Monday, March 10, 2025

President Michael Sata and Fred Mmembe are tribalists-UPND MP


Senanga UPND Member of Parliament Likando Mufalali has accused Republican President Michael Sata and the Post Newspapers editor in Chief Fred Membe of being tribalists.

Responding to media reports associating UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema with former President Rupiah Banda, Mr. Mufalali claimed that President Sata and the Post Newspaper are bent at tarnishing the image of the UPND.

Mr. Mufalali charged that the UPND leader had a right to associate with anyone he feels and wondered why this should be an issue.

He explained that Zambians should not allow the Post to divide the country.

Mr. Mufalali has further accused President Sata’s of practicing regionalism adding that plans create a tenth Province to be called Muchinga are aimed at pushing development in Northern Province at the expense of other parts of the country.

Mufalali also noted that most road construction projects announced in the parliament speech by the president are in his tribal region.

He said that the decisions that President Sata has made so far are questionable and that Zambians must brace themselves for more surprises from the PF government.




    This may be the signs of the END of UPND.

    Those with eyes can now see that UPND has messed up and probably dug its final resting place.
    Trying to marry MMD now is not the answer. Unless UPND wants to rest by with MMD in the grave.
    It will be a costly mistake. Im giving a genuine advice to supporters with criticle analysis

    If l were HH l would have sided with PF as we start this five year long journey so that people start seeing UPND as a progessive party, and even if we start critising PF people will see our alternative views and consider it later in 2016 as an alternative. Head on collision is self destructive. HH is starting to isolate himself and UPND too early in the game.

  2. Cont: On a marathon you dont start off straight running full throttle ahead of the mob bec ause you will exhaust yourself earlier. Please HH align yourself with those who can empower you. Bitterness is only in your heart alone and it might just burn you out.

    In Zambian history, parties reach their us-by date and die a silent death. We know many parties which have passed on and we don’t want to waste time counting them all. But to mention but a few; UNIP died the day KK accepted defeat, MMD is dead and will never be trusted with the instrument of power ever gain. Those who will choose to remain will eventually get tired ad disappear. UPND seems to be rushing for its use-by date. It might be dead already. Soon it will start stinking and later be buried at the political graveyard.

  3. Cont: To be progressive we have to change with time. HH is not changing, neither is he learning from history. MMD is like a widow, and culturally you have to wait for cleansing to take place before you can think of courting her. HH upon learning that MMD is widowed he is their first person to start proposing even before MMD has finished mourning. HH/UPND have you no respect to cultural norms? Let MMD mourn in peace and then maybe later you can try your proposal, but not just now while MMD is still wearing the black band around the head.

  4. these tuma under fives(5) are full of jealous ,,,,,,,,,come 2016 they will loose again and Chipimo will come second….

  5. That President Banda is available at any given time to answer to any clarification which the current Head of State Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata may have concerning this matter or indeed any issue before they are made public. He remains committed to supporting the current President in order for him to succeed in running the Government. This is the position President Banda took when he made his farewell speech at State House after losing the last elections

  6. Not to be mistaken as being tribal, I must agree with this MP about what he has said about the roads. I have read the speech 3 times and yes there are many road construction projects planned for Northern and Luapula province than the whole country combined. Unless MR Sata and PF can convince us that the rest of the country is developed. Development should be spread to all parts equally.

    • ***** do you think tourist can come to magoye to view what? when there is chishimba falls and the like in northern province. be realistic chimbwi….. you pay for not voting for sata

  7. This is a correct analysis bwana MP, Zambians have already seen and observed, your points. Sata is the worst tribalist ever zed has ever seen. Keep on bringing these issues so that zambians can take audit.

    • Southern, Western, North Western and parts of Central Provinces you are in for a shock. It looks like Sata’s priorities will be to develop Luapula, Northern and Eastern as priorities. If you just take a look at the map of Zambia dividing it along the line of rail. The President has focused more on the right side of the Country comprising (Luapula, Northern, Muchinga, Eastern and Western parts of Central Provinces) as compared to the left side comprising (Southern, Western, North Western and parts of Central Provinces). ABASH NEPOTISM. Zambia is for all Zambians

    • You can keep on talking of the things that you dont understand better but you will not keep people out of what they think. Wise people are able to Smell the development and if you cant then that is not our problem. you are the only few of you with your leader HHHHH , whatever those letters stand for who want to create what you think.

    • If we are a problem let it be so at least we exist. Bembas have been the worst problem of this country. Think of Chiluba-Sata combination in MMD, God help us. Now the man has come back with more drama even arguing with priests in church, what a pitty

  8. A MBUZI DONKEY mwansekesha sana. It looks like you are very depressed with HH? Cool down man just watch the young man. You are your own spokesman

  9. Is this the kind of debate which the senanga MP will take to the Parliament? To me, his level of analysis is shallow like that of an under five kid attending a kindergarten school. I doubt if this MP has done even a secondary school education. His thinking is empty and kind of dull. It is clear that the people of Senanga have no quality representative in the august house. This chap needs to be removed and put in another MP who will be able to debate intelligently.   

