country. Wake up,you are still in slumber! Look at how rich his wife and children have gotten in a period of 3 years, that should tell you a lot. Please try to read between the lines!

    • Yes development in his pocket. The man is a shameless thief. And its like fellow thieves like you hero worship hero.

    • guys grow up and think with ur heads, not your toles. you are all hero worshiping Sata. Just look at what hes done so far, hes busy preaching about corruption and going after RB instead of trying to develop the nation further. He busy wasting money appointing RB taskforce while lots of zambians are suffering…. hes busy making accustions without any proof that RB actually stole or did something corrupt and you are all following kwati nimbwa bayeba ati swaaa. so none of you ma-pwalas should call RB a thief when you dont have evidence that he stole. RB will be found innocent and all of you satas ball-lickers will remain like dogs with their tails between their legs. ba makaka!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. OMG let the games now begin we will see who is lying. I cant just believe that gold grew legs and walked out of DEC on its own to the airport, surely someone took it. Soon we will see some people in courts testifying. What has happened to our country that who ever is in power loots the treasury before they leave, did they not learn from FTJ’s government

  3. RB honestly how do you buy two vehicles at a price of K3.6 billion and you expect people not to question that transactions? Time has come to dance to the tune and tell the nation what was taking place.

    • thats the way to go RB! its like this new regime wants to embark on an expedition of revenge,to truck down and oppress those who opposed them at one time.Zaambians ar educated enaf to fall prey to such cheap politics of hate.

  4. RB what about the building of a major airport with out tender documents, under the guise of a facelift in the waiting area ? What about building a new state hse when the one is adequate ?
    What about the gold, what is the story ?. What about the road contracts offered to your brother in law katema zulu with a south african firm nyati without following tenders ? You now have to payback every thing.

  5. Moon Yellow what are you talking about RB moving citizens from low income to Middle income, it looks like you have not been on the grounds lately my friend. Zambians are wallowing in poverty each day. Ata se ziba zo kamba mwanaa , some of of know what we are talking about coz tilipo lipo pansi

    • yeah i ve been to zambia and ve seen people suffering, but RB atleast did something to reduce the poverty levels. Now the snake pipo have voted is busy preaching about how the country stinks of corruption but he hasnt given us any plan on how he ll make the better zambia hes been preaching about. the clock is ticking………… zambia might even become more poor under such a leader with no vision for the country apart from remaning buildings and preaching that he allergic to corruption.

  6. RB you should also welcome the liftting of immunity so that you can also give us some answers. If you really mean what you are saying you wouldn’t have been working with a disgruntled HH to block any attempts to lift your immunity.

  7. It is good to expose those who have no regard for truth. The position of president is a serious one. Let us kneel down and pray for President Sata to steer the country as an honerable man.

  8. RB is putting up a brave face. We know RB is corrupt together with majority of MMD leadership. Not excluding James RB Junior. Why do u think RB and Co removed the abuse of office clause. To # 1 & 3, just to remind you again the first thing MMD asked after losing the election was FORGIVENESS.. the question is for what sins??!!. We know we re a ‘christian’ nation, hence mitigating circurtances (and not forgiveness) is the term RB and James need to memorise b4 he goes to court.

  9. Rupiah Banda is speaking beyond his knowledge. You cannot say NO GOLD WENT MISSING MYSTEROUSLY….. How do you know that gold is missing? The allegations says GOLD WAS SOLD, NOT MISSING!!!!!The question is WHO SOLD THE GOLD!!!! Come on Rupiah Banda, WHO SOLD THE GOLD?? That is the question!!

  10. Why can’t LT put the entire press release like ZWD has done? Guys be fair to RB even if you believe that he is a criminal according to MCS


  12. Good afternoon

    Time to set things straight. It’s good he’s ready to cooperate because we all know that there’s no smoke without fire. We need answers.
    We shall soon find out whether or not someone may have blurred the lines between national, diplomatic and personal interests. That is all I can say for now.

  13. You can see how corrupt and cowards behave. Let prosecutions begin so that even the fellow criminals trying to defend their kind are shamed. HH ,you a crook. Genuine mmd let not these strangers wipe mmd away completely. These are HH AND RB.

  14. Sata also lied about the Swiss guy who allegedly bought the Gold of secretly sneaking into Zambia. The guy actually went through immigration procedures unhindered. And he also travelled between Lusaka and Mfuwe unhindered. There was no arrest warrant on him. And there is no charge against. So why does Sata expect the police to arrest him? What law did he break? Sata is a liar. And the so called refuge MP got his NRC in 1978. Chief Mutondo in Mangango says Robert is not Angolan. Villagers have requested Sata to deport all of them to Angola if he so wishes. In 1991 it was Saddam is hiding in Zambia!. There is a catche of UNIP weapons at Sindamisale! Sata is a psychotic patient! Ganja indeed destroys brains!

  15. Denying allegations is NOT very good defence. Even Bill Clinton denied having shagged Monica Samille Lewinsky. What happened next? Now Rupiah Banda is denying allegations. It is better to keep his mouth shut! Question: Did you screw Dora Siliya? Rupiah: ‘No I did not screw Dora. I have never even seen her nakedness!!!’. Wait for the evidence to be produced before putting up your defence. Not issuing denial statements

    • No stamp required, at least even if you don’t like someone show some respect to elders, are you telling us that where you come from there is no respect for elders, try to be civil, it just goes to show how some pipo can sink so low in their levels of thinking what if you were told that your dad screwed some woman, how would you feel, Ruphia was a President of this country and he deserves the respect of every one and that you will never ever get it away from him. Just a simple, friendly and timely advice though

  16. # 20 ironically you seem to be personalising the debate here. Your well spoken urguement evidently show how closely linked you are to MMD good for you. Freedom of speech does not mean insulting the president whether a sitting president of former president. Some of us are upcoming scholars we need to see constructive and respectiful debate on this blog. Come on Guyzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  17. It is very unfortunate to have people like those at Zwd. Their work stinks and is childish. HH IS INDEED A DOG THAT GOES BACK TO HIS VOMITES. Your evil schemes with Rb will destroy you ,fool and unprincipled. What intergrite and maturity can you accord to Rb? Let his immunity be removed. Crookered and tribalist HH is trying to be good to Rb so as to let him deliver mmd into his hands. It wont work you dog.

