Monday, March 10, 2025

Cool down, stop being excited, get to work and stop harassing MMD members-Musokotwane


Finance and National Planning Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane
Former Finance and National Planning Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane

Former Minister of Finance and National Planning Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane and MMD Liuwa Member of Parliament has advised the Patriotic Front Government to cool down and get to work as it was elected to carrying on where MMD left. Dr Musokotwane was speaking yesterday in Parliament when he contributed to the debate on the president’s speech.

Dr Musokotwane further said that the MMD will support the PF government because its successes will benefit all Zambians. Dr Musokotwane said the PF should take up the development projects the MMD has left and ensure the country maintains its status of being one of the fastest growing economies in Africa.

Mafinga MMD member of Parliament (MP) Catherine Namugala urged the Patriotic Front (PF) government not apologise to anyone for creating a 10th province to be called Muchinga.

Ms Namugala said when she contributed to the President’s speech in Parliament yesterday that Northern Province is a big province, and President Sata’s decision to divide it into two is right.

“The PF government has my full support in creating a 10th province because Northern Province is too big to remain one province. My appeal to Government is not to apologise to anyone for making such an important decision,” she said.

Ms Namugala said there are 13 districts in Northern Province, but the region receives budgetary allocations similar to provinces with less than seven districts.
She said dividing the province will accelerate development in the area.

Ms Namugala also urged Government to maintain law and order because it is a prerequisite for tourism attraction. She said Government should concentrate on maintaining the peace the country has enjoyed over the years.

And Mwembeshi MP Austin Milambo (UPND) said the Constituency Development Fund allocation should be increased to K5 billion from K720 million so that parliamentarians can implement development projects in their areas.
Mwandi MP Michael Kaingu (MMD) said PF leaders should heed President Sata’s advice to concentrate on work and not finger-point to develop the country.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Carrying on from MMD left? Corruption? No way! One would be dim doing that.

    Mind you investigating MMD corrupt practices is a way forward. The people who need to cool down are MMD actually.

    So far so good! Heard the Zamtel report will soon be in.

    Squeaky bum time Dora!

  2. I agree with the former minister, pf get down to work, we were not doing so bad, afterall we just qualified to a lower middle income, so mmd was on the right track buf for a few blunders and thats why they are out, so get down to work. All projects left by mmd were meant to benefit zambians, finish them and start yours quickly.

  3. Italian Bunga Bunga , my brother do no waste you time on this tribalist unmannered ngombe calling himself BWANA, he is tired from being shagged by his dad, shagging his own mama and sisters…his father has been banging his sorry back side from the day he was born thus the insults and confusion

  4. its time to clean up the mess you left, so mr musokotwane cool down your self, before the law visits you soon.

  5. We need a new energetic MMD!
    We will fight this dictatorship by all cost…Only clean people wanted
    New MMD President – Felix Mutati
    New Vice President – Richard Kachingwe
    New National Chariman – Kabinga Pande
    New National Secretary – Nevers Mumba

  6. Thank you very much Katona. He is a waste of time you are right. But then again like you said he is a mod. Just seen that. Peace!

  7. Namugala’s comments are progressive. Unfortunately, she is in wrong camp. There’s still time for her to change; just like she changed when she ditched her Germany born muzungu husband whom she earlier “wrestled” from her elder sister…

  8. Clearly some of you bloggers can not READ, or choose to be obtuse. He clearly said that they should continue with the development programmes and other measure which have enabled Zambia to be attractive for investment. Thats good advise. As for his other remarks regarding stopping the witchhunts out of over-excitement that is good advise too. You don’t harass people for campaign materials unless there is material evidence that they stole and the state first accuses them of such. At the moment the police are just aimlessly going after MMD leaders for ‘corruption’ even though none of them have been accused of it by the Attorney General, that in English is called harassment. If there was an accusation of corruption from the state, it would be investigation.

  9. As for Ms. Namugala on the creation of the 10th Province, if it makes administrative sense then it is good that she pointed out the benefits of its creation. I for one think more consultation should have gone into this decision for the sake of inclusiveness. In any case its clear to see that the Opposition is not opposing for its own sake but bringing out proper criticism where it is needed and giving praise where it is due, this is good.

