Patriotic Front-PF- National Chairman Chishimba Kambwili has advised Mr Hichilema against issuing unwarranted verbal attacks on President Michael Sata.
Mr Kambwili who is also Foreign Affairs Minister says Mr Hichilema must tone down his language and accord President Sata the respect befitting a head of State.
He told journalists in Lusaka on Thursday that the ruling party is disturbed and will not sit back and watch Mr Hichilema demean President Sata.
Mr Hichilema has made several observations on President Sata’s leadership and policy changes since the PF formed government over three weeks ago.
Mr Kambwili,Sata is president of Zambia and every Zambian has the right to criticise him if he goes wrong by virtue of his position.Tell him to relinquish the Presidency if he cant the criticism.
I meant..handle the criticism.
:)..walasa…like that to the maximum..
This man is not making any sense here. Can someone explain what he is trying to say?
President needs to be respected by all stakeholders
Kambwili is now a new ” Mulongoti”
Mr Kambwili it is the cigarette that does the smoking,you’re just the sucker.What i mean by that is you should be more wary of the smoke coming from within PF than that from without.Parties die more often from swallowing their own lies than attacks comes from afar.It is those in PF that will hurt you the most than what HH says.Just like MMD when Mulongoti & others defected or what rebel ANC members did to Mbeki,it is PF members that will hurt the PF the most and not HH.
Kambwili is one of those Attack Political Dogs.. they will chase anything that move around Sata..Kambwili…’go fetch”…thats my boy/dog…
Zambia is NOT a civilized country. There is no democracy in the country and this is why people like Kambwili can threaten those who do not go along with their King. With that kind of Mentality Kambwili cannot survive in a civilized nation like the USA or UK where freedom of speech is the order of the day. Here in America we can criticize the president without fear of being harassed. Yes even in as a foreigner in America, I can criticize OBAMA or BUSH without fear of being visited by some secret agents. I wish Zambia could be like that. And why do we have so many ugly people in this PF government. Can someone please explain that to me?
bcoz ni bakaponya cabe
We will continue criticising for as long your boss continues making blunders. Your boss is full of errors. We dont want you guys to drive this country into a ditch. Do the right things and we will keep quiet. This is a democratic society mind you.
We will continue criticising for as long your boss continues making blunders. Your boss is full of errors. We dont want you guys to drive this country into a ditch. Do the right things and we will keep quiet.
Any examples of the so called unwarrated attacks, Mr kambwili? If its the u turn on abolishing the treasury job, obviously thats not unwarranted.
Kambwili is living in the past. He thinks Zambia is a one party state.
Can some one advise the PF including our President to stop behaving like the opposition.
“Bulldog Kambwili”
Constructive criticisims are welcome and NOT insults to the head of state. HH should not be bitter for losing elections coz it was expected that he would loose.
Thats the problem with Zambian politicians, just coz he has a job from Sata, then he feels no one should never criticise him, just do your job, Sata know how to handle criticism, dont speak for him. We dont expect any bootlicking in PF.
” the world awaits libya to hold first free and fair elections and form stable government after the death of long lived dictator Moammar Gadhafi” president Obama.
mr Kambwili, please do the job you’ve been appointed for. The president will speak for himself if he feels aggrieved by HH. Lets get down to work people voted for change, leave the debates for when you’re in parliament, it’s unfortunate that HH cannot be in parliament so he and other opposition leaders air their views through the media. If you provide for the people what you promised, HH insults will fall on deaf ears.
hakuna niti yekafita fo…
Its interesting to look at how quickly our leaders change when they get into government. Kambwili u were recently busy responding to RBs every comment with whatever word u came across wether insult or not and always thot u had the right to do so. What makes u think other people dont have the same right. Dont let power get into yo head too much. Be rational.
thats the funny thing about this under5, he can,t even get into parliament, he expects his tonga tribal party to do all his betting
mun**yello wako! no need to mention other tribes you son of a bi**tch!
Some of these PFs are really proud. Whats wrong with someone pointing out constitutional breaches by the president, there is nothing bitter about that and no ways should we tone done when somebody is messing with the law of the land. Kambwili you are a real disgrace.
hehehehehe…we told the Zambians..if you vote for peole like him..the jerabo in showing..hahaha..Zambia shall never see freedom of information..what unwarranted attacks are those..?let HH speak for the minority..
