Monday, March 10, 2025

Katele Kalumba prefers MMD-PF pact


Dr Katele Kalumba
Dr Katele Kalumba

FORMER MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba says a working relationship with the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) will serve the long-term interests of the MMD as opposed to a partnership with the United Party for National Development (UPND).

Dr Kalumba said: “A partnership with PF will help serve the long-term interests of MMD. Partnerships with weaker candidates never impress me. By helping PF govern, the MMD will come out better in the public eye than simply helping the UPND ascend to power by obstructing PF.”

Dr Kalumba said there are many internal issues that the MMD needs to resolve before it can become a viable partner with any political party. “There is a history on the part of the UPND which needs to be carefully understood or how its pact with PF fractured and why it fractured. The content matter of that fracture was principally centred on leadership.”

Dr Kalumba added: “I don’t think the MMD has consulted enough about its own leadership issues to marry itself with UPND, which also has its own leadership issues.”

And Parliamentary chief whip Yamfwa Mukanga has advised the MMD to reflect before entering into a pact with the UPND, saying the latter are inconsistent.

In an interview yesterday, Mr Mukanga said the partnership between MMD and UPND is not new because the two opposition political parties worked together in the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) which the PF boycotted.

“The pact between MMD and UPND is not new, they worked together at the NCC but the UPND withdrew when they brought the constitution to parliament so the MMD should now start thinking,” he said.

Mr Mukanga, who is Minister of Transport, Works, Supply and Communication, described the pact between MMD and UPND as a marriage of convenience because the UPND will abandon them at the last minute like they did with the PF.

“If you keep on getting divorced, you should think twice why you keep on getting divorced. UPND has never been consistent that is why they don’t even have a Speaker, deputy speaker not even the deputy chairman of committees, the UPND was even beaten by the FDD, a one-man party in the House,” Mr Mukanga said.

He said President Sata’s address to the First Session of the Eleventh National Assembly is about changing mindsets and the manner in which development is pursued.

Mr Mukanga said it is unfortunate that the MMD and the UPND want to enter into a pact just to frustrate progressive PF policies that are for the benefit of the people.

“In this new dispensation, we will ensure that things are done in a transparent manner so that we can have a Zambia that will be fit and habitable. We are in Government and every Zambian must be told what Government is doing. We were in opposition but we worked hard and the people gave us the mandate so why should people frustrate what we are doing?” Mr Mukanga said.

He said opposition political parties are there to provide checks and balances but not to frustrate Government programmes. Mr Mukanga also said Government will expeditiously reintroduce the abuse of office clause in this sitting of Parliament in order to effectively fight corruption.

“President Sata’s speech gave the direction that Government and Parliament will take. That clause has to come in this sitting of Parliament because we want to fight corruption and that should be done expeditiously,” he said.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Greedy old man who just wants a peace of the power that PF now has. The recycling as begun and we will see the same old faces that were voted out joining the ruling party. Politicians sometimes have no shame at all.

  2. nether do i. i think any kind of marriage is too early to enter into at the moment. MMD need to think independently and find their feet. right now i don’t think everyone in MMD understand which is the direction of the party. find a leader first rather than dealing with people without the heart of the people because they quickly want to retire, get out of the limelight of politics and enjoy their money with their youthful wives. once settled with your new leadership then you can engage the desperate and see how they want things done. the rest will be yours to contemplate

  3. Hey Katele dont jump on the boat to escape prosecution. The noose is getting closer to your neck my dear and you will soon be made to account for your misdeeds. Sata is very serious with corruption and he has said all old and current cases will be revisited. Anyway, I feel pity for you that RB refused to pardon you despite many please even from your chief. Dont forget that four weeks before the elections were held you publicly insulted the intelligence of the PF when you said the Dont Kubeba slogan is an immoral discourse bent on a selfish agenda. You added that the slogan does not say what the PF will do in power but simply a cover for some unknown immoral practices. Now, can you repeat what you said Mr Laptop.

  4. Politics is not dirty,its people like Katele Kalumba,Vernon Mwanga and all the greedy politicians who will do anything in their mighty to cling to power at all costs.They have no any other way of surviving economically and the only way is to use their crooked schemes to get closer to the corridors of power.These people are a danger to themselves,to society and Zambian politics,they need to be stoped at all cost.There time came,they did what they had to do,we thank them for their services,but now they should just disappear from the limelight,let other people, espacially the youth make a mark. These people are dangerous,they are a cancer to our society.MMD has gone and so all these people should go,let the youth in MMD take over.Talema nabo aba banthu please

  5. I think to me, this man is just trying to air his vews and giving a peace of advice to his party and the whole nation so that all can be well, now is the time to get different vews from pipo, then digest and choose which ones are beneficial to our nation, as a matter of fact Mr katele has not commanded but rather just adviced, so we can take it or leave it.