    • And what would that be? Hasty decisions, constitutional breaches, U-turns, ridicule of experts, suppression of free speech (i.e. “shut up if you don’t agree with PF”), or demonizing of political opponents?

      The list goes on….

      Maybe you meant to say the Zambian people should shut up so PF can get on with more blunders?

  10. “We never knowingly abused state funds”. The stupidest statement RB uttered after losing to us Zambians. We beat him & his minions terribly.

  11. he is just afraid, slow down? they will not slow down till all thieves are behind bars,,,,then zambia can run smoothly without cobwebs!!!!  just wait for your time the law is coming

  12. #6 Italian Bunga Bunga (Original) 

    I have seen the video on YouTube, thanks. What a savage and brutal party Zambians allowed to govern them for 20 years! I am confident now PF will ensure this rotten den of criminals never has a chance to wield power over Zambia again. Like UNIP they will be buried to be remembered only in nightmares. 

  13. Last two comments prove my point- The PF has been reckless with the police since coming into power and it has breached the constitution several times and made mistakes like quickly firing the BOZ Governor without following due process. If they were cool, calm and thought through each decision these mistakes would not be made. Part of supporting a party is making sure the decisions it makes are good, not just overlooking them to justify your support of it.

    You should be agreeing with Dr. Musokotwane considering that what he has said is actually right, in the same manner as Ms. Namugala. Some of PF’s decisions have been good, but the bad shouldn’t be ignored. Also I’m unsure why you guys hate Dr. Musokotwane considering he helped grow the economy and left it in a good position.

  14. The stats are clear he was a good finance minister. The economy continued to grow under his tenure, reserves grew too, FDI grew the most it has ever grown in Zambian history. The trends were all good. My theory is that people who hate him are PF supporters who want to politically dislike him regardless of how he helped Zambia. The same way Fundanga has been jeered at recently, despite the fact that without people like them its probable Zambia would have remained where it was ten years ago. Investment takes a while to be felt by every one just be happy it was coming and PF has a solid economic foundation to stand on. Namugala, Musokotwane etc….listen to their advice.

  15. This is Musokotwane of the bicycles, wonder what happened to his deputy (then), the lady that was found with 300 cellphones and cried in shame and dismally lost the contest for the seat in parliament!! Did we ever get to know what those phones were for? These MMD guys were up to no good!!

  16. @6  Italian Bunga Bunga,

    Those are very sad memories of this corrupt MMD. I didnt see that one.Thank God MMD is in opposition. But what I pray is that this MMD can go under for good. and I know it is coming soon. This party should cease to exist.

  17. I wonder if PF used state funds to hire its helicopters. Probably not because they were in opposition, so how could they afford it and all those campaign materials they had? Well they had sponsors right? Indeed they did. So MMD didn’t have sponsors? Well considering the positive impact they had on the economy over the last couple years its more than probable that a lot of businessmen were happy to sponsor them.

    What PF want here is the secret to MMD’s fundraising so they can take advantage of it too. In this day and age no one is stupid enough to use state funds when there are willing sponsors who can give the funds needed. If funds were stolen, the Attorney general would have already been involved. Try and be analytical, don’t just talk without thinking.

    • Many people are simply concerned about the MMD funding because there has been too much abuse of government resources during their reign. It is simple to speculate about their source of funding because of the government deals they involved themselves into, like the quick sale of Finance Bank, the Zamtel saga and the NAPSA issue and the latest Gold scam at DEC, these are some of the issues that make people are concerned about. In the history of MMD there has never been such kind of money involved during the elections. These are just a few ice tips and hence every jim and jack wants to know exactly what transpired. For the PF, we know that GMB has been the biggest sponsor but definitely there are also others yet to be known!

    • @Jackal,

      FBZ was not a quick transaction, that bank was teetering for a very long time due to excessive mismanagement. Mahtanni had been inside borrowing for a long time and this is why he was brought to task, in addition he was using many proxy shareholders to falsely own more of the bank than lawfully required. The BOZ was right to take it out of his hands. People complain about the Bank being sold for little, are you aware that Rover the car manufacturer was sold for £1! Sometimes the size of a business is meaningless if it is in a very dire situation. As for Zamtel it was one of Zambia’s few profitable privatisations, yes people like Dora made it questionable. But none of this means that the MMD used state funds for its campaigns. Zambia has many rich businessmen.

