THE National Restoration Party (NAREP) has urged the Patriotic Front (PF) to effectively plan for the implementation of a new people-driven constitution. NAREP president Elias Chipimo said the PF Government should not rush in coming up with a new constitution as it might have flaws.
Mr Chipimo said the party is of the view that the 90 day period set by the PF to implement a new constitution is inadequate and unrealistic. On October 14, President Sata assured the nation that his Government will deliver a new people driven constitution within 90 days.
Mr Sata said his administration attaches great importance to good governance and will as such ensure a new constitution is delivered within three months. But Mr Chipimo said in an interview on yesterday that it is not feasible for Government to deliver a good constitution within 90 days. He suggested that Government tackles the implementation of a new constitution in two stages.
Mr Chipimo said in first three months, the first stage can be tackled which is passing of non-controversial clauses. He said in the second stage of between 18 to 24 months, the sensitive and controversial clauses in the draft constitution can be addressed.
Mr Chipimo said Government should not complicate the delivery of a good constitution by rushing the process. Mr Chipimo said there is no room for errors as it has the potential to affect the implementation of a people driven constitution.
“If the constitution making process is rushed, it will not stand the test of time and so we appeal to this Government to take its time on this important process,” Mr Chipimo said.
He said President Sata should leave a good legacy by ensuring his administration produces a people driven constitution.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
Ba Chipimo,
There were more damaged goods than people who voted for you. Please tell me honestly, what real political leverage or influence do you have beyond your fathers name?
At the end of the day, you are just a side show, an interesting distraction from the real players in the Zambian political arena, a few notches above Chama Cha Kuomboka.
Lets cut to the chase. You want a job, right? You are not going to get it by telling what can not be done. People are tired of non-performance. Tell us something that you can do for a change, not something you feel can not be done.
Why don’t you chaps use the names you were using before the elections??
chama chakomboka
Kissing dust indeed – Mentioning the past election is irrelevant to this particular discussion. Why shoot down good ideas by mentioning the past. Chipimo’s suggestions are pragmatic and reasonable.
damaged votes, sorry
The point of an opposition is to keep the government in check, By giving us his opinions you can have new ideas which can help the system. No one person is right and it helps to think out of the box. Thats what a good opposition is supposed to do. They arent supposed to make character attacks and say what they can do. When you hear their suggestions you learn not only what they can do but how they can do it so that intelligent people can then make up their minds on who carries better policies and also whether to pressure the government to change their policies
Lets Just accept judge what the current PF Government will do after five years. Why are we so judgemental and hypocritical? If the constitution is not done in 90 days the same poeple will be calling MCS a liar. If he does it, then it not long enough.
I think MCS should just tell these Chipimos and comapny to shove it up thier arses and watch or win their election if they want to do thing there way. Let him concerntrate on locking up the thieves and creating employment.
Judge, accept and things missed. a few typos. sorry too stressed. We will meet you Mr. Presido when you come down under end of this month. Cheers
Chipimo just go to Mporokoso and after ba Tata he is a lone mwane wesu.Where is your firts wife mwaiche that ka lady used to like pa first.What was the problem ba President to in the year 4014
foolishness at its best, a new constitution or not, more than half of the population are hungry. so before deciding on a people driven bs constitution. FEED THE PEOPLE. F@ck the constitution, take care of the street kids. F@ck the constitution – improve education. F@ck the constitution upgrade healthcare facilities. Fack the constitution and promote tourism. Fack the constitution and grow more tobacco to export to developed countries where they all smoke. F@ck the constitution and concentrate on really folding your sleeves to build a real ZAMBIA
and finally F@ck you #6
F@ck you…lol ;)
Tonga Fool mind your language
Ba #6 You have breached the rules of civil debate.I know your party just lost both the erection and elections.As for Ba Chipmo,your impossibilities will lead you to nowhere.
Chipimo to me makes more sense than HH. He is not criticizing the intent here but merely pointing out that a constitution is a sacred document that need a deliberate and critical approach when implementing as it is likely to impact he future of our nation. These are the issues the opposition should be focussed on. Not defending a crooked like Banda for political expediency.
To me HH makes more sence than some of these homos. They should jsut contniue to have sex with fellow men
Finally a person in Malaysia thats got a good point and making it look like we are out here paying for degrees coz we cant think.
The submissions from people are already there, why take another 2 years! We don’t need another circus like the NCC. The problem with MMD is that they tried to discard peoples submissions and substitute them with Kunda’s template, which was contrary to what people wanted. Chipimo, you are not going anyway with that mentality.
Anyone who subscribes to the notion that one tribe is smart than another, to me admits to the argument that white people are intellectually superior to black people. I say this because of the underlying tribal tones being taken by some UPND supporters.
This Chipimo thing is too dull. He seems not to have been following issues at hand. He is not fit to be a leader. Its high time we had leaders with a vision. We don’t need blind and dull leaders like Chipimo. Even laymen/women know by now that we had several commissions on the constitution and the issues we need implemented are well known to every Zambia except Chipimo. Silly. I end here!
Does HH make any sense at all?
not at all
no they guy doesnt seem to know what he is talking about. But its understandable the guy has so much hatred for sata, he cant see anything good, the old man does. If he is not careful he will go into oblivion.
if we take as long as you are putting it ba Chipimo, who is going to be paying the guys involved? tax payers again? we have plenty submissions and to easy the process we need some kind of continuity. lets get the guys who were involved, they know what the people want and it will not take long. add to their number a few fresh minds. how much have we wasted already in these sittings?
I agree with u shi kayasa, u see these chaps jst oppose for the sake of showing they exist. They have not understood his excellence Chilufya, what he has been saying during campaigns is that we do not need to waste more money on the constitution making process becos we already have good recommendations from the Mungomba commission and the failed NCC. What is required is harmonisng the two drafts.Surely it only takes small brains to question that. U r right alot of money has been spent and will don’t need to spend more. Viva positivity abash mediocrity!
Abena Zambia blinded, by the victory wait and see the comedy has just stated
#1 “People are tired of non-performance”
That’s precisely why people kicked RB out of plot 1! For 48 years Zambians have watched in dismay as one president after another work tirelessly to make Zambia an economic disaster area. For the first time people see in Sata a hard worker who will definitely make the necessary changes to drive our economy in the right path. A laissez faire attitude such as exhibited by Chipimo is exactly what the people don’t to want to see in their leaders. They don’t want to see their president sitting on his butt all day enjoying champagne cocktails, flying to Mfuwe with his extended family, or go on expensive world tours.
We as Zambians have to remember sentiments spoken on this matter for many years.One of the sentiments i have kept is that since all information needed to make constitution have for many times and years collected we all we have to concoct constitutional lawyers who i a m told are available to do the write up without bias so if this step is taken i see no reason why PF cant deliver that constitution in 90 days
I agree with mudala. THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE period!
Zambians have been making submissions. All submissions are already there. why should the process take more than a year???
viva people driven constitution……bonse pamulu mulelanda ifituntulu except STUPID TONGA BULL.
Not in the interests of zambia to have lies that development will come within 90 days or that PF will have a new constitution within 90 days.Thats a lie designed to hoodwink people into voting for PF.What with the lack of internal democracy in PF where their king won’t allow real party constitution to work for fear of losing party presidency therefore not realising his dream to be on plot one.
lol! you miss the point! PGF is in GOVT! what votes are you talking about! he is there and wants to deliver in 90 days! let him do it!
What Chipimo says makes sense, as a lawyer I agree with him. Well spoken.
Those blaming Chipimo are very dull.. President Chipimo 2016 is very right and he is the most wise among those who contested, look pipo in as much as we agree with PF certain things we shud disagree a constitution in now 63 days will be a useless anything done in a hurry is usually flop..PF as chipimo as said they shud wait abit on constituition feed the pipo first, work on education system..
Lies or NOT; Mr Sata won with a clean game. The least we can do is wait and see him deliver what he promised; how he does it matters less. After all he got the most votes without rigging; meaning his manifesto sold and won the hearts of people who needed change. We are tired of people who just promise. We have seen what people want in the race to plot one. As for the constitution, the submissions are already there … why should we start uprooting the foundation designed by the commissions that have already sat … and not just build on the one we already have. We’ll start with what we already have and make changes later on whenever need arises!!!
If it can be done within 90 days thats fine.What i see is that Sata is trying to do something albeit the circumstances.Time is what Sata doesnt have.This constitutional crap has been going on since 1972 and up to now we have a makeshift document.The key things are well known, a 51% for presidential win,a running mate for a president,dual citizenship,enfranchising Zambians in the diaspora,removal of the 20 year clause that disqualifies many capable Zambians in the diaspora from contesting the presidency ,the issue of how many provinces and how they are run,the issue of executive mayors.If the Mmd couldnt deliver then Pf should.Time is what we dont have Mr Chipimo.I will write to you on facebook.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
How does Zambia develop better without a new contitution? The constitution is the yard stick that we need now. What was left was passing the constution after a long time debating. Attention to it is very much needed, but to delay for a year, is difficult to accept.
Chipimo seems out of touch with the issue of constitution because we have had a number of constitution commissions and Zambians keep submitting the same things except politicians have always dribbled the people. What is needed is political will and honest from the president.
I strongly agree with Chipimo…its no time to compete to impress…we have all the time to put in a very sound constitution.
King V.Lets allow the Presido to do his work.Mwanawasa,Banda played with time and money.But remember,this is a man of action.Not just action,time also.
Ba chipimo, but you were convinced that you could have won the last election within 20 days. Then what about 90 days, please stop kidding.
chipimo is still a neonate in politics. sata continues in 2016..maybe 2021
Well-spoken Chipimo, Phase 1 in 90 days, and phase two in 180, it shouldn’t be more than that. The new constitution should also evoke Presidential powers of firing Ministers anyhow. Because that’s what messes us up as people who contribute functional criticism are always fired.
Just one WISE Advice for CHIPIMO, stop behaving like Old school were you want to be called Honorable yet you not member of parliament. Let the Youth and people call you Elias?? What’s wrong with that??? UKUIKOTESHA AMA ZAMBIANS.
Tuma PRESS Conference utwakuika pansi, can’t you just stand as an energetic young man???
IT IS POSSIBLE TO HAVE THE CONSTITUTION IN 90 DAYS! What with all those Commissions that have gobbled our hard earned cash. Sata is ok as he does not want to GOBBLE more moeny by coming up with another circus so that the likes of Chipimo can sit on it to have more money in the POCKET. No. The PF is going to use the recommendations of the PIPO from the past GATHERINGS without wasting time and money. We already know what we want as Citizens so Chipimo there is no need to be pessimistic on this one. Why do you want a longer time? What particular special issues do you want included now when you had the chance to submit to the MWANAKATWE,MVUNGA and MUNG’OMBA commissions. Viva Sata! Ala waba pesha…ke ke ke
Ba chipimo, don’t criticise your uncle, your brothers and sisters will hate you and you will not be voted by the nothern and luapula provinces. just hero worship ba sata, thats your duty. We are making you for 2021, remember zambia from now on will only be ruled by our tribe. take this as a timely warning!
Then the others will break off if this Bemba arrogance continues. You can take you Luapula and Northen Provinces with you.
Sata viva, this is yo time to show yo potential and HH viva as well in 2016, it shall also be yours this time we can not reverse instead support the ruling party this time to see zambian forging ahead.
Ubepelefye pali HH, he’s a political blunder that is hell bent on destroying Mazoka’s legacy!!!
Ba Chipimo,
I think it is very possible. Just take a look at how Egypt did it afetr the austing of Mubarak. It was by a few individuals, may be less than 20, and in a short period of time.
Elias Chipimo, I hope, has been misquoted here because this is utter nonsense. While the PF may have been in power only a few days, they have had over 8 years to study the current constitution and determine what needs to be improved upon. It shouldn’t take rocket science to figure out that it is both feasible and realistic to change the constitution in 90 days or less. What Chipimo should focus on is holding the PF accountable in a manner that allows our nation to progress.
chipimo is a novice and still not mature. This is possible and we nid to support sata how about all the commission held on the same constitution…it is not like we are starting from day one people moreover we now waht zambins want..this chipimo guy has lost it here no wonder he has zero members of parliament…..
Elias is an intelligent guy who is very realistic. I think that he is right by saying 90 days might not be adequate. His proposal to approach this serious assignment in two stages should be take explored.
90 days is more than enough.We are tired of spending.
When does Sata’s 90 days start and when does it end? To me he has 63 days remaining. I remember correctly he promised to deliver the constitution within 90 days from the time he assumed power. In this respect he assumed power on 23 September 2011
Red Card: Debate issues and not names. How does HH-UPND -Tongas and Rupiah come in this issue raised by Chipimo. Kindly be civil and mature as you debate issues. We love you. All people in the image of God and God loves them the way he loves you.
#31: Abakwasu: well said bwana. Thats exactly the point. In Zambia if something takes 12years then they can believe its good quality. We know no timeliness, efficiency and speed with which things can be done. The number of times you ask for a service and you hear, “just wait, why the rush”; or ” we can do that tomorrow”; I hate that tomorrow thing. Go to a council to process any papers, its tomorrow until you all retire. If lawyers are serious 90 days is more than enough.
Whether you like it or not, Mr Sata is the last of his era – they made their contribution but must now gracefully step aside for more progressive minds. I cannot believe that people find are finding fault with Mr Chipimo’s suggestion. It is credible, well thought out and a good argument on the merits. Go ahead Mr Chipimo sir, you are the next president of Zambia
I totally agree with Elias, we cannot take 90 days to deliver a people driven constitution regardless of the fact that we have submissions at hand
Guys in the diaspora please remember to come home and catch up to dont just talk from a fur come and see the state in which you country is and you will be able to contribute objectively.
How many MPs does Chipimo have in Parliament? How is he going to participate in the Constitution approval process when he has no MPs?
NOW after reading a lots of your blogged comments most people here need to start referencing on political science and just current affairs how can you have the uneducated audacity to say Mr chipimo is wrong most of you dont even know the tenents of democracy Elias is objective and for those who say he is dull are wrong this guy was probably the most educated candidate among all 2011 presidentail candidates he his a university of zambia graduate and Rhodes scholar check the merits of admissions to oxford university they dont come by easy even most smart students in the west dont get them maybe the who africa in a year gets only 20 entries besides he established his law firm on zambian soil and made money genuinely so all dull bloggers are silly
Mr Chipimo you need more time so that you can be considered on one of the sittings, we `ve collected enough data to help us enact a constitution in even less than 30 days.We cant go on wasting more money like that, your worry shud be to see to it that we come up with a consitition that will stand the test of time.Viva bashiChilufya, no more wastage of taxpayers cash, lezzy chaps will die of huger this year.
Chipimo ule ipima.
ANd you think the consitution will feed u????!!!!
Nope it wont feed me but it will put an end to to this political circus RB won by 36% last time Sata by 46%, we need presidential run-offs and the post of Vep must be elected as well. let Sata do it whilst the taste of power has not yet intoxicated him.. PERIOD
NO SENSE INDEED! people listern PF was formed in 2001 and obviously they have analysed da constitution in and out hence thy know where to touch regardin the contitution unlike this Chipomo boy who came yestaday on the political scene………By the way give PF time its jst few days frm the election. Your time will come maybe in 2031 or 2036! For now its H.E MCS!
chipimo is maikng sense but the dull pf cadres want to harass everyone not on their side..!
Is he really making sense??? what did the MWANAKATWE,MVUNGA and MUNG’OMBA commissions do?? the constitution has already been drafted so whats with the holdup??
It is sad when one just supports without analysis. what is needed is the defination of this 90 days with regards to constitution making? If the 90 days os from the onset of the seating then this is fine and an acheiveable issue. But if the 90 days is part of the time HE Mr.Sata entered plot one 1. Then we are in trouble. PF supporter be realist and truthful to yourselves. Those who offer critism should also be as wise. I like #32 at least he is truthful that PF is tribal and came into power through LP and NP vote
Chipimo you going far away and getting out of favour with the Bembas. Now listen, the constitution being ready in 90 days is just to please you and HH for the 50+1. Let MCS put more money in the peoples pocket like reducing fuel, tax and stabilizing the exchange rate so that bitumen can be affordable and more roads tared. You can not develop this country balyonaula saana.
My people I say here again that no person knows the future. Jesus Christ when he wants to say many he was using the 40. 90 days my children means within a short time. It may not be 90 days exactly. It can even be 1year out of 5 years
Imwe naimwe ba Chipimo, what is so difficult about having the new constitution in place in 90 days??? We have all the material we need from the many constitution review commissions we had in the past and all we need is a handful of intelligent lawyers and others to consolidate what people want from those submissions. with modern facilities like computers, this is a 3 wks job. I have worked 27 yrs in the mining industry where we do not allow problems to drag on indefinately- we fix it! Let GRZ adopt the same mindset and they will fix this constitution in 90 days-period! People go to the space station in 4-5 days, why should writing a constitution take forever??
90 days is enough the president said so
Gentlemen, Please spare HH. I think there is an article about him on Tumfweko.com. He clearly is happy to note that President Sata is determined to have a people driven constitution within 90 days. So we shouldn’t blame him for no reason sometimes. Better we learn his position on some of these issues first, before denouncing him blindly. Its’ not fare.
Chipimo, you have very good ideas. The only reason why you are currently unelectable is because your blessing is your curse. You cannot appeal enough to stuggling Zambian around the country. You need to do a serious public relations campaign by offering policies that will woo the electorate. Make your policies sound like hit tracks. The whole Zambia knew the ’90 days’ rhetoric of H.E Sata. What policy do people know you for? That’s right, none. Anyhow, to your credit, you impressed at first instance; you beat toothless individuals like Miyanda and Magande. I advise door to door campaign for you, it will work well for you. Also, host several gatherings to stir up youth support.
Pf have a plan…actually sata said that the new constitution will be derived from the submissions we made in the past few years
All of you including Chipimo are missing the point. The constitution has ALREADY been drawn up!! What have all the commisions and hearings been doing all these past years? It’s there and all it needs is to be IMPLEMENTED! You dont need more than 90 days to do that. Chipimo of all people probably knows that but just wants some moment in the sun so no-one forgets him.
Who was leading in the elections out of “void” and Chipimo?
Chipimo is all about Academics , its time for some real work sir.
The young man sounds wise. Neverthelsess lets wait for the 90 days to come and go. May be the President knows what he is talking about. if he doesnt deliver in 90 days, then his ability to judge correctly will be judged.
Those dismissing Chipimo’s advise on PF implementing the constitution within 90days are not serious. This process needs a cross section of representation of all stakeholders an dshould not be rushed for the sake of fulfling campaign pronouncements. The time frame suggested by Mr. Chipimo is ok. Coming up with a people’s driven constitution is not a simple matter, we need something that will satnd the test of time.
Before we condemn Chipimo too much, lets note that this man is likely to be the next president, going by the age of Sata. Unless some other more capable person arises. Akosulile.
The Mungomba constitution is a people driven constitution and incorporated all aspsects from 50+1 to Dual Nationality, so what more consultation do you want. The Mungomba commission travelled through out the country and obtained submissions from people of all walks of life. The Mwanawasa Government opted to go via the failed expensive National Constitutional Conference that was partisan in nature that tore apart the Mungomba Constitution and its intentions. So what Sata can within 90 days is review the same Mungomba Constitution without reinventing the will. In my view this is doable within the 90 days period
We are working according to OUR plan.Within 90 days from the day parliament opened,Embrace the new constitution.It will be subjected to a referendum,and people(chipimo too) will have a chance to vote for or against.
I think Mr. Chipimo should remember that unlike NAREP which has existed for only about one year, the PF has been on the scene for no less than ten years. In those years, as an opposition party, they have had enough time to carefully look at what has been done wrong previously and to formulate their plans of actions to rectify things in the shortest possible time. Hence the PF has hit the ground running.
With all the raw materials already in place and having listened carefully to the cries and desires of the Zambians regarding the constitution, I think it is feasible for the PF to deliver a good constituions within the 90 days.
Yes indeed i agree with Chipimo Jr. The constitution making process should not be rushed if it has to stand the test of time. Let all important issues be takled first
one sentence “MWANAKATWE,MVUNGA and MUNG’OMBA commissions”
Sorry, it is now 67days to go. I addition to the constituion we want more money in our pockets. We were promised-Period
sorry the guy who made the promise should deliver on that promise
90 days is more than enough, its high time Zambians started working to set time frames. Our African brothers and sisters from neighbouring countries are looking at us with envy at the moment.
Chipimo for 2016???? Are you out of your mind? Dream on, mate.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE forgive Sata for promising to deliver in 90 days. This is because he doesn’t know how to count. To him 90 days sounded a lot more, because he cvan only count up to 5. That is why he likes using the term under-5, because 5 is the maximum he can count to. So he thought 90 days was way more than he would need to deliver anything. I understand him myself, so I have forgiven him….
Mr. Chipimo speaks to issue of a constition that is timeless. We have to insure that we have a document that is timeless. Our country has to be governed by laws and not parties. The harsh criticism and lack of capacity to dialogue is not condusive for democracy.
We all understand that there is poverty in the country. A well written constituion will insure that we are governed by established principals and not political manuevering. Can we begin conversations that actually help us move forward and not backwards. Let us avoid the plague of ‘e-cowards’ who spend limitless amount of time hiding behind electronic forms of communication. Let us try to stick to the facts. It is exciting to see new young faces in the governance of our nation.
Wisdom, wisdom, wisdom, you can see how zambians are in a hurry i think time has been wasted by some ane, hence we want to correct , correct ,correct
The need to urgently amend the Zambian constitution cannot be over-emphasised. Urgent issues to change if possible by tomoro:
1, immunity on former and current presidents must be removed – no zambian is above the law.
2, presidential powers must be reduced to avoid SATA going over board with his ACTION spirit
3, the electoral process must be strengthened and made more independent so that should we require elections tomoro, at least they may be free and fair
I share the same concern as Chipimo even tho’ i support Sata and his pragmatism. Sata has some much political capital and we have to be careful how that translates into services and delivery. This constituion is a one time thing and does not leave any room for error. we have to make sure all the contecious issues are addressed and shakeholders fully involved which are Zambians.
IWE CHPIMO Mwaice, what is your fundamental problem kanshi. Zambians have already submitted what they want in the constitution and what remains is to implement and not to DILLY DALLY as you are suggesting:
1.Cabinet to be appointed outside parliament (we need pros to run the ministries)
2.Presidential running mate
3.Bill of rights (we only need to do away with referendum)
4.51% president
6.——> Bloggers can add to the list
it is important to be objective as we debate, it is the future of this country we are talkin about. some of the arguments we put up will attract so movers/shakers of this country, and add value to out country. abash kaponya mentality.
WHITE PAPER is the answer to implementing a constitution within 91 days. Everything is there as needed by the Zambian people as we claim and waiting or going back to the a commission would be insanity. Chipimo my bro u know better. Call up #23 and the like and all will be done and delivered. I echo you #39. Thats the way. People are illusion with hatred yet they are losers more than HH and RB. Those balisunga po, and the only best way to deal with such to haters is to vote NO than occupying yourselves with hatred that which will not pay. Much worse none of the haters voted so stop it instead be objective and look at the big pictures.
SATA’s 90 Days is already in Progress, He has already fired most corrupt people and named Airports? What more do you want???? The 90 days for the constitution is different start counting today. He will achieve it, just that some Zambians are claiming not to be possible just to prove him as a liar?? We know what needs to be change, why take more than 90 days?? Cobra will deliver don’t worry.
no8 where does HH feature in all this?
Yes Chipimo is right. Let us not rash the constitution making proces. Easy guys. The might PF is ruling. Guys, where is Mestrol hehehehe….has he comitted sucide that HH lost terribly?
Sure HH is finished..change of leadership can do for UPND.
@ 83 And where does HH come in this ? Guys, you are sooo scared of HH now I am starting to believe you guys are actually scared of HH …. and chipimo him being bemba and a fake accent .. what has he achieved, he has not managed a percentage (1%) in votes yet you guys are raving about him.
Number 85 Ulisaka mataba iwe….
its interesting to read the comments now after the Govt announced that it will not be possible for a new constitution in 90days! Chipimo has the last laugh!