  6. Katele we don`t need MMD. Why should we marry you after you have been dumped?

    Working with Dora? Yak!

  7. The DEMISE of UPND.

    HH can never be trusted with the instrument of power. He is too unpredictable. HH is like wind. Looking for any party to use as a stepping stone. MMD old timers know about it and cannot allow HH use them cheaply. Probably UPND will have to disband or rename and change leadership. Their politics are just to strange to say the least. Current Members need to ask themselves what sort of new members do they attract. the answer will tell them if they will be able to be accepted by the majority of people in their current form” they say GIVE A DOG A BAD NAME and HUNG HIM”. So is UPND in the current form and the way it operates. Katele is right to say MMD should try to work with PF so that it can build a good image in people’s eyes. HH cant see this as his strategy

  8. Politics indeed! It can be filthy.And that of stomach issues.Most of the politicians making useless comments must just retire.They make me puke!No wonder they make Sata an ‘angel ‘.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  9. Iwe Mukanga with a mickey mouse long title of a Ministry; didnt your own PF vote against the constitution? The UPND took part in the NCC quite alright and anyone with a brain knows that the MMD through George Kunda bulldozed the proceedings and the document that came out was an unacceptable and the UPND proceeded to defeat it in Parliament. It seems the so called Minister would have wanted that constitution to pass! Seems the PF/MMD pact you two Luapulans are talking about is one in which the MMD is a rubberstamp 4 PF policies. katele let the MMD and UPND offer checks and balances rather than join forces with PF to loot. Are you just making the right noises simply to have your thieving case reconsidered by your tribesmates? Tribalists!

  10. UPND went into a pact with MMD during the NCC but later dumped them.MMD plse wake up and dont let UPND use you so the go to state for HH,just leave UPND and let Mrs Mazoka or Mwetwa take over UPND atleast they are elected law makers than you self impossed president

  11. @# Don Quixote.
    Looking at your post, you clearly don`t know Mukanga. If I were you, I would have done a bit of research before making myself look foolish in front of the masses.

    He lived in Mufulira after his BENG. Ask and you will be given (the info).

  12. Dr Kalumba said: “A partnership with PF will help serve the long-term interests of MMD. Partnerships with weaker candidates never impress me. By helping PF govern, the MMD will come out better in the public eye than simply helping the UPND ascend to power by obstructing PF.”

  13. Mukanga stop politicking. You are the govt you mo.r.ons. Just concentrate on delivering the promises you made. The campaign is over. The people to be judged for non-deliverance is PF. Not UPND. So you are just waisting your precious time talking about UPND. In 5 years (if not sooner) it is PF that will be in the witness box not UPND. Remember it is sitting govts that lose elections. The cheap talk about UPND wont take you anywhere because at the end of the day it is PF that is going to be judged on whether it has delivered or not! So Mukanga just get off youyr and do an honest day’s work!

  14. Mr Kalumba you’ve gone bonkers on this one.Ati a cohabitation with PF will serve the long term interests of MMD.What about the long term interests of the zambian people? They put you there as opposition to check the excesses of the PF ,provide checks & balances and be their eyes in good governance.If its all about strategies to ascend to power either thru PF or UPND alliance then you’ve failed big time as it proves you’re only there to further selfish political interests.It should be the interests of zambians 1st your parties interests 2nd.

  15. we needy a stronger opposition to encourage PF to perform.MMD/UPND pact is better than PF/MMD pact. Opposition should be objective and mere politicking is bad. Support what is good and refuse what is wrong. Sofar so Good Mr SATA need support

  16. Please leave the UPND and HH alone,its like you just shiver and fill an easy when you just hear the name HH or UPND go man we are behind you.A human being can stand and say you won’t rule HH,But God will mek u a hero,you have not killed or commited a crime against any fellow human being,but you are hated because you are a straight man.remember its only God who gives and take,don’t be discouraged !

  17. The last l checked,UPND proclaimed to be VERY popular hence no need to be in any pact. What has changed now? Its best to accept that UPND CAN NOT STAND ON THEIR OWN. They need someone to hold their weak hand.