HH only cares about his Tonga people and cows…where do you put yourself my friend!!
Kambwili, tell HH, he is a finnised man, let him bark bark and no one will hear him. He is just another stupid ***** person
kambwili,kambwili,kambwili! My ass.,you must be a serious ***** in government!! What of the language your hired and directiones post throw on HH?? Swallow it dimwit!
Is Kalukasu the new govt. spokesman?
And that is Sata’s chief diplomat. But kwena we need pop corns.
I have a plastic bag full of pop corn!! comedy at its best & they claimed they had experience…..
We will be judged by our works, not our words, so let those who wish to talk talk. Its their right. Let us trust that the observers/electorate/partners are able to distinguish sense from nonsense, and wherever sensible words come from, they shall be worked with, and wherever words of malice come from, they shall be ignored because we are busy working. Let them talk. Us let us just listen and work. They might say something sensible, we adopt it to strengthen our efforts, they talk nonsense, we ignore it to avoid wasting the time we should be using to do something better, which is work, because, as evidenced by how we won the elections, words dont hurt us much.
This is Rubbish. If you tolerate that kind of oppression, just remember it will hurt you one day when Sata is not your king. Build democracy and not dictatorships.
What will hurt us is failing to deliver. Answering back to every small thing they say won’t help us much. What will help us is making a credible long term difference. So, let’s work, and let them talk. Delivery is what will score the highest undisputable points.
Or what Kambwili? What will you do? Just concentrate of delivering on your promises!!!
Good evening
Like #10 Okey, I would also be interested to know what exactly HH said to fall under the category of “unwarranted verbal attacks”.
Irrespective of the issue at hand, it is nothing new for politicians to attacking each other verbally. Trying to get away from insults for them is just like trying to dodge bullets. However, there are also cases where some politicians “hit below the belt” by saying things that are purely personal and defamatory. In such cases, they can get reprimanded.
correction: “…nothing new for politicians to attack each other”
Please my beloved PF government, stop responding to deadwood, they are merely detractors and time wasters. Please concentrate on rebuilding the country and stick to the promises. Avoid being image builders for HH, we have a long way to go before the next elections in 2016 and HH can say what ever he wants to say now it will only be thought for consideration and PF will be the winner whichever way.
Please can we apply the sense of mutual understand here
Ba Kambwili, this is not part of your job description. You are the top diplomat and should be on top of foreign policy. It appears that you are not sure about your role and it is beginning to show. It will only be a matter of time before you are replaced. Given Lubinda is the Government spokesperson and is mandated to address any issues relating to the way that Government is operating, including our president. So please Mr. Kambwili, stick to your lane of the road, otherwise you will cause a major kafwafwa.
I am confused. Weren’t these guys like Kambwili at the fore front of insulting the former President with the Post? Now, we are not talking about criticising we are talking about real insults. Kafulafuta PF candidate called RB ‘a most despicable character.’ Why didn’t PF chide him? ‘Chaona mnzako chapita, ‘mawa chili pa iwe.’
I can’t believe am hearing this? Isn’t this what RB always complained about yet Sata never spared him from personal attacks. So what has changed now? Thumbs up to the late FTJ, the man was roasted left, right & centre yet he never ever complained. He remained focused on plundering nothing else bothered him. If you see how the likes of Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Cameron or Obama are treated in their own countries no politician in Zambia would bother defending the president on petty issues. I hope PF doesn’t go down the route of MMD suppressing freedom of speech using Government machinations.
You’ve really cracked me up. Ati ‘he remained focussed on plundering. Nothing else bothered him.’ hehehe….that’s really telling it like is.
Malikopo #23
Can you mentioned what HH said that is insulting to our President. Pls stop this hero worshiping. Our President blundered on the MPs, scrapping the Secy to Treasury position, the list goes on. Pls lets stop @ss kissing like Mike Mulongoti.
Kambwili is better off commenting on the Angola fiasco than turning himself into this self styled Sata spokeperson. How was KK received bwana?
