Monday, March 10, 2025

Zambia Police quiz former Mines Minister over Bicycles used in campaigns


Former Mines Minister Maxwell Mwale this afternoon appeared for questioning at the former Task Force offices before the Zambia police in connection with the bicycles that were recovered at his residence in Makeni .

A check by QFM at the former Task Force building at about 15 hrs found that Maxwell Mwale had just left after being questioned. The police are currently investigating MMD officials to establish the source of campaign materials used in the just ended elections which include bicycles and motor vehicles.

When contacted police spokesperson Ndandula Siamana could not give details by broadcast time saying she did not have the details ready from the people that were questioning the former Mines Minister.

Meanwhile, the Lawyer to former Foreign Affairs Minister Kabinga Pande has distanced his client from the Gold saga. Sakwiba Sikota said that Mr Pande was called to answer queries over the source of funding for the ruling MMD in his capacity as Vice National Chairman of the party.

Mr Sikota told ZNBC News that connecting Mr Pande to the Gold scandal was erroneous. He has also demanded for an apology from the Police service whom he said some media institutions have quoted confirming that Mr Pande was answering queries on the Gold saga.


  1. That is why i think Zambia is a lughing stock

    How people follow news, believe news and are proud to be zambians when cirruption is rife is way beyond me. Great days in zambia are gone they are never coming back, I speak with wisdom and experience and I am only 27


  2. There is no doubt our leaders are very greedy, corrupt, and wicked-minded people. We do not elect bad leaders in Africa instead the west elects these corrupt people to rule Africa so the west can benefit from our sweats. When the west elects these greedy leaders for us, sometimes my people revolt and then the west sends NATO troops, etc. to intervene as if they are helping. That is why you often hear political violence in Africa. The west referred to Mandela as a monster but as we all know, Mandela was a freedom fighter who did not give in to the western influence. They offered Mandela money but he rejected it. They offered Mandela paradise but he rejected it why because Mandela loves Africa. I cannot say the same about the zambian leaders abd corruption. Thanks

  3. I have also been insanely upset that as we were asked to believe Gay marriage is now unlikely to be made legal in zambia when Mr sata was umoured to favour it like me

    We must legalise it, as they have done here in the west:

    There is nothing wrong with being gay!!! Why would God make someone go to hell the second they are born, just because they are gay!!! Who cares if someone likes the same sex/gender!! as long as they are happy! Why can’t gays feel the joy of being together with someone or marry someone like straight people do ! They are not abnormal. To them being straight is being abnormal ! It’s like the whole racial thing ! to “blacks” we are different to them, like they are to us !

    • What about black gay people…Because you try to make an analogy between Gays and Heterosexuals, and Black and White…It is just shallow…Being of a different racial group is not ‘abnormal’, just different. Race is a continuous variation, like height…Even between so-called Caucasians there are gradual variations, between Norwegian and Italian for example…While your point may be valid, your argument is rather shallow…be informed…otherwise you will just be shooting in the dark…

    • Mushota, let me put yo “27 yr old wisdom” to the test. What does God say about Gays n Lesbians. Do u believe the what they west decides 2go accept is also fair game in Africa?
      From your comments earlier U r shooting yoself in the foot..

    • i guess Mushota can’t see the difference between electoral malpractices and sexual orientation. The article above is about bicycles, allegedly fraudulently acquired. What the “frikadel” has that got to do with zambia not embracing homosexuality. plz stay where u are, where you will owez be considered a second class citizen and let us rest in our poverty but surely feels good to be home.

    • Dont even try gay advocacy coz as much as it may be legal in the west, it remains wrong and thats why gays feel and are treated as such because no one is born gay but decide to be so. not even dogs do that

  4. ZP is busy!! we, we, we

    What about the case of former Ministry of Health permanent secretary, Dr. Simon Miti? Whats up with that?

  5. Zambians must know, I have loved all for the same reason. A connection forms once you realize something special exists. I do not believe any true feelings of a human being for another can be wrong. Sexual feelings are part of nature. To deny same sex relationships would be as close minded as saying that white people and black people shouldn’t date or other such archaic thinking.

    Being gay is simply part of who a person is. There has been a lot of conjecture about whether it is biological, environmental, genetic, or a combination of all three. In whichever way being gay happens — and most developmental psychologists agree that it happens at a rather early age — there is no evidence to prove or even indicate that gay people are any more “abnormal” than you and I. Thanks

  6. Wow, how many bicycles did MMD order? Looks like it was the whole Luangwa Bicycle plant. Each of the ministers has some them at their homes? Interesting how they kept so called Party Assets in their homes.

