Monday, March 10, 2025

PF Government U-turns on abolishing of the position of Secretary to the Treasury



Vice-President Guy Scott yesterday in parliament made a dramatic U-turn on the announcement made by President Micheal Sata that he had abolished the position of Secretary to the Treasury.

Dr Scott said that the office of the Secretary to the Treasury has not been abolished and that President Sata has already appointed someone as the controlling officer.

President Sata on 3rd October announced at State house that he had abolished the position of Secretary to the Treasury.

On Monday, the Speaker of the National Assembly directed Dr Scott to address the House on the point of order raised by former Vice-President George Kunda, who questioned the abolition of the position of Secretary to the Treasury, a position that was created by Parliament under the Public Finance Act No. 15 of 2005.

Meanwhile, Parliament yesterday approved the establishment of Government ministries and departments established by President Sata. Vice-President Guy Scott, while presenting the motion in Parliament, said the move to reduce the number of government ministries and departments was meant to reduce government expenditure.

He said President Sata would have sought parliament approval before establishing the Government ministries but that parliament was not sitting at the time.

“The President had to assign people to ministries, therefore, he had to establish the ministries he wanted and later seek Parliament approval because it was not sitting at the time he made these decisions,” he said.

Former Vice-President George Kunda, who is also Muchinga member of Parliament, supported the move to reduce the number of government ministries but cautioned the PF government against making rush decisions because of the financial implications involved in ministries such as the Ministry of Finance.

[pullquote]Mr Kunda said the country should be guided by the rule of law and that the Ministry of Justice should ensure it gives proper advice. “Approval was required, it must be sought before any announcements are made because until approval, such ministries are illegal,” he said.[/pullquote]

He said it is understandable that the PF government is in a hurry to deliver on its election promise but that it is important that President Sata is given proper and timely advice.

Mr Kunda said the country should be guided by the rule of law and that the Ministry of Justice should ensure it gives proper advice. “Approval was required, it must be sought before any announcements are made because until approval, such ministries are illegal,” he said.

And in his maiden speech to Parliament, Mr Kunda appealed to President Sata as the father of the nation to unite the country across all tribes, boundaries and political affiliation.

He said the people expect a lot from him and that he should lead a government of reconciliation and not retribution. Mr Kunda said the PF is no longer in the opposition and that it is important that President Sata embraces everyone to reduce the tension being experienced in the country.

He said the election period in which bitter and unpleasant words were exchanged among the contenders is over and that it is important that the country moves forward.

“I want to congratulate President Sata for his victory as the people spoke loudly that they wanted change and they have it,” he said. Mr Kunda said the PF government should not hold vengeance and witch hunt as the MMD graciously conceded defeat and are now in the opposition.

He appealed to the PF government to continue with the development projects and programmes that were left by the MMD government.


  1. Kunda  now talking. How do u reconcile with someone who has stolen from u? Reconciliation is yhere after repentance.

  2. ba kateka ukubilima! This is embarrassing to say the least. You sometimes wonder if Sata has any proper advisors or he just prefers to shoot from the hip? God help us!

    • Man there is anything wrong with accepting a mistake, shows good leadership. Unlike MMD who never listened. This MMD bloggers bring them Down syndrome will not take you anywhere. Please remember that you are Zambian and at anytime we will always have one Government. Give guys credit for listening.

  3. This is good and welcome. The goodness with the PF Govt is that when it is corrected it is not shy to cure an error there and then. MCS is a listening President unlike MMD and its leader who never use to listen even when they are being corrected.

    That is why they lost they were too adamant. Viva MCS your intention was good, to reduce costs. Please let’s have the attorney general and solicitor general in place immediately. Let’s have them ratified to avoid such small oversights

    • Corrections are necessary when somebody makes foolish moves.  But why make such foolish moves in the first place when such embarrassment can be avoided?  Indeed, wisdom cannot be learnt, even by an old fool.

  4. Hahaha its village mentality,It seems its shoot first then ask questions later.Before all this Sata was just a president of PF where he run roughshod and bulldozed his wishes thru.However,running a country is a different ball game where a constitution has to be followed.Sata always thought that as zed president you just issue orders now he is finding its not as easy as he thought.You have to govern Mr Sata,not rule.Ruling is for dictators like uncle Bob while governing is doing things as per constitution.

  5. Atase! Ati listening government! The President should understand such constitutional issues. The chap swore to uphold what he doesn’t know! Shame!