    • Shimpundu, reading what the MP has said and then your response, i would say the MP is a little more intelligent than you….instead of countering the MP’s assertions with counter arguments, you just insult his person which leaves us with an impression that you are probably too shallow to give a rebuttal.

  10. What kind of reasoning is it? People want HH to support SATA but just a ka quick check up about SATA, he never supported Mwanawansa nor Rupiah and he is on record to have only supported the thief Chiluba and people expect H.H to support Him.Remember that SATA never praised anybody he always concentrated on other people’s weaknesses.Zambians, its High time you realized that SATA only has 42% of the total support.Check yourself and stop denouncing the opposition.

  11. The language of UNPD is regionalism.tribalism and nepotism.Can you tell us what you will do for Zambian or if you don’t have an Agenda for Zambia Just keep quite instead of dragging the country into tribal or ethinic conflicts.

  12. Sata made a declaration in church that he will rule according to 10 commandments. You can fool man —— but not God! As for M`membe he really seem to be troubled with HH`s success in business. What is M`membe`s education level ? Because i read a lot of private online papers across East and Southern Africa and The Post editorial comments are very unprofessional. Spreading hate and misinformation is the worst thing a professional journalist can ever do. From the comments that M`membe makes against HH and the Tongas, you can tell that the guy is a worst tribalist.

  13. yayayaya, HH is really bitter, and his bitterness will make him lose again in 2016. MMD watch out, please do not aloow to be ruled by smaller parties

  14. I am very surprised about these comments coming from Mr. Mufalali, an MP for Senanga, surprised because this MP does not even know that the Northern Province is the largest with an area of 147 826 Sq km followed by the Western province at 126 386 Sq km and North Western province at 125 827 Sq km. It therefore does not take a genius to see that if you are to increase the number of provinces to improve service delivery, you have to start with dividing the largest province. In my view, Western province should be next but there are all these Barotseland issues to think about. If the president had started by dividing Western province, the same Mufalali would today be crying foul. I do not think that The president has tribalism in his head. Let us all think progressively.

    • Your analysis is shallow my brother,Northern province is the biggest interms of square km of land but not the population density or the area occupied by human beings.A large portion of land is occupied by game reserves.So the whole idea is to make the province have a double share of the revenue.we a not dull to see thru this cheap trick.

  15. This tribalism nonsence must be ENDED!!!. We re one Zambia one Nation. whether MMD, PF, UPND or any parties should concetrate on unifying the nation. Why should we start fighting each other even after election? Let us support PF when UPND comes in power, we support it. MP must be last to comment on tribalism issue. We can have tonga MP in bemba land, what is the problem.

  16. Divide Western province into Barotseland and Western Province. then divide NWP into Lundaland, Kaondeland and Balovale. The MP is very correct. Yes Bwana.

  17. Bo Mufalali,time will teach a lesson and you will realise there is no worst tribalist like your boss, HH.If u are in doubt ask Sakwiba .He will narrate to you how he was ditched by the tongas who claimed that UPND was for tongas only no other tribe should come into its leadership. Good lucky, keep on leaking Hakainde’s boots,probably,he will feel pity on you and promote you to be his chief herdsboy.:-w

  18. Mmembe and HH must have been old school mate who i guess fault over a girl friend.could it be HH who took the day and fred vowed to revenge.Come on guyz this hate isnt about politics its now personal.Remember Mmembe promised never to cover HH, nw all of a sudden he abandons his vows jst because HH is a darling to RB.guyz lets not be ruled by a opinions like presidentSATA said.

  19. I agree with MBUZI DONKEY that UPND has lost it completely by choosing to side with a failed party, MMD. People now associate MMD with bad governance. MMD, like UNIP will never again be given power to ruin our country. Associating with such failures is surely committing political suicide. A more strategic plan would have been a pact with PF which guaranteed UPND the vice presidency and possibly the presidency in 2016. The fact that they couldn’t read the prevailing mood in the country is in itself evidence of political immaturity. 

  20. Southern province is concentrated along the line of rail and Great north road, which road network can someone pronouce? 60 percent of hhs results came from southern province. Whats is this? tribalism? Tongas will never rule zambia. UPND is gone, HH is greed. He will never never be president. Zambia will never be ruled by a Tonga president.

  21. My advise to UPND is that they should for now distance themselves from the MMD and be independently watching things as they unfold, MMD has been involved in a lot of corruption and being bed fellows now will mean as MMD sinks so would the bed fllows (UPND). I can tell u now that the majority of individuals in MMD will have there day in court soon, not out of vindictivness but because of the wrongs they did, and if UPND sleeps with them now it will be too late to distance them selves when Zambians start seeing the whole truth. Politics is about future projections if you project wrongly now, your done. and will not be able to undo.

  22. Sata is a true divisionist tactician just like the Brits who used divide and rule strategies.How come he’s single handedly decided that so many people are guilty of all kinds of imaginable accusations and should be removed without the benefit of prior investigations?My dad is from CB but i can’t stomach the thought that his cabinet is mostly from there.I think these UPND chaps are on to some truths here about Sata’s vindictive way of running zambia.

