Monday, March 10, 2025

Speaker directs VP to explain the abolition Secretary to the Treasury without House permission


Republican Vice President Guy Scott
Republican Vice President Guy Scott

SPEAKER of the National Assembly Patrick Matibini has directed Vice-President Guy Scott to address the House today on the point of order raised by former Vice-President George Kunda, who has questioned the abolition of the position of secretary to the treasury, a position that was created by Parliament under the Public Finance Act No. 15 of 2005.

Mr Kunda, who is also Muchinga MP (MMD), asked whether Government was in order to abolish the position of secretary to the treasury without seeking authority from the House.
Mr Kunda, who raised the point of order during debate on the President’s address to Parliament, said the secretary to the treasury is the controlling officer for public funds and that he is the one who appoints controlling officers.

“The secretary to the treasury, inter alia, performs the functions of preparing estimates of expenditure (budget), reviews the budget, submits financial reports to the minister and prepares supplementary estimates.”

“With the abolition of the position of secretary to the treasury, who is going to prepare and authenticate the budget for 2012, and who is appointing controlling officers? The abolition of this position has far-reaching implications,” Mr Kunda said.

He said according to a story which appeared in the Zambia Daily Mail of October 4, 2011, President Sata decided to abolish the position, which was held by Mr Likolo Ndalamei, saying it was extravagant.

Dr Matibini told the House that he expected Dr Scott to address the matter today.

Meanwhile, Mfuwe MP Mwimba Malama (PF) has commended President Sata for laying out the vision he has for this country during his address to Parliament last on October 14.
Mr Malama, who moved the motion for debate, said the President’s speech has given hope to Zambians, who lived in fear of a bleak future.

[pullquote]“With the abolition of the position of secretary to the treasury, who is going to prepare and authenticate the budget for 2012, and who is appointing controlling officers? The abolition of this position has far-reaching implications,” Mr Kunda said.[/pullquote]

He said the PF will not let the people of Zambia down and assured that the party will deliver on its pre-election promises. In seconding the motion, Petauke MP Dora Siliya (MMD) said she was happy to note that the PF prioritises sectors such as agriculture, health and education, just like the former ruling party.

She said, however, that the President did not say anything on the PF’s foreign policy and that there was nothing mentioned on the windfall tax. Kalomo MP Request Muntanga (UPND) said he found the speech to be “open-ended” and that most of the things that were promised may take longer to implement.

Debate on this motion resumes today.


  1. Sata at it again. is it a one man rule? good observation from mr Muntanga. Those pronouncements (aka presidential speech) are easier said than done!

    • Bashikulu is making some big mistakes that people are overlooking..this man needs a strong opposition to be checking him coz he might end up messing it all up

  2. Patiently waiting to hear what Scot will say today,am sure he sought audience with Sata in the night.Hope it will not turn out to be another embarrasment for the PF.

  3. Imwe Ba Request, you are a tool who shouldn`t even be in Parliament. Most of the things promised will take longer? So what? It doesn`t matter.

    Echo mwibila abena Zambia, always looking for quick fix!

  4. Imwe Ba Request, you are a to*ol who shouldn`t even be in Parliament. Most of the things promised will take longer? So what? It doesn`t matter.

    Echo mwibila abena Zambia, always looking for quick fix!

    • we need to meet up discuss our zambia, the tongas and how we shall share the lozi girls to be left behind when we chase the lozi men to nambi desert where they came from

  5. cant wait to hear who will be incharge of the budget..the minister of finance only pronounces figures. Hope it will be a positive move and not just changing the name of the position into something best suited to the government’s understanding……TULAMYEBA ATI ITS HARDWORK GUYS…

  6. This shows that some things should be thought through before decisions are made. This to me appears to be a very serious issue which needs immediate remedy, even if one has to be embarrassed. This is akin to the on-going constitutional breach where we have an unrehabilitated insolvent person being a nominated MP and holding a position as a Deputy Minister. I hope the PF government is not already in a situation where they don’t want to listen to citizens’ concerns like the former ruling party. This leads to the gradual downfall of the party.