  6. Cutting costs is ok but what the plan for the money saved,
    And will cutting down ministries cause long delays in accessing Govt services because
    Now some ministries will be overloaded

  7. #8 You know what a constitution is, The President needs to find himself a law expert to advise him because Ignorance is not an excuse to break the law, now he is popular ,he can get away
    With stuff , pretty soon that popularity will be gone 

    • hahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. A comedy of errors!It was obvious you cant abolish the post of treasury.What else has he abolished illegally?GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  9. I have noticed that most comments seem to come from the losers on LT. Look, its not that the new guys we have are a bunch of angels from heaven. Mistakes will be made but its how they are handled that matters. Have you easily forgotten how they they asked you to shove the Zamtel, Constitution and other issues up your asses? Lets correct where we can and not just condemn.

  10. Ignorant President. He’s Ten years behind in Government Operations, since he never left the Sec to Treasury when he was in Minister in MMD, he thought he could easily scrap off the position. 

    And he says he’s experienced!!? Not all experience is good experience

  11. This is a serious need for Sata not to be lost in the euphoria following PF’s victory. Sata is the head of state, he needs to make sober pronouncements and the usual comic charecter should be put aside. All dictators start popular and it is actually the people arround them that make them dictators. While Sata needs time, there is no time for silly mistakes, how will we know that all his pronouncements are worth it? besides, there are no scanners in Nakonde in the ZRA issue.

    • Kekekekekekekekeke eish you have made my day mate, its only been a couple of days and all these errors, brace yourself coz 5yrs is a freaking long time.

  12. His excellency is not execellent afterall! We want to see more consultations and not this one man show we have experienced in the immediate past. There are plenty experts and technocrats in all Govt departments who can advise his execellency on the operations of Govt. Good luck MCS.

  13. and were are the people who insulted me when i said the move was about personal gain. had they abolished that position, the PF government would have been using taxpayers money in what ever way they wanted.

  14. Kunda your statement is extremely goooooood. I can see a lot of humility and sense in this man though he belongs to a very terrible opposition party were corruption is high. I wonder how u used to work with bwezani because u are too different pipo, nothing in common and u dont share the same qualities with RB and that makes u a fooooooooooooooool

  15. The constitutional mistakes Sata is making are a big sign that the man has little respect for the law. It is good that the PF will not have it easy manipulating things for their convenience. Viva Kunda ! Next time Sata will be care or He will impeached.

  16. We said that Sata is not fit to run the country.The man only has skills to organise party cadres and has no appropriate qualities to be at the helm of the country’s affairs. He may have succeded in organising his party to election victory using a set of “political engineering tactics” ( to borrow from Chiluba’s political dictionary). At this higher level of leadership, the president needs a differernt set of skills and this is what he is lacking and may cost him his popularity.Every pronouncement he makes there are blunders and one wonders whether one of these blunders will not take us to war with one of our neighbouring countries .It is trial and error kind of leadership for which Zambians must be prepared to go thru.Certainly after 5 years we will need to change leadership again!

  17. To all those foolish people praising Sata on his U-Turn on the abolishment of Secretary to Treasury, I say Sata and PF cannot be praised for being a listening government. Gosh, they were forced to tack their tails between their legs because it was unconstitutional. Waiting for more commedy…and I dont have to wait long. Some of you were supporting the abolishment of Secretary to Treasure by issuing such nonsence that government did not indeed need that position because PS’s can do the job.What a bunch of *****s you are!! To day you are supporting your bungling president for reinstating the same position you claimed was not needed. Listening government…my foot. After being caught napping by George Kunda.WHAT A FIASCO!! SPINELESS PF SUPPORTERS,. WE ARE WATCHING YOU LIKE A HAWCK

  18. Such mistakes are common at this level though they should not be encouraged. Even Late President Mwanawasa refused to take task force on corruption to parliament for ratification.I see some of you on here are just bitter with the person at state house, that’s why you are only noticing mistakes.Am sure if he did not backtrack on abolishing ST position you were going to call him a dictator. So even as we provide checks and balances lets be objective.

  19. How many u-turns? Ministry of Gender back to state house, Secretary to the treasury back, Willie Nsanda dropped, SATA supported Savimbi when he was in MMD, today he blames MMD. We need to careful with ANGOLA guys. Sure no Proper Advisors yet.

    • Sata must be caged in statehouse. Angola issue was highly irresponsible of him. Suppose Angola demands that we should hand over the individuals who commited the crime, then what is Sata going to do?

    • This is a very sensitive matter its like opening peoples old wounds.ANGOLA has bitter memories of Savimbi they should not be remindered of their wars.Angola has intelligent people capable of analysing the composition of the MMD govt at the time.At the time SATA was one of the leaders.Why didn`t he apologies then only to U-TURN, V-TURN or is it I-TURN on the matter now?Do not extend these mistakes to neighbours they may be costly to the nation.

