Republican President Michael Sata has called on the newly appointed permanent secretaries in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Public Service Division to ensure that political cadres in the two ministries are gotten rid off.
Mr. Sata said that once cadres are removed from government institutions, the people of Zambia will be attended to favorably as they are entitled to quality services by government.
He noted that government may not be able to provide jobs for every citizen but will endeavor to provide quality services to all.
The President was speaking at State house this morning when he swore-in Roland Msiska and Peter Lesa Kasanda as permanent secretaries in the ministry of foreign affairs and the public service division respectively.
And Foreign Affairs Minister Chishimba Kambwili has promised to abide by the President’s directive to remove all cadres in the Foreign Service. Speaking to journalist after the swearing-in ceremony, Mr. Kambwili said government will not give jobs on political alignment but will consider ability and qualifications.
Meanwhile, President Michael Sata has with immediate effect dissolved the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) board. In announcing the dissolution of the board, President Sata said there is no way an institution can have more respect for animals than people.
He noted that most cases in prisons are related to ZAWA, a situation he said should not be the case for the country.
dictator at work!
next we will hear ZAWA still exists from Scott
Uli Chipuba chikala you cant see that the president is delivering on his promises
Roland Msiska could have served Zambia much better in the Ministry of Health.
Not really. Do you know he was running the Namibia Institute of Public Administration???? The Namibians have lost out on him; very good Executive.
“President Sata said there is no way an institution can have more respect for animals than people.” hahahahhaha…. You have made my day your excellence. I also agree with you. it is import to note that at times ZAWA officers used to mistreat people for selfish gain esp locals in game reserve areas. What these ZAWA people fail to understand is that game animals can best be managed by involving local people. Locals should also be allowed to kill selective animals for food. what is obtaining now is,you alot of ba Zungus going to game parks to kill animals and make millions of dollars.If a zambian is found with an animal skin, he will be sent to prison for many years.Well done Mr President.
“There is no way an institution can have more respect for animals than people” so what r we saying, turning the national parks into the human settlement areas
we know some cadres in the embassies…just open your ears and ask for information unlike the previous gov’t and we will avail their names to you, some of them are indeed cobwebs
Well done, No Cadres in embassies, please make sure that No Pf cadres will replace the ones recalled and fired.
ZAWA, have killed a lot of people in pretence of eradicating Pouching. They are so corrupt just like ZRA Employees in Boarder Posts.
Just control Game meat trade, pantu ama Buffalos ne Mpombo shalapwa Pa Zade.
He has appointed another Bemba in Kasanda . Roland Msika is Tumbuka from eastern province and has joined 7 Tumbuka’s who are either Minister or Deputy Ministers already in the Cabinet. It appears like jobs will always go to Bemba’s ( Northern ) Tumbuka’s & Ngoni’s from Eastern Province. Is this because one of Sata’s daughter is married to a Tumbuka.
nangu ni change of Government kwena MWACHITA OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ZAWA: Lol, this one is funny, a good move, I think we have too many organisations doing the same thing, what we need is wildlife specific police!
We have alot of cadres in foreign missions in likes of “the Capitalist” who up to now have not realized that MMD is in opposition. Embassies in most countries are doing nothing apart from enriching themselves. Former presidents have been using embassies as dumping grounds for jobless relatives. This problem started with Mwanawasa and RB embraced it. Kick them out please.
Can we start being told the CVs of the people being appointed as Perm Secs. That statement about ZAWA respecting animals than people is regrettable coming from a head of state.
Indeed the foreign missions need cleaning up. For example if you look at the Zambia high commission website it contains about 14 pages of the recalled high commissioner’s CV and you wonder whether he was here to serve his personal interests or serve Zambia’s interests. When embassies are filled with cadres and relatives of those in power you can expect mediocrity.
Is SATA a Poacher????????????
“He noted that most cases in prisons are related to ZAWA, a situation he said should not be the case for the country.”
Yes foreign service you need to remove cadres like in Ethiopia, the First Secretary Dorcas Chileshe who is an MMD stooge
I think desolving a board of directors that has been operative for such a long time is good. People must not hold positions for so long. Also, it is disappointing when you hear what cases people go prison for. Zambians just do not know the law. Sometimes fines are better than jailing. Let us look at the rarity of the animal in question and then we can establish sentences like that. Most people going to jail do not even know that it is the corrupt local justice system that sends then there.