  7. Don’t know how MMD prioritised sectors such as agriculture, health and education when FRA didn’t pay farmers for maize. Hospitals didn’t have medicine. Bought the controversial mobile hospitals at the expense of improving the current facilties etc. It is not just a matter of priotising sectors on paper but implementing policies which improve the facilities which people receive. I really hope that under PF we will see tangible results for the impoverished.

  8. The Arbitrary creation of a new province should equally be scrutinised by parliament. deviding nmorthen province into two means the province will take twice the national cake even when the population is less that some other provinces. The moving away of Chama from Eastern province means that Eastern province willnow be deprived ofthe rice revenues of chama and the tourist revenues from Mfuwe. The moving of southern province provincial head from livingstone to a more centralised place in choma is a welcome move but what about Chipata and Solwezi that are equally far from the center? I think the president should allow people to debate these issues before making them Legal.

  9. Got to laugh at Dora. Ke ke ke ke ke ke ke! So they had it on paper but they chose to ignore everything. UTH is worse now than they found it. Pathetic people they are.

  10. i concur with you Pretty….i wonder why Dora Siliti does even feel ashamed to say….GOOD POLICIES JUST LIKE MMD….!!!!!umuntu wabule insoni te muntu…we need implementation and control of what has been put on paper….we will always pray hard for the results and ensure the impoverished are given the necessary help.

  11. The position is not filled. It will be taken to parliament later as PF introduces new BILLS. The President said that this position will be performed by a Permanent Secretery. Cost-cutting measure!
    Ba Kaponya tuleteka! Where are the Elite ba UPND?

  12. I conquer with # 7. SATA would have started with moving provincial capital of N/Western to Kabompo from Solwezi due to mining activities in solwezi. Also taking KAPUTA District to Luapula before the creation of a province. How much money will go into building Choma and Mafinga? Billions of kwachas. Slow down guys. Speed kills.

  13. All people with leadership characteristics are quick to make decisions be it wrong or right.
    So what you want is a leader like Sata who is quick to make a decision but be humble enough to listen to advice if it is a wrong decision. Better to have a leader that is confident and quick to make decisions than one that waits to long to decide. Besides a secretary does very little in the creation of a budget its the people under him that do all the work. So Zed will still get a budget Ba former VP is just a doomsayer. But Tru Sata needs to protocol in making his decisions

    • i agree with you, even Hittler was quick to make decision and he had damn good leadership qualities except that he lead to a wrong destination. Richard Nixon is said to have been infested with royal blood and leadershipwas part of his genetic makeup unfortunatey he lead the people nicely into corruption and thurgery

  14. If Sata cannot even understand the basic Zambian laws, isn`t the country in hell? And we were told Sata was the most suitable ——because of his long years of experience in politics and government. How come within a short time the man is showing serious lack of knowledge on basic Zambian statutes.

  15. Well, Sata ought to know that he lacks the majority in parliament and all these naming and dermacation decisions could end up being thrown out by parliament. Further, he can only appoint 8 MPs and I cannot understand why against provisions of our constitution he went on to appoint 10! All these things will sooner than later come back to bit him in the backside where it never shines.

  16. Before 2005 how were the budgets prepared? Zambia was not formed in 2005, Let every ministry come up with their own Strategies for the Year 2012, linked to their Balance scorecards (Deliverables) and prepare their own estimated Budgets that should be presented to a Budget committee.

    How can you prepare budgets for Ministries without knowing their plans? This was a FAILED approach hence no developments.

    NO NEED FOR this position, scrap it. Was a worst of resources and extravagance.

    • Ask if u don`t know how budgets were prepared,we can tell u that each ministry submitted budgetary estimates or proposals which were adjusted accordingly,so your arguement falls out.

    • Tax Payer? Your former VP did not mention that? he is asking as to who will prepare the budgets. My friend I review budgets for big Organisations/ Countries not that Zambian Nonsense, so dont tell me that you want tell me how to prepare budgets. if you have the boles, send you email address that we show you what Budget preparation means. Are you the person they delayed redundant?