  20. Cobra,the express speed at which you are conducting issues is too fast to bear meaningful results,if you don’t slow down blunders will be the order of the day.Appoint a legal advicer not again from your clan.

  21. Red card #8 we are not saying mr sata must become a constitutional expert. It will do him good if only he realises that he is not almighty. Advisors are there appointed by himself to be asked! Otherwise he should fire them i hope not with immediate effect! That is cruel. I have noticed with pleasure that most of you guys have opted to discard that useless language you use on text messages. whereby when you want to write that you say dat. this is good. i dont read that rubbish! besides you were becoming dull. welcome back

  22. What can I say??? hmmmm. .. . . .Presidential advisors please start doing you work.  That is why you are there and I hope MCS is listening to his advisers and his ministers. Is it very important that the president knows whether his actions are legal or not…So please advisors wake up and offer advice. . . . .. 

  23. By the way MMD made the same mistakes. RB created Ministry of Livestock at press conference without consulting Parliament. Can you ‘intellectuals’ comment on this? there is no one immuned to making mistakes. Its how you handle your mistake, do you come out of or you get into self denial mode like the late MMD?

  24. George Kunda there is no tension in the country.The only tension going on is inside your body the constant fear of facing the courts and the classic sentencing to prison is scaring u.please spare us and starting prearing for court dates and all.

  25. #44 When RB made that mistake where was the opposition (PF) why didnt they raise the isssue.I think we now have very good opposition in Parliament.Thumbs up to George Kunda.He is proving to be a resource to parliament.This is what a democracy is all about.No hero worshiping,no BS,just stick to democratic principles and deliver.

  26. @2 BIG PIPE: there is nothing wrong with accepting a mistake, it shows good leadership. Unlike MMD who thought they owned ZAMBIANS and never listened to anyone.

    Surprising that Kunda wants reconciliation. Ofcourse with those insults that MMD showered to PF?? They are dead scared. PF hold not vengeance but to move Zambia forward.

    Bitter MMD bloggers you better change your attitudes, than always condemn. Sickening to see educated Zambians on the blog behaving like illiterates.

    WELL DONE PF for being Good listeners.

  27. A humble person listens and accepts mistakes when corrected. No one is perfect. Accepting mistakes is a sign of maturity.

  28. Embarrassing to say the least. Scott really has his work cut out for him because he will spend the next 5 years cleaning HEMCs mess.This is what happens when you let thugs rule: no professionalism whatsoever. What more can we expect from a man who treats a press conference like a comediens stage. These are national issues not Jokes. It is from his pronouncements the nation takes the lead. So far Kaponyas are up in arms wanting the jobs they were promised – grade 2 Certificates notwithstanding. The miners are getting fired for demanding a minimum wage of 2 million…what is the minimum wage by the way…it was raised with immediate effect but to what nobody knows. businesses are jittery and freedom of speech for the rest of the 10million who did not vote PF is a thing of the past. Kaya.

  29. PF is really a circus! Can this group rule Zambia for 5 years? PF faught hard to get into government and all they are doing is complaining against HH! Why is PF so intimidated with HH? Its as though HH can at any time order them to leave office.PF is just something else and very soon Zambian people will realize, its a wrong group.

  30. Even KK made constitutional mistakes but when reminded he admitted and pointed out that he thought he would just press a button and things happen. In the same way MCS has done the same and has also reversed such a decision. Making a mistake is no mistake at all but repeating it is what is a mistake. My advise to MMD vuvuzelas is that they should emulate Kunda who did not rush to condemn but advised and his advise has been taken by the listening Gvt. Just to remind MMD vuvuzelas on constittuional blunders made by MMD despite being advised to mention but a few.. removal of abuse of office clause from anti corruption commissin, increase of salaries and allowances for Cabinet minsters and MPs, Wastage of money through the abbotive NCC, misuse of public but then state controlled media etc

  31. @49, You sound bitter with unrealistic hate for the ruling Government. What really did MMD do for Zambians in 20 years? Makes me wonder how you call PF cadres’ kaponyas? These are your fellow Countrymen and not different from yourself? Fact that they don’t have source of incomes makes you not subject them to low class.

    Maybe you benefited from the MMD plundering of the Zambian economy and trust me, God will punish such wealth. Love your neighbor and don’t be a SOME OF US??

    ZAMBIANS like you need repentance. YOU ARE EVIL.

