Monday, March 10, 2025

Second Lady underscores need for teens vital info


Wife to vice president Dr Guy Scott, Charlotte
Wife to vice president Dr Guy Scott, Charlotte

Vice President’s wife Charlotte Scott has emphasised the need for young people to have vital information that would enable them live better so that they could make informed decisions to unplanned teenage pregnancies.

Mrs. Scott noted that these unplanned pregnancies in young girls mostly led to unsafe abortions and high prevalence rate of HIV.

ZANIS reports that speaking when she officiated at the Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) general conference at Andrews Motel in Lusaka today, the second lady observed that if the country did not pay particular attention to the young people’s sexual and reproductive health needs, it’s future was being risked.

She said it was therefore important to enforce and safeguard the reproductive health rights of the young people by creating an environment in which they would easily access information and services needed.

Mrs. Scott also called upon young people in Zambia to fully participate in programmes that were meant to benefit them.

She further noted that the association had served Zambia for a long time trying to meet the reproductive health needs and aspirations of the Zambian people.

Mrs. Scott observed that the role of PPAZ was to promote good reproductive health among women, men and the youth.

And The Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) has urged teenage girls in the country to be responsible and have protected sex if they cannot abstain.

Executive Director Edford Mutuma said there is need for young people to have critical information that will enable them to lead empowered lives in the country.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS on the sidelines of the PPAZ general conference in Lusaka today, he said there is need for the country to continue providing services to the communities to help young people realise their rights and achieve goals.

He added that this will facilitate a society whose people have access to equal and affordable sexual and reproductive health services.

Mr. Mutuma also called on teenage girls to desist from unprotected sex as it leads to unplanned pregnancies and abortions which can endanger their lives.

He also implored young people to make informed decisions at all times.

Mr. Mutuma further noted that Zambia is currently faced with a high number of maternal mortality adding that having teenagers being pregnant at early stages is a clear indication that they lacked information.

He also appealed to young girls to be partners with various stakeholders in reducing the number of early pregnancies in the country.



  1. …but she is the 2nd lady and there’s nothing you can do about it. Certain things happen they way they do and mankind always is left with a perplexed and confused mindset. Its like a cow giving birth to a bouncy and lovely ‘Duckling’; it’s mind boggling alright yet its real, all you have to do is accept it because these things happen…

  2. This is a measure of how tolerant and stable our society is. Also , dare I say it, there is less chance of corruption due to less likelihood of having tremendous family extended family pressures to deliver.

  3. There is nothing like Second Lady. She is just Mrs Charlotte Scott. Kanjani? These Norma Jeans journalists are bringing shame to this noble profession!

  4. When Obama was made president, you probably was very pleased. Scott to be vice president, you react the exact opposite. Ba Kolwe, nothing is good to you loosers. Lekene ba teke nana Scott.

  5. ugly or not she deserve to be respected. what she is saying makes a lot of sense but it should go beyond mere pronouncements.

  6. True there is no title of 2nd Lady she is the wife of the Veep simple…there is only one 1st lady the rest are just wife of..etc……

  7. #1 MIZ, What’s your problem, is racism implanted in your brains? I am sure you are not even aware that right now a Zambian by the name of Musukwa has been elected MP in Poland which means that the Polish people respect him and regard him as one of their own irrespective of the colour of his skin.
    Mrs Scott and her husband are more committed and passionate about Zambia and service to all than you, leave them alone.

  8. #8 Distant Drums, watampa ubufi manje, the black guy you are talking about is Nigerian by the name of John Godson. Sworn in December 2010. Much as I agree with you that there is no place for racism in Zambia, I disagree with you on your deliberate move to mislead people. Be factual mwana

  9. Their family has worked hard, persistently and smart enough to be where they are. The best way to deal with such is to work hard enough to earn yourself a place among the elite (or so perceived). Not insults, they will dwindle your mind.

  10. When Chiluba became president this 2nd Lady term surfaced but the world corrected the press then. Please bane research! Whatever is happening 2day has happened b4..

    • This means my wife is 14millionth lady eh? No sorry I forget that not all 14 million of us are married. She is 7millionth lady Yaba!

  11. #10 -> Chinyemba: He (#8) is actually right. Perhaps what you ought to have done is do a quick search online before commenting. It was all over the news Sir. His name is Dr. Killion Munyama –Zambian born academic.

    #1 -> MIZ: If your comment was meant as a joke, then clearly there are a few individuals who seem to find it funny, but seriously, grow up Sir and start acting your age.

  12. When she needs to say she can and no one will stop her from contributing to the betterment of every Zambian. All we need is to respect her.

  13. Charlotte ali ni mbama guys when she was young. For her to look like this at this age?

    MIZ can we have a look at your mother and wife please?

    I bet you will be telling me Thandiwe is better looking. Aha ha ha ha ha ha!