    • Agree with Mulyaweka.. unecessary position.. those jobs were doen by the Director Budgets and assistant and athe accountant general + the other 3 directors in the ministry and the 2 permanent Sceretaries.. look this is nonsense.. lets cut unnecessary jobs..Its austerity time for all countries across the globe and not just Greece, UK, Italy & USA

  17. Sata shud consider taking some of his MPs back to school (even ka night school). Already these are signs that they will not have it easy with debates in the house. surely the whole pf couldn’t advise their president on such a serious matter?

  18. TRUE @ 19, this is why our MPs and Ministers are so lazy, let them Prepare their Budgets and be held accountable to their performance. Introduce a performance review for these people so that Zambians should not take Ministerial and Member of parliament role as a route to riches, let them work hard and should be exposed of their abilities.

    KUNDA seem to have a change management issue, scared to try new things, surely effective Budgets used to be prepare before formation of this secretary to treasury post? (MMD Cadre role).

    VIVA SATA declare such position redundant and save the money for POOR Zambians

  19. MMD should not crumble as they go through the transition like UNIP did coz they can be useful to this young democracy in terms of checks and balances to this current government since tey are immediate past government. they will help pf avoid excesses that will not help the growth of our nation.

  20. Hey people can you hold your fire until we here the response from the VP. Most of you are going on as if VP and Sata have already failed to give a justification or explanation of how the budget will be developed. You accuse Sata of being too fast to act when you too are being too fast judge!!

  21. @20….ZAi or whatever you call yourself…be objective and come up with real issues..we are not castigating an individual or a party..we are discussin issues of national interest.for sure they are decisions made out of excitement without a blink into the repurcussions…..we need to work together to foster development.

  22. First my President has errod, second we shud not praise everything he does, lets criticise if he is wrong, otherwise we will turn him into a dictator, lastly Kunda shud be the last person to talk in paliament, were was his brains wen they were abusing our people as well as resources, we still need the 200 billion he wasted at NCC. Mr SCOT exeplain now.

  23. @19 MULYAWEKA. This is why this country fails to move forward when we have people like mulyaweka who can not comprehend issues and just supports. The issue is about the rule of law which the President swore to protect thru the constitution. The position was created by parliament through an act of parliament and not by someone waking up one morning and introduce the position. Yes in your view if you want to scrap it then let it go to Parliament. The president is incharge of Zambia and not some party or kantemba where rules can easily be changed by one man. This kind of doing things is what is scaring us Zambians coz we may end up in maningi trouble especially when people are just supporting blindly. Let us wake up Zedians or else we shall end up in the same past. Presido consult!

  24. We dont need that position.  Kunda should have usedhis position to change Zambia but he failed. Now he wants to look more intelligent than others. Ubupuba

    • deal with the issue raised and not personalities if you are a real lawyer. Was the abolishment of a position created by an act of parliament through a decree legal?

  25. Sata did not get permission from parliament to dissolve abolish the position of secretary to the cabinet because he thinks that he has powers to do anything he wants. This is a sign of a dictatorship and lack of education. He wants quick solutions to long term problems, it can not work. He has appointed Kabimba and Hang’umba to be in the one ERB commission of enquiry. The wives of these two gentlemen are sisters, Kabimba’s wife is elder sister to Hang’umba’s wife and how independent do you expect them to work? All these are wrong decisions.

  26. And how where budgets prepared before 2005 without this position??????? Answer that one first ba George!!

    In 2005 MMD had a super-majority in parliament so they pushed through every nonsense they thoguht of, Secretary to the Treasury being one of them. PF may be wrong on procedure but definitely right on principle.

  27. @15… You seem to be so persimistic about the shifting of some provincial centers and the cost associated. These shifts will come with infrastructure developments such new offices, roads, communication facilities and so on. Yes, the cost will be in billions. However, have you considered how many jobs will be created as a result. I thought one way of fighting poverty was the creation of employment. If a provincial centre is unsuitably located move it. Did you ever think of how much it cost for somebody in Mazabuka to go to Livingstone to do Government business.

  28. Guys, i find this Kunda interesting and funny, can he also tell the house how the all budgeting process and appointing of controlling officers was done prior to 2005? So if it was done without, then, so it shall be done this time also.