  23. What M’membe is portraying is the bare truth about HH. HH’s pathetic level of thinking has now been exposed to the public. HH the baby boy must attend envy/anger/jealousy management courses and avoid further tarnishing the once good image of UPND. Please people of UPND boot this brat out of your party and you will have a breath of new life. Ka HH ni ka under five kwena.

  24. I even wonder why people still try to burry their heads in the sand like the god damn Ostrich when it comes to Sata’s stinking tribalism. See, all senior cabinet portfolios, Finance, Hone Affairs and Defence are held by his fellow Northern Alliance Janjaweeds. I also wonder how he is going to gunner the required two-thirds majority to change the constitution, we are in once again for an eternal wait because other tribes will work to frustrate this “Bemba Congregation” he is trying to pass for national cabinet. And watch once all drama from the firings is over, like in typical Shaka Zulu style, he will start creating more drama and that is when Zambians will learn the nature of the beast they annointed.

    • tonga will never rule the nation and i feel pity for you . watch out for chipimo . hh is finished and the style leadership of hh is hijacking . we really miss mazoka

  25. Mr. Mufalali, does not seem to be thinking. All he needs is a little inteligency, if the little is all he has. Has he ever heard of work breakdown structures. Choma was renamed the provincial in view of trying to allow easy distribution of resources because it is much more central than livingstone. Northen is the biggest province and this makes the distribution of resourses difficult because the provincial capital is also far from most of the places. What PF is trying to do is ensure development is near to the people and ensure people can manage their own things and ensure easy distribution and fast track develpment which has remained behind for 20 years. Wakeup man!!!! You make me sick some of you.

  26. The tribal card is being overtaken by events if one observes closely enough. Our citizens are so exposed internationally that bigotry is now no longer a matter of tribe. What creates bigotry is as varied as what causes headaches. Those who fail to put their headaches to proper diagnosis (like reading into situations and contexts) end up invoking the easiest card: Tribalism. Alas, this will persist for as long as we refuse to see our higher selves!

    • morning l always look forward to your mature and wise reasoning input on this site, but please take note some people are always going to play the tribal card to try and get any undue advantage. Let us all put our heads together for the good of our country. Good day to you.

  27. Opposition is not about disapproving everything the rulling Govt does. This is the type of foolishness HH should stop and adopt progressive thinking.

  28. HH and his tonga tribal party all full of it, they believe they can bully their way into leadership, no way ba saa no chance. Look at the speaker issue, HH wanted his VP to be national speaker what kind of tribal bull is that ? l say one thing to the tonga tribalists you can all support & vote upnd the rest of Zambia will support this govt for the development of Zambia, Let us see how near plot 1 your minority tonga vote shall bring you. To all lets practice 1 zambia 1 nation. PF ni boma another 3 terms

  29. Mufalali is a bit off the mark. Both HH and Sata are tribalists, we have always known that. The best president for Zambia is the one people have just voted out, RB. It will take a few years before people begin to appreciate that they voted out the better guy. It took a few years for people to realise that Levy was not a cabbage but a piece of steak. The problem that Zambia is suffering from is that the majority of the population has extremely low IQ, people just can’t think. Adults think at the level at which children think in some other countries. We are in toruble. Low IQ in Zambia is more of a serious problem than even poverty. It worries me a lot. How can you have an entire population put in power a person like Sata?? You’ve got to have the a seriously low IQ of a child to do that!

    • Voting is a right, not whether you like the People’s choice or not, it is OK because that is a price we pay for democracy, also allowing uninformed minds like yours to have a voice. The alternative is to allow dictatorship and one person to direct matter; people like won’t even talk. So don’t bring this IQ card here, and looking at how you think Banda is so special, I wonder what sort of IQ test deemed you better than the average voter because frankly that is a joke. Just deceive yourself in the UK because am sure a lot of people there just think you are a useless African…


  31. UPND should be punished by Zambian people.It’s a party of worst tribalists in the world.They even come out openly that UPND can only be led by a Tonga person.Ha ha ha i’ll support my PF and Mbuyas.We don’t need tribalism in Zambia.

  32. Shimushinda you are the most useless person I have ever heard> What do you know about HH, Please concentrate on issues not individuals who can not even respond to your utterances. be pragmatic and above board my brother. Review the issue the president MCS said when opening parliament.

    • Look here Softie, HH chose to be a public figure who has failed to control his emotions on public media and I am sure a lot of Zambians will aggree with me. Personality and charachter of people seeking public office MUST be analysed and dont expect the Zambian electorate to seek audience with HH so that he can defend himself. If I had praised HH you would’nt have submitted your below par comment. Face the reality and admitt that you have the wrong brat at the helm of your party. Ati pragmatic and above board….. whatever you mean does’nt make sense…..

  33. I wonder why UPND always talk about tribalism? If I may ask what happened to founder member like Sakwiba Sikota and Chisanga.Did not Hakainde impose himself as President of UPND? and declared that UPND can only be ruled by a tonga? Let UPND be subjected to a conversion and elect new member of NEC.HH is finished reason being that he has over stayed. 