  14. #10 chinyemba,
    I appreciate your comment but am at a loss as to what you mean by ”Watampa ubufi manje”, I do not know what Zambian language this is. You have accused me of ”Deliberate move to mislead”, this is a grossly unfair slur on me. Yes I made an error and mixed up the names Musukwa and Dr Killion Munyama, the Zambian who is MP in Poland. This was an error, pure and simple and never meant to be deliberate. Dr Munyama is Zambian and MP in Poland.

  15. I agree with drum and orgasm . When Obama was made president of America all africa rejoiced. Now Scott is Veep, you racist stupid people are not happy with the appointment.
    Where are your senses bakolwe imwe


  17. #8 I could not agree with you more . Even in Canada we have a Zambian black man holding high office in Ontario .
    Chisanga Puta-Chekwe has been appointed Deputy Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and Deputy Minister with responsibility for Women Issues

  18. “Chisanga Puta-Chekwe has been appointed Deputy Minister of Citizenship and Immigration” …. i know where i’m heading next month free visa for all zambians

  19. #1 you must be insane, jealous or call it what you want ! Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, who knows what you call beautiful in your eyes might be shit in the eyes of the other so, just shut up.I see nothing wrong in the writer calling her 2 lady, in your sense, if there is a first lady, then there must be second day, just like we have President, = First lady, vice president =second lady, unfortunately it ends there we do not have second VP anyway. You guys like involving bothering yourselselves in trivial issues

  20. Blogger,just ignore people like MIZ.He and his ‘tandem of liars’ use to spread rumours and called the Veep Gay Scott.Courtsey would have expected one of them to at least recognise Mrs Scott when her face first surfaced.Now that we have seen the beautiful Mrs Scott,they simply cant come to terms with the fact that the man they said will never rule Zambia is in state house and the Skin they said could not constitutionally become VP is here to stay.In addition to the physical defeat at the ballot,they are also psychologically defeated because truth be told,Guy Scott contributed to the psychological and intellectual battle through his deep analysis of the situation including coining the catch phrase Donchi Kubeba.Thanks Mrs Scott,information for young people is important

  21. Well spoken, Mrs Scott. Information is power. Once teenagers in our country, and the world over for that matter, know the consequences for certain actions, they are less likely to take the risk. It is simply not ‘cool’ for a teenager to have unplanned pregnancy followed by unsafe abortion and getting infected with HIV-AIDS. Full stop.

  22. Yes the information is needed like yestarday. That’s why young ladies are going for dogs without knowing what diesea shall come afterwards. Well said.

  23. #1 go to your Zambian Watchdog(ZWD) blog where you promote tribalism and racism. You are on the wrong forum. 


  25. Mu
    @1….go back to lala land… You are the same *****s that cry out to be the minority and promote multi-culturism and racism when in Europe yet when it comes to your own country you look the other way! Deal with it you rag-rat Mrs. Scott is Zambia White and proud to be a part of a country that has shown leadership by electing her husband as VP. And for own information, the VP was not elected because of his colour but simply because of his commitment like many others black Indian etc to serve the country. Arse!!!

  26. #1 MIZ, this lady is giving us good ideas. maybe in your family you have sex and marry anyhow to give other problems. count SMS that are against your comment. ulimbwa saana because a dog bears anyhow like you want.

  27. #10, the Nigerian guy lives in one village near Lodz town bwana where he worked very hard and pipo came to like him,while the Zambian guy stays in Poznan lol! doctor of Economics:-))) Senior Lecturer:-)))

  28. # 10:
    Mwaiche Chinyemba don’t come on this site when you have no data, vabakulu ni vabakulu ok! Its true that Dr. Killion Munyama, Zambian born, is an elected MP in Poland. Actually he is the second African in that position.
    # 8 is right.
    Do a simple google search before you dispute what informed people are taking about.
    Now LT, please consider deleting posts that have received more than 5 ‘thumbs down’. We don’t have to read their insults!

  29. Bloggers, when we mention Munyama and Chekwe as ‘Zambians’ are we admitting they have broken our law on citizenship? I believe they are both naturalised where they are and since we do not allow dual citizenship we are the losers! They are ex-Zambian according to our constitution. You can only claim glory based on their origin, not that they are still Zambian. Change your constitution and you will get a lot of talent from all over the world!!

  30. Now we have a clever First Lady and a clever Second Lady (whatever; Is she called by that funny title ba journalists imwe?). Can you see the discourse these two ladies are bringing on national political fora? The two ladies can lead Zambia without their husbands. Zambia has great hope for the future.

  31. Second Lady? Muzungu after 47 years of indepence, what a tragedy for Zambia!! Soon we will have a white presidentand she will become first Lady, since I hear Sata’s health is unlikely to see him past 2013.

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