  29. I feel a number of decisions are good expect that no procedures are being followed for offices which are regulated by parli this is not safe. HE must follow all layed down procedures otherwise he will soon become a dictator. They all start with simple things and later get to major things, this is not corrent, systems in place must be respected, otherwise the next govt or even this govt stands a chance to get out of control. My president should respect these issues, where is LAZ in this case, is a matter of alligency?

  30. Now Parliament will be tested. Here we shall see whether Matibini is up to what he has been touted to be. The fact is that the Republican President has breached the constitution which he swore to uphold. RB wisely gave him a copy right at the start so that he can know what to do and what not to do. We expect Parliament to move with a vote of nil confidence in the President. Later on, we shall have more breaches of the constitution revealed and move to impeach the man. What President Sata has done is worse than what Ms Siliya did. This is not personal, just like the fight against corruption. We should be prepared to lose friends.

  31.  ,this is a big issues ,budget is very important
    That’s why the speaker demanded an explanation, some cost saving measures
    Can become very expensive in the end
    Our new govt have a lot to learn hope they will be humble enough to accept their

  32. Most important will be for the budget to be prepared and presented. Most of the Zambians are awaiting reasonable tax reductions. As for wondfall tax, shame on the MMD for abolishing it. If you see the financial statements of most mines, they pay around K100,000,000 in current year taxes and the rest of the billions are owed to government in deferred tax. The thing is that the PF will make administrative mishaps due to the awkwadness of governance but the main point that no one can overlook is this- Previously we had a government that was standing up for corporations; now we have one that is standing up for Zambians!

  33. #10 Engines
    Does it mean that Malambo(Mfuwe) will be under the New Muchinga? I cant imagine saying iam from Muchinga province when all along been Eastern.Let the boundaries of Muchinga be Luangwa river(Nabwalya Chibombo and Chiundaponde) not Ku Malambo.

    • You willhave to get used to it infact you will be travelling tothe provincial head in Mpika tobuy yoself a plot.The access road willsoon be built and taredfor youreasy movements

  34. What is the role of the Perm Sec in the MoF?? Why duplicate by having the Treasury Secretary?? That was Sata’s thinking when abolishing the post and from where I stand it makes sense, however whether it was done legally is another matter and Scott should explain. Good ruling Mr Speaker, these are the checks and balances we needed from a non-partisan person like you, unlike other people.

  35. Apart from having MCS as President, im rather happy that we have a good balance in parliament. I also believe Matibini is a very good choice as speaker. Frankly the PF is still a novice government and as such they will make mistakes. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes as long as you learn from them. MMD having been in power for 20 years are more experience and as such will form a very good opposition. The politics in parliament such be interesting and the debates shall be more interesting and productive. So Sata as a novice abrogated the constitution by abolishing the position of secretary to treasury, MMD as the experience opposition pointed this out. These are the checks and balances we need.

  36. @33 Umfweni
    How many people go from Mazabuka to Livingstone to do business? Do you really think that Moving the provincial capital by less than half. The British may have had a better reason for moving the capital from Kalomo to Livingstone. There is a great cost in developing a new headquarters. Ask the Tanzanians with Dodoma and the Nigerians with Abuja and they will tell you. It may be needed ONE DAY to do all these changes, but we are talking about priorities here. Besides, in this day and age, electronic communications are so good that one need not be physically proximate to a town to do their business. This is money that we cannot afford to waste. The Presido has got it wrong in timing.

  37. #40 do you wnat Perm Sec in the Teasury to appoint other controlling officers? True having a Secretary to the Treasury and two PS’s at the treasury was a bit heavy but he could have retained the ST and abolished one post of Perm Sec and also abolished the position of two Deputy Sec to Cabinet and remain with only the number of PS at Cabinet and then that might have worked. He should have also abolished the post of Deputy Ministers as these duplicate the works of PS.

  38. I, also dont see the point of having the so called Muchinga Province!! What we need is a decentralisation policy that works and is able to bring development to the grass-roots. Dividing up provinces is simply not the answer. If am not mistaken the state of Texas is roughly the size of Zambia and yet its governed effectively by both the state and the federal government.