  18. We all are now speculating and rumor mongering because Sata chose to tell half truths and insinuations. Sata should fire his advisors for not telling him that: 1 there was an open tender to sell the gold. 2. There is a certificate of sale. 3. There is an account at BOZ for a cash deposit 3. That a nation can buy an armored car and decoy car for a commander in chief including in times of peace
    There is no option but to change Sata’s relationship with the truth. Even if he is already 73 years old.

  19. It is Sata s time. After five years the tide will change against him. He will also be tried for a lot of crimes he has already started to commit. He make decisions alone without consulting which is more like single sourcing. He is championing tribalism and we are taking note. The Finance bank issue is already a scandal. He should have waited for court cases to be exhausted before handing the bank to his friend, more like RB acted with that Gold issue. Knowing Sata, he is yet to commit more crime than RB especially with speed at which he is moving.

  20. First it was “We didn’t knowingly steal government money”. Can you unknowingly steal? This punk is basically screaming guilty as charged! 

  21. Zambia is corrupt from the core. Zambia stinks of corruption at all levels ,from a man in the streets,from an office orderly to top. Thank God we just removed the chief of corruption -RB from our office. Please,the authority that be don’t take the corruption with kids groves. SEE how they are trying to defend themselves and their chief . Actually what these criminals are doing is more harm to the poor whom they have stolen from. We need to support Mr Sata in this noble fight. Anyone that defends a criminal too. ZWD and HH are criminals too. SHAME ON YOU,MPONGO

  22. Interesting revelations here. “Mr Banda however says that no gold went missing mysteriously at the DEC as has been portrayed.” If you read btn the lines, definitely you will realise that Banda has more infor about the missing Gold. And he’s also aware that it did not go missing misteriously. Logic tells me he knows where it is.

  23. This man will soon end up like Ba the late Chiluba,just remove the same fro him through parliament a get him into Mwembeshi prisons.We have a lot of rooms here.The Mungu saga will put him in problems.RB just keep tondolo.Sata is the president he locl you up any time.He is looking for chifukwa in you.By saying welcomes investigations then you ask MP’s to remove you the powers so that you can be local up.Chipuaba

  24. # 26. What you have stated is what should have appeared in RB’s statement. Other than clarifying that this Romanian Swiss resident didnt enter Zambia as a fugitive, RB’s statement does not help matters but adds to further speculation.

  25. You foreign Zambians, i advise you not to be so negative about PF, coz its delivering right now. Get educated first before you negatively comment on the now ruling govmt, otherwise you will just be exposing your lack of logical analysis. Be smart.

  26. Rupiah Banda’s statement is empty, all it does is reveal his guilt, panic and discomfort. Like someone asked, did the gold grow legs? The PS at finance has said the instructions to buy the luxury cars came from state house. Was state house short of cars, NO!

  27. For the love of Zambia, informal(not formal employment-this is for youths) consultations in the area of Diplomacy & Public Relations can be made with one of the best brains and experienced personnel in this area  V.J. Mwaanga.Its not by mistake that he was found useful to all past presidents. Mr. Mubukwanu former diplomat is another person who can offer valuable resource to H.E. informally.

  28. It seems Sata made promises to the Zimbabwean smugglers in return for their support in funding his campaign. Sata the Gold was not confiscated from you. It was confiscated from the Zimbabwean smugglers. Ni bwanji kulimbikilapo so? Nice to finally see Zambians scheming off foreigners after being on the receiving end from these chaps! Sata since you are no longer in a position to return the Gold to the Zimbos, I would advise you to arrange the repatriation of that small matter of $27 5000 which surprise; surprise Jacob Zumas state confiscated from u because you didnt ‘declare’ it to immigration officials.Your Zim Gold smugglers also did not ‘declare’ the Gold! Sata you are a criminal.So are the Zim owners of the Gold! Banabanyunya banzako! Go fight 4 your $27 500.The Gold is not yours!

  29. PF have been in power for less than a month, the intelligence serivices and security wings are still in the “Zambia is free for all mode”. Bandas statment only points us to the fact of disjointed intelligence. We want to hear from you RB about the gold not travel arrfaingments of this guy.

  30. #38. I believe you. naturally all transaction about these precous stones are either done in a manner that some people loose lives. say those who dig andd finds it, they are robbed, by the middle men, middle men are also tricked by buyers, till it ends up in banks where it is stored and perhaps stollen also by safe keepers. It is a reason that they associate those minerals with devilish forces. well, Lets see where investigations will lead us to.

  31. Ba Sata, stop shouting… it is sign of cowardliness. With due respect, tu gold and just 2 vehicles are not national matters a president can be talking about. Those are cases which can be handled by permanent secretaries.

  32. Sata was voted into office by a minority of voters. MMD and UPND together have more numbers than PF. Secondly when this dictator was elected some people’s homes have people’s homes being ransacked under his commandeering of thugs. Upon his election Sata has freed three of his henchmen who kidnapped and injured innocent citizens. Sata has bestowed freedom on these criminals saying they were political prisoners. Sata is a dictator; I am not shocked that arbitrary arrests and killing of innocent people has just begun. The problem is he is using useful *****s like Martin Malama to waste taxpayer’s in useless investigations.