  32. Pf dimwits dont divert our attention to HH we want to see u work. So far all I see in your gvt is tribalism and no development

  33. Did i hear you properly Dr Scottish?You can only fool fools, i dare say so.Reducing Govt. expenditure is that not ridiculous you have created Mchinga Province which will require a minister ,a PS and provincial bosses to be appointed and promoted what of Choma, the infrastructures to be erected, at the end of it all your budget will overrun what you purport to save.Don’t try to fool us,VP.????????????????????????????????????????????????

  34. PF government SUCKS, HH is a threat to you and you are already feeling the heat barely a month in government. Concentrate on nation building and not trivial matters as low as character assassination on an individual. Grow up – We need the change you promised the Zambian youths WITHIN (bold and underlined!!!)90 days.

  35. Very sad to see how a person who claims to be an experienced leader in the politics of our country can be making amateur mistakes! Sata eish how many mistakes within one month of office!!

  36. It is my sincere hope that the president will U turn on the apologies he tendered to the Angolan government. What is so surprising is that Sata was part of the government that supported, if any, the UNITA bandits. This is the problem of acting without thinking. Please ba Sata mwituletela inkondo with your kaponya type of leadership. Think before making any pronouncement.

  37. tax payer@9,that clock is not runnin to 90 days its jus movin 2tik tok foward then 3backwards.the worst thing u ever did in yo life is that u took english as an option so u dont understand a lot of issues includin idioms.development within 90days is not that u have gold coming down as mana in yo pockets no,its correctin,finance bank saga,minitries reduction,disolition of unneccesary boards,fuel reduction,dismisal of corrupt employed stuff,etc,u illitarate that to yo waitin comrades.

  38. I am UPND I thank the PF to listen and handle this issue as it is that that position is very important . VIVA PF lets put Zambia first .

  39. The Pf goverment should learn to consult before making certain decisions. they will not lose anything. Good to hear that they listened to advice.

    • Moody 64: Study the pig case properly before continueing acusing Veep Guy Scot of having wanted to steal from the state. The swine epidemic was real. Guy did not get the necessary support from Titus Mpundu and he lost, period.

  40. sata has the zeel but not the skill. let us help him build the nation coz we cant afford to lose 5 years.
    advisers need to work overtime and all zambians start working hard so that we improve this country. hope he listens to advice.

  41. YOU SEE THE BIG DIFFERENCE WITH OUR PF UNLIKE THE OPPOSITION MMD…there is humility in our leadership as they listen to criticism but remember how KA KUNDA was adamant on the removal of the ABUSE OF OFFICE clause. We the people said DO NOT remove it but these opposition guys are so rigid…BAFYUMBU MUNSHOLOLWA that they never listened to anyone. Now they are demanding that Sata should be listening to them….Thank God that he is a listening President. He is the REAL PRESIDENT for the PEOPLE not that RUBBISH BIN (RB) who wants clemence or forgiveness before we even know what wrong he has done.

  42. Someone here says I should be banned. What for? Our President should learn to consult. He should realize that he is guided by the constitution. True it is human to err.

  43. Hooray GK is back to being the lawyer he is! its amazing that he did not find it unconstitutional to continue as Veep following the dissolution of parley just before elections

  44. @ Satamania: You are a poor cadre. If there are two people in the country who do not fear HH, it’s the president and his vice. For HH, I can assure you, he has no real opposition to bring to the table. As for George Kunda, now that’s the George Kunda I knew before his involvement in the RB administration. George, congratulations on the effective and well studied opposition, I disliked you but now I appreciate that you are displaying your credentials. Either way, the fact you kept two roles for a long period of time must be investigated.

  45. @ Observer: Do not be shallow minded. HH is not a threat, he is an irritating young boy who keeps bluffing! HH is only a threat in Southern Province. I think George Kunda is a more effective opposition member than HH, no opposition HH has made in the last 5 years can match to the one that Kunda made within 1 month. Argue that!

  46. Sata and PF should just admit that they are not ready to govern this country in a manner that right thinking people expects them to.Their ascendance to power was more to do with people just wanting change as opposed to them being the right people for the job and that is why PF will only last 5 years in office! After that PF will disentigrate and disappear in the wilderness.

  47. Which leader in the world does not make such constitutional errors? Even Obama has made such errors before.It is Human to err 

  48. I recall saying PF neededs to realize they are in govt now. Pls listen and do it well, do not become victisms of your success of winning elections. Consultaion is key for wiseness as you willhave read the mind of your opponent before hand. Now the qustion is who has been appointed to be ST? Is it this position supposed to be rectified by parley? Stop appointing people for institututions like ZNBC when procedures are in place for advertising before recruiting, this called single sourcing for labour. PF plse advise the president wisely we do not want him questioned once he leaves plot 1. we need diginity in that high office.