    • Boot licker and sufferor. Forget HH if he is no factor. Sata is Tribal 360 degrees. Hope it is you Senoiro tourist attraction

  34. #35(Gokigo Milazhe)
    Why a person like Sata can be voted into office beats my logic.It has got nothing to do with merit but something else.

  35. If your arguments are genuine,then you better say at least he could have done better in Lusaka,Central,Copperbelt provinces,but his performance in these areas we can call “swing states” or “no man’s land” was pathetic.Look at Solwezi central,the seat went back to the former ruling party.Mufumbwe? MMD rigged? If at all the MMD RIGGED THOSE ELECTIONS,AS UPND BELEIVES,THEN WHY CHOOSE TO WORK WITH YOUR ENEMY WHO STOLE FROM YOU? Let us learn to accept and work on those serious mistakes that are being levelled agaist us.If the man is not tribal,he could also have taken even half of Eastern province! These are serious observations being made by the post and the only thing UPND can do to learn to face reality and be seen to be making ammends so as to correct these ills.

  36. They really don’t like each other!
    The 9 provincial posts contain 2 ministers
    from the MMD, one of whom is the only
    woman – and, interestingly, no ministers
    from the UPND (even in Southern Province,
    UPND’s stronghold, where it scooped
    all but one parliamentarian seats, the PF
    has chosen the only elected MMD MP as
    its provincial minister). Since the PF-UPND
    Pact broke up, there has been no love lost
    between the two parties.

  37. Perhaps we can put this into perspective. In criminlogy, thieves are the first ones to accuse you as a thief. This is the where the post comes from. In fact, it does not matter to the post, as long it is a Tonga at the top, is a tribalist. Mazoka was treated the same way. In fact, the more, tribalism is pushed by the post as headling news, it haddenning people’s hearts on both sides of the debate. Therefore, they should tone down.

    • Bullshit. Mazoka was accepted by the whole country. He even won that election except MMD cheated him out of it. You cant compare Mazoka and HH. After Mazoka died, some *****s and traditional rulers did say UPND should only be ruled by another Tonga. Why are you motherf.uckers pretending you never heard of this? Go on with your hate. Lets see how far it will get you. In the meantime, we’re running government. I’m not even Bemba, by the way.

  38. could someone explain to me why some people accuse the Tongas of tribalism for voting overwhelmingly for HH when the results also show that Northern province (and Luapula) voted overwhelmingly for their own Sata and Eastern for their own Banda? the reuslts also show that there are more people in Southern province who voted for Sata than there are people who Voted for HH in Copperbelt, Luapula and Northern provinces (Bemba) put together? who then are more tribalist? HH did fairly well in North-western, and Western provinces where he actually got more votes than King Cobra. He also got good votes in Central province. it appears to me that HH is not wanted by the majority of the Bemba and they are accusing him of tribalism when in fact they should be doing an introspection.

    • #46 you are wasting your time, Sata & Fred have an agenda to destroy HH & to divide this country on tribal lines. The hidden truth is that even the PF supporters know that this PF GRZ is the most tribal government since independence. Even the post knows this & they have published an editorial that confirms it!

  39. Tribalism is only tribalism if it is the UPND , Look at Sata’s cabinet it is 95% Bemba all senior cabinet positions are Bemba(FINANCE,FOREIGN,DEFENCE,HOME AFFAIRS,COMMERCE. INSPECTOR GEN,ARMY COMMANDER,ZAF COMMANDER ,ZESCO MD, solicitor gen will be bemba(MUSA MWENYA), worst tribalist since CHILUBA.
    My people in were duped into voting PF in the mistaken belief that the Barotse agrrement will be restored . This is why i never believed the PF rhetoric .We helped Banda in 2008& PF in 2011 lets show them in 2016.

  40. Just becuase during HH elections, the issue of Tribalism was there, it does not mean that UPND is a tribal party. Look SATA was the one pushing for a third term under Chiluba. In real democracies, there was no way he could be elected as president with that kind of history. Zambians managed to move on and elected at President. With HH, tribalism is always brought out even when he has denounced it on several occassions. This shows that there is a hidden agenda.

    • Tribalism is there and real.UPND is for tongas.PF bembas.NREP I dont because I only know the President.MMD is a combination.I think its all about quality of people and not that they are all Bembas or Tongas.Lets all just move on and support the party in Govnt.As for now,its PF.Constructive criticism is welcome though.

  41. If the amount of time and energy we spend on talking and thinking about tribalism was spent on development our country would be tops in the region. Tribalism has been the burning issue since 24 October 1964, before then we were all one. How did it all start?

  42. One can say that Zambia was destroyed becuase of the so called Bemba past presidents. Sata has a chance to reverse that. Further, it you look at the trends, so far it is the Bemba presidents that have tried to overstay their time. Again Sata has a chance to reverse that. So in short, there is a huge burden on Sata to deliver and be different from past Bemba presidents. KK becuase grow up in the North, is counted as Bemba and so as Chiluba.