    • My view is this, if there are allegations of corruption the correct channels should be used to investigate. This means accusation has to first be made by the attorney general and followed up by the police so that the matter can be taken up in court. At the moment the police are just randomly showing up to people’s properties and confiscating materials, that is unlawful and unjust. Its harassment because they are trying to make a case without following due process. How can investigations be made where no one has been accused by the Attorney General?

      This is corruption in and of itself and shows why Parties easily become corrupt, people allow it by enabling them to abuse state power.

  18. Until the PF government document and present material evidence against MMD for corrupt practices, I will continue to argue that all of the bloggers that have condemned MMD as corrupt are “simple minds” that have been sucked in by the post newspaper’s propaganda! And as far as things stand today, Mr Musokotwane is right in suggesting that the government is currently focussed on witch hunting the MMD. After all the presumption in the law of the land is very clear..”innocent until proven guilty” 

  19. I don’t pity MMD, not even 0.000001%, imagine how they abused me & ZNBC to air negative things about MCS & whoever questioned their decisions.

  20. Well said Hon Musokotwane. This new government is too excited, let them do the work and make sure our economy is not taken back 10 steps. The position of BOZ governor being fired with no suitable replacement is frightening

  21. ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION. We’re a family and what ever concerns all must be brought at the table. MMD have realised that they took a wrong root, thankx to Namugala but former FM who never contributed in debts has tuned up the frequency. This sims to me good democracy where every one feels free to talk. No intimidations but free expression of mind. Let us develop our country collectively.

  22. HH never ceases to amaze me. He is very bitter and envious man who wants pf to implement his school of thought on any issue forgetting that the people of zambia rejected him and opted for pf coz of its sound, mature and people tailored policies.

  23. Yes Mr Musokotwane Now tell us how you got those bicycles that are for private use. are  they all for your kids? Even Zuma who has five times your number of wives  doesn’t have thousands of bikes

  24. for the sake of the 1.4m zambians who did NOT vote for PF (not to mention the 2.5m who didnt want change enough to actually come out and vote for PF!) the govt and its very simple supporters need to heed this advice. Lets move the debate levels a couple of notches up instead of leading the country on a massive ‘witchhunt’ orgy based on rumours and innuendo to distract them from the 90 day promise. Surely, bikes and other election materials (which were also sponsored/donated to PF I must add by their sponsors or wellwishers albeit in smaller quantities), should not be the focus of the presidents attention and government resources…the benefit of incumbancy means that the PF will probably enjoy the same support from the business world globally come 2016 for all you simpletons. tekanyeni!



  27. #15 Occupy Zambian Tahir Square – you Bembas and your dullness and selfishness sometimes shocks me. Can’t you see anybody outside your Bemba tribe? Do you honestly expect other tribes to continue supporting you with such levels of selfish tribalism? You Bembas should be going to school to civilise yourself instead of concentrating on hunting for monkey meat. That monkey meat is really messing up your intelligence!!! There is no way the MMD is going for another Bemba president; oher tribesa are already hankering to split the pary if that happens, in case you don’t know. Atase…

  28. How many days left in the 90 days theory??mind you people are waiting to have more money in there pockets.Not these on going harassments.

  29. The new province of Muchinga is because Sata differed with the Chiti mukulu. He also wants Mpika, were he comes from to be the provincial capital and his chief tp be a paramount chief. A lot of resources will be used in Mpika and will come out as a better provincial capital than most of them. This is how he wants to give back to his home town. Of the two new provincial capitals Mpika will have development than Choma.

  30. Thanks number 15. Include former finance minister and Dora … Ha ha ha …. One Zambia One Nation. New UNIP is ruling

  31. ” Former Minister of Finance and National Planning Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane and MMD Liuwa Member of Parliament has advised the Patriotic Front Government to cool down and get to work as it was elected to carrying on where MMD left. ”

    The minister needs start ‘helping police with their inquiries’, instead of giving failed advice to anyone. The MMD have LOST the elections, and they are in no position to tell anyone what to do or what to feel – I don’t think that has sunk in yet.

    It will sink in when they start going to jail though. :)

  32. ” Mwandi MP Michael Kaingu (MMD) said PF leaders should heed President Sata’s advice to concentrate on work and not finger-point to develop the country. ”

    It is not called ‘fingerpointing’, it is called filing criminal charges. It is called ‘building a criminal case’. :)

    You’ve committed many crimes, and you will be convicted for at least some of them.