I don’t know much about how ZAWA used to do or not do their work, but my plea is: Why can’t the Presidnet just have a special hiring and firing day, and avoid a state of terror and uncertainty in the country, and allow people to get back to work. Why should the nation work up everyday wondering who is next? We ant to work up everyday learning about which road, clinic, school, hospital, water project, housing project, college, market or stadium has either been completed or is under construction. That’s what we voted for!
Every President has to measure their words so that policies are not misinterpreted from their words. There is everywhere in the world a human-animal conflict which some times has to be resolved in favour of animal care. What does the President mean by his words? Are we now going to de-gazete all the game parks in favour of human settlements. If the President wants to dissolve a Board, it is not necessary to manufacture ficticious cases against Directors. It is enough to say that you want to appoint your own people.
Ba president besu bena ta baishiba ati kwaliba na national trophies. This time we will not have wild animals in Zambia, if that is the way the country is going to be run. You do not just condemn everything and every system , everyone in opposition in the nation just because you want to apease some people you think they voted for you? Nooo. This should come to an end, every one now can be fired at anytime even the innocent are affected now. It is not good.
Well done! You can now see that bembe’s are not tribalistic.
Umunenu Gaddafi baipayaaa!!!!. bushe namumfwa??
THATS WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU DO THINGS IN A 90 DAYS RASH-DUSH ORGASMIC MANNER, animals must be preserved to encourage tourism, what a comment from the head of state .its like now telling poachers to just kill animals any how in the name of more money in the pocket, ABOUT TRIBALISM AND NEPOTISM OF appointing bembas in all key position, i wont say anything but let the other normal or sane zambians judge this TRIBALISM WE ARE WITNESSING.
Mr. President what are you doing about the monkeys which were unfairly chased from state house by RB? am sure they eargerly waiting to be reisntated.but if they misbehave again, kill and have them for dinner.Kaili munani!
This a good one Mr President.Professionalism should prevail in all ministries.I think even appointment criteria should be looked into.I have seen financial institution like NAPSA,ZRA being run by people who have no financial background.There are pubic administrators in these institutions.People who have studied Verternary Science in financial institution.This is a misplacement of manpower.Let people who have studied financial related courses be in financial institutions.Those who have studied Public Administration should be District Commisioners.
When he appoints they are not cadres.When the past president appointed they were cadres!There’s no specific school of thought for political appointees.when you appoint just appoint a Zambian.One way or the other they are cadres.The president is entitled to appoint people of his choice including relatives and friends the choice is his,no need for justification.In 2016 they will all be fired! We know them and we are counting.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
Ba guy, are you now saying we should all join you in poaching with your seven guns? Ignorance is bad but it is worse when it is exhibited in old age. Animals in game parks have more rights than humans because those are their designated areas. But I guess that is too difficult to digest at 75 years of age.
OCTOPUS PAUL BWALYA: You are way out of touch. You are a frustrated and disgruntled figure who will do anything unreasonable to take swipes at people. You practically criticise everything. You seem to know little but insults. Look at the issues at hand, most of the people invlved in poaching do not even get access to fair trials. Have you been to the local courts before, it’s utter chaos and comedy there. I am here to liberate average minds that know nothing about economics and justice, I came on the blog to shoot your mediocrity back to Zimbabwe!
The game parks are just too big in the name of bleeding. Game reserves are too expensive coz of long distances to find the animals. Grab some land and give them to the local pipo and a lot of these game parks are owned by whites. Why, why does that mean tulibankasha sana fye bena Zambia.
Looks like Sata does not know that there are endangered species. I do not think ZAWA was going after locals who killed chickens and dogs. In one breath you are promoting tourism in the other you do not care if the animals are killed. He needs to watch some documentaries most of the animals like elephants only the tusk is taken and the entire animal is left to rot. It is one thing if they ate the meat but they dont. Can you imagine someone just coming to take your teeth and leave you to rot.
# 18 is spot on.we getting tired of firing and dissolving of boards by the head od state.
Friday @9 mashinsha ya ba mbuye bobe
Given that the tourism industry has the potential to play a significant part in the poverty reduction of all Zambians, I find the president’s statement rather absurd. Does that mean that we can now kill animals with impunity?
OCTOPUS, Am awaiting you. Come for an issue focussed debate on all aspects of the economy. Am the king of Lusaka Times, teaching subjects like you how to reason rationally!
I like this ‘manja mthumba’ picture, while surrounded by frozen cadres.
# 29 Luciferous Calyptus
“I am here to liberate average minds that know nothing about economics and justice, I came on the blog to shoot your mediocrity back to Zimbabwe!”