  49. @ Poor Zed People: I will not call you names or dull because most of your statements are very progressive. However, it is good to note that key positions such as governance roles (board of directors and chief execs) in government owned institutions are appointed by cabinet. It is the functional roles such as line managers that have to be advertised or selected at the discretion of the board or CEO. Thanks.

  50. This is a totally different George Kunda. It is as if he woken up from deep slumber to realise that he is a Zambian and that the unity of the country is very important. I would suggest that we should always keep George in oposition for him to contribute positively.

    Keep it up George!! And also ensure to register to The London judgement for which you were personally instrumental in achieving.

  51. Try and error type of governance won’t help my country  …. PF start reading blueprint before opening your mouths, this is not a rally in mandevu where you so comfortable ….

  52. @74  ..You are right even Obama makes mistakes, but remember we don’t expect such blunders from a 74 yrs old politician who has been in government since independence. Obama is a novice and americans have accepted that, they wanted change. Now, back to you, is this the change you wanted? 

  53. Mr Kunda said the country should be guided by the rule of law and that the Ministry of Justice should ensure it gives proper advice. “Approval was required, it must be sought before any announcements are made because until approval, such ministries are illegal,” This is George Kunda talking after he raised point in parliament yet he and other thugs runsacked our country by ignoring the same laws he is now trying propagate. The chap cannot be trusted. The man is very dishonest, he is a lier, has no morals. No wonder they were mismanaging our economy with impunity. Die MMD and stay dead!

  54. PF stop burying your heads in the sand. If this gov continues this way you’ll be facing impeachment calls soon. Just look at the numbers in Parliament. Clean up your acts quickly and stop telling us about the mistakes MMD made you are ruling now, take responsibility. We can find faults in every ruler including the colonialists but that takes no responsibility away from the present mistakes.Scot stands in parliament and lies that the position was not abolished when Sata announced the position was abolished on Oct 4. Yet Sata was just the other day saying he has not flouted the constitution, that is not listening. They have just been caught pants down. We’ll truly celebrate balance of power with the hang parliament. It’s great for Zambia. Wake up to responsibilities.


  56. @78 KAMALASHA: Spare SATA & LEVY?? There is no way you would compare the two to Big Thief BWEZANI and his boys. All Sata wants is cheaper fuel for unthankful ZAMBIANS Like you.
    Mwama ZAMBIANS TAMWAKWATA KUWAMYA “nothing will ever satisfy most of you especially MMD cadres with an evil jealousy spirit of condemning everything” You mean all our Leaders are Bad??? KK, Levy, SATA?? Tell us whom you want if you can’t be proud of your own President. Surely you don’t even appreciate your parents’ abamifyala. This is way Chiluba, RB made sure they stole from you because you are foolish.
    MUSHOTA Mwaiche, bashokeko maybe they get to their senses.

  57. @78 KAMALASHA: Spare SATA & LEVY?? There is no way you would compare the two to Big Thief BWEZANI and his boys. All Sata wants is cheaper fuel for unthankful ZAMBIANS Like you.
    Mwama ZAMBIANS TAMWAKWATA KUWAMYA “nothing will ever satisfy most of you especially MMD cadres with an evil jealousy spirit of condemning everything” You mean all our Leaders are Bad??? KK, Levy, SATA?? Tell us whom you want if you can’t be proud of your own President. Surely you don’t even appreciate your parents’ abamifyala. This is way Chiluba, RB made sure they stole from you because you are foolish.
    MUSHOTA Mwaiche, bashokeko maybe they get to their senses.

  58. Good listsenning Goverment.Now bring back the abuse of office clause which they removed despite calling for them to reninstate it.This chaps never listsened.Anyway they are provinding checks balances and we are lisenning .Thanks George K.More popcorn please as we listsen to them

  59. @78 KAMALASHA: Spare SATA & LEVY?? There is no way you would compare the two to Big Thief BWEZANI and his boys. All Sata wants is cheaper fuel for unthankful ZAMBIANS Like you.
    Mwama ZAMBIANS TAMWAKWATA KUWAMYA “nothing will ever satisfy most of you especially MMD cadres with an evil jealousy spirit of condemning everything” You mean all our Leaders are Bad??? KK, Levy, SATA?? Tell us whom you want if you can’t be proud of your own President. Surely you don’t even appreciate your parents’ abamifyala. This is way Chiluba, RB made sure they stole from you because you are foolish.
    MUSHOTA Mwaiche, bashokeko maybe they get to their senses.

