VETERAN politician Vernon Mwaanga says the MMD’s loss to the Patriotic Front (PF) in the September 20 general elections is a sign that it overstayed in power and stopped listening to advice and the will of the people.
The former MMD Chief Whip said in a statement issued in Lusaka on October 17 the change of government witnessed on September 20 is a reality check for the MMD and signal that the former ruling party had overstayed in power.
Mr Mwaanga said the change of government should, however, not lead to a repetition of the mistakes the MMD government may have made in its 20-year rule.
He said President Sata has made laudable moves which should be encouraged because it is important to put Zambia first, as leaders will come and go, but Zambia will always remain.
“It is my hope and expectation that President Sata, whom I credit with pragmatism, because I served with him in the 1991 cabinet, will use his power and authority to unite the country,” Mr Mwaanga said.
He said the PF government should take this as an opportunity to right the wrongs and bring about positive change in the country.
Mr Mwaanga said the change of government should not be an opportunity for retribution, vindictiveness and settling of old scores, because as the old adage goes “two wrongs do not make a right”.
He hopes the new government will build on the development the MMD government brought, while discarding the bad ones.
Mr Mwaanga said the loss of elections and power by the MMD came as a shock to many party members, particularly the younger ones, who have never experienced opposition politics.
He said some people do not realise that MMD was in opposition when it was formed after March, 1990 but it functioned as a responsible and mature opposition party up to November, 1991.
Mr Mwaanga said on September 20, the voice of Zambians was loud and clear because they voted democratically for change, and all citizens should accept their verdict and honour it.
“I am proud to be a Zambian and to have witnessed a peaceful transfer of power, at a time when the African continent has been under a microscope after the ugly scenes which have been witnessed in other parts of our continent,” he said.
[pullquote]“I am proud to be a Zambian and to have witnessed a peaceful transfer of power, at a time when the African continent has been under a microscope after the ugly scenes which have been witnessed in other parts of our continent,” he said.[/pullquote]
Mr Mwaanga said political power should not be for individual leaders but for citizens who have acquired a new appetite for the rule of law, democracy, good governance and want to practise politics of inclusion.
He said it is, therefore, necessary for Zambians to give the PF led-government of President Sata time and an opportunity to play out its economic and governance agenda.
Mr Mwaanga said every new government deserves to be given a chance to prove itself to the electorate and even to make its own mistakes. He urged Mr Sata to get to work so that the economic gains and other achievements the country has made during the last few years are not reversed, but enhanced.
Mr Mwaanga said the election of Mr Sata as fifth President marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new one.
He paid tribute to former President Rupiah Banda for the manner he conceded defeat and the orderly transition of power he facilitated. Mr Mwaanga said Mr Banda should be left to retire in peace and dignity because there are many good things he did for Zambia which should not be forgotten in the euphoria and excitement of the PF victory.
He hopes the MMD, a party he helped found 20 years ago, will accept the present political reality and become an effective, constructive, mature and responsible opposition.
Meanwhile, a senior MMD official says most members of the party were sidelined during the Presidential campaigns, another reason that could have led to the loss during the elections.
[pullquote]Mr Mwaanga said Mr Banda should be left to retire in peace and dignity because there are many good things he did for Zambia which should not be forgotten in the euphoria and excitement of the PF victory.[/pullquote]
The official, who declined to be named , said the party organs were left out and that instead, it was State House staff and former President Banda’s children that were put in charge of the campaigns.
“We were totally forgotten during campaign time as MMD senior members. The campaigns were hijacked by government officials and President Banda’s children. Only the national secretary, Major Richard Kachingwe, was included in the campaign team,” the official said.
He said the people that surrounded the former President lied to him and made him believe that everything was in place.
The official said some popular members of the party were not adopted during campaigns and were sacrificed for people that were hand-picked by a certain group within the party.
He said the same people that surrounded Mr Banda are the very ones that have now run away from him.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
MR MWANGA Go and rest please , ,now you are trying to kiss a#s and some how worm your way to PF , NO NO NO this is not going to happen .