Yes, exactly, and you are doing a wonderful job of work. I hope lots of people are following your logical analysis of issues and learning from you. But some people here are so daft and so one track minded that they only see in black and white. Keep it up, you have the temperament of a natural born teacher.
I applied for a new passport almost a year ago from the embassy in SA. Only to be told today that I may have to reapply. Appaling!
Ok, for the first time I do not follow what the president is saying. Is he saying animals should just be killed and the culprits go free?? Yes, we should respect animals deeply. It is important and it is the right thing to do if our wild life is going to survive. Those in prison broke the law!! Animals need to be respected to survive. Mr President reconsider your statement.
From what am getting, it seems the ZAWA guys were very strict on poachers, yet doing more poaching themselves. And animal skins/hides are quite expensive. Here in SA the one for lions goes for up to R250,000 each (Approx. ZMK163million). So, you can imagine if each official is guaranteed of ten each per month – They don’t even need your sitting allowance as board member!
@ Wantanshi, am also following your ‘on the spot’ analysis. We need to liberate individuals!
Has Gaddafi gone the Binladen way??
Work in PROGRESS!!
if you want to know how a hippo lives in water ask the the crockdile,chiluba told as that sata can not lead a country because he needs somebody to supervise him.now we know what he meant.
Sata says——–“there is no way an institution can have more respect for animals than people”.This is a very weird statement from the president. A president should not speak things that don`t make sense. Government should buy Sata a teleprompter , otherwise he will keep embarrassing himself to the world with statements that dont make sense.
One thing I am sure of is that while the past presidents never had a vision, HE MCS seem to have a vision which include among other things , total eradication of corrupt cartels and syndicates in the name of boards, service delivery to the common man etc. We are blessed with a president with the heart to serve and not to use every oportunity to enrich himself, children and close friends. Viva MCS
Sata was nearly arrested by ZAWA when he slautered an animal as a poacher, thats how he is still bitter with this organisation and he thinks they respect animals more than poachers including himself.
what ever
What a Satanic statement to make?! These PSs have to remove themselves in the first place because they themselves are political cadres. Or did he mean, in his DONKI KUBEBA way, to remove MMD cadres and replace them with PF cadres or Bembas? NO SURPRISE, F@@L.
This guy is a big joke : “there is no way an institution can have more respect for animals than people.”
I would suggest that as part of the 90 day plan, the people in shanties (Misisi, John Laing, Kuomboka, Kanyama etc) who will be relocated when these compounds are razed to the ground soon to make way for better housing should be given land in national parks so that they can employ themselves there. They can also have fun with the animals!
Go,go Sata Zambia was rotten from an office asistant to the president himself. Fire the criminals so that even these that are being appointed should not behave the way those being fired did. Actually the opposition must be happy because Sata is bringing sanity and professionalism to the civil service. It is in that enviroment democracy opperates well. Let every bad elements go.
Good evening
#46 Nachimbusa I endorse your comment. Some political pundits are still downplaying his leadership qualities but I think president Sata has a good plan for the country.
Most of his decisions and actions so far are driven by a genuine desire to grant economic and social privileges to Zambians. Hence the necessity to address the number of issues that the previous government did not adequately address. Tourism/wildlife is just one of them.
“It is not sufficient that the state of affairs which we seek to promote should be better than the state of affairs which preceded it; it must be sufficiently better to make up for the evils of the transition ”
John Maynard Keynes
“…. there is no way an institution can have more respect for animals than people.”
Whilst we support the new govt’s national development agendas in various sectors of the economy, I am not sure what this statement means for Tourism and our natural resources. It can give poachers the impression that they should be respected and ZAWA rangers should look the other way whilst they do there business of depleting our valuable resources.
We are very quickly being lead to dictatorship. Sata and his cohorts sound very much like Kaunda and UNIP. We shall see…
I think following the speech for last week on tourism,i heard him saying human being are tourists attraction too lol.even some spieces dissapear tourists will go in deep villages to see humans beings.but for cleaning embassies bravo.
keep cleaning Mr Sata.
That is the best move! More especially the chaps here in Angola, they are just here to fight for allowances to construct houses back in Zambia. And not to sale Zambia and to save Zambians. Bravo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pf!
What? Sorry for cadres..We have quiet a big number of them everywhere.We know them by name .Do you need a list.?