  43. To all UPND supporter,if you want your party to be in the lime light stay away and stop the tribal rhetoric.if you love your party and president then fight using brains and not tribes.the more you talk about tribes the more you are digging your own grave.stop tribal politics and fighting the post. If you choose to fight using tribe as a tool then you will never see you party or president in power.

    • Tel Mmembe that and start thinking with your brains not your tribe. What has HH done which is tribal and what can you say about Sata’s appointments and road works? All bembolics

  44. It seems appointments are only tribalistic if a Bemba appoints people with similar dialects to influential positions. When RB appointed Dickson Jere, Dora Siliya, Mhukondo Lungu, Peter Daka, Charles Shawa, Angela Cifire, Lameck Mangani, Fashion Phiri, Maxwell Mwale, Regis Phiri (shushushu boss)….tribalism was conspicuosly absent from most people’s languages. Now Sata makes, just half this number of his tribemen and all tribal people cry foul. If you want to know tribal appointments, investigate the appointments at Zambia Railways when Hachipuka and Mazoka ran the firm and then come and yap about appointing people on merit.

  45. So UPND has an image that Sata and The Post want to tarnish? Haz the UPND celebrated the victory of the oppozition or would they have prefered the MMD to carry the day? 

  46. UPND is hammering the final nail in its coffin by going into a marriage of convenience with a party associated with high levels of corruption and for almost driving this country into a black hole, this just goes to show that UPND is a chancer party and has no principles of its own, stick to your own guns, support progressive ideas being implemented by the PF govt and critisize the bad ones, make a name for yourselves and you stand a better chance come 2016….going to bed with MMD…oh my God

  47. It is very easy and sweet to critise but to take critism is far from being these two things. It is on record that 60% of the road budget is concentrate in the north, while it is North western and Western which are least developed. Pls PF supporters stop this rubbishing everything and partronizing other with one Zambia when it is do kubeba, we are going to develop our land first. One a person or party is in govt it is they responsibility to run the affairs of the nation in a fair and transparent manner and not the do kubeba style. I for one I love the one Zambia one nation slogan. this is the way to go and so should be development. PF stop behaving as though you received no vote from other areas or tribes. The truth is that you got votes from all people….

  48. I don’t know what these UPND guys smoke. Why is it that ONLY SOUTHERN PROVINCE votes for UPND? Could it be because it is only based on ONE TRIBE?

  49. Mr. Senanga MP, a man holding office as public as yours must refrain and show restraint in making audacious comments without substantial ground. Luapula province is one of the least developed provinces and a little development there would not be bad. Before you point to Pres Sata about tribalism, the whole country knows that the only party leader that was appointed on tribal grounds is HH. The electorate will never forgive him for leaving the pact and evidently, he is Zambia’s most disliked politician.

  50. #48 There are a lot of prominent MMD memberz who did not come out openly against the infamous and retrogressive FTJ third term bid(like thoze 12-14). And there are thoze who went full throttle to advocate for the third term. Mention one instance where Sata supported the the idea in the execution of hiz dutiez az Secretary General. 

  51. The Mp has a point.Development should not be regional. But is also missing one point.Development should be for Zambia and not to please any tribe or region of people.Inflastructure development aims at bringing invenstment in areas. So it does not go down well if development should have a tribal attachement with it because people always move to where jobs are. Copperbelt brought job seekers as far as Zimbabwe, Mozabique, Angola e.t.c This nosense of compalaning about who gets the roads first does not serve anybody but fuels tribal hatreds.Mufarali , Membe should torn down their ethnic sentments.I do not care which province gets the roads as long as it is in Zambia and not outside.


  53. This naked tribalism propagated by this NEWSPAPER has an Agenda.The same propaganda was used in southe africa between blacks and whites, you saw it in American. What was the aim, make whites feel guity.come on guys dont be fooled.I laugh when i see fellow blacks fighting over tribe.come on guyz this man is not alone in this Agenda, he is jst a pawn in a chess game.Dont even waste your energy figting him.Listern to that song;evrything we have is for rent, the question is rent to who

  54. @48, Monze: Rupiah sided with a thief and he lost his presidency. HH now says he will defend a thief. Lets see how that will go. Good luck. By the way, UPND is the only party I know of where people including traditional leaders did infact say only a particular tribe (Tonga) should lead that party. Despite that, I used to think of supporting HH, but his politics of hate have made me change my mind. Post or no post, HH is digging his own grave because of doing things not out of an articulated agenda but out of spontaneous hate and frustration reactions. Supporting Rupiah not because he is right but simply as a way of frustrating PF is not very intelligent. Not even with the hope that he might get more MMD supportrs to his side. Many people in MMD blame Banda for their dwonfall.

  55. HH how about a Bemba president for UPND? I am sure this would attract more Bembas to join your party. If not just get back the tired Sakwiba to lead your party. I mean he (Sakwiba) campaigned too much for MMD and RB and he had all the confidence that they would win. What a silly man HH. Anyway you will be the next president so long Zambia will remain with only himself to rule. Regards! I end here!