Mr mwanga your time is up
Mr VJ, please be silent. You have been at the heart of corruption and barely portrayed a good image to the younger generation except for your earlier achievements. You too need to be investigated and dealt with having been the chief in the abominations of the past leadership. May we hear from people and parents that are consistent in their morals and honest in leadership. We had enough of your chapter, sir!!!
VETERAN politician Vernon Mwaanga says the MMD’s adopted parliamentary candidates for this year’s tripartite elections are a winning team.
Mr Mwaanga said the opposition is panicking after seeing the high calibre and credibility of the parliamentary candidates the MMD is floating in all the constituencies.
Yeah, and this was just barely a few weeks ago
The people have spoken at #2, Mr. V. Mwaanga. Listen to the people!
#3 he also gave us an opinion poll that put MMD as winners. He also told us that PF had lost ground on CB
Ba VJ elo mwapena kubufi mwebakulu fye,ninsala?
Mr Mwaanga, you are a genuine punk. Please bugger off and grab a rest away from us. You and your cohorts are an embarrassment to honest Zambian folk. Your place is prison. Do yourself a favour and FUSEKE!! You should be ashamed of yourself. You represent the people who should have propelled Zambia to higher levels of prosperity but you deliberately degenerated into common thieves that drove our nation down. We don’t need you. It’s a new dispensation and no *****s are allowed in. Hamba!!!
Good morning
Interesting how politicians can switch opinnions and change like the weather. This is the very same person that predicted victory for MMD by a comfortable margin just a few months ago.
Well, it took quite a well for the message to sink into his head, or did he just decide to ignore the writing on the wall?
If he had taken some time to read the comments on LT, perhaps he would had a hint of how people felt about MMD. I just feel sorry for RB, who in my opinnion failed to resist the temptation of believing that he and his team was the only one who could rule Zambia.
@Nine Chale,
Good morning to you too. Maybe he was doing a donchi kubeba when he was making those predictions ;)
Even in the picture above, RB is there talking and he’s there with that cuning smile thinking, “I won’t kukweba.”
I love the “I wont kukweba” part.
This fool he is even looking sick.The money spent on this fool Mwanga can build so many rooma at the univirsities in lusaka and the other provinces.Even at our colleges.We need turn our universties into min lodges so that people can book rooms when on holidays.Why should Hone not camp out National football team,Netball team,Judo team and so on.Let Mwanga go and rest in the village he is finished.Kamoli Mwaiche Mwitwa take the man to join Munkombwe.
Am back again Mwanga we ndoshi we.Mazoka should have been here,but because of you and the late Chiliba the man is no more.Cobra won the elections last time,becuase of you the MMD got the day wrongly.Just close your big month.Ba SATA please never give a chance to this fool.He son should be recalled back and replace him with Partrick Mwanawansa.Help the boy to do that two months course.
Is this man planning a come back again? What does it mean to lose? Do you have to switch teams every time you lose. Awe, nomba this is too much. Even the ants know that this man wants survival. Mr VJ, please let young men have their time too. People just need one old man in PF, that is Sata. More than two will be too much old people running the show.
Mwaanga, please spare us we don’t want anything to do with you because you caused too much pain to our hearts and today you want to switch your tune? To hell with you.
He is crawling to PF, watch him. He has a strong slogan which he says “in politics there are no permanent enemies or permanent friends,.” Very soon, he will be attacking his own party that he predicted to win big after he announced his so called a poll opinion. According to Mwaanga, RB was slated to win big in his strongholds and come second to his major contender Sata with a relatively smaller margin. In his analysis, the voting pattern was going to place RB either in the first position in his traditional strongholds and second in non-strongholds of MMD. VJ was too sure as he declared RB a strong and quality candidate for MMD. From his assertions, VJ is one of those who surrounded RB and misinformed him.
VJ saying leaders come and go but him does not want to go. VJ also talk about the mmd winning team you told zambias and the prediction of your opinion poll.
Whats wrong with Mwaanga kash? The guy cant think beyond his nose. How can he say,”the change of government should not be an opportunity for retribution, vindictiveness and settling of old scores, because as the old adage goes “two wrongs do not make a right”. When these f.ools were in power such words could not apply to anyone. This is the same f.ool who should be investigated on how he was cheating Zambians on their votes through rigging. BaSata just cage this f.ool and just apply retribution, vindictiveness and settle of old scores on him, he deserves it. I end here!