  60. @78 KAMALASHA: Spare SATA & LEVY?? There is no way you would compare the two to Big Thief BWEZANI and his boys. All Sata wants is cheaper fuel for unthankful ZAMBIANS Like you.

    Mwama ZAMBIANS TAMWAKWATA KUWAMYA “nothing will ever satisfy most of you especially MMD cadres with an evil jealousy spirit of condemning everything” You mean all our Leaders are Bad??? KK, Levy, SATA?? Tell us whom you want if you can’t be proud of your own President. Surely you don’t even appreciate your parents’ abamifyala. This is way Chiluba, RB made sure they stole from you because you are foolish.

    MUSHOTA Mwaiche, bashokeko maybe they get to their senses.

  61. Oooyoo Ba LT naimwe, why duplicating same posting so many times? Have a way to remove duplicates? well it is “TRULY ZAMBIAN” Ni MOSI MWACHINWA???

  62. The only reason george kunda used to act the way he did is because of his boss. This is the george kunda we need, no the one we had after rb. The kunda we knew as laz president and during mwanawasa’s regime. if you continue acting like an educated man, we will highly appreciate you sir. we all know they will come after you but you will come out clean if you did not steal. keep it up mwaiche wandi george…viva kunda!

  63. @ OCTOPUS: That’s what happens when you make opinions based on personal vendetta- You are running your metaphorical **** out of order. The mistakes of Abolishing such a position are basic. You look at the big picture. I think the ruling government must be jusdged first on the ability to produce a budget that favours the financially oppressed as promised. Avoid being torn in the rhetoric of George Kunda, yes, he is defending the constitution. But that provision of that position has got no direct benefit to zambians, this is what got MMD out of power, focussing on defending laws and not people. Especially irrelevant laws!

  64. WE TOLD YOU GUYS that The President is acting ULTRA VIRES and what happened was that all the blind followers of the blind leader were busy defending him. If such a thing had happened under RB, there would have been calls to impeachment by The Post, and all the opposition. But is President Sata such a sacred cow that he cannot and should not be challenged when he makes a mistake? God, NO. We MUST stand up for the rule of law and that means we cannot allow the Presidnet to act contrary to the constitution. NOW, TELL US WHO IS THE SECRETARY TO THE TREASURY?

  65. People may not like George Kunda, but, he is one of the best legal minds in this country. Levy called him from Ndola to join his government because he knew what he can offer. Wynter Kabimba is an Under five compared to George. The quasi journalist cum lawyers at the Post were so envious of him that they tried to attack and discredit him left, right and centre. In Law practice, one can prosecute a case as well as defend the same case. A good lawyer should be able to win, regardless of which ever side he takes.

  66. @82 terence
    Presumably you have evidence that these people ransacked the country. Would you please hand over the evidence to the reconstituted ACC, DEC and Zambia Police?
    Otherwise, do not accuse people for nothing.

  67. @44 Nachimbusa
    Creating a new ministry by announcement is not breaking the law. There are no people involved and no one takes office until Parliament has okayed. But where you demolish a ministry ‘with immediate effect’ without Parliament approval, how do you deal with the staff and assets in that ministry? The President could have announced that this will happen after Parliament resumes, but he still cannot be sure that parliament will agree with this because he doesn’t have majority in parliament.

  68. I dont believe all of Sata’s minions are not aware of the Law, its either they are afraid of correcting him or he doest want to.

  69. Coz PF is in govnt then it should not shoot at MMD thieves like Kunda. This is so suprising, Kunda was in a rulling MMD and he 24 – 7 attacked and Insulted Sata and PF , he never thought of unity in the country. But today since he is at the receiving end he pleads for reconciliation and unity. What a useless man is Kunda…..very shocked at the behaviour of Kunda.

  70. Who gave MMD this bicycles for compaign ? There so many bicycles and not motor bikes so the target was villagers. Way to go Kunda we need and please provide checks and balances in case we forget the consistution.

  71. In order to destroy MMD and get PF to win the elections, the Post targeted and destroyed the following people in MMD namely: RB as a corrupt man and a thief, George Kunda as a unprincipled and a traitor, Dora Siliya as prostitute (that is how you destroy any woman), and the MMD government as a government of thieves. PF did not really do much to destroy RB and MMD, they just made promises which were attractive to people at individual level. It is amusing that some people actually took the Post accusations seriously and are expecting many MMD leaders to go to jail. This is not likely to happen since the accusations were mostly unsubstantiated. By the way losing an election per say does not mean the loser is or was a criminal.