  18. I saw it coming I have said mmd and I mean most mmd members of parliament are comfortable with PF than upnd. upnd will always be chancers and soon a leadership issue will arise in it, another prophecy!! Take it or leave it. I do not support mmd joining PF but just supporting PF on well meaning decisions e.g the election of Dr matibini as the Speaker. The Dr was a better and neutral person but upnd wanted to push their head in it through a partisan person Kapita.

  19. Look who is giving advice—-Kalumba? He is not even shamed— —-because even a 4th grader can tell that the thief is simply courting Sata for help with is court issues.

  20. UPND is not in a pact with mmd PLEASE….UPND is in the opposition like MMD and have same interests to offer checks and balances to the ruling PF..It is an imagination in the media to claim UPND and MMD has formed a Pact. where is the memoradum of understanding.It appears PF is dead scared of HH for reasons no one one. PF you are ruling and you job is to simply do good to the people of zambia. Why is PF scared of HH….and UPND. PF if they work can be in power for ever……..stop this post nonsense of  creating a frenzy …any way the post is now amking money over HH as they did with Sata….the only person making news in zambia now is HH.

  21. The King, the Priest and the Prophets have been fighting for so long in Zambia. The King is the Executive power, the priest is Religion and the prophet is Education the Evangelist is the Money (Economy) HH you have billions you are one of the 20 richest persons in zambia. Its only you and Milupi. You could make a very big impact like Bill gates, this political power will bruise you, you already have the money, and you are not a politician but a manager. You are better off in business HH. Unless you have an agenda that you seem not to be disclosing. Am sorry to say this, Why do you insist on the race to plot one when you have all those billions, please emulate Bill gates, Elton Jones and other families that have made great impact with their money.

  22. “There is a history on the part of the UPND which needs to be carefully understood or how its pact with PF fractured and why it fractured. The content matter of that fracture was principally centred on leadership.” Katele Kalumba. Wise words from the old man. Ushumfwa patunono, napafingi takomfwe

  23. Don Quixote #11, chill and take a painkiller for your tribal headache. Anyhow, I think the central point to all this is to examine the trend of the UPND and how they have manifested themselves in the midst of partnerships (aka pacts). As analogous to a divorcing person, the reasons for the divorce need to be understood by the prospective suitor before he or she takes on the burden. I hope MMD is seriously doing this analysis before they lose alimony to an apparent gold digger!

  24. HOWEVER, people must learn from history and not demonise HH too much. You might live to regret. History has its own funny twists and turns. The guy you are talking about as if he is a demon today tomorrow he might be the king or the king-maker. As Bembas say, wiponta ukabwela. The same happened with PF and Sata for over 10 years now. People must be careful… It is amazing how we never learn from history. The same language being used on Hakainde now, was the same language that was used on Michael Sata over 10 years up to the election day itself. Again, be careful. We don’t determine who becomes president, God determines who becomes president. Noone ever imagined, just 5 years ago, that today we would be talking about Rupiah Banda as a once President of Zambia. He was a peasant farmer!

  25. @Fisher, My dear, God has given HH two precious opportunities, during Mwanawasa and during Sata but what did he do with them, snub those opportunities because of pride. We hear in the Bible that God resists the proud and that Pride Goes Before the Fall. So watch out for HH is coming to a terrible fall if we go by the word of God. The Man is more proud than Lucifer himself. Unless he humbles himself and changes strategy, the fall is the only thing that awaits HH.

  26. What is this media war between the bemba’s and Tonga’s…you should know that has been bembalised, accept that you Tonga’s, thats the only way you will ever rule this country coz bembaz rule= free advise

  27. #26 says “UPND is in the opposition like MMD” I think if my memory serves me right UPND has always been scheming for an easy way out, UPND combined forces with MMD which was in power not too long ago, where is this opposition thing coming from, can someone from UPND please educate me on what really UPND stands for as a party, its a pity to see capable young men like mweetwa losing it so early in life, the fact is HH is not a saleable candidate and the party would do well to reforcast itself, rebrand itself in order to get a national appeal if they stand a chance to do better in 2016, UPND can be a better option if PF fumbles in its first term but from the way things are going, they are slowly losing it, they risk being burried together with their newly acquired bedfellow:MMD

  28. Katele you should be ashamed for corruption is fully embodied in you. Just keep quuiet and wait for your arrest. We do not need your advice

  29. They have joined together these criminals. they want to steal now. we all know them better, They do not accept to be ruled by other tribes. What they must realise is that SATA is a leader not an opposition any more. he will be one term president.!!!