Heard through the grapevine that he will jump ship to join PF. You heard it here first guys.
Unfortunately he has been allowed. Selfish tool!
VJ is one of the excellent brains this country has had, but, as it so often happens, this excellent brain has not been put to the genuine service of the country and its people. Had he done so VJ would be in Zambia’s hall of great leaders. Mistake is that this brilliant brain was not nurtured to maturity before he was thrown into the wilderness of diplomats, money, wine and skirts. An ambassador at 19, a little more than a boy. This is why I object to throwing young Mwanawasa into diplomatic mission. Let’s nurture the youngman at home, perhaps a DC for which he qualifies, so we can keep our collectives eyes on him lest we ruin another brilliant mind with song, dance and wine. Skirt too.
VJ, remember i called you from mozambique in april and told you that this time around God will not allow your skeems to take away that which the Lord wants for his people. check the sms i sent you together with Honourable Liato. You declined that you are popular but I emphasised on Gods promise which was reviewed to me and i had courage to tell you using my mobile line in mozambique when i knew you could sent intelligence for me. Gods time is the best time and when He says yes, no one can say no. check this number +258 845643834 in your phone book because you sent me reply 5 times
there is no such thing as “overstaying in power”, if you serve the people right then you can serve for as long as you want but you can be voted out even after 5 years if you are a shitty leader. Mwaanga you got it wrong this time and looks like you are trying to abandon MMD and jump ship. Just go and die peacefully or since now you are out of employment, you can go back to your drug business with your son Maliko
No place for you in PF
Yakunyokola njala vj, funny how life changes ayi! Soon all these gold diggers will abandon their self made dinosaur in RB because they fear njala. shame on you parasites.
I will have nothing more to say for PF if this punk Mwaanga, is co-opted in their government.
He probably forgot to take his medicine.The same mouth predicted an outright victory for MMD,now he is backtracking ATASE.
Stay with MMD, and retire like a true politician.
I would not be surprised if Sata gave VJ some position soon. This man just seems to bounce back to public office with each president. Mwanawasa never liked VJ but somehow he kept going back to him. Is it his long years diplomatic service? His experience in the intelligence? political skill or what? How does he keep on bouncing back.
Sorry VJ. If Mr Banda Banda plundered national coffers for himself and his children, I can assure you that he will not retire and rest in peace. The law will follow him. What you are saying is that, Mr Sata dont punish Mr Banda so that you can also be tempted and steal and then left free and even the next president should be tempted and steal and left free and so on and so forth. The constitution and the bible are clear on this one. Just retire and rest in peace. But if you also stole with Banda, you will rot with him in prison.
I’m really encourage by the maturity of the MMD. The MMD MP’s are not critizing anything coming from PF. iIt is refreshing to have a critical opposition party like MMD, which is ready to give credit to the ruling party when it makes right decisions. This is what it should be. PF critized everything MMD did for political expedience. Well done MMD
VJ go back to the farm enough is enough
#31 He has no farm or any sort of wealth,balipoka ba bailiff pa 24 september
VJ eats with two hands. Stupid
Very true they over stayed, became bullies and stopped listening. No GRZ should be allowed to stay more than 10years…
There was nothing wrong with the predictions that VJ made. Of the 5 million voters only just over 2 million voted. This is the normal trend in democracies when a ruling party becomes overconfident. The MMD usual supporters stayed home. It may not be the case in 2016 if MMD comes with a very popular candidate, popular to the core supporters. I cannot think of anyone at the moment who can capture the imagination of the country.
Yamu nyokola njala pamene apa….lol
Please VJ just shut your mouth and go to your village. You are shame in this country. y ou never thought of poor Zambians but your self. Please just get lot Satana iwe.
Funny how people talk crap and kiss you with the same mouth……I hope his accepting the defeat and not looking for a Job…..
ka Fred Mmembe is really envious of HH’s success in business. I wonder why he is so obsessed with him.
