Friday, March 7, 2025

Kalulushi residents run riot


Kalulushi residents have looted and destroyed property worth millions of Kwacha belonging to an expatriate man. The residents have been angered by allegations that the man has been using his dogs to have carnal knowledge with young girls.

According to the Zambian law, the act of human beings and animals having carnal knowledge is a crime called bestiality. Police sealed off the house belonging to the expatriate on Chilengwalesa road, and fired tear gas to disperse the irate crowds.

Kalulushi police had to call for reinforcements from Kitwe to help restore calm in the district. Kitwe Police Commanding Officer Nelson Phiri who was at the scene, refused to comment on the matter.

A ZNBC News crew interviewed a grade nine pupil who alleged that she was drugged before being forced into the act. She claimed that she was promised two million Kwacha by the expatriate if she did not report the matter to police.



    • No no…deportation is letting him have it easy. He should first be charged and hopefully convicted, serve his jail term in Zambia and only there after be deported!!

  1. No.2. I’m annoyed with you. Unless u say u havent finished your sentence. The man should serve full term Jail Sentence here in Zambia. Mukobeko or Chimbokaila. No excuse. why deport him. He will have his freedom. meanwhile waht he has done to the young girls of Copperbelt cannot be reversed. Kalulushi resident burn this guy alive.

  2. Country morals drop as poverty levels rises. The first question is what was this kind (grade 9 – may be 14 years old) doing with an old man? Most likely she wanted money and she must have been under the impression of a normal relationship, just that things turned the other way round. This matter must go to court, then have this man caged to send the corrent signal to would be offenders. The state must take up this case to remove the chance of settling the matter outside courts of law.

  3. # 8 spot on. No deportation, He should be tried if found guilty he should be setenced. I would even imagine any zambian Lawyer who would stand in for this evil minded person??? Let him defend hiself face prosecution.

  4. Deportation would be too easy. The punk must first face the Zambian justice system, serve time at Mukobeko with some of the hardest sodomites there. Then, we might deport him if he survives. We need to send a clear message that such behavior will NEVER be tolerated in Zambia, especially under this new government.

  5. Where is this “Expert” from? In which field is he an expert? ba Dr Malama, please arrest this *****, search his house and if found guilty indeed, there’s no need to deport him. He should first be imprisoned, apply jshambok every morning (strokes of the cane) and then after his jail term, send him back to his country of origin, end of story…

  6. The man must be jailed hence forth. What a terrible evil practice this useless man has brought to Zambia.

  7. Guys why arrest the man. Ok what he did was wrong but we need to get to the root cause.

    He did not force them they chose to sleep with dogs to get money. This is not new to Kitwe/CB people. Remember in 2000/2002 when there were no jobs on CB 50% +1 of the girls where tombad (slept) with dogs. The lebanese by that time where the guys who were doing it. U guys who blond babes, hehehehe! they have been chitad by dofgs

    • Did you not read teh article which says she was drugged? You seem to think this whole incident is amusing. How sad for you

  8. I wish it was the time i was still at Mukobeko Maximum, such lunatics were my good customers. Lucky you ***** i resigned from the service!

  9. tata lesa uyu shatani ee!!!! bushe ninshi mushamoceele pamo nembwa shakwe??? this is not the person to think of deporting!! roast the fool so that his cohorts can learn something from that. i believe he is not alone track down the others as well. Ata seee!!!!!!!

  10. Are there guns in Zambia? If there was even one this ***** deserved a bullet to his head. Why did the blammin Police protect the *****?

    What happened to instant justice? How I miss the Zambia of years ago!

  11. All in the name of being nice to the investor or they will run away with their money. Where is Capitalist and his MMD Bootfimofimo?

  12. I am sure he would make a very nice wife for ba Mwine mu Prison. Let him go there for even a month. He will cry what brought him to Zambia!

  13. I can’t believe such evil acts are taking place in our beloved country. I am principally against mob justice but for once, I really wish the police had not intervened to rescue this so called expatriate. In the Old Testament both man and beast would be stoned to death in order to purge out abomination in the community. LT please keep us updated on this case, we should’nt let such people to get away with their wicked acts against poor, vulnerable girls in Zambia.

  14. if you see the man u’ll wonder how this little girls could be lured to such activites.the man is very huge,his weight can exceed 150kg if not close to 200kg.i have seen the chimuzugu b4.

  15. #20 this is a serious issue.Don’t come here and talk nonsense.Don’t waste people’s time with your st.u.pi.d comments.

  16. u guys! what deportation? what mukobeko prison? the man was making LITTLE girls sleep with DOGS, and u want to just deport him or give him hard time? no way, just hang him, castrate him at the very minimum, period. we do not sleep with animals, … and we will never do, even be!

  17. Good to hear how Zedian people have become united to fight such evil acts.had it not been for these people, the case could have been swept under carpet by the police after receiving nchekelako. I believe this man has been doing this for a long time. the question is where was the police. do our police force/service have an investigation wing or they are just busy with politics related cases. If a common man can suspect this *****,how come the police never new abt this, and when sata fires people we complain. I believe this started as roumers in Kalulushi until people had to take it upon themselves. shame!! 