You are right some men reduce themselves to nothing
(Kambwili…’go fetch”…thats my boy/dog) you made me laugh #panAfrica
@malikopo ulichikopo what do you mean in Zambia one must respect the ruling president? Respect is supposed to be mutual regardless of positions. Is it not the same Sata that openly compared his handsomeness with RB? Do you call that respect towards the then head of state RB? Problem in Zambia is any challenges to Sata’s presidency and his leadership is misconstrued to mean insults? Just like you say USA is not Zambia, I say Zimbabwe or Malawi is not Zambia. As head of state he needs thick skin or QUIT the job!!
Iwe chi chimbwi chi kambwili who the fuuck do u think you are Zambia is not your kantemba it belongs to all of us and don’t think just because sata gave u a job yo stupid constitutional blunders you have made must be ignored we won’t stop challenging your reckless way of running our country just enjoy the pf political orgasm
HH is in a state shock,he s so an immature politician he does nt even know what to say and when to say,too much in a hurry to make himself relevant will end up making himself politicaly redundant.
HH should continue attacking H.E. MCS in order to keep him (Sata) on track. If HH goes to sleep PF will be relaxed just like what happened to MMD. Hon. Kambwili take it easy my brother.
Well, looks like HH, the so-called ‘under 5’ is really getting under PF’s skin. How come such a supposedly inconsequential person is getting the mighty Foreign Affairs Minister so hot and bothered? Seriously, what did PF expect? It is no longer an opposition party and so should stop behaving like one. It made fantastic campaign promises and should just get on with fulfilling them. Most Zambians will be very happy if they succeed in making those dreams come true.
It not HH, it is the zambiawatchdog.com
Anyway, who is Sata anyway not to be insulted even if he has dictator manners like you Chi Kambwili.
Muammar Gaddafi killed as Sirte falls
Kambwili should be investigated for plagiarism— bacause i doubt if he is the originator of that statement, i guess the guy just phocopied it from one of the files left by Shikapwasha or Mulongoti. I doubt if Kambwili can even phrase such a statement.
The late President Mwanawasa MHSRIP was not spared by Mr. Sata calling him all sorts of names but the President continued working to improve the economy of Zambia. PF you are now in government do not be allergic to criticism you are in hot chair five years is long period this is just a start keep the eyes on doing your job.
Kambwili is bored stiff as Minister of Foreign Affairs.He doesnt have brains for such jobs.He “knows it all” like his boss Sata.What do you honestly expect from a Jerabo.When in opposition they insulted everyone including Heads and Former Heads of State and it was not a problem then.NO ONE SHOULD CRITICISE THEM NOW THAT THEY ARE IN POWER.CHIWAMILA GALU KULUMA MBUZI,NOT MBUZI KULUMA GALU.If you PF guys hate criticism then stop making silly mistakes.
Kambwili… Is this our top diplomat? Isnt he supposed to be our most diplomatica person as foreign affairs minister? It is said that people without points quickly turn to insults and threats. He is beginning to sound more like Fraud Mmembe, uttering unpalatable language of the gutter. It seems Kambwili and Fraud Mmembe think PF is still in opposition.
Isn’t this the same Kambwili who was locked up for insulting RB when he was in opposition? So what wrong has HH done? In fact HH has not even insulted the president, merely criticised, but Kambwili thinks it is his duty to defend even the indefensible.
How and Where did this man come from? Been at any school, at least Unza? If PF got no bodies to wwork for them letthem advertise and get civilsed individuals. How is he gonna interact with Secretary of foreign affairs in Europe or America. They now walk away from you if not accomplished in civil manners.Wake up PF you need the world not ust Zambia.
This what we told you ,kaponyas can’t rule 5 years is too long for these fools ,they have no capacity to rule ,the best is to toss them out of power sooner than later before they drive the country to the grave.
Some of our Zambian leaders are just laughable, Can someone explain to this Kapwili what the job of the opposition is? Has HH disrespected Sata in anyway apart from pointing out the many constitution breaches thus far? It’s has if when Zambians are elected into power they loose a chromosome or two. Sata used to be a very vocal opposition leader and would sound alarms every time the government would blunder. If you can’t stand the heat, get the f*cK out of the kitchen.