  72. PF actually V-turned due to lack of space. In future if pressed too hard PF will be I – turning, going back the same very way it treaded and not boldly.

  73. Guys, the president didn’t “listen to change his mind”. Thats not advise when he was doing something against the constitution. 

  74. @48 Arnold Nyambo
    Breaking the law, from a man who has been in government for more than 2 decades is not just ‘a mistake.’ The President has legal advisors, there is the attorney general chambers, etc, if he does not bother to seek advise before he vomits from his mouth, he will have to pay for it. This is what dictators do, they ignore advice, run along in haste and repent at leisure. I hope the President who is allergic to corruption will have an anaphylactic shock from this ‘corruption’ on his part and learn a lesson.

  75. At least this government is not afraid to stick its head above the parapet and say we f%&ked up, that what defines good leadership, people here have permanent amnesia; when did the MMD ever U-turn on anything, here you are calling George Kunda an angel yet you are the same people who complain at the high cost of living in Zambia yet these crooks are living a millionaire’s life style after just three years in office.
    Just wait and see, i won’t be surprised when some bloggers here will start praising the MMD government for its accountability, transparency and good governance.

  76. This is why crooks like ka Chiluba get away with millions as the people are so gullible and short-sighted with amnesia; Isn’t it this Kunda who wasted tax payers money (your money) at fabricating a constitution to suit them plunderers. He is a stellar lawyer indeed. WAKE UP!! 


  78. am a father, if I tell you that my son is fit to be a minister, believe me. if i tell u that my son is fit to be a president believe me………………

  79. @ MWANGALA SIANGA – fantastic sense of humour! It’s a first for me. I used to think nobody can ever make me laugh on this blogsight, well I now wish to V-turn on that!!

  80. Maxwell dont be ignorant. your pf thugs voted against a good contitution so please stop saying he wasted tax payers money. nimpiya shaba wiso? we would have had youths in parliament, under that constitution u call a waste of money. you blame the wrong people. you think wynter kabimba and sebastian zulu can come up with a constitution kunda came up with. you should have requested for a draft constitution, you wouldnt have been able to expose your ignorance as you have done here. This is one man that stood against mwanawasa when he formed task force because under the law, it was illegal to do that without parliaments ratification. Now having task force was a waste of tax papers money which only benefited a few people by getting paid 20,000 dollars per month and never prosecuted a anyone.

  81. The tax payers money that was wasted on task force was way more than chiluba stole and failed to prosecute him at the end of it all. Let the lawyer speak sense.

  82. You MMD call Mr Sata sorts of names coz you’re concluders of easy things. Atleast Mr Sata and his govt is a listening group unlike RB &Vuvuzelas who never took any inch to listen to pipo’s cries. VIVA PF,viva Sata.

  83. The PF Govt is full of surprises because it is itself a surprised govt – not knowing what to do and how to go about it.
    So we shall have back and forth movements and if the frequency of such is very high on the same spot, we will cause great friction whichch will lead to smoke and eventually fire.

  84. @saint n yo clique, you headless mmd cadres shud wake up, this is a new dawn for clean zambians n not some filth stained William n Rupiah banda likes, HE Sata is trying to remove cobwebs like you pipo so dat the system can work well 4 all zambians n not 4 mangwams like kunda, rupiah n shikapwasha, i even fail to imagine there are pipo who support failures like HH n RB. Why does RB want to resign now after losing? He said he wanted two terms, if he’s man enough he shud continue leading mmd,
    is it bcoz there are no more opportunities to steal in opposition? Shame on his supporters !

  85. OK I will help the author out with specifics. I will call them Sata’s “20 Points of Light”.

    1. Appoints a bankrupt person – Panji Kaunda – to a Ministerial portfolio in clear breach of Zambian Law on the matter.

    2. Appointed 10 MPs instead of 8. Obviously we have a President that either did not know the Constitutional position on the same or does not know the difference between 10 and 8.

  86. 3. Abolishes the office of Secretary to the Treasury also in clear violation of the Law.

    4. Effectively admits that he was involved in supporting Savimbi by accusing the MMD Government of the time (of which he was a senior member) of doing the same.

    5. Demands a public apology from another head of state in clear breach of diplomatic protocol.

    6. Allows an opposition party in Malawi to open a radio station in Zambia in clear breach of SADC and AU principles on interference in another country’s internal affairs.
    e to monitor copper sales.