    • MMD bootlickers,you thought breaking the pact PF/UPND you will weaken Sata,Kanshi mwa yuma John Cena “You can’t see me”,

  33. Ata ba sata, nelyo niba president ukulacita behave kwati nici opposition! I have no respect for a big person who cant verify simple facts such as DEC selling gold. Or if he verified, he chose to lie as his custom is. DEC actually sold the gold! Hatred will make you fall! Just work leave your friend alone. why do you want to dent his name?

  34. Mr #7 yeah i ve been to zambia and ve seen people suffering, but RB atleast did something to reduce the poverty levels. Now the snake pipo have voted is busy preaching about how the country stinks of corruption but he hasnt given us any plan on how he ll make the better zambia hes been preaching about. the clock is ticking………… zambia might even become more poor under such a leader with no vision for the country apart from remaning buildings and preaching that he allergic to corruption.

  35. LOVE is greater than law. I hope some individuals are not hiding in the phrase “Let the law take its course” That has always been the song of all who end up being vindictive on people the HATE. That law won’t take any course unless some person enforces it. We are happy with all progressive economic strides we have so far taken, but not hatred hiden in “The law will take its course”

  36. # 1 you show us that u dont even understand wat ur talking about. You said that RB moved Zambia from low income to middle income country! Your income and even that of yo family is not even categorical of a middle income class. Just speaking as an academician and not realistic. RB is not a statesman. You will discover so wen his immunity is lifted.

  37. What the statement says is just the usual procedure an innocent or dubious person takes to avoid suspicion before carrying out an act. Nothing new here. Pliz IG, do investigate this matter further.

  38. It is very good to get a response from RB. Can he go further by disclosing the source of funding for the extravagant campaign of the MMD? If you do so, you will put most of the speculations and allegations to rest but if you fail to do so, people will always eye you with suspicion and even demand for your prosecution. Your campaign was unprecedentedly too extravagant to warrant suspicion that you feasted from our public resources.

  39. The law is supreme as no one is above it. People shouldnt hide behind the “vindictive” veil. If RB stole, he MUST be tried. This is NOT about HATE but about JUSTICE, period!! Like RB himself once told Fred Mmembe about the alleged misapropriation of funds by zambian airways, “the people of Zambia need that money”

  40. remove rb’s immunity fast.
    the guy is irritating us tax payers.
    most of those in support of this old goone are either living in the diaspora or are mmd & upnd. my humble request to our presido and rb is, remove rb’s immunity and, rb, accept the move if you are innocent.

  41. 8.”That on the issue of purchasing or alleged missing of vehicles, President Banda also welcomes the investigations into this matter as he was not a procurement officer”… Listen to this crap folks! That he was not a prcurement officer – RuBbish iwe kawalala. You give Orders! Wait, we have not started tracking thieves. We are creating offices and institutions to handle corruption first: Let there be New Consttitution, ACC Act be reinforced watr tight, ZP chaps rijigged, then we will act on the following: UPG Procurement, Zamtel Sale (Dora lelo…), ZNOC, ERB, Road Works/Costs & Procurements, Kwacha Printing deals, NAPSA, Meanwood deals, Lat minute milliraty and police vehicle procurements, the last jet flight RuBbish took when poll results entered 2nd day (w have an idea…)

  42. This will send Sata into panick mode, he enjoyed the unanswered attacks too long. He will now wish he was still in the opposition, because he now has the burden of having to sound responsible………something he has consistently failed to do before…

  43. Just arrest the BUFFOON and his son, how much evidence to you need, stop the back room behind the scenes dealings and arrest him.

  44. Why did he hide the visitor if the meeting was sincere? He has always invited the press when he meets people. What happened this time? Why keep the meeting secret and only open up when he has been exposed? The man stincks with corruption.

  45. Mr. Sata wants to divert the 90 day attention by trying to trump up charges on RB. Mr. Sata must be reminded that we want to see development which he promised in 90 days. We are not going back to waste resources on witch hunting. We tried it with Mwanawasa on FTJ, it didn`t work. We ended up losing more money than we were looking for. All Mr. Sata`s govt has proved so far is that they aren`t up to saving any funds, just by looking at the number of commissions set up, when only on commission could have handled all that is purported to have been stolen or mismanaged. Be reminded that name calling or changing names does not amount to development. We want to see an action govt. That is what we voted for, time to campaign is long gone. We are waiting to see all the campaign promises fulfilled

  46. For me the most telling part is the statement “all the people involved are available” PEOPLE!! not documents! if this was above board it would be recorded in some books somewhere and those would be available……..GOTTCHA

  47. I think only a naive person will support RB on this one. Simple why should a President, his Son and Personal Spokesperson meet with a seller of Gold belonging to DEC which is under jurisdiction of the Zambian government? Why should the whole head of state be involved in such a transaction, not even a PS is involved, it is simply show it is a family transaction. You cannot defend yourself with such.

  48. Here starts a long trail of deceit and thuggery that RB, his sons and his minions represented. This is only a tip of the ice-berg. His association of the late thief (Chiluba) led to a string of tricks both local and international that RB which he was introduced to. If Chiluba was alive RB would still be in State House and they would have been plotting a possible third term for him. Shame on you Banda.

  49. so many speculations ,Sata  is jumping to conclusion
    too fast ,like everyone here jumping to conclusions before
    we examine both sides of the story 

  50. Ladies and gentlemen, please settle down and reflect on the life of this man called RB. For sure he has a right to defend himself, but what you should bear in your minds is that RB like any other thief or criminal will never accept that they stole or they made mistakes. Where did you hear a thief who responded that he is the one who stole or masterminded the crime? You guys are better than this man. Don’t allow him to use silly reverse psychology on you. He knows something is brewing up under him. Simplest question you should ask RB is how much did go with in power and how much did he go out with? What was the Rupiah Banda’s entire family’s net worthy before and after? If you find out, please give logical conclusions to how that happened. Banda will not accept any crime.