  56. H H needs to listen to neutral advisers outside the UNPD circle and compare data. Who said when you are educated then it automatically makes other people inferior? come H H leave MMD alone. I thought you are intelligent enough to read the political barometer. The people at the moment are just flowing with PF and seeing if Sata will deliver on his promises. Looking at the face value Sata is an old man and does not care about having a next term. He just want to deliver. If he does well maybe people will give him the second term.
    It is easy for H H to work with Sata and give constructive criticism to him than to associate with a finished party like MMD. It is like being appointed CEO of a company when it is going into liquidation. Sham on H H. He may be educated but he lacks wisdom.

  57. What is this nonsense about MMD and UPND being dead. PF won only 5 more seats than MMD i.e 60 – 55. UPND has 28, and in order to pass imporntant legislation, PF will need a two thirds majority. Just wait and see, Chiluba was even more popular than Sata. Sata is only popular in Lusaka and copperbelt and his home province, Northen. Eastern voted for Banda because he is from there just like the Northen voted for Sata. So there is northing wrong for Southerns to vote for HH. Sata only won because of the Ngwa’Ngwazi voters in Lusaka and Copperbelt. Time will tell because it is not easy to develop a country, What if the price of copper falls?, no revenue. Becareful what you wish for.

  58. which sane journalist would write like;Lozis riot,92 lozis arrested, where in wetern province you have various other tribes.Such irresponsible writing is fueling triblism.the aim was to provoke lozi’s not to vote for MMD.Guyz dont be disciples of hate,why should an opinion of an irresponsible journalist turn you to hate each other.dont you realise that this hate is money to are jst used to make money, behind back the same chaps are sharing money.

  59. M’membe’s hatred for HH must be coming from his wife Mutinta, the Mazoka’s didnt realy endorse that HH, so he’s fulfilling their wishes to tarnish his image

  60. The time for pre-election campaigns is long gone.

    It is now time to work. Let us hope that the PF-led Government will not be helping UPND to waste our development time; but that they will respond by delivering on their promises to the expectations and satisfaction of Zambians.

    Let actions speak louder than words.

  61. the post has been the wost paper on the region.. It only reports views of pipo rather than issues. This has deprived Zambians of a good and inteligent leaders likr RB and HH. RP lost because he thought facts are important and developing the nation can make him win.. NO RB pipo wanted you to use some bad language and exergerate the misdeeds of Sata and scott and economic issues. H.H lost because he is being belt. He should have supported RB from the word go and he was going to be president next election.. now Zambia is doomed unless God intervines.
    Good observation Hon MP

  62. I think its time we tonga separate and rule ourselves from this so called one zambia one nation with so much hatred. i dont why you hate us so much.if we count properly the votes wil find that each president has more votes from his tribe dont why you call us tribalist.if this is not checked people will start killing each other like wonder the lozis wants to go their on way.

  63. UPND should be ashamed to acertain that Meembe and President M C Sata are tribalists – if anything UPND as a party is the most tribal Party I have seen in Zambia that even the people themselves inside it know that.
    If the party has forgotten it should just back to the time Mazoka died and the recent elections where is this Party known and supported if not Southern Province

  64. let us look at history,throughout the history of zambia,their are only two regionals that have politically positioned themselves in zambian political despensation.these being the NORTHERN (luapula & northn prov) and the EASTERNERS.these two regions have many dialets as compared to NOT ALL northerners are bembas and not all easterners are chewas or nsengas.from KK days, we had kk,grey zulu,alex shapi,kebby(tonga)n-mundia & GEN,MASHEKE -lozi.FTJ HAD-mwanawasa,(lenje)miyanda,gen c tembo(east)kavi(nwes)lupando (north).mwanawasa had n-mumba (north)rb(east).RB had -kunda(north)musokotwena( tonga or lozi NOT sure)so each adminstration was much dominated by north and east.we the majority zambians feel/have experienced tribalism by either a TONGA OR LOZIS,majority of T/L are not embrav.

  65. like other regions namely central,east,north west,north and lusaka.i know u behave like WHITE people but thats change your mentality before u can cry for top spot/vice.otherwise zambia is very much safe in these regional blocks namely north/east.north west ,lusaka should try.

  66. ***** Mufalali, u have eyes but can only see HH.. take a close look at the pipo that are close to HH including the boy Hapunda u were with at the press briefing! wat do u see?

  67. True , True , True. When there will be war in Zambia, it will be because of Fred Mmembe. Fred is a serious tribalist. I like the tenth province issue- it is only there to push development to the north. True most roads planned for are away of southern and western provinces. In the other provinces they are planned for is for the purpose of moving raw material out to northern province. Godd observation.

  68. I am from the South.You are from the North.Someone is from the West.Another from East.Some are from North-West.Others Luapula,Central,Lusaka & Copperbelt.If we dont take control of the situation we risk being divided.5 years of power should not destroy a lifetime of togetherness.One time we were judged by the colour of our skin.Nowadays we are judged by our tribe.Let us get united against being divded which can easily happen.