  87. 7. Demands payment of a US$ 260 million debt from bankrupt Zimbabwe. This is not a bad thing. But, does he really expect to receive this money from a country with no money.

    8. Stops the sale of copper for two weeks while “systems” are put in place to monitor sales and suspends it two days into the programme claiming, probably dishonestly, that systems are already in place to monitor copper sales.

  88. 9. Asks the Chinese Ambassador to open a letter from a fellow Head of State and read it to him in public. Apart from being very bad manners – this is another very serious breach of diplomatic protocol.

    10. Starts an inquiry into the sale of Finance Bank and then stops it two days later. Probably realised that a proper investigation would have correctly implicated “friends” of wrongdoing in the affairs of Finance Bank.

  89. 11. Still have no Governor of the Bank of Zambia – obviously oversight of the monetary affairs of the country is off little importance to our President.

    12. Re-names three airports and two public buildings without a Cabinet Memorandum being sent to Parliament and allowing a Gazetting period to occur.


  90. 13.Contradicts himself when he says he is creating a 10th Province to streamline costs. I mean how does creating another province with all the short and long term bureaucratic costs amount to streamlining ? At the very least, I think he should have asked for a feasibility to be done to see what the cost implications are. But, maybe that is too difficult for him.

    14. Announces the move of the capital of Southern Province from Livingstone to Choma again without any assessment of the cost and administrative implications or consultation with the people who live in the Province to see what effect it would have on their lives.

  91. 15. When meeting the Archbishop of Canterbury, effectively slights China by saying that the previous government made a mistake with it’s look East policy. Another SERIOUS breach of diplomatic protocol and common sense. I mean in this day and age, does it make sense to look to the bankrupt West instead of cash flush China…..

    16. Starts an inquiry into the sale of Zamtel and then effectively ends it by declaring it “corrupt and fraudulent”. Commission of Inquiry has not been dissolved. But, I see little point in it continuing since Sata has already delivered a verdict on the matter.

  92. 17. Guy Scott effectively admits that his President is a dictator by saying he breaks laws first and asks Parliament for permission later…

    18. Accuses RB of being involved in the fraudulent sale of gold by the DEC. Subsequent events have proven that everything was done above board and correctly.


  93. 19. Four most senior Cabinet posts – Foreign Affairs, Finance, Defense and Home Affairs – are all headed by Bemba speakers. Whilst it is the prerogative of the President who he appoints to Cabinet positions, in practice most Zambia Presidents have been very culturally sensitive in appointments to these Ministries as a means of ethnically balancing power in the country. This obviously does not matter to Sata. Just the fact that to maintain power he needs to control force of arms and money. As such, for him it makes all the sense in the world to have tribesmen in these positions.

  94. 20. My favourite one of the lot – creates a new amalgamated Ministry of Labour, Sports, Youth and Gender to ostensibly cut costs – which is a good thing. The, needing to curry favour with North Westerners, separates Gender from this portfolio and promises to appoint Sarah Sayifwanda Minister. When it comes to the actual appointment, he only makes her a Deputy Minister. Realising this blunder, Sayifwanda laudably refuses to take up the post. In a fit of rage, Sata then says the Ministry will be headed by a PS – in clear breach of the Law on the creation and operating on Government Ministries. There is the not so small matter of contradicting himself on cutting costs by creating another government ministry.

    If I missed anything out, sorry my bad

  95. Dear BMC. LOL, actually it now makes sense that a person of this type of exceptional ‘caliber’ can come up with this 90-day projection to fix the Country. But seriously, what is really worrying though is the backlash that will follow once the young voters realize that they have been used and there is nothing in return for them at the end of 90 days. Most young people with humble education and no access to internet actually believe in him just as kids believe in Santa Claus. The backlash will be like the London riots we recently had that left everybody perplexed.

  96. #113… You are a child.. This is governing a country..not Sata family. If you love the country critisize the govt when its wrong..Its easy to destroy a fragile nation like Zambia.. Our president has only done one good thing so far… Abolishing DA I give him a plus for that..
    The rest are embarassing mistake to the applaude of PF blind supporters. Zambia is in reverse Gear…Here are the mistake…1 .. waking up and single handedly renaming big and current institution alone….2.He has already engaged in WAR againest other nations because there is no diplamcy in his life.(malawi,china and South Africa).inviting a vice president of a nation without the president concern 2..Norminating in more MP than the constitution says…3.stopping the constrtaion of state house and airport..4..etc….

  97. 134 hahaha you made me laugh Santa clause…. That the term I was looking for… Exactly he hit the nail on the head.. Young pipo believe in Sata like he his father christmass

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