  51. We are beginning to witness who is telling the truth to Zambians. President Sata has done well to allow the former president defend himself. The result will lead Zambians to know who is telling the truth. The rumours and allegations made so far are in hest without proof and others are already condeming. the question is who is being condemed, is it president Sata for making allegations that are back firing or former president. Those advising president Sata should substantiate issues before press statements are made by Mr Sata as they end up embarassing him when things turn out to be false.

  52. well well guess what, non of the bloggers will benefit from the gold haha, weather Sata has it or RB has it, not a single sorry azz zambian will benefit from GRZ ever, it wont ever happen. until you retards stop voting for crooked people, this is 90 days at work, distracting people with sensational stories while PF is also lining their pockets. zambians this peaceful attitude will always leave your poor and hungry en masse bafikamba

  53. When Banda went into office, his intentions were very much well known. He went there for his benefit. Now ask yourselves, how was he going to get those benefits? Zambia under RB was turned into criminals’ paradise. People who deserved to hold positions were removed and given to his family and MMD sycophants who 99% of the time did not question any movement of national coffers into personal riches. Does anyone remember that even the former first lady participated in these activities? Can RB or anyone here give this gathering here where the money she dished to win votes came from? Can someone here give where the money in those brown envelopes came from? Can someone here give information on how Zamtel was sold and who benefited? RB is blowing gas. It is up to you to suck it up, or stop him

  54. About the gold trade, does anyone remember that King Mswati (whatever the spelling) visited a gold in North Western Province and rest about the trade is history. The next question you have to ask yourselves is when did Mfuwe Air Strip become an international airport? Who mans that strip? Do you guys remember that it is during Rupiah Banda that Mfuwe became an airport for international personal visitors to the RB family? Chad’s President who supposedly was sent by Muamar Gaddafi landed and exited Zambia from that airport. A Swazi small plane which was overloaded exited from there. Why? The fired UNESCO rep, if he had come to visit Zambia in a honest way would have met the new President and give his report about his duties as UNESCO rep, what was he hurrying for? Who is his employer?

    • “Kalos2121” don’t just puke NONSENSE, Mfuwe has always been an International Airport from time it was built. Get your facts right ok!!


  56. There are not many of you who would want to go to jail. Not even the most serious criminals in our midst ever contemplate going to jail. So, do you think Rupiah is an exception? Of course some of them do the most stupid things, but they never associate their actions with jail. Banda had too much power that it totally eclipsed his thinking. Today he is now back to his normal self and he is seeing and smelling jail, hence his pronouncements. A reasonable person would think that if he or she does something criminal then that person could end up in most cases, sacrificing his or her freedom. Banda was the police and the judge and he never thought it can happen to him. A reasonable person would say that this is just a classic truth about such people and the RB situation.

  57. Ok mr bwezani if gold was sold and not missing as alleged to, so where is the money and supporting documents to show that gold was sold and who bought it? Coz it seems some ACC office knows that gold was not sold but went missing misteriously.

  58. The economic analysis of crime starts with one simple assumption: Criminals are rational. A mugger is a mugger for the same reason I am want to be a professor-because that profession makes him better off, by his own standards, than any other alternative available to him. RB was too much the vicinity of national money coffers and he failed to control himself. Here, as elsewhere in economics, the assumption of rationality does not imply that muggers (or professors) calculate the costs and benefits of available alternatives to seventeen decimal places-merely that they tend to choose the one that best achieves their objectives and today that objective is back to haunt RB just like it does millions other criminals. Sadly, he involved his kids and his spouse.

  59. Well, i dont like RB because he is corrrupt and removed the abuse of office clause. I dont like Sata also because he is a lier and also supported Chilubas third term bid.

  60. Some of you bloggers are Really STU..PID, you behave like you are not Zambians. Very selfish and evil like the Fallen MMD and its heartless Leaders RB & Team. Honestly you think President SATA is a liar? Did we really need to spend Billions for silly 4X4s? And how would Gold just disappear like that? Former President RB Banda is playing with a time bomb. We will as Zambians get to the Bottom of this matter, your evil MMD Behaviors will take you nowhere. SHAME ON YOU @ 1,2,3, and all supposing RB and where ever you are God will punish you fools.
    If you have nothing to offer us online please keep your evil corrupt comments to yourselves.

  61. That is Sata for— you full of lies! He doesn`t even talk of his 90 days promises. Why didn`t Sata phone RB to find out about the Swiss guy. Sata is now the Head of State, he should try to distance himself from the petty thinking of M`membe and Kabimba.

  62. About the Lexus vehicles, RB must be wacko to even mention it in his speech. All this was happening under his watch, and if he was a true leader and a honest person, even if he did not do the actual purchase, it happened under his watch. What were the vehicles doing at State House if he was not responsible? He should for the first time in his life take responsibility of his failures. The most expensive Lexus SUV costs around $80,000.00. What Banda should not tell us is that the security gadgets installed cost more than the actual vehicle. Who does that? If Banda refuses that he did not know anything, he should be charged with receiving stolen or fraudulently acquired goods. If he thinks he is smarter than the all nation, he is in for a big shock.

  63. MWE.MATO.LE @1,2,3 and all supporting RB. Don’t play with Zambians? Why are you in Diaspora if all is good? Fools, how can you support such nonsense, feel for fellow poor Zambians, RB & his sons stole from us and still continue doing so. Get serious and please don’t put salt on open wounds.
    Mwalitumpa sana and SATA will SHAME you, He is a hard working Man who will change Zambia for the better of all Zambians like you Fools.

  64. Procurement officers did not order those unneccessry dear vehicles of their own volition. We want to know why they were bought in the first place, while our hospitals have no medicine, no teaching/ learning aids in our schoo;, and the civil service and other public officers remain demotivated, Oh! While pensions go unpaid for enternity. And! in what capacity did a former president meet a govt envoy? Secretely like in spy movies. Rupia and his colleagues have a lot of explaining to do.