  30. which side of the coin is more important. MMD is full of corrupt people. It make nonsense that they partner with PF which is fighting corruption. Katele all is saying is that MMD needs to contiune to be part of the ruling elite to meet their selfish ends. May be as opposition UPND and MMD do have a common ground to work together on some front and not to form a pact.

  31. Iwe Katele, you want to bring a one party state again. We have not forgotten the rot you and your late boss brought on Zambia. Shut up and go fishing in the swamps. Shame on you old man!

  32. PF PLEASE don’t sleep with MMD, it has an STD call “CORRUPTION” that is highly transmittable. We need you to be health and fight this disease on behalf of Poor Zambian People.

    Mukanga, nice words but not now please.

  33. we all know Katele’s intereets..he’s a convict ..he’s trying to appease pf..we need our loot back..let UPND & MMD opposition!

  34. well well well..i dont this time for pacts..lets supports policies that will benefit the pipo of Zambia..period You want to form pacts make the pipo of Zambia more miserable..what do you stand for as UPND…Pipo of Zambia have given SATA and PF the mandate to gorven them for the next 5yrs…For UPND my advise will be support policies that benefit the voters(pipo) then you will come out better in the public eye…Pacts dont work dont waste your time HH,,how many pacts are going to form..UNIP,FDD/UPND pact…PF/UPND pact.. APC/UPND and now MMD/UPND..gosh!! whats wrong with you,,you mean cant stand on your own hu? ma rubish HH

  35. “Butter to be fool and praise the king who can serve you than to criticize him and die” I was told about this it kept me thinking. Anyone who say that he is principled and can not change his principles is not principled because principles are made to be changed including the very one am stating yo you guys. ZNBC is still covering 15 minutes of PF government except they can now bring critics of the ruling party. Even our very own Sata at one had to change his stance with regards to supporting the Late FTJ Chiluba and reconciled with the late president Levy. All of you guys who just shooting for the seek of it are fools and should learn on how things are being played on the Political Chess Board !!

  36. Katele has forgoten that he is a witch from Luapula, what can he tell anyone? Ubuloshi, now he wants MMD to die in PF not resurrect in partnership with other opposition parties? What are these fake PF supporters afraid of ? They should start rulling not being jitery. PF has no direction they are caged by Fraud Mubwa Meeme

  37. @ UNDERTAKER: You are an individual with limited knowledge and language. You make baseless accusations- am sure you are one of those disgruntled people that voted for the opposition MMD or UPND. Grow a sack and man up to the fact RB and his cabin crew are going to jail and probably to hell!

  38. MMD we need you in opposition and not in a pact with PF .Please, just sit down ,chose a new leader and analyse why you lost the elections and prepare fo the next one.UPND, we also need you as an opposition party in Zambia though your chances of winning an election are very remote as you seem to be concentrated in our area[SOUTHERN PROVINCE] and one tribe[TONGAS]
    If everyone starts courting PF for a ‘marriage’ just for the sake of having or aspiring for a job,then we will soon end up in a one party state which we did away with long time ago.Why
    cant we emulate our dear neighbours Botwana who have had successful cahnge of governments and have formidable well respected opposition to the ruling government without
    everyone trying to lump themselves in one party for the sake of AKALILO.

  39. #38 WAFYA – continue living in fantasy. Your Bemba pedegree is flat my dear in terms of DNA (if you even know what that is!), no one wants to be a Bemba – unfortunately you will never know the reasons unless you were not Bemba. Stop making yourself into a laughing stock!! It is not just Tongas, it’s the rest of the country. Just wait for 2016….mulilo!!!

  40. Katele can yap yap the whole day but nobody cares. He is a convicted thief, who has just added to the stereotype of one ethnic group.

  41. And just how do you seal with persecutions that are starting now. How do you go to bed with someone who’s witch hunting and wants you dead. Maybe you are better retired and let the party evolve and re-brand itself to relevance to Zambians.

  42. I think Zambia just needs two or three political parties officially recognized in the constitution. These political parties should be 1. Red Party, 2. Black Party, and 3. Orange Party representing the three colour below the eagle on our national flag. Can you imagine if its a national event and all the three parties are represented we can form a national colour .Let us have order in the way of doing things. Not a situation where every jim and jack as long as he inherits in fathers money and he think he can run a political party.