  69. Sata’s worst enemy is Mmembe not HH. Mmeembe should have some agenda of being the next president nowonder he has pushed his stooges into govornment so that he can takeover soonest. Sata waken up, Mmembe is a double aged sword you should not trust. He is opportunistic and will finish you. When it befied him, he wrote volumes about you now he sees an opportunity so he is closer to you. Bamudala muzalila. On HH, Mmembe is showing all Zambians the immense level of hate he has which he packages as tribalism when not. He calls all Tonga’s names and wonder if he is still married to my cousine Mazoka’s daughter. Mmeebe will fuel Rwanda type genocide if he doesnt stop this fuss. Sata you have a chance to redeem this country by rising above tribe not this Bemeba for Bemba appointments.


  71. There will not be war in Zambia, what for and who will fight who and for what reason, Zambia is blessed with the 73 tribes what a balance

  72. #28 “Am Bemba’ has consistently attacked the Tonga people and trashed them as people who will never rule Zambia. You are no worse than racists who once declared black people would never rule US or SA. You are no worse than colonialists we fought against. You are actually a beneficiary of initiatives driven by people you hate so much. And God will ensure you live to witness the tragic end to your myopic theory. You have a very sick upbringing; and you know it.

  73. #38 Gokigo Milazhe: You are insane, and a disgrace. you sound like where you are is where you belong yet you chose to comment issues in Zambia, which make me assume that you have links with zambian either by origin. If that is so, then you are insulting your own roots including your parents who voted for the governement of mr SATA. Your IQ should even be far worser than those who at least cast a vote to chose who they thought could lead them. Now if it bothers you of their choice, you can just hang yoursel no one will give it damn. In the past pople of your calibre were merely thrown as outcast !



  75. Personally, I believe we are all selfish, tribalists and racists to some extent. In the scheme of things, I come first, then my family (starting with with my immediate family, then parents and other relatives) and tribe or the common linguafrnca. My clan and district of origin come next, followed closely by my province. Zambia is next. Africa comes the second last. And finally a world citizen. My attitude to issues is also in that order. So, who is not a tribalist? Raising issues of national interest does not make one a tribalist. And so is keeping quiet, or taking no side on important issues – that does not make one a non – tribalist. We must recognise the tribal animal inside ourselves to deal effectively with it on a large national theatre.

  76. PF Government Family Tree. Close relatives. 1. Defence minister – G.B.M – Cousin and brother in law / sponsor of PF. 2. Finance Minister – Chikwanda – Cousin. / Family Spokesperson. 3. Finance Deputy Minister – Alfrida Mwamba – Married to G.B.M`s elder brother Gilbert. 4. Bob Sichinga – Sata`s daughter Chilufya is married to Bob Sichinga`s son Chimwemwe.

  77. 5. Prof Wilombe – Sata`s son married …to Wilombe`s niece Mumba Wilombe. (Bakulu bana Bo) 6. Susan Kawandami – Her sister Maggie Wilombe Mumba is married to Sata`s son. (Bakulu bana bo) 7. Miles Sampa –Nephew – Sata`s sister is the mother to Miles Sampa. 8. Dr. Katema – Nephew. 9. Nkandu Luo – Distant relative from the Bemba royal family. 1o.Dr.Joseph Kasonde – Distant relative. 11. B.O.Z. Bwalya Ngandu – Nephew to the Mwamba`s and son of

  78. Whilst its very true that in the current regime, there more Bemba cabinet ministers it must be embraced the H.E. Sata is trying to have an all inclusive government. Yes, some tribes may not be represented. Do we know how many tribes that we want to be represented in this whole country-Zambia?
    The UPND unfortunately have set their eyes, on one factor and that is tribe whether we like it or not.

  79. I am terribly disappointed with Senanga UPND Member of Parliament Likando Mufalali for such tribal sentiments! The MP should actually be censored through a point of order in parley. Our representatives must avoid being tribal as this can lead to civil strife. Michael Chilufya Sata had a long walk to state house that started in 2001. He had people who believed in him and supported him throughout while most of the bloggers and the rest were busy pulling him down. It is therefore in order for him to entrust the job of building Zambia to people he trusts. Some of the people he has appointed may disappoint him and he surely will fire them and they will cry foul just like Mufalali and HH. We have 73 tribes in this country and it doesn’t help being tribal! STOP TRIBAL COMMENTS!

  80. do you want HE MCS to flood the cabinet with people who he does not share his vision with . UPND, when others saw change coming you decided to break away from the pact. You will continue crying the same way until you become national only make sense at provincial level.

  81. #89 #88, Observer, walasa, actually the list is endless, #92 and #93 means that MCS shares his vision mostly with the BEMBA tribe. What a shame, zambia is watching you. Mufalali, i didn’t know that western province was also watching, viva Mufalali, viva UPND.

  82. I am tonga, I have nothing to hide. Most of You bembas have a very big problem and i see zambia going backwards and be divided into different countries in the near future. You bembas are the dullest tribe in our country, you are the only tribe that i know of which cannot survive without been attached to thieving. You never work hard for yourselves. I have searched the entire country and learnt that you are termites. Its either you survive through stealing or daylight robbery that make a lot of you think thats intelligence. It will not be long we will start rooting you out of southern province you thieves.