  65. This man is less than one month in office and therefore you cant know just yet that he is the right man for the job. All what we need to do is give him enough time and then results will be seen. You cant see results in three weeks, mind you he is also human and can disapoint you like FTJC. I will just support him and not hero worship him like.

  66. The problem with President Sata is that he is playing to the gallary; taking a populist stance on issues that must be investigated carefully by professional forensic experts. There was a lot of corruption in the RB regime but all culprits will go off the hook because we have such an impatient president who thinks he is the police, the DEC, the ACC and the cabinet. He went ahead to retire Lusaka province commanding officer on hearsay. it is actually difficult the country will be ruled on hearsay for the next five years. It is shocking!

  67. # 78 Keke naimwe, Sata is leading the nation from the secretive crime infested RB style. What you defeated MMD sycophants fail to understand is that, that Zambia is way gone and Sata is bringing an open and people driven politics and economics.

    For once, can you tell us what lie Sata told about the gold trade and the Lexus? Who sold the gold and who bought the Lexus vehicles? Who spent over $80 million NAPSA money on ZNBS when pensioners are going without their pension pay? Who was the Ghost worker when her husband was President in Zambia? Are you saying that RB and Thandiwe did not know that she was getting paid for services she never delivered? How about the George Mpombo arms deal saga? Are you saying Mpombo lied with that great detail about the transactions? Get real.

  68. Some of you Zambian Bloggers really behave like kids, what a shame that some of you are in Diasporas yet still would not take corruption seriously. What is a cost of a Lexus? Those of you in Motor Trade??? Would Billions be a fair Value for a Lexus Model? Not a chance, these are the ways RB misused public funds.
    Very disappointing that he even mentioned the Vehicles in his shallow speech. We don’t even have an Authorized Lexus Dealer in Zambia, to mean these Vehicles have to be taken to South Africa for Service.
    Visit UTH when in Zambian to see how poor Zambians are treated. Sad sight that RB was even ordering such expensive Vehicles for himself. Truly Rugs to riches behavior.

  69. Nobody is hero worshiping Sata, that is for you to do. It is his work in these few days as you have mentioned that has attracted attention. In the years Banda was in office, little was done to rectify or stop corruption, but exacerbated it. Towards the end of his reign, he lost it and worked tirelessly to make himself escape trial for his misdeeds. Why?

  70. #85 I dont want to mention RB, he is the biggest disapointment and only hope immunity will be stripped so that he is tried. And by the way is any institution named after him? if not so why and why not Chiluba also?[Terrible thieves].

  71. Number 35, Thank you for your analysis of issues. Mr Banda Knows where gold is, let us wait and see. Thieves like Chiluba will not accept their wrong doing. There is more to it friends. Banda must be investigated for the abuse of office even HH who is promising to defend him (Banda) will also be found wanting.

  72. Fellow Zambians – Shouldn’t we be proud that our new president has steadfastly announced that he would not condon corruption which is the biggest desease that has hampered development. The fact is unnecessarily, RB’s officers procured very expensive cars for his use. That is not a lie and RB will need to explain. Another fact is a Swiss national flew out ofthe country with Gold and while he arrived through the KK international airport he flew out using the Mfuwe airport. Answers are needed from RB. RB’s statement do not argue with the above points and it therefore unbelievable that there are a few people supporting him and calling Sata a liar. To me it begining to dawn on me that the curse is in us citizens and not in our leaders. We seem to fail to take them to account.

  73. 4 international airports in Zambia

    4.Mfuwe I know this is not news to those who passed social studies.

  74. I call Sata a liar because he was cheating us during the third term campain for Chiluba and thats a fact. I know that he has the support but if you want i can tell all that he has cheated and it seems you want him to continue cheating. On the gold and lexus he could be right and am not refering to that when i call him a liar.

  75. Interesting. Umo azalila and I believe it will not b the Republican President. HE MCS may be a lot of things to different people but liar he is not. If on the other hand he has been fed wrong information by Intelligentsia then fired they should be. If you think for a moment that this now former UNESCO representative was an employee of GRZ in which case his first point of call upon arriving in Zambia is straight to report to the Permanent Secretary of Foreign Affaires, to which all Ambassadors/High Commissioner or Zambian Representatives reports into. Alas from this rebut of Former President RB’s office the chap went to Pamodzi Hotel and thereafter proceeded to Mfuwe to see RB and then left the country – how can this be right?

  76. All cars and Gold can move attain locomotion without a human being inducing them to. Now, both the Lexus cars and gold bullions were in the custody of the government headed by no other than Bwezani. He owned Zambians a duty of care to protect their resources, not plunder them, and he swore to that effect before us all when he was sworn into office. Whether by negligence or by malicious intent, he must be found guilty and severely punished. We should start with tht ci big nose of his, cut it off to teach him a lesson. The issue of his foreign parentage should also have a commission set up to investigate, mambala wanya lomba!

  77. Continuation from 91 ..  To put things into perspective, any of the Ambassadors/High Commissioners that have been recalled will firstly  report to Ministry of Foreign Affaires for debriefing and thereafter they can do as they please – this is what we all do in our respective employments when game is over. However, this chap has done everything on the contrary and apparent that he owes his allegiance to the person RB and not the Presidency – as in the office. With this in mind it makes everything questionable of this chap and does not augur well for RB. Lets wait and see as more information is revealed – umo azalila

  78. Let us get all the facts.
    So the Gold was there and Rupiah Banda knows about it (in the statement). But it is not missing, but was sold. To whom? Why? Why sale govt property so hastely? Rupiah Banda and his sons like trading ehhh?