His excelllent Ian Khama is insulted by papers and the opposition alike on a daily basis yet he has never answered them or warned them to stop.He has continued implementing programmes to help the poor.Learn to be humble PF.We are headed for doom and destruction fellow Zambians.I feel uncomfortable.By the way we have heard of such barkings,remember mr Chawinga(R.I.P) who once said anyone akttacking Chiluba will be sorted out?
He has already forgotten he was doing the same on RB on daily basis.
HH has the right to make observations as a concerned citizen.Don’t try stifle his critisism if they’re constructive.
# 57 Spot On!!!
Why can’t sata defend himself if these utterances from HH are nothing?????
Kambwili, plse concentrate on your job. Right now your plate is full & Malawi & Angola problems won’t be solved if you start this non-sense
Kambwili is in English is a hole
Kambwili in English is a hole
2016 PF you are finished enjoy while you can
remember to include your names when commenting on this debate otherwise people will not take you seriously
This kaponya from mpatamatu is the worst choice we have ever had for foreign minister.
Kambwili , can you tell us one word that Hichilema used to insult the Head of State? Do you think we shall always agree with what Sata says without question? Kambwili you are practising stone age politics.Just put more into our pockets!
What a WASTE of a ministerial job. It seems PF have no people for important jobs. Change b4 u mess up things.
What a joke? Can someone tell me the insult. Kambwili is incompetent no wonder he is already barking like a D.O.G.
Yep, people should be disapointed with this mouthpiece ….. PF’s cracks showing 27 days in power. Come on 2016.
A lot of us here are asking what insult was ‘hurled’ at Sata by HH… well, hard to say considering an insult can take on phallic or sexual words (which most of us expect to mean an insult), or they could simply be scoffs, slurs, or putdowns to make another person appear different from what (s)he is. Could be a great idea to examine what is being considered an insult so we can defend the accused, or defend the accuser… it is a complex scenario if you ask me.
Zambia being a democratic nation should allow criticism of leaders. No one should be stopped let alone intimidated, we need to keep check of our leaders.
Who gave space to this stupid Kambwili guy, thats what democracy means fool, im PF but i will not sit back and watch you boys making mistakes, in fact inform your boss we dont what 65 yrs as retirement age. If you are not ready for critisism then quit your jobs.
At the rate HH is going, UPND may not even able o participate in 2016 elections. UInstead of taking stock and addressing the defections of his senior officials even from the NMC, probably plan for a convention for the Party renewal, he is all over just critising a popular Government.
People may not be inerested in his rantings and he is losing more appeal, can someone advise him, please????
KAMBWILI , you foolish ***, have you forgotten the verbal attacks you unleashed on RB? This is supposed to be a democratic country and people have the right to attack, verbally ofcourse, anyone in the puiblic eye. Foolish man. You reap what you sow.
Kambwili, you have started hero warshipping Sata. This is what brings problems. Because of such hero warshipping, Sata’s head will grow big and will stop listenning to the masses and only to those that hero warship him. Please avoid that kind of low politics for the Shikapwahsas etc.
Is this kambwili fit to be foreighn affairs minister? Maybe he should be home affairs minister. he is stooping so low, practicing politics of the less intellectual polititians of hero warshipping. Foreign affairs minister requires highly intellectual person who cannot hero warship another person. You are the face of zambia out of the country and we deserve respectable person in there.
This minister gives the word ‘dull’ a whole new meaning.
Who is Chishimba Kambwili?
@ OCTOPUS PAUL BWALYA AND KAPOTU: Your minds are so shallow that you cannot even see from clear lines. You are so much against the ruling goverment because their win shocked and stunned you as you had so much religious belief in MMD rigging systems. I challenge you for an issue- based debate on all aspects of the country from economics to social values. You clearly cannot spell and cannot articulate issues. May your souls rest in peace!
hh is really cousing panic in the pf goverment.
Kambwili u r too forgetful less than a month u have forgotten the insults u hurled on RB.HH has actually not insulted anyone he is talking about policy issues i thought u guys would be more civilised but i think am wrong we r in for real dictatorship grow up Kambwili and take yourself to school not those fake papers u boast about plse. HH hammer them so that they dont mislead the nation. Mind u Kambwili 90days will soon be over and nothing to really talk about except the jobs that u have created for your cadres at ZNBC,ZESCO,BOZ and in the govt by firing people some of whom are innocent. Victimisation of the innocent is what brings down govts look at Libya,Egypt etc
Yes!!! But who is this Chishimba Kambwili kanshi??