VJ you were given loads of money by RB, and favours like putting your girl friend Doreen Mukanzo at the Zambian Embassy in RSA. so dont complain because you benefited well from the regime. bootlicker…..VJ
VJ prior to the 20th September elections, you had an oppinion poll and you came out that all your oppinion polls have never been a flop. Were you sincere with the way you adviced RB. You infact brought RB down by not telling him the truth. Even police officers at state house and Sikanze Police camp voted for the boat, am sure even you, you voted for PF. Bakalamba ichishinka cisuma.
VJ…typical opportunist….jobseeker keep kissing ass!
MR. Principle said Mr Mwaanga should be left to retire in peace and dignity because there are many good things he did for Zambia which should not be forgotten in the euphoria and excitement of the PF victory.
You forgot one thing in your statement. It should read, Overstayed, stopped listening and started stealing.
ilyo Noah alebaasechibwato baleti Noah napena.
Noah isuulechibi isuulechibi Noah isuulechibetwingile Chorus tenenjisele ni lesaewisele!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Emkwaiii eeee, 90 days ati napena, nomba twalamona, Iyooooo kawama akanyimbo??
VJ is not even a veteran in politics. He is nothing wen pipo want change. even this current government will be nothing if pipo want change. dont be misled
So what happened to his opinion poll….he should have thought of putting the MMD party in order and not running his mouth to please ALABI!!…
whatever goes up must one day come down,this is what MMD must know and realise that they needed people even when they were eating the cake alone,which was suppose to be shared to all zambians.Ba VJ WHY WERE YOU NOT TELLING YOUR COUNTERPATS before?to me it shows that you were also enjoying the cake.GOODBYE BA VJ.
Mudala Mwanga is a true veteran politician, he want to start eating from PF now?? NO NO NO, Please president SATA Don’t buy his good article. ALESEKWILAFWE. This is real MUSELELA KWAKABA!!! Good that you have shown us your colors.
Anyhow, Thank you for the advice, nice article and wise words. But eating you will not this time around.
Mr Mwaanga, signs were before elections.
You should have said what you are saying now then.
VJ, the political prostitute.. He was wants to bed FP now. ..eish some pipo!!!
#6 Wantanshi,
You have cracked my ribs with the ‘FUSEKE’ so early in the morning! Indeed VJ is very irritating and he now looks like a mental case.
Cant say much but just to agree with some of you guys that yamunyokola njala and he is trying to play good to PF. Unfortunately this guy has no place in the ubwato. Sorry VJ just go to your drugs business and rote there. I end here!
He is already planning of courting PF!!! If HH could think like this politically he would have been vice president now. Reality is louder than the Truth.
however bad VJ is, its high time we learnt something from this brilliant guy who let corruption control him, His a reverse role model and we should learn from his down fall guys. This guy could have easily been UN secretary general or least still the president of Zambia. But ma ma ku konda leisure noku chilizda mudala. A wasted Brain.
Where’s Enock Kavindele by the way?
Mwanga is shameless
Self confessed drug dealer.
Vj you are the same pipo who sarrounded rb and you didnt tell him the truth,his son james blamed you who predicted lies victory for mmd,so which mmd did you belong to?
The bottom line is that MMD is out of power and it is only fair that some people from that regime get probed. HH is a finished politician and we all have to accept that the majority of people hate him and I for one, hate his voice. He speaks with authority but lacks authority. UPND stinks of post election accumulated defeat. HH will always be seen as a tribalist who lacks reason.
Vj is annoying in that no matter what you can call him,he does not care,bloggers you re so annoyed ve made my day,@19 & 44 i hear you mwandepula.
VJ is a political heavy weight in Zambia. That’s why when he speaks, everyone listens. We’ve got to give it to him, people. There are many observers and commentators who have said exactly what VI is saying but nobody has paid attention to them because they are light weights.
What VJ is saying is true. UNIP overstayed, the same fate befell them. MMD overstayed, same. The same complacency will set in if PF overstay. It’s human nature. Power corrupts.