  39. You are a PF’s prostitute if you are always defending anything that PF does, surely even scraping the STs position, B.I.A.T.C.H.

  40. @28, ZIONEKE: people like you are the ones that will bring Zambia backward. Why worst time debate something that is straightforward??? For your Information, MMD created a lot of redundant position just to fit their cadres, hence high Government expenditures.

    Good this is done as part of 90 days delivery promised to Zambian people. Your thought is evil because you will be the 1st person to condemn SATA that he has failed on his promise.

    We can debate on functional issues not these unnecessary positions. As good Leader it is good to make strategic decisions. Why wait for masses that some will lug behind like KUNDA.

    SORRY MATE I don’t agree with you.

  41. The President while doing good should learn to consult. One man show will not work . That is why we have a cabinate and highly paid advisers (highly paid even under PF)

    • Man sometimes you have to do it. Zambians are very complacent and nothing will work. Try and negotiate anything with these ministries. You will not get anywhere. Give the man a chance. To clean up.

    • As Sata’s comments against some economists (Chibamba Kanyama?) shows, the President does not want to know.  On-lookers, advisors and concerned citizens should just keep their knowledge to themselves –  “DONKI KUBEBA” indeed.  The donkey, the ass, is now in charge.  The man knows it all.  He does not need yours and their advice.

  42. The decisions are being made to appease the electorate with no considreation to the financial and legal implications. Let us wait and see but be ready for the worst to happen.I would not be surprised if tommorrow Mpika is pronounced to be the provincial capital of Mafinga without the involvement of parley.That is why education is very important.

  43. @ 20 ZIONEKE? Sad to have bloggers like you, honestly you mean Zambia was formed in 2005? How did they prepare budgets then? Let’s get serious. These are positions created for the benefit of MMD cadres not Zambians, Tell me, how did Secretary of Treasury role benefit you??

    SATA did this for all ZAMBIAN, lets ask ourselves why SATA left MMD? It is because he did not agree with their policies and expenditures.

    Don’t be fooled, this is the man who work with MMD and knows their weaknesses better than you and myself.

    To debate positions? It’s not worth the time. Next we have to debate Why he fired ZESCO, DEC, ZRA bosses. Give SATA/ SCOTT credit, these are old men who are helping we the younger generation. They will not benefit from this??? But YOU and ME??

  44. Sorry @ 20, my reference is to #29 ZIONEKE?? ba LT give us an option to edit content at least within 5 minutes after posting the article??

  45. And did I hear the president say he has not flouted the constitution the other day? It’s either he is ignorant of what he has flouted or he has an attitude of a dictator. Both are not good for a president of a country. It does not matter the principle behind the action, there are ways of correcting bad situations. He should reinstate the position and then table a motion in parliament. Otherwise the two wrongs are equally bad. Corruption is not only about money but also about abuse of power no matter how good the principle is.

  46. @ Villajah: Learn to use appropriate language and avoid running your emotions wild. What you must know is that in countries like England, the Treasury Secretary acts as a deputy to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. You must know that in Africa needless positions are made just to accommodate friends in government. However, it was wrong to scrap the position without reviewing the constitution. I am not aware as to whether the president can use his executive power to scrap a statute, I need to consult. Nevertheless, president Sata has got to ensure that he engages in consultation with the Justice Minister who is a lawyer before making policy decisions!

    • the position is a creature of statute and not the Constitution and NO, the president does not have powers to abrogate any statute. He can revoke or issue a statutory instrument where parley has delegated him with powers to do so.

  47. @41 Zambia does not need to be experimented on. Mistakes should not be tolerated at all. Learn to consult within and outside government. Most learned people are outside the government and willing to offer services if consulted. The VP should have done his homework period! We are not going to continue to allow thid mediocracy from Sata. He has made so many mistakes within a short periodof time. Reason advanced @32 demonstrates the inability of most pf supporters to think progressively. The world evolves and one cannot say what was good before 2005 is still good post 2005 and going forward.Admit Zambia wont get anyway under a 76 year old and uneducated dictator.