The unwarranted attacks that have annoyed Kambwili more include the one on the ‘tribal/family tree’ appointments and the Muchinga issue. It seems those hit him where it pains most yawn yawn yawn . ..
Beloved Zambians,let us support ba Sata so that he can rebuild Zambia.Insulting each other will never help our country.Most of the commentators on this blog are based outside zambia.Why ?Greener pastures search for our privious leaders have failed to meet our needs.
We have got a lot of youths back home who need urgent help from our government.Sata has previously proved to be the only minister whose results have always been positive.He is a worker.He has so mzch empathy for Zambians in need….The little foreign currency we are earning abroad should not let us forget about our needy people back home-the street kids,the retairees,teachers,counsil workers,etc-who have been working under persistance delayed or non paid salaries..We need a “strong fist”to repair the country….
Most of them are local,they just disguise them selves due to fear of people like Kambwili who doesn’t diffrerentiate issues from insults
So what are you going to do if we criticize Mr Sata? This is a democracy. You lot look hell bent to bring back one-party state and the PF (party) and its gov mentality. Besides you are Defense Minister for Zambia not Sata of PF. Grow up and stop behaving like you are in opposition. Sata called Mwanawasa “cabbage” and how many names did he call RB? Why is he special? No one is even calling him bad names. It’s constructive criticism and you better learn to take it unless you are becoming what you called MMD – not listening.
Sorry meant Foreign Minister. He should learn wisdom otherwise twalasebana. But then I’m asking too much of this guy.
Kambwili still thinks he is in opposition. It’s sad indeed appointing cadres and lumpens like this to such important and sensitive positions, you just watch this Kambwili thug spag a crisis between Zambia and another country. Sampa Chitalu almost sparked war between Zambia and Angola for failing to adhere to protocol, the then Angolan minister of internal affairs nearly manhandled Sampa. And Kabwili’s nostrils, they are almost the same size as a gutter Gadhafi was fished out of before being nailed in the head with a 44mm. You never know, maybe had he decided to his in Kambwili’s nostrils, he would still be in hiding and safe. By the way, this was the first country Bwezani visited after ascending to office, ha!
The appointment of Kambwili as Foreign affairs minister is one huge mistake the president made.
Kambwili will never change his cadre mentality and mind you this is the man that is charged with the tabling and explaining of Zambia’s foreign policy to the world. I bet he doesn’t know how crucial his responsibilities are. It’s not too late yet to replace him.
Kambwili must learn what it means to be a leader in a democratic dispensation.
Does Kambwili approve of his actions of going to state house with a plackered in his hands protesting against RB, and singing those secondary school songs alone?
Does Kambwili think that his boss, SATA would tolerate the behaviour he used to display against RB in that fashion?
If our leaders are not sincere in their conduct and mannerisms, they will not be trusted.
Even the fight against corruption, with such incerity and selfishness, will not bare fruit.
IWE CHI LUCIFER OR SATANA what ever you call yourself, Iam not an MMD cadre OR PF cadre like you, iam an open minded person who never blindly follow useless leaders. From the way you are writing i can tell you are tribal thug who can’t even even see sense on any issue if at all you have done statistics calculate the % of the people who are supporting chikambwili reckless pronouncements on this blog. u can never match with me on any issue, be it academic wise or economics or any social issue, i can tell you are benighted ,ignoramus and academically uncultivated. JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE BEMBA U DON’T NEED TO FOLLOW BLIND AND STUPID ACTIONS.
u are the dullest person i have ever heard. honestly speaking are you normal or what? Cant you say something reasonable where by even your self can appreciate your own comments? Sorry people like you are good for nothing. Hope u will change.
Zambia in the sun! Is this the best you offer for a minister of foreign affairs, make him minister of youth. Emwe bantu a total embarrasement. If I were a Zambian diplomatic, I would quit.
@ OCTOPUS & KAPOTU: All you can come up with is saying “Lucifer”. Come on, I challenge you to talk about issues and analyse them like I do. Come on, you are defeated!