  18. As much as what this man did was utterly wrong and yes we all would want to see mob justice and procecution for this man, I think its time we reflected seriously on the moral standards of our society, we the people have allowed these acts to be perpertuated because we keep quiet and parents why won’t they ask their daughters where they get the money from when they see changes in their lifestyes. What manner of moral decay this truly is, eish I can’t really imagine it.

  19. It is a lesson to our ladies. They hide these crimes when it favours them, but when they are on the disadvantange, they cry foul. How many of such crimes are happening because of poverty? That’s why there is need for agent youth empowerment programmes for wealth creation. As society, let us also help change mind set of getting ease money. Out of your hard labour comes the sweet.

  20. Shame on our society is it true that this bum was arrested and later released on grounds of insufficient evidence. there you are Z.P (Zabwino Palibe) you have been found wanting get this bastard so that we can feed his fat ass to the starving lions in our ZOO

  21. I can’t believe that it happened, I want to see video of dogs in action by MUVI TV first. At some point Zambian believed that “amalomba” existed…

  22. Devil, also these Zambian Girls they love money so much, sure if they were paid? They would have not said anything? Le this man be jailed in Zambia, or use the same dogs on him

  23. The crime is committed in the Zambian soil, why should he go to the land where we all know he ll be set free. Let him face the law where he committed the offence

  24. Let him be locked up in Zambia so that he can experience the hash prison conditions there. If you send him back to the developed world he is going to have it easy. Here they go as far as asking the prisoners what drink they want and also have access to televisions in their cells. Let him be deported after he has served his term in Zambia. 

  25. He needs to be made an example of to deter these useless infestors,let him go to jail, the boys there will prey on him, but then again you never know these white s o b might just enjoy it

  26. People like that are usually on the run, if the Zambian Police did a thorough research they’ll probably find that he is wanted for indecent acts in his own country.

    • what have you got against the girl? She is the victim here! Is she not the one who reported the case to the police? Learn to love your country men. Dont just hate and condem.

  27. A big shame to our young sisters for the love of money.God made man man made money money made man mad.Am made to believe now that umuntu mwaume noti umwanakashi.ladies you do shit things why?

  28. It’s the fault of the girls. The man is innocent. He didn’t force them. He asked them if they could do it and they agreed. It is high time people started taking responsibility for their actions. A grade-9 pupil is not so stupid as to be forced into having sex that she doesn’t like. Zambian women like wealth too much, one day they will sleep with satan. As far as I’m concerned the guy should be released immediately and instead the girls should be caged.

  29. His Excellency MCS wishes to express complete disappointment with the rioters. Its a free a country and people can do whatever they want to do! Homosexuality is fine too!

  30. yaba its too late!! Before the state had brought in police reinforcement from Kitwe, we could much earlier reinforced with people from Mansa to give this ***** suitable instant justice. He’s lucky he escaped.

  31. Why waste money on deportation? lets open a fast track court for him and send him to mukobeko prison is worse than Gaddafi ,Saddam,hittler,FTJ the list goes on.

  32. even those tuma G9 girls r 2blame. Useles instead of studyn they start exprmentn.. Exams r ryt at da corner, we wil c.

  33. I was once told a story like this happening in Lusaka and girls were given mobile telephones and 100$, I thought it was fiction and could not say anything because the girl who narrated the story said her Uncle who was a police officer took her to this place where girls were sleeping with dogs and they screamed in pain, we suspected that the girl must have taken part or else she should have reported to the police. This is not the first time, these things happen but because our Police are so corrupt they just collect money and keep quiet, am sure this man has been doing this for some time – shame on Zambia. Lock this animal for life with hard labour.

  34. Deport the bastard.He is targetting vulnerable kids why is gvt still keeping him.If it was in China he would have been killed

    • Wow… And am sure that is a productive comment by a productive person in society. *****! Coming here with your depleted mental tribalistic talk when there’s a serious issue at hand. Your name says it all – Satan… Yo mother would be proud unless you were produced by one of those dogs who copulated with her…

    • Gonzo you are the product of a woman copulating with a do l was just merely asking is it wrong to ask becoz last time it was a tonga/lozi having a go with a goat just question?

  35. more money in our pockets….. I’m confused .. we will be seeing more of these. We are going to be a secular nation very soon as the president promised the west. Guy marrages or elationships will be legalized….Later on they will push for beastility its right ofchoice.. don’t kubeba shhhhhhhh

  36. Iwe chi Rasta are you gay and do you practice beastiality with your tribe mates debate maturely shit head stop defecating on the public domain imbwa iwe

  37. Its was a question of time coming out to the public, I first learnt about Austrialians filming such around 2004 to 2007 and well respected student from ZAMIN and ZIBIC were involved….. personally i saw one video at that time….. exposure to the west does not only bring what we think is democracy but with its un Zambian norms….Welcome to reality fellow Zambians, sad but true and its part of modern society…… Watch and Pray

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