  79. This witch hunting should stop. Michael Sata should grow up and act like a president. He is no longer a kaponya. So all this grand standing is almost irritating. He is acting the same as chiluba did in 1991 and yet we ended up with nothing but himself in turn getting prosecuted years later. How come he is suspecting everything that the previous givt did as corruption or theft? Didn’t they have to do anything or touch anything? For God’s sake, this is now getting childish. RB has acted in a mature way all the way through. Demonising him like he is being demonised is not right after what he did to save Sata’s life. First come up with evidence that he stole then you can go to the media. It’s looking childish now…

  80. Kalos2121, Okey (89) has clarified your question about Mfuwe International Airport. Plus it was made an international airport long before Rupiah Banda was president or even vice president. I hope that helps your debate.

  81. #91 dont misqoute me, am not saying that RB should not be investgated no. Let him be investgated and if found guilty be prosecuted and reposses what he stole. At the same time let us call someone who cheats a liar so that he can stop cheating. Iam saying that Sata is a liar and that is true.

  82. Sata himself can’t account for the house he has been staying in which belonged to Zambia Airways in Rhodes Park. He forcibly evicted the family that used to live there. Let us not act as if we are angels. It is not right. Sata must remember that he is not in that position for good and the next person will dig him out now, thoroughly, and some of us know very well that he is not clean. His heart condition is what saved him from prosecution in both Levy and RB’s govt. Everybody knows that. He is now acting like a prick. Some things he is doing are really great, but he must stop witch-hunting and grand-standing like a kaponya seeking some attention!!! Ni nzelu za mukomboni za banione-banione!!

  83. Plunderers. Some former MMD ministers do not only have bicycles but also have stacks of printed cash in their houses. When searching them for bicycles , please do not leave anyhting, do a thorough search job. Nibakabolala ba MMD

  84. why fire lusaka commanding officer instead of the DEC that did not arrest the culprits. SATA and the POST at work spreading lies

  85. Just as #98 Njenje puts it MCS is acting childish now. Anyway Kaponyas will always be Kponyas nothing seem to change. Ba president dont grand-stand you are our president and please behave like one. This type of Komboni life will not help us at all. They say “Today its me tomorrow its you”. Already your people have started stealingand you seem not to be aware of that. Come next elections you will be the hunted. It will be “Hunter Hunted”. What happended to the degree clause for president kash. Atleast it could have sieved out such kaponyas. I end here!

  86. You got to have  a half a logical mind to accept that RB is innocent until proven guilty. He is guilty ukwabula ukutwishika. He wasn’t even subtle about announcing his corrupt intentions. First he removed abuse of office clause. Just this alone is enough testimony that the man was up to no good, his close friendship with convicted fraudsters(FTJC) and his tampering  with justice to get kafupi off the hook, all of this together was like hanging a neon sign around his neck announcing his corrupt intentions. This man is one very unclever president Zambia had the misfortune to be at its head. He doesn’t deserve any sympathy. Let the law take it’s course. I want to see this stupid *****’s immunity lifted immediately and swiftly sent to prison and thereafter deported to Malawi or Zimbabwe.

  87. I hear MCS is planning to suck Mbingu for refusing to apologise to him. The man seem not to know his limits –  Someone to help this man. I end here!

  88. Hhahaha! Call my bluff! You will be investigated RB and just so you know:Your people weren’t so smart and if I were you I would just stay mum about it… They just didn’t do enough so please leave it alone . Worst you can do is to even open your mouth. *smh*

  89. We are tired and sick of Bukabolala pa ZED RB why behave like the Jerabo unit pali gold please just tell us whom who sold the gold to and the cobra will forgive you then.

  90. Ala Bee is merely doing what any amatuer crook would do to stay out of jail – issue an honest sounding public statement, the equivalent of “not guilty” in a court of law.

    Any one who is impressed with this statement needs their brain examined.

    The case may not proceed to anything in the public interest if some peoples passports (both of Ala Bees crooked sons) are confiscated. I hope we do not have another Atan Shasonga scenario

  91. # 89 and your duped # 96, give me airlines (international line that uses Mfuwe Air Strip). Let us see your social studies how it works here. Chiluba gave it that title to satisfay his fellow crook Newstead Zimba and you believed it. Certainly, only a fool will in fact hang on the airport leaving the crux of the matter, BANDA stealing from Zambians and failing to take responsibility for his criminal acts. Just accept that this man is headed to jail. If Sata does not do that, Sata himself will pay heavily for the RB crimes. Count my words my friends. You steal, you must do the time. And your RB trying to do some posturing here will not save his behind. The people of Zambia are resolved to see that their suffering and anguish is paid for. Even a week in jail will be fine.


  93. We are the envy of many African nations at the moment but I am afraid, we risk becoming the joke of Africa. Zambians let us learn from the past.

  94. Sata is someone who has only one tool which is a hammer and therefore every problem looks like a nail.He wrongly thinks everybody in Banda’s team was no upto no good and everybody Sata appoints is an angel.Truth is you’ll always misstep and associate with some bad characters whom you’ll misjudge as trustworthy.Mbeki had associates who did him in,Bush had appointees who sold him out for a book deal,Museveni has had ministers who turned against him and even Jesus Christ himself had Judas.Therefore Sata stop acting like your administration is so clean & above reproach bcoz its still too early & mark my word-scandals will happen even in a PF govt bcoz you have humans who will sell or betray you one way or the other guaranteed.

  95. Kalos you are displaying some ignorance here. MFUWE was made Int Airport by KK. He Diverted funds for Development of NDOLA [Ground works & roads are still in place to this day](Mwansa Kapwepwe) Airport to Mfuwe. Reason availed at the time, was to allow Int flights to fly direct to Mfuwe to facilitate/boost tourism. [ Though it has also been speculated that, it was all done to allow him to holiday in Mfuwe] This was in an effort to mirror Nairobi Int airport, whose runways are within the National park. This is why Ndola remains a “shack” of an Airport.

  96. Fellow Zambians.As a commoner i just await the full investigation results.It is just my time to shout ” ZAMBIA SHALL BE SAVED”.I have no evidence either for or against anyone.What i can just say is that common Zambians surfer alot at the hands of those leading them.Irresponsibility equals…..