Here we go at unprincipled person trying to shead off himself like a cobra to be viewed as a wise person making post MMD loss election commentry. PF be ready and watch VJ soon you will see him next to as Sata advisor. This man has wasted his potential to have a political legacy people can respect him with. Because of his diminishing intelligence he claims that MMD over stayed in power. Wait a minute! its V.J.Mwanga who has overstayed and became a liability.This is true with all old MMD members in govt have to leave MMD voluntarily to give chance to young Zambians with new ideas, new thinking and innovative management of the party. We agree with Michael Chiti’s opinion. We call for RENNAISCENCE in MMD. Nothing to do with over staying in power.
Mwaanga has come out from hibernation. He has seen the weather is now conducive for him to speak out. He had run away to Danial Munkombwe’s Kabebya farm when PF won the presedential elections. Mwaanga retire from active politics and enjoy your wealth. It is not good to be rubbing shoulders with young ones. If you want open a consultancy company on politics.
MMD stands for all democratic principles and values. MMD is second to none in its conviction as regards to democracy.However, its people like VJ, RB, Kachingwe, and a host of others with unprogressive thinking that have destroyed the party. Theirs was financial gain and not to serve the country in its quest for development for the Zambians. How did VJ, Kunda, Prof. Lungwangwa, Liato, Kachingwe fail to convince RB that guided democracy can not work in Zambia in all controvercial provincial elections. RB demanded to have Chembe Nyangu as Deputy G/Secretary of MMD. Why din’t all these people advise RB correctly?.They are all to blame and we the young and progresive members don’t need them. We ask them to leave before we force them out of the party as we carry out post elections analysis.
Vernon [venom] Mwanga,the master dribbler[dribbling all over his shirt] is at it again.Please Bamudala twamipapata just retire peacefully.You have had your days why cant you just sit
down reflect on you past political career and wrie your autobiography.Your book will sell better
and pay you more than you are trying to skim just now.AKABWELELO KALALYA!
mwanga you are a id.i.o.t.
Balekeni ba VJ, mwaba shoba sana. He was also sidelined when when he tried to advise the incorrigeable RB and hunger started biting. The only option that remained was to start donchi kubeba, eating and giving false opinion polls to appease the arrogant leader. VJ, just write a book on your latest experience and it will sell.
Whoa ! Couldnt imagine Vj saying that.
These politicians.Today he says this tomorrow he says the exact opposite.
#56, Good question and also where is Edward Mumbi?
Bushe Edwin Mumbi nanomba tabalamuponona? lol
VJ only your disciples like Mr Capitalist, MMD Bootlicker, Senior Citizen, The Engineer ..etc, blindly followed and stomached your statements before the elections at least you are still using your real name where as some of them are too embarrassed to show the faces on here!!
VJ is a walking coffin and will always be a mandrax drug dealer to me and nothing is going to change that.
Mr him. yu its high time yu diverted yo brains into somthing else.YU outlived just lik MMD did there is alot yu can do other than clinging to politics.If they didnt listen why did yu campaign with them until the last day
Muselela Kwa kaba uyo…. Ayamba want he knows best… Ulunkonena Ulo notu chawa sana…
This chima Foolish Rigger thought that he was so much endowed with his foolish statistics about the rural vote. Well this time around you failed lamentably. Have some shame you chi old man. You sent Mazoka to the grave and now you are next. Let Sata not allow VJ anywhere near him. He is a spent force.
Mr Mwanga the only thing that can help you people is maybe to change the name of the your party MMD to MDM.The people of Zambia are above all political parties nifyo fine mwa kulasensele elyo kawa !! anyway it good that you have come back to your senses but no time for your generation, what a bad endind!!
This man Mwaanga is very very dull indeed. So it had to take PF to make these fools realise that they had overstayed-what a f.ool. So what ever these f.ools were doing was useless as they had realised that they had overstayed and when you overstay you become useless to the point of being rotten extra.
Mwanga taukwete fyakulanda,its time for pf.