    Bicycles… hmmm… Dr Musokotwane, what say you?

    Kaingu’s visit to Katete raises concerns
    By George Chellah and Chibaula Silwamba
    Wed 31 Mar. 2010, 04:01 CAT

    ” When pressed over concern that his distribution of bicycles and money might affect the voting pattern, Kaingu responded: “Aah! We haven’t even done nominations. How does that affect the voting pattern? It can’t affect. How? ”

  33. On former minister Kaingu’s abuse of funds at the ministry (you can put the title in google and get the full article):

    Minister, PS differ over use of funds
    By George Chellah and Chibaula Silwamba
    Thu 11 Nov. 2010, 04:01 CAT

    ” … Thole refused to back down on Kaingu’s demands for cash shortly before he left for his constituency.

    ” “Kaingu thinks he can run that ministry like his personal business. That’s why currently there are serious differences with Ms Thole because she has put her foot down. Ms Thole wants to follow the laid down government procedures and guidelines when it comes to the usage and release of funds from the ministry. “

  34. All what people want is accountability all the loop holes need to be sealed ,, Musokwatwane you did so much of bad work, that the cleaning will take some time if you stole you should worry because the law will visit you

  35. Zambians of PF membership and their supporters seem to suffer from intelectual deficiency syndrome. What is there that PF govt. has actually done so far other than dismisals of all types that Sata and hisinner circle feel should be sacked without any rationale. They are in govt, granted but you hardly feel thereis a govt except one man acting like a farm owner. Errors and breaches of law have beenthe order of the day and this has been acknoeledged by reversal of actions ealier taken. Some PF say its because Sata listens to advice- my Gosh. A Swiss national is demanding an apology from Sata for refering to him as a fugitive-swallow your pride PF members that your president need to be told that what he says in any form and language he is held responsible for his legacy to be judged.

  36. the is no doubt that the MMD used state funds,how?the MMD govt awarded road contracts to contractors who were very expensive and they would get the difference,the K60 billion more bid given to SA company.just wait and soon we shall all know the ponzi scheme.some of the bloggers here have little knowledge of how the govt works.the AG can not get involved in the investigations going on but when the state has a case against musokwatane and his cohorts then the AG,DPP,steps in.all the ponzi scheme will reflect in the AUDITOR GENERAL REPORT which is always behind as you know the balancing of INCOME VS EXPENDITURE books of accounts is not easy at is on the right track as every body is expressing h/s views both in the house & out.

  37. so he can talk!Digging out and sweeping the mess that MMD left is also part of getting down to work Mr.Cry as much as you want,any new ovt will act in similar manner.People have been intoxicated  by 20 years of MMD and they think that its business as usual,wake up,there is a new sheriff in town,honest mistakes accepted,full steamahead

  38. Get over it PF.You are government. And in the business of governing not acting like you are running a market. Actions now and no talking. We are back to UNIP days.All talk and bullying. Useless press briefings.

  39. Probbing you mr cyclist over the 1000 bicycles plus other attrocities committed to the zambian people is also part of work. MMD should dance to the tunes of their mischiefs during their reign. You bloody dr musokotwane. So you want the money u stole issue be burried as the pf slumbers on you? Its part of work. So brace up urself for court hearings.

  40. Interesting indeed BO MUSOKOTWANE ….HONESTLY y did you not advice your Rupiah Banda to get down to work instead of being an international tourist ???


  42. Chief Kaponya only admires running the country like KK did – launching of flats, setting maize and tomato prices, directing who should buy saladi and bread etc etc.  There will not be development in Kaponyaland with these monkeys in power.  The Chief Turd has to explain how he gave back FB to Mahtani.  Let him bring back the Abuse of Office clause to which he must immediately answer his actions on FB!  LIFE IN THE SEWER.

  43. Good advice from Musokotwane. Namugala’s language is a bit extremist. N.Provice is too big, granted. But splitting it into 2 provinces should be done in a proper way. This is the issue. So she cant just say dont apologise. She is missing the point.

  44. @ 59 i agree with you. This Namugala lady is a serious opportunist. Remember how she grabbed a muzungu man married to her own sister who was her guardian? So, just watch and see her conduct in parliament…..

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