  97. Thank you Kamwendo for the Mfuwe lesson. You learn something new everyday, but is the Mfuwe issue so cardinal to RB’s criminality? Is Mfuwe really an airport or an Air Strip? If you so wish, how many international airlines have ever landed at Mfuwe in your life time apart the clandestine flights organized by RB for selfish reasons? If Kenneth Kaunda Int’l Airport and Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport need serious face lift, what is happening to Mfuwe? Have you checked Mansa Airport?

    The issue about Mfuwe, was not whether it is airport or airstrip, but how it has been used lately by RB to move in and out suspicious beings like Idris from Chad and the flight headed for Swaziland even when it was classified as overloaded. Overloaded with what? Those are the questions Banda must answer.

  98. Banda is being persecuted? Total misuse of the word and an insult to those who are really being persecuted. Banda has not even been charged with any case, he himself is already trying to defend himself to a case he does not even know. He is literally persecuting himself, and trying his cases in his own mind. We shall prosecute him, his children, his wife, his VP Kunda, his concubine Dora Siliya, his close confidants at State House and in the Cabinet. Whether you like it or not, they will be prosecuted. Oh, by the way, Katele Kalumba missed the boat and was foolish not to have had his case heard during RB’s reign of corruption. He too might be headed for jail. Soon there will be a village in Chiengi without a headman. They should start looking for one right now. KING COBRA time.

  99. ladies and gentleman, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I think it is reckless for a sitting president to make inflammatory accusations and statements on ongoing investigations. This is the sort of stuff that lead to that buffoon Chiluba( MHSRIP) exposing security tunnels at statehouse to our enemies calling them torture chambers. The lack of foresight by our leaders and playing cheap politics is the problem. At those high levels of power people shouldnt speak until they have concrete evidence or they may have to eat s.h.i.t. later when things turn out differently. I am very concerned about the lack of diplomatic protocol and how it may affect how our Presidency is viewed. There could be truth in the allegations. let investigations begin quietly. 

  100. Hatred, Hatre,Hatred, Hatred Hatred, Hatred,Hatred, Hatred,Hatred, Hatred,Hatred, Hatred,Hatred, Hatred,Hatred, Hatred,Hatred, Hatred,Hatred, Hatred,Hatred, Hatred,Hatred, Hatred,Hatred, Hatred,Hatred, Hatred,Hatred, Hatred,Hatred, Hatred, Just declare this country a non – christian nation because there are just too many people who are busy sowing seeds of hatred, tribalism, divisions and so on and forth. Some don’ t even sleep because they feel they are the only true Zambians and thus tend to look down on others. Where is this country going ? I can foresee a situation where one day Zambia shall split into two or more states if no serious measure is taken at the earlist against the tribalist tendencies which are currently sweeping the country. Please people, kindly preach peace and love.

  101. chwee! chwee! chewee! jimbo jerico Rupiah Banda should be caged in connection with the abuse of authority.

  102. Someone should remind Sata he is now president and not an opposition leader.He doesn’t have to blurt  out every bit of intelligence given to him by the intelligence officers.Let him wait for investigations and full reports.Take a leaf from Obama.He know where Osama bin ladin was hiding months before and waited for the CIA to verify and eventually move in before opening his mouth. Sata please keep some of these things to yourself and only tell us the full story when you have all the details

  103. Those at the top for once please preach true love and peace and your conduct should be seen to be promoting love and peace.It also helps to consult someone who has occupied your office before you moreso if he had the mandate of the people.Its wrong and a lie to tell the nation that all that the previous govt did was meant to benefit leaders of the time.STOP THE WITCH HUNT BUSINESS that is not what we elect people to leadership for.Zambians demanded peace before,during and after election.May I add that we need to love our neigbours.

  104. I wonder how it can be so difficult to pick a phone and call your predecessor to seek clarification on an issue, we should not tolerate this hatred that exists between current and former presidents. Why waste time announcing at a public forum asking police to investigate an issue when you have the same staff still occupying the relevant offices that can give answers to whatever transpired. Let us not waste investigative wings time investigating known issues. Do not forget that Sata was made popular by MMD slander, the same can happen the other way round. We need to correct all systems, processes and procedures that are prone to abuse and corruption, we can then deal with everyone that abrogates these processes following the due process of the law. avoid making laws to target individual

  105. Rupiah ‘Gold Lexus’ Banda is being economical of the truth. All he is doing is face saving but the truth will soon catch up with him, and then the long arm of the law will finally decend on him. Banda has been criminally minded right from the start of his ‘presidency by defaulty’. that is why he decided to wine and dine with corrupt FTJ and remove the ‘abuse of office’ clause. When PF warned all those involved in corruption would be prosecuted, he laughed them off because he thot he would rig elections and remain in power. Now is the time to reckon. Stop talking abt development that never was. If you had developed Zambia as you claim, why were you overwhelmingly kicked out? The era for sultanic dictators and their families turning countries into a fiefdom are long gone.

  106. Pres Sata must start acting & bahaving like the president of this great nation & not like the chief rumor monger. We are all being embarassed & we shall soon start denying that we are from zambia when asked abroad!

  107. I think it is quite clear that RB and his family need be probed. A president does not get much of a salary anywhere in the world and yet he has come out with some- what ‘a bigger pocket’. A perfect example is our late president Levy (MHSRIP) who’s wealth was very reasonable that you couldn’t help but, to an extent, wish the man an extra reward. Anyhow, straight to the point- As much as many individuals want to discredit the PF government, the overtures thus far are impressive. It is evident that before the PF government, you had a government that could not stand up for you. Already, employers are jittery and are improving pay. The budget is coming out which will reduce almost every tax Zambians bear. Zambia has got resources and we cannot act inferior to our external investors.