  48. Carry on, George. You did not hold the position of vice president and legal minister for nothing. Let Scott establish where his boss got the right to quash the position without the national assembly’s approval.

  49. If thats job description of the Secretary to the Treasury, then by all means scrap it off. Min off Finance has enough senior people to handle all that ( 1x Accoutnant General, 4x Directors, 2x Permant Secretaries). Kunda, i know you are not a cost conscious person , but times has changed.. We live in an austerity world and every government around the world is looking to reduce debt and cut costs.. thats what we (MMD, PF, UPND) should be working towards.

  50. Fellow zambians/bloggers take time and take a long look at the article before us. Here we have a president clearly breaching our republican constitution that was not put in place by UNIP, MMD or even PF. This is why a president takes oath on swearing to uphold and honour our constitution. Secretary to the Treasury to be abolished by one (president) that was inacted in parliament is not only a breach but next to being a dictator . Zambians partisanship aside, the country is slowly sliding to undemocratic stage. Those that think we are just opposing PF govt are missing the point infact doing harm to PF govt instead of helping PF govt to succeed. Zambians have given enough grace period to Mr Sata that he is not above the law to execute national issues with a unitarian regime approach.

  51. Give praise were its due- well done George Kunda for raising up that issue.We need checks and Balances and should not blindly praise Sata .Zambians tend to have selective amnesia.Please MMD don’t crumble we need a very strong opposition to keep PF on its toes.After all we are a multiparty democracy and not a one party state.

  52. Let the fun and games begin!!

    I am sure the position will emerge with a different title and given to a Bembaman. That is all Sata and his thieving crew want.  And they will  not tell you how they are stealing, will they? DONKI KUBEBA, indeed!

  53. No 7, it is not about filling the position about abolishing it.Was the abolishing of TC legalY This a seminal question that needs answer.

  54. Let Sata Nyoko reinstate the Abuse of Office rules.  He will be the first one to go in for abuse of office.  It is not only the ST position that has been scrapped without parliamentary approval.  There are lots of ministries merged and demerged and even created (Ministry of Chiefs, Makishi and Nyaus, being one) that have not been approved by parliament and there is no guarantee that they will be approved by parliament.  He also gave back Finance Bank to Mahtani against the provisions of the BFSA.  I hope the opposition do the needful – that is, OPPOSE this madness. Dovo really liquefies the brain!

  55. That reminds me, @ 54, How could we honestly allow someone to carry two jobs for that long when many people were qualified to perform one or the other. We need to probe that!

  56. Before the creation of Secretary to the Treasury, there was a position of Senior Permanent Secretary who was doing the same functions of ST. At the Ministry, there were two Permanent Secretaries and now, the PF Government has only maintained one. I think GK is right in asking the Government.

  57. Some blogger says George Kunda is dull? I cant believe that.Who is more intelligent George or Cobra?Let Sata work and let the opposition work.Both at work will make my country function properly.The notion by Pf that Zambia was on autopilot for the last three years does not hold water.I cant wait to watch Zambia play at the Levy Mwanawasa stadium in Ndola as that will prove that Mmd were working and Zambia was not on autopilot.A budget without a treasury?Thats how Chiluba started pilfering by eliminating Penza and Paul Tembo!We should support Sata when he does good and critisize him when he is wrong.Thats why the United states of America is a great nation and we can be if the left hand knows what the right hand does.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  58. Mr.Sata, please, the Zambian majority are behind you and ready to assist your government to develop our land. I don’t know much about statutes and protocols. But I believe you have the experience and knowledge of legal procedures. I therefore trust that you have an explanation that all that you are doing are within the law. Please don’t let the people who supported you and your PF look stupid by the haphazardness of your actions. However I am waiting for your VP to answer the speakers question. I hope and trust he has a satisfactory answer. If its discovered you are acting outside the law, then your fight against corruption is a non-starter. 


  60. CRITICS ARE WELLCOME….Well done kunda. but HH is not welcome coz his critics are out of envy, lusty, selfishness and childish.

  61. If people use grey areas in the law to steal money, you will have to go on a lawless agenda to correct matters. Use your position to enforce right!

  62. Be Patient guys with Sata, He’s on “JOB ON TRAINING” More blunders awaits us, just forgive the mambala, afisanji


  64. @ 74 – AMA FACTS… Thank you.. Am very worried about the level of level of education, knowledge, undertstanding of issues outside our core trades / qualification by a majority of Zambians as exibited on this blog.. The crusade is about AUSTERITY.. The role in question was ably performed by the ACCOUNTANT GENERAL Who is the real controlling officer on Government expediture. The STATUTORILY created position of Treasury Secretary by the MMD dominated parliament is nonsense and must be repealed at first sitting. for now, the position and office must remain VACANT.

  65. I thought we had three arms of Govt, which should not interfere with the business of the other……but this is opposite Coz the Executive is now performing the Duties of the Legistlature……..too much power in one person is dengerous, we need a new Costitution (ASAP).

  66. Simply put, this goes to show that the President has to much power which he evidently cannot handle – Unfortunately all we are seeing is a President who is ruling by decree which in effect is a dictatorial tendency. “Where there is counsel, there is wisdom” – hence the reason to table these issues, debate them and come up with a conclusion. His Excellency The President should let legislators debate these issues and give them a timeline on which to conclude to avoid wasting time and resources – it would be the most admirable manner to utilize his abrasive style of leadership. 

  67. For Mr.Sata to describe it as extravagant, well then he has his reasons, and i can guaranteed you its a cost saving reason; is it within his powers to abolish it? May be not, but at least we know where the buck stops and the month old administration is being put in check. As for GK when investigations start into corrupt practices of the previous government and at State House he should be more and willing to answer some questions in the house instead of passing the buck to BUFFOON RB.

  68. We don’t need the secretary to the treasury we have elected SATA & he will personally control all the cash. We also don’t need BOZ statehouse is more secure, therefore all funds are to be safely kept at state house

  69. I suprised that George Kunda can say something that makes sense. Seems when out of government people reclaim their inteligence

  70. @ Sam: Am happy that you are supporting the president. But your views are that of a 5th grader at a basic school deep in the bushes of Shang’ombo! Grow up and know that when you make such empty comments you are insulting your honour and your surname and hence, you father and forefathers!

  71. Sheik @50 and Mulyanweka@47. I think you guys are missing the point and i do not think i can continue debating on you failing to understand the issue at hand. However i will try to make you see the issue. What we are talking about is rule of law and not whether the position is needed or not! The fact is, that position was as a result of an act of parliament and for one to abolish it without going to parley is wrong . Failing to understand that and not to condemn breach of law is dangerous in our time and should not be accepted. Law is law and it should be followed. If we do not follow the laws we make for ourselves do not expect other people to respect your laws. So let us not create a dictator in Sata and later we condemn him.

    • ZIONEKE@85 We all understand. Sata has made a huge blunder & PF cadres here are simply trying but in vain to make it look good. The harvest from this poor sowing will definetely be bad. Poverty is going to rise, inflation will shoot-up & all proffessionals in the civil service are too scared now to tell the almighty super intelligent Sata the correct measures to take!!

  72. Let headquaters for muchiga be Isoka because its cetral. Nakode and mafinga (muyombe) ca travel to Isoka just like Mpika and chinsali can travel to Isoka. If u pick mpika it will be like Livigstone being capital whilst choma is more cetral than Livingstone.

  73. These are the kind of debates that we should be having in parliament. a very good point raised by George Kunda, although you wonder how the intelligence only filters in when one becomes an opposition member, whatever the case, good point raised. I do not expect Sata to be perfect in every decision that he makes but if he is willing to take corrective measures, however embarassing, then I am all for it because it definitely beats having people in power who stop listening to reason because they think they know it all. I am also looking forward to hearing how this issue will be addressed by Scott and what the final outcome will be. Looking at the distribution of parley seats amongst the various parties, I feel more confident that we will get more tangible outcomes from these debates.

  74. it was their way of trying to divert government funds into trunks for distribution. Money in your pockets, remeber?

    No Sec to treasury, no accountability. All the money goes into trunks.donch kubeba!


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