Sata will never be President said HH. Now those words are haUnting HH
Kambwili is now suffering from reality just like KaMulongoti. Sata has all our lives in his hands so when he refuses to think people will take him on and not use Kambwili. Just shut-up and observe. Its 90 days we are counting bwana. Don’t divert attention. We are on you after all you had our vote. I end here!
I always wondered how long it would take before we start getting this stuff again. We heard it from William Banda, under MMD. Now it is starting all over again. What qualifications has this fat ugly man got? Criticism is not an insult. Grow up!
UPND guys, please know that Sata is there to rule for 5 years. The man you said would not rule Zambia now he is ruling you…what a shame. I think given the inspid behaviour of HH, Sata can win even the 2016 elections. Please HH and UPND grow up and behave like men if you want to rule Zambia.
HH has been attacking the presodent and we have been rebuuting. the statement by Kambwili is retrogressive. Let us just defend the president . Others should also express their views whether we like them or not. After all, HH has just been expressing his own stupidity. Kambwili should shut up and learn DEMOCRACY.
My fear is has finally started being realised. Whats the point of warning the presidents critics. Guy scot should seat his ministers are lecture them on their conduct. Having an unprofessional Minister like this one is what has led Zambia fail make the first step to Development
Hon Kambwili, you need to realize that we have a lot of things which needs to be addreessed in the missions abroad, you wasting time responding to HH, is also absolutely waste of tax payers’ money. what leaders do not come terms with quickly is that they are paid to talk about policies under their ministries and not anything else. May be before, I say so much was this statement produced in your personnal capacity and after hours? What I know ministers you are 24/7 working be at a funcion or church. Do not waste our taxes like some MMD members did.
Who the hell is Chishimba Kambwili? This guy not only insulted RB but also insulted the people of NWP. This fat pig feigned illness when convicted to escape imprisonment. RB was President then and this pig never respected him. Tone down Kambwili otherwise you will be pork soon!!
As foreign affairs minister Kambwili shouldn’t have been made National Chairman of PF. Looks like there is conflict of interest here. Foreign Ministers are supposed to display a high level of diplomacy at all times and dealing with local issues on a daily basis doesn’t help his image to the outside world. His position needs reviewing.
Weren’t you *****s doing the same thing? Is the office of president different now? You started the rot now you will live with it.
This is really a reflection of Zambia the real Africa——How can this guy Kambwili be foreign affairs minister? Kabwili`s current intellectual capacity cannot even qualify him to be appointed as high school captain.
:d Mr. Kambwili you are noise maker in the PF or you do not understand why the opposition is there for.
Is he Chizimba Kambuli?
Remember this fellow was thrown into the cells for insulting RB?
Strictly speaking, crisiticism is health but must be very objective and balanced and must be suported by one’s history. HH is needed in the opposition to provide objective checks and balances but he is being ill supported by some people on this forum. Already he is loosing credible members of the UPND! its sad! How can HH justify his stance agaisnt the the creation of a province in Northern and remain mute on the shifting of provincial capital in Southern? . How can he justify his camapign msgs of fighting corruption including re introduction of the ABUSE OF OFFICE clause if elected president and now stand by those he earlier criticised?. With what i see on this web, HH is being un fairly supported. HH check your attacks , they may hit hard back on you and our beloved UPND.
Maybe for starters, Kambwili should be asked about his views on Angola and Malawi. I bet he will parrot the President’s stand. But look at it this way, supposing UNITA wins the next elections in Angola, what will the PF govt do? There was no need to apologise, what was needed was to strengthen the bilateral relations that already exist, so that in the event that there is a new party in govt in Angola, there is still continuity in the bilateral relations. As for Malawi, a personal battle has affected bilateral relations and interference in the internal matters of Malawian politics (the snubbing of Wa Mutarika and instead inviting the VP who is at crossroads with wa Mutarika, allowing an opposition party to instal a radio station on Zambian soil, was this approved by the cabinet?)
Monkey Kambwili welcome to politics! You Pathetic Fools are disturbed people alright. HH has the right to criticise just as Satan criticised RB and insulted HH as Under 5. Get a life, kolwe.