  83. Our media houses, private or public, should be very careful the way they want to promote there bussinces. Tribal remarks can divide a nation. It is really sad to see a media house perpetually promoting tribal debate. The media is good it can also be very bad. Take a leaf from Kenya, Ruwanda and other countries.


  85. #97 Do you realise that there are more Tongas in “Bemba areas” than there are bembas in tonga areas! Please think with your brain!

  86. Stop the rot! Who pulled out of the pack? Sata or U5? If UNDP pulled out and none was given a post because only those who were left deserved the posts how is that tribalism? Grow up boys otherwise we see your demise in politics!

  87. MundiaM #94, Have you been reading what the Post have been writing about HH and our Tonga brothers and sisters. You should not fault Mufalali, because he is just reacting to the rubbish that M`membe has been writing. M`membe is a wrong character, i think he suffers from inferiority complex and that is why he hates HH—–because HH is successful in business. The guy is so jealous of HH. My advice to M`membe is that instead of hating successful people, learn and adopt some of their business values, you can also be a billionaire.

  88. hey you don’t know that tonga ladies like Bemba men. Carry a research out you will vindicate me. Thats why UPND will never rule Zambia because we vote for change with their women.

  89. Funny that PF defenders complain about an alliance between UPND and MMD, suggesting that MMD is corrupt and UPND should not align itself to it. But then if MMD is a corrupt party and should be avoided, why has Sata been appointing MMD MPs to his government? Why should it be right for PF and wrong for UPND? Why double standards? It is simple: PF and Fraud Mmembe are scared of an alliance between UPND and MMD because they know it can cause problems for them. Fraud Mmebe, aka Fraud Mambala, is crooked. The PF have made him think he is a little god at his altar all ZAmbians should bow. Anyone who does not bow must be destroyed – and that is partly why he hates HH so pathologically. He wants HH to come down to his knees before him, but HH is battle-tested.

  90. Fred M’membe has a Bemba Father (hence the name) and a Lozi Mother. He is more of a Lozi than Bemba because his father apparently abandoned him when he was young (hence the issues). It is no wonder his paper is pro Lozi.

    For example, you will find headlines like “Lozis Arrested” or “Lozis detained” when those arrested in Mongu could have belonged to any of the indigenous tribes found in Mongu that do not consider themselves as Lozis. He tries to spread tribalism so that he and others that think like him can divide the country into regions so that they turn their barotseland project into reality, that is the end goal of the tribalism agenda.

    It is only a united country that can stop this silly agenda from working and every Zambian must work hard to unite the country.

  91. If we were to go by tribal numbers alone. Bembas would rule forever. But they are the most fickle voters and easily support change when it is warranted.



    This may be the signs of the END of UPND.

    Those with eyes can now see that UPND has messed up and probably dug its final resting place.
    Trying to marry MMD now is not the answer. Unless UPND wants to rest by MMD side in the grave.
    It will be a costly mistake. Im giving a genuine advice to supporters with critical analysis

    If l were HH l would have sided with PF as we start this five year long journey so that people start seeing UPND as a progressive party, and even if we start criticizing PF people will see our alternative views and consider it later in 2016 as an alternative. Head on collision is self-destructive. HH is isolating himself and UPND too early in the game.

  93. On a marathon you don’t start off running full throttle ahead of the mob because you will exhaust yourself earlier. Please HH align yourself with those who can empower you. Bitterness is only in your heart alone and it might just burn you out.

    In Zambian history, parties reach their use-by date and die a silent death. We know many parties which have passed on and we don’t want to waste time counting them all. But to mention but a few; UNIP died the day KK accepted defeat, MMD is dead and will never be trusted with the instrument of power ever gain. Those who will choose to remain will eventually get tired ad disappear. UPND seems to be rushing for its use-by date. It might be dead already. Soon it will start stinking and later be buried at the political graveyard.

  94. As for HH, he is likely to remain so disillusioned with where everyone will be. Lonely in midst of multitude.

    To be progressive we have to change with time. HH is not changing, neither is he learning from history. MMD is like a widow, and culturally you have to wait for cleansing to take place before you can think of courting her. HH upon learning that MMD is widowed he is their first person to start proposing even before MMD has finished mourning. HH/UPND have you no respect for cultural norms? Let MMD mourn in peace and then maybe later you can try your proposal, but not just now while MMD is still wearing the black band around the head.

  95. HH is a stupid and foolish boy just like his 28 Mp’s.He will never ever rule Zambia.He is just a politician for Southern Province.UPND is also useless to accept to be led by such a childish politician.Dont they have other pipo to lead them?

  96. So now we have been reduced to hearing Bembas and Tongas insult each other? And anyone who dares question “Holy Infallible” Sata is an imbecile, brainless, jealous person?

  97. Kabwe don’t insult others because it is clear you just hate HH. What is wrong with HH criticising the govt? It is his democratic right. If UPND want HH to lead them, leave them alone. How would you like to be called stupid?

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