VJ – Three headed snake with a Rat tail
VJ should not be entertained at all given audience. He is top guy behind clandestine activities surrounding rigging of elections. I will not forget the pain he caused his own tribes man late Andy Mazoka in 2001 General Elections, by insisting MMD had not yet conceded defeat, because they were banking on fake ballot papers coming from Shangombo to over-turn Andy’s victory. It is now clear that a similar scheme was under way in recent General Elections following impounded trucks with fake voters in Mongu proceeding to Shangombo from Lusaka to out-do MCS. VJ has a lot of cases to answer, it is also because of the likes of him that MCS was denied victory in 2008. Let him spill the beans on how they manupilated the system over the years to further their deals, denying masses prefered choices.
The world shall come to pass and everything in it including those who just believe in praising their fellow human beings other than God shall be brought to ruin.
Process of refining the electoral system in Zambia must start with likes of VJ coming clean on malpractices they conducted. Let those fake voters who were caught reveal how the scheme was being administered, so that in future Elections only genuine winners will take-up office. It is because of the likes of VJ that most Zambians had lost faith in the Electoral system which explains low voter turn-out with a fraction of eligible voters casting their votes. Winning Presidential Election through fake votes is similar to gaining employment through fake qualifications in both case you should not have assumed that office, it is a clear criminal offence. VJ has no credibility at all, his place is behing bars and that is where he belongs. It is a sad that some people think he is a star.
mashilu amaguyzy !
Plse PF prove that you are not for corruption by rejecting VK and Katele. We are sick of these old men.
sorry it should have read VJ ( or may be it is ok if K is for Kabwalala)
VJ is looking for a JOB. ASS-LICKING
vj you would have done better to help your tonga tribe ascend to power but you concentrated making nsengas and bembas presidents! How will southern province receive you!! You have nothing to take home!! Poor tongas’
MMD didnt over stay, because they had a new president , so RB was bringing his new ideas unfortunately his ideas are corrupt that was the only problem ,how ever there are people in the MMD who could more than RB, RB is the foolishness of Mwanawasa who put him into power, and some foolish Zambians who wanted him to be president at all costs eg BY.
Zedians MMD lost partly because of the following unprincipled politicians : VJ, Katele Kalumba, Dora Siliya, Lt Gen Shikapwasha to mention a few. In addition the former ruling party allowed itself and incidentally sank so low that it had to engage in cheap propaganda thru the likes of Sulapwa, Lifwekelo,Kawana and let alone the ill fated Stand up for Zambia programme which was aired on Some Tv Channels by Chanda Chimba but yielded nothing. When one sows seeds of hatred and starts cursing someinnocent people created in the image of God, God defends them a by giving them a blessing. If this country is truly a christian nation its people must learn to practice what the bible teaches.
Please take your tribalistic drivel back to Zambian Watchdog Website where you belong. We don’t care about what tribe VJ is, and as a matter of fact never bothered…narrow minded morons like you shouldn’t be allowed near a working keyboard.
Can Sata quickly appoint VJ, he is singing very well so far.
Mwebantu bakwalesa,let the sleeping dogs lie.No one can reverse the Law of Force of Gravity.You can insult,riducle,blame,ultimately the Law of Gravity prevails.Sata will not as well take any advice from anybody,like he has already behaved towards Chibamba Kanyama an economist advising him on minimum wage.But the Law of Force of Gravity will still catch up with him as well.
Its unbelievable, to have listened to this old ngwele speak. he was in the fore front misleading Zambians with his fake predictions. Vj is a virus which can bring down the whole mountain and its like kwachamania nayamba ukuyavana.Bt you cant cheat Zambians again – kindly go and rest kufarm you are full enough.
VJ has overstayed on this planet please go so you make room for fresh perspective.You old guards don’t realise that you have to hang up your boots and stop playing politics after some time,you will never make president of this country,i know you have the aspirations but you backed the wrong horse,it is not MMd who misread it was you who misread,maybe you have taken the time and effort it requires to pass on the mantle to your offsprings, bring them on VJ
He gave his position before the election and predicted MMD’s victory! Why change of stance NOW!! Just go and rest and nurse your wounds with your fellow mmd caders. You advised RB wrongly all that so called Campaign team!!
Why is he saying this now? Why didnt he talk about this when MMD was still in power? Me thinks the man is looking for an opportunity to reap where he did not sow! Awe ba VJ mwalilya fyalifula!!