Ronald Msiska is good choice hope the Nchitos did not have an influence on his appointment because he’s very close to them as they are close to Mmeembe therefore Sata,hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahhahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dnt agree with you mr president as a cönservationist animals deserve th protection we need our generation to come to come nd see th animals if yov view zawa protectd animals thn humans thts there job there ar caled for to me there hv done there job if xou want to promot poching hw nt sid with you as a pf svporter nd someone who gave you a vote qhadp p
we are waiting for the removing/disolusion of all management boards in former ministry of science colleges what is happening at ZIPSIP college in Kitwe is what is happening in all colleges run by this cadres, they have employed ill qualified personel to run finance departments other institution have been denied to form a union like at luanshya technical and business college LTBC, our new minister should here our cry. these colleges especialy techinaical and vocational teachers college TVTC. NORTEC, EVELYN HONE COLLEGE, ZIPSIP, LTBC, KABWE TRADES, and many others should be returned to the government to run,
concerned lecturer
The President is so far on the right track. He is setting good grounds for good governance to flourish in the country unlike the selective and rethoric of corruption fight we witnessed under Mwanawasa(M.H.S.R.P). Sata means business and he deserves the support of all well meaning patoriotic Zambians (not of course the like of OCTOPUS Paul Bwalya @ 23). The abolishment of ZAWA Board and the call to respect people more than animals in ZAWA’s animal Conservation practices is a step in the right direction. The issue here is ZAWA needs to partner more with the people as it attempts to conserve wild animals.
OCTOPUS am waiting for your next comment. Apparently you run away and go off blog once am on. You know that your knowledge is limited and that your thoughts are outdated (Pre-1964). Come on, these people on LT are waiting for our issue focussed debate on politics and the economy, where are you? I smell a small female dog in you!
Who will protect the animals? As much as it is true that people are more important than animals it is equally important that animals are not abused and exterminated. We need the animals for proper utilization. Human beings were given responsibility by God to look after His creation, including animals. What Government needs to do is create an environment in which local people are part of game management. Local people should be sensitized on how planned cropping of animals could result into wealth for communities. The Government should create policies that would protect animals from careless and needless slaughter.
Remove political cadres and replace them with PF cadres, lol…………
@ Mambo: My friend, you are a talented blogger. Unlike people who are caring about what the president said about animals, you are talking about a real issue. ZAWA is not abolished, only the board is dissolved. I think we need to learn not to protect executives. Anyhow, I think tertiary education needs more focus in the budget, I actually think this whole idea of making an annual budget is rubbish, we need cyclical budgets on a quarterly basis. We must ensure that we revamp existent schools with new infrastructure and polished equipment including video conference learning so that lecturers need not focus on speaking all the time but also, listening to how things are done say in the UK or so. Also, we need to computerise exams for grade 7, 9 and 12 to avoid three months of awaiting results.
What about Mrs Chomba the wife to EuroAfrica Bus Service propietor who openly campaigned and supported PF… will she be fired as PS local government too?
Or is it a Bemba thing, again?
When Sata promised to create jobs within 90 days of taking office, I foolishly believed that he was going to create new jobs and not fire other people to accommodate PF cadres. Now he is instructing newly appointed PS’s to fire all other polical cadres but PF cadres. I cant honestly see him firing some die hard PF cadre.Zambia will go up in flames if this man is not stopped now.
Ba Sata we know you mean well regarding the “people”, but just like a human race, wildlife also needs to be protected. I hope you plan on incorporating ZAWA into another body/ministry/organization that will protect our wildlife.
so pardon the pipo who have been jailed in the name of poaching and jail the pipo who are corrupt!!
Do you want him to appoint HH and his group who pulled out? We will contiue to work with what we got!
The Minstry of healthy today terminated new employee’s jobs, barely after working for a week. Immagine someone from college waieted for six for opotunity and only to be told that they made a mistake. At the same time there are two people who have done agriculture but are in hospital serving people I do not understand because some of these people you are firing thinking they cadres, they don’t even know what to say about politics. They are innocent. They are crying because they voted in for this PF govt because they wanted jobs but all of a sudden they lost their jobs. Did they waste their vote? Please Mr. President ba Sata and you ba PS mwafyengapo bamo abantu re-instate them. They are not politician, they are not even cadres.
I sometimes feel bad that after spending 5 years in ART department and VCT with all that experience i could not find a Counseling job with the Ministry of health i have spent a lot of time researching and reading different books to be able to be a good Counselor but all to a waste My country never wanted my services even though up to now some clients praise me and want me to go back and work i can’t because i can not eat voluntary work. Is it possible for our country to start recognizing potential in people and start supporting those people to a point where the all Nation can benefit Look at the case of the Sondashi formula. No will to this effect at all we probably are busy laughing at the man without critical analysis. My poor Mother Zambia. This is who we are and will ever be. Sorry.