  43. Iwe ka chi..color ka Kizito remain with your tonga bull and see if you will ever rule zambia. You tried to partner with mmd in the last election and where did it take you? my friend even the northwesterns who you thiink you will count on are changing. this time with out the rigging you will get 4% vote

  44. What utter rubbish?  Opposition parties are there to try and get into power.  How can PF be frustrated if they control govt?  They should admit that they are a minority govt.  Katele should just resign from MMD and join other Bemba thieves in PF now.  Let other people with balls remain in opposition.  Life is not about creaming all the time.  PF have shown the way – hard work and determination to govern is more important.  PF never cooperated with MMD.  Why should MMD start cooperating with them now?!

  45. Katele kalumba, as a founder member of mmd, knows what he is talking about and He is right. ICHIKWANKA BACHIMWENA KUMAMPALANYA. Well spoken son.

  46. MMD lost the moment RB started imposing his will on the party. He threw out members that established the party and brought in UNIP elements and tacticks.

  47. Haha UPND and HH are dead. HH is so desperate and jelousy of PF and Sata. He was boasting that he was the Obama of Zambia but terribly lost the elections ..he just managed ka 18%. What a shame , shame is HH and UPND…a party which wants to ride on the back of storngers parts. Thank God that HH has been told a lesson that his party is a ka small useless party that has no polical muscles. Now they want to marry MMD…what a prostituting party is UPND.

  48. Leave Katele alone. UPND you need votes from Luapula and part of C/belt not so? Don`t annoy us by insulting someone who is giving the ideas. HH can only go to State House if his party embraces every Zambian. Insulting the province is not good for UPND. Those from Luapula who are in UPND, how do you allow your party to be insulting where you come from? who is going to vote for you as member of parliament on the ticket of UPND in Luapula, C/Belt and Northern provinces? Biterness will not take UPND anywhere, accept the peoples choice the same way we are going to do when UPND comes in power of course with a different leadership not under fives.

  49. Same old daily mail that PF cadres criticized is now credible source of information! Same old Katele who was speaking nonsense is now a very sound person! lol 

  50. Katele do you remember your donchi kubeba comments? its not even a month when you utered those words, what has changed now, PF will continue to grow with new fresh people and not recycled politicians like you and Venon, just sit back and wait for your fate to be determined.


  52. How can a major opposition party make a pact with the ruling party? PF was in opposition, did they seek a pact with ruling MMD? Isnt the opposition there to offer people an alternative govt potentially. Katele has lost his mind on this one.

  53. when did copperbelt become bembaland? i thought c/b is predominantly lambaland? why is it that all of sudden some people are smarter than others and therefore have a prerogative to rule zambia? is nt it God who ordains rulers and kings in this world? he may be above in heaven but he is still in command. read the story of nebuchardnezzer, the ancient king of babylon, he thought he would rule forever, at one time he was made to eat grass like a wild animal. God will allow whosover he elects to be leader to preside over the affairs of Zambia, bemba, lozi, luvale, nkoya.

  54. Iwe Zambianist, Lamba and Bemba is the same language. The difference is just in pronouciation. Its is like Ila and Tonga.

  55. Zambianist, but I agree with you. We are all Zambians. Brothers and Sisters of the same land. No one tribe is greater than the other. We should work as one and develope our beloved country.

  56. Hahahaha! Advice from Katele indeed! The chap simply wants the PF govt so spare him from prosecution. How can al allieance between MMd and PF be good for MMD? The PF wants to swallow or weaken MMD, that is wny they are appointing them into govt positions. Kaka must just continue playing the role of a traditional leader and forget about politics

  57. Two political parties PF a people driven and MMD a con driven cannot work together..Let HH continue enheriting parties and park in butts in SP.

  58. This is by far the worst joke i ve heard .Here we go again going round and round in circles, PF came from MMD ,MMD stopped listening to people and became big headed ,Then comes some power hungry guy with a “brilliant” plan to try save the sinking boat ‘MMD’ by advising it to team up wit PF, what for ? so that they can come back into power and continue protecting their interests? what nonsense is this . People stated it clear, They dont want you anymore , you had your time and now its gone , have you no shame ? no remorse ? no respect for what people want ?its not about you . Enough is Enough ,MMD you are beyond rescue , try another card ….

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