  108. Ok fine, Mr. Buzaianu whatever, is free to enter this country and visit who ever he wishes to, but what begs an answer is this…if he was our rep at UNESCO and he is a straight guy…surely he could have had the courtesy to pay a call on the president of the country he was representing at such a high body as UNESCO…his whole trip to zambia smells of a big rotten fish, theft is theft and people involved should be probed and if found wanting should be put where they belong…behind bars period!!! Mr B,s trip to zambia falls short of insulting our sovereignty, ignoring our president but going to meet a former president in some corner of the country in the name of philanthropy my foot!!! for heavens sake he was our rep at UNESCO

  109. Kalos2121, I have no intention of joining in political debates. My only interest is to correct a wrong impression that was portrayed about Mfuwe International airport. You may also wish to know that “international airport” has nothing to do with size, it is the availability of immigration/passport and maybe customs facilities too. Please continue with your political debates but leave me out will you?

  110. Absolute chaos!!  SATAn continues to behave like he is in opposition without access to resources, information and people.  Why does he speculate and pass on rumours?  Why can’t this fool learn to act like a president, be dignified and circumspect in demeanour?  His “talk before you think” approach is for Pathetic Fools and not normal Zambians.  Zambians finally have a president they deserve!

  111. If Sata will reintroduce the “Abuse of Office” clause, he is going into Chimbokaila for giving Finance Bank to Mahtani who illegally kept 100% ownership of the bank and was giving illegal loans to his affiliated companies and taking kickbacks from companies he was lending money to without proper documentation.  Just ask Miles Sampa, Sata’s nephew and his chola boy when he was at Finance Bank.  These bafikala will go in!  Watch this space!

  112. tu PF boola panshi. sata is a hard worker but he’s no saint. he’s a president for all zambians whether one likes it or not. all he needs to do is start acting like a statesman that is required of the office he holds. Stop tuma vuvuzela announcement. I liked his parliament speech, very ambitious. thats what we need, not becoming a cry baby like some students “ati i didnt pass kaili bambi balikwete linkage”. Lets fight corruption but that should not become the entire agenda for government for the next five years…NO. we need roads, schools, clinics,good constitution, …..bluh bluh bluh. not everyday rb, mmd,hh, upnd this or that. these lost the elections and we will deal with them as need arises like when the speaker for the NA was elected.lets ACT more and TALK LESS.

  113. Honestly speaking we appreciate what RB and his team did to the nation, shockingly the good thing was within his team, and I wonder those people toking we at middle income, I wish such peole would go to the remote areas of this country,and see the massess of poverty levels.Surely the wicked pipo are exposed when the light comes. A cauation those in any leadership you may be found,work as to the Lord, but if you take merit on the pipo, soon you be laughed at. Lets all fight corruption and let the plunders account for the national resources.

  114. @98 Njenje

    Aren’t you making a serious assumption that Sata is not a kaponya?  Who said so?  He is Chief Kaponya in da State House.  Leopards do not change their spots.

  115. Sata will not work. am telling you guys he will spend hit team in man hunting and but the time he realises it will be too late for this Nkalamba.
    Its seems he has no work to do and he has no agend for Zambia. wiked man chi SATA

  116. Satanic President Ninshi Kansi. live RB alone , you are in power and you still are not comfortable. do you want his blood now. go to hell we donshi we

  117. Sata we hate you very much. you are a bad man. but let Zambians see the type of leader they voted for. am better of with my PHD and enjoying my money in America. No mba tu kamona those who wanted you if you deliver in 90 days, where in earth we shilu wee. we mbwa we

  118. This thing so called SATAN in Zambia state house is actually the waste Zambia will ever have. he will not perform but man hunting. i we chi SATAN just work and stop man hunting waumfwa , you think tulesekelamo. you are not a presidential quality at all iyo. you are a kaponya and even those who voted you are Kaponyas too. normal people cant put an ugly thing like you in state house. you have failled to work we can see all you do now is witch hunt for Lupia and other poeple. we mwa we. you have even fired Nevers Mumba why. IMbwa

  119. Chi Satan just work wa umfwa. we know you wont deliver. you will be the shortest serving President of Zambia. we hate you and please please live those people who were in the formr governemnt before. just work other wise Nai we be carefull after all you are sick. when is your next trip to SouthAfrica for your medication again. Ububi mane

  120. #141 to #152
    I feel sorry for you chaps. At the rate you are going you will die from depression. Stop the hatred!. It’s not healthy. Your president Sata was voted by the majority because he is by far the best man for the job. Your preferred candidate RB, couldn’t make it because many people believe he is incompetent, lazy, unprofessional, clueless, a dictator, plunderer, careless and just plain stupid. If you don’t like the new state of affairs you are welcome to change your citizenship. Also rest assured that RB, his minions and his children will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law of the land and when found guilty to spend a portion of their lives in one of our jails. This is the stark reality you just have no choice but to live with. So take care of your mental healthy.

  121. It seems the guilty are really afraid. Now lets hope someone will explain why RB used to travel so much. He would be in Libya, Turkey, China, Cuba, Swaziland, Malawi, then Libya again, and Botswana, Mozambique, Mauritania, Cameroon, Gabon, again Malawi, Zimbabwe, then Libya,and before long we started to see stolen Libyan money buying off our ZAMTEL, etc, CAYMAN sagas, the list is longer than my arm. We will get to the bottom of all this for the benefit of the country. RB, its too early to start crying. UZACHIONA IWE! No wonder a monkey urinated on your head. 

  122. Once the reality about how difficult it is to develop the country sets in, attention will be diverted to “fighting” corruption – and the recommendations of the numerous Commissions of Inquiry. Some people think that when you fight corruption, the economy will grow. No, economic growth requires sound and implemented economic policies – fighting corruption is of course very important but it is just a figment. So, the dismaissal of Mhlakeni Zulu had nothing to do with this Buzaianu chap (rhymes with boza yanu!!!) but more with wanting to replace him with the President’s choice, for what was Zulu going to arrest this man?

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