  7. #1,2 and 4 You are an ***** and a devil worshiper who does not deserve any place in the kingdom of God. How honestly would believe your so called Developmental psychologists who were just created by the same God who created Man and Woman to be Husband and Wife, and today you are putting God’s name in vain. You are supposed to be thanking God tht you are in the Western World which most of your friends back home have failed to do. You must be born again and get saved. at the rate you are going, you may end up being in Hell na U.K ikashale.

  8. @ MUSHOTA: Am sorry but here in Africa, homosexuality is a taboo! Gay marriage must never be legal. Homosexuality can be allowed as long as it is not openely practiced. To keep everything at bay, here public affection of romance is public nuissance and that is fair. Homosexuality is not tolerated here to a great degree, keep to the west and avoid bringing vague ideas, we have serious issues to deal with!

  9. Please DELETE that unisex creature thingy chi Mushota internet trolling again, only it can compare between one’s sexual preference and colour of one’s skin!!

  10. Mushota, we are looking at the case of stealing money for campaigns and you bring stupid topics of Homo. Dont be afriad of ladies or men. They are sweetyyy. Your mind is abnormal, what is not sweety you call it that foolish. Kabinga do not run away, you’re in the nooze.

  11. But zowona ama chinga/bicycles yali pwalala sana mu mmd, i jst saw in chipata district there were many like flies pa mafi escorting RB,as if he was stinking.musokotwane had 1200,now the copper man with 300 instead of copper bars,but marks nkole ni we mbuli bad.

  12. Bloggers kalabeniko kamushota if at all she exist. Because u always respond to those stupid contribution Nakula umusila bamuchitilako

  13. This PF govt is acting like everybody connected with MMD in the last govt is guilty & corrupt to the core.You’re guilty till you prove yourself innocent it seems.At the same time they think everybody appointed by Sata to serve this PF govt is assumed to be an angel.Wait till the chickens come home to roost these PF “angels” in GRZ.

  14. HOw much are bicycles anyway? I hear Mwale had 15. Is it worth the use of state resources pursuing 15 bicycles? Wudnt Mwale afford 15 of them? I am amazed.

  15. You homosexual Mushota, you have no place in Zambia. Stay where you are. We don’t need you in Zambia. For bicycles, there’s no need for the PF to be quizzing the opposition about it. How much do bicycles. Go to Chipata the capital of bicycles and you will find that almost every Jim and Jack has a bicycle. Get on to your 90 days developmental agenda. We want you to deliver but it seems that you have no capacity to do so and you are now hiding your inability in the name of corruption fight.

  16. #22: Maxwell Mwale had alot of bicycles that he distributed in Malambo Constituency. He could even finish distributing all the bicycles. If you want proof just come to Malambo Constituency.

  17. Mushota you need to read more on the subject of homosexuality. These people were not born gay; Its the enviroment within which they grew up which conditioned them to be what they are. And the condition is curable with good counsellors. Aptly put; Prophet TB Joshua has healed many such sexual perverts. Let them be going to Nigeria.

  18. imwe ba pf are you that poor that bycicles should be an issue mwe nchushi, following people over bikes and you aint ashamed can you also disclose wer you got your funding from ba fi…la!tamwakwata nensoni as if they”re cars kanshi ni njinga atase

  19. Distributing bicycles is not the problem. The problem is the methods by which these bicycles were acquired. Everybody was giving things and that is not wrong for the people a politician engages to work will need food and means by which to travel.

  20. ths man has 2 b aprehended coz here in mambwe district he brought in more 7000 bicycles and 4 fuso fighter trucks,so at his newly belt house ther r about 1000 bicycles remaining,so pliz do’t relent jst aprehend these chaps

  21. tht mp is our mp in malambo constituency and ther r som more 1000 bicycles remaing at his newly built hous her out of the believed 7000 he aquired 4 his compain 4 fuso fighter trucks r oso packed at his hous here so pliz aprehend this man bcoz he has reapd us out of our had earnd taxpayers

  22. #1 Mushota, you cant say Zambia is a laughing stock when the country has been admired and applauded for a mature democratic dispensation. As am blogging foreigners of all colours are flocking to Zambia. Am in a small town but we have Americans, australians, Canadians, Chinese, south africans, nigerians, zimbabweans, angolans, congolese, rwandese, burundese, tanzanians, kenyans, malawians, indians, pakistanis etc while you mushota are a second class citizen being racially abused everyday of your life, we are having a boom back home. i have registered three companies and doing fine and my family including extended is benefiting. I lived outside zambia and know exactly what kind of life is there. it is like being in an orphanage.

  23. #34 ZaChisoni,
    While I may agree with part of your views I beg to differ over your statement that ‘living outside Zambia is like being in an orphanage’. If you had that experience please don’t make a sweeping statement because it is untrue and misleading. However may I congratulate you for your success in running 3 companies.

  24. Mushota, I fail to understand you sweetheart. The things you write, you need deliverance. Are you a real